Years of discipline and age
also play a factor in prophecy (being age
50 or over like Ka'yu, John Newbrough, and Walter Russell for examples).
Oahspe - The Book of Knowledge
All below 50 years of age are considered minors (as to spirit).
Oahspe was published
in 1882 but the original manuscript was transmitted through Newbrough in 1881, 33 years after the start of Kosmon.
Studyofoahspe.com is a subscription based website (for full access). When you donate to help support studyofoahspe.com
I will give you a registration or log-in username and password that will give
you full access to all of the 120+ pages of studyofoahspe.com. The subscription cost is $50 a month or $100 a month for full
website access plus 5 or more (Oahspe related) questions answered a month and 1 phone consultation a month. Email Me after your donation and I will give you
the information to sign in. You can donate on the last (donation) page. I also
accept Bitcoin payments. I am weekly and sometimes daily updating my website with new information. 
“The next last level hustle is preaching so that’s our responsibility to school the
little ni--as on how to elevate.” - Aug 23, 2020, O.G. Lil CS
"The three most
important days in your life are the day you are born, the day
you were introduced to Oahspe, and the day you find out why." - James M author of studyofoahspe.com September, 2023 adapted from the opening quote of THE EQUALIZER (2014).
There are several “days you find out why” throughout a person's lifetime.
5. And thou shalt provide him with great learning and great
adversity and great experience withal.
This website contains scientific, historical, spiritual, and prophetic information about Oahspe
as well as some
autobiography information about the author (author bio or bio of book writer). Oahspe Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih: Chapter XIX:
5. Let this, therefore, be the beginning of the kosmon era.
11. Again, the
Voice spake out of the light, saying:
12. I know no distinctions of men, of races, or sects,
or doctrines, or past revelations. All people are My people!
Oahspe Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih CHAPTER XX:
37. But, in this era, I come not to an exclusive people, but to the combination of all peoples commingled together
as one people. Hence, I have called this, the KOSMON ERA.
38. Henceforth, my chosen shall
be of the amalgamated races, who choose Me. And these shall become the best, most perfect of all peoples on the earth.
39. And they shall not consider race or color, but health and nobleness as to the mortal part; and as to spirit,
peace, love, wisdom and good works, and one Great Spirit only.
In audio link above from 28:19 to 29:01 Master Teacher33 said “this
is part of what the Oahspe Bible explains,
but we have to figure out how we got this Bible
and why haven’t you heard it
and who is this J-e-h-o-v-IH that is the God [Creator]
of the Oahspe Bible because that is totally
different from the God of the Hebrew Bible because you
may not of heard of it now [in 2016] but 5
years from now [2021-2023] everybody is going to be talking about this Oahspe Bible! Again Pimp the game, mark my words”! See near
bottom of "Whatever happened to Kosmon Black?" page of this website.
Shout out to Kosmon Cal and the Creator Gang for their Oahspe scholarship
and explaining the Ark of the Covenant as the Arc of Speta or Arc of Bon. This is similar to the Arc of Noe and the Ark of
Noah where the Bible and Bible believers confuse a physical form on earth for an Arc of time and place in space. See links
below for Jehovih Chronicles #121 Moses in Egypt at the 3:35:30 of video on YouTube (or watch and listen to the rest of the
video also) :
Shout out to Selah Shalom and the Creator Gang for going
in on those Bible believers on Sa Neter Review Of The " Yahawah V. The Oahspe Debate. Shout out to Malaki Macabee (his head and body
shots are devastating) and Darryl Kosmon (his science is on point). Excellent work! Clink on links below
to see and listen to Creator Gang going in on those false God idolaters:
Studyofoahspe.com and Susan B Martinez are the only 2 Oahspean Faithists
since 2016 up to 2024 listed in the The Worldwide List of Alternative Theories and Critics by Jean de Climont.
(and Susan B
Martinez is listed with a reference to studyofoahspe.com)
After clicking
link above (highlighted in white) next to where it says "studyofoahspe.com" click View all:
After you click
View all, click relevance:
You can type any name of a Faithist or website in the search
box on the left side of page and press Go.
The Worldwide list of dissident scientists
has been issued from the data available in the Internet. Many individual dissident
scientists have been found, but most of them are registered in many lists available
in the Internet. The list of the dissident scientists' lists used to create the worldwide list of dissident scientists
is given here after. The lists where the dissident scientists were found are indicated
for each dissident scientist. Dissident scientists known
or found by Jean de Climont are gathered within the CLI list [which includes studyofoahspe.com]. It includes scientists proposing not fully accepted ideas within the Relativity-Quantum Mechanics paradigm as well
as opponents to some aspects of these theories.
<---Studyofoahspe.com author (James M) 2022, 2024.In
1972 to 1979 when James M was in elementary to high school his Mom use to take him with her to the Thoroughbred horse racing
track (in Tijuana mostly but sometimes Del Mar) almost every weekend. James learned to read a racing form, analyze data, apply
speed rating numbers, and handicap horse races. James read books on horse racing including Picking Winners A
Horseplayer’s Guide copyright 1975 by Andrew Beyer a Harvard University Graduate and Horse Racing Hall of Fame
member and winner of the highest award in Horse racing for his handicapping ability. James made track variance charts for
different racetracks and calculated speed ratings and he was good enough in elementary school to have had an adult pay him
$50 every week to pick horses for him to bet. This was the first time from age 10 to 12 when James was analyzing past events, and using
numbers (mathematics) to predict the future.
James stimulated intellectual ability (Abel, I'hins) and developed skills in elementary school that he would use as a 50 year
old adult in 2013 to decipher Oahspe’s book of Cosmology and Prophecy (see webpages “ORACHNEBUAHGALAH CHARTS Cycles
& Prophecy” and “Cycles, Predictions, Earth events, A'ji" of this Studyofoahspe website).
(2011) by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D.:
"in both Egypt and Mesoamerica, mathematician and seer alike stood as equals
in the prophecy enterprise...one was trained to analyze
data and apply
the prophetic numbers,...
Oahspe God's Book of Ben: Chapter IX: 12. O that the prophets would apply my lessons
of the past, in order to foretell the future.
The horse racing community has been using quantitative
data to develop betting algorithms
for decades. Indicators including horse bodyweight, age, and previous lap times are all utilized along with
the domain-specific Speed Index to predict
future race outcomes.
The first computer I had was not the Macintosh I got in 1995, the first computer
I had was a computerized Horse Race Analyzer In 1979 when I was 16 years old.
I was inputing horse racing data in the horse racing computer (Handicapping Computer) on a weekly basis back in 1979. The
algorythms for the Horse Race Analyzer was developed by Dr. W. Quirin (professor of mathemantics and computer science).
James was
introduced to Oahspe in 1982 (100 years or the 3rd rule of prophecy after Oahspe was first published in 1882) when he was
19 years old, and finished completely reading Oahspe 8 months later. In 1982-1983 James attended College in San Diego,
CA for over 1 year or 2.5 semesters (taking courses in Descriptive Astronomy, Cultural & Physical Anthropology, History
of Art, Data Processing, Yoga, and Beginning Swimming).
In 1984 James went to New Jersey and Virginia for 6 months training in the Coast Guard
Reserve (which had many peaceful and humanitarian missions under the Dept of Transportation). While stationed in Virginia
James took Technician "A" School courses which included Hydraulic Theory, basic electrical theory, Internal
Combustion Engine Theory (Thermodynamics, Fluid Flow), and shared
Oahspe with a few at the training center.
https://i.postimg.cc/g0J15pGy/VE.jpg VE, AR & MK will help with Oahspe, Cevorkum, a'ji, Orachnebuahgalah, E-O-IH Hz single digit conversion and harmonic multiple of the fundamental
C2 musical note and circumference of a circle Pi and 3 characteristics of the Creator, unified field ether vortex theory during
5th-6th 33 year Kosmon cycle (1980-2048) which
peaked in 2013-2014-2015 (33 or 33.33 years 1st rule of prophecy x
5 = balance) of the current Cosmic cycle of our solar system. The word Kosmon signifies an equal balance
of material and spiritual knowledge [scientific and religious knowledge]. More of Oahspe My Verbal Expression (VE) score, and Verbal IQ is a manifestation of my C;C genotype and possibly the Loo'is according to Oahspe. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
Oahspe - The Book of Knowledge Part IV:
22. Jehovih said: ...as many as hear Me and behold My presence shall be
called Tae, ...
23. And Tae shall
come forth in Me, for he is My word, speaking in
his labor to that end.
It focuses
on the relation between signifiers, like words, phrases, signs, and symbols,
and what they stand for; their denotation. Linguistic
semantics is the study of meaning that is used for understanding
human expression through language. Einstein's hippocampus part of the brain.
While learning basic electrical theory in 1984 I connected electricity,
electrons, and electromagnetism with vortex'ya in Oahspe book of Cosmogony, I even had a conversation with the instructor
about "ether" being the medium for light or electromagnetic radiation even in the so-called vacuum of outer-space. In the links below are mid-1980s (from 1984-1987) notes I made about electricity, vortexya, and Oahspe.
In 1985-1986-1987 James spent hours weekly in the library researching science,
history, and religion to better understand Oahspe.
