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Oahspe Book Of Judgement, Chapter XXXV:
1. GOD said: Whoso liveth with Jehovih is free from Jehovih. These need no man's government; for they practice righteousness, peace, love, industry and wisdom, with due regard to one another.
2. Such is the Father's kingdom on earth. In which there shall be no laws made by man; neither shall there be leaders or rulers.
3. The progress of man is toward this; the progress of the governments of man should shape toward such a consummation.
4. The time was, when laws were requisite unto all things, even to the manner of a man coming in and going out of a house; and to every occupation that man followed; with licenses and taxes regulating them; the time of apprenticeship to a barber, to a weaver, to a lawyer, to a preacher, to a physician, to a smith, and to all other trades and occupations, with examinations and passports to practice within the king's dominions; with rates for fees and rights and privileges.
5. But these laws and governments were for the past eras; they were righteous in the first place, for they shaped man's judgment, toward perfecting himself.
6. But, behold, a new time is in the world; from the acquisition of knowledge a new liberty hath been born into the world. And it crieth out on every side: Throw open the doors unto all trades and occupations; behold, the multitude are sufficiently wise to judge themselves as to who they shall patronize.
7. Judgment is rendered against the laws and governments of man in all cases where they prevent the liberty and choice of man to his avocation and knowledge.
8. It is not sufficient for thee to say: Behold, the public will be taken advantage of by ignorant pretenders. Thou hast no right to say what the public will suffer, and thus base a law on prospective damage.
9. When the public have suffered, and when they, themselves, demand protection by such laws, then shall such laws be made. To make such laws beforehand, is to sin against Jehovih.

Oahspe: A New Bible



Oahspe exhibits great interest in understanding and applying general ethical principles.
Faithists do not consider Oahspe the literal truth; instead they find inspiration in its many ethical and spiritual passages.
We believe it is our duty to help our brothers and sisters of the Human Family; to give love, wisdom, truth, and service and to do these at every opportunity in order that they may learn to help themselves and others. To become ministers, administering to others.

9. We believe the greatest satisfaction and happiness of one's life is to serve others, especially the young. Raising them up to work with the hands and well as the mind and teaching them to work in communities, to establish the worship of the Father, and to help bring about His Kingdom on Earth, and world peace and brotherhood.

10. We believe that any desire, thought, or act, which will injure one's self or another, to be unjust and immoral. We abjure war or violence, discard of conflict in any form, and will not aid or abet in it. And we believe it is our duty to live in Peace and Harmony with the entire Human Family. To strive to overcome all tendencies of hate, jealousy, malice, conceit, envy, deceit, and all forms of physical, mental, emotonal, and moral weakness. To increase knowledge of one's self, of life, and of nature; and to use this knowledge properly for selfimprovement; to work toward spiritual developement of love, wisdom, peace, universal understanding, that we may be of greater service to God, our Country, our community, and our Fellow Man



Difference between the Ethics of Oahspe and the Bible:
The False God of War (OahspeBible):



10. The child shall be taught to love, to revere and to obey its own father (and its mother, who is its vice-father); the man to love and revere the rab'bah; the rab'bahs to love and revere the chief rab'bahs; the whole people to love and revere the emperor.

29. Do not unto others what we would that they should not do unto us.

30. To return good for evil.

35. To respect all people, as we desire to be respected.


Oahspe Book of Inspiration Chapter VII:

17. When man practiceth virtue, wisdom, truth and love unto all, his inspiration is from Me direct.

18. When man practiceth destruction and selfishness, his inspiration is indirectly from Me, through the conflict of his surroundings.

19. And thus becometh he evil, instead of good.

Oahspe Book of Inspiration Chapter VIII:

7. And I sent my angels to man, teaching him how to distinguish the difference in the inspirations upon him, that he might govern himself accordingly.

8. And My angels said unto man: Become thou one with thy Creator; these are His direct inspirations:

9. To love thy Creator above all else, and thy neighbor as thyself.

10. To give delights only, and not pain.

11. To kill not.

12. To do not violently against His creatures.

13. To be considerate of the liberty of all the living.

14. To interdict not the happiness and hope of others, only where thou canst return a transcendent glory and hope in place thereof.

15. For these are direct inspirations from thy Creator.

16. But these are thy evil inspirations, O man, these come from thy birth and surroundings, formerly called, satan:

17. To kill.

18. To slander.

19. To punish.

20. To destroy Jehovih's created beings.

21. To strive for thyself, above another.

22. To gratify thy flesh at the expense of purity or wisdom.

23. To be false to Jehovih.

24. To be false to thyself.

25. To speak falsely.

26. To covet another's.

27. To cohabit in the gestative period.

28. To engage in strife, or to aid and abet conflicts, which are the fruit of carniverous food, transmitted in birth.


Oahspe Book of Ouranothen CHAPTER 4:
19. And whoever comes between man and his Creator, visiting death upon his brother, wages war against his Creator.
20. Life and death are Mine, says Jehovih.
21. Whoever then presumes to engage in death no longer fulfills the righteousness of God.
22. By which sign you shall judge all people who engage in war, and know in truth whether their doctrines and their self-Gods are appropriate to establishing the Father's kingdom on earth.
23. Not allowing yourself to be blinded by their pretensions and professions of peace, but by their practice, observing if they have more faith in weapons of war and standing armies than in Jehovih.

OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter X:

5. To attain this kind of prophecy, the following discipline is requisite:

6. To live in the fields and forests *[alone in the wilderness], and study the action of unseen forces upon himself [introspection]*; to eat not fish, nor flesh, nor any food that cometh of animals * ; to bathe daily; to permit no passion to enter his mind; to abnegate self and to wed himself to the Creator for righteousness sake, and to do good; to discipline his mind, to remain in any given direction on any subject, for days if necessary; to become oblivious to pain.

Oahspe Book of Inspiration: Chapter XI:
1. SEEK not to spread My gospels, and entice followers unto this, or that, saith Jehovih.
2. Neither go about preaching, saying: Thus saith Jehovih!
3. Let all men hear Me in their own way.
4. No man shall follow another.
5. I will have no sect.
6. I will have no creed.
12. To teach man to comprehend liberty, especially as to thought and as to knowledge, this hath been a great labor.

Oahspe Book of Judgement: Chapter VIII:
10. A certain rich man, being converted from the desires of earth, went about casting his money freely in the streets, and in giving to whosoever asked him therefor.
11. And some gathered it up, and fed and clothed themselves; others took of it, and went and got drunk, and became worse than before.
12. The measure of righteousness of that man's behavior was not in giving what he had to the poor, but in the good and evil that came of it, being weighed, as to which outbalanced the other.
13. And where he lowered the grade of them that received this money, or where he lowered a greater number than he raised, there his act of casting the money away was a judgment against him.
14. He who giveth, saying: Here, thou beggar! doeth a good corporeal act, but an evil spiritual act. He lifteth up with one hand, but knocketh down wih the other. Such an act detracteth from the grade of that man.
15. A certain rich man, being converted to do good works, went and built a score of soup-houses to feed the poor gratuitously.
16. And all the poor people of that town went therein and were fed. But the next year, behold, there were twice as many poor. And the rich man built another score of soup-houses, and they were all fed.
17. But the next year, there were still twice as many poor people to feed; but the rich man had exhausted his means, and could feed none at all.
18. Judgment is therefore rendered against that man for his supposed beneficence.
19. For, whilst he did a little corporeal good, he did a great spiritual wrong, because he lowered the grade of manhood and womanhood in those that he fed. His benevolence promoted dependence.

Oahspe Book of Judgement: Chapter VI:
15. But good works alone are not sufficient to attain the highest grades, for
they require knowledge and capacity to unfold others.
Oahspe Book of Inspiration Chapter VII: 1. I created man, even from the first, that he should learn to be an independent being, saith Jehovih
To attain the highest grades requires knowledge and ability to teach others to learn how to be independent and responsible not dependence

Oahspe bible Book of Eskra 42:6; These Es'eans [Essenes] were, therefore, a separate people, pledged to Jehovih, to have no king nor earth-ruler, save their rab'bahs. And they dwelt in communities and families of tens and twenties and hundreds, holding all things in common...

Thomas Paine in his book Common Sense on pages 10-14 wrote "Government by kings was first introduced into the world by the Heathens, from which the children of Israel copied the custom. It was the most prosperous invention that was ever set on foot for the promotion of Idolatry...Monarchy is ranked in scripture as one of the sins of the Jews...The children of Israel being oppressed by the Midianites, Gideon marched against them with a small army, and victory, through the divine interposition, decided in his favor. The Jews, elate with success, and attributing it to the generalship of Gideon, proposed making him a king, saying, Rule thou over us, thou ad thy son, and thy son's son [hereditary succession monarchy]...Gideon in the piety of his soul replied, I will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you, THE LORD SHALL RULE OVER YOU...About one hundred years after this, they fell again into the same error...But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, Give us a king to judge us; and Samuel prayed unto the Lord, and the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee, for they have not rejected thee, but they have REJECTED ME, THAT I SHOULD NOT REIGN OVER THEM...And Samuel told all the words of the Lord unto the people, that asked of him a king. And he said...and ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen, AND THE LORD WILL NOT HEAR YOU IN THAT DAY...Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel, and they said, Nay, but we will have a King over us, that we may be like all the nations...

"Monarchy. Monarchy, political system based upon the undivided sovereignty or rule of a single person. The term applies to states in which supreme authority is vested in the monarch, an individual ruler who functions as the head of state and who achieves his or her position through heredity."


There are two types of monarchies still in existence. On one hand you have an absolute monarchy e.g. Saudi Arabia,Qatar, Oman, UAE. This type of monarchy is one where the sovereign (King or Queen) has, in theory, total power. The other is a constitutional monarchy e.g. UK, Norway, Spain, The Netherlands, Denmark, etc.

