the living mathematics;
biometrics = living mathematics.
bi·o·met·ric = the application of statistical analysis to biological data statistical =
mathematics biological = living Biometrics
is the technical term for body measurements and calculations.
It refers to metrics related to human characteristics.
biostatistics = the branch of statistics that deals with data relating to living organisms. statistics = the practice
or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions
in a whole from those in a representative sample.
"People are free to believe what they want to
believe, but the technique I used is based on
this extremely well established physical principles, and if
you disbelieve the physical principles on which it is based, that's not science." - Dr Kenneth A. Farley
Geochemist, Cal Tech pioneer and expert of Uranium Thorium Helium Dating System used in Geology.
Orthographic projection lines and Biometric facial recognition and other scientific
techniques are based on well established physical principles.
I have used real facial recognition algorithms
to compare a submitted photo (or portrait) with images of about
10 million people (datatbase). The databases obviously contains many freely available images from the Web.
"We live in a society that devalues Blackness
all the time." - Rosa Clemente
Oahspe God's Book of Eskra Chapter L (50): 27. ...In Arabin'ya, Heleste and Uropa, they were scattered in all
directions. From the time of Joshu's death, in Jerusalem, they began to migrate, mostly toward the west. 28. And these
called themselves, Israelites and Jews. 29. There were Isrealites already in Arabin'ya (including most of Africa) west
Asia and Europe during the time of Joshu (1,420 years Afrter Moses and the Exodus) before the hundreds of thousands (not
3 or 4 million) that left Egypt and settled in western Europe - Oahspe God's Book of Eskra 50:30-33. http://www.angelfire.com/in2/oahspe3/mohammed.html
though the standard model and supersymmetry and string theory may be wrong the mathematics may work just as the cause of gravity
(mass of matter) in Newtonian and Einsteinian relativity is wrong (instead of matter in vortex motion) but the mathematics
(equations and calculations) still works (it is a trifling difference whether a man prophesy [calculate] by a vortex [sub-atomic
matter in rotary motion] or by a planet (mass of matter). Some wrong concepts can be accurately interchanged with right concepts
in mathematics.
“ Israelite, the name given to the Faithists of Egupt”
- Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon Chapter XIII:9.
Oahspe -
Book of Discipline: Chapter VIII: 5. For which reasons thou shalt explain that only facts well known, or comparatively proven, are light.
An opinion is not light. 7. That facts,
NUMBERS, figures or axioms can demonstrate light; and that without these, then the
supposed light
is only darkness.
Oahspe Book of Divinity: Chapter XI:
18. ...And Jehovih
put these marks upon His peoples that the races might be read in thousands
of years.
The Israelite Joshu has African (negro) lips, and the Egyptian Thothma has European
(caucasian) lips.
I am not saying Joshu in Oahspe was black (negro) but according
to the drawings of Newbrough, Joshu had significant sub-Saharan African genes like 50%
of brazillians, like the average Puerto Rican (29%), or the average Ethiopian (60%), this also agrees with the facial recognition results.
a “women in the diaspora” study, Puerto Rican women born on the island but living in the United States
were shown to be53.3±2.8% European, 29.1±2.3%
West African, and 17.6±2.4% Native American.
"The Oahspe
states the Europeans are the Israelites, in other words the whites. The migration of Israelites, went though Israel and
then toward Europe."
The Oahspe states that the original Israelites were I'huans (such as Abraham and
Moses) Europeans are Ghans. When the I'huan Israelites
migrated through Europe just like the I'huan Cheddar Man migrated to Britain over 10,000 years ago (See "Early Man - Races of Man - Anthropology" page of this website 1/12 down from top)
the I'huan Israelites mixed with the Jaffetic Ghans and the I'hins that were already in Europe,
and so Europeans contain Israelite DNA, but they
are not pure or original Israelites. Do you know what people are the closest to the original I'huan Israelites?
He said:
That is a fact according to the Oahspe, God
God's Book of Eskra goes into
it (God's Book of Eskra 50:30-33) Now, after the fall of the great empire, Egupt, her people migrated westward, hundreds of thousands of them, and they settled in western Uropa, where
these people married with the aborigines. Their offspring were called Druids, Picts, Gales (Gaelic), Wales
(Welsh), Galls (Gauls), and Yohans (Johns), all of which are Eguptian names, preserved to this day. 31. Now, when the Faithists
were moved by the inspiration of God to have no more kings, and to flee away from the Kriste'yan warriors, they came amongst
the people above mentioned. (The apostate Faithists married with them, and their offspring were the forefathers of those
now called, French, German, Russian and English.)
The Israelites were Ghans.
was apart of a very, very large group. I'hin and Ghans and I'huans. Huge group. 11 million afterward migrated to Europe.
Addendum: Oahspe God's Book of Eskra 50: 27. Now, in reference to the Faithists: ...In Arabin'ya [including all of Africa], Heleste and Uropa, they were scattered in all directions. 28. And these called themselves, Israelites and Jews. 30. Now after the fall of the
great empire, Egupt, her people migrated westward, hundreds of thousands of them, and they settled in western Uropa,... There were Israelites and Jews in Arabin'ya [including all of Africa] that were scattered in all directions before the Egyptian
people migrated westward into Europe.
Oahspe First Book of God Chapter
11: 23. Now when Abraham and his people came into Arabin'ya, especially into Egupt, ... when Oahspe refers to Arabin'ya, it includes a large area of land which covers all or part of Africa and what is now the Middle East to Iran.
Where does what you just quoted falsify
what I just said? I will repeat what I said because you seem to not understand it the first time:
Fact: the original Israelites were I'huans (such as Abraham and Moses).
Fact: Europeans are Ghans (I'hin-I'huan mix).
The Israelites mixed with the Jaffetic Ghans and the I'hins that were already in Europe.
Fact: Europeans contain Israelite
DNA, but they are not pure or original Israelites (they are not I'huans like Abraham and Moses). These are
the facts you left out of your word for word quote. Word for word teachings like robot videos is the LOWEST form of teaching
because it does not involve any insight or thinking outside the box.
He said:
I just said that Abraham's group
was huge, very big and they were under the King's people who made Trinkets for the King and they were apart of the Seed of
Zarathustra according to the Oahspe, and I agree with you, that Abraham and Moses were part I'hin. However, please take
a look at this website,
Abraham was the father of the Israelites: Oahspe First Book of God 8:7: Abram
was of pure blood, an I'huan;
Book of the Arc of Bon 15:13 Moses grew and became
a large man, being a pure I'huan, copper-colored.
Moses (above) matched to 3 mostly sub-Saharan African faces with super-extremely high results
of 91%, 88%, 87%.
Abraham (above) matched to 3 different
mostly sub-Saharan African faces with extremely high results of 85%, 83%, 80%. According
to the drawing in Oahspe and facial biometrics Thothma was a European Caucasain (white) Ghan. According to Oahspe Moses was a pure I'huan and so was Abraham. If the Isrealites were Europeans
or whites they would be the same race as Thothma or the Egyptian slave masters. Oahspe
Book of Wars Against Jehovih: Chapter XXI: 9. But the chief
part of all the people in Arabin'ya were I'huans, of color and
size and figure like the Parsi'e'ans, being also
the offspring of the I'hins and the brown earth-burrowers,
the hoodas, from whom they inherited corporeal greatness, even as from the I'hins they inherited holiness of spirit.
Pay attention to tale of the tape for fights, look at the height and
reach measurements. In the top image above one fighter who is
5 inches shorter has a 2.5 inches reach advantage. In the bottom
image above two fighters who are the same height
as one of the fighters in the top image have reach measurements
3.5 and 5.5 inches shorter than the fighter in the top image who is the same height. Asu had longer arms and
reach than I'hin.
- Asu had longer arms than the I'hin, see above images and text. The I'huan has longer arms and legs than the Ghan just as the American Negro (African-American)
has on average longer arms and legs than the Caucasian or European white. Below images show the I'huan like the African Negro has thicker lips than the Ghan (European or American Indian).
He said:
Yes, Abraham was an I'huan who lived among the Listians. He was just the leader, of that huge group
and then Moses took over. Moses had about 4 million, and then they went to Europe....Number of Israelites that went forth
out of Egupt: 3,750,000 men, women and children; 400,000 Levities accompanied them.
I said:
You said "Abraham, was apart of a very, very large group. I'hin
and Ghans and I'huans." Yes but all of those groups of people were not Israelites. Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon Chapter
XX: 13. And in not many days Moses wrote the Levitican laws; for the inner temple of Jehovih was in spoken words only; but
the outer temple was written. Wherefore it was said: The Hebrews have two laws; one which no man else knoweth; and one for
them who are not eligible unto faith, being such as were called Leviticans, but not Leviticans in fact, but hangers-on who
had followed the Israelites out of Egupt.
He said:
That's true. They were what is called a "torn in Moses flesh,
The Levitites were.
I said:
Oahspe Book of the Arc
of Bon Chapter XX: "called Leviticans, but not Leviticans in fact, but hangers-on who had followed the Israelites out
of Egupt" They were not true original Israelites but "hangers-on who had followed the Israelites".
He said:
Yes, that is true. They were
hanger-oners, not only that but of impure flesh.
The Israelites who migrated West toward Europe,
many of the males created the Masons and secret socities. From my feeling, the Leviites weren't inspired to
get into Free-Masonary. But however, they were
half breads, with the pics, Yales, Gales, Russsians, etc. And the Oahspe doesn't tell us a lot of things, who were these
half breeds and I have read other books trying to figure out who these aborigines of Europe are.
I said: Free-Masonry is connected to geometry,
Euclidean geometry (the mathematics of Thothma
the builder), not Fractal geometry (the
different mathematics of the Israelite slaves).
Notice above when Asu is compared to trees the similarity score is much lower (34.84%). When I
compared the drawing of Asu to the drawing of the TREE OF LANGUAGE the similarity score was only 26.68%.
Notice above the orthographic
projection lines from fossil anatomical reconstruction of Homo
floresiensis to Newbrough's Oahspe drawing of an I'hin and
the matching symmetry of middle calf muscle,
knee, hand, bottom and middle of buttocks, elbow and lower back-top of buttocks, nipple-chest peak, top of shoulder-bottom of neck. Below head and neck
of both original I'hin and Homo foresiensis match
an extremely high 73.65%.
Above is a face to face head to
head comparison of forensic reconstruction of Homo floresiensis
I'hin (drawn by Newbrough) with 9 matching projection lines.
Above is a orthographic
projection of Smithsonian Homo erectus forensic facial reconstruct and Yak drawing by John Ballou Newbrough in Oahspe
showing very similar match.
A very high (61.96%) similarity match (above) of the Yak (from the knee up) to the body of a Australopithecus (from the knee up).
John Ballou
Newbrough's drawing of a Yak looks highly accurate when compared to a Australopithecus.
Pictures of Mike James scored higher in facial
recognition than in picture similarity from 70.91 to 91%.
Facial recognition is a more accurate measure of similarity
than IMGonline because facial recognition will just
measure the face and NOT the background images, whereas IMGonline will measure the background
images with the image of the body. That's why I use a mathematical formula (x 1.2833) to convert the IMGonline similarity
score to the more accurate facial (or body)
recognition score.
the similarity scores of the pictures to facial recognition matches: 91 / 70.91 = 1.2833 x
1.2833 x 53.22 = 68.29
(Homo erectus and Yak) very high. 1.2833 x 60.74 = 77.94 (Ardipithecus ramidus and Asu) extremely high. 1.2833 x 59.72 = 76.63 (Homo floresiensis and I'hin) extremely high. With those
high scores I do believe those pics by Newbrough. There is scientific reason to believe them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
I said:
Genetics is written in the face,
and facial recognition can read what is written in the face; Oahspe Book of Divinity: Chapter XI: 18. ...And Jehovih put
these marks upon His peoples that the races might be read in thousands of years.
