In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet attacks Oahspe by
criticizing the books portrait of Pharoah of Egypt who built the great pyramid. Team Kemet does not like the "white",
or caucasian appearance of Thothma.

Above portrait of the builder (Pharaoh
Thothma) of the great pyramid in Egypt who was similar to the fictional Rama-Tut.
He could hear the Gods (Osiris, Baal and Egupt) and talk with them understandingly. Portrait by John Ballou Newbrough.
Pharaoh Thothma was a brilliant scholar, profoundly wise, occult adept, su'is, sar'gis, Idol worshipper,
devotee to his Lord and Savior God, non-faithist, Caucasian-Ghan, racist, ruler, Conquerer, slave master,
human slaughterer, pre-Euclidean (Euclidean geometry) mathematician, Fascist, etc...
Above the Adept Thothma and 75% and 84% facial recognition matches with mathematical
face points for measurements.
Top facial recognition matches
to Thothma:
Thothma and Shirley Winters facial recognition match 84% like
twin brother and sister. Below Betaface facial recogniton of Thothma (Great Pyramid builder) and Ka'yu (Confucius).
Below Betaface facial recogniton of PO, Spencer Breslin,
Shirley Winters:
Shelley Winters, birth name Shirley.
Ethnicity: Austrian, Ashkenazi Jewish
...a substantial proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism,
said study
co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England. All told, more than
80 percent
of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating
in the
Near East. The genetics suggest many
of the founding Ashkenazi women were actually converts from
local European populations.
have done DNA testing on some ancient egyptians including Pharoahs:
were oppressed by cruel laws and penalties, and were forced to reveal
the mathematical
science which had been preserved with them from their distant
ancestors the I'hins, to whom
it was committed by the angels in the first ages
of mankind. Humanity was now ripe for this
development, but the surrender of their secrets
was a further blow to the Israelites.
Both the knowledge and the slave labour of the Israelites were now thus impressed into the
of the temple of Osiris, the Great Pyramid.
And the etherean dawn in
Moses would
bring them deliverance was still five hundred years away."
[2053 - 500
= 1553 B.C.E.]. - Pages 189-190 of Darkness, Dawn And Destiny
(Drawn from Oahspe) 1965 by
Augustine Cahill.
Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih Chapter XLIX:
2. ...Thothma, made the following laws, to wit:
4. ...And
of thy arts, of measuring and working numbers, thou shalt not keep them secret
longer, or thy blood be upon thee.
"measuring and working numbers" = mathematics.
Definition of mathematics for Students. : the science that studies and explains numbers,
Mathematics and art are related in a variety of ways. Mathematics has itself been described
as an art motivated by beauty. Mathematics
can be discerned in arts such as music, dance,
Thothma did not
have the mathematical knowledge of the Israelites until he forced the
Israelites to REVEAL
it to him.
This mathematical knowledge was lost to the Egyptian slave masters after the death
of Thothma.
The true Israelites kept this sacred mathematical
knowledge up to modern times.

In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet attacks Oahspe by saying the black people mentioned in Oahspe
are the Druks the non spiritual people. Team
Kemet says that Oahspe does not include black people as spiritual
leaders or teachers.
Oahspe The Lord's Fifth Book: Chapter III:13. The Lord said: Having designed Ham
for teaching the barbarian world of me and my dominion,
OAHSPE: The Lords' Fifth
Book Chapter III:
4. Of all colors (black,
white, yellow, copper, red
and brown) were the tribes of Ham; nevertheless, they were I'hins (Faithists),
Abram (Abraham) descended from recent I'hin (pygmy) seed.
(Oahspe First Book
of God 8:4-6)
4. These, then, are the generations of the
line whence came Abram,...
