Home, Cycles, Astrophysics, Human developmentHome, Cycles, Astrophysics, Human development 2Team Kemet vs OahspeIn the Creator we TrustUp-spikes and down-spikes warm and cold yearsAfrican Slavery in AmericaWing AndersonVortex, rotation and magnetismMore studyofoahspe.com referencesPhysics equations graphics, unified field theory, strings, lines of needles, UFOsCevorkum sub-galactic vs galactic orbitVowel sign language E-O-I greetingsMartial Arts training and Oahspe teachingsThe I'hins became extinctThe Word of John 1:1 is Vortex Motion of Oahspe Book of Jehovih 1:1Biological species concept and oxygen levels of earthFaithists working for earthly Government from Ancient to KosmonMithra, Christianity, Constantine, and OahspeDifference Between an I'huan and a Ongwee-ghanThe City of Abram (Abraham)Study-of-Oahspe for the student in class and moreExosphere and Magnetosphere of the Earth's vortexAnger leads to Satan (Ego)Whatever happened to Kosmon Black?Why the I'hins in Oahspe were not albinos or dwarfsOrigin of the color and race of the I'hins, Amish, Jefferson, Faithists, questions, dependenceOahspe scientific knowledge posted on the Internet in 2005 and 1997Engaging in, aiding and abetting war and murderBig Bang, OAHSPE, Infinity, FractalsSynchronicity 111 (111.1)Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.comOahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.com part 2Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.com part 3Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.com part 4Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.com part 5Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.com part 6How accurate are the drawings in Oahspe?All-Connected, All-Person, UnityJohn Lant Original Oahspe George Van Tassel and Jim VelasquesFaithist James May Science and OahspeGeorge Washington Prophecy of AmericaCOSMOGONY by Hugh RoseScholarly Books about OahspeEtherean fire-ship toroidal propulsion systemAngels mating with physical humansBook of SaphahMore science, Astronomy, PhysicsMore science 2 Chemistry, Physics, AstronomyHigher Advanced Knowledge of OahspeOptical Network Communications - Facial recognition - Prophets - Iesu - ZodiacSun planet, Sun photosphere, Sun's stage of developmentMaya Knowledge and Oahspe, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Kosmon raceInstinct, DNA, hereditaryExtrasolar planets, CEVORKUM, Light speedWeather, Climate, Dark Matter, Airborne PathogensGeology - Pole-shift - Magnetic reversal - Radiometric dating-A'jiSolar-Stellar Life Cycle - End of Earth - Death, Disease, Life After DeathBiology, Primary Vortex, Life, Computing, QuantumPhysics - Light - SoundPhysics - Magnetism - GravityThe Creator - The Father- Man - Fractals - Vortex physicsHuman origins - Pygmies - I'hinsHominidae - animal-manEarly Man - Races of Man - AnthropologyOahspe vs MormonismDinosaurs, Man, fossils, early EarthReligious History, Chinvat Bridge, Archeology, RaceConfucius, Po, China, Jaffeth & Caucasian origin & destinyThe Great Pyramid of Ancient Egypt and ThothmaMathematics of Israelites and sub-Saharan Africans, CASTA SYSTEMHell, Knots, Flash devices, Riot control, use of forceBiblical flood and the sinking of PanOahspe vs Qur'anThe Constantine BibleLooeamong, Constantine, and The Roman EmpireThe Bible, Jesus, Joshu, Essenes, AnunnakiColumbus, Catholics, Conquistadors, Protestants, CrusadesQuakers and inner lightThomas PaineUS HistoryKosmon cycle, people, TECHNOLOGY, ancestry & SHALAMSubatomic particles - String Theory - Quantum - GUTMatter - Anti-Matter, Galaxies and CosmologyWalter Russell Cosmogony Einstein Fractals Cellular Automata ManichaeanHolographic CosmosAerospace engineering, space-ships, space travelSpace clouds, Earth travel, ORACHNEBUAHGALAHTables of prophecy and historyThe Beast, Pets and AnimalsORACHNEBUAHGALAH CHARTS Cycles & ProphecyAngels rank, universe, genetics, Loo'isNordic Aliens-Angels, Greys, Neoteny and ManPower of Attraction - Visualization - Spiritual gifts, energy, ceremonySpiritual message - UFOs - EthereansCosmic Consciousness, cycles, human behavior, ZodiacCycles, Predictions, Earth events, A'jiLife Development Darkness Light CyclesNebula, Earth's atmosphere, heat & cold, eclipse, prophecyTrue PropheciesPredictionsDirect Inspiration, Walter RussellMisc. vortex, matter, periodic table, solar system, fractals, pi and cMisc. 2, E=mc2, geometry, pi and alphabet codes, chemical elementsMisc. 3, Sacred mathematics, geometry, music, harmonics, cosmology, cycles, fractals, chaosMisc. 4 life and planets, E-O-IH and geometry, DNA, facial recognitionMisc. 5 human DNA, neuroscience, 9-8-5, 33, creativity, solar powerProphecy, Pan, Harvest & DNAMagnetospheres - Solar planetary vortex - 3D HologramsEther Vortex PhysicsLanguage - Symbols - Pictographs - Creator's name - Native AmericansTornados, name vs concept, flat earth theory, UV-light, sympathetic resonance, spiritsTae and facial recognition, Ham, Shem, Guatama, I'huan, Ghan racesMathematics, Reality, primary 3, E-O-IH, Cevorkum, Ethereans, face matching, DNA, Israelites, MusicOriginal Israelites and JewsIsraelites I'huans Ghans Adinkra TesseractAfrica - Ham - I'huansETHICAL TEACHINGS OF OAHSPE, Government on Earth, digital moneyAngelic star travelers, Human origins, racesAstrophysics, OpticsOAHSPE Contradictions Imperfections CultsInfants Oahspe grades heaven progressionC allele, genetics and SNPsVisitors and CommentsDonation
living mathematics; - "Numbers rule the Universe." ~Pythagoras - "Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold and austere, without
the gorgeous trappings of painting or music." —Bertrand Russell - "Nature's great book is written
in mathematics." ~Galileo - "Mathematics is the Queen of Science, and Arithmetic the Queen of Mathematics."
~C. F. Gauss - "The Universe is a pretty cool place, and works using a fairly well-regulated
set of rules. We call those rules physics, they’re written in the language of math, and trying to understand all that
is science." - Phil Plait, astronomer - Page
37 of The Universal Cycle Theory (2011) by Stephen J. Puentz and Glenn Borchardt, PH.D. ..."sadly a new scientific truth
does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but
rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that
is familiar with it." - Jehovih = E-O-IH = 9-8-5 = Power, Harmony, and Balance. 9 is the most powerful single number, to the nth (9th) power. 5 is the most balanced single number, the central between
0 and 10, or 1 and 9. Harmonics are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. https://www.teachmeaudio.com/recording/sound-reproduction/fundamental-harmonic-frequencies Integers are like whole numbers, but they also include negative numbers ... but still no fractions allowed! We can
put that all together like this: Integers = { ..., −4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... } https://www.mathsisfun.com/whole-numbers.html 8 is the most harmonic single number because it can be divided 3 times as a integer (whole number). 8-4-2-1 =
harmonic divisions of 8, the musical octave (Hence music is the greatest of all harmonizers OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and
Prophecy Chapter IX:6). -
The Key to understanding anything you read is to take it one word and one sentence at a time. If you come
to a word you don't understand then research the word
until you understand it, then go back and re-read the sentence
again. I have made the word research easier
for you by providing definitions for many strange words in Oahspe and on my website. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E-O-I = Vowels of Jehovih,
Primary or first 3, Power, Light, and Peace, or Power, Harmony, and Balance = 9-8-5 = 9.85 (first 3 of Pi x first 3 of Pi),
22 (sum), 360 (product), 1600 (product / quotient) = circumference of a circle. Oahspe Book of Saphah 8. PAN said: The wind spake but was seen not. Asu was taught that Corpor, the Seen, was ruled
over by Es, the Unseen. In the leaves the wind said Ee;
in the ocean surge and in the storm's roar, Oh; and in the winter's whistle, Ih; and he
called the Unseen, E, O, Ih; ... 
http://www.sengpielaudio.com/VowelDiagram.htm Oahspe Book of Saphah 8. PAN said:... In the leaves the wind said Ee; Spectrogram of tree leaves rustling in the wind – an example ... https://www.researchgate.net › figure › a-top-Spectrogram... "We compared the noise attenuation capacity of sites typifying dominant land covers
in southern Ontario, Canada (forest, tallgrass prairie, and agriculture) across three seasons (summer, fall, and winter).
We found that total noise attenuation was affected by a complex interaction of both site and season across low (250 Hz), mid (500 Hz), and high (1000 Hz) frequency sound. Seasonal changes in vegetation
density varied between sites and seemed to play only a partial role in total noise attenuation." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35068919/ Oahspe
Book of Saphah 8. PAN said: ...in
the ocean surge and in the storm's roar, Oh; Hydroacoustic, Meteorologic and Seismic Observations of the ... https://repository.library.noaa.gov › view › noaa PDF by RP Dziak · 2019 · Cited by 7 — waves.
However, wind and wave generated ocean noise are typically in a much higher frequency band (∼50–500 Hz; Wenz,. | Illustrations showing interpreted sequence of NIS fracture and ... https://www.researchgate.net
› figure › Illustrations-showi... wind and wave generated ocean noise are typically in a much higher frequency band (∼50-500 Hz; Wenz, 1962). Oahspe Book of Inspiration Chapter Chapter VI: 1. I am One Spirit, saith Jehovih. 5. And as to man: One
is inspired to music; another to mathematics; another to seership, and so on. 6. To all of these I am the One, the Universal Inspirer that moveth all of them.

Chemical elements and atomic numbers Numbers, chemistry, physics, and life: Oxygen atomic
number = 8, atomic weight = 16. Harmonic multiple. 8 is the number of harmony. Harmonic relationship = love (giving).
Plants give off oxygen. Plants photosynthesis (synthesize light) and give off oxygen = gift of love, gift of life. In
return we give plants carbon (carbon dioxide). Breathing cycle = oxygen in, carbon dioxide out. - Plants give off
oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. Do they do the reverse at night? That’s right. At night, they breathe in oxygen
and breathe out carbon dioxide, a process called respiration. Basically, at night they act like animals, says Gerry Edwards,
a botanist here at Washington State University. But wait a minute! Don’t plants provide us with oxygen and take
in carbon dioxide? Yes, of course. That’s photosynthesis. So what’s going on here? Well, let’s
think this through. Photosynthesis, as you probably know, is the process by which plants absorb light energy from the Sun
through their leaves to make food from carbon dioxide that they absorb from the atmosphere. Act like animals at night?
Well, not quite, says Professor Edwards. Of course, plants don’t have the lungs that enable animals to breathe in oxygen
and then transport it throughout their bodies via hemoglobin in their blood. Plants just suck it in as best they can. Actually,
oxygen diffuses into the plant tissue through membranes and air spaces around their cells. Plants also exchange, or “inhale”
and “exhale,” carbon dioxide, oxygen and water through STOMATA, openings on the “skin” of their leaves
that they can close to prevent water loss. Lungs or not, the process of respiration is basically the same in plants and
animals http://druniverse.wsu.edu/?p=101 - Carbon atomic number = 6, atomic weight = 12. Atomic number to atomic weight = 6, 12, multiples of carbon
= 24, 48, 96, 192, 384, 768, 1536 Atomic number to atomic weight = 8, 16, multiples of oxygen = 32, 64, 128, 256, 512,
1024, etc... 8 is the harmonic number. All numbers when multiplied by 2x2x2x2 etc... eventually become all harmonic multiples
of 8. Example 13x2 = 26 (not a multiple of 8), 52 (not an 8 multiple), 104 (8 multiple), 208 (8 multiple), 416 (8 multiple),
etc...All multiples of the atomic number/mass of carbon = 24, 48, 96, 192, 384, 768, 1536, etc.. are multipes of 8. Every even number multiple of the atomic weight of Carbon is a harmonic multiple of the atomic number of Oxygen (1/2 atomic
weight). Any number (a = 12) that is 1.5 x more than another number (b = 8), all even number multiples of number (a)
will be a harmonic multiple of number (b). 12 x 32 = 384 / 8 = 48. Mathematical harmonic relationship between oxygen
and carbon, between plants and animals = life. Harmonic cyclic relationship = Rhythmic Balanced Interchange "If
man still needs more words to aid his knowing of My one law, give to him another one, and let those three words be Rhythmic
Balanced Interchange." - "The Message Of The Divine Iliad" by Walter Russell - Carbon dioxide molecule
= O-C-O bond. Carbon dioxide makes up the Carbon-Oxygen cycle. CO2 = two (di) oxygen atoms (8 + 8) plus one carbon atom
(6). Sum total of atomic numbers = 8+8 (oxygen) + 6 (carbon) = 22 (carbon di-oxide) 22 = life, Circle, Cycle, Pi
ratio of circle to diameter = 22/7, 22 = circle, cycle (See Cycles, Predictions page for the 22 year cycles) 22
= Oxygen-Carbon cycle E-O-IH = 9-8-5 = Creator, Circumference, Circle, Cycle 9+8+5 = 22 = Circle circumference,
cycle 22/7 = Pi, ratio of circle (22) to diameter (7) O = 8 x fundamental note O = Oxygen = Atomic number 8 O = sky, atmosphere, air in Panic language O = Oxygen, 21% of air e-o-ih = sound of wind, air, breath O =
Oxygen = air, breath O = 8 = harmony, harmonic Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8. By mass, oxygen is the third-most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium.[2] At even higher low earth orbit altitudes, atomic oxygen is a significant presence Most of the mass of living organisms is oxygen as it is a part of water, the major constituent
of lifeforms (for example, about two-thirds of human body mass). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen Oahspe Book of Saphah: Se'moin: 2. Oh! the sky, the canopy over (Pan). Oh'ah
(Kii). O'shak (Fonece). D'yo (Vede). N'yo (Algonquin). As a man would exclaim looking upward. The vault above the earth. 8. Eoih, the unseen Power, Creator (Panic). Before man could comprehend the All Spirit he was taught the
wind, the All Unseen, and to call it E-O-Ih! The emblem of Boundless and of Life. - Oahspe God's First Book: Chapter XXVI: 20. And the Great Spirit said: Call Me Egoquim, O My Son. I am three
in One; the earth, and all that is in the earth and on the earth, ...And the air above the earth, the Atontea,
is another member of My Person. And higher yet; in the high place above the air, is the ether; ...is the third member of My
Person. - Oahspe - Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih: Chapter III: 4. Behold, neither men nor angels on the red
star comprehend the harmony of My works; and because of their own inharmony they deny Me, being blind
to My Person. - The plant leaf in the Circle-Cross symbol (emblem) of Oahspe =
life Oxygen = 8 = harmony and order. Life = order, organized,
organic, organism. Disharmony = CHAOS, DISORDER, DEATH