He said:
and Moses has, very very similar genes to Native Americans in this country. I'huans are aboriginal.
[He is wrong, If Abraham and Moses had very very similar genes
to Native Americans then Native Americans would match the highest in facial recognition to Abraham and Moses, and that is
NOT the case. Genetics is written on your face. Abraham and Moses had very very similar genes to African-Americans
and sub-Saharan Africansand to the I'hins and the shortest pygmies and oldest mtDNA haplogroups L1 and L2 as well as rs7294919 C;C, C;T, and rs10784502 C;C, C;T genes that would have been most common among the Israelites and the I'hins.]
Wednesday, 9 July 2014 Genealogy CSI Style - Facial Recognition. possibilities of facial recognition
for genealogy and family tree research. Facial Recognition could be described as facial arithmetic, providing facial analytics to facilitate the detection and recognition of people from photos or videos. It seems logical that
there is a niche for this tool in the world of genealogy
in assisting with the identification of unidentified family members by the comparison of family photos. http://worldwidegenealogy.blogspot.com/2014/07/genealogy-csi-style-facial-recognition.html
Above: 20 March, 2014, geneticist Mark Shriver of Pennsylvania
State University and imaging specialist Peter Claes of the Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) in Belgium.
Likewise using facial recognition you can reverse engineer
a person's DNA profile from their face.
I said:
I believe those drawings of A'su, Yaks, and I'hins. A'su looks like Ardipithecus ramidus. Yaks look
like Homo erectus or a Australopithecus. I'hin looks like a Congo Pygmy or Homo floresiensis (found in the south Pacific islands).
He siad:
Well, actually the Oahspe say also that one can tell where Africans originalted by their hair.
Native americans are Ghans, Ongwe-ghans.
Native americans are a cross between
I'hins and I'huans = ghans or Ongwe-ghans.
Abraham and African-American
Katt Williams have very similar hair and face match (77%).
Katt Williams and Abraham's
head, face, and hair, orthographic projection lines match.
how the shape and height of the hair is almost identical to both, as well as the
shape and size of
the hairline and forehead.
Above: Head and hair of Moses
original Israelite and African-American (James M) match.
Above (ancestral Israelite hair) a familiar spirit (drawn by Newbrough) of Moses who face matched 82% to Moses, and side by side comparison with a East African Haile Selassie (who face matched 84% and 87% to Moses). Notice
the line (---) drawn from hair to hair. Notice the hair of Moses's familiar
(ancestor-relative) is a tightly coiled kinky short afro the same as Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. Moses and his familiars: https://postimg.cc/18zMZc5B
Above: I'huan drawn by Newbrough----African-American----Native-American-Hair.
<---Ancestral familiar spirits in MCU movie Black Panther.
Below: Hair of Abraham familiar and Mustapha Farrakhan Jr (75% facial match to Abraham):
Above (ancestral Israelite hair)
a familiar spirit of Abraham (drawn by Newbrough) and side by side comparison with a African-American (who facial matched
75% to Abraham). Notice the line (---) drawn from hair to hair. Notice the hair
of Abraham's familiar (relative) is a kinky tightly coiled short
afro the same as Mustapha Farrakhan Jr. Notice eyes, nose,
chin, and high curved eyebrows of Mustapha Farrakan Jr. and Abraham familiar are very similar.
Above: Abraham familiar facial matched to Mustapha Farrakhan Jr (78%) and Sr (75%).
Abraham familiar (above) face matches 85% to Selah Shalom .
Abraham familiar (above) face matched to Mike James (81%) and Mike James's father's father (88%).
Bob Marley a (half white half African-Jamaican) singer and songwriter, considered one of the pioneers
of reggae matched the highest (77%) facial recognition using betaface to large database of celebrities to the Abraham familiar
Above: African-American Alice Walker and
Abraham female familiar spirit.
Above: Abraham female familiar
(relative) spirit and African-American Lorraine Hansbury
match 77%. Lorraine Vivian Hansberry was an African-American
playwright and writer.
Hansberry was the first black female author to have a play
performed on Broadway. Her
best known work, the play A Raisin in the Sun, highlights the lives of Black Americans living
Abraham female familiar
(above) and African-American Lorraine Hansberry profile and projection lines.
Notice the female
familiar of Abraham's face is extremely similar to African-American
Lorraine Hansberry.
Oahspe Book of Saphah: M'hak: 32. W.: Who are familiar spirits? 33. I.: Our fathers,
mothers, brothers, sisters and other relatives ...Many of these abide on the earth and with mortals, some for a few years, some for a hundred, and some for a thousand or more years.
Oahspe - Book of Jehovih: Chapter VII: 7. Behold, ye now have
sons and daughters on the earth; by your love
to them are ye become bound spirits
of the lower
heaven. Until ye redeem them in wisdom and power even to the
sixth generation ye shall not again arise and inherit My emancipated
- In Africa, the
world was believed to be inhabited by beings both visible and invisible. Among the visible beings were humans, animals and plants. The invisible things included deities, divinities and ancestors. The belief remains that there is an interaction between the invisible and visible worlds
A belief in ancestral spirits seems to be the most prominent feature
in the African traditional religion because
it always resurfaces in one way
or another (2007;327). Mar 23, 2015 As Africans are generally community-oriented people, it is understandable that the
relationship between the living and the dead is appreciated
and if at all possible maintained (2007;329)
29. I.: Worlds unseen by
mortals fill the etherean firmament above. These worlds are heaven; these the spirit worlds; these the etherean worlds; these
are the abodes of the spirits of the dead.
30. W.: How came the angels from heaven down to
the corporeal earth?
31. I.: In the Dan'ha they come direct; at other times they come through
familiar spirits?
32. W.: Who are familiar spirits?
33. I.:
Our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and other relatives and friends who have not been long dead,...
Where does it say Ghans, The prophet Po was not fully I'huan. There was in the North,
near Quebec the I'hins who created the Algonquian federation. To stop that crap, and warrior-ship of what the Indians were
doing. War=anti-Jehovih. There are no Faithists who are warriors.
Ahura, love the wars of the Native Americans,
blood was everywhere and the I'hins (who lived in Long-houses) on Quebec Canada setup, the Federation to stop the bloodshed.
War=Anti-Jehovih. And it was a screwed up country under Ahura Mazda the False.
I said:
Go about
1/4 of the way down on my website below and I discuss in detail about Native Americans:
the I'huan race was close to the A'su race, which shouldn't be breaded with.
Ongwee-ghan name signifies good shaped men. Ongwee-ghan
were born of the I'huans and I'hins and to this day is called Indian (Native American). Oahspe God's First Book Chapter
XXIV:22...but the peoples themselves were called ong'wee, the same that hath endured to this day, and is called Indian.
Ongwee-ghan were born of the I'huans and I'hins and to this
day is called Indian (Native American). Very proud were the Ongwees, they would not mix with the I'huans. The Ongwee-ghan became a new race in the world, having
all the symmetry of the I'hin, and the savageness of the I'huans. (Oahspe The Lord's Third Book: Chapter II:2-3). It says
the Ongwee-ghans (Indian-Native American) would not mix with the I'huans, so obviously they were not I'huans if they would not mix with them.
and Moses were I'huans.
Ghans are half I'huans.
He said:
The Europeans Aborigines were the Blue Race.
And who they breaded with were the Israelites (The Faithists)
I said:
Ghans are half I'huans, the mix breeding was a part of the Cosmic plan. The Kosmon race is a mixed
or amalgamated race.
in Oahspe does it mention a blue race of mankind?
....there is very little information, very small, information that that small Bible gives us before 78,000 years.
So I look at all Bibles.
There is nothing about Dinosaurs or anything,
and A TON HAPPENED. Lots of things happened.
I said:
is information about Dinosaurs in Oahspe.
He said:
have to disagree. It doesn't talk about much of anything except dogging out the 4 major religions. It doesn't talk about
other planets, it's doesn't talk about ETHICS, The Constantine Bible does a better job. Modern laws aren't there. It just
take one dig of viewing religion in a critical way as far as the four major religions. When I search for Dinosaurs there
is no results.
He said: "I
have read other books trying to figure out who these aborigines
of Europe are".
[Note: the identity of the aborigines that were in
Europe before the Israelites arrived has been answered already in Oahspe, one does not need to look in other books or
for a "blue race". According to Oahspe and scientific evidence (see Confucius, Po, China, Jaffeth
& Caucasians page of this website more than 1/2 way down to 4/5 down and see Human origins - Pygmies - I'hins page
of this website 1/3 to almost 1/2 way down) there were jaffetic
Ghans who had arrived in Europe less than 10,000 years ago from China-East-Asiaand there were Ghans who had back-bred with the Druks,
accounting for Neanderthal traits, and there were Neolithic pygmies (I'hin remnants)
in Europe. The Israelites that had migrated
into Europe from Egypt (Africa) mixed with the I'hins and Ghans, and Mongrels that were already there.]
He said: the Oahspe "doesn't talk about
much of anything except dogging out the 4 major religions". Anyone who has read a few of my more than 60 pages of this website KNOWS that the Oahspe talks about much more than
what he stated above. In fact the Oahspe talks about more things that has proven to be true than any of the other Bibles he reads
(much more than the Constantine Bible, much more than The Urantia Book, much more than The Law of One etc...). Oahspe does a much better job of talking about the origins of Homo sapiens
and the destiny of man, the difference between mankind and the animals, the Higher and lower heavens, the order and structure
of the universe, the cycles of the earth and the solar system and how they effect man, the difference between the Creator
and Gods, than any other Bible or book.
- The man debating me about black people, Oahspe, and the Israelites use to be the owner of the
Oahspe websites below (on December 17, 2017):
"oahspebible.org" web.archive.org goes back to SEP 02, 2008 "faithists.com" web.archive.org
goes back to SEP 25, 2004 "oahspebible.com" "oahspe.ws" "faithists.org" "sacredhistory.com"
A few months after I posted this debate he shut down (suspended) the above websites and put some up for sale.
He had owned oahspebible.org for at least 9 years and faithists.com for at least 13, then all of a sudden shut them
Two of the above websites he had shutdown before Dec 17, 2017, he shut the other four down after JAN 2018.
On Jan 31, 2018 I asked him:
"According to you what does Selah do that is good? And why do you focus on Selah so much?" He said: "Are you frickin kidding. Nothing he does
is good...." I then said to him "You have a blessed and joyful day." He then said
"You too. I will keep Jehovih's word intact, and Jehovih will be with me in the process. Nothing can stop Jehovih's
word. Nothing!!"
Above African-American
comedian and actor DeRay Davis 81% facial match to Moses.
Below: Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I and Moses 87% face match.
Below: black Moses in facial recognition to Moses scored an extremely high 86%.
ZZ Top members have mustaches and beards that are very similar to the Oahspe drawing
of Moses,
but ZZ Top members only match as high as 71% in facial recognition to
T and Original I'hin (drawn by Newbrough) side view face to face, notice very similar faces and head features.
