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--- A vowel is a speech sound made by the vocal cords. It is also a type of letter in the alphabet. The letters of the English alphabet are either vowels or consonants or both. A vowel sound comes from the lungs, through the vocal cords, and is not blocked, so there is no
friction. All English words have vowels. These letters are vowels in
English: A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes
Y The letter Y can be a vowel (as in the word "cry" or "candy"), or it can be a consonant (as in
"yellow"). These five or six letters stand for about 20 vowel sounds in most English accents.[1] This important
fact helps to explain why pronunciation can be difficult for both native speakers and learners of English. The rest of
the letters of the alphabet are consonants: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y (sometimes), and
Z http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel- In phonetics, a vowel is
a sound in spoken language, such as an English ah! [ɑː] or oh! [oʊ], pronounced with an open vocal tract so that there is no build-up of air pressure
at any point above the glottis. This contrasts
with consonants, such as English sh! [ʃː], where there is a constriction or closure at some point along the vocal tract. A vowel is also
understood to be syllabic: an equivalent open but non-syllabic sound is called a semivowel. In all oral languages, vowels form the nucleus or peak of syllables, whereas
consonants form the onset and (in languages that have them) coda http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel- Oahspe Book of Jehovih Chapter
I: 7. ...that man might distinguish Me,
I commanded him to give Me a name; by
virtue of my presence commanded I him. And man named Me not after anything in heaven or on the earth. In obedience to My will named he Me after the sounds the wind uttereth, and he said E-O-Ih! Which
is now pronounced Jehovih, and is written thus: - Oahspe Book of Saphah: Se'moin 8. Eoih, the unseen Power, Creator (Panic). Before man could comprehend the All Spirit he was taught the wind, the All Unseen, and
to call it E-O-Ih! The emblem of Boundless
and of Life. - Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter IX: 3.
The same rule was applied by the ancient prophets in music, making three primary sounds, e, o, ih (the
words of the wind), but giving all other sounds to the beast (66), which was supposed to cover the number
of sounds from the lowest bass to the highest treble, that could be procured from the animal creation. And these
ranges of sounds are manifest in man, whether singing or talking... - OAHSPE: Book of Sue CHAPTER I: 12.
...the three primary colors, the sign of Jehovih's
name; ... Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter IX: 2. These fall under the divisor, or multiple,
3 (primaries), yellow, blue and red,
corresponding to the times, 11, 33, 99, and so on. - OAHSPE: Book of Saphah - Tablet
of Biene 22...Moses being
old, said: Above all things preserve the sacred password, E-O-Ih, - The sacred (secret) name (sound) of e-o-ih was
hidden in the consonants of JHVH = Je-Ho-Vih = Tetragrammaton - "Every spoken language has vowels
and consonants, and the same linguistic definitions can be used to analyze vowels and consonants in all languages. For example, in the Chinese tradition, every syllable
contains a “vowel,” and there are six Chinese “vowels” that are represented in
the pinyin romanization as a, e, i, o, u and ü." -
Jake Freyer, Linguistics major at Harvard College. "Every
known spoken language has consonants and vowels." - Morris Alper, MIT undergrad in linguistics and math https://www.quora.com/Are-vowels-and-consonants-a-universal-concept-across-spoken-languages
Thu, Mar 21, 2024 <James McGill, studyofoahspe.com
author> wrote: E: O: I: American manual alphabet - Wikipedia Helping Early Learners Conquer Those Pesky
Vowels — Kindergarten Kiosk About 2/3 down on Language - Symbols
- Pictographs - Creator's name - Native Americans Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind hand signals (above). Just as the 5
tone musical notes in Close Encounters Of The Third Kind represented a greeting (H-E-L-L-O), E-O-IH (Jehovih's name) is also used as a universal
greeting by interstellar and intergalactic travelers in Oahspe. - Oahspe Book of Fragapatti Chapter XVII: 1.Ctu, the Chief in command of the expedition, greeted