Animal life as we know it requires an atmosphere with sufficient oxygen. In order for plants to carry
out photosynthesis, there must be a sufficient amount of carbon in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. The
unique chemistry of carbon is essential for life as we know it. If the Earth did not have it, there would be no advanced life
here. Yet too much carbon is also disastrous to life, so we should be appreciative that the Earth seems to have just about
the right amount. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/astro/atmohab.html Carbon dioxide and plants - a nest relationship B.During daylight all plants use carbon
dioxide and give off oxygen. This process is called photosynthesis - it requires light. C.At night, the opposite is true.
Plants use oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. This process is called respiration. Carbon dioxide and animals - another
exciting relationship! A.All animals use oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. 2. Day/night - The carbon dioxide level
will be greater at night because plants will be using oxygen and producing carbon dioxide at the time. http://water.me.vccs.edu/exam_prep/carbondioxide.html Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and prophecy Chapter 3: 12. Vortexya can be charged, as already
mentioned, into iron and other substances. When it is charged in iron it is called magnetism; when charged in phosphorus it
is called light (luminous glow); Phosphorous plays a central role in both photosynthesis and respiration. Phosphorus,
the chemical element named for its light-emitting behavior, emits light due to chemiluminescence. Phosphorus Symbol:
P Atomic Number: 15. Atomic Mass: 30.97376 amu Atomic mass of Phosphorus (30.9) is a 2x multiple of 15. Phosphorus
name comes from the Greek word 'phosphoros' meaning bringer of light. Pi = 22/7 22 - 7 = 15 (inbetween 22 and 7) E=mc2,
E= energy, m = mass, c2 = Light (c2 or Light inbetween E and m) E = 8, m = 2, C2 = 4. (8=2x2x2=8) C2 = 4 (inbetween 2
and 8).
The symbol of Oahspe = the Circle = the symbol of the Great Spirit Oahspe
Book of Saphah: Se'moin: 34. I'su (Panic). Ie Su, a young child that has not sinned. The true
cross within Eloih. Pi = the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter = 22/7. Number of circle
or Great Spirit = 22, number of diameter = 7 (creation) The symbol of Chrisitanity = the Cross = two diameter lines Two diameter lines = 14, 14/22 = .636, 14/21 = .666 = number of the Beast. Pi = 3.14, 3 / .14 = 21.42 (number of cycle,
circle) / = divided by 1 / .14 = 7.14 (number of single cross line) x 2 = 14.28 (number of cross) 14.28 / 21.42
= cross divided by cycle = .666 the number of Christianity 3.14 = 3 = whole (e-o-ih, All-Person), 2 dividing lines
(cross) of whole = 2/3 = 666 = Beast (See the Beast page, for the names and numbers of the Beast). - Nitrogen
Symbol: N Atomic Number: 7. Atomic Mass: 14.00674 amu http://www.chemicalelements.com/elements/n.html Pi = 3.14, 3 / .14 = 21.42 (number of cycle, circle) / = divided by 1 / .14 = 7.14 (number of single cross
line) x 2 = 14.28 (number of cross) 14.28 / 21.42 = cross divided by cycle = .666 the number of Christianity 3.14
= 3 = whole (e-o-ih, 3-in-1, All-Person), 2 dividing lines (cross) of whole = 2/3 = 666 = Beast - Geometry and physics of the Circle, Vortex, lines, and Cross: Circle = Creator,
E-O-IH, Circumference (22, 360) no beginning and no ending = same line, same direction, same path, polarization, light, harmony,
one line, oneness, unity Cross = beginning and ending = creation, diameters (7, 14) = opposition,
adverse, chaos, confusion, darkness, different directions, different paths, disharmony An apparent
ray of light is produced by the polarization of a line [superstring] of these sub-atomic needles Circle
= one line of polarity of the vortex, Circle = polarity of needles caused by the line of the vortex. Circle = one current; which vortexya floweth through even as water floweth through a tube. Cross = two or 4 currents in different directions in opposition or adversity to each other Light
is a condition of needles being polarized within the Master vortex = Circle Darkness is when the
needles are in confusion pointing in different directions, not in harmony = Cross, Criss-cross the
Cross : the cross on which Jesus Christ died : an object or image in the shape of a cross that
is used as a symbol of Christianity a : a structure consisting of an upright with a transverse
beam used especially by the ancient Romans for execution a : a device composed of an upright
bar traversed by a horizontal one; specifically : one used as a Christian symbol the
intersection of two ways or lines : crossing a (1) : to run counter to: oppose (2)
: to deny the validity of: contradict b: to confront in a troublesome manner: obstruct c (1): to spoil completely: disrupt
—used with up <his failure to appear crossed up the whole program> (2): to turn against: betray <crossed me
up on the deal> http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cross - Pi = 3.14, 3 / .14 = 21.42 (number of cycle, circle) Nitrogen
Symbol: N Atomic Number: 7. Atomic Mass: 14.00674 amu = 1 / .14 = 7.14 (number of single cross line) x 2 = 14.28 (number of
cross) 14.28 / 21.42 = cross divided by cycle = .666 the number of the Beast 14/21 = .666 = number of the Beast. Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VII: 18. ..Thus, the moon's time is 18, the earth's 365, a generation 33, dan 200, 400, 600, 500; nitrogen or darkness 66 and 666, and so on. [nitrogen = darkness = 66, 666, a'ji,
beast Nitrogen (darkness) has the same numbers as the Christian cross = 7 and 14, or 7.14 and 14.28,
or .666, and .636 OAHSPE BOOK OF JEHOVIH CHAPTER II:8,9 says " 8.
Atmospherean worlds I also created in the firmament, and I gave them places and orbits and courses for themselves. But atmospherean
worlds I created shapeless and void of fixed form, for they are in process of condensation or dissolution, being intermediate
in condition betwixt My etherean and My corporeal worlds. Of three degrees of density created I them, and I commanded man
to name them, and one he called A'ji, and one Ji'ay, and one Nebulæ. 9. But all of them are
composed of the same substances, being like the earth, but rarified. Composition of Earth's atmosphere
by volume. By volume, dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen,[1] 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts
of other gases. Atmospheric chemistry. Air is mainly composed of nitrogen ...Nitrogen (N2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_of_Earth
Quanta = small tiny bits of light or energy Quantum fluctuations, Quantum turbulence = sub-atomic
maelstrom = powerful violent whirlpool, vortex. vortexya pervades the entire universe from the macroscopic Galactic level
to the microscopic sub-atomic needle, lines of vortexya, superstring level. At the sub-atomic level, quantum level, superstring
level vortexya is more compact, compressed, more turbulent infinitesimal needles or strings, higher frequencies, shorter wavelength,
more undulations, greater vibrations At the Quantum level there is more turbulence because of higher compression of vortexya
down to a smaller volume = greater velocity At the Macro Cosmic level there is more smoothness because of less compresion
of a greater volume of size. Both the Micro Quantum level and the Macro Cosmic level is a manifestation of vortexya,
but different, because of compression, volume and velocity, The Micro Quantum level acts more like the gamma ray end
of the spectrum, higher frequeny, shorter wavelength, greater velocity, much more turbulence. The Macro Cosmic level
acts more like radio waves of the spectrum, longer wavelenth, less frequency, smoother with much less turbulence and velocity. - If we could look through a microscope at this tiny universe, we would see random quantum undulations resembling something
looking like a storm on the North Atlantic Ocean. And if we took this into outer space, into the smooth gravitational field
of a planet, you would no longer have the smooth warp of space-time described by the spatial geometry of general relativity.
At this microscopic level, the gravitational field would be warped by the frenetic energy of the quantum foam. So this fundamental
incompatibility of quantum mechanics and general relativity occurs not on the level of everyday life, or even in the vastness
of the universe, but at the most fundamental level where the building blocks of matter have their existence. Quantum
foam is the term used by physicists to describe the violent activity of the quantum world. When you combine all of the characteristics
of quantum mechanics—such as wave functions, probability, and uncertainty—you get a pretty active interaction
among the forces and particles. You can also think of it as a quantum soup, happily bubbling away. http://www.infoplease.com/cig/theories-universe/quantum-mechanics-vs-general-relativity.html String theory softens the violent quantum undulations by "smearing" out the short-distance properties of space http://www.mbreader.me/elegant-universe?page=0,91 Everything in the universe, including the gravitational field and so-called “empty space,” experiences quantum
fluctuations. If the gravitational field is the same thing as the shape of space, quantum jitters mean that the shape of space
fluctuates randomly. These undulations become more pronounced as the spatial focus narrows. John Wheeler came up with the
term quantum foam to describe the turbulence that ultramicroscopic examination reveals. The smooth spatial geometry demanded
by Einstein’s theory of general relativity ceases to exist on short-distance scales: the quantum jitters are just too
violent, tearing the very fabric of space with agitated, irregular movements. It is the presence of quantum foam that
stands in the way of a theory unifying general relativity with quantum mechanics. As with most problems of quantum mechanics,
these undulations are not observable in day-to-day experience; the universe appears calm and predictable. The obstacle only
emerges at Planck length, which is a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a centimeter (10–33). But however trifling
this scale may seem, quantum foam poses an immense problem. In fact, it creates the central crisis of modern physics. It is
clear that Einstein’s depiction of space and time as smooth was just an approximation; the real framework can only emerge
at the infinitesimal scale of the quantum jitters. It is this scale that superstring theory attempts to explain. http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/elegantuniverse/section2.rhtml OAHSPE BOOK OF COSMOGONY IX:1 says "The same force, vortexya, pervadeth the entire universe but different, according
to volume, velocity ..." More compression = more violent vortex = smallest scale = Quantum planck scale = Quantum
erractic behavior = erratic swirling fluid motion known as turbulence - Now, for the first time, researchers
provide visual evidence confirming that the reconnection of quantum vortexes launches Kelvin waves. The study, which was conducted
at the University of Maryland, will be published the week of March 24, 2014 in the online early edition of the journal Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences. http://phys.org/news/2014-03-kelvin-quantum-tornado.html The quantum nature of superfluids manifests itself in the form of quantized vortices, tiny twisters, with the core sizes
of the order of an Angstrom (0.1nm – approximately the diameter of an atom) that move through fluid severing and coalescing,
forming bundles and tangles. Quantum foam = Whirling Vortices of Turbulence at the Planck scale Quantum Foam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quantum
Foam A fake vortex tangle representing quantum turbulence in a cubic volume
and showing the quantized vortices <--Smooth line at the Macro (General Relativity) level, very bumpy at the Micro (Quantum Physics) level,
much more fluctuations and undulations at the sub-atomic level.
http://web.archive.org/web/20160302212732/http://hubblesite.org/reference_desk/faq/answer.php.id=70&cat=light - encoded secret message hidden in pi Walter Russell – The Universal One "1926...new
concepts of light, matter, energy, electricity and magnetism is a simple yet complete, consistent and workable cosmogony which
will enable future scientists to visualize the universe as a unified whole." The Universal One is both a historic
and present/future treasure. http://nondualityamerica.wordpress.com/2013/10/24/walter-russell-the-universal-one/ The string 1926 occurs at position 22890. http://www.angio.net/pi/ 22-8-90 22 = cycle and Creator number, 8 = harmony, 90 = learning (ORACHNEBUAHGALAH Plate Oahspe) The Universal
One has to do with Cycles (rythmic balanced interchange, periodicity), the Creator, harmony and light, and learning new concepts. Encoded in the decimal numbers of Pi is the information about the historic Universal One. 1926 = warm borderline up-spike
in energy (dan) http://www.longrangeweather.com/1900ad.htm

Above NASA climate graph shows peaks in cosmic-terrestrial
vortexian energy in 1775, 1881, 1921, and 1967, which synchronizes with peak spiritual experiences of Thomas Paine,
John Ballou Newbrough, Walter Russell, and Jim Navajo Velasques. Consciousness
and intelligent life in the universe are all connected through the Cosmic energy field (vortex'ian currents) so that an up-spike
in cosmic-terrestrial energy = an up-spike and expansion of human consciousness to those who are receptive. "And
there is a symbiotic relationship between the human group consciousness and the planetary “consciousness” which
responds to the laws of physics sent out to it from the galactic core [galaxy]. And that human consciousness is connected to, and is influenced by solar, and especially galactic field density [a'ji and
dan]. Basically the galactic field sends out energy through its electromagnetic field, and embedded in this energy
is data or intelligence. Thus the density or field strength affects how much ‘spirit’ or more specifically how
much energy, light and intelligence humans have. So evolution is quickened by higher field densities and conversely entropy
and retrogression is increased by lower field densities [actually ethe
is less dense and has more energy or power, and a'ji is more dense and has less energy or power]. Thus we are “connected” to God [Jehovih, Great Spirit] or the galactic
core [Cosmos] through the galactic electro-magnetic field [Cevorkum ethe'ic vortex]." The above NASA climate graph shows a connection between human consciousness and Cosmic-terrestrial vortexian energy or a'ji
and dan cycles. 1775 = up-spike in vortexian energy (Thomas Paine), 1881 = up-spike in vortexian energy (John Ballou Newbrough),
1921 = up-spike in vortexian energy (Walter Russell), 1967 = up-spike in vortexian energy (Jim Navajo Velasques).