According to Oahspe, Israel represented oral tradition, Israel = oral as stated in:
Oahspe Book of Eskra Chapter X : 10. As for the Oralites, so called, because their doctrines and teachings were secret and only spoken,
being taught , man to man and woman to woman, orally; they were non-resistants, and they owned nothing, giving all things to the rab'bah for the public good.
Their practice was love and harmony; doing righteously in all things, and trusting to Jehovih, Whom they worshiped under the
name E-O-Ih. All the prophets and seers were born of the Oralites. 11. And so great was the spiritual power of the Oralites,
that during all these hundreds of years the Faithists, six millions, had lived without king or governor. Being as a multitude
of communities.
And Yoruba IFA divination, while it has mathematical implications, is
based on 256 verses in an oral literature, which must be memorized
by the diviner and recalled in conjunction ...
- The Akan
and other societies of Ghana created a collection
of specific icons that several researchers have compared
to a written language[Panic was a iconic written
language of the I'hins] But rather than composed
of the vast number of symbols we call "words", the Ghanian symbolic vocabulary is much smaller, and each symbol refers not to a single word but an entire social, religious, or philosophical concept.
- page 78 of African Fractals by Ron Eglash.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter V:
...an All Seeing Eye is the Cause and Creator
of the whole universe, which is His Person.
Book of Saphah - Se'moin (Panic.) 68 Interpretation:
All Seeing = All Present (Ever Present) = Omnipresent = Cosmos = Cosmic Consciousness.
Outer circle of inqua = 9, inner
circle = 8, central dot = 5.
Oahspe Book of Saphah Plate 62.--SEMOIN.
33. Inqua (Panic). ... A thing within a thing...Three within one, Ma-nee-to (Algonquin).
The earth within the vortex.
within one = E-O-IH, 9-8-5.
Ma-nee-to (Algonquin) = Gitchi Manitou or Kichi Manido = Great Spirit or Creator (God) = Jehovih
= E-O-IH.
The Above Adinkra symbol of Ghana, Africa is very similar to the Panic symbol
in Oahspe book of Saphah Plate 62. -- SEMOIN
number 33. Inqua. Both have the number
3 or Three in one (2 circles and one central dot). Maneeto or gitchi
Manitou is the
Great Spirit or Creator which is equal to the Chief of all Adinkra symbols. The
number 33 is to 99 what 3 is to 9.
The origin story from the Ashanti is that the
first chief priest of the Ashanti who lived in the 7th century called down from the heavens the golden stool,
the royal throne which came to symbolize the power
of Ashanti kings. On top of the golden stool called down from
the heavens lay cloth adorned with Adinkra symbols. The first recorded account of the existence of Adinkra
symbols is from a drawing of an Akan celebration in Thomas E. Bowdrich’s book Mission from Cape Coast to Ashantee,
published in 1819. The British government sent Bowdrich to Ghana in 1817, and his book that came out of his expedition was
the first European account of the Ashanti people. The drawing
from the book does not explain the origins of the Adinkra symbols, but it does illustrate that the Adinkra symbols and their
adornment on clothing was already an established practice of the Ashanti people by the early 19th century, if not much earlier.
Oahspe Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovih: Chapter X:
9. The Lord said: Who knoweth thy wisdom, O Jehovih!...out
of this, Thy footstool, wilt Thou bring forth many, who will, in the far future time, be laboring as Thy Lord and his angels
labor here. Of what expanse is Thy wisdom, O Jehovih!
10. Thus they conversed
and journeyed forth till they reached the throne and place of
the Lord. And here they made fast their ships, and they descended down to the city of Ong'oo, in upper middle of the continent
of Vohu [Africa].
13. And then God went around about over all the continent of Vohu, inspecting the work the Lord had done,
and he pronounced it good before Jehovih.
14. When God had
rested the full time, he and his hosts entered the ship of God, and taking leave of the Lord and his hosts, departed on the
journey, saluting the Lord with a thousand trumpeters in the name of Jehovih.
Above map shows location (dark grey) of human pygmies in middle
(Central) Africa.
Despite their cultural variety, a
new study shows that the pygmies of Western Central Africa
descended from an ancestral population that survived intact until 2800 years ago when farmers invaded the pygmies' territory... https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2009/02/short-history-african-pygmies Original Panic I'hin man has been extinct
for over 3,000 years. "The I'hins as a race became extinct
upon the earth about 3,000 years B.K." - page 161 of SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, 1941-1948 (1940)
by Wing Anderson. Lords' Fifth Book CHAPTER 5: 2. Here follows what became of these I'hins, namely: 6. Those
that came to Ham [24,000 years ago] survived twenty one thousand years, and then became extinct by amalgamation. "survived intact until 2800 years ago" is very similar to "became extinct upon the earth about 3,000 years B.K." [Before Kosmon, before 1848].
Book of Saphah: Se'moin:
17. ...Ong
(Algonquin), spiritual light.
Above map shows Ghana and Côte D'Ivoire
(Ivory Coast) is in Upper middle Central Africa (Vohu).
Many African-Americans have significant amounts of Ghana and Côte D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Ancestry DNA (see example above).
Oahspe Book of Sethantes, Chapter VIII:
17. ...Around about over the continent of Jud [Asia] they traveled for many days and nights.
Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovih: Chapter X:
1. JEHOVIH spake to God, saying: Steer thy ship to the south land, My Son, and visit thy Lord,
who is God of Vohu. And God went as commanded, to the south, running close to the earth, over deserts and mountains.
The Lord said: On our journey let us run through the valleys
and the banks of rivers, ...And so they journeyed, surveying the earth as they sailed above. The country was mostly barren, not supporting man nor beast.
Here Oahspe describes Etherean angels in a
flying ship traveling from Asia (Jud) to Africa (Vohu) across the Sahara desert and Nile river heading toward sub-Saharan
Above map shows (red line)
Ethereans traveling from Asia (Jud) to upper middle Central
Africa (Vohu).
Below map shows (red lines) from Asia to Nile
River to Niger river, Volta River and Congo
Above: traditional Akan Ghana Adinkra symbol with binary codes and the 5 Coded Tesseract Adinkra.
Above: traditional Akan Knowledge Adinkra decorated and colored to match Tesseract mathematical
physics Adinkra.
Above are 4 things about the "Neo Onnim No Suaa, Ohu" or Knowledge, education,
learning Adinkra of Ghana
Africa and the Tesseract mathematical physics (science) Adinkra
used by Professor S. James Gates that are
very similar or the same. (1) The Central diagonal
decorated colored parts between the grey balls have 5 or
6 squares or rectangles between
them. (2) They both have 1-4-6-4-1 symmetry. (3) The names of both Adinkras
are related
to science and Knowledge (see highlighted science synonym words above). (4) On
both Adinkras
at the middle extreme right and left sides between 2 white balls and 2 grey balls are 3 open rectangles or trapezoids.
My comparison of the Akan Ghana Adinkra symbol and Tesseract
mathematical physics Adinkra falls under the
category of "potentially radical and unusual claims
about physics".
5 Coded Tesseract Adinkra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPSHfDsrOKs - This
adinkra is called nea onnim no sua a, ohu,” which translates as “he who does not know
can become knowledgeable through
learning.”...an adinkra is a graphical representation that precisely encodes the mathematical relations between the
members of super-symmetry families. 5. Coded Adinkras The
“decorated tesseract”
adinkra and its associated computer “words.” This article first
appeared in Physics World, June 2010 and was reprinted with permission
of the author and publisher.
All adinkras are constructed by starting with squares, cubes and their higher-dimensional generalizations;
these structures provide a “skeleton” that is then “decorated” by additional operations. Each of these
decorations has a mathematical significance, ...
At the 24:00 minute mark of the video above, it shows the equations for electromagnetism and gravity field equations
and how the first 2 functions
(A,B) correspond to the white nodes at top or
bottom of Adinkra, the 4 middle functions
correspond to the 4 black nodes
in the middle of Adinkra, and the 2 (F,G) functions
correspond to the 2 white nodes
at the top or bottom of Adinkra diagram (see above).
The Adinkra figure
contains most of the information of the equations that I just showed you. Most
of the information is in this figure. At the 24:56 to 25:42 of the video ...this image [Adinkra] contains every single piece of mathematical information that these
equations contain. This image [Adinkra] is a
compression [like in computer science] ...package it in a way the information is contained in a much smaller subset. At
32:37 to 33:35 into video...Tesseracts are cubes in four dimension.
At 32:56 ...this object [5 coded Tesseract] turns out to be related to electromagnetism DIRECTLY to Maxwell's equations.
At 32:51 into video ...Z2 orbifolding [another squared equation like the Mandelbrot fractal
equation and electromagnetic radiation and gravity [inverse square law of physics]. At 43:32 into video ...strange process of smashing [compressing] cubes.
https://publicism.info/science/elegant/elegant.files/image055.jpg Figure 10.4 Orbifolding is a procedure
in which a new Calabi-Yau shape is produced by gluing together
various points on an initial Calabi-Yau shape. - Chapter 10. Quantum Geometry. The Elegant Universe: Superstrings,
Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory - Brian Greene (2010).
Walter Russell said space compresses
as cubes [m=e/c2] and expands as spheres
Even though the standard
model and supersymmetry and string theory may be wrong the mathematics may work just as the cause of gravity (mass of matter)
in Newtonian physics and Einsteinian relativity is wrong (instead of matter in vortex motion) but the mathematics (equations
and calculations) still works (it is a trifling difference whether a man prophesy [calculate] by a vortex [sub-atomic matter
in rotary motion] or by a planet (mass of matter). Some wrong concepts can be accurately interchanged with right concepts
in mathematics.
This "image [Tesseract Adinkra] contains every single piece of mathematical information that these equations contain". The Tesseract Adinkra "contain all the information of a set of equations related to string theory". Adrinkas
are graphical representations of "the equations that we
want to use to describe the cosmos." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azUF83G7NsM The pictures look like flying Saucers, UFOs, or Pleiadian (or Etherean) Type beamships.
Above using image recognition software the Tesseract mathematical
physics Adinkra and a Flying Saucer (UFO) have a high match equivalent to 59%
on pictrieve. 60% is considered VERY high match. Link below says 58% is close enough: https://s24.postimg.cc/q1o71bn9x/family-look-alikes.jpg
- Computer
Code Hidden Within Reality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azUF83G7NsM At :48 seconds to 1:43 seconds into video are "pictures
of equations" ..."incredible pictures that contain all the information of a set of equations related to string
theory". The pictures look like flying Saucers, UFOs, or Pleiadian Type beamships. These "pictures
of equations" are Tesseract Adinkras or 4 dimensional hyperspace cubes. Science Fiction contains science and fiction.
Sometimes science fiction becomes reality like
in Star Trek (flip phone communicators, AI (Artificial Intelligence), "universal translator" to communicate,
hand-held touchscreen networked computers, Medical Tricorder, etc... https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulhsieh/2014/06/24/8-star-trek-technologies/#13ae8aaa5081 https://www.nasa.gov/topics/technology/features/star_trek.html In Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) the Tesseract
(space stone) enables people to travel anywhere in the universe. A Tesseract Adinkra looks like a flying
saucer or UFO that is able to travel anywhere in the universe.
Multi-Dimentional World of Spirit.
or Etherea located in interstellar space.
Place of Cosmic Consciousness [Nirvana].