Some of the text
on this website (on other pages) date back to writings and research James did in 1985 to 1987.
1985 to 1988 + James read books, microfiche and microfilm at libraries and worked
as a Janitor at Arby's restaurant (and rode the bus).
In 1987 James was asked by the Arby's Manager to tell a gangster Pimp who
was harassing female employees to leave. The Arby's restaurant was located at 52nd Street on El Cajon Blvd at the northern
border of City Heights. El Cajon Blvd was the pimping and prostitution capitol of San Diego and one of the sex trafficking
capitols of the United States. After I told him he needed to leave the restaurant the gangster Pimp looked me up and down
and said "these hoes got these Ni--as wrapped around their finger". Before the Pimp left he said "I ought to
come back here with my Uzi and spray this place." Fortunatley he never came back. During the same year (1987) there were
females who lived in the City Heights neigborhood that I knew who said their boyfriends (who sold drugs) were killed by being
shot in the face (one while she was talking to him on the phone).
JUNE 13, 1986 12 AM PT
Frank Lomas was having trouble selling scooters at his Honda dealership on El Cajon Boulevard because prostitutes
and pimps intimidated potential customers. “In the last four months, it got really bad here again,” said Lomas,
owner of House of Honda near 49th Street. In the last six months, 51 armed robberies have occurred between the 3300 block
and 7000 block of El Cajon Boulevard. Seden said many prostitutes are from out of state. They come to San Diego in search
of warmer weather or to escape police crackdowns in places like Vancouver or Seattle. “They have sort of established
a foothold here,” said Seden. Jack Barrell, pastor of East San Diego Presbyterian Church, located a short distance from
El Cajon Boulevard at 52nd Street and Orange Avenue, said prostitution and narcotics transactions used to be visible at all
hours in the church parking lot.
James was introduced to Oahspe by his cousin who learned of Oahspe from the
Shoshone man walking in the photo below.
<--1959 Kosmon 111 (Gow, 111) Polaroid photo witnessed by
Bud Calvert of 29 Palms, CA."This is Fantastic. A beautiful picture
and so clear. This is A real proof for me that It is a etherean ship. And indeed A round shaped Otevan." - In an email
to me (James M) from Art Boseman an Oahspe reader and publisher in Dutch from The Netherlands, 17 Jan 1997.

I know and hanged out with Lil CS (Dory) and his brother big CS (Charles Steel) in East San Diego (City
Heights), Highland Park (playing baseball, basketball in the cage, football, Carroms, having
fun), Wilson Jr High and Hoover High Schools, Palisade Gardens skating rink, Fam Mart (Fam Bam), back in the 1970s and 1980s
BEFORE they got into gang bangin and ballin (dope game). Growing up in the neighborhood I lived in gave me a valuable education
about the streets, crime, violence, gangs, crack epidemic, youth-at-risk, survival, and staying out of trouble. In the following
link Lil CS tells his story growing up in East San Diego and going to federal prison:
https://youtu.be/RdfPNo9io_s?si=Ffk3vpfP76wWEV4G https://i.postimg.cc/FR0DB10T/1981-Hoover-High-School-yearbook-Big-CS-Mark-Davis.jpg (1981 Hoover High School yearbook varsity basketball, friends Big CS and Mark Davis. Mark Davis
went on to play 1 year in MLB with California Angels, with 100,000 salary in 1991, he made it out of the hood; by going to Stanford
University and MLB, he didn't give up his dream and he finally got drafted in 1986, 4 years after he graduated) https://www.baseball-almanac.com/players/player.php?p=davisma02. https://i.postimg.cc/7Y6WzrzW/Hoover-High-School-1981-yearbook.jpg (My 1981 Hoover High School yearbook title page). https://i.postimg.cc/fR7mVL4z/Hoover-High-School-San-Diego-NY-Times.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/X7t6K6Nn/Hoover-High-School-San-Diego-NY-Times-2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/Mp9FTT89/Feb-1989-Federal-indictment-San-Diego.png https://i.postimg.cc/6QrmJFy9/Feb-1989-Federal-CCE-San-Diego.png https://i.postimg.cc/1td8JyTP/CCE-10-million-1-year.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/qBGvdtmS/Highland-Park-East-San-Diego-City-Heights.jpg https://www.withanthonythomas.com/episodes/episode-06-staycationing-dlnn5-9npmr In
the podcast link above Andre Hardy former NFL running back from East San Diego said from 1:05:56 to 1:08:13 "One day
the president of the college pulls me over in the library and he says to me yeah I know your a football player and that's
great but you have a special intellectual talent ...I was a 1.5 [grade point average] at Hoover [high school] but from that
moment on at Saint Mary's I'm a 3.8, a 3.9. I was almost a 4.0 in the Master's program and in my 2nd Master's program I'm
a 4.0. ...I'm in class with a bunch of white kids that didn't go to Hoover [high school] and they ...weren't at the mini-park
[lil black neighborhood] smoking weed but when it comes to competing academically I'm tearing they ass up, so now not only
do I believe in myself atheletically my intellect once again has been reaffirmed and confirmed. I remember one of the things
I didn't say about being in elementary school ...I skipped a grade [was put up a grade] and I was in the gifted class and
I was in all that." Andre Hardy was another black kid in East San Diego who was in gifted class in elementary but
was also fast and strong physically.
In the link
above I was at that arcade in the early 80s (1982-1983?) that was on the North side of University Ave and 44th St (1 block
north of Highland Park) when a Piru was inside the arcade watching me play Asteroids and 1-Hun (100) from the neighborhood was in the arcade also watching me play, and the Piru stepped
outside and fired shots with his gun startling me. I was world class when
it came to playing Atari Asteroids, I could play for hours on one quarter. One time I played 6 hours consecutive on one quarter
at that Arcade. I would get extra spaceships that would go all the way across the top of the screen. The manager at that arcade
would see me come in and limit me to 1 hour only. In 1981 at a 7-Eleven on Orange Ave and 43rd Street I played 29 hours consecutive
on 1 quarter (going for the world record) and got 14 million points and walked away with still 55 extra ships. In 1982 playing
Pac-Man at an Arcade I got over 1 million points and turned the machine over (to 0 points) on 1 quarter. https://i.postimg.cc/SKX4yGW4/Arcade-games-great-for-eye-hand-cordination-faster-reaction.jpg My cousin Sedrick Bagby who my mother was his legal guardian (because his mother was on drugs bad) lived with us
in City Heights from 1986 to 1994 (from age 10 to 18) was a basketball legend in San Diego. Coach Horn who coached basketball
for Lincoln High School told a group of people who were standing around us that "his cousin was pound for pound the best
baller he had ever seen" as he was pointing at me (this was about in the year 2013). What Charles Steel was to Baseball
my Cousin (who is like a little brother to me) Sedrick Bagby (who also spent a lot of time at Highland Park City Heights Recreation
Center) was to Basketball. Like others from "the hood" my cousin Sedrick didn't take any of his several scholarships
to Universities and instead went the street and hustling life and went to federal prison. Many from San Diego thought Sedrick would play in the NBA.
One young black man in the City Heights (East San Diego) community that James shared
Oahspe with in the early 1990s said after reading Oahspe he was inspired to become an aerospace engineer (see
Aerospace engineering, space-ships, space travel page of this website about 30% down from top).
At City Heights/Highland Park in the early 1990s another young black male gang member from Grape Street Watts
LA (same place where Menace II Society was filmed) would listen and converse with me when I talked to him about Oahspe. He
seemed receptive to Oahspe. Around the same time period at City Heights/Highland park I talked spiritual things to another
young black male from Chicago who was an El Rukn (P Stone) member and he was tired of being ruthless and hard all the time.
In 1993 at City Heights Highland Park I broke up a fist fight between a Crip (named little C) and a WAR Skin (named Jason)
before the Police arrived and helped to keep the peace between the 2 groups.
San Diego is the largest U.S. city that borders Mexico. The San Diego-Tijuana border is the busiest
border crossing in the world for people and contraband.
Since 2018 Tijuana, Mexico has for 2 years been the most violent
city in the world.
San Diego was one
of the first cities in the U.S. to have crack cocaine in the 80s.
Downtown during 2016 San Diego Comic Con, met young man who was a
Crip (see link above) I hadn't seen since early to mid 90s at City Heights/Highland Park who remembered me, glad to see he
was doing ok (we shook hands and hugged).
As a Recreation Leader (Classification RL I) I also worked at elementary school
as a Afterschool Playground Supervisor.
Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On
Earth: Chapter XIII:
11. Simple tournaments embraced games of hunting and chasing; some of them taking the part of foxes
or wolves, and others, the part of hunters. Yet, in all these games,
the teachers and musicians took part, directing and cautioning, guarding and supervising the games, teaching the little ones the oneness of teachers and pupils.
Teaching the stronger children to be observant and gentle toward
the weaker ones, illustrating to them how Jehovih had made them all as brothers and sisters.