Above in chronological order are 4 men who
were great instruments of Great Jehovih. From left to right: 1. Thomas Paine, 2. John Ballou Newbrough, 3.
Walter Russell, 4. Jim Velasques. There are many other great instruments of the Great Spirit (men and woman), but these
are the 4 that stand out the most in my life (that have had the biggest spiritual influence in my life). The life experiences
and the teachings that have come through them has inspired me the most, and I believe their teachings came from Jehovih and
His angels. - All 4 men above are associated with certain prophetic numbers of light, cycles, and times: 1.
Jim Velasques 111 Gow 1848 + 111 = 1959. (etherean ship, Etherealization) 2. Walter Russell 99-100 ethe'ic wave = 1848
+ 99-100 = 1947-1948 (Secret of Light, Message of the Divine Illiad published) 3. John Ballou Newbrough 33 Dan = 1848
+ 33 = 1881 (Oahspe transmission) 4. Thomas Paine 111 Gow 1848 - 111 = 1737 (born) All 4 men were associated with the three primary numbers of prophecy and light, 11 (111), 33, and 99 (100),
the first rule of prophecy (33), the second rule of prophecy (11), and the third rule of prophecy (99). -
The African people below also have an equally large spiritual
influence in my life due to the traditional fractal mathematics of their people: From left to right above: Bamana of Mali, Logone-Birni of Camaroon, Akan of Ghana, Chokwe of
Angola.The above people are also Great instruments of the Great Spirit Jehovih.
- Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy:
Chapter VII: 18. These periods will be found to come under certain numbers,... dan 200, 400, 600, 500;...For which
reason the following tables of times and measurements were
established: Gow, 600.[= Dan or ethe x 6] Gow, 500.[= Dan or ethe x 5] Gow, 200.[= Dan or ethe x 2] Gow,
111.[ethe x 1.11 = 1848 + 111 = 1959 = coming of the ethereans,
Jim Velasques] 111 is 10 x the solar cycle. 11.1 x
10 = 111. 1.11 (a coherent number). Mathematics: Coherence (statistics), a property of self-consistency across a set of assessments, or
the strength of association between two series http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coherence Self-consistent a. 1. Consistent with one's self or with itself; ...logically consistent throughout;
having each part consistent with the rest. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Self-consistent Gow or dan = coherent self-consistent
harmonic numbers = Light = numbers ending in multiple 1s or 0s (binary
code) 1.11 (111), 2.00 (200), 4.00 (400), etc... Binary harmonic multiples: 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,
etc...(all divisions or multiplications of 8, the harmonic number, the number of light). 880991.09 = the speed of light
/ speed of sound at sea level ... Light is 880,991.09 x faster than sound, so that is the speed of light's universal number. 8
x 11 = 88, 880 / 11 = 80 Oahspe Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave the times of Jehovih...the times
of eleven ...[11 x] Jehovih = coherent self-consistent
harmonic light Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter IX: 2. As previously shown, colors are not substances or things in fact, but records of currents of vortexya, and are in proportion to
their deviation from linear to adverse parallelism. These fall under the divisor, or multiple, 3 (primaries), yellow, blue and red, corresponding
to the times, 11, 33, 99, and so on. OAHSPE: Book
of Aph Chapter XV: 15. ...And presently all the place was aglow with a golden light, which ranks first in heaven of all colors, Golden yellow = 11, 11.1, 11.11, 111, 111.1, 111.11 = ranks
first in heaven = times of eleven ...[11 x] - OAHSPE GOD'S BOOK OF BEN CHAPTER VII: 3. I
am the living mathematics; - E-O-IH = sacred name of Creator, 3 primary sounds, vowels e = D5 = 587.3 Hz http://m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=musical+note+D5&lk=1 o = C5 = 523.25 Hz http://m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=musical+note+C5&lk=1 ih = E4 = 329.6 Hz http://m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=musical+note+E4&lk=1 587.3 + 523.25 + 329.6 + = 1440.15 sum total Hz speed of light in vacuum / speed of sound at sea
level = 880,991.09 (c/mach) 1440 Hz (E-O-IH sum) / 880 k (c/mach ) = 1.63 Golden Divine ratio 144,000 days = 400 years dan time (Mayan Baktun) / 1440
Hz (E-O-IH sum) = 100 an exact harmonic fractal OAHSPE GOD'S BOOK OF BEN CHAPTER VII: 3. I am the living
mathematics; Mathematics = the universal language of Creator, the
music (harmony) of the circle (cycle) The universal musical
notes of E-O-IH is D5 = 587.3 Hz, C5 = 523.25 Hz, and E4 = 329.6 Hz. E-O-IH = 1440 Hz sum
total. 1440 Hz / 360 degrees circle = 4 (harmonic division).
1440 / 8 (harmonic number) = 180 half circle. 1600 Cevorkum (sub-galactic orbit) arcs / 1440 Hz = 1.111 (harmonic
fractal of 111.1 Gow dan time). Oahspe - Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih: Chapter
III: 4. Behold, neither men nor angels on the red star comprehend
the harmony of My works; and because of their own inharmony they deny Me, being blind to My Person. The numbers of E-O-IH = 985 can be obtained
from the primary numbers of the first, second, and third rules of prophecy = 33, 11, 99. The last digit of each
prophectic number in reverse order = 9, 1, 3. 9 matches first number of 985. 9 - 1 = 8, matches second number of 985. 9 -
1 - 3 = 5, matches third number of 985. - Oahspe mentions a cyclic time of seven and a half. Book of Osiris,
Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave the times of
Jehovih...the times of eleven; and
the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars... [an etherean arc or cycle is 400 (dan) times 7.5 (7.5 x 400)
= 3000 years.] 22 is the sum number of Jehovih, E-O-IH = 9+8+5 = 22 22 year cycle (solar, geomagnetic, galactic cosmic ray) x 7.5 (7.5 x 22) = 165, 1848 + 165 = 2013 (for Kosmon cycle). Arc of Bon cycle 1848 - 3400 = 1552 (corrected to 1553 because
no year zero) 1553 - 165 = 1388 B.C. Monotheism appeared in Egypt under the pharaoh Akhenaten (1388 B.C. to 1336 B.C.) http://factsanddetails.com/world/cat56/sub364/item1955.html Amenhotep III (Hellenized as Amenophis
III; Egyptian Amāna-Ḥātpa; meaning Amun is Satisfied) also known as Amenhotep the Magnificent was the ninth
pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty. According to different authors, he ruled
Egypt from June 1386 to 1349 BC or June 1388 BC to December
1351 BC/1350 BC[4] after his father Thutmose IV died. Amenhotep III was the son of Thutmose by a minor wife Mutemwiya.[5] His reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity and artistic
splendour, when Egypt reached the peak of her artistic and international power. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenhotep_III The 165th year of the cycle of the arc of Bon (1388 B.C.) was associated with the beginning of "unprecedented
prosperity and artistic splendour, when Egypt reached the peak of her artistic and international power", and the starting
reign of Akhenaten who later brought monotheism to Egypt.

Flower of life sacred divine geometry and mathematics above. Power-Harmony-Balance
= 9-8-5 = E-O-IH, 3-in-1 Whole, Infinite, Eternal >--compression--< = 9-8-7-6-5 = gravitation, spiral inward, half
octave, cube (polygon) <---expansion---> = 5-6-7-8-9 = radiation, spiral outward, half octave, sphere |------whole------| = 1, Infinite, complete = circle, circuit, orbit, creator 9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9 = E-O-IH octave 4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3-4 = universal octave waves (2 balanced, symmetrical halfs) 0-1-2-3-4 = the wave (5-6-7-8-9) 9 + 8 + 5 = 22 YEAR CYCLE, CIRCUMFERENCE OF CIRCLE, ONE WHOLE CYCLE, pi (3.14) = 22/7 9 X 8 X 5 = 360
DEGREES OF A CIRCLE, CIRCUMFERENCE, ONE WHOLE CYCLE First 3 digits = primary sounds, primary colors = triune First
3 digits of Pi x 1st 3 digits of Pi = 3.14 x 3.14 = 9.85 (first 3 digits, E-O-IH) = CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE, ONE WHOLE CYCLE CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE = NO BEGINNING, NO ENDING = INFINITE, ETERNAL, E-0-IH 8/5 fractal (fraction) of
E-O-IH (9-8-5, 8-5) = 2 fibonacci numbers = golden ratio = 1.6 (harmony/balance). 8 + 5 = 13. 13/8
(2 fibonacci numbers) = 1.625 (1.62) = Golden ratio 1.618 (1.62) - - "The first person to discover (intuitively)
the relation between phyllotaxis and the Fibonacci numbers was the astronomer Johannes Kepler." - page 110 of The
Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World's Most Astonishing Number
(2002). by Mario Livio (astrophysicist). -
The sunflower seed pattern used
by the Museum of Mathematics contains many spirals. If you count the spirals in a consistent manner, you will always find
a Fibonacci number (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, …). 

 | the Golden Ratio (1.61803...) and the Sunflower. 55 / 34 = 1.618 = golden ratio. |
Spiral Leaf
This interesting
behavior is not just found in sunflower seeds. Leaves, branches and petals can grow in spirals, too. Why? So that new leaves
don't block the sun from older leaves, or so that the maximum amount of rain or dew gets directed down to the roots. In fact, when
a plant has spirals the rotation tends to be a fraction made with two successive (one after the other) Fibonacci Numbers,
for example: - A half rotation is 1/2 (1 and 2 are Fibonacci Numbers)
- 3/5 is also common (both Fibonacci Numbers),
- 5/8 also
(you guessed it!)
- http://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/nature-golden-ratio-fibonacci.html
-- A crystal structure describes a highly
ordered structure, occurring due to the intrinsic nature of molecules to form symmetric pattern, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_structure The crystalline state of matter is the state with the
highest order http://www.xtal.iqfr.csic.es/Cristalografia/parte_01-en.html The number 8 has a crystalline
internal structure because you can divide it into symmetrical
whole units down to 1 (8, 4, 2, 1), 8 like crystal structures has the highest symmetrical order of any single
digit. The diamond cubic crystal structure is a repeating pattern of
8 atoms http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_cubic In crystallography, the cubic (or isometric) crystal system is a crystal system where the unit
cell is in the shape of a cube. This is one of the most common and simplest shapes found in crystals and minerals. "The coordination number of each atom in the structure is 8" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_crystal_system Crystalline Structure of Ice (Snowflakes). Ice
can assume a large number of different crystalline structures, more than any
other known material. There are two closely related variants of ice I: hexagonal ice Ih, which has hexagonal symmetry, and cubic ice Ic, which has a crystal structure similar to diamond. http://www.its.caltech.edu/~atomic/snowcrystals/ice/ice.htm Octave = 8 = Musical = Harmony = Light = polarized, lined up = ordered structure = crystal = snowflakes
and diamonds Light to Sound ratio = 880,991 = 880k = 8 multiple = Harmonic relationship = Love The power of love
= ethe, dan, light, 1000 (peace), harmonic multiple = 1000 / 8 = 125 (8) number of octave and musical harmony. Light to Sound (c/mach) ratio = 880,9991 / 1000
peace = 880.991 = 880k = 8, 880 = Harmonic relationship
= Love Etherea = Shalom = Jehovih's Kingdom in heaven
before it is on earth (Shalam) = the sound O or Om = O of
E-O-IH = Heavenly, Sky = 8x multiple of C2 musical note Etherean
Worlds = Light and Music (harmonic sound) = Harmony and Love in geometric form (see below). - OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy CHAPTER VI: 14. Worlds in solution, the etherean heavens, are therefore governed by no power in, or escaping from, corporeal
worlds. In the language of the ancient prophets, they are a law unto themselves. And yet these unseen worlds
have much power and influence on the vortices of corporeal worlds. The
Corporeal worlds and atmospherea take the round shape because they are bound by law, the law of the vortex. Etherea
is a law unto themselves, Etherea is free, free from the vortex, beyond the vortex. Ethereans are those who are free, not
bound by the vortex. Ethereans are free from only having round worlds like the corporeal worlds. Jim Velasques said ethe means
free or freedom. Crystals have the highest state of order
of any form of matter so the etherean worlds have crystal structure,
and they take an infinite number of shapes like snowflakes,
different from the physical and atmospherean worlds that are bound by a vortex and take the round shape. - Oahspe Book
of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter III: 14. ...so great is the inventive
power of the Great Spirit, that never twice alike will one find the
scenes in the etherean worlds; radiant, differently; moving into everlasting changes, as if each one were to outdo the former in beauty and magnificence. -

Above Plate 44 -SNOW FLAKES of Oahspe and etherean worlds, below Cymatics harmonic sound made visible.
Notice they are very similar in geometric pattern. Etherean worlds show the geometric
pattern of musical harmony. OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter IX: 6. ...music is the greatest of all harmonizers.