5. In Sadr the line was lost, but through his daughter Bar-bar regained through the I'hins ...
6. ...And here the line ran by female heirs, beginning in Rac-ca's daughter,
from whom was descended seven generations in su-is;
and it was lost in We-ta-koo, but regained again through
I'hin seed ...
and by
I'hin seed sprang Ti-lot, and by I'hin seed Shi-ar, and by I'hin seed Shir-ra, from whom descended Na-hor the second, from whom sprang Abram.
Shi-ar Abraham's grandmother was of I'hin seed.
<--Original I'hin in Oahspe drawn by Newbrough and African Congo Pygmy have very similar faces.I'hin and Congo Pygmy man have very similar forehead, eye brows, nose, mouth, beard, sideburns, ear,
horizontal mid-forehead indentation, eye sockets, cheekbones, chin, etc...
Abraham (above) drawing by John
Newbrough page 276 Eloists Oahspe Edition. Notice the thick negroid lips.
Above image seperates (red middle line) West Arabinya from East
Arabinya. West Africa
is West Arabinya (according to map and plate from Oahspe) and East Afria and Arabian
Peninsula and Levant and Persia is East Arabinya.
Almost all African-Americans
brought over during the slave trade came from West Africa or
Western Arabinya (the oral Israelites).
Oahspe Book of Eskra Chapter X: 8. Of the Faithists of western Arabin'ya, who, for the
most part, called themselves
Israelites, suffice this: The two branches still remained:
who lived under the oral law, and those who lived under the written
law. The
latter were called Leviticans, that is, hangers on, and of imperfect
flesh and spirit.
of the 10 top facial matches to Abraham are
African-American, sub-Saharan African.
SheRaSeven1 90% to Abraham:

Below: Betaface mathematical face points of I'huan Abraham & African-American SheRaSeven1.
Above: Prophet Abraham & SheRaSeven1 face points and 4 projection lines.
Spiritual Knowledge (Aliens and Beings ) of SheRaSeven1
A top facial match to Abraham
is SheRaSeven1 90% to Abraham (see above).
SheRaSeven1 is like
a twin sister to Abraham.
"I actually am teaching
the same thing ... how the human race is being pushed to
mix back into the races of the more melanated ,
[5. take the output Ghan
and breed back to I'huan =
output Kosmon. - studyofoahspe.com]
just so you know , My mom is black and my father is Puerto rican ....I go into the
sky beings the plasma gods ...i did my DNA test , Im 71 % african , 21% Iberian
penensula and 9% native american" - SheRaSeven 1, September 25, 2019.
Above African-American model Naomi Sims matches 90% to page 276 Eloists Oahspe
drawing of Abraham by Newbrough.
Abraham and Naomi Sims (above) betaface face points for measurements.
I have side by side comparison of Abraham's hair
and an African American's hair
they look almost identical: shape and size of the hairline and
The Oahspe drawing of Abraham had the highest facial matches to African-Americans.
in Oahspe had negroid features. Abraham in Oahspe was a black spiritual leader.
to what Team Kemet said Oahspe does include black people as Spiritual leaders.
Many beginning readers and long-time readers of Oahspe (like
Wing Anderson) make
mistake of identifying Druks with modern Africans or Blacks (Negroes).
Kemet makes this same mistake
as Wing Anderson did.
Wing Anderson made a big mistake on page 161 of his book
YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD [1940] 1941-1948 where he wrote "...
the I'huan race. American Indians are remnants
of this race. ..the Ghan race, to which the
Caucasian race belongs...The negroid and oriental races are remnants of the Druks; the
Latins [Latinos?] are mongrel races
between the Druks and I'huan."
"and the druks are brown and black...On
the surface it seems like they're trying
to link us with the druks."
Many African-Americans
like the one above (and Team Kemet) fasely interpret Oahspe as
trying to link African-Americans with the druks.
I (the author of studyofoahspe.com) am African-American and I do not interpret Oahspe
as trying to link African-Americans with the druks.