I also worked at Hoover high school Midnight basketball program as a Recreation Leader where I would open and close the gym and
supervise play: https://youtu.be/iIUSZ9q1SC4?si=ZYQQjExO4fIg4Vtw “The next last level hustle
is preaching so that’s our responsibility
to school the little ni--as on how to elevate.” - Aug 23, 2020, O.G. Lil CS. “I’m gonna
continue to lead by example you know what I’m
saying? I’m gonna continue to lead my little homies in
the right direction.” - O.G. Baby Ant. "Sed
is also my family. My Uncle was married to his Grandma Mary" - May 12, 2024, Dory (Lil CS).
"I can change the
whole world and still rep my section" - Don Elway in East SD.
In link above is LA hustler
Mr Organik who attended Hoover High School and went to Highland Park and Colina Park in East SD.
In 1997 James became a member of the San Diego Astronomy Association and attended Professor lectures at the
Rueben H. Fleet Space and Science Center.
James got his first desktop computer in 1995 and in 1996 joined the Oahspe Faithist
Virtual Family E-mail community.
In 1996-1997 James wrote articles about Oahspe and science (such as the earth's vortex
and the magnetosphere) that were published in the Kosmon Voice magazine
As you can see from the address below I lived in Spring Valley (1995 to 2000). Shout
out to Ryan Anthony representing San Diego and Spring Valley:
At around the same time 1995-1996 Hugh Rose and I were writing articles about Oahspe, electromagnetism,
vortex'ya, and science, and the information and verses were very similar or the same. I never read Hugh Rose's writings and
he never read mine until he read the Kosmon Voice article (AFTER he wrote his book the SPRING before). As of January 7, 2023
I still have not read Hugh Rose's writings, but today I ordered his book COSMOGONY on Amazon. I received his book on Janurary
13, 2023.
OAHSPE.25. ... The same things have been revealed at the same time unto many, who live at remote distances from one another, but who were not in correspondence till afterward.On the Biography page of COSMOGONY: Oahspe Science 1996 by Hugh Rose it says; Hugh William
Rose ...
He had a degree in Naval Science from the University of lllinois and
a degree in Electrical Engineering from
Purdue University. Hugh worked as
an Electrical Engineer with General Electric and later Honeywell. He took
retirement to devote time to OAHSPE's science when he was in his early 60s writing numerous articles
for OAHSPE oriented publications and was in communication with NASA concerning OAHSPE science. Later
was learned that OAHSPE was studied by 'Think Tank' for its insights into space science of Cosmogony."
On page 4 of the book COSMOGONY: Oahspe Science, Hugh Rose references the January 1987 issue of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN and on page 20 Huge Rose also references the April 1987, and July 1987 SCIENTIFIC
AMERICAN. On page 60 of COSMOGONY Hugh Rose references the March
1987 issue of the IEEE (Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). It seems during
1987 Hugh Rose was reading alot of scientific magazines (that are often found
in Libraries) which partially synchronized
with the time period of 1985-1986-1987
when I spent hours weekly in the library researching and reading science books etc
...to better understand Oahspe.
On the Biography page of COSMOGONY: Oahspe Science
it says "He took early retirement to devote time to OAHSPE'S science when he was in his early
60s writing numerous articles
...he passed away Novemeber 23, 1998 at the age of 72" If Hugh Rose was 72 in 1998 then he was 60-61 in 1986-1987
which was the same years (a
synchronicity) I was writing notes on Oahspe science from my research and reading books from the library. Also Hugh Rose had a degree
and training in Naval Science curriculum which supports the Naval Reserve Officers Training
Corps (NROTC) program which prepared young men and women for service
as commissioned officers in the United States Navy or Marine Corps similarly
I had training and service
in the United States Coast Guard (a naval military service like the Navy and Marine Corps). Hugh Rose also had a degree in Electrical Engineering whereas
I completed 11 weeks of a
13-week course of Machinery Technician "A" School which included Basic Electrical
Theory, Wiring, Maintenance and Troubleshooting.
Hugh Rose was in communication with
NASA concerning OAHSPE science ,
likewise I was in communication with a San Diego high school physics and
teacher (who started the Advanced Science Program for San Diego County) concerning OAHSPE science during
the early 1980s (1982) and I
was also in communication
with astronomers on the ASTRO mailing list (for JPL and NASA
news, discussing astronomical
topics, exchanging news, etc..)
concerning OAHSPE science in
the late 1990s (1997).
I have been a member of the ASTRO mailing list since 1996 to June 2023. Last email from ASTRO:
Like Hugh Rose
I plan on retirement in my early 60s and devote time to writing numerous Oahspe related articles.
From February 1993 to June 2000 similar to Denzel Washington (Robert McCall) in the movie The Equalizer I worked for Home Depot (called Home Mart in The Equalizer) in San Diego and Lemon Grove,
CA. I worked for the Paint Department for 5 1/2 years (I was hired and placed in Paint Dept probably because of my years of
painting in the Coast Guard including painting our Captain's house near the Lighthouse in Point Loma which was the Flight
Instructor's house in the original 1986 Top Gun movie). I also worked in Building Materials and Lumber Departments for a couple
months. In 1999 I left the Lemon Grove store and was selected to work in the first Home Depot Call (phone) center in Mission
Valley due to the recomendation from Dennis Wilke ("Mr Paint") a 25+ years Paint Contractor who worked in the Paint
Department with me. Our store manager in Lemon Grove store #659 was Greg Hackett. In 1995 Home Depot put out a book called
Home Improvement 1-2-3. Dennis Wilke told me he made 67 contributions to the book Home Improvement 1-2-3. Dennis Wilke referred
to me as his "protege" and also called me a "human sponge" because of my ability (Abel, I'hins) to absorb
knowledge (learning): I also
introduced Oahspe to a young black co-worker at Home Depot who bought and read Oahspe and valued it.
During my first enlistment in the Coast Guard Reserve (from 12-9-1983 to 12-8-1989) I worked with
petty officer Tom Morton in my unit who was Coast Guard Intelligence and was a Deputy Sheriff at his other job.
Notice in the link above that 25 of the 29 team members of our unit were PS (Port
Security) rating. In the 1980s the PS rating was considered the Coast Guard special forces. Morton was listed under "AS
DIR" (as directed) and "RIO" (Resident Inspection Office) near bottom of page. "OPS" stands for operations.
I was a non-rate FA (Fireman Apprentice or Seaman Apprentice) at the time doing OJT (striking for a rate)
as a Port Security man.
In the 1980s our San Diego Coast Guard base often went on high secruity alert due to bomb threats from "Latin
terrorists" (narco-terrorism).
I contacted Tom in 1998-1999 when I applied
for several government jobs and he helped me locate and contact others who were in my unit for references.
Tom and I served together on many coastal patrols with our unit
in our U.S. government (Capt. of the Port) vehicle. Once a lady came out of a store yelling and waving her hands saying the
store just got robbed and Tom and I were the first to arrive on-scene and Tom had his gun drawn and ready but the robber had
fled the area and escaped.
Coincidentally 2 of the places I worked at (Arby's restaurant 1985-1991, and Home Depot 1993-2000)
were headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia near Four Winds Village, Tiger, Georgia where several prominent Oahspean Faithists
live and a significant Faithist publication place (see under "Related publications") in link below:
For you Denzel Washington and action movie fans, there are several synchronicities, similarities, or coincidences between myself and
Denzel Washington's character in the movie The Equalizer. Check list below:
1. He was
African-American, I am African-American.
2. His last name was McCall, my last name is
3. He was in the U.S. Marine Corps, I was in the U.S. Coast Guard. We both had been
on Navy ships.
4. He was trained in special operations, I had training in special operations
(to save lives and rescue hostages).
5. McCall worked in an intelligence agency (DIA), I worked with an Intelligence officer in my unit that was part of the CSS and Department of Defense. 6. He was trained
in martial arts, I had training in Boxing (1987-1988), Muay Thai (1991), and Judo (1995).
He spent a lot of time reading many books as a hobby, I spent a lot of time reading many books as a hobby.
8. He drinked tea on a daily basis, I drink green tea on a daily basis.
9. He worked at Home Mart, I worked at Home Depot.
10. He had a postive influence on a Youth-At-Risk black male Miles Whittaker (The Equalizer 2), I had positive influence on Youth-At-Risk black males in City Heights. 11. McCall lives
alone in a sparse apartment, I lived alone in a apartment in the early 2000s.
12. He befriended
a teenage girl named Teri who had dreams of becoming a singer. Teri hands McCall a CD that she recorded of herself singing.
During the time I worked at Home Depot (1998) I befriended a young (age 19-22?) woman named Tara.
Tara had dreams of becoming a singer.
Tara recorded the song in the link below and gave me
one of the first copies (a cassette):
Both Teri and Tara were models, Teri was a escort model, Tara was a photographic
13. Robert McCall rode the 117 bus in The Equalizer 1, I rode the 7 bus until 9-1997
(while working at Home Depot).
14. Robert McCall wore New Balance shoes, I started wearing New Balance shoes in July 1999 when the Coast Guard issued
them to me.
15. Robert McCall was a personal trainer, I was a personal trainer while
working at Home Depot.
18. Robert McCall had a contact in the Intelligence community (Susan Plummer) that was a former co-worker, My contact in the Intelligence community that was a former co-worker
was Tom Morton. I never fought and killed (thank the Creator) gangster Pimps like Robert McCall
did in the Movie, but I did confront a gangster Pimp in 1987 for how he was harassing young women (some photographic models)
in Arby's restaurant and got him to leave.