Plate 44 -SNOW FLAKES of Oahspe God's Book
of Ben. Jehovih said: I created the corporeal worlds round in shape,
with land and water, and I made them impenetrable, for I bring forth the living on the surface of them. Man should not imagine that My etherean worlds are also round and impenetrable ... And He sent ethereans down from the emancipated heavens, and these taught man that whatever glory he had yet heard of, was
as darkness is to light, compared to the beauty and majesty of the etherean worlds. And the ethereans held up snowflakes,
saying: In the name of Jehovih we declare to you, that the etherean
worlds are larger than the earth, and penetrable---full of
roadways of crystals, and arches, and curves, and angles ... And the firmament of heaven has
tens of billions of etherean worlds. Look at the snowflakes
as though they were microscopic patterns of the worlds in high heaven; and you shall tint them like a rainbow, and people them with countless millions of angels, spotless,
pure, holy, and rich in the knowledge of Jehovih and His works, and full of the majesty of His love.  Etherean worlds have shapes
very similar to hypercubes (like the Tesseract 5-cube, 9-cube, 12-cube and beyond, see images above). The Mandelbrot
set fractals have shapes very similar to the 8-cube, 9-cube, and 12-cube
hypercubes (see a Mandelbrot set deep zoom and 12-cube hypercube
below for comparison).  - The O of E-O-IH (9-8-5)
is equivalent to the O of O-AH-SPE. The O = Sky (firmament), and the number 8 and Harmony, the musical
octave (8). OAHSPE gLOSSARY: Etherea.
Beyond the atmosphere, the great firmament, where
are situated the higher heavens, the homes of the Gods and Goddesses.
Etherea, as a place, is nirvana. Firmament. The world of space between the stars and planets. - Musical harmony made visible resembles the geometric
shape of etherean worlds and snow flakes. Sound and vibration made visible (Cymatics). Cymatics History: The provenance of Cymatics can be traced back at least 1000 years to African tribes who used the taut skin of drums sprinkled with
small grains to divine future events. 3 3. Encyclopedia of Religion Volume 4. Eliade, Mircea (Editor) http://www.cymascope.com/cyma_research/history.htmlThe Cymascope is an instrument that makes sound or music visible, creating detailed 3D impressions of sound or music vibrations. Here the rapidly expanding
sphere is captured in a frozen moment. The interior reveals
a beautiful and complex structure representing the rich harmonic nature of violin music.
Below is violin A3 note. http://www.cymascope.com/cyma_research/musicology.html

Published on Feb 24, 2014 and May 21, 2014 * This video uses sound to show you what tones and harmonies
you get when you add the degrees found in the angles of various sacred geometry shapes together and use them as Hz frequencies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPInmI0vdGQ - 3 sides Triangle = 180 degrees / Hz 4 sides Square = 360 degrees / Hz 5 sides Pentagon = 540 degrees
/ Hz 6 sides Hexagon = 720 degrees / Hz 7 sides Septagon = 900 degrees / Hz 8 sides Octagon = 1080 degrees
/ Hz 9 sides Nonagon = 1260 degrees / Hz 10 sides polygon (Decagon) = 1440 degrees / Hz = E-O-IH * 10 = binary code = 0, 00, 1, 01, 10 = concept of mathematical zero = E-O-IH 10 = harmonic fractal (0.1,
0.05, 0.025) of ethe'ic wave and Dan times ending in 00 - E-O-IH = 9x-8x-5x fundamental C2 note Pi x Pi = 3.14
x 3.14 = 9.85 = E-O-IH - 1 circle = 360 degrees / Hz 985 = 9x8x5=360 2 circles = 720 degrees / Hz 3 circles = 1080 degrees / Hz 4 circles = 1440 degrees / Hz D5 + C5 + E4 + = 1440.15 sum total Hz if you put several circles over each other, then you get a spiral. - Maynard James Keenan 5 circles = 1800 degrees
/ Hz 6 circles = 2160 degrees / Hz astrological age = 2,160 years * Astrological age = 2,160 years = squareroot of 4.665 million years = Cevorkum (sub-galactic
orbit) * Square root: a number that produces a specified quantity when multiplied by itself, 10x10 = 100 Square root: a harmonic fractal * Pi (3.14) is a harmonic fractal (squareroot) of E-O-IH (9.85, circumference of a
circle) 7 circles = 2520 degrees / Hz - 180 Hz - 360 Hz - 540 Hz - 720 Hz - 900 Hz - 1080 Hz (Simple Shapes)
is the harmonic overtone series for 180 Hz - 360
Hz - 720 Hz - 1080 Hz - 1440 Hz - 1800 Hz - 2160 Hz (Flower of Life) is the harmonic overtone series for
360 Hz - These two series overtone series are separated by a perfect octave so they are in perfect harmony
with each other. This means that the basic structure of
all musical sounds (harmonic series) and
the basic structure for sacred geometry are exactly the same. - Because each tone contains its own
perfect harmonic series, you really only need to listen to one tone to hear the full series. This means that from
a musical perspective a sound like that of a mono-chord, didgeridoo or overtone chant would be the best way to experience
geometric sound. - Sacred Geometry converted to Sound
[and Color] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPInmI0vdGQ Green is the central color of the electromagnetic spectrum. The number of green is 22 E-O-IH (Jehovih) = 9+8+5 = 22 E-O-IH (Jehovih) = 9x8x5 = 360 Oahspe Book of Inspiration Chapter I: 1. ...I am Light; I am Central, but Boundless, saith Jehovih. The center
of the electromagnetic spectrum (light) is green = 22 Boundless = having neither beginning
nor end = Circle (360 degrees). 985 = Jehovih, 22 = central, 360 = boundless (circumference of a circle in degrees) - THE LIVING
is} {divided into 2 parts} {1/3 or 3.33 and 2/3 or 6.66} 33.3 AND 66.6 333 AND 666 - 6.66 x 3.33 = 22.17 22.17 rounded down = 22 product 22
= 1/3 of 10 x 2/3 of 10 = 22, total product - 1 whole = 1/3
+ 2/3 = One Whole (All-Person) 1/3 x 2/3 = 22 = One Whole (All-Person) 22 = ONE WHOLE CYCLE 22/7 = Pi (3.14) ratio of circumference of circle to diameter
of circle. 22 = CIRCUMFERENCE OF CIRCLE, ONE WHOLE CYCLE The number 11 is the SYMMETRY of 22. 11 + 11 (two symmetrical halfs) = 22. - 1 YEAR = WHOLE CYCLE, CIRCUMFERENCE, OR ORBIT 22
= 3-IN-1 = TRIUNE = SACRED 3,
POWER (MIGHT), HARMONIC (LOVE), BALANCE (WISDOM) Harmonics (music and physics): The first harmonic is the fundamental, the second harmonic (twice the fundamental frequency) is the first overtone 9, 4.5, 2.25, 1,125, 8, 4, 2, 1 7, 3.5, 1.75, 6, 3, 1.5, 5, 2.5, 1.25 4, 2, 1 3, 1.5, 8 is the most harmonic single digit number. 8 is the only single digit number
composed of 4 harmonic whole numbers that are multiples (double) the amount of the division number. Octave = 8 octave, in music, an interval whose higher note has a sound-wave frequency of vibration twice that of its lower note. the octave is an interval of eight notes.
It is the only interval to appear as a constant in the musical scales of nearly every culture. In harmony and in instrumentation, a note paired with
its octave is said to be doubled. Melodic doubling
in octaves is ubiquitous in all types of instrumental music . Harmonic octave = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 = harmonic multiples (doubles) of 8. Harmonic relationship = Love - 5 is the most balanced single digit. 5 is the exact center of 1 and 9, and 0 and 10. 5 = CENTRAL = BALANCE BETWEEN TWO EXTREMES. THE
WISEST CHOICE IS ALWAYS THE MOST BALANCED. WISDOM = BALANCE. - 5 and 55 (5/9) = central, balance, wisdom OAHSPE Book of Saphah - TABLET OF KII. Yim 55, 5 OAHSPE Book of Saphah - Tablet
of Biene: 13. Yi (Panic). A hollow crescent. Emblem of wisdom - IESU = SEXLESS = BALANCED = VOID = ZERO - 33
= VORTEX, CIRCLE, CYCLE. - Creator, geometry, mathematics, harmony (love): Pi
first 3 numbers 3.14 adds up to 8, the number of harmony (harmonic relationship, love). The squareroot of E-O-IH numbers
9-8-5 (3 + 2.8 + 2.2) adds up to 8, the number of harmony (harmonic relationship, love).
E-O-IH = 9-8-5 = Power-Harmony-Balance 9 - 8 = 1 (11), 8 - 5 = 3 (33). 3 (33) to 1 (11). 8 - 5 = 3 (33)
- 9 - 8 = 1 (11) = 3 (33) - 1 (11) = 22 (2). 3 (33) to 1 (11) = 3/1 = 1st rule of prophecy/2nd rule of prophecy. 111.1/33.3 = 3.33 fractal of 33.3. 3/1 = 3 = 8 - 5 (O - IH)/1 = 9 - 8 (E - O). E-O-IH
= 4 (9-5=4) = half octave (4) wave Harmonic series from 4 sided square cube (9-5 of E-O-IH = 4) 1 side of square = 4 (8/2) 2 sides = 8 full square = 16 (8x2) 2 squares = 32 (8x4) 4 squares
= 64 (8x8) Harmonic multiples and divisions of 8 (number of harmony) = 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.
 free jpeg
Fibonnaci numbers and E-O-IH
(9-8-5): F5
= 5, F8 = 21, F9 = 34. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number5 + 21 + 34 = 50. 50 =
5 and 0. 5 = balance-center, 0 = beginning and ending 0-10, before 1 and
after 9, infinite. Oahspe Book of Inspiration Chapter I: 1. ...I am Central, but Boundless, saith Jehovih. Central = 5, boundless = 0
(infinitesimal-infinite). ...infinitesimal
is close enough to zero to be equal to zero... infinitesimal, can be taken as zero itself. In short, for all practical purposes,
they are one and the same ...  Outer circle of inqua = 9, inner circle = 8, central dot = 5. Oahspe Book of Saphah Plate 62.--SEMOIN. 33. Inqua (Panic). ... A thing within a thing...Three within one, Ma-nee-to (Algonquin). The earth within the vortex. Three within one = E-O-IH, 9-8-5. Ma-nee-to (Algonquin) = Gitchi Manitou or Kichi
Manido = Great Spirit or Creator (God) = Jehovih = E-O-IH. Below Tetragrammaton YHWH (Yahweh)
of Bible Exodus 3:14 = Pi = ratio of Circle (symbol of Creator) circumference to diameter.   On Plate 17. of Oahspe TABLET OF AH'IOD'ZAN. Numeration (Panic,
numeration table) above.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter IX: 3. The same rule was applied by the ancient prophets in music, making three
primary sounds, e, o, ih (the words of the wind),.. And these ranges
of sounds are manifest in man, whether singing or talking... The note C2 is the fundamental or first harmonic of a string the number 9 = Yaw (Yah-weh of the Tetragrammaton) = E (E-O-IH of Jehovih). the number 8 = Ote (O of E-O-IH of Jehovih) the number 5 = Unh (IH of E-O-IH of Jehovih). The first letters of the panic numbers 9-8-5 are
all vowels (A-E-I-O-U sometimes Y) just like E-O-IH of Jehovih. U substitutes I in panic
numeration. Why is Y sometimes a vowel? - The Week http://www.sengpielaudio.com/VowelDiagram.htm Vowels U and I have the same sound
spectrogram frequencies (first format, ranges of sounds), so scientifically and mathematically
the vowels could be substituted. Power-Harmony-Balance = 9-8-5 = E-O-IH, 3-in-1 Whole, Infinite,
Eternal 9-8-5 = E-O-IH =
3rd, 2nd, and 1st rules of prophecy 9 = 9/9 = .99 = 1 (99-100) = 3rd rule of prophecy 9 - 8 = 1 = 1/9 = .11
(11) = 2nd rule of prophecy 8 - 5 = 3 = 3/9 = .33 (33) = 1st rule of prophecy 1 + .11 + .33
= 1.44 1440 Hz sum total of E-O-IH frequencies. 1440 / 1.44 = 1000 (Harmonic multiple or division).
= 9-8-7-6-5 = gravitation, spiral inward, half octave, cube (polygon) <---expansion---> = 5-6-7-8-9 = radiation,
spiral outward, half octave, sphere |------whole------| = 1, Infinite, complete = circle, circuit, orbit, creator 9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9 = E-O-IH octave 4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3-4 = universal octave waves (2 balanced, symmetrical
halfs) 0-1-2-3-4 = the wave (5-6-7-8-9) The Wave
Understanding the wave is the KEY 
Above: Walter Russell: Geometry and Mathematics of
Octave Waves - the wave 4-3-2-1-0. Above: wave motion
On the circle above the moving blue line touches 4 ends of
lines or intersections = 4 wave. On the sine wave above the moving
blue line touches 2 ends of lines and twice touches the intersection = 4 wave. With 1 thing you have life but no motion, it takes 2 things to have motion, time and
space starts with two things, a wave, vibration, or cycle starts with repeated motion, or to
move back and forth. 2 is the start of motion, and 4 is the equal balanced repeat of motion such as the pendulum swing,
or the wave, vibration or cycle, 4 = 2x2 = 2 motions = wave. 2 waves = octave = 4x2 = 8, 2 waves
plus center of rest = 9.
Above image from page 282 of The Secret of Light by Walter Russell, showing equivalence of 4-3-2-1-0 wave and E-O-IH 9-8-7-6-5. 0 = 5 = half
(IH) = trough of wave, center of vortex or magnetic light 4 = 9 = crest (E) = highest point of
wave 3 = 8 = midpoint (0) = between the crest and trough of a wave
Above image from page 282 of The Secret of Light by Walter Russell, showing
equivalence of 4-3-2-1-0 wave and musical notes (scale). E-O-IH
numbers of 9-8-5 was derived from sound spectrograph of E-O-I vowels and harmonic
multiples of the C2 fundamental musical note. - Oahspe Book of Cosmology and
Prophecy: Chapter IX: 3. The same rule was applied by the ancient prophets in music, making three primary sounds, e, o, ih (the words of the wind), - africanholocaust.net/religion-african-diaspora/
14, 2015 - The Akan also say, “If you want to
speak to Onyame, speak
to the winds”. Like the winds, Onyame is invisible and is everywhere. The Great
Spirit has attendant spirits, children, agents or messengers who ran errands and who
reflect aspects of the nature of the Great Spirit. The Yoruba call such beings ...
- primary sounds = A frequency of the first
harmonic = 587 Hz (pitch of D5) = e of e, o, ih. - Sound Waves and Music - Lesson 5 - Physics
of Musical Instruments. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/sound/Lesson-5/Guitar-Strings 3. A frequency of the first harmonic is 587 Hz
(pitch of D5) is sounded out by a vibrating guitar string. D5 = 587.3 Hz = E of e-o-ih (3 vowels of Creator's
name) = 9 Harmonics = 1. C2, 2. C3, 3. G3, 4. C4, 5. E4, 6. G4, 7. X, 8. C5, 9. D5, 10. E5
- Harmonics = primary sounds of music. - The first
harmonic = 587.3 Hz = the first vowel (E) of E-O-IH
= primary (first) sound. - 9-8-7-6-5 = compression, cube, crystalization = m=E/c2 Crystalization = matter = creation = manifestation Units (atoms) of corpor are kept together by vortices of
ether, in which case corpor can be called a crystal. All matter is a crystal. In crystals a vortex of ether is formed at
the perimeter of the material object (which constitutes the master vortex around the object), and inside the matter little
vortices hold fixed in place the atoms of corpor (matter). http://magneticuniverse.com/discussion/330/oahspe
5-6-7-8-9 = expansion, sphere, fire-ball = E=mc2 5
x 8 x 9 = 360 degrees sphere, radiation, fireball = E=mc2 9 / 8 / 5 = 0.225 = density, hardness,
crystal = m=E/c2 5-6-7-8-9 and 5 x 8 x 9 = Freedom, Cosmic Consciousness and Etherealization 9-8-7-6-5 and 9 / 8 / 5 = Confinement, Materialization, Crystallization 5 x 8 x 9 = 360,
Creator God, E-O-IH, Great Spirit, Invisible, shapeless 9 / 8 / 5 = 0.225 Man-ifestation, Man,
fractal of Creator 360 / 0.225 = 1600 = fractal (1/1600 fraction),
Cycles, arcs of a Circle (Cevorkum) 
<---Cevorkum (1600 arc cycles circumference
of a circle).
Oahspe Book of Saphah: Se'moin 58)
Dan'ha (Panic). ...Jehovih said: The sun I made as the head of a serpent, and his phalanx made I as the body of a serpent;
thus made I the great corporeal serpent. To him gave I a circuit to travel in ... On
the circuit have I placed my A'ji and my Ji'ay in many places, but my Dan'ha have I placed
only in one thousand six hundred places [1600 arcs or cycles of Cevorkum]. 9 x 8 x 5 = 360, 9 / 8 / 5 = 0.225. 360 / 0.225 = 1600 arc cycles of Cevorkum (C'vorkum). From Webster's 9th New Collegiate Dictionary: Ark comes from OE (Old english) Arc Arc means curve or Arch. Noe does not refer to a person (Noah), but a time and place in space of the travel of our solar sytem. "But as
the days of No’-e were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37 of the Bible "as
the days of No’-e were" = a time period in the travel of the solar system through the 3000 year arc (Ark) cycle
of N-oe (Noar's Ark) when the continent of Pan was flooded and submerged. arc ärk/ -
1. a part of the circumference
of a circle or other curve. -
The circle and arcs and mathematics of E-O-IH
(9-8-5): Above: Circle or circuit divided into 10 arcs
16 divided by 10 = 1.6 golden ratio or phi = 8/5
(8-5 of E-O-IH). 16 x 100 = 1600 arcs of C'vorkum circuit of the solar system of about 3000 years
each. Oahspe Book of Saphah Tablet of Se'moin. 9. E‑O‑Ih, the Creator, the Person Who moves the wind.
The All Soul. The All Self. The Second Self, more subtle than the wind. It is the circumference of all; it extends from left to right, - Oahspe Plate 47 - THE CYCLIC COIL: Jehovih..He
is the circle without beginning or end... - 9x8x5
and 9/8/5 = 9-8-5 = E-O-IH.  3/1 = 3 7/2 = 3.5 10/3 = 3.33 13/4 = 3.25 16/5 = 3.2 19/6 = 3.16 22/7 = 3.14 = 7th fraction = first (smallest) whole numbers fraction = first 3 digits of Pi. 7 represents completion, start and FINISH, beginning and Ending, creation,
the diameter line, 22 represents the circumference of a circle, no beginning, no ending,
Creator (E-O-IH).
9 + 8 + 5 = 22 = Circumference of Circle 22/7 = pi. 9+8+5 = 9-8-5 = E-O-IH. 22 = repeated number or
cycle. 22 = Circle = Cycle. 22 year solar, geo-magnetic, and galactic cosmic ray cycles.
9 x 8 x 5 = 360 degrees of Circle (Circumference
of a circle). 9x8x5 = 9-8-5 = E-O-IH. First
3 of pi = 3.14 x 3.14 = 9.85 (first 3 and
circumference of a circle). 9.85 = 9-8-5 = E-O-IH.