This is where the monarchy has legal and or constitutional limits on its power. It is a symbolic role and does not interfere with the country’s affairs for the most part.


Oahspe Book of Divinity Chapter I:
11. In the time of Fragapatti, in the dawn of the cycle of Loo in heaven, Jehovih commanded the founding of an organic Congress for His God and Lords, and His Lord Gods.
12. And Fragapatti thus created the organic body, and named it, the Diva, making God the Chief thereof, with the title, Div, even as is known to this day in the sacred books of mortals.
13. Jehovih said: In the early days of a world I give the races of man (on the earth) a despot to rule over them. But in time after I give them representative governments with many voices, having a right to help make the laws. Even so do I provide unto the hadan heavens. In the early days I provide a God who shall be dictator and governor in his own way. But in after times I provide a
parliament in heaven, wherein My God and My Lords shall jointly consult together in framing laws for angels and mortals
. And these shall be called Divan laws.
Chapter II:
2. The Div was the chief, and the Lords and their officers comprised the Divan Congress, ...
In modern politics and history, a parliament is a legislative body of government. Generally, a modern parliament has three functions: representing the electorate, making laws, and overseeing the government via hearings and inquiries. The term is similar to the idea of a senate, synod or congress, and is commonly used in countries that are current or former monarchies, a form of government with a monarch as the head.
A congress is a formal meeting where people come together to discuss issues or questions. It often refers to the legislative branch of a nation's government, such as the US Congress, but it can also refer to any important meeting or official organization.
1. a meeting of elected or appointed representatives.

Libertarians have often dreamed of escaping the tyranny of the State; some have sought to do so by seeking refuge in distant and uninhabited lands where they could live in solitary hermitage or in small communities held together by the principle of voluntary association and mutual aid. But historians know that such experiments seldom survive in peace for long; sooner or later the State finds and confronts them with its instinctive will to violence, its mania for coercion rather than persuasion, for compulsion rather than voluntarism. Such has been the fate of the Mormons and Mennonites, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Amish people, among others.

Historically, States do not dismantle willingly or easily. While they can disintegrate with startling speed, as in Russia in 1917 or France in 1968, almost always new States arise to take their place. The reason for this, I believe, is that men cannot bring themselves to believe in the practical feasibility of a society in which perfect liberty, security of life and property, and law and justice can be attained without the coercive violence of the State. Men have for so long been enslaved by the State that they cannot rid themselves of a Statist mentality. The myth of the State as a necessary part of social reality constitutes the greatest single obstacle to the achievement of a libertarian voluntarist society.

Yet the historian, if he but chooses to look and report his findings, knows that many societies have functioned successfully without the existence of the State, its coercive apparatus and monopoly of organized violence. It is my purpose here to present one example of such a society, one that existed for more than a thousand years of recorded history, terminated only by the massive military efforts of a more populous, wealthy and aggressive neighboring State. I will describe for you the millennial – long anarchic society of Celtic Ireland – destroyed after a six-century struggle against the English State in the wake of the military victories, confiscations and genocidal policies of successive English governments in the 17th century.


My Stateless Neighbors: The Amish


"The Pygmies and Hopi of Arizona express an anarchist distrust of leaders, such that each individual seeks to avoid the leadership role, blending into the group as much as possible."


"Stateless societies seem less violent and brutish than those with the state"

Longing for Arcadia: Memoirs of an Anarcho-cynicalist Anthropologist 

Peaceful Societies: Alternatives to Violence and War. Mbuti Pygmies,
Oahspe's The Lord's Fifth Book: Chapter VI:

4. Persuading them to industries, and peace and righteousness, after the manner of the I'hins. 

Above from page  120 of African Fractals by Ron Eglash. 
Generative Justice Tradition in Africa — Ron Eglash and Ellen Foster: ... unalienated forms, and 2) circulated from the bottom-up. In Africa ...

Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:17-23 (2008).

This research attempts to throw light on and show the fundamental similarities and differences between the African and Western ethical conceptions by examining the foundation of ethics and morality in the two systems ...

The African indigenous ethics revolves round the “Golden Rule Principle” as the ultimate moral principle. The Africans’ which is more humanistic describes morality and is better served. The main difference between the two ethical systems lies in the fact that whereas the “golden rule” starts from the self and considers the consequences on the first before others, the universalizability principle on the other hand considers the consequences on others first before selfhttps://philpapers.org/rec/AZETGR


Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Occidental culture, the Western world, Western society, and European civilization, is a term used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems and specific artifacts and technologies that have some origin or association with Europe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_culture 
"society is best served when value extraction is minimized, and when the communities who are generating value—not Adam Smith’s capital or Marx’s state—are in charge of its circulation." - Ron Eglash. 
OAHSPE God's First Book: Chapter XIV:
5. ...these were tribes of the Zarathustrian order, who rejected idols, Lords, Gods, Saviors, kings, queens, and all other rulers on the earth or in the heavens above the earth, save Ormazd, the Creator.

Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On Earth: Chapter XXVI:

2. Jehovih had said: A republic can not follow the highest Light; it followeth the majority. And a majority is, and was, and ever shall be, the lesser light.

3. Therefore, a republic is not the all highest government; and, since only the All Highest can triumph in the end, behold, and interpret ye what shall come to pass.

4. The C'chiefs said: But many understood not. Nevertheless, the Faithists had little in common with the Uzians.

5. The Faithists established a reciprocity betwen different colonies.

6. For, some were suited to agriculture and some to manufactures.

7. And they exchanged produce, so there was neither buying nor selling between them.

8. And it came to pass also, that, as some of the colonies were situated to the south, where it was warm, and some to the north, where it was cold, so the people went and sojourned in any place suited unto them, continuing their membership wherever they went.

9. Now, thus it did come to pass, in Jehovih's kingdom on earth, man was without a government, such as man's government.

10. And this was the next higher condition that came up after republics.

11. The angels of Jehovih, perceiving this was coming to pass, said unto the Faithists:

12. Bother not your heads much about passing new laws for the Uzians; neither take ye any part in the government, whether it doth this or that.

13. For many men shall rise up, saying: If the government would make a law of peace; or, if the government would prohibit the traffic and the manufacture of this curse or that curse,--

14. But we say unto you, all these things shall fail. Trust ye not in the ungodly to do a godlike matter.

15. The societies shall fail; the Peace Society shall become a farce; the Prohibitory Society shall be lost sight of.



a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.


Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On Earth: Chapter V:
41. And now, O Jehovih, that this, Thy kingdom on earth, may be known and distinguished from the habitations of the Uzians, we make this our solemn oath unto Thee:
42. We will not, now, nor forever, make war, nor engage in war, nor take any part in war, for any God, nor Lord, nor Savior, nor country, nor king or other ruler on earth; nor will we aid nor abet war in any way whatever.
43. Neither will we now, nor forever, eat fish nor flesh of any creature Thou didst create alive.
44. And we swear unto Thee, Jehovih, in regard to these our babes, which Thou hast given unto our keeping, to found Thy kingdom on earth, we will raise them up to abjure war, like unto this our oath unto Thee, and to practice not the carnivorous habit belonging to the Uzians.
45. Neither will we use, nor permit to be used, in Shalam, any intoxicating drink, nor weed, nor root, nor gum, nor any other drug, for the contamination of human flesh by intoxication or for stimulation unnaturally.
Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On Earth: Chapter VI:
29. The highest wisdom in the state, or in a community, is not with the majority, but with a small minority.
30. The highest wisdom, which is the highest light, should guide the individual and the family and the community and the state.
31. Now, therefore, let us divide ourselves into groups of tens.
32. And each group shall select its wisest man, as speaker, and his title shall be Chief.
33. And let the chiefs be a group also, and they shall select a speaker, whose title shall be C'chief.
34. Let the business within the colony be divided into as many departments as there are groups, one to each.
35. But let the united business of the colony, in its relations to the world, and to sister colonies, be in the care of the C'chief and the other chiefs.
36. Now, behold, in the kingdoms of heaven, when a matter is announced, requiring the Holy Council's action, each and all the members who desire, speak thereon, giving their highest light.
37. And, after that, the chief giveth his highest light, which is the decree.
38. So let it be with us.
39. And it shall be discovered in a short time who is the highest light, not only of each group, but of all the groups.
40. And whosoever is chief, shall be held responsible for the errors or shortness of his group; and whosoever is C'chief shall be held responsible for the shortness or errors of the whole colony as such.
41. Who, then, knowing that what is bound on earth is also bound in heaven, is willing to bind himself unto these heavenly laws for the sake of Jehovih's kingdom on earth?
42. When Tae asked this, the whole of the multitude answered: In Jehovih's name, I bind myself in this also.
43. Tae said: Then, in Jehovih's name, repeat after me:
48. And so on, they went, until all of them had completed the Covenant of the Brotherhood.


19. And to as many as separate themselves from the dominion of the Beast, making these covenants unto Me, have I given the foundation of My kingdom on earth.

20. And all such shall be My chosen: By their covenants and by their works shall they be known henceforth on the earth as Mine, and shall be called Faithists.

21. But to as many as will not make these covenants, have I given the numbers of the Beast, and they shall be called Uzians, signifying destroyers. And these shall be henceforth the two kinds of people on earth, Faithists and Uzians. 

Oahspe Book of Es Daughter of Jehovih Chapter 8:17. The four false Gods will fight thee to the death; only till they go down in hell, can Jehovih's kingdom come. 

 - OAHSPE BOOK OF SAPHAH chapter OSIRIS verse 56.