Power to travel anywhere in creation.
The Third Resurrection.
and intellectual grades of 100 and above. - page 159 of SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, 1941-1948 (1940) by Wing Anderson.
the shape or geometry of flying saucers or UFOs is not coincidental or insignificant, maybe their construction is based on equations...equations related to string theory and the unified
field theory of nature. String theory and unified field theory pertain to the fundamental forces and fabric
of space. In physics, a unified field theory
is a type of field theory that allows all that is usually thought of as fundamental forces and elementary particles to be
written [equations] in terms of a pair of physical and virtual fields. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_field_theory u·ni·fied field the·o·ry noun Physics noun: unified field theory a theory
that describes two or more of the four interactions (electromagnetic,
gravitational, weak, and strong) previously described by separate theories. http://www.memidex.com/unified-field-theory
TVO S James Gates on Does Reality have a Genetic Basis.
Graphical representation of the Maxwell
electromagnetic field equations on left and the equations
of the electron on the right.
Above on the left = electromagnetic
field = vortex motion = C2 or twice m...above on the right = electron = matter or corpor = m or half C2 (4 black and 4 white
2 images are related to each other by the strange process of smashing cubes together and asking for preservation
so that dashes
don't run into solids or blacks running into whites (you match
everything perfectly). "...smashing things into atoms ...was just E=mc2 in action." - page 98 of REALITY IN THE SHADOWS
by Gates/Blitzer/Sekula.
"The thing that is really bizarre about
this smashing is it actually has computer codes in it". - S. James Gates PhD. Theoretical Physics.
"This smashing process that I just showed you, if you look at it's mathematics you can see in it an error detecting code." - S. James Gates PhD. Theoretical Physics.
Electromagnetic field = vortex'ya, electron = corpor or corporeal world.
Electromagnetic field = vortex'ya = E=mc2 (expansion) = Tesseract Adinkra.
electron = corpor = m=E/c2 (compression) 2 cubes of Tesseract Adinkra smashed together.
m=E/c2 = a lot of energy is compressed into a little mass = division (2=8/2x2=2).
Mathematics and physics of creation:
Positive and negative
vortex'ya = m=e/c2 and e=mc2 = 2=8/4=2 and 8=2x2(x2)=8
m = corpor(2), e =
ether (8), c2 = vortex'ya (4). Division (/) = compression, multiplication (x) = expansion.
3. Apollo said: To condense
and to expand; to expand and to condense, is this
all? Who shall fashion a corporeal world by compressing ether?
fashion a corporeal world by compressing ether = m=e/c2 = 2=8/4=2 = division = compression. ether (e) is
compressed into corpor (m) by vortex motion (c2) = 8/4=2 = e/c2=m.
field or radiation (energy) is compressed into electrons (charged matter).
shall fashion a cube by compressing a Tesseract?
In a recent work, we showed that DNA sequences can be identified as codewords in a class of cyclic error-correcting codes known as Hamming codes. In this paper, we show that a
complete intron-exon gene, and even a plasmid genome,
can be identified as a Hamming code codeword as well. Although this does not constitute a definitive proof that there is
an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences, it is the first
evidence in this direction. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0036644
Error detecting codes (feedback-based, error-correction cycle) is found in
biological systems = Jehovih the All person (universe) is alive = Cosmic Consciousness.
Book of Jehovih Chapter I:
1. ALL was. ALL is. ALL ever
shall be. The ALL spake, and Motion was, and is, and ever shall be; and, being positive, was called He and Him. The ALL MOTION
was His speech.
2. He said, I AM! And He comprehended all things, the seen
and the unseen. Nor is there aught in all the universe but what
is part of Him.
3. He said, I am the soul of all; and the all that is seen is of My person and My body.
4. By virtue of My presence all things are. By
virtue of My presence is life. By virtue of My presence are the living brought forth into life. I am the QUICKENER,
5. Of two apparent
entities am I, nevertheless I AM BUT ONE. These entities are the UNSEEN, which is POTENT, and the SEEN, which is of itself
IMPOTENT, and called CORPER.
6. With these two entities, in likeness thereby of Myself, made I all the living; for as the life is the potent part,
so is the corporeal part the impotent part.
E=mc2 = 2x2x2=8, a cube, a cube is an octave, with 8 corners. The number 8 is the first cube (outside of 1).
Oahspe says the diamond containeth the highest percentage
of charge of vortexya (unified field energy). The diamond crystal has "maximal symmetry" and
rotational symmetry that characterizes the circle and the sphere, The structural unit of diamond consists of eight atoms, fundamentally arranged in a cube. https://www.thoughtco.com/chemistry-of-diamond-602110 The diamond has a cube (cubic) atomic-molecular structure. The
highest percentage of charge of vortexya would have the highest potential as a energy or power source for space travel.
The cube of a Tesseract is related to space travel and a powerful energy source. In Star Trek science fiction
dilithium is an invented material which serves as a controlling agent in the faster-than-light warp drive. Dilithium
is depicted as an extremely hard crystalline mineral
that occurs naturally on some planets. ...the need for natural dilithium
crystals for interstellar travel... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilithium_(Star_Trek)
According to Oahspe the highest percentage of charge of vortexya (electromagnetism, gravity etc..) would be the cubic structure. Charge would be compression (or packing), discharge would be expansion (or releasing).
This agrees with Walter
Russell science.
-- Closest-Packed Structures Efficient Packing of Balls Suppose you are given a large number of tennis balls and asked to pack them together in
the most efficient fashion. What is the most efficient packing strategy? The two most efficient packing arrangements
are the hexagonal closest-packed structure (hcp) and the cubic
closest-packed structure (ccp). In a crystal the atoms are arranged in a regular repeating pattern. The
smallest repeating unit is called the unit cell. The packing efficiency, f, is the fraction of the volume of the unit
cell actually occupied by atoms. For the hexagonal closest-packed structure f = p/(18)1/2 = 74.05%. The cubic closest-packed
structure has the same packing efficiency, and this value is the highest efficiency that can be achieved. http://www.chm.davidson.edu/vce/crystals/cps_hcp.html
The diamond crystal has two key properties that distinguish
it from other crystals. The first, called "maximal symmetry",
concerns the symmetry of the arrangement of the building-block graphs. Some arrangements have more symmetry than others,
and if one starts with any given arrangement, one can deform it, while maintaining periodicity and the bonding relations between the atoms, to make it more symmetrical. For the
diamond crystal, it turns out that no deformation of the periodic arrangement can make it any more symmetrical than it is.
As Sunada puts it, the diamond crystal has maximal symmetry. Any crystal can be deformed into a crystal with maximal symmetry, so that property alone does not distinguish the diamond
crystal. But the diamond crystal has a second special property, called "the strong isotropic property". This property
resembles the rotational symmetry that characterizes
the circle and the sphere: No matter how you rotate
a circle or a sphere, it always looks the same.
The diamond crystal has a similar property, in that the crystal looks the same when viewed from the direction of any edge.
Rotate the diamond crystal from the direction of one edge to the direction of a different edge, and it will look the same. It turns out that, out of all the crystals that are possible to construct mathematically, just one shares with the diamond
these two properties. Sunada calls this the K4 crystal, because it is made out of a graph called K4, which consists of 4
points, in which any two vertices are connected by an edge. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080103101134.htm - A diamond crystal has rotational symmetry that characterizes the circle and the sphere: No matter how you rotate
a circle or a sphere, it always looks the same. The diamond crystal has a similar property, in that the crystal looks the
same when viewed from the direction of any edge. Rotate the diamond crystal from the direction of one edge to the direction
of a different edge, and it will look the same.
Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter I: 37...There is no substance of heat, nor of fire; a dissolution occurreth
in which the vortexya is liberated. Corporeal substances all contain heat (vortexya proper); even snow and ice have it in
infinitesimal quantities; and oils, and herbs of all kinds; but the
diamond containeth the highest percentage of charge. vortexya is liberated = E=mc2 = 2x2x2=8 = multiplication,
expansion, release of energy diamond containeth the highest percentage of charge = cubic structure = 2x2x2 = stored
up vortexya, cubic closest-packed structure.
A research
team at the University of Bristol has developed a way to ...generate
electricity in a nuclear-powered battery that is an actual diamond. Research by another group at Bristol
showed that it is possible to extract most of the carbon-14 from the graphite so it can be made into a diamond, thereby
becoming a nuclear-powered battery. ... battery that can
last thousands of years with no emissions, radioactive or otherwise. ... the power output of the diamond battery is continuous and doesn’t stop.
The radioactive diamond battery would still be putting out
50% power after 5,730 years, which is one half-life of carbon-14 or about as long as human civilization has
existed. During this time, the diamond battery would have
produced over 20 million Joules. And would produce
another 10 million during the next 5,730 years. So these batteries would be useful in situations where you could not, or would rather not, replace the battery,
such as in pacemakers or in spacecraft and satellites.
Although bond dissociation
energy in a C—C bond is relatively high, it is dwarfed by the energy predicted to be released by the mass-energy equivalence
The nuclear mass of 1 mole diamond is about 12 grams. So the theoretical energy released in a fusion reaction involving
one mole of diamond is around 1*109 GJ. https://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/44940/how-much-energy-is-there-in-1-mol-of-diamond-and-how-can-you-get-it Google what is 1*109GJ? 1 * 109 gigajoules = 109 000 000 000 joules - A 1.00 carat pure diamond has a mass of 0.2 grams The
molar mass of carbon is 12.01 g/mol 12.01 / 0.2 = 60.05 carats for 1 mole of diamond. A 60 carat diamond or 12 gram Diamond = energy release of 109,000,000,000 joules A
car battery (lead-acid) has stored 1,944,000 Joules of energy! https://www.rc-electronics-usa.com/battery-electronics-101.html https://hypertextbook.com/facts/2002/RaymondTran.shtml 109,000,000,000 / 1,944,000 = 56,069.9588477 x more energy stored in a 60 carat or 12 grams
diamond than in the average lead-acid car battery. - Nuclear Energy Fission of Uranium-235 Energy from U-235 Fission 235 gram of U-235 releases 2,070*10 to the 10 joules https://www.utdallas.edu/~metin/Merit/Folios/nuclear.pdf 2,070*10 = 20700 10 to the 10th power = 10,000,000,000 ten billion 20700 x 10,000,000,000 = 2.07e+14 one thousand x ten billion = 1e+13 - 235 gram of U-235 releases / energy release of 12 grams of diamond: 2.07e+14 joules / 109,000,000,000 joules = 1899.08256881 Convert 12 grams of
diamond to 235 grams of Uranium-235: 235 grams / 12 grams = 19.5833333333 19.5833333333
x 109,000,000,000 = 2.1345833e+12 joules of energy released by 235 grams of diamond. gram for
gram energy release comparison of Uranium 235 and diamond: 2.07e+14 / 2.1345833e+12 = 96.9744305598
x more energy is released by Uranium 235 than by a diamond. The stored energy in a diamond when
released is 96.9 x less than the Nuclear energy release of Uranium 235. Nuclear power is the
use of nuclear reactions that release nuclear energy to generate heat, which most frequently is then used in steam turbines
to produce electricity in a nuclear power plant. As a nuclear technology, nuclear power can be obtained from nuclear fission,
nuclear decay and nuclear fusion reactions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_power At the time Oahspe was written a diamond have had the highest percentage of charge (or stored vortexya
energy) but Uranium-235 has a half-life of 703.8 million years. It was discovered in 1935 by Arthur
Jeffrey Dempster. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium-235 Uranium 235 has more charge or stored up vortexya than a diamond or pure crystalized carbon. Research by Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, Enrico Fermi and others, such as J. Robert Oppenheimer starting in
1934 led to its use as a fuel in the nuclear power industry and in Little Boy, the first nuclear weapon used in war. An
ensuing arms race during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union produced tens of thousands of nuclear
weapons that used uranium metal and uranium-derived plutonium-239. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium - Uranium at Chemical Elements.com Name: Uranium Symbol: U Atomic Number: 92 Atomic Mass: 238.0289
amu Crystal Structure: Orthorhombic http://www.chemicalelements.com/elements/u.html In crystallography, the orthorhombic crystal
system is one of the 7 crystal systems. Orthorhombic lattices result from stretching
a cubic lattice along two of its orthogonal pairs by two different factors, resulting in a rectangular prism
with a rectangular base and height,... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthorhombic_crystal_system
On a per mass, or per nucleon basis, fusion wins hands-down: one gram of deuterium results in 1012 J of energy, or 275 million kcal. Fission
gives a comparatively small 20 million kcal per gram of 235U. So fusion is over ten times as potent. https://dothemath.ucsd.edu/2012/01/nuclear-fusion/ Deuterium was discovered and named in 1931
by Harold Urey. When the neutron was discovered in 1932, this made the nuclear structure of deuterium obvious, and Urey won
the Nobel Prize in 1934 “for his discovery of heavy hydrogen”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deuterium "Uridium and Urium are the two "Atom Bomb Elements."