Approximate pi = 3.139 x 3.139 = 9.85
(first 3 and circumference of a circle). 9.85 = 9-8-5 = E-O-IH. Oahspe
Book of Saphah Tablet of Se'moin. 9. E‑O‑Ih,
the Creator, the Person Who moves the wind. The All Soul. The All Self. The Second Self, more subtle
than the wind. It is the circumference of all;
it extends from left to right, Oahspe Plate 47 - THE CYCLIC COIL: Jehovih..He is the circle without beginning or end... A Circle
is: A round shape that curves in a consistent, unchanging motion. A circle is "unchanging" like the Creator.
A circle is the symbol of the Creator (sacred geometry). Mechanics: An Elementary Study Prepared for the Use of the ... 9-8-5 = E-O-IH. What fraction of two whole numbers = .985? 66/67 = .9850. 66 or 66.6 (rounded to 67) is a harmonic multiple of the first rule of prophecy 33 or
33.3. Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII: 7. Consequently the two most important
periods for the prophet's consideration come within thirty-three and sixty-six, OAHSPE Plate 48.--THE CYCLIC COIL. ... in the coil of the cycle, behold the
distances are two thirds of a circle.
Above Two-thirds twist triangular torus Two-thirds of 10 = 6.6 / 6.7 = 0.9850 = E-O-IH fraction. 66 contains
both of the two most important periods (33 and 66). Numbers .985 (E-O-IH) show up in 2/3 which is the coil of the solar system
(Great Serpent) and a harmonic multiple of 33 (1/3) and 11 (1/9) which are the rules of prophecy. 4-3-2-1-0 Walter
Russell wave divides down to 2/3 circle of the great
serpent (solar phalanx). 4/3/2/1 = 0.6666666667 = 2/3. OAHSPE Plate 48.--THE
CYCLIC COIL. ... in the coil of the cycle, behold the distances are two thirds of a circle. Wavelength = cycle. Wave multiplied out (product) divided by wave divided down (quotient) = 4x3x2x1 = 24 / .6666666667 = 35.9999999982
(36) = 1/10 of 360 degrees circle. - Walter Russell cosmology mathematics: Reciprocal Nature (positive and negative vortex'ya): 4
(4/1) x .25 (1/4) = One Centrifugal
(radiation) x Centripetal (gravitation) = 1 (unified field). Centripetal compression 1/4 = .25 Centrifugal expansion 1x4
= 4 http://walter-russell.com/maths/ Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII: 1. LET ethe stand as one; ...and corpor as four. - E-O-IH
= 9-8-5. 9/5 = 1.8. 5/9 = 0.556. 1.8 / 0.556 = 3.237 (pi plus 0.096). 3.237
- 3.141 = 0.096. 3.237 is slightly more than the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter of a circle. The largest fraction of E-O-IH (9/5) divided by the smallest fraction (5/9) of E-O-IH is closely (within
0.096) related to the ratio of a circle to the diameter of a circle. E-O-IH = 1440 Hz. 1440 = 360 x 4. 1440 = 4 circles = 1. Ethe, 2. Ji'ay, 3. A'ji 4. Corpor 1440
is a Harmonic multiple of 9-8-5: 1440 / 9 = 160 1440 / 8 = 180 1440 / 5 = 288 How to get Tau from 9-8-5 (E-O-IH): "let the note C2 be the fundamental or first harmonic of a string" C2 = 65.4064 Hz E
= 587.33(D5) / 65.4064(C2) = 8.979 = 9.0 x multiple = harmonic = polarization (within .02) O = 523.251(C5) / 65.4064(C2) = 7.999 = 8.0 x multiple = Harmonic
= polarization (exact) IH = 329.628(E4) / 65.4064(C2) = 5.039 = 5.0
x multiple = Harmonic = polarization (within .03) 587.33 + 523.251 + 329.628 = 1440.209
or 1440 rounded to nearest whole number. E-O-IH = 1440 Hz. 1440 is a Harmonic multiple of 9-8-5: 1440 /
9 = 160 1440 / 8 = 180 1440 / 5 = 288 Divide each number by 100: 160 / 100
= 1.6 180 / 100 = 1.8 288 / 100 = 2.88 1.6 + 1.8 + 2.88 = 6.28 (Tau). Tau
is approximately 6.28, instead of the familiar constant Pi, which is 3.14.
usage of pi extends far beyond the geometry of circles. Critical mathematical applications such
as Fourier transforms, Riemann zeta functions, Gaussian distributions, roots of unity, integrating over polar coordinates
and pretty much anything involving trigonometry employs pi. And throughout these diverse mathematical areas the constant
π is preceded by the number 2 more often than not...in both mathematics and physics—with 2π holding a central
place. If 2π is the perennial theme, the almost magically recurring number across myriad branches of mathematics, shouldn’t
that be the fundamental constant we name and celebrate? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/let-s-use-tau-it-s-easier-than-pi/ pi = 3.14, 2pi = 6.28 (Tau). π
≡ C/D = 3.14......>infinity. circle constant ≡ C/r = 6.28......>infinity. tau = 6.28318530718 https://www.google.com/#q=tau+%3D+ pi is a ratio comparing a circle’s circumference with its diameter. Tau is a ratio
comparing a circle's circumference with its radius. Oahspe Book of Saphah Tablet of Se'moin. 9.
E‑O‑Ih, the Creator, the Person Who moves the wind. The All Soul. The All Self.
The Second Self, more subtle than the wind. It is the circumference
of all; it extends from left to right, Oahspe Plate 47 - THE CYCLIC COIL: Jehovih..He is the circle without beginning or end... Pi = ratio of circumference of circle to diameter. Tau = ratio of circumference of circle to radius.
Pi = 3.14
/ 2 = 1.57 = 1/2 pi. 6.28 (first 3 of Tau) x 1.57 = 9.85 (circumference of circle).
6.28 (first 3 of Tau) x 1.569 (approximate half pi) = 9.85 (circumference
of circle). 
The Great pyramid...the ratio of the circumference
of the base (8@ in our previous notation, in which @ was half the side of the base)to the pyramid's
height (h) is equal 2pi [or Tau]. If we use the same measured dimensions we used before, we find 8@/b = 4 x 755.79/481.4
= 6.28, which is equal to 2pi [or Tau] with a remarkable precision (differing
only about 0.05 of a percent). - page 58 of The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World's Most Astonishing Number
(2002). by Mario Livio. - Above: faces of original Israelites (Arabin'ya I'huan faithists) tribe....he
must build a temple to Osiris, ...But first Thothma was required to drive the Faithists out of
the land, and to make slaves of those who remained...they were oppressed by cruel laws and penalties, and were forced
to reveal the mathematical science which had been preserved with them from their distant ancestors the I'hins, to whom it
was committed by the angels in the first ages of mankind. Both the knowledge and the slave
labour of the Israelites were now thus impressed into the construction of the temple of Osiris, the Great Pyramid.
- Pages 189-190 of Darkness, Dawn And Destiny (Drawn from Oahspe) 1965 by Augustine Cahill. -
wave definition. In physics, any
regularly recurring event, such as surf coming in toward a beach, that can be thought of as a disturbance moving through
a medium. Waves are characterized by wavelength, frequency, and the speed at which they move. Word Origin and History
for wave v. "move back and forth," Old English wafian "to wave with
the hands" (related to wæfre "wavering, restless"), from Proto-Germanic *wab- (cf. Old Norse vafra
"to hover about," Middle High German waben "to wave, undulate"), possibly from PIE root *webh- "to
move to and fro; to weave" (see weave (v.)). Meaning "to make a sign by a wave of the hand" is from 1510s.
Related: Waved ; waving. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/wave 1 = singular. In the existence of a singularity there is no time,
space, or motion. It takes two separate things for time, space, and motion to exist. https://www.google.com/#q=singularity+definition - 0 = nothing, void, 1 = individual, no movement, no time
or space, 2 = motion, time, space, 2 things. 4 = repeated motion, wave, recurring event, cycle.
E-O-IH = 9+8+5 = 22 = two symmetrical halfs = 11 x 2. 22 = 2 + 2 = 4 = wave. 22 = repeated motion, cycle, periodicity. 11 = 1 + 1 = 2 = motion. E-O-IH = 9-8-5. 9+ 8 = 17.
-- "Periodicity is a characteristic of all phenomena
of nature" - Walter Russell page 261 THE SECRET OF LIGHT (1947) -- Google Periodicity definition: pe·ri·o·dic·i·ty technical noun: periodicity 1. the quality or character of being periodic; the tendency to recur
at intervals. "the periodicity of the sunspot cycle" -- 22-year cycle
in geomagnetic activity www.igpp.ucla.edu/public/.../Cliver_22YearCycle_96JA02037.pdfCached - Because the 11 year [Solar] cycles are magnetically reversed from one cycle to
the next. Thus it takes 2 cycles to repeat. It takes 22 years for
complete magnetic polarity cycle, but solar activity will have two minimum within that 22 year cycle and one maximum. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091021202026AAAIDsN During the 22 year solar radiation cycle there will be at least one minimum (deepest down-spike) and one maximum (highest
up-spike). Reversed magnetic polarity = positive to negative change = male to female = couple = full cycle = 11 + 11
= 22 Reversed magnetic polarity = hot to cold = highest to lowest = up-spike to down-spike = 22 year average span or
cycle - The prophetic (cyclic) numbers of Oahspe are harmonic multiples of half of
22 (11), = 33, 66, 88, 99-100, 200, 400, 600 etc.. - 9-5 of E-O-IH = wave = move from highest potential (power)
to stillness (center) like a pendulum (back and forth motion, recurring event, time, cycle) 9 = highest point,
highest potential (power) of pendulum 5 = lowest point, stillness, center (balance) of pendulum Rhythmic balanced
interchange of pendulum = 2 wave octave = 9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9 = balanced action and equal opposite reaction. 9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9
= 4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3-4 of Walter Russell ocatave waves. The basic principle in the universe
is the wave or vibration. "One neuron, you're alive. Two neurons you're moving. And
with movement, interesting things begin to happen." - Professor Norman of 2014 movie Lucy. 0 = center, beginning
and ending, 1 = life, 2 = motion (from 1 to 2), 4 = completed motion (from high to low) = wave,
4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3-4 (9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9) = complete octave or pendulum of 2 waves and still balanced
center, Rhythmic balanced interchange of pendulum. 5 or zero = equilibrium or rest position
of the pendulum or vibration. -
Golden Angle So far we have been talking about "turns" (full rotations). The equivalent
of 0.61803... rotations is 222.4922... degrees, or about 222.5°. E-O-IH = 9-8-5. 9/8/5 = 0.225. 222.5 / 0.225 = 988.8 = 98 of E-O-IH + 8.8 1/100,000th fractal
of light wave (c/mach, speed of light/speed of sound = 880,991.09 / 100,000 = 8.8) - mu·sic [myoo-zik] Show IPA 1. an art of sound in time that expresses ideas
and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. - octave, in music, an interval whose higher note has a sound-wave
frequency of vibration twice that of its lower note. Thus the international standard pitch A above middle C vibrates at 440
hertz (cycles per second); the octave above this A vibrates at 880 hertz, while the octave below it vibrates at 220 hertz. Because of the close acoustic relationship between two notes an octave apart, the upper A is perceived as qualitatively
identical to the lower A, although at a higher pitch. Many musical scales encompass an octave; in the diatonic scales (major,
minor, and modal) of Western music, the octave is an interval of eight notes. It is the only interval to appear as a constant
in the musical scales of nearly every culture. In harmony and in instrumentation, a note paired
with its octave is said to be doubled. Melodic doubling in octaves is ubiquitous in all types of instrumental music. - In music, an octave (Latin: octavus: eighth) or perfect octave
is the interval between one musical pitch and another with half or double its frequency. The
octave relationship is a natural phenomenon that has been referred to as the "basic miracle of music", the use of
which is "common in most musical systems".[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octave "half or double its frequency." 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 =
Octave (8 numbers that are half or double the frequency of the next number). Octave, multiples
or divisions of 8. - For example, if one note has a frequency of 440
Hz, the note an octave above it is at 880 Hz, and the note an octave below is at 220 Hz. The ratio of frequencies of two notes
an octave apart is therefore 2:1. Further octaves of a note occur at 2n times the frequency of that note (where n is an integer),
such as 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. and the reciprocal of that series. For example, 55 Hz and 440 Hz are one and two octaves away from
110 Hz because they are 0.5 (or 2 −1) and 4 (or 22) times the frequency, respectively. After
the unison, the octave is the simplest interval in music. The human ear tends to hear both notes as being essentially "the
same", due to closely related harmonics. - in·te·ger (nt-jr) n.
Mathematics 1. A member of the set of positive whole numbers {1, 2, 3, . . . }, negative
whole numbers {-1, -2, -3, . . . }, and zero {0}. 2. A complete unit or entity. - A harmonic of a wave is a component frequency of the signal that
is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency, - A harmonic series is the sequence of all multiples of a base
frequency. The base number is 1 (whole integer), continue to double 1 you get 2, 4, 8, 16, etc..
all multiples or divisions of 8. 8 is the highest single whole number in the harmonic series (doubles
of the base 1). - 8, 4, 2, 1 are all integers (positive whole numbers)
that are half or double the frequency of the next number. - 8 is the
harmonic number (4, and 2, is a part of the 8 series): 8 is the highest single digit you can divide
in half down to 1 (a positve whole number) and each number divided is an integer. 9, 4.5, 2.25,
1.125 8, 4, 2, 1 7, 3.5, 1.75, 6,
3, 1.5 5, 2.5, 1.25 4, 2, 1 3, 1.5, 2, 1 1 8, 4, 2, 1, all whole numbers (integers), harmonic
octave series, (half or double the next number in series). The number of Light is a harmonic number
(8, 88, 880, 80) = speed of light in a vacuum / speed of sound at sea level = c/mach = 880,991.09. Light is polarity (harmony)
of corporeal needles in solution. ----------------------------------------------- 9-5 = 4 4x universal mathematics and geometry 1.= 1 x 1 =
1 = line _______ 2.= 4 x 1 = 4 = square (or 4 lines) 3.= 4 x
4 = 16 = octagon (or 4 squares) 4.= 4x 16 = 64 = Icosidodecagon (or 4 octagons) ......Total = 85 (85 of 985 or 9.85) Diamond is the hardest substance found in nature,
Diamond is four times harder than the next hardest natural mineral. In a diamond, the carbon atoms
are arranged tetrahedrally. Each carbon atom is attached to four other carbon atoms. --------------------------------- 9-5 = 4 = 4-3-2-1-0 = half octave wave =
0-1-2-3-4 0-1-2-3-4 = the wave Universal mathematics and full
octave waves 4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3-4 = 4-0-4 = 9-5-9 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9
= 9 total (of 985 or 9.85) 985 or 9.85 is a combination of the total octave waves and the 4x geometric
lines or patterns ----------------------------------- 9 of E-O-IH
represents the wave (fluid) structure of the Cosmos. - 85 of E-O-IH
represents the particle (crystal) structure of the universe. - The
order of the numbers of E-O-IH (985) gives you the order (Cause and effect) of the Cosmos (universe). 1st
= Power or Force, force creates harmony or polarization, lines up the ethe'ic needles or strings 2nd
= Harmony or polarization, the ordered parts, the lining up of needles or strings 3rd = the central
(balanced) cube, polygon, or sphere. Aggregation, collection, density, hardness. - 1st = invisible, formless, shapless (Cause) 3rd = visible, shape, morphic (Effect) - E-O-IH, E=mc2 and the order of the cosmos, creation, cause and effect : 1st = All-mighty force or power, potent, potential, energy, (E) 2nd = Harmony, polarization,
Light (c2) 3rd = Balanced central creation (m) - 1st = Energy (E) potential (ethe) 2nd = Light (c2) or motion (vortex'ya). Genesis 1:3
(Bible), Book of Jehovih 1:1 (Oahspe), BK of Jehovih 3:6. 3rd = Matter (m) solid cubes, polygons,
spheres, crystals (corpor) - m=E/c2, matter was created by energy
compressing light into matter (E/c2 = m). Corpor was created by Spirit compressing
the ethe'ic solution in motion into matter. E=mc2, m=E/c2: Page 33 of _A NEW CONCEPT
OF THE UNIVERSE_ by Walter Russell ...Energy (E) belongs to the invisible universe. It is extended into the visible universe
(m) of motion (c2)....The invisible (E) becomes visible (m) by vortexya (c2). - Mathematics
and physics of creation E=mc2: Positive and negative vortex'ya = m=e/c2 and e=mc2 = 2=8/4=2 and 8=2x2(x2)=8 m = corpor(2), e = ether (8), c2 = vortex'ya (4). Division (/) = compression, multiplication (x) = expansion. OAHSPE:
Book of Apollo CHAPTER VII: 3. Apollo said: To condense and to expand; to expand and to condense, is this all? Who shall
fashion a corporeal world by compressing ether? fashion a corporeal world by compressing
ether = m=e/c2 = 2=8/4=2 = division = compression. ether (e) is compressed into corpor (m) by vortex motion (c2) = 8/4=2 =
e/c2=m. Space, time and motion starts at 2 = corpor, repeated or cyclic motion starts at 4 = vortex'ya.
by Walter Russell. "This universe of Effect
is dual. It is a divided universe
in which each positive half of every effect is
balanced by its negative opposite half. The number 5 of 985 represents the balanced divided half of 0-10 and 1-9. 985 of E-O-IH
= Power(9), Harmony(8), and balance(5). - 9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9 = E-O-IH octave = rhythmic
balanced interchange - 8
(middle number) of 985 is vortexya or light (harmony). Half
of 8 = 4 positive vortexya (male) and 4 negative vortexya (female). 4 = half octave wave. 9 - 5 of 985 = 4 = half octave wave. 9-5-9 = full octave positve and negative spiral waves. Positive wave spirals inward 9-5, negative
wave spirals outward 5-9. +4-0-4- _E-IH-E _9-5-9_ Symbols of the living mathematics and sacred
geometry: 985
the numbers of E-O-IH, the Circumference of a Circle
or Cycle: 8-5 = 3 = 33 = 1st rule of prophecy = Spell 9-8 = 1
= 11 = 2nd rule of prophecy = Ode 9-5 = 4 = half octave wave ------3.14
= Pi = 1st and 2nd rule of prophecy + half octave wave
(Oahspe BK of Cosmogony and Prophecy 3:14 Pi) 3.14 x 3.14 = 9.85 (985) or 9.9 (99) 3rd rule of Prophecy 9-0 = 9 = 99 = 3rd rule
of prophecy = Ethe'ic Wave 9 = Power, 8 = harmony or musical octave, 5 = balance, divided half 9 + 8 + 5 = 22 =
Cirumference number of Pi = 22/7 9 x 8 x 5 = 360 = Circumference of Circle = 360 degrees, no beginning
and no ending (Infinite, Eternal). 9.85 = 3.14 x 3.14 = Circumference number 3.14(Pi) x Pi. HARMONY AND MUSIC: LEARNING ABOUT BEATS AND RHYTHM The first step in reading rhythm is finding the beat. The beat in music is steady, like
your heartbeat or a ticking clock. The rhythm in a piece of music is based on a constant fundamental
beat that you can hear and feel. When you tap your foot to lively music, you are feeling the fundamental
beat and marking it with your foot. This fundamental beat can be shown by evenly spaced musical notes like these: - In written music, beats and notes are grouped into measures. Measures are divided by barlines. - Music
can be written with any number of beats per measure. Most hymns and children’s songs have
three beats per measure as shown above or four beats, two beats, or six beats per measure as shown
below. - Counting the beats correctly will help you read rhythm better. Count the beats in each measure of the examples below, starting at one again after every
barline. - You can find out the number of beats per measure for any hymn or song by reading the time signature at the beginning of the music. The time signature is made up of two numbers, one above the other: The top number shows the number of beats per measure. The bottom number shows the kind of note that is the fundamental beat for each measure. You will learn more about the bottom number later - Time and Tempo The number of beats per measure and the time signature usually stay the same from the beginning of a song to the end. In only
a few hymns does the time signature change (see, for example, “Come,
Come, Ye Saints” [Hymns, no. 30]). Another aspect of rhythm
that usually stays the same throughout a hymn or song is tempo. The
tempo is the speed of the fundamental beat and should stay even from beat
to beat. 4 Clap the following lines three times, using a different
tempo each time. Clap the line fast, then slow, then medium fast. Count as you clap. - Each beat in a measure is important, but the first beat, the downbeat, is the strongest. Although it is felt more strongly, it
is not usually played or sung more loudly. Clap the following lines,
emphasizing the downbeats. - When listening
to a song, you can find out the time signature by listening for or feeling the downbeats. Since you know the downbeat is count one, continue counting beats until you feel the next downbeat. The number of counts from one downbeat to the next is the top number of the time signature. - Listen to a recording of music or to someone playing a piano.
Can you feel the beat? Is the tempo fast or slow? Clap with the beat, emphasizing the downbeat.
Count the beats to find the top number of the time signature. - On the page, beats are written as musical notes. There are several kinds of notes, and each kind receives a different value or number of beats. Time signatures with four as the bottom number give notes these values: quarter
notes ( q ) one beat half notes ( h ) two beats dotted half notes ( h. ) three beats whole notes ( w ) four beats Time signatures
with other numbers on the bottom give these same notes a different number
of beats - You can quickly learn to read rhythm by using rhythmic
names to express each kind of note. Say “dah” for the first beat of each note and
“ah” for the other beats of the note. Note name, Number of beats, Note, Rhythmic name Quarter note______1_________q________dah Half note_________2_________h________dah-ah Dotted half note____3_________h._______dah-ah-ah Whole note________4________w________dah-ah-ah-ah https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/english/pdf/callings/music/conducting-course/33619_eng.pdf?lang=enghen Beats are counted in whole numbers (1, 2, 3,
4, etc...integers). -- The reason you need whole numbers or
integers in musical harmony or rhythm is because there is no such thing as a half or partial beat, either you have a whole beat or no beat (either she is pregnant or not).
Beats are the basic part of rhythm or music (harmony). Beats that come in even numbers can be divided in half for symmetry, you can divide two beats and 4 beats in half,
but not 1 beat, or 5 beats. 8, 4, and
2 beats can be divided (by 2) and multiplied (by 2) for
symmetrical harmonic rhythmic multiplication and division. 9, 7, and 5 beats cannot
be divided (by 2) for harmonic symmetrical rhytmic beats of music. (No such thing as 4.5, 3.5 or 2.5 beats of music). rhythm [rith-uhm] Show IPA 1. movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrence of a beat, accent, or the like. 2. Music. a. the pattern of regular
or irregular pulses caused in music by the occurrence of strong and weak melodic and harmonic beats. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rhythm - In
music and music theory, the beat is the basic unit of time, the pulse of the mensural level[1] (or beat level).[2] In popular use, the beat can refer
to a variety of related concepts including: tempo, meter, rhythm and groove. In modern pop music, the term "beats"
has been used to describe whole pieces of composed music. In music that progresses regularly in 4/4 time, counted as "1
2 3 4, 1 2 3 4...", the first beat of the bar (down-beat) is usually the strongest accent in the melody and the
likeliest place for a chord change, the third is the next strongest: these are "on" beats. The second and fourth
are weaker - the "off-beats". Subdivisions (like eighth notes) that fall between the pulse beats are even weaker
and these, if used frequently in a rhythm, can also make it "off-beat".[6] The effect can be easily simulated by
evenly and repeatedly counting to four: Bold denotes a stressed beat. As a background against which to compare these various
rhythms a bass drum strike on the downbeat and a constant eighth note subdivision on ride cymbal have been added, which would
be counted as follows: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
-- play eighth notes and bass drum alone (help·info) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beat_(music) - 1 2 3 4 1 2
3 4 = 8 beats = octave 1 2 3 4 = 4 beats
= half octave or wave of creation
8-4-2-1 = harmonic whole divisions of 8 = 4 the most of any single number. - A beat is like a strike of the drum or stroke of the keyboard, there are ony whole strikes and strokes, not half
or partial strikes/strokes, either it is striked/stroked or not. Dividing beats in half determines if the number of beats has symmetry (2 equal halfs). Symmetry = beauty, harmony,
music. 8 beats is the most harmonic single
digit because you can divide it in half 3 times and have whole number symmetry (8, 4, 2, 1). - E-O-IH = Je-ho-vih. Je-ho-vAH (AH) = earthly God, Je-ho-vIH
(Ih) = BOTH heaven AND earth, like the I'Hins (IH), BOTH male and female, BOTH positive and negative vortex'ya, BOTH ethe
and corpor, Es and Physical, of two apparent entities, nevertheless One, 50%, 5, half (I'H-ins, half-breeds), balance, central. - a 800–1200 Hz = violet
659 - 769 Frequency THz Ultraviolet 800 -30,000 THz http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator-wavelength.htm a = ah = adam(ah-dam) = earth (Ah panic) = Asu(Ah-su)
= Beast = A'ji = Ah'ji = Violet = Warrior = War cry = Ahh
b of Beast = 600-800 hz = 666 = Blue violet color 610
- 769 Frequency THz blue 610 − 659 THz violet 659 − 769 THz