In 1998 and today I agreed
with what Robert McCall said to Teri:
Robert McCall : I
think you can be anything you wanna be.
Teri : Maybe in your world, Robert. Doesn't
really happen that way in mine.
Robert McCall : Change
your world.
Oahspe Book of Inspiration Chapter XIII:
5. Jehovih saith: Because I gave thee liberty, thou art responsible for all thou art, and for
all thou makest thyself, and for all that shall come to thee, and for thy peace and happiness, both in this
world and the next.
13. All that thou didst in the
matter was to choose. Thou wert, in that
respect, the master, and I thy servant. And, behold, I made
not the servant responsible for the master's behavior.
20. And I spake unto thy soul, saying: Choose thou what thou wilt to be the inspiration of thy mind and spirit and soul; behold, I, thy Creator, am thy servant to impregnate thee with thoughts and ideas and disposition. All thou hast to do, is to choose.
21. Yea, I said: I will even take thee to whichever place and condition thou
mayst choose.OAHSPE BOOK OF INSPIRATION CHAPTER XIII: 5,16,17,22-26 "Jehovih saith: I am the
Power, ...".
See Power of Attraction - Visualization - Spiritual
gifts, ..." page of this website.
Above is a closed caption screen shot of The Equalizer 2 with E-O-IH speaking through Robert
McCall telling the young black man he doesn't want to hear excuses about his environment, what your mama didn't give you,
the white man or Esau, Jehovih says you have a chance or a choice,
use it.
Ralphie : I'm not strong
Robert McCall : Don't doubt yourself, son. Doubt kills.
Oahspe Book of Aph Book of Aph, Son of Jehovih Chapter XIII:7. God said: There was a certain sick man who could not be cured by the physicians; so there came a foolish woman, seeing visions, and said to the sick man: To-morrow
thou shalt be healed. God hath been trying thee; but thou hast proven thyself in soul, and thy God will withdraw the spell of thy infirmity; behold, thy God standeth by thee.8. Now on the following day the sick man put forth his own spirit and rose up and was well; ...
Book of Wars Against Jehovih 17: 2. Jehovih
said: ...3. Though I am the power that created them, and am the Ever Present that moveth them along, I gave to them to be Gods, like Myself, with
liberty to find their own direction.
At the time I worked for Home Depot people said I sounded like Denzel Washington.
Equalizer 1 & 2:
Robert is a former Gunnery Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) intelligence officer.
Peak Human Condition:
McCall is in peak physical condition for a man of his age due
to his military history and healthy diet. He stays in shape by working at a Home Mart hardware store, pushing dollies of cement.
Expert Martial
Artist: McCall is a highly skilled martial artist,
being particularly familiar with Krav Maga, Brazilian jiu-jitsu,[4]
boxing,[5][3] and Eskrima (as seen
during his fight with Ari) and street fighting.[5]
Shout out to my cousin Rey Leal the martial artist who introduced
me to Vegetarianism, fasting, Jim Velasques in 1978, the processes
of Ethe-real-ization in 1980, and introduced me to Oahspe in 1982 and introduced to
me OAHSPE'S AMAZING PREDICTIONS OF THINGS TO COME by Laura Horst, in 1983, and was a mentor to me in my teens, much thanks! And it was from my cousin Rey's library that I discovered The
Essene Gospel of Peace, As a Man Thinketh, The Aquarian Gospel, The
Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes, and Walter Russell books The Message of The Divine Illiad VOL 1 & 2 and The Secret of Light when I
was 15 years old.
Leal : "martial arts knowledge allows him [a martial artist] to choose how he deals with any given situation, to act,
and not react to anyone or anything and to take responsibility for his own actions."
Bruce Lee : "A martial artist has to take responsibility for himself and accept the consequences
of his own doing."
Notice how the 2 statements above from Ray Leal and Bruce Lee agree with the Oahspe text below:
OAHSPE BOOK OF INSPIRATION CHAPTER XIII: 5,16,17,22-26 "Jehovih saith: Because I gave thee liberty, thou
art RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THOU ART, and for all thou makest thyself, and for all that shall come to thee, and for thy
peace and happiness, both in this world and the next...Hence, thou art accountable unto thyself, and responsible unto
all the world for HAVING MADE thy corporeal body as thou hast. Even so, in regard to thy spirit, thy soul, THY MIND, thy ideas
and THY THOUGHTS, I gave theee liberty in the same way... And, now, because I gave unto thee this extreme liberty, and THOU
HAST CHOSEN, behold, thou art accountable unto thyself for thine every thought and idea; and for thy spirit and soul, and
in thy behavior thou art responsible to all the world."
Rey also taught me some Kenpo karate-kung-fu punches, kicks, and techniques when I was 14 years old (I took classes
with grown men).
My friend Sagon from jr high and high school used martial
arts to defend himself and unfortunately take a life:
In link below you see rapper Ricky Clipper say "gang gang" (cc text
incorrectly has "dang gang") and you can hear "gang gang" at 8:25 of 1988 documentary above.
"Ricky died a couple of years ago and Doc is in ATL. He's doin' alright down there." -
@bluesforthecool, 2022.
Rapper Doc Devious on
East SD and Southeast SD 80s and 90s :
"That is too weird. I went to school
with Sagon Penn. We went to Hoover High school. I know he was heavy into martial arts but was a real quiet guy. I remember
his sister was fine as hell. They were half black and half Vietnamese. Good family and he had no previous record at all. Thanks
for bringing him up." - Derrick Thompson, 2014.
In link below you will see Slang.net
has "gang gang" originating in Chicago rap scene in 2012 (mainstream).
25 Moments That Changed America. Sagon Penn Is Acquitted (July 17, 1987) - BY TIME STAFF UPDATED: JUNE 30, 2016
Police Chief Kolender said Sagon was a "cop killer" who should be sent to the gas
chamber (pine oil heaven).
Sagon would work out with me on the heavy bag at City Heights Rec (where
I worked) in the early 1990s, he demonstrated great power and speed. Sagon also visited where I worked in Lemon Grove (Home
Depot) in the late 1990s. Sagon told me Muhammad Ali taught him how to box. Sagon
was a brown belt in Karate.
Both The Universal One by Walter Russell and The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes were originally
published in 1926 which was a period (year) of warm sharp up-spike in vortexian energy (heat) or time of a mini sub-cycle
Dan (light).
1900-1950 :
1926 - 1848 (dawn of Kosmon arc cycle) = 78
= rounded to 7.0 (harmonic multiple of the 2nd rule of prophecy). These periods will be found to come under certain numbers.
OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter VII:
18. These periods will be found to come under certain numbers, 11, 33, 66, 99,
...[the previous numbers are harmonic, i.e. whole divisible or whole multiples of each other].
More on Robert McCall from The Equalizer movie:
He lives alone in a sparse apartment
and maintains a job at a Home Depot-type place
called Home Mart (filmed in an abandoned Lowes in Massachusetts).
I would’ve appreciated
it if McCall maintained a more zen-like approach to resolving the problems in the world around him, but that doesn’t
put butts in seats. Despite the meaningless brutality, “The
Equalizer” killed it at the box office.
It would have been more Oahspean Faithist-like
to resolve problems without brutality, although there is such a thing as a warrior Faithist in Oahspe.
The Kosmon race will combine the lamb peaceful nature of the I'hins with the lion confrontational strength of the
Ghans. Balance. I feel my military, special ops, and martial arts training has helped me develop the strength that the I'hins
did not have, yet my diet and spiritual practices have helped me develop the peace and harmony the warlike Ghans and Druks
did not have. The same can be true for other Faithists.
I also liked the 1953 Western
movie called Shane stariing Alan Ladd who was like a spiritual gunfighter (who was also good with his fists) who protected
the farmers from the rancher bullies.
Both Shane's and Robert McCall's discipline, skill, and protecting the weak are admirable but the
difference between them and the Ethereans in Oahspe (of which the Kosmon race of mortal man will become) is Shane and Robert McCall are loners, individuals, (Robert McCall did have a contact in the Intelligence
community named Susan Plummer that would supply information for him) whereas the ethereans in Oahspe move in numbers of hundreds,
thousands, and millions like a harmonious military unit.
Multi-tasking and eavesdropping abilities of Ethereans vs. Earth man in 1881
Book of Ah'shong,
Son of Jehovih: Chapter IX:
14. Jehovih hath said: To the corporean I have given power to hear
one or two things at the same moment of time; but My
Gods can hear intelligently tens of thousands of men speaking at the same time. Yea, they can find a way to
answer them also.
Can The NSA Listen to All Youz Callz?
As a practical matter the bulk of phone calls go
thru certain hubs. Those like e-mail servers can be illegally taped. Which allows for an amazing amount of data to be electronically
searched. Now while listening to 50,000 simultaneous phone calls discerning which one is about a mole in the Pentagon or someone
planning to Bomb a Marathon is a challenge.