The druks Oahspe
refers to are an EXTINCT race (extinct for at least several thousands of years)
Extinct races of Man (hominins) in
Homo-heidelbergensis, Druk and Yak Ground People cross between Asu and I'hins or Druks and Asu:

Tall dark brown and
black Druk and Yak Ground People. Druks and Yaks are called Ground People in Oahspe.
and do not refer to modern people such as sub-Saharan Africans or African-Americans.
Druks is
also used as a metaphor in Oahspe for any corporean of any race who acts like a
druj (the
spiritual counterpart of a druk).
-Percent humans with > 1/3 [33.3] Angelic Eve blood [everlasting life].
Arc, Cycle, Etherean
24, Lika,_______________ 99%
= 3400 years B.K. to Kosmon (Druks make up 1% of world population).
25, Ouranothen__________ 100% = Present Kosmon (Druks make up 0% of world
Right click on Page 13 above and go to "copy link location"
and paste link in web browser url address
(where www.) then hit enter. (if
you still can't view the web page, clear your cashe or rescent history
in your browser and
try again repeating the steps mentioned.
Since according to Oahspe Druks
were born not capable of everlasting life because of more than 66.6%
DNA in them and since according to Oahspe by the time of the present Kosmon age (1848) 99.9 or
100% of humans born into the world are born capable of everlasting life that means modern black people
who make up at least 20% of the world population are capable of everlasting life and therefore are
not the
extinct race of Druks that Oahspe talks about.
Above are Google
images Search results to Yak facial drawing in Oahspe. The results are white or caucasian people.
Druks were born not capable of everlasting life (being more than 66.6% Asu and less than 33.3% Angelic, see Jim Dennon's
Oahspe The Lords' Second Book Chapter II:
2. And he said unto the I'hins: Behold, the I'huans cannot hear
the voice of the Lord, therefore, go ye unto them, saying: Thus saith the Lord: If ye mingle with the Druks your seed shall not inherit everlasting life, but
go down in darkness.
parts of Oahspe was racist against black people or was under the inspiration of racist spirits (drujas) then why are the dipictions of Asu and Yak (which were closely related to druks) show EUROPEAN or
CAUCASIAN facial features (such as a leptorrhine long pointed narrow nose, and thin lips) instead of sub-Saharan African
facial features (wide nose, and thick upper and lower lips)? If John Newbrough was under the Inspiration of
racist Masonic drujas than why does Oahspe describe Moses, Abraham, and Chine as COPPER COLORED (not white), and why does
Oahspe depict Abraham, Joshu, and Capilya with thick upper and lower lips like a Negro African??
Above on the right are Oahspe facial drawings of A'su (top) and Yak (bottom).
OAHSPE: The Lords' Fifth Book Chapter III:
4. Of all colors (black, white, yellow, copper,
red and brown) were the tribes of Ham; nevertheless, they were I'hins (Faithists),
If Whites are from I'hins as Team Kemet interprets Oahspe as saying then
why does Oahspe say that I'hins in Africa (Ham) were black,
white, yellow, copper, red and brown?
Did the black
I'hins of Oahspe become whites (Caucasians)? Oahspe says blacks would never become whites. According to Oahspe black I'hins became modern black
people and white I'hins became modern white people. Also all people today according to Oahspe are descendants of A'su, I'hins,
and Druks.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter V:
12. And all of them
propogated after their own kind, and do so to this day. And though the blacks might live for thousands of generations with themselves only, in any country in the world, they would never become whites. And the same rule applieth
to whites and browns, and all the races of man.
If the I'hin
tribes of Ham (Africa) interbred among themsleves (black, white, yellow, copper, red and brown) they would amalgamate into
a brown race, if they bred with I'huans they would be a brown race.
If black I'hins bred with copper colored I'huans they would produce dark brown people in Africa (Ham). If white I'hins bred with reddish (redbone) I'huans then they would have a pale pink complexion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In the YouTube Video above Team
Kemet attacks Oahspe by saying that modern humans developed 300,000 years ago
and according to Oahspe humans on earth orginated
aproximately 78,000 years ago. Team Kemet was saying the geological time scale of humans on earth does not agree with Oahspe's
story of the origin on humans on earth.