E-O-IH = 9-8-5 = 36 degrees angle triangle = 1/10th
decagon Protractor angles of 9-8-5: 90 degrees= 1/4 circle 360 degrees = 10 270 degrees = 7.5 180 degrees = 5 (half) 90 degrees = 2.5 90 degrees / 2.5 = 36 degrees for each number (1-10) 360 - 36
= 324 degrees = 9 324 - 36 = 288 degrees = 8 36 degrees triangle / 22 circumference or cycle (pi
22/7) = 1.6363 = Golden Ratio, Divine Ratio Speed of light
in vacuum / speed of sound at sea level = 880,991.09 (c/mach) 1440.15 Hz (E-O-IH sum) / 880.991 (c/mach/k ) = 1.6346 Golden Divine ratio E-O-IH = 587.3 + 523.25 + 320.6 + = 1440.15 sum total
Hz 10 sides polygon (Decagon) = 1440 degrees/Hz = E-O-IH The golden triangle = connecting any two adjacent vertices to the center = 9-8 (adjacent vertices)
- 5 (center of 1-9, 0-10) = 36 degrees (36 number of Books of Oahspe) = 1/10th decagon (360 degrees circle = 9x8x5). 3-in-1 triangle sign (9-8-5) or symbol of Light. OAHSPE: Book of Saphah - Se'moin 23. Sam'tu, triangle (Panic). The
sign of Corpor and Es and Eolin. Also the Soul-light, Eolin, the Corpor light, the Sun, and the burning flame. OAHSPE: The Lords' Fifth Book CHAPTER I: 5. The unseen spake in the wind three sounds, E-O-IH, and was called by mortals Eolin,
God of the wind ... - Oahspe
Book of Saphah: Se'moin 34: I'su (Panic). Ie-Su,...The true cross
within Eloih Oahspe Book of Saphah: Plate 62. SE'MOIN: 9. Eloih, synonymous with E-O-Ih, the Creator, the person who moveth the wind. The All Soul. The All Self. The Second Self, more subtle than the wind. It is the circumference
of all; it extendeth from left to right, and from below upward.
1 nine (9) of 9-5-9 below make
90 degrees of a circle or 9.0 of cross makes 90 degrees (1/4 circle). 2 nines
(9 + 9) of 9-5-9 below makes 180 degrees of a circle = 9 x
2 = 18.0 3 nines (9 + 9 + 9) of 9-5-9 below makes 270 degrees of a circle = 9 x 3 = 27.0 4 nines (9 + 9 + 9 + 9) of cross below makes 360 degrees of a circle = 9 x 4 = 36.0
Above natural Oahspe symbol of E-O-IH = Circle,
Cross, and the Central Sun. How the sun relates to Je-ho-vih (E-O-IH), the Creator Oahspe Book of Sapah Se'moin Interpretation 37. Git'ow
the sun (Panic). Git'how, the sun (Chine). The central light. Let the sun stand to the corporeal world as Jehovih standeth to
the All Unseen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sun
symbol of Creator. Sun = photosphere, light all the way around, no darkside. Oahspe - Book of Cosmology and Prophecy:
Chapter VI: 6. There is a sun planet in the
centre of the photosphere ... and it is light all the way around. God = light, no darkness. ◄ 1 John 1:5 ► of the Bible: This is the message we have heard from him
and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness
at all. God = light, no darkness.
First 3 numbers of Pi = 3.14. 3.14 (Pi) x 3.14
(Pi) = 9.8596 First 3 numbers of 9.8596 = 9.85 = 985 (E-O-IH). Pi = 3.141 592 653 5… - 3 x 1 = 3 3 x 1 x 4 = 12 (note: 12 divisions of zodiac, 1 foot=12 inches) 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 = 60 (note: 1 hour = 60 min, 1 min = 60 sec) 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 = 540 ::: 540/360=1.5
(note: circle is divided into 360 degrees) 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 = 1080 ::: 1080/360=3 (note: 1080 feet = 360 yards) 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 x 6 = 6480
::: 6480/360=18 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x 5 x 9 x 2 x 6 x
5 = 32400 ::: 32400/360=90 3 x 1 x 4 x 1 x
5 x 9 x 2 x 6 x 5 x 3 = 97200 ::: 97200/360=270 - Notice how 360 is hidden within the Pi. - Perhaps dividing circle into 360 degrees resulted from ancient knowledge of the exact value of the Pi? - Notice
that time is connected to the circle since it is defined by
rotation cycle of our planet (one spin cycle when sun returns
to zenith): 1 day = 2x 12 hours = 1440 minutes = 86400 seconds http://blog.world-mysteries.com/science/ancient-legacy-360-and-pi/1 day = 2x 12 hours = 1440 minutes = 587.3 + 523.25 + 320.6 + = 1440.15 sum total Hz of E-O-IH 60 minutes
in one hour x 24 hours (1 day) = 1440 = 1440 Hz of E-O-IH - New astronomical concept: 24
hours is just the right length of day for human life. Time is based on the circle, rotation of the earth determines length
of days and nights. Is 24 hours rotational period of a
planet the right astronomical signature for human life? Extrasolar planets rotational periods or rotation periods of exoplanet. Instead of astronomers looking for planets
that are the right distance from a central sun or star, the right signature for human life would be it's rotational period
of 24 hours. 8 hours sleep, 8 hours work, 8 hours free time. Day divided into 1/3rds 2/3 and 3/3/. Mars use to have a rotational period like ours 24 thousand years ago. Scientists think Mars may have had life in
the past, maybe human life? It seems that a rotational period of of 10 hours like Jupiter would not be enough time in one
day, because man needs 8 hours sleep, and 2 hours for work and play would not be enough. It seems that 24 hours is just right,
because after getting 8 hours sleep, and working for 8 hours and having 8 hours of leisure and recreational time, man gets
tired and is ready to repeat the cycle again of sleep, work, and play. 24 hours seems to harmonize with his cycle of sleep,
work, and recreation, 48 hours would be too much for one day.
-- Oahspe Book of Jehovih Chapter I: 7. ...that man might distinguish Me, I commanded
him to give Me a name; by virtue of my presence
commanded I him. And man named Me not after anything in heaven or on the earth. In obedience to My will named he Me after the sounds the wind uttereth, and he said E-O-Ih! Which is
now pronounced Jehovih, and is written thus: - Voice in
the Wind (E-O-IH) http://sg1.allmusic.com/cg/smp.dll?link=x28imcvnyts9cmsuasr62sc&r=20.wma - Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter IX: 3. The same rule was applied by
the ancient prophets in music, making three primary sounds, e, o, ih (the words of the wind), but giving all
other sounds to the beast (66), which was supposed to cover the number of sounds from the lowest bass to
the highest treble, that could be procured from the animal creation. And these ranges of sounds are manifest in man,
whether singing or talking... - Here is a table giving the frequencies in Hz of musical pitches, covering the full range of
all normal musical instruments I know of and then some. It uses an even tempered scale with A = 440 Hz. - -------C------C#----D-----Eb------E------F-----F#----G-----G#----A-----Bb----B
0 16.35 17.32 18.35 19.45 20.60 21.83 23.12 24.50 25.96 27.50 29.14 30.87 1 32.70 34.65 36.71 38.89 41.20 43.65
46.25 49.00 51.91 55.00 58.27 61.74 2 65.41 69.30 73.42 77.78 82.41 87.31 92.50 98.00 103.8 110.0 116.5 123.5 3
130.8 138.6 146.8 155.6 164.8 174.6 185.0 196.0 207.7 220.0 233.1 246.9 4 261.6 277.2 293.7 311.1 329.6 349.2 370.0
392.0 415.3 440.0 466.2 493.9 5 523.3 554.4 587.3 622.3 659.3 698.5 740.0 784.0 830.6 880.0 932.3 987.8 6 1047
1109 1175 1245 1319 1397 1480 1568 1661 1760 1865 1976 7 2093 2217 2349 2489 2637 2794 2960 3136 3322 3520 3729
3951 8 4186 4435 4699 4978 5274 5588 5920 6272 6645 7040
7459 7902 - How I got the musical note frequencies of the vowels
of the sacred name of E-O-IH: Using mathematical logic and inspiration: Vowel formant centers IPA__German Vowel_Formant f1__Formant f2 u_______ U_________320
Hz____800 Hz o________O_________500 Hz____1000 Hz ɑ________å_________700 Hz____1150 Hz a________A_________1000
Hz___1400 Hz ø________ö_________ 500 Hz____1500 Hz y________ü_________ 320 Hz____1650
Hz ɛ________ä__________700 Hz____1800 Hz e________E__________500 Hz____2300 Hz i_________I__________ 320
Hz____3200 Hz http://www.sengpielaudio.com/VowelDiagram.htm - I only had 3 choices (musical notes) for vowels e and o, from 500-600
hz (within first format 400-600). ----C------C#----D 5 523.3 554.4 587.3 I wasn't going to use 600 or more because according to Oahspe e-o-ih sounds were outside the beast
range (6, 666, etc..) although e and o had the same first format range (400-600). The first format center for both e and o are 500 Hz. e
has a much higher second format, so I logically chose the higher number. The lower number of 523.3 is the closest note
to the first format center of 500 Hz (I logically chose the closest
number to the first format center over 500 Hz rather
than under 500 Hz because o has a second format range/center
above 500). For e (D5 = 587Hz) and the lower number for o (C5 = 523.3). As for i(ih) I also chose the upper half range of its first format (300-400) out of a range of 200-400. This
gave me 5 keyboard note choices: ---Eb------E-----F-----F#----G 4
311.1 329.6 349.2 370.0 392.0 I logically chose the first format
center for i(ih) of 320 Hz so I went with the closest keyboard note of E4 = 329.6 Hz. 329 has 2 digits the same whereas 311 only has
1 digit the same. So 329.6 is a closer/better match to 320 than 311.1. - if you let the note C2 be the fundamental or first harmonic
of a string or something, then as indicated below, the note C3 is the 2nd harmonic of the string, the note G3 is the 3rd harmonic
of the string and so on. ( The 7th harmonic is not a note in the major diatonic scale) Harmonics = 1. C2, 2. C3, 3. G3, 4. C4, 5.
E4, 6. G4, 7. X, 8. C5, 9. D5, 10. E5 E-O-IH sound spectrograph frequencies
match closest to the 9th, 8th, and 5th harmonic
notes in music. This is also why those frequencies and notes were selected. -