Their existence was discovered by me in 1921, charted, copyrighted
and announced in 1926 as isotopes of Actinium. Years later researchers isolated them for use in warfare under
other names. These are their rightful names, however, and must be so given to posterity." ~ Water Russell. Walter Russell officially discovered these Elements FIRST! ETHLOGEN = Deuterium. BEBEGEN = Tritium URIDIUM = Neptunium URIUM = Plutonium https://www.philosophy.org/store/p61/The_Russell_Periodic_Chart_of_the_Elements_%231.html - In science, Walter
Russell (1871-1963) was an American painter, sculptor, and new age panbioist philosopher noted for his 1926 book The Universal One, his so called ‘master
work’ as his followers describe it, wherein he outlines a cyclical expansion-contraction theory of the universe, in
which derives an expanded snake-like Mendeleev periodic table, wherein he
supposedly predicts the existence of deuterium and tritium as well as all the transuranium elements such as
plutonium and neptunium,... http://www.eoht.info/page/Walter+Russell
E=mc2 and m=E/c2
and geometric shape and atomic-molecular structure. Pages 222-224 of THE SECRET OF LIGHT by Walter Russell, THE CUBE-SPHERE "Carbon and sodium chloride are good examples of true cube crystallization. Likewise their atomic units are true spheres..the cube is born from the sphere...the sphere is born
from the cube...all crystals are cube sections." Page 221 of THE SECRET OF LIGHT by Walter Russell: "Tennis balls crushed together become cubes by gradually
flattening where they meet at six points on curved surfaces." Atomic-molecular structures: diamonds are formed
at high temperature and pressure diamond creation processes: High Pressure-High Temperature The sphere compressed
from all six directions makes a cube Cube Thermally Expanding Into A Sphere - YouTube
Gas = sphere (E), solid crystal = cube (mass) compression of sphere
= cube (flattening) = solid crystal = m=E/c2 = division = crystallization expansion of cube = sphere (roundening) =
gas fireball = E=mc2 = multiplication = explosion Gravity = compression
= cubic structure. The Cube is related to gravity, to positive magnetism (electromagnetism). radiation
= expansion = sphere structure. The sphere is related to radiation. - Page 225 of THE SECRET OF LIGHT by Walter
Russell "...sphere of multiplied [2x2x2=8] matter [gaseous] and the
space [cube] of divided [8/4=2] matter. - Page 226 of THE SECRET OF LIGHT by Walter Russell "Multiplication
[2x2x2=8] and division [8/4=2] of expressed energy [E=] into high
and low potential of gravitation [compression] and radiation [expansion] is made possible by the plan of Nature... Gravitation [m=E/c2]...spirally inward...to wind [compress] light waves [c2] into solids [m] to center space [vortex center].
Radiation [E=mc2] thrusts spirally outward to unwind [expand] dense solids [m] into space to surround solids. http://www.studyofoahspe.com/id51.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There are two possible kinds of things in the universe.
The two types are known as "bosons"[force carrier]
and "fermions,"[matter] and the dialectic between them describes all physical form. The whole scheme
of quantum field theory, for example, is that fermions interact by exchanging bosons. http://web.archive.org/web/20150506080326/http://nonlocal.com/hbar/bosonfermion.html
Oahspe - Book of Cosmology and Prophecy:
Chapter II: 1. THERE are two known things in the universe:
ethe and corpor. The former is the solvent of
the latter - TOE = Theory of Everything
= ethe, vortexya, and corpor. OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter VI:9 As previously stated, there are two things, corpor and ethe; the latter is
the solvent of corpor. Whirling vortices [fundamental force]
of the solution make planets [matter, gravity, elctromagnetism, strong-weak nuclear forces, radiation). And
these are the sum and substance of all things manifested in
the universe.
Above diagram shows (with colored projection lines) Fermion and Boson, Corpor and Vortexya, Matter and force of
two known things in the universe.
Fundamental forces and fundamental particles of the universe. Theory of Everything. From the Standard Model of Particle
Physics and Oahspe plate 57 Cut C, Figure 5.
Fermions and Bosons: Jim Gates explains the difference in the following
manner: “…if you look at our world, it looks
like its composed of basically two major parts. One of those parts is stuff like us. We?’re made of,
like, electrons, and protons, and neutrons. And all of these objects have a property which is kind of interesting, (…)
namely that you can?’t put your hand through a wall without busting it… On the other hand, if you take
something like light, you find its very different, so lets go through some thought experiments. Lets take two flashlights,
aim the two beams of the flashlights at each other and turn them on. What happens? Well, the two beams pass right through
each other, nothing at all happens. So our world?s composed of these two major pieces. And the thing thats really weird
about our world is… stuff like us seems mostly to be
fermions. The other half – energy, light,
gravity… are all bosons. So why does our
universe have this strange dichotomy, where stuff
cannot pass through each other, but light and energy can? In fact, wouldn’t the world be sort of more
balanced, more symmetrical, or even supersymmetrical, if there were some forms of energy that would scatter each other just
the way that stuff, matter, does, and if there were some forms
of matter that could pass right through each other just the way energy does? Well thats the basic idea
of supersymmetry — to say that matter can either be fermion
or boson, and that energy can either be fermion or boson.
Supersymmetry Fermions and Bosons: For every particle there is a vortex just as for every Fermion there is a Boson. "Supersymmetry, as theorists realized in the early 1980s,...It says that for every “fermion” that exists in nature — a
Suppersymmetry is tied to string theory: String theory is a physical model whose fundamental building blocks are one-dimensional extended objects (strings) rather
than the zero-dimensional points that were the basis of most earlier physics...Interest in string theory is driven largely
by the hope that it will prove to be a theory of everything. It is one viable solution for quantum gravity, and in addition
to gravity it can naturally describe interactions similar to electromagnetism and the other forces of nature. Superstring
theories also include fermions, the building blocks of matter. http://www.greatplay.net/uselessia/articles/stringtheory.html
OAHSPE Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter I:9,10 "The name of the force of the vortex is called vortexya, that is, positive force, ...
OAHSPE Book of Jehovih: Chapter II:
5. For the substance
of My etherean worlds I created Ethe, the MOST RARIFIED.
Out of ethe made I them. And I made ethe the most subtle
of all created things, and gave to it power and place, not only by itself, but also power to penetrate and exist within all things, even in the midst of the corporeal worlds.
OAHSPE BOOK OF COSMOGONY AND PROPHECY Chapter IV: 5....As previously stated, corpor being in solution in ethe, hath in the main the shape of needles, but
of such infinitesimal size that corporeal knowledge of them can only be, at most, subjective knowledge. OAHSPE BOOK
34. ...As the lines of vortexya are in currents from the outer toward the interior, so do
the solutions of corpor take the shape of needles.
Above (left) CERN Bubble Chamber
photograph of tightly coiled subatomic particle spiral tracks = the lines of vortexya in currents from the outer toward the interior. https://galileospendulum.org/2012/12/06/revealing-the-smallest-particles-science-advent-5/ Above (right) false-color images of ultracold lithium-atom
clouds showing a boson (lithium-7), and a fermion (lithium-6) = the shape of needles, narrow and long and pointed..
15, 45, 45, 15, 0 = 1331 = each number divided by 15 (smallest positive integer). 11 x 11 = 121
x 11 = 1331 x 11 = 14641 (all symmetrical numbers). Tesseract Adinkra has 1 4 6 4 1 symmetry,
—the fourth row in Pascal's triangle"
with 5 polygons or 5 squares. (symmetry = balance = 5).
"The number of vertices in the layers of this projection is 1 4 6 4 1—the fourth row in Pascal's triangle"." ... of the tesseract into three-dimensional
space has a cubical envelope. ... projected onto the six square faces of the cube."
divisors of 14641 = first 4 rows and top of Pascal's Triangle. What are the patterns of Pascal's Triangle? Pascal's
Triangle is symmetric. Pascal's Triangle like a fractal is the result of recursion, each number is the sum of 2 numbers above
In geometry,
a hypercube is an n-dimensional analogue of a square (n = 2) and a cube (n = 3). It is a closed, compact,
convex figure ... ...how to create a tesseract
from a point.
"The cube is the geometry of
eight vertices at equal distance and a central point: in total nine points, which are also Fulcrums, spheres,
nuclei, stars or suns." Cube-universal-geometry: https://www.razonaurea.net/universal-geometry/ 9-8-5 cube points: in total nine points
= 9 eight vertices at equal distance = 8 a central point = 5
About sub-Saharan Africans and African-Americans
and those with
significant (over 20%) sub-Saharan African ancestry:
Testimony from the Bible and Thomas Paine and Oahspe: The Bible: 1 Chronicles 4:40: English Standard Version "where they found rich, good pasture, and the land
was very broad, quiet, and peaceful, for
the former inhabitants there belonged to Ham." - "The Managers of that Trade themselves, and others, testify, that many
of these African nations inhabit fertile countries, are industrious farmers, enjoy plenty, and lived quietly, averse to war, before the Europeans debauched them with
liquors, and bribing them against one another; and that these inoffensive people are brought into slavery, by stealing
them, tempting Kings to sell subjects, which they can have no right to do, and hiring one tribe to war against another,
in order to catch prisoners." - African Slavery in America by Thomas Paine (1775).
Oahspe The Lord's Fifth Book: Chapter III: 13. The
Lord said: Having designed Ham for teaching the barbarian world
of me and my dominion,
Ham. Cosmological name of Egypt. The followers of Abram bestowed that country's name on him, after they settled there. One who is black with sunburn. http://www.angelfire.com/in2/oahspe3/glossary.html
The Bible refers to Egypt as "the
land of Ham" in Psalms.78:51; 105:23,27; 106:22; 1 Chronicles 4:40.
Above: 81.11% profile (side-view) facial-head similarity to Original I'hin, highest by East Asian ancestry.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Above: 66.94% profile (side-view) facial-head similarity to Original I'hin by Ihuan.