In 1968 during a cold down-spike year Czechoslovakia and GE workers self-management was crushed (like in war) by the Soviet Union and Top down management. 1968: A Year of Turmoil and Change | National Archives

The following quote is from:
"Their nurture and raising of children, with the ability to absorb orphans and lost children into their families and tribes preview the enlightened upbringing of children in Jehovih's Kingdom on Earth."
The quote above not only applies to Native Americans, First Nation, Amerindians and Guatamans but also to sub-Saharan African tribes who worshipped the Great Spirit before Christianity and Islam.
Caring for African Orphans
1) Do extended families –that have historically been relied upon-- still adequately accommodate
orphans in sub-Saharan Africa?
My analysis shows that the extended family system still provides the greatest coverage for
African orphans;
African Orphans, extended family system, foster care, orphanages, adoption.
Most African  orphans  are  raised  among  kin  within  the  extended  family, a  system 
derived  from  the belief  that  children  belongs  not  just  to  their  biological  parents, 
but  to  the  broader  family  and community

Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On Earth, THE BOOK OF SHALAM : Chapter I:
9. Jehovih answered Tae, saying: Go, seek, and bring out of Uz orphan babes and castaway infants and foundlings.
10. And these shall be thy colony, which shall be My new kingdom on earth.
◄ Matthew 19:14 ► of the Bible:
But Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and don't try to stop them! People who are like these children belong to God's kingdom." - Contemporary English Version
Shalam was to be the initial colony of babies from which a new and better race would evolve. And so it came about that in the summer of 1884, two men with heritage of great dreams set out in quest of the "unoccupied land by the river" of OAHSPE prophesy. The tall man, fasting to purification of mind and body, was Dr. John B. Newbrough of New York City, world traveler, mystic, physician and philanthropist, a man well known in America and English spiritualist circles. Newbrough was accompanied by Joseph Grill, his longtime friend.
A few children had accompanied the group from the east in 1884, and these children lived in the "common room" of the Fraternum. Other infants came to Shalam, and the babies played in a screened pavilion until the Children's building was completed. Small tots whisked around the lilacs in the sunshine of the patio. It was a healthy life.
Newbrough had received a letter from Masonic friends in Las Cruces, New Mexico, telling him of land available in that area.
Children were "'gathered-up' from foundling homes; handed over by police sergeants; and left in Faithist depositories". Newbrough and his wife traveled as far as Kansas City, San Francisco, New Orleans, and Chicago to gather children. The children, from a variety of races, were pampered and treated with love and kindness.[19]
There were gathered between 1887 and 1900 some fifty small children who represented "the babes the world would not have." They ranged from African to Chinese. But all were beloved under the tenets of the Faithists.
"As Faithists and readers of Oahspe know, it is no secret that the Creator had His/Her writers end the writing of the Oahspe with the focus on children living and being raised in safe communities or micro-societies called Shalam. ...the Creator's mandate for Kosmon is to serve children, beginning with the youngest (preferably infants) and the most vulnerable." - Dr. Glenn P. Kendall, 2021.
Oahspe has much info on the raising of children but nowhere does it say to hit, whip, or cause pain to a child.
Many child care people consider hiting, and whipping children as not good for children. Many people say you are teaching children to use violence to solve problems.
The Efe Pygmies are “wholly non-aggressive,” Jean-Pierre Hallet told me.
Hallet never saw a Pygmy adult hit or criticize a child.
Oahspe Book of Inspiration Chapter VIII:
8. And My angels said unto man: Become thou one with thy Creator; these are His direct inspirations:
10. To give delights only, and not pain.
12. To do not violently against His creatures.
16. But these are thy evil inspirations, O man, these come from thy birth and surroundings, formerly called, satan:
19. To punish.
Those who spare the rod hate their children, but those who love them
are diligent to discipline them — Proverbs 13:24
One of the most unfortunate misunderstandings of Scripture concerns passages that refer to the necessity of using “the rod of discipline” in the training of children. These include:
Proverbs 22:15 — “Foolishness is bound in the heart of the child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him.”
Proverbs 23:13 — “Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die.”
Many well-intentioned Christians take these passages and others like them to mean that God is specifically instructing parents to spank children when they misbehave; further, that these spankings should be administered with variations on the general theme of “the rod”: belts, hickory switches, paddles, and the like.


Just as hitting or beating a puppy or dog is not consided good, likewise hitting or beating a human child is not considered good.


As a result, spanking, beating, and hitting a dog may lead to even more behavioral issues, including fear aggression as well as submissive urination.

If beating or hitting a dog does not work, then how can we teach our dogs right from wrong?

How can we get our dogs to behave and not engage in destructive behaviors?

The answer lies in the other school of dog discipline, namely reward based techniques.


Animal behaviorist and University of Wisconsin professor Patricia McConnell describes the results...

The most confrontational, and I would argue, aggressive, behaviors on the part of the owners resulted in the highest levels of aggressive responses from the dogs. 43% of dogs responded with aggression to being hit or kicked,

"Violence begets violence, aggression begets aggression," McConnell added. Her conclusion is corroborated by additional studies.