The first 1301 digits of π (1300 decimal digits), including the Feynman point underlined and coloured
red. The Feynman point is a sequence of six 9s that begins at the 762nd decimal place of the decimal representation of
π. It is named after physicist Richard Feynman, who once stated during a lecture he would like to memorize the digits of
π until that point, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feynman_pointThe number that repeats the most consecutive in the first 1300 decimal places of Pi is 9 = 999999 once The second most consecutive repeating numbers are 111, 555, and 000, each twice in 1300 decimal places of pi. 000-111-555-999999-000
= 000 = begining (dawn of dan), 111 (Gow, 2nd rule of prophecy 11.1 x 10) = harmonic base, 555 center, 999999 = ending (3rd
rule of prophecy 99.9 x 10,010). 555 = IH(5) of E-O-IH, center of 9-5-9 octave. 5/9 = .555 999999 = E(9) of E-O-IH,
outer extreme of 9-5-9 octave - A cycle is something that repeats (cycles). A pattern repeats. Cyclic numbers
= 11, 22, 33, 66, 99, 00, 100, 111, 200, 400 = prophetic numbers = patterns. I see one of the numbers on a regular basis. By
coincidence or synchronicity one of my mailing
addresses has been 111 for the past 8 years
(2006-2014). That number was offered/given to me before I accepted it.