The US National Security Agency (NSA) is capable of listening to 50,000 simultaneous phone calls.
has been described as: "... a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications." It was
created to monitor the military and diplomatic communications of the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc allies during the Cold
War in the early 1960s.[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON
At the time Oahspe was typed in 1881 Earth man was only able to hear one or two things at the same moment of
Oahspe spoke of more advanced people being able to
hear intelligently (like an intelligence agency) tens of thousands of men speaking at the same time.
intelligent ability to hear tens of thousands of men speaking at the same time, became a reality on Earth in the 1960s by the US National Security Agency (NSA) who
can listen to 50,000 simultaneous phone calls.
This became a reality over 80 years after Oahspe
described this advanced listening ability. Oahspe said the "Gods" or recording angels could do this, Oahspe
also correctly predicted that in Kosmon mortals
are to be illumined, and like Gods, made to comprehend the glorious plans of my heavens! -
Oahspe Book
of CPENTA-ARMIJ CHAPTER IX:5 "Thale...could read a thousand million (billion) voices at
the same time, and intrepret them and answer them...". This Etherean ability to read a billion voices at the
same time and intrepret them and answer them is currently beyond the ability of even the NSA.
That is 20,000 times greater
than hearing 50,000 voices at the same time, 1,000,000,000 / 50,000 = 20,000. -
The Etherean
God Thale has 10 times the eavesdropping ability of the NSA. 1,000,000,000 / 100,000,000 = 10. The NSA is catching up.
The Etherean Gods and Goddesses can hear tens of thousands or a billion people talking simultaneously and answer
them by using their mental and spiritual abilities without the use of electronic monitoring devices.
"I think your site is superb - nothing like it. I hope you
keep adding more and more to help people understand how
incredibly insightful this book is." - Irean, From:
Australia, Monday, February 6, 2006.
"I would like to commend you for all your hard work and dedication.
Your website is awesome and contains a wealth
of information. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Much Love and Light, Doc" - From: Master Teacher33, Date:06/24/2016.
On Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 10:13 AM, Kinte Hill wrote:
"I am a Faithist, I love your work and
would love to support you. Your site is the best Oahspe resource I've found hands down and I'll promote it every chance I
get. Thank you so much and much love."
Yingfan Hu (Hubert) on Wed, May 10, 2023 at 10:34 PM wrote:
"Your website is amazing
...Thanks a lot".
is a subscription based website (for full access). When you donate to help support studyofoahspe.com I will give you a registration
or log-in username and password that will give you full access to all of the 100
pages of studyofoahspe.com. The subscription cost is only $10 a month or $20 a month for full website access plus 5 or more
(Oahspe related) questions answered a month and 1 phone consultation a month. Email Me after your donation and I will give you the
information to sign in. You can donate on the last (donation) page. I also accept
Bitcoin payments. I am weekly and sometimes daily updating my website with new information.
“Nothing is free, even the Power expects something in return when it does something for you”
- Jim Velasques, 1980. OAHSPE BOOK OF INSPIRATION CHAPTER XIII: 5,16,17,22-26 "Jehovih saith: I am the Power, the Light
and the Life.” Jim Velasques's name for Jehovih, the Creator, was the Power. “Nothing is free” is
in accordance with transactions and the One fundamental Universal Law. It is, of all laws, the most inclusive and the most
simple. It consists of but three words: RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE. - by Walter Russell.
Jun 24, 2017 — The short answer is because it cost someone else time, effort or money to
produce those things.
People who pay for things are likely to use them to get their money's worth,
as opposed to wasting what they've spent. Because they know people who use their paid service will get more benefit from those
people who find it for free. May 12, 2020
"What is money? 1) Medium of exchange for energy." - Gregg Braden
/ Wisdom Traditions Feb 23, 2022.
not Judge Oahspe by out-dated 19th century Spiritualism, judge Oahspe by present day
and future science.
Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part I:
30. Tae said:
I will reason with Thee, Jehovih, for all I know shall be based
on science and truth. From
Thine own perfection am I inspired to this end, and
my talents shall be strengthened by pursuing the
exact sciences of all the known truths.
Neither will I put away mine own judgment, nor accept for truth
that which is at variance
with Thy established laws.
Just because millions or billions of people practice a religion doesn't make it true. Just because
a religion is the majority (Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On Earth: Chapter XXVI:2. Jehovih had said: ...a majority is, and was, and ever shall be, the lesser light). religion of a nation that does not make it true. Conquerers rewrite history. Conquerers have a
motive to rewrite history because they are trying to rule or control people. Conquerers tell their his-story (his story),
their own story and they burn, erase, or replace other people's history.
Book Of Jehovih's Kingdom On Earth: Chapter VI:
29. The highest wisdom in the state, or in a community, is not
with the majority, but with a small minority.
30. The highest
wisdom, which is the highest light, should guide the individual and the family and the community and the state.
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear!" - Buddha.
SAKAYA , sometimes erroneously
called Buddha. Like
Joshu (Yeshua), was a law giver of sub-cycle rank. He also made no account of God or Lord worship. He taught that man's highest attainment
was to live for sake of others, and not for one's self. https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah05.htmOahspe God's Book of Eskra CHAPTER 24: 1. Sakaya was born in Hagotha, province of Nao'wan, on the borders of Nepal;
Lumbini, grove near the southern border of
modern-day Nepal where, according to Buddhist legend, Queen Maha Maya stood and gave birth to the future Buddha.
LAWGIVER (חָקַק, H2980, to decree; νομοθέτης,
G3794, one who gives a law). In the OT the term ordinarily used to describe one who issued the decrees of the Lord.
Book of Osiris 6:13-18...the law of the resurrection,...the spirit of man groweth by giving
away of
whatsoever the spirit hath to give. If ye have great learning, and ye give of it, then shall more learning be
added unto you; if ye
have goodness of heart, and gentle words, then, by giving this away, more shall be
added unto you; if ye have craft in inventions or mechanics, and ye bestow
of these talents unto others,
then will more be added unto you. As the corporean
man accumulateth corporeal things by not giving them
away, not so accumulateth the spirit of any man. 14. For he who locketh up the light of the Father that is in
him, cannot obtain more light 15. The chief delight of man shall be, therefore, to find some way to impart
his spiritual talents and strength,
and to the greatest possible number of people.
Oahspe Book of
Apollo, Son of Jehovih Chapter I:
9. Remember, O man, the
more thou puttest forth thy soul to give light and wisdom to others, the more thou receivest;
Hedonic happiness, which is tied to experiencing pleasurable
emotions and sensations, is transitory and ultimately elusive, says Hood. But eudaimonic happiness, which comes
from focusing on the value of one’s actions, is more beneficial in the long term. “The approach is to try and
direct your attention toward the well-being of others, and that
happiness will be the payoff from doing that,” says Hood [a professor of developmental psychology].
On the priodic table of human Cosmic (Kosmon) evolution Hedonic Passivity ranks 5 out of 8. Cosmic
Consciousness would be the highest (8).
Precognition [= Kosmon]
Hedonic Passivity
[ = Kosmon]
The Adolescent [= Ghan]
The Learning
Child [= I'huan]
The Toddler [= I'hin]
The Newborn [= A'su]
"Your website is superb. With all of the scientific
facts and research involved I am at a loss of words at the tremendous insight. Thank you brother, for putting so much
time and effort into showing the profundity of the oahspe to others." - Balance thee Equation, Wednesday, March
25, 2015.
"You have quite a gift. Your passion and enthusiasm for sharing your understanding
of this work is impressive.
I also know labors of this intensity are not rewarded by the contemporary marketplace."
- Craig C. Nov 27,2020.
Above is a Oahspe advertisement from 1952 - THE YEAR OF CRISIS BY WING ANDERSON.
The OAHSPE Standard Edition For Screen Reading :
Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research (CBSR) at the University of California,
San Pedro News Pilot, Volume 9, Number 260, 2 January 1937
“Automatic Writing" Reveals Strange Secrets Oahspe, History Of World For Past \ 24,000 Years, "Told”
To Medium
SCIENTISTS puzzled tor generations— How did the Egyptians build the
Great Pyramid, that vast structure which the years have shadowed in mystery? What were the mechanics of its construction ?
How were gigantic stone slabs moved to the site and set in place —without machinery? Only in recent years have Egyptologists
uncovered a few scant facts about this Pyramid of Gizeh, and even today this tomb of the Pharaohs conceals age-old secrets
of life and death. A fact more amazing than scientists discoveries
is that everything recently learned ot this massive pile agrees with a detailed account of the Great Pyramid given in Oahspe-
-a huge volume of curious information written by Dr. Newbrough
55 years ago. The author had never been to Egypt. He had no access to special knowledge of the ancient world.
His astonishing accuracy in describing what were then unknown truths, the building of the Great Pyramid, the number of workmen
employed, the length of time required to build it, the source of materials used, and the purpose of “the greatest building
that had ever been on earth'' —has been explained by the statement that Oahspe purports to be a “book of revelation,'
a clear example of so-called “automatic writing” transmitted through Dr. Newbrough to his typewriter by some higher
intelligence or spirit 'control.’ 1 THE famous Orientalist
and scholar, Max Muller, has said that “there existed no known sources from which the information given could have been
obtained, and had there been such sources it would have taken the combined life labor of 20 men to cull and edit the material!”