I'huan drawing in Oahspe and African-American
with Jerry Curl 1980s 60.94% match. 60.94%
is rounded up to 61% which is equal to 62% on pictrieve (which is very high match). Pictures similarity results would have been higher if angle of faces would have been the same
and if the background images would have been the same and no hand in picture.
I'huan drawing in Oahspe and Native American
Indian side view pictures similarity 53.33% match. 53.33 is rounded down to 53 which is equal to 52% on pictrieve (which is much lower than the 60.94% match of the African-American
above). This is strong mathematical scientific evidence that
supports my assertion that African-Americans are the race of I'huans (same race as Abraham and Moses) in North America
since the 1600s to present Kosmon and the Native American Indians are not I'huans but are Ghans (Ongwe-ghans) as stated in
Below: highest profile
(side-view) match of I'huan (drawn by Newbrough) to a Native-American:
Above: highest profile (side-view)
match of I'huan (drawn by Newbrough) to a Asian.
Above: highest profile (side-view)
match of I'huan (drawn by Newbrough) to a African-American.
Result above is equal to Amena Sudanese (Heart of Africa on Youtube) facial match to Abraham 81% on Pictrieve:
Above is I'huan face drawn by Newbrough compared
to sub-Saharan African lips using
projection lines
to show how the I'huan of Oahspe
matches sub-Saharan African and does
match European or Native American. Moses and Abraham were pure
Above is 1980s photo of African-American rapper, actor, producer, director and writer Ice-Cube (O'Shea
Jackson) compared to I'huan drawn by Newbrough in Oahspe.
Projection lines show the very similar sub-Saharan
African lips and facial features shared by both Ice Cube and the
I'huan drawn by Newbrough in Oahspe. More proof that my assertion
that African-Americans are I'huans in Guatama for Kosmon is true.
Oahspe - Book of Discipline: Chapter VIII:
5. For which reasons
thou shalt explain that only facts well known,
or comparatively proven, are light.
An opinion is not
= I'huan race in Guatama for Kosmon.
Oahspe Book of Wars
Against Jehovih: Chapter XXI:
11. "...I will leave one race of I'huans on the earth, in Guatama, even till the era of kosmon.
Above comparison of lips and face of Native American and I'huan drawn by Newbrough in Oahspe.
Native American has thin European (Ghan, Ongwee-ghan) lips and I'huan has thick
African lips.
Oahspe God's First Book Chapter XXIV: 6. ...strong, swift and handsome... 9. ...the first tribes of I'huans in the land of Guatama (after the flood)...
See Israelites I'huans Ghans Adinkra Tesseract page of this website about 1/4 and 3/4 down from top comparing I'huan drawn by Newbrough to African-Americans.
6. In the darkness of the earth the I'hins mingled with the druks, and lo and behold, a
second born speaking animal (ong'wee, or Indian) stood upon the earth, tall, and red, and strong, swift ...The original native Americans (from the time of the flood
or 24,000 YBK) were I'huans, but through race mixing (amalgamation) became Ghans (ong'wee-ghans) and the original Native American I'huans became extinct. Pure I'huans were brought over from sub-Sahara Africa to America and they became
the new I'huans of Guatuama.
Above: original I'huans of Guatama (America) before Columbus.
It must also
be noted that J.F. Powell in a published work from the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology states, “craniofacial morphology among early skeletons in North America…lowland
Paleoindians [or Paleoamericans]
from Brazil were morphologically distinct from Northeast Asians and morphologically similar to populations from Australia
and Africa” (Powell 1999: 162).
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 26. (Suppl):169. Neves, W. A., A. Prous, R. Gonzáles-José, R. Kipnis,
and J. F. Powell 2003 Early Human Skeletal.
Joseph F Powell Associate Professor Curator of Osteology PhD, Texas A&M University (1995) Research: Skeletal biology, people of the world, dental anthropology, forensics Geographic Regions: North America,
Now someone may say: but the drawing of the I'huan in Oahspe appears to have a Aquiline Or "Roman" Nose: Above
is the picture similarity results between the I'huan race drawing
in Oahspe and a African-American with a natural big aquiline Or "Roman" Nose and the result
was 77.56% which is the second highest match to the I'huan drawing (only a African-American matched higher at 81.25%).
African-American with Aquiline Or "Roman" Nose matched 77.56% to I'huan drawing
in Oahspe also has thick upper and lower sub-Saharan African
lips like the I'huan (see above).
African-American with Aquiline Or "Roman" Nose matched 80% to Moses and 75% to Joshu female
familiar (see above).
White woman (above) with Roman nose only matched 57.02% similarity to Oahspe I'huan drawing
and matched only 65% to Moses.
Native American Indian (above) with Roman Nose matched 67% to Moses and 70.58% picture similarity
to I'huan in Oahspe.
The original I'hin had lips similar to Africans and mustache,
goatee, and beard similar
to Joshu and Abraham,
as can be seen above with and without projection lines.
Joshu had hair very similar to Abraham and Katt Williams.
Joshu had high curved
eyebrows very similar to Abraham and African-Americans above.
"The ancient Israelites of Egypt were identified as Faithist descendents of the I'hins of Ham, although
those in the Israelite order were not I'hins themselves but a
mixture of I'hin and native inhabitants of the regions round about (albeit with a greater percentage of I'hin blood than other non-faithist tribes in those regions)."
OAHSPE: The Lords' Fifth Book Chapter III: 4. Of all colors (black, white,
yellow, copper, red and brown)
were the tribes
of Ham [Africa];
nevertheless, they were I'hins ...
This is more strong
mathematical scientific evidence that supports my assertion that African-Americans
are the race of I'huans (same race as Abraham and Moses) in North America
since the 1600s to present Kosmon and the Native American Indians are not I'huans but are Ghans (Ongwee-ghans) as stated
in Oahspe.
- Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih: Chapter XXI: 9. But the chief part of all the people in Arabin'ya were I'huans, of color and size and figure like the Parsi'e'ans, being also the offspring of the I'hins and the brown earth-burrowers, the hoodas, from whom they inherited corporeal greatness,
even as from the I'hins they inherited holiness of spirit.
Oahspe God's
Book of Eskra 50: 27. Now, in reference to the Faithists: ...In Arabin'ya [including all of Africa], Heleste and Uropa, they were scattered in all directions. 28. And these called themselves, Israelites and Jews.
Oahspe First Book of God Chapter 11: 23. Now when
Abraham and his people came into Arabin'ya, especially into Egupt, ... when Oahspe refers to Arabin'ya,
it includes a large area of land which covers all
or part of Africa and what is now the Middle East to Iran.
The letters ARABIN are written across the African countries of Mali, Niger, Chad,
and Sudan. The letters YA are written across the Arabian Peninsula nation of Saudi Arabia.
Above are horizontal
and vertical projection lines showing the width of nose of Abraham
matches that of sub-saharan African rather than
European or east Asian, the same for his lips (see below).
Contrast, brightness, and light levels (Lunapic) were used to bring out and separate the faint outline and details of Abraham's
lips from the mustache, goatee, and beard. Projection lines are used to show the same thickness of lips of Abraham's lips to sub-Saharan African lips.Abraham's lips below are outlined in
orange pencil (Paint.NET).
<---drawing of Abraham by John Newbrough from page 276 of Eloists Edition of Oahspe.
According to the time stamp of the Internet Archive Way Back Machine on Sept 17, 2019 was the first record of my
outline of Abraham’s lips (above). Nearly 3 years after my outline of Abraham’s lips on March 3, 2022 I first
saw the outline of Abraham’s lips on page 276 of Eloists Edition of Oahspe. My outline of Abraham’s lips in September
of 2019 is almost exactly identical to the outline of the lips of Abraham I first saw on March 3 of 2022. When I used brightness
and contrast enhancement to bring out Abraham’s lips (because in the 1882 Palmer Green Oahspe edition you could not
see the outline of Abraham’s lips with the naked eye) and drew a outline of his lips in red, I asked a faithist in Houston,
Texas if he could see the outline of Abrahm’s lips from my enhancement and outline and he said he couldn’t see
it. The Eloists Oahspe Edition is proof that I wasn’t imagining what I claimed I saw. Abraham's upper and lower lip
is moderately full/fleshly with the upper lip as thick as the lower lip like a African or I'huan instead of thin lips like
a European (Ghan) or East Asian-Native American (Ongwe-ghan).
On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 4:55 PM, Michael W wrote:
Here’s that verse in Oahspe concerning Abram and the slaves.
Oahspe First Book of God Chapter 8:12-16
12. And God lived with Abram, teaching him and working miracles through him. And it came to
pass that the Listians in their rambles, selling wares, told
the slaves of the kings about the wonders of Abram.
13. And the
slaves fled from bondage and went into the wilderness in search of Abram. And when they came before him, he
spoke to them, day by day, as they came, saying:
14. Why have you come? I did not call you! And when they could not answer, Abram said to them: God brought you. Man of himself does nothing. Search, then, the records of your generations; for you are descended from the Faithists of old.
15. And they searched and found that every one of those who had come, was descended from before the
time of Zarathustra.
16. Abram said:
Do not think that God comes to one man alone;
when he provides a voice he also provides ears and hearts.
Because you have been faithful to him, he calls you to deliverance from your enemies, who are God’s enemies also.
The lawgiver CAPILYA of India
(above). He was to India very similar to what Moses was to the ancient Israelites. Notice he has thick upper and lower lips like an African.
Capilya has mustache, goatee, beard, and sideburns very similar to the drawing
(by Newbrough) of the original I'hin in Oahspe. Contrast, brightness,
and light levels (Lunapic) were used to bring out and separate the outline and details of Capilya's lips from
the mustache, goatee, and beard.
Comparison (above) of south India woman to the Prophet Capilya and original I'hin.
Capilya of the Vedic tribes like the Israelite Joshu appears
to be half I'huan half Ghan like a Ethiopian, Afro-Arab, or mulatto
Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon Chapter I:
8. In those days the Faithists were
known by the names: Vede, and Parsi'e, and Hiyah, and Syiattahoma, beside various other names of less note.
9. In some places they were slaves,
in other places serfs, and in still other places hid away in wildernesses and amongst the mountains; being non-resistant and
timorous, having suffered great persecution by the idolators
of Dyaus and other false Gods and Lords.
Capilya's ancestors
were slaves and were persecuted by the idolators
of Dyaus (or Zeus, later called Jesus) like the
Israelites were slaves and persecuted by the idolators of Osiris.
Book of the Arc of Bon Chapter II:
15. ...the Faithists, who are persecuted
and outlawed.
Like the Israelite Moses Capilya's ancestors and contemporaries were persecuted and outlawed like the Jim Crow anti-Black laws (racial caste system) between
1877 and the mid-1960s of the United States.
16. And in those days, whoso
was of the seed of the worshippers of the Great spirit, Ormazd, was outlawed
in receiving instruction. So that the chosen, the Faithists, were held in ignorance, lest a man of learning
might rise up amongst them and deliver them.
African-Americans who
worshipped (like the Native Americans) the
Great Spiritin Africa were
outlawed from reading while they were slaves in
the United States.
Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon Chapter IV:
6. Jehovih said: Thou art thyself of the race
of Faithists, and have been prepared for this labor from the time of thy birth.
The lawgiver and prophet
Capilya compared to south India woman (above).