"The Negrito strain in India increases as we move south, where the Dravidian tribes ...are short

and dark skinned." - page 49 of The Lost History of The Little People by Susan Martinez. 

Oahspe's The Lord's Fifth Book: Chapter VI:

4. Persuading them to industries, and peace and righteousness, after the manner of the I'hins. 

Peaceful Societies.

Batek Negritos of Malaysia peninsula

Batek are a peaceful society.

Parents rarely strike a child or use physical force on them, since their word sakel means both to hit and to kill, an abhorrent concept to them.

Children play actively but not aggressively, and they lack competitive games.

The Batek have a firm expectation that all food, including game that is killed and vegetables that are gathered, will be shared. When different groups come back to their camp near the end of the day, after the tubers and pieces of meat are carefully shared, the families cook their meals and then send their children carrying plates of food to others, despite the fact that everyone already has enough. This teaches the youngsters the importance of their sharing ethic. They also share other goods freely, whether they are obtained as gifts or purchased through their trading. Except for the elderly or infirm, each person can share without causing a strain and whatever is given will presumably come back at some point.

Strategies for Avoiding Warfare and Violence. The Batek are totally opposed to any interpersonal violence—they flee from enemies instead of fighting.

Violence, coercion, aggressive behavior, and physical retribution are so totally unacceptable to the Batek that they would ostracize anyone who was belligerent. Batek women, as well as men, are free from the threat of physical violence because of these beliefs.

Kirk Endicott implies (1988), though he does not come right out and say so, that there is very little if any violence among the Batek.

Batek | Peaceful Societies - UNC Greensboro

noun: Negrito; plural noun: Negritos
a member of a black people of short stature native to the Austronesian region.


The Negrito peoples show strong physical similarities with the Pygmy peoples of Africa but are genetically
closer to surrounding Southeast Asian populations.

Negrito - Wikipedia

Above and below: pure asiatic Negrito of Zambales, Original I"hin
(drawn by Newgrough under angelic control), and African Congo Pygmy.
Notice how the Negrito and African Pygmy have a very similar proportional
symmetry to the I'hin. Notice the horizontal mid-forehead indentation of all 3.
Above: map of where the original I'hins landed in Asia after the sinking of
the continent of Pan, and map of where modern negritos live in the southern
coastal areas of the Indian Ocean and the coastal pacific areas of South-east
Asia and the Philippine archipelago. 
The aggressiveness which characterizes the modern peoples ...spring from...the Aryan branches of mankind. The ancient Hebrews were  seldom engaged in strife, and then only as the result of being attacked, and never from any effort on their part at conquest of other peoples.
The Hebrews have always been monotheistic, worshipping one god only---Jehovih, the CreatorThe Aryans, with the growth of the Christian religion, have worshipped several gods, have been competitive, aggressive, imperialistic, and frequently engaged in wars of conquest.  - Page 48 of SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, 1941-1948 (1940) by Wing Anderson.
Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On Earth: Chapter XII:
1. ES, the chief nurse, had said: I must tell you of the wonderful Light of Jehovih, that always cometh to us in time of emergency. Even at the moment despair is about to reach us, lo, His Light provideth unto us.
2. I had undertaken to nurse, with bottles, ever so many babes, more than was possible for one woman to attend, taking one at a time on my lap, but I could not get round in time. So, also, I had had observation that babes should be held in somebody's arms, and that when they cried they should be taken up, held upright, and diverted by walking with them or by tossing them.
3. To do these things for many babes was not possible for one nurse; so, after I had prayed for strength and light as to what was best to be done, the Voice came to me, plainly, as if I had read it in a book, saying:
4. My Daughter, why thwartest thou the way of My creations? Had I designed My little ones to be upright, I should have provided a way for them.
5. Thou shalt permit them to lie down, and to roll about. Neither shalt thou encumber them with pillows and cushions. Permit them to exercise themselves by crawling in their own way.
6. And when the proper time cometh for them to stand upright, and to jump, behold, I will be with them.
7. Es said: Now, thereupon, I began a new system. I not only searched to know myself, but to develop these little ones. And when I took away the pillows and cushions, giving them double blankets to lie on, and opportunity to exercise by rolling about, behold, they grew in strength daily, and not only soon ceased to cry, but began to sing songs (to me they were songs) and to laugh and amuse themselves with their hands and toes and whatever they got hold of.
8. From this little light, of applying the law of development unto babes, I applied myself to make them understand that they should divert themselves, without depending on their nurses. For many of the orphans we had received were little tyrants, having been spoiled by former nurses, and they screamed constantly, to make some one carry them about and divert them.
9. Now, therefore, I perceived that Jehovih required more of me than merely to feed and clean these little ones; the minds of the spoiled ones had to be remodeled; they should be made to comprehend that no one was slave unto them; and, moreover, that they themselves should cultivate patience, gentleness and love, as better attributes than fretfulness and authority.
10. For, let no one be surprised, even babes can be spoiled to think themselves an authority, with power to command obedience from adults. And they discover, at an early age, that to give vent to peevishness and passion bringeth the nurse to do them service.
11. And I saw, too, that some, even such as could merely hold up their heads, became jealous, to be the first fed, or the first washed, and answered my negligence with fearful screams.
12. Now, it came to pass, when I ceased taking them up to feed them, and did away with the pillow-props, and laid them all down alike, and gave them food at the same time (according to their groups), I had not only provided unto them better corporeal development, but better spiritual development.
13. Such as had been peevish and jealous ceased their former habits, and began to look with respect to the other babes, rolling beside them.
14. Not many months passed by till they began to be interested in one another, examining their feet and hands, and evidently trying to comprehend who they were, and whence they came. And they also saw in one another a representation of themselves, appreciating a fellowship that was surpassingly beautiful.
Chapter XIII:
1. TAE said: Never grew such straight and handsome children as those of Shalam.
2. And it was so. And, moreover, they were of all shades of color, and of all nations and peoples on the earth. 
I've heard this postulated on several occasions: if an alien society is intelligent/advanced enough to reach Earth, they must be peaceful, restrained, and reflective...   so, does superiority imply docility? Based on Earth alone, it's safe to conclude that humans are (by far) the most technologically advanced species - yet I'm hard pressed to think of anything more destructive and spiteful than man...   edit: in order to clarify - is violence/aggression inherently primitive? do we expect technologically advanced aliens to (universally) "come in peace"? why is this assumption so prevalent?   Consider that almost all of the major technological advances in history were made in direct response to either the threat or the actuality of armed conflict. 