Oahspe required 50 weeks to write. Dr. Newbrough's statement of his experience is as strange as the book itself—which
contains over 800 pages of small type.
"Thanks a lot, thank you very much indeed for the monumental work you have done to provide
people on Earth with the keys of Oahspe.
It is, no doubt, one of the most important
web sites in Internet right now, offering the possibility to people to understand what that incredible Bible-document says.
Thanks, thanks a lot. I am learning a lot thanks to your great efforts and your site." - Antonia Sdelasota, January 14,
"Your web site is awesome, and
I’m so glad it is here for everyone to use." - Thomas Hagan., February 20, 2015
About studyofoahspe.com:
"Seems to be the best site I have come across on the internet." - Majestik Divine, February 4, 2018.
"I have been reading lots of your topics, it helps alot, you're doing
Jehovih well , I recommend your website to my friends who want to become faithists". - Chuck H. - Dec 28,
"I find it very understanding , you work very
hard to teach us about the greatness of the oahspe".
- Chuck H. - Dec 28, 2021.
On Sun, Feb 27,
2022 at 12:44 PM, Myyah wrote:
Good day! I enjoyed reading your response. It is
"VERY NICE” for the following reasons:
- Your writing comes across
in a very “humble,” kind, and respectful manner that is very refreshing. I have seen individuals become arrogant,
hostile & very unprofessional in similar situations.
- You quoted the bro to
ensure a) he knew that his words were not misconstrued or twisted and b) to confirm that you clearly understood the bro’s
point of view.
- You have clear, concise rebuttals along with facts and sources to support your claims
and not hearsay or opinions, as our dear brother.
- You show respect to the bro and a willingness
to consider his points by asking him to a) provide verses in the Oahspe and b) provide other sources to support his claims/beliefs,
gotta give you “props.” Jehovih, DEF gave you many gifts, including teaching. BRAVO! Keep up
the AWESOME work for Jehovih!
below is a ranking, in order of importance, of four future publication projects (from Glenn
A pictorial publication of Oahspe for toddlers and preschoolers: Children living in the
general public are our primary audience. Faithists, who have professional
teaching positions, will be asked to write or edit captions or short descriptive statements for each illustration.
An Oahspe Bible for Children: The intended audience
is children living in families where one or both parents are Faithists, students or readers of Oahspe, or seekers of higher
An Oahspe Comic Book Series entitled, Earth * Sky * Spirit and Beyond: The Ever Story: A small team of Faithists to work on this comic book series that will be sold to
the general population and, hopefully, lead to a major film epic on the order of Star Wars [or the Marvel Cinematic Universe].
An Oahspe Reader for preteens and young children: The
audience for this publication is Faithists and non-Faithists alike.
This studyofoahspe website addresses many
scientific, historical, spiritual, and religious subjects as well as the following:
The belief in racial preferences and skin (The sacred little people, the
I'hins were white and yellow) color that elevate people of European descent while being bias against people of different pigmentation
(the druks were brown and black), especially Africans and those of African descent; yet many of the Lawgivers and Prophets
of Oahspe were of "color" (brown or copper-colored) including the I'hins (sacred little people of Ham-Africa).
On Usenet Newsgroups (such as soc.culture.african.american)
in 1999 and 2000 I debated about race, history, and science. Here are some posts from the audience:
To read more of my soc.culture.african.american posts, debates (and comments to) click link
https://groups.google.com/g/soc.culture.african.american/search?q=author%3AM.%20author%3AMcGill (in the upper right hand corner under Sign
in click the > icon to read more postings).
And from December 17, 2017 a debate I had about Israelites, Oahspe and race:
One of my earliest
Internet Oahspe search results using my first Computer (a Macintosh):
To see my 1998-1999 posts (and
comments to) and debates about Bible imperfections click link below:
It was these Usenet Newsgroup
debates (on suc.culture.african.american and alt.bible.errancy) back in 1998-1999 and 2000 that honed my debating, researching,
and writing skills that I would later use for studyofoahspe.
In the early
2000s I was being threatened by people who did not like what I was posting on the Internetand I recieved an email from an anonymous 3rd party that said "you do not know us, we like what you aredoing, you don't have to worry about them, we have taken care of that problem". The
problem was taken careof via computer without anyone getting hurt or threatened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s ideas or language without acknowledging
that we did not create them. This definition applies to ideas, words and unusual structures regardless of where we find them
— in a book, on a webpage, in an email. Whenever we include another person’s information or wording in a document,
we must acknowledge the source and include a citation that will tell your readers where we obtained it — otherwise we
are guilty of plagiarism. Plagiarism is sometimes seen as intellectual theft — plagiarism.
Avoid Plagiarizing by Citing Sources. Five basic rules exist regarding the use of information in
professional and in academic writing: If we use the language of a source, we must quote it exactly, enclose it in quotation
marks, and cite the source. If we use ideas or information that are not common knowledge, we must cite the source. If we didn’t
invent it, we cite the source. Unless our professor explicitly tells us to paraphrase, we don’t paraphrase. When in
doubt, we cite the source. Doing so only enhances our readers sense of your honesty.

Looeamong plagiarized
Joshu's teachings.
The above
is why it matters who
was first to post information because if someone comes afterwards and posts or publishes the same
information but does not give credit to the source is in the same category as Looeamong, which is plagiarism
or stealing.
References to "studyofoahspe.com":
http://master.grad.hr › hdgg ›
kog21 › KoG21 [PDF]
NO. 21 (2017)
Page 73
[27] http://www.studyofoahspe.com/id49.html.[The Great Pyramid of Ancient Egypt and Thothma].
(pristupljeno 11. 3. 2015.) [28]
https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piramide_. u_Gizi (pristupljeno 10. 3. 2015.).
https://www.scribd.com › document
Examples For The Course
Lectures by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov.
- Almaty, 2017. - 410 P.
pot.com/-8QLWd4gCJJ8A/Ve_sLhBXxbI/AAA AAAAAAAK4/4dpG-eA AebA0/s1600/Giza.jpg g;
https://books.google.com ›
The Worldwide List of Alternative
Theories and Critics
After clicking
link above (highlighted in white) next to where it says "studyofoahspe.com" click View all:
After you click
View all, click relevance:
Jean de Climont ·
2020 · Science
... web1 : http://www.studyofoahspe.com/id63.html key statements: Vortex motion brings aether
particles together, forming the less mobile complexes that we
https://books.google.com › books
Delusions in Science and Spirituality: The Fall of the … Scroll down a little to see reference text.
Susan B. Martinez · 2015 · Body,
Mind & Spirit
(I thank
James McGill for pointing this out to me on his website, studyofoahspe.com.)
There is
also the website
http://tamino.wordpress.com, which stalks ...
After clicking link above (highlighted in white) next to where it says Result 8 of 8 in this book for "studyofoahspe.com"
click View all:
After you click View all, click
To find more references to
studyofoahspe.com in Susan Martinez's book click the link below (scroll to bottom):
Listen to Susan B. Martinez PhD above talk about studyofoahspe.com and Michael
James McGill from 22:24 to 23:45 into YouTube video.
From: Susan Martinez Date:04/07/2016 2:53 PM (GMT-08:00)To:
Michael JamesSubject: Re: ORACHNEBUAHGALAH OF OAHSPEthis is good, mike. glad to see it!
most oahspens don't have a clue what you or i are
love to you,
https://m.blog.naver.com › ...
정교한 수학의 땅, 아프리카 / 프랙털, 론
Google translate website
from Korean to English:
/ Fractals, the Land of Amazingly Sophisticated Mathematics, by Ron Eglash
Introduce I am an African dukhu who lived in Ghana and traveled to 20
African countries. I do swimming and yoga, and I get excited when I read books. We try to live with minimal impact on the
earth. We study racism and diaspora step by step. It is also a form of presentation. It's fun to get to know people with similar
interests and do new things, so I keep a record of it.
Africa Lee Jung-hwa 2020. 4. 25. 12:12
Apr 25, 2020 — 출처: http://www.studyofoahspe.com/id69.html ... 론 이글래시(Ron Eglash) ...
African Fractals: Modern Computing and Indigenous Design.
Third in a series of three posts... - Robert Edward Grant
October 17, 2019
Namirha Ahriman
Robert Edward Grant
55 / 34 = 1.618 = golden ratio.

Misc. 3, Sacred
mathematics, geometry, music, harmonics, cosmology, cycles, fractals, chaos
Misc. 3,
Sacred mathematics, geometry, music, harmonics, cosmology, cycles, fractals, chaos
After you click on link above,
click on Online Resources (on the far right) then click on the + symbol (on the far left).
Advanced & Mathematical Knowledge
on Oahspe
the mystery of the “Cosmic Bible”
Oahspe, el misterio de la “Biblia Cósmica”
| CODIGO OCULTO (codigooculto-com.translate.goog) (near bottom of page).
Posted 18-05-2017 at 08:37
https://www.megalithic.co.uk › modules
Stonehenge as a calendar
Observers would be better?
But observers of what?
A calendar is a method of locally observing vast alterations.....but alterations of what?