- African impact
on India is found in artefacts, ancient texts, genetic foot-prints, physical resemblance amongst populations, cultural
and linguistic similarities, gastronomic affinities, and a common world view. It is generally agreed
today by scientists and historians that an early migration of African population first settled the coastal areas of south India, then spread gradually
inland ...
Oahspe Book of Saphah Ancient Languages Evolution of the Language of Israel subsection. Tablet of Zerl. 12. The sacred birds of Zerl
...in the whole of the thirty-four tribes. 14. In Iz or Ez there were only twenty two tribes,
and, being the most sacred tribes of
the west of the continent, their pronunciation
varied less. Tablet of Iz-Zerl (Izere)
1. The offspring of these two tribes (Iz and Zerl)
were called Izere or Israel. 2. Made out of the same are these, with Chine root, namely:
Is·ra·el|\ ˈiz-rē-əl.
country in southwestern Asia bordering
on the Mediterranean Sea in the northwest, the
Oahspe God's First Book: Chapter XIV: THE FIRST BIBLE
= India. 1. THESE are the races of Brahma: Gons, Shone, Gamma, This, Ram, Zerl, Mex, Shriv,
Vat, Eun and Delta, each a thousand years. Of Gamma and Delta, in the upper country
(Wa-wa-o-gan), were born Gu-sem and Hagu by Gamma, and by Delta, Yots, Rammus,
Borgl, Otesiv and Riv. Gamma was of the fourth descent of Git-ow; and Delta the third
of E'wangga--I'hins from the land of Jaffeth. 2. The ascending caste of light in the lower country (Ho-jon-da-tivi) was by Ram, first;
then Zerl, I'hin migrants from the land of Ham; then Shriv,
then Vat, then Gons and Eun,
the half-breed
Druks; then Shone, and then This. half-breed Druks = half Druk-half I'hin
= I'huan (same as Abraham and Moses).
upper country = Northern India,
lower country = southern India = Zerl, I'hin migrants
the land of Ham = Africa. Zerl = Iz and Zerl = Iz-zerlite = Is-raelite (Israel). When Eglash looked elsewhere in the world, he saw different geometric design themes being used by native cultures. But he found widespread use of fractal geometry only in Africa and southern India,
Vohu-Vede (Africa-India) connection:
Oahspe Book of Saphah Basis of Vede.
28. Vohu-mano, who is the voice and engraved
word. (In the back period the Scriptures were taught orally,
man to man, repeating over and over the same texts, until the whole three thousand Holy and Most Sacred Verses were learned.
The position of the Most Holy Lord, Vohu, was
to be present in spirit and person or through His representative spirit underlings, and see to it that there were no innovations
in the original text, and to assist the learner to remember the words. Vohu,
i.e., ga-mo, signifieth voice. Mano, i.e., c'fome, signifieth word in the Yi-ha language.
On other pages of studyofoahspe.com
I discuss the similarities of Supreme Being (Great Spirit) of
sub-Saharan Africans and Native Americans. Do the Dravidians-Hindus-Vedas have a Supreme Being that is very similar to Great Spirit of Native
Americans and Africans? I post evidence (below) for Yes they do.
"...I will leave one race of I'huans on the earth, in Guatama,
even till the era of kosmon. And men and angels shall see and understand that man of himself never inventeth a God in figure of a man born of woman. And that
only through the inspiration of My enemies, who
build kingdoms in hada for their own glory, hath any people
ever fallen from My estate to worship a God in image of man."
Above Jesus Christ (A.K.A. Looeamong
or Piad for Mormons) siting on his throne in Heaven.
Oahspe The Book of Judgment Chapter
III: 15. And whoever says: Christ,
Christ! signifying a God in the figure and shape of a man, sitting on a throne in heaven, is a blasphemer
against Jehovih, the Creator, the All Person.
Egyptian lawgiver. He was contemporaneous with Capilya of India and Chine of China,
living two thousand four hundred
years after Abram (3400 B.K.). Moses was a large man,
Below: on the left
is an Ongwee-ghan (American-Indian), on
the right is an I'huan (African-American).
Above 5th search keyphrase
from the top, Ethereans had a plan for the I'huans in North
America that is being full-filled.
I'huans = house of Israel (Israelites) copper colored, with curly frizzy hair and thick African lips according to Oahspe. Oahspe teaches
a system of spiritual adepthood similar to the law of one. That God came to earth long ago and made a race of men able to
perceive Him through clairvoyance and claraudience. That many
of a certain race called the I’huans (house of Israel) had this gift. http://mormonuniversalism.com/2100/the-oahspe-text-and-mormonism/
See Mathematical knowledge of Israelites and
sub-Saharan Africans page about 6/10ths down:
A polyrhythm is the use of two
or more rhythms played simultaneously, with one of the rhythms subdivided into a number of beats different from the “normal” number of subdivisions one would have in a measure
of music. Ex. 1: three-over-two polyrhythm In this example, the upper pattern plays
three beats in the same amount of time that the lower pattern plays two beats.
This creates a rhythmic tension, that can also be expressed
mathimatically: if you divide three by two, you get a fraction instead of a whole number. Ex. 2 : four-over-three polyrhythm
Here, the upper pattern plays four beats in the same amount of time that the lower
pattern plays three beats. Again, the patterns don’t divide into whole numbers. Ex. 3 : four over two–not a polyrhythm Here
the beats come together on the grid, and produce a whole number
when divided, so this is not considered a polyrhythm.
...it’s necessary to define “polyrhythm” ... Understanding the
definition gives us direction in how to achieve the grooves that are used in most Sub-Saharan traditional music, arguably
some of the most rhythmically interesting and danceable music in the world.
Jazz was one of the first Western music traditions to embrace polyrhythms, taking cues from African drumming
and singing traditions and blending it with Western music sensibilities.
Ragtime is primarily
a solo piano style and was the immediate precursor to jazz.
1.It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
2.It consists of each hand doing something different:
a.Theleft handplays
a steady, almost march-like succession of alternating bass notes and chords in a steady "oom-pah, oom-pah, oom-pah,
oom-pah" fashion.
handplays syncopated melodies in a "ragged" fashion (hence
the name "ragtime").
3.Ragtime is primarily an African American inventionand was a source of pride to African American composers, musicians, and listeners.
4.One of ragtime’s inventors and most important pianists and composers wasScott Joplin.
Ragtime really isn't jazz since it rarely includes improvisation. However, it was
the immediate precursor of jazz.
1.For an excellent example of ragtime, listen to Scott Joplin’s "Maple Leaf
Rag" on the Instrumental History of Jazzand/or "The Entertainer" by clicking below.
Ragtime, a precursor to jazz
and relative of the blues, commonly considered the first purely American style of music, sparked a craze in
the Progressive Era, to the dismay of those with more conventional musical sensibilities.
researching the origin of ragtime and reactions to this new genre of music – which ranged from the equivalent of up-turned
noses to full-blown alarm – I was struck by how much the
criticism sounded like concerns to the advent of other revolutionary forms of popular music, particularly rock ‘n’
roll in the 1950s and rap in the ‘90s.
What was the reaction to this new
In 1909, that same St.
Louis Dispatch article declared ragtime dead, calling it a “mere empty rhythm, uninformed by a single musical idea,”
though in its heyday, “millions of people, probably of every race on earth, have felt the current of their blood swiftly
accelerate and their feet temptingly quickened by its pulsating rhythms.”
of the demise of ragtime coincided with its peak – and fears of its corruptive influence. The overwhelming appeal of
the music meant, for many critics, that it just couldn’t be good – let alone moral. In 1908, The Violin World
magazine, in response to a reader’s curiosity about this new genre, compared ragtime to “the cheap popular novel,”
both of which “may be vicious, but of recent years the tendency has been to make them innocuous, so that moral objections
no longer hold.”
Ragtime was considered low because it joyously, shamelessly appealed
to the body rather, according to critics, than the spirit or the mind. Often these complaints were lodged in blatantly racist
language and imagery, including frequent references to the jungle and voodoo and primitive sensuality – much like how
critics of the cakewalk compared it to an African orgy.
Ragtime, rock and rap
“Mass produced popular music, of course, never disappeared from American life,” Mooney wrote,
“and the genres that eventually replaced ragtime and jazz,
such as rock ‘n’ roll and rap, would have been just as upsetting, if not more so, to the traditionalists who denounced
[those] ubiquitous creations.”
A quick search in the ProQuest Historical
Newspapers database uncovers abundant examples of how rock and rap indeed upset later generations of traditionalists who expressed
many of the same charges of lowness and moral depravity of new genres of popular music.
Consider this 1956 article from the New Journal and Guide7
called “Rock ‘n Roll Beat Irks People the Nation
Over,” featuring objections to this “new” craze from assorted experts, including Mitch Miller,
“one of the canniest musicians in the industry” who
complained that when “white musicians began to pick up the beat (a syncopated rhythm, in which the second and fourth
beats are heavily stomped out) it took on a ridiculous frenzy.”
In the
same article, a Denver DJ said, “Perhaps the most hopeful thing about Rock ‘N’ Roll is that it’s so bad. It cannot endure indefinitely,” and professor of psychiatry Dr. Jules Masserman called
it “primitive quasi-music that can be traced back to prehistoric cultures.”
years later, The New York Times8 printed an in-depth report on this “fad” called “Why They Rock ‘n’
Roll – and Should They?” which wondered “is this generation of teenagers going to hell?” and included
a quote from Frank Sinatra: “[Rock ‘n’ roll]
is sung, played and written for the most part by cretinous goons and by means of its almost imbecilic reiteration, and sly,
lewd, in plan fact, dirty lyrics.”
And by the 1990s, traditionalists were
directing their outrage at the latest form of pop music – rap. As early as 1991, The Globe and Mail9 was predicting
“The Last Days of Rap” even as that same year NWA’s first album became the country’s bestseller. “This
kind of consumption,” the article’s author David Samuels warned, “of racist stereotypes, of brutality toward
women or even uplifting tributes to Dr. Martin Luther King is of a particularly corrupting kind.”
Listen closely (from :40 to :44) to the lyrics Dorothy Dandridge (in 1941) sings that her parents "made her Swing for My Supper when I was a
tot, they made me rock and roll and put it on
red hot, ...they put rhythm in my soul".
Years later in the Rock era (1950s) many DJs and promoters would claim ownership of that phrase rock and
they were oppressed by cruel laws and penalties, and
were forced to reveal the
mathematical science which
had been preserved with them from their distant
ancestors the I'hins,
to whom it was committed by the angels in the first ages
of mankind. - Pages 189-190 of Darkness, Dawn And Destiny (Drawn from Oahspe)
1965 by Augustine Cahill.
The complicated designs and surprisingly complex
mathematical processes involved in their creation may force researchers and historians to rethink their assumptions about traditional African mathematics. The discovery may also provide a new tool for teaching African-Americans about their mathematical heritage. http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/special/eglash.african.fractals.html
When Eglash looked elsewhere in the world, he saw different geometric design themes being used by native cultures. But he
found widespread use of fractal geometry only in Africa and southern India,
"the I'hins
...merged with such races as the Hebrews [Israelites]
and the Vedic tribes
of India" = "he found widespread use of fractal geometry only inAfrica and southern India".
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. College of the Holy Cross Worcester, MA Topics in Mathematics: Math and Music MATH 110 February 1, 2018 Polyrhythmic Music. A polyrhythm is two distinct rhythmic patterns played simultaneously.