(1) The geological time scale of primates that could have
resembled Oahspean human races does not correspond
at all with that of Oahspe's.
The geological time scale does not correspond
with that of Oahspe's but genetic analysis below does correspond with a close approximation to the Oahspe story.
OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony
and Prophecy V:
21. By reversing these measurements, find the axial decrease of
the earth in seventy-eight thousand years, which will be just one hundred minutes, or 3-340ths of a second annually, which
is the earth's decline in speed. For which reason the first
of the race of man on earth began about seventy-eight thousand years B.K.[B.K. = Before Kosmon, 78,000 years
before 1848].
From David Garcia in Germany June 13, 2018:
I found an interesting article:
"Most Species Young" Study Makes Biologists Tear Their Hair Out.
study's most startling result, perhaps, is that nine out of 10 species on Earth today,
including humans, came into being 100,000 to 200,000 years ago.”
"The new study was published in the scientific journal Human Evolution.
According to a news report on it.” The difference between the low calculation of 100,000 and 78,000 years ago is only 22 %. The
difference between Team Kemet's number of 300,000 years ago and 78,000 years
ago 74 %. Keep in mind the dating techniques that
scientists use to date rocks and fossils
may not be an exact science.
In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet ridicules Oahspe's verses
that says the Sun doesn't give light to the earth and the Sun doesn't give heat
to the Earth. Oahspe seperates the Vortex of the Sun from the central corporeal Star called
the Sun. What Oahspe calls the Sun's vortex (solar vortex or Master vortex) is what Astrophysicists today call the Solar Wind and Solar Magnetic Field which was unknown in 1881 when Oahspe was transcribed and
not discovered until 1957 (solar magnetic field) and 1958 (solar wind) by Eugene
Parker. Team Kemet also CORRECTLY said that conduction and convection can't happend
in near vacuum space that's why it is cold in space between the Earth and the Sun. Oahspe agrees that the lack of heat (coldness) in space between the Sun and the Earth is because there is no sufficiently dense atmosphere for the
Solar vortex (Solar Wind/Solar Magnetic field) to interact with to produce light and heat.

nmxt (above) on Reddit descibes the connection between Radiation density
and heat. During daylight as you rise in elevation the air gets colder even though you are closer to the Sun (just as
you are closer to the sun inbetween the earth and the Sun). The reason it is colder at higher elevation (mountain
tops) than at sea level is because the air is less dense at higher elevation.
The currents
of the master vortex only polarize sufficiently dense atmospherean substance.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter II:
5. In the case of a vortex in etherea (that is after the manner of a whirlwind on the earth), the corporeal solutions
are propelled toward the centre thereof in greater density.
6. When it is sufficiently dense
to manifest light, and shadow, it is called a comet, or nebula ...
OAHSPE in 1881 describes a previously unknown basic mode of energy transfer from the
solar wind (Sun's vortex) to the Earth’s magnetosphere (Earth's vortex or atmosphere),
not from the corporeal central star to the Earth. Read below for proof :

Plate 47(48) - The Cyclic Coil page 570 in Oahspe [shown above] shows a drawing of the spiral
cone-shaped solar (master) vortex with the sun and planets inside it. You can see the sun at the center of the
head of the cone vortex, you can see the spiral currents
of the vortex spiral inward to the sun-center and then spiral and go out from the center toward the tail (light
doesn't travel straight but curved because of the vortexian spirality - bending of light in space by gravity theorized by
Einstein in 1915 and confirmed in 1919). As the current spirals out from the center and the head where the sun is, toward
the end of the widend cone-shaped tail it passes and goes into the planets. This etheic current CAUSES the needles of matter to become polarized producing LIGHT only on the side FACING the
sun center at the head (narrow end) of the cone. On the other side the needles are in confusion, not polarized
because the current is blocked (producing resistance) or interrupted. Space between
the sun center and the planets's atmospheres is black because there is not sufficient atmospherean substance to be polarized
(space is almost empty rarified vacuum). The currents of the
master vortex only polarize sufficiently dense atmospherean substance.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter II:
5. In the case of a vortex in etherea (that is after the manner of a whirlwind on the earth), the corporeal solutions
are propelled toward the centre thereof in greater density.