If You try to consider a fixed
lattice matrix of straight lines ( That gives You the basis of precise measure over vast distances) then it then becomes a
question of what is actually at play with the so called movement in the heavens.
Light is not travelling, there is no gravity......these
theories are modern....Stonehenge is not.
a scaled score, ranging from 20 to 62. This
score is known as your Verbal Expression or VE score.
The verbal expression (VE) part of the ASVAB is really important.
converted to a scaled score ranging from 20 to 62
https://bootcamp4me.com/the-asvab-scoring/ ASVAB Scores Needed To Enlist
Verbal Expression, or VE Score is
one of the most important scores on the ASVAB
To get your raw AFQT score (also called a standard score), the computer
doubles your Verbal Expression (VE) score, and then adds your Arithmetic Reasoning score and your Mathematics Knowledge score
to it. Your raw score is then converted to a percentile score (also called a scaled score), which basically compares your
results to the results of thousands of other ASVAB test-takers.
To compute your AFQT raw score, use this formula: AFQT = 2VE + AR + MK.
Then compare your raw score to the chart in Figure 1-2 to determine your overall AFQT percentile score. Page 4 / 6 and page
5 / 6. According to this chart my AFQT score
was 62x2=124 + 59+59 (118) = 124+118=242= 87
percentile (1983). I999 AFQT score was 4 points higher (91%).
https://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/samples/wiley032/2002114684.pdf What is the AFQT? - Kaplan Test Prep...AFQT Score Calculator...Ways to Calculate Your AFQT Score
According to the links above my VE
score (62) was 99-100% (the highest) and my AFQT score was 87 and 91%.
Your VE score is the most important of all the 10 subtest
scores on the ASVAB test because it is the only one that has a value of 2 (x2) for the AFQT
score. AR and MK both have a value of 1 (when you add both the AR and MK scores together they have the same value
together as the VE test score x 2 to obtain your AFQT score). The other subtest scores have a value of 0 for the AFQT score.
The US Armed Forces or military which has lead the way in cognitive ability (IQ) or aptitude tests since World War 1 (1917)
over 100 years and the first 1 (Army Alpha test) in 1917 was a version of the Stanford-Binet test which was revised from the
original Binet-Simon Scale which was the first recognized IQ test.
Is verbal IQ the most important? It can be argued that mastery of the use of words and verbal
intelligence is the most important skill we develop because acquiring further skills depends on our comprehension of language.
Jan 25, 2011
Expand Your Verbal Intelligence - LifeHack
All military recruits must
take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) to qualify for enlistment. The ASVAB is essentially an IQ test (correlation = 0.8). The ASVAB predicts SAT scores (correlation = .82). And it correlates with ACT scores (0.77). By definition, the
worst test taker who makes it into the military still
scores higher than one-third of his or her peers. The military intentionally slices off the bottom third of test-takers, not allowing them to join.
Moral quandaries aside, this means that the military selects
for the upper two-thirds of ASVAB test takers. Another study found that among those who finish high school, about 1 in 4 (23%) people do not attain the minimum ASVAB score
to join any branch of the military.

The first Time I took the ASVAB test
was on August 30, 1983 at the age of 20 and I was told my AFQT percentage score was 77 (probably a typo-mistake) in actuality
it was 87. I did really poor on the Automotive Shop (AS score 37) and the Electrical Information (EI score 40), at the time
I was not mechanically or electronically inclined (that's why I disenrolled from Machinery Technician "A" School
in Virginia and did not graduate), but since then I have done much reading, research, and understanding on electricity in
2016 (see Physics - Magnetism - Gravity page of this website) that my Electrical Information score would be significantly
higher. 16 years later in August 03, 1999 at age 36 when I re-enlisted in the Reserves
I took the ASVAB test again, and this time I was told I scored a AFQT percentage score of 81 probably a typo-mistake but in
actuality probably scored a 91. Notice corrected mistakes for TRA CAT Pay Group, Military Obligation Incurred, Completed,
and Education level (perhaps Enlistment test AFQT was a typo-mistake that was not corrected see following link) https://i.postimg.cc/BnBcB3HF/2nd-Enlistment-contract-and-test-score.jpg I scored 4 points higher than before (242
chart total for 87 versus 246 chart total for 91). And since my VE score was half of my AFQT total that means a 4 points higher
AFQT = 1 point higher VE (x2=2 points higher) which equals a VE score of 63 (not possible to get higher than 62 for VE) for the second time I took the ASVAB test in 1999. 1 point higher for the VE +1 point
higher for AR and 1 point higher for MK = 4 points total higher for AFQT = 63x2=126 + 60+60 (120) = 126+120=246=91
AFQT. Or they could have used 62 as the highest scaled score for VE and added 2 points
each for AR and WK = 4 points total. Anyone wanting to know a quantified
measure of their cognitive abilities (especially to see how it lines up with their genotype which they inherited from their
ancestors with the possible help of the Loo'is)
I recommend they take the ASVAB or another similar cognitive ability test. Of course the ASVAB or any IQ test does not test
Suis or Ethe abilities (unless you psychically through ESP get the right answer).
Oahspe Book of Judgement:
Chapter XXXVII:
And my loo'is, by inspiration, control the marriages of certain mortals, that heirs may
be born into the world suited to the work I have on hand.
It's hard to find low ASVAB
test scores because almost all people who scored too low for entrance do not post their AFQT score or the subtest scores.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pFH5Yh1_pM&list=LL&index=9 (David Goggins found he was unable to cheat on ASVAB test).
Person below took the ASVAB and scored a 38 on VE, with a 50%
Person below took the
ASVAB for Army National Guard and scored 44 on VE, with a 31% AFQT score:
Person below took
the ASVAB and scored a 51 on VE and scored 52% on the AFQT:
Person below took
the ASVAB and scored a 58 on VE and scored 89% on the AFQT:
Person below took the
ASVAB and scored a 59 on VE and scored a 88% on the AFQT:
Person below took
the ASVAB and scored a 61 on VE with a 93% AFQT score:
Person below took the ASVAB
and scored a 68 on VE (I thought 62 was the highest you could get) with a 99% perfect AFQT score:
Another person below
took the ASVAB and scored a perfect 99% AFQT score and scored a 72 on the VE:
https://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/samples/wiley032/2002114684.pdf What is the
AFQT? - Kaplan Test Prep...AFQT Score Calculator...Ways to Calculate Your AFQT Score
I don't see how
the people above got a VE score higher than 62 since according to the links above a VE score of 62 was 100% (the highest).
According to the links above on the ASVAB
test there are 35 questions for Word Knowledge (WK), and there are 15 questions for Paragraph Comprehension (PC), that equals
a total of 50 questions. If you answer all 50 questions correct in the allotted time you get a perfect VE score of 62. 62
is the highest VE score you can get on the ASVAB test. A higher VE score than 62 is not possible. If you answer only 0-3 questions
out of the 50 correct you get a VE score of 20 which is the lowest on the VE scale.
Based on the data I have looked at, my conclusion is the reason
the Verbal Expression (VE) scaled score ranges from 20 to 62 is because the ASVAB test takers who score between 62 and 72
account for less than 1% of the total test takers. In other words a VE score of 62 is in the top 100% of the ASVAB test takers.
A VE score of 62 and above (not possible) is in the 100% or perfect score. A VE score of 20 and below is in the 1 percentile.
A VE score higher than 62 may not be accurate or even possible.
Took a generic ASVAB practice
test online, can anybody seduce my score?
n00dle_king ·3 yr. ago
thinking that 81% word knowledge might be a bit off...
Flowity ·3 yr. ago
sure what exactly you mean by deduce your score. But basically you got a 70%. That means you did better than 70% of the people
that took the ASVAB or your in the 70th percentile. That score will get you most jobs except for nuke.
·3 yr. ago
This is not how percentiles work. Answering
70% of the questions correctly could put you in the 99th percentile if everyone else taking the test got 70% correct or less.
Percentile means where you rank among others taking the test. Percent correct just means how you fared on the test individually.
This is also how advancement tests are scored when you get to the fleet, more or less, but scored on a bell curve. If you
get 70% of your advancement test questions correct, you will most certainly be in the 95th percentile or higher.
ACT and general cognitive
A total of 11,914 subjects had available ASVAB scores, and all 10
subtests showed loading on g. Explained variance ranged from .687 for Coding Speed to .896
for Word Knowledge. The equation IQ = (z⁎15) + 100 was used to transform the first factor onto an IQ scale. [Page 4]
http://www.iapsych.com/iqmr/koening2008.pdf Word Knowledge (WK) has the highest correlation
to g (general intelligence) of all the ASVAB subtests. WK + PC = VE = Verbal Intelligence. Verbal Intelligence
or Verbal IQ is associated with enhanced hippocampus C;C genotype and the God Seth (or the hosts of Sethantes) and the birth of the Ihins (Abel race) in Oahspe.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWD2DkUl_9Q&list=LL&index=14 (What Does HIGH IQ Mean? What is G-Factor?).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-Ur71ZnNVk&list=LL&index=60&t=14s (Jordan Peterson | The Most Terrifying IQ Statistic United States Armed Forces).
https://i.postimg.cc/5tp05ZgP/AFQT-ASVAB-score-categories.jpg (AFQT ASVAB score categories, Congress limits military entrance by IQ level).