Typically, each pattern is equally spaced. - African
tribal music is often polyrhythmic with different drums and percussion instruments playing different
rhythms simultaneously. - Classical Indian Music:
tabla (pair of small hand drums). Drummers often play challenging combinations such as 11 beats in one hand and
12 in the other. Rhythmic patterns are a form of language mimicking syllables such as Dha, Tin, Na, Tun, or Ge. https://mathcs.holycross.edu/~groberts/Courses/MA110/Lectures/Polyrhythms-web.pdf
Polyrhythmic music (similar simultaneous rhythms at different scales):
The 3/2 polyrhythmicmusic is very similar to the same chain (self-similarity) pattern at different sizes (scaling) with fractional (1.5)
Polyrhythm (in funk/soul) of Sly and the Family Stone "In Time".
Notice the visualized
images of the 3:4 polyrhythm and 2:3 polyrhythm look very similar to the Boron and Nitrogen atoms with the number of electrons in each shell (2:3 for Boron and 2:5 for Nitrogen) correspond to the number
of beats in each circle (the ovals or circles represent scale or electron
Above Mexican-American music legend Carlos
Santana at the 6:29 mark of the video says to African-American Clarissa Shields "you
got to come to a concert and see my wife play drums ...I am saying this from my heart, when you hear our music you start to cry and laugh and you don't even know why, that's because its the spirit in our music and its purely African music, that's all I have played ...and when you come
celebrate with us we can change this world from fear to joy." And when Carlos Santana
is asked (at the 7:11 mark of video) who is your favorite fighter of all-time, Carlos Santana says "Jack Johnson". Below is Jack Johnson from 1908 face matched
to the Israelite Johsu (78% match, higher than Keanu Reeves and Rodrigo Santoro according to Betaface):
The two men above (Jack Johnson and Joshu) have very similar African facial features.
Joshu (above) matched to 3 different mostly sub-Saharan African faces with extremely high results
of 89%, 86%, 85%.
music in the world. Rhythms and
counter rhythms in the common African tradition of
call and response complement
and communicate with one another
with different drum lines, other musical instruments, bodies and voices
rhythmic elements. This element of instrumental call and response is also
evident in the polyrhythmic
quality of jazz. By contrast,
most traditional European music has a flat linearity. http://qutmusic.pbworks.com/w/page/4663888/polyrhythm In popular music Nigerian percussion master Babatunde Olatunji arrived on the American music scene in 1959 with
his album
Drums of Passion, which was a collection of traditional Nigerian music for percussion and chanting.
The album
stayed on the charts for two years and had a profound
impact on jazz and American popular music.[citation needed]
in the Yoruba sakara style of drumming, Olatunji would
have a major impact on Western popular music.
needed] He went on to teach, collaborate and record with
numerous jazz and rock artists, including Airto
Moreira, Carlos Santana and Mickey Hart of the Grateful Dead.
Olatunji reached his greatest popularity during the
height of the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Among the most sophisticated polyrhythmic music in the world is south
Indian classical Carnatic music. A kind of
solfege called konnakol is used as a tool to construct highly complex polyrhythms and to divide each beat
of a pulse into various subdivisions, with the emphasised beat shifting from beat cycle to beat
also known as Musikavanhu, Musiki, Tenzi and Ishe, is
the Supreme Creator deity according to Shonatraditional religion. It is believed that Mwari
is the author of all things and all life and all is in him.The majority of
this deity's followers are concentrated in Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Mwari is an omnipotent being, who
rules over spirits and is the Supreme God of the religion.
The same deity is applied and also referred to as Inkhosi
in Northern and Southern Ndebele, and it is this deity that is worshiped in
African Traditional Religion whereby people worshiped through the ancestors via Spirit Mediums who were
believed to be inspired by the spirits of truth which were believed to connect to the deity to deliver messages and divine
name "Mwari" in Shona means
the force behind Creation. The word itself signifies,
resembles and is interpreted as "God", but only in the religious context. The furthering of this term's acceptance
is when the Christian missionaries interpreted the Bible for the
locals, in which they used the term "Mwari" instead of "God".[3]
Although missionary bible translations gendered Mwari as male, the Shona understood Mwari as being both
male and female (or neither male and female).[8][9]
In northern
Zimbabwe, Mwari was contacted through spirit mediums or spirits; in other parts of Zimbabwe, he spoke to the people via an oracle.[10]
It was also believed that anyone who defied this spiritual law would
develop leprosy as the name of the ineffable and unknowable God was believed to be holy and beyond everything.
Shona Traditional Religion or
Chivanhu is part of what is understood as African Traditional Religion (ATR)
that is practiced all over Africa. It is a belief
in God or Mwari or Musikavanhu.
However, there is no direct communication between the living and Musikavanhu but through ancestors.
Musiki translates as Creator in English (see above Google translate).
Musiki-kavanhu or Musikavanhu
translates as not human in English. Musikavanhu does not
become human, not incarnate, not Anthropomorphic.
Oahspe Book of Wars
Against Jehovih: Chapter XXI:
"...I will leave one race of I'huans on the earth, in Guatama,
even till the era of kosmon. And men and angels
shall see and understand that man of himself never inventeth a God in figure of a man born of woman. And that
only through the inspiration of My enemies, who build kingdoms in hada for their
own glory, hath any people ever
fallen from My estate to worship a God in image of man."
The Shona believe in heaven and
have always believed in it.
His true name, Mwari, was too sacred to be spoken in
everyday occasions and was reserved for high ceremonies
and the direst of need as it showed Him disrespect to be free with it. As a result, God had many names, all of which would be recognised as His even by people who had never heard
the name before. He was considered too holy to
just go to straight up, hence the need for ancestral intercessors.
Oahspe - Book of Saphah: M'hak: 29. I.: Worlds unseen by mortals fill the etherean firmament above. These worlds are heaven; these
the spirit worlds; these the etherean worlds; these are
the abodes of the spirits of the dead.
30. W.: How came the
angels from heaven down to the corporeal earth? 31. I.: In the Dan'ha they come direct; at other times they come through familiar spirits. 32. W.: Who are familiar
spirits? 33. I.: Our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and other relatives and friends who have not been long dead,...
Ancestral familiar spirits in MCU movie Black Panther.
in Hawaiian (PAN) translates as Yes in English (see above Google translate).
vowel in traditional African Shona translates as Yes in English see above Google translate).
Eo vowels in traditional African Shona translates as Yeah in English (see above Google translate).
Eoi vowels in traditional African
Shona and Latin translates as Yeah in English
(see above Google translate).
yes definition: yes adverb to say that statement is true. : an affirmative reply : yea
[or Yeah]. Synonyms:
Adverb all right, alright, aye (also ay), exactly, OK (or okay), okeydoke (or okeydokey),
yea, yeah, yep,
yo https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/yes Yes = Truth, Existence, IS or AM.
No = False, non-existence, Is not or AM Not.
God's Book of Ben: Chapter III:
7. God said: One only is Truth, Jehovih. All else are false.
Eoi vowels in Latin translate to Hebrew (see
above Google translate).
Hebrew translation of Latin Eoi
to English Dawn first Light (the All-Light) (see
above Google translate).
Names of Creator in Oahspe (see above). Ormazd = Master Light.
The Creator is an invisible force or Spirit. In physics that which is the most powerful has no
form or shape and is invisible like electricity or energy
or the wind. Different from the Big Man
in the sky or the Sky Gods. That which is All-Poweful
is also Omni-present which is the All-Person.
The Lord's Fifth Book: Chapter VI:
14. But man
forgot the Creator because of the wonder of His works. Even to
this day man inclineth to view as substantial and real, things that are seen, and to reject the All Potent, which is Unseen.
Deontay Wilder
- To This Day REMIX - YouTube (below).
Ode = skytime = O (sky) of O-Ah-Spe = O of E-O-IH. Ode is a cycle = 11 years (Book of Cosmogony
and Prophecy Ch 3:14). A cycle is a rhythm a repeating beat or oscillation. Ode (cycle) was applied to the ancient Israelites
(Arabin'ya I'huan faithists) just as rhythm (cycle) is applied to modern African-Americans and Africans.
Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon: Chapter XIV: 4. To events of prophecy there was also another calendar, called
the ode, signifying sky-time, or heavenly times. One ode was equivalent to eleven long years; three odes, one spell, signifying a generation;
10. Because the worlds run in circles (orbits), the
circle was the highest measure, or sun measure; and the diameter of the circle was called, the ode, a Fonecean
word, signifying short measure. And this name, ode, was applied to the Israelites in satire, as the Anglo-Saxon word, odius,
is used to this day. But the Israelites made sweet songs and called them odes also.
“the diameter of the circle was called, the ode” = 1/3 of 33 = 11. Cycles come
in harmonics of three or 3.1 (the relationship of circle to a diameter).
and Ode or "Oh, de" or O-de: From 1:01 to 1:05 into Colors movie clip white policeman says to black man in
satire (mockery) "O man you smell good homes, what is that Oh,
de doo-da day? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4ROOysJxuo "Oh, de doo-da day" "relevance to the minstrel shows that often parodied the African-American
population" "Camptown Races".
Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon Chapter XIV: 10. ...And this name, ode, was applied to the Israelites in satire, as the Anglo-Saxon word,
odius, is used to this day. But the Israelites
made sweet songs and called them odes also.
https://www.loc.gov/item/00528551/ "Includes many songs from the heyday of antebellum black face minstrelsy in the 1850s and from
the abolitionist movement of the same period.".
Origin of ode. 1580–90; <Middle French
<Late Latin ōda<Greek ōidḗ, contraction of aoidḗ song, derivative of aeídein to sing. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/ode Origin of ode = to sing = "Oh, de doo-da day". ...it’s a minstrel song, making fun of black people in America. While this seems horribly racist, songs like
this were common at the time and were usually performed at minstrel shows with performers in blackface, notably by The Christy
Minstrels. http://www.stephengriffith.com/folksongindex/camptown-races/ Ode = minstrel song = making fun of black people in America = satire.
Oahspe Index it says Anglo-Saxon word applied to Israelites to
this day is Odius.
Definition of odious: : arousing or deserving
hatred or repugnance : hateful https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/odious Oahspe - Book of Lika, Son of Jehovih: Chapter IV: 4. For thou shalt find My chosen a scattered people, persecuted and enslaved, the most
despised of all the races of men. But I will show My power with them; I will raise them up; the things I do through them, and
the words I speak through them, even in their ignorance and darkness, shall become mighty.
8. But My chosen, who are their slaves,
and are as nothing in the world, shall speak, and their words shall not be forgotten; shall write, and their
books will be a new foundation in the world. Because My hand
will be upon them, My wisdom shall come forth out of their mouths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3CVmluYFtI At 10 minutes 16 seconds to 10 minutes 21 seconds into video above George Washington Carver refers to himself as "the orphan child of a
despised race".
Spanish Casta = Caste, breed, race (see above Google
Above image
shows the hierarchy of the Spanish Indo-European CASTA (caste) system, with enslaved Africans at the bottom (the most despised of all the
races of men).
Diola of Senegal, Gambia, and Guinea-Bissau have a continuous tradition of prophetic revelation from their supreme being,
Emitai, dating back to the founding of major Diola communities, described by their oldest oral traditions. The epithet Emitai dabognol (God had sent him or her) was applied to those individuals who claimed a prophetic