6. When it is sufficiently dense to manifest light, and shadow, it is called a comet,
or nebula ...

If one could imagine a very long serpent in spiral form, constantly turning its head in at one pole, and its tail at the other, and
continuously crawling upon its own spirality, such a view would somewhat illustrate the currents of a vortex. - Book of Cosmogony
and Prophecy Ch III: 25. Oahspe GOD'S BOOK OF BEN plate 45 "Jehovih said: in times past
, man beheld the sun, saying: The sun is the Creator of all the living; light and heat come from the sun. Then Jehovih said:
I will put a sign in the firmament, and no man shall gain say the work of my hand. And above the earth, to the north and south,
he placed polar lights [Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis], that man might bear witness that light depended not on corporea,
and had no part therewith. But the sun he placed in the midst of the great vortex, so that every side was as a pole to the
corporeal worlds around it. And Jehovih made etherea as a condensing lens, so that the rotation of each and every corporeal
world should manufacture its own light, on the side poling to the sun, by the rotation of its wark and vortex...Oahspe BOOK
OF COSMOGONY CHAPTER 1 verses 34, 35 says were the sun planet extinct, the master vortex would instantly make another sun.
As the lines of vortexya are in currents from
the outer toward the interior, so do solutions of corpor take the shape of needles, in the
master, pointing toward the centre, which condition of things is called LIGHT; and when these needles approach the centre, or even the photosphere, the actinic force thereof is called HEAT.
[Actinism is the property of solar radiation that
leads to the production of photochemical and photobiological effects. Actinism is
derived from Greek with the meaning a radiant force.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actinism] Heat is a form of radiation (radiant heat). Ohm's Law = VA - VB = IR (Current
x Resistence)
The basic Ohm's Law states Voltage = Current * Resistance, (or V = I *
R for short)
where voltage (V) is in Volts, current ( I ) is in Amps, and resistance
(R) is in Ohms. ( * is the multiplication symbol)
Note: `Voltage' is analogous to pressure - it is electrical pressure.
Current is different in that it is a measurement of the actual flow of electricity through the wire. It is comparable
to plumbing where water pressure (voltage) and water flow (current) are quite different concepts.
When current passes through a wire, the electrical friction created between the current and the resistance of the wire results in heat being generated, and this heat represents
a complete waste of valuable energy.
Current2 x Resistence
= I2R = Heat = Lost energy (gone)
Heat = Liberated (escaped) stored
up vortex'ya.
I is the current
flowing through the resistance (R).
I = vortexian current, R = the atmosphere
or photosphere
Resistance (R) is a special type of frictional force
Friction or resistence (R) converts electrical energy (I) into thermal energy or heat.
Oahspe - Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter I:
35. Heat
decreaseth in force in proportion to the square of the distance from the place of generation; nevertheless,
an allowance of decrease must be added thereunto of one to the hundred.
Laboratory Experiment: Inverse Square Law of Heat.
September 10, 2009.
Scientists discover surprise in Earth’s
upper atmosphere.
UCLA atmospheric scientists have discovered a previously unknown basic mode
of energy transfer from the solar wind to the Earth’s magnetosphere.