There are some abilites that an IQ test cannot measure as with an autistic savant: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2677586/
Why don't we ask savant syndrome (or Asperger's) people to … autism - How are autistic
savants able to perform certain … Check out the movie Mercury Rising with Bruce
training can teach you discipline, ceremony, rites, unity, drills, harmony, marching, and cadence:
Oahspe Book of Ah'shong, Son of Jehovih: Chapter
VI: 8. For without discipline there is nothing; and discipline
cannot be without ceremony; nor ceremony without rites, and forms, and established words. Is it not a foolish
soldier that saith: Behold I am wise! I need no
discipline nor manual of arms. What more is he than one of an untutored mob? 9. God said: As I drill them in heaven to make them a unit, so give ye
to mortals rites and ceremonies, that, coming into heaven, they go not back to their old haunts and fall in
darkness. Whatever tendeth to harmonize the behavior of individuals
is of the Father; the opposite tendeth to evil. Better is it
that men march to the sound of one monotonous word, than not
to march at all; the value lieth
not in the word, but in bringing in unison that
which was void.
God's Book of Eskra: Chapter XXIX: 1. SAKAYA said: Of a truth, I declare a new thing to you, but which was old thousands of
years ago. 2. That religion is nothing more nor less than rites
and ceremonies in the discipline of a community. As when an
army of soldiers are in training by their captains, when certain commands and manouvers cause the soldiers to be as a unit
in movement; so is religion in a community, through
rites and ceremonies, made as a unit to carry out works of charity and harmony and love and righteousness.
3. And every member of a community, that taketh no part in its religion, is like an idler mixing in with a company of soldiers, where his presence tendeth to evil.
African-American Army Soldier Willie
Lee Duckworth invents the modern Military Cadence call in 1943-1944:
Cadences are call and response marching songs sung by military personnel during drill
and ceremony. This music originated in the United States in 1943 and has spread to militaries across the world. It is typically
heard at basic training installations where it is used to help resocialize trainees into soldiers and during unit physical
training. The lyrics of cadences often engage with facts of military culture: exploring the reality of combat and military
life, instilling motivation, and developing unit cohesion.
Scholarship in this field displays
significant gaps when it comes to the development of the military cadence, which my thesis intends to address. Army historians,
who have written extensively about cadences, discuss drill and ceremony practices from the Revolution and Civil War, but then
they immediately jump to the Duckworth Chant (the modern origins of cadence in 1943). Any discussion of African American musical idioms, which I argue provide the foundation of the cadence,
is curiously absent. [I use to call cadence when I was in bootcamp back in 1984 - James Michael McGill].
The Purpose
of the Military Cadence. The main purpose of the cadence is to teach teamwork. The whole unit must stay in unison while keeping
up with the cadence. This also helps soldiers with breathing and cardio.
Military Cadence - Music
to My Ears
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsPTO2l4EWE (Coast Guard Cadence).
https://i.postimg.cc/FF8PH20d/Coast-Guard-Basic-Training-Graduation-photo-3-16-84.jpg (Coast Guard Basic Training graduation Tango company photo March 16, 1984. Me front row 2nd from
right). As you can see I was the only black (or copper-colored) person to graduate in my company, the only other non-white
was Mexican-American-Native-American top row 2nd from the left. We did have a black junior company commander recruit who played
professional football in the USFL who failed the swim test (Coast Guard has the 2nd hardest bootcamp after the Marines and
the hardest swim test) and said he was going into the Airforce. One early morning at about 0530 hours our company went on
a long march in 9 degrees fahrenheit temperature on snow and when we got back to the barracks 2 recruits in our company from
Puerto Rico fell out on the floor shivering with hypothermia (because they were use to tropical weather year round). One of
my white company Coast Guardsmen after graduation came up to me smiling and shook my hand and said to me it was his honor
to call me a friend and to have trained and served with me and told me he was from southern Illinois where he did not see
a black person except on TV until he was 13 years old. He said he was going to go back home and tell all the people they were
wrong about black people. I later found out that people from southern Illinois identify more with the South (Kentucky, Tennessee)
than the Midwest (Michigan, Minnesota). https://i.postimg.cc/sxCtPrz3/Southern-Illinois-identify-with-South-not-Midwest-1.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/VkmWFSS4/Southern-Illinois-identify-with-South-not-Midwest-2.jpg
The reason I as a Faithist
joined the Coast Guard instead of the other branches of the military is because the Coast Guard was not under the Department
of Defense (called the War Department before 1948) but was under the Department of Transportation but became part of the Navy
and the Department of Defense during times of War. So while the other branches mainly prepare for war, the Coast Guard has
many peacetime missions and does not fall under the Posse Comitatus Law. Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia What Does the Coast Guard Do and 7 Coast Guard Facts to …18 Pros And Cons Of Joining The Coast Guard - Operation Military Kids <--"Pro: You likely won’t ever step foot in a war zone" <--"Therefore,
in the Coast Guard, you are less likely to engage in war."
https://i.postimg.cc/NjKBr1h8/1999-re-enlistment-in-Reserves-San-Diego.jpg (Re-enlistment photo 1999 at recruit station San Diego).
https://i.postimg.cc/4xBTFGJ4/DONCAF.jpg (Location of Security Folder, DONCAF, NCIS).
https://i.postimg.cc/0Q0sqnmv/Reserve-Teams-MSO-Unit-San-Diego-April-2001.jpg (I was listed under Team 4 as a PS3, BM2 Mosel & Malenski were TACLET).
https://i.postimg.cc/wTDF6Bj6/Coast-Guard-Port-Security-PS-rating.jpg (I was PS3, Port Security 3rd class, PS later became ME, which MSRTs are selected from).
https://i.postimg.cc/Gpt5h1fq/MSRT-from-pool-of-ME.jpg (As a PS3 later became ME I would have tried out for MSRT, instead I tried out for my other Job SERT)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRH3Pf2DYyg&list=LLHkAqrSRIw07Uh7znTkjhDA (Coast Guard Special Operations, TACKLET, PS = Port Security, MST = Oil spills, Hazardous waste, pollution response
= Strike Team).
https://www.forcecom.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/FORCECOM-UNITS/SMTC (Special Missions Training Center (SMTC) Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune)
https://www.forcecom.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/FORCECOM-UNITS/SMTC/Training/Port-Security-Unit-Basic-Skills-Course-PSU-BSC/ Port Security Unit Basic Skills Course (PSU BSC) 501567
https://i.postimg.cc/d07LnCWs/PSU-Combat-training-Camp-Lejeune-NC.jpg (Combat training at Marine Corp base Camp Lejeune NC available to my unit in 2001).
I never went to Camp Lejeune for training, and thanks
to the Creator I didn't because of the contaminated water from 8-1-1953 to 12-31-1987 which included most of the time of my
first enlistment from 12-9-1983 to 12-8-1989. See links below for information about the Camp Lejeune water contamination and
health effects.
https://i.postimg.cc/G3TfYq9m/April-2001-Afghanistan-VP-speech-to-EP.jpg (Afghanistan VP April, 2001 "large-scale terrorist attack on U.S. soil being imminent").
https://i.postimg.cc/Wz7Y3fbN/MSO-San-Diego-Reserves-involuntary-recall.jpg (April 26, 2001 MSO San Diego memo RESERVE INVOLUNTARY RECALL TO ACTIVE DUTY).
https://i.postimg.cc/2jH4kDCq/Sept-14-2001-Executive-Order-13223.jpg (President Bush Sept 14, 2001 Executive Order 13223 order Ready Reserve to active duty).
https://i.postimg.cc/vZvPtKW5/MSO-San-Diego-USCG-Meritorious-Unit-Commendation.jpg (Our Unit recieves USCG Meritorious Unit Commendation June 1998 - March 30 2001).
MUC may be awarded to any unit of the Coast Guard that
has distinguished itself by either valorous or meritorious achievement or service in support
of Coast Guard operations not involving combat. To justify the award, the service performed as a unit must be comparable to that which
would meet the award of a Coast Guard Achievement Medal (CGAM) to an individual. Normal performanc of duty or participation in a large number
of operational missions does not in itself justify the award. A Coast Guard MUC will not
be awarded to a large unit for actions of one or more of its sub-units unless the entire unit performed as a team.[8]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meritorious_Unit_Commendation (I
joined MSO San Diego unit after August 20, 1999).
Working together as a unit meritoriously
is an important skill in Oahspe:
Oahspe Book of Ah'shong, Son of Jehovih: Chapter VI: 9. God said: As I drill them in heaven to make
them a unit, ... Whatever tendeth to harmonize the behavior of individuals is
of the Father; the opposite tendeth to evil. ...the value lieth ...in bringing in unison that
which was void.
Oahspe God's Book of Eskra: Chapter XXIX: 2. That religion is nothing more nor less than rites and ceremonies in the discipline of a community. As when an army of soldiers are in training by their captains, when certain commands and manouvers
cause the soldiers to be as a unit
in movement; so is religion in a community, ...
Any comments about Oahspe or this website? Email Me. I look forward to talking to you about Oahspe and this website
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