in the sign, JEHOVIH'S NAME, the which Fragapatti answered; and by certain signals the ships.. - Oahspe Book of Sethantes XVII: 17..."in Jehovih's name greeted God and His hosts" - OAHSPE: Book of Lika CHAPTER VII. 6. Thereupon an otevan was
sent off, well officered, and in due time it returned, bringing God to Yogannaqactra, where he was received with great joy,
and greeted in Jehovih's name. - BOOK
12. When they came near me, Etisyai gave the sign of Jehovih's name, greeting, halting, and saying: All hail! In Jehovih's name, and in the love of Harmuts, Orian chief, we come to greet thee,
first God of the lower heaven, belonging to the corporeal earth! https://web.archive.org/web/20131207181848/http://studyofoahspe.com/id37.html (about 1/2 down from top of page). Oahspe Book of
Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter VI : 29. The Voice ceased, and Osire said: 33. And I pronounce it upon you, that ye shall
deliver your respective subjects sufficiently for the third resurrection. Wherein, according to your zeal and faithfulness,
will my hosts labor with you, to the end that Jehovih may be glorified in your harvests for the emancipated worlds. Attend,
therefore, to give the sign, IN JEHOVIH'S NAME,
and receive ye ordination from my hands, by the power and wisdom of the Great Spirit. 34. The sheriffs showed them how to make the sign, and how to stand before the
throne; ... Oahspe Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter I: 10. ... Then came Hagan,
spokesman of the messengers, before Jehovih's throne, his mantle turned back, and his eyes radiant with sure knowledge, saluting in Jehovih's sign and name.
He said: [a salute is a hand signal, or hand sign]. Oahspe Book of Es,
Daughter of Jehovih: Chapter VIII : 37. So Litabakathrava
passed down into the arena, and saluted on the sign,
DAWN OF KOSMON,and God answered in the sign, FORTIFIED IN JEHOVIH'S NAME! 38. Litabakathrava and his
hosts then went into the otevan, the monster ship, with its photosphere, large as a continent. According
Oahspe (see Standardedition Index) Litabakathrava:
Orian chief of 240,000 years. Litabakathrava
is very similar to abracadabra. The word abracadabra
holds a rather fascinating etymology. Tracing
its roots back to the third century AD, abracadabra is believed
to have originated from the ancient Aramaic language spoken in Mesopotamia where the phrase 'avra kedabra' was used, which
translates to 'I create as I speak'. The
magic behind 'abracadabra' and its importance for leaders Oahspe Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 2. And after this (for, behold, the
end of the dawn of dan had come), Apollo, mightiest
of all, rose up, and waved his hand in the sign, IN JEHOVIH'S
NAME, and stood aside from the throne of God. After
Apollo, Cim'iad rose up, and gave the same sign; followed by Phaeja. The Etherean God Apollo was born on the Continent
of Pan before the submersion more than 24,000 years ago and before the Ghan or Caucasian
race appeared (Oahspe Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih Chapter II:1). On the Continent of Pan their was only the Asu, Druks, Yaks, I'hins, and I'huans. Asu, Druks, and Yaks were born not
capable of becoming an Etherean (everlasting life). Some of the I'hins were black, brown and copper-colored as well as white
and yellow before they sailed to Ham (Africa) or elsewhere, so there was a moderate possibility that Apollo was a copper colored I'huan or a dark skinned I'hin as well as a white and blond I'hin. "Cim'iad
was a small woman, dark, and of deep love, most jovial of Goddesses" - Oahspe Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XI:2. It
is possible and even probable that both Apollo and Cimiad were dark brown with negroidal features using hand signs of Jehovih's name showing their affiliation. These hand signs used by the Angels later became the inspiration for gang hand signs (credit Malaki Macabee, and Kosmon Cal): https://northtownmud.org/docs/IPTM_Basic_Street_Gangs_Hand_Signs1.pdf https://kernersvillepd.com/app/uploads/2016/06/GangGuide2.pdf Throw up that hand sign, and greet one another in the name of the Creator, the Power,
E-O-IH! It's not about the red or the blue, the north or the south, the east
or the west, it's about the yellow, red, and blue. It's about the ALL, the One.
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