“It’s like
something else is heating the atmosphere besides the sun. This discovery is like finding it got hotter when the sun went
down,” said Larry
Lyons, UCLA professor of atmospheric and oceanic
sciences and a co-author of the research, which is in press in two companion papers in the Journal of Geophysical
The sun, in addition to emitting radiation, emits a stream of ionized particles called the solar wind that
affects the Earth and other planets in the solar system. The solar wind, which carries
the particles from the sun’s magnetic field, known as the interplanetary
magnetic field, takes about three or four days to reach the Earth. When the charged electrical particles approach the Earth, they carve out a highly magnetized region — the magnetosphere — which surrounds and protects the Earth.
Charged particles carry currents, which cause significant modifications in the Earth’s magnetosphere.
...there is a transfer of energy from the
solar wind to the particles in the magnetosphere.
The magnetosphere was discovered in 1957. By the late 1960s, it had become accepted among scientists that the energy transfer rate was controlled predominantly
by the interplanetary magnetic field.
Lyons and Kim were planning to study something unrelated
when they made the discovery.
“We were looking to do something else, when we saw life is
not the way we expected it to be,” Lyons said. “The most exciting discoveries in science sometimes just drop in your lap. In our field, this finding is pretty
earth-shaking. It’s an entire new mode of energy transfer, which is step
one. The next step is
to understand how it works. It must be a completely different process.”
a stream of ionized particles translated
into laymen’s common sense language = AN ELECTRICAL CURRENT.
“There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now, All that remains is more and more precise measurement.”
– Lord Kelvin
Even great
minds can be way off the mark.
<--January 4, 2025 Larry Lyons, UCLA professor Google search
-What the scientists discovered above agrees with Oahspe. Where
the scientists get it wrong is they attribute the origin of the stream of ionized particles and transfer of energy from the
solar wind to the earth's magnetosphere (atmosphere) to be the central corporeal star called the Sun. Oahspe says they have
it backwards, it is the spiraling stream of ionized particles or current called the Solar Wind or Solar Magnetic field that
creates the central corporeal star and gives light and heat to the planets in the solar system. This is the same backwardness
that modern scientists get with gravity being a pull force caused by the massive planet or star instead of a push force caused
by the spiraling currents of the vortex from the external to the center.
In the YouTube Video above Team Kemet ridicules
Oaahspe's Tree of Language and they can't believe Oahspe has Chinese language older than Egyptian language.

Plate 17. TABLET OF AH'IOD'ZAN. Numeration.
Oahspe Book of Saphah - Panic Numeration Table - Angelfire
Panic, numeration table above. Panic
number 3 = sam, Panic number 9 = yaw
Thai language number 3 =
Thai language number 9 =Thai names for N +1 and the regular digits 2-9 as
shown in the table, below, resemble those in Cantonese as spoken in Southern
China, putative homeland of the Tai.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_numeralsOahspe The Lord's Fifth Book: Chapter III:
9. For I locked up sufficient
of the Panic language in Jaffeth as a testimony to be discovered in after years; showing
that, unlike Ham and Shem, a mighty nation could retain one language for thousands of years.
Jaffeth (China),
The Chinese language is the oldest
written language in the world with at least six
thousand years of history. Although the written system has been altered over time due to revolutions and political changes, the principles of the language along with the symbols and characters have remained basically the same. Although many Chinese dialects exist, the written language is a common form of communication. Even though people are
not able to verbally communicate in different provinces, they are able to understand each other in writing. http://ethnomed.org/culture/chinese/chinese-language-profile
Below Oahspe Plate 63 - TREE OF LANGUAGE.-- Panic trunk one, China branch two, India
branch 3-4, Semitic 5, American Indian 6, Europe 7, etc...
is part of Afro-Asiatic which includes Egypt (African).

According to Oahspe next to Panic (which is extinct) Chinese is the oldest written language
on earth.
The Chinese language is the oldest written language in the world with at least six thousand years of history.
Chinese character inscriptions have been found in turtle shells dating back to the Shang dynasty1 (1766-1123 BC) proving the
written language has existed for more than 3,000 years.