Military inventions with civilian uses


Date invented

Original purpose



Early warning radar, air defence systems



Portable two-way radio communications system for military

Night vision

1939 - 1940s

Visibility for military personnel in low light situations

Duct tape


Sealing ammunition cases

The computer networking revolution began in the early 1960s and has led us to today�s technology. The Internet was first invented for military purposes, and then expanded to the purpose of communication among scientists. The invention also came about in part by the increasing need for computers in the 1960s. 

According to Oahspe the Ethereans (spiritual extraterrestrial interstellar human travelers) are technologically advanced and peaceful, yet they confront and conquer the false Gods and drujas in different solar-systems without using violence (or using minimum use of force) upon them. The ethereans would confine the false Gods and drujas and help them rehabilitate through therapy and education. 

The Ethereans exhibit a balance of characteristics of both the I'hins (the pygmies) who were non-competitive, and peaceful and the Ghans who are aggressive, military conquerers.

The future earthly Kosmon race will be the balance between the I'hins and the Ghans, becoming more like the Ethereans. 

It is possible to have a technologically advanced peaceful society.

So true.

So true.

The power of love = ethe, dan, light, 99-100, 1000 (peace) = higher (Shalam)

The love of power = a'ji, war, darkness, 66, 666 (beast) = lower (UZ)

Shalom (Sephardic Hebrew/Israeli Hebrew: shalom; Ashkenazi Hebrew/
Yiddish: sholom, sholem, sholoim, shulem) is a Hebrew word meaning peace, completeness, prosperity, and welfare and can be used idiomatically to mean both hello and goodbye.[1][2][3]
1.Jump up ^ Glamour of the Grammar in the Jerusalem Post
2.Jump up ^ Blue Letter Bible
3.Jump up ^ As mentioned in the Strong's Concordance
Shalam = a Oahspe word for a Kosmon Community and Jehovih's Kingdom on Earth.
Shalam = a headstart program for children.
Shalam, God shows how to dwell practically in peace and love.
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven."
Better it is to labor with a child from
infancy, and thence to maturity, to
teach it aright
, than to strive with a
score of conceited adults, and fail to
redeem one.
The sound, "Ah," substituted for "Oh," makes a word earthly that was heavenly, or a substituted for o makes a word earthly instead of heavenly.
Am of shalam = earthly peace = Jehovih's Kingdom on EARTH (Shalam) as it is in heaven (Shalom).

OAHSPE: Book Of Jehovih's Kingdom On Earth: THE BOOK OF SHALAM CHAPTER I: 4. And Jehovih answered Tae, saying: Go, bring My people out of Uz, and found them in a place by themselves; for now is the beginning of the founding of My kingdom on earth.

Uz is also equivalent to, WORLDLINESS, or, world's people.

Therefore, "Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord." - ◄ 2 Corinthians 6:17 ► of the Bible:
Example of a fraternal community:

Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On Earth: Chapter XIX:
23. The way is open for any to go hence to found a new colony. Neither shall it be a branch of Shalam, nor a dependent. But it shall be in independent sister colony.
24. Neither shall it copy after Shalam, saying: Shalam shall be our example.
25. This would be following an earthly light.
26. Neither shall its people copy after Tae, saying: Tae did so and so, let us also.
27. For this would be following a lower light.
28. But it shall follow the Light of Jehovih as it cometh unto you who found it.
29. Save Jehovih found it, they shall fail who attempt it.
30. Jehovih designed not that man should build his house exactly like his neighbor's. The misfortune of man is to copy after others, instead of following Jehovih's Light as it cometh to himself.
31. Let not this misfortune come unto Shalam's sister colony. Another locality will call for other things. Be mindful of these, and adapt yourselves accordingly. 

Bitcoin is a way of getting free from centralized power of Banking and Government. Bitcoin is a way to get out of the banking system. Bitcoin is a way of denationalizing currency. No longer will the federal government have a total monopoly on currency. Bitcoin is the Internet of money. Bitcoin is the Kosmon of money. “Bitcoin is an alternative method securing (VALUE) in a superior secured digital network, apart from centralized governments and banks deciding what that (VALUE) is at any given moment.” - Michael Lawler September 2021.

From 34 minutes and 20 seconds into video to 35 minutes and 15 seconds the speaker Travis Patron says “in my opinion what we may see is a leap frogging  concept for regions such as Africa if we go back they actually leap-frogged the telephone landline and went straight to a mobile cellular paradigm, I think what we may see is these african regions leap frogging the banking infrastructure and going toward a sort of digital money paradigm.

Mobile money is a digital payment platform that allows for the transfer of money between cellphone devices. The technology is installed in the SIM card of the device and can be used on regular and smartphone devices. Users can receive, withdraw, and send money without being connected to the formal banking system. The product differs from mobile banking where users connect using internet-enabled mobile devices to manage the funds in their bank account. Prior to Kenya’s recent growth in mobile money services, household members had to find creative ways to send money to loved ones who lived across the country. These informal processes—such as sending physical cash with friends or bus drivers—were very expensive, caused delays, and created uncertainty that the money would reach the anticipated destination both from a logistical and security perspective. Mobile money offered a solution with direct person-to-person transfers.  A growing body of research is emerging with a consistent finding: households are able to better respond to unforeseen difficulties when they have access to mobile money. When an unexpected negative event—such as a flood or a child falling ill—occurs, households with mobile money are able to rely on the easy and affordable transfer of money from family and friends even if they are living far away


https://globalfindex.worldbank.org › files › referpdf

Mar 1, 2019 — Sub-Saharan Africa is a trailblazer in the use of mobile money to conduct digital transactions.
Sub-Saharan Africa is a trailblazer in the use of mobile money to conduct digital transactions. While the vast majority of adults around the world who use formal financial services rely on traditional banks and financial institutions, in Sub-Saharan Africa, 21 percent of adults have mobile money accounts—by far the largest share of any region.  

M-Pesa is a mobile banking service that allows users to store and transfer money through their mobile phones. M-Pesa was introduced in Kenya as an alternative way for the population of the country to have access to financial services. Safaricom, the largest mobile phone operator in Kenya, launched M-Pesa in 2007. The service is a blend of two entities where M means mobile and Pesa means money or payment in the Swahili language.

  • M-Pesa began in Kenya and is being utilized in 10 countries, including India and Romania. 

  • Emergent technology in the financial sector, or Fintech, has made it possible for financial services and products, like M-Pesa, to be more accessible at small costs.

M-Pesa Definition - Investopedia 

Not only was and/or is Travis Patron interested in Bitcoin but also the Oahspe: 
On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 1:53 PM, Travis Patron <travispatron@ wrote:
Greetings fellow Earth traveller,

I am interested in your study of OAHSPE as found on your website. How can I gain access to the information? What kinds of donations do you accept? Do you accept bitcoin? Where are you at now In your studies? How can we best use the OAHSPE today to advance our spiritual evolution?

Thank you kindly.

On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 5:33 PM, Travis Patron <travispatron@ wrote: 
Donation made! Interested in studying OAHSPE. Would also be interested in donating bitcoin if the content is good. 

On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 5:54 PM, Travis Patron <travispatron@ wrote:
1. What is your favourite book in the OAHSPE?
2. What is your favourite verse in the OAHSPE?
3. What is your favourite plate in the OAHSPE?
4. What is the greatest revelation in the OAHSPE?
5. What exactly is the Great Serpent as described in the OAHSPE?
6. What changes if any have you noticed in your life since you started being a Faithist?
7. Why do you think the OAHSPE is one of the most important books?

On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 1:34 PM, Travis Patron <travispatron@ wrote:
If I pay in bitcoin, how much for lifetime access?

"Bitcoin is: An Advanced Technological Solution To The Problems and Disparity of Today's Money." - Gregg Braden / Wisdom Traditions Feb 23, 2022.
"What is money? 1) Medium of exchange for energy." - Gregg Braden / Wisdom Traditions Feb 23, 2022.  

Any comments about Oahspe or this website? Email Me. I look forward to talking to you about Oahspe and this website

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