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 --> 45 --> 4+5 --> 9 The digital root, it turns out, is the remainder
when you divide a number by 9. If you divide 43 by 9 you get 4 remainder 7 and you could have quickly determined that the
remainder was going to be 7 by adding up the digits of the number 43. Note that, in this world of digital root 9 and 0 are
equivalent. So, the digital root of 18 is 1+8=9 but when you divide 18 by 9 you don't get 9 as a remainder you get 0. http://wildaboutmath.com/2008/02/01/math-magic-with-the-number-9/1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 --> 45 = 5 x 9, (9-5, E(9) x IH(5) = 45). 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 --> 45 (the
sum of all single digits) = E(9) x IH(5) = 45 (Omega x Alpha of E-O-IH). - The universal One = 0.(9) In mathematics,
the repeating decimal 0.999... (sometimes written with more or fewer 9s before the final ellipsis, or as 0.9, 0.(9), or 0.9
with dot over the 9) denotes a real number that can be shown to be the number one. In other words, the symbols "0.999..."
and "1" represent the same number. Proofs of this equality have been formulated with varying degrees of mathematical
rigor, The equality 0.999... = 1 has long been accepted by mathematicians and is part of general mathematical education. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0.999... - 9 divided by 9 equals 1 -- and not 0.999999999...! However the Wonders
of Math might suggest otherwise. The precise mathematical proof consists of assuming first a number N which is defined
by: N = 0.999999999... If we now multiply both sides of the equation by 10, we obtain: 10N = 9.999999999... Now substracting N from each side of the equation, we obtain: 10N - N = 9.999999999... - N = 9.999999999... - 0.999999999...
= 9 I.e. 9N = 9 or N = 1 = 0.999999999... Q. E. D., Thus it is conclusively proved. Isn't mathematics
just wonderful!? For the mathematically inclined... yes, if one goes to the end of the sequences of 9s in the numbers
for 10N and N, one sequence will have a zero and one will have a 9. But this end is at infinity, i.e. undefined. http://www.halexandria.org/dward835.htm - Number Divided by 7... Divided by 9 1 0.142857 142857... 0.11111111111... 2 0.2857 142857 14... 0.22222222222... 3 0.42857 142857 1... 0.33333333333... 4 0.57
142857 1428... 0.44444444444... 5 0.7 142857 14285... 0.55555555555... 6 0.857 142857 142... 0.66666666666... 7 1.0000000000000... 0.77777777777... 8 1.142857 142857... 0.88888888888... 9 1.2857
142857 14... 0.99999999999... * 9 divided by 9 equals 1 -- and not 0.999999999, see above. An astounding result
is that any number other than a multiple of 7 will result in the same 142857 sequence as a quotient when being divided by
7! This explains why 7 was considered sacred by the ancients -- ...7 being the terrestrial holy number. - 9 seems to be particularly associated with the process of human birth. In addition to the 9 months of
gestation, and 9 openings of the body ... there is also the fact that the tail of the sperm is made of 9 twisted threads,
which after uniting with the egg, forms a centriole, which is a circle of 9 parallel tubes.
http://www.halexandria.org/dward091.htm 9 months of human gestation =
9/12 of a year (cycle) = 3/4 = 75% = 75/25 = 3/1 and 1/3 =
rules of prophecy and the genetic threshold of spiritual light (33.33 % or 1/3 angelic blood). - The second
rule of prophecy = 11, 11 x 3.141592 (Pi) = 34.557512 + 1848 = 1882, the year Oahspe was first published to the world (the
second rule of prophecy X Pi + the start of Kosmon date = the publication of Oahspe). - Oahspe Book of Inspiration:
Chapter XVI HOLY VEIL DAY. 1. AS Jehovih, through His God, pulled aside the veil of heaven, saying: - 2. Let My angels forth; together shall converse the living and the dead. - 3. So sanctified He the day when the
angels of heaven were made known to mortals. (March 31, 1848.) - Number of days per month: Jan = 31, Feb =
28, Mar = 31. 31 + 28 + 31 = 90. 90 / 365.25 (year) = 0.2464 + 1848 = 1848.2464 = start of Kosmon cycle, 33.333333 (1st
rule of prophecy) x 3.1415926 (Pi) = 104.71975 + 1848.2464 = 1952.96 = 1953 warm up-spike (dan) 22 x 3.1415926 = 69.115037
+ 1848 = 1917.115 - 11 x pi = 1882 = warm up-spike dan (2nd rule x pi) 22 x pi = 1917 = cold down-spike a'ji 33 x pi = 1953 = warm up-spike dan (1st rule x pi) 44 x pi = 1986 55 x pi = 2021 66 x pi = 2055 99
x pi = 2159 (3rd rule x pi) 1882 - 1848 = 34 1917 - 1882 = 35 1953 - 1917 = 36 1986 - 1953 = 33 2021
- 1986 = 35 2055 - 2021 = 34 33-36 = generationial dan, or degrees of 1/10th decagon or triangle degree of E-O-IH
(9-8-5 of 1-10 circle). 9-5 = 4 x 9 = 36, 36 degrees triangle (9-8-5, E-O-IH)

3.1415926 x 3.1415926 = 9.869604 11.11 x 9.869604 = 109.6513 (2nd rule of prophecy x pi x pi) 109.6513 + 1848.2464 = 1957.8977 = 1958 warm up-spike dan Rule of prophecy (1st or 2nd) x pi or pi2 = warm up-spike
dan Pi is coded in Cevorkum Cosmogony and prophecy cycles of warm up-spike years (dan) on earth. Rules of Prophecy are
found in Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy 3:14 (first 3 digits of Pi = 3.14). - Page 179 of _THE SECRET
OF LIGHT_ by Walter Russell, "Behold in Me the Trinity [9-8-5], the One [9] extended unto the two [8-5], the One Creator
centering the extended two [5-8-9-8-5]. E-O-IH the One Creator = 9-8-5, 9.85, 9+8+5 = 22, 9x8x5 = 360. E-O-IH the Trinity of Power(9), Harmony(8), and Balance(5). Rythmic Balanced Interchange = 9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9 = cycle. 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 = 0.0053571 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 = 16.19 harmonic multiple of Golden Ratio (1.619) x 10 = 16.19 16.19 = 10 Golden Ratios = 10 Golden triangles = 10-sided
polygon or decagon. Fibonacci numbers 34 / 21 = 1.619 = Divine Golden Ratio. The Golden Ratio/Divine Ratio or Golden Mean
can be found in the mean and proportion of the of
prophetic numbers 11 and 33. 11 (2nd rule of prophecy) + 22 (the mean of the first and second rule of prophecy) = 33 (the first rule of prophecy) / 2 = 16.5(mean) / 10 (1/10 proportion) = 1.65. Fibonacci numbers 5/3 = 1.666 + 1.625 (13/8)= 3.291 / 2 = 1.6455 (mean) rounded to 1.65.

A golden triangle, also known as the sublime triangle,[1] is an isosceles triangle in which the smaller
side is in golden ratio with its adjacent side: The golden triangle
can also be found in a decagon, or a ten-sided polygon, by connecting
any two adjacent vertices to the center. This will form a golden triangle. This is because: 180(10-2)/2=144 degrees
is the interior angle and bisecting it through the vertex to the center, 144/2=72.[1] [1] Elam, Kimberly (2001). Geometry
of Design. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. ISBN 1-56898-249-6. The golden triangle is used to form a logarithmic spiral.
By bisecting the base angles, a new point is created that in turn, makes another golden triangle.[3] The bisection process
can be continued infinitely, creating an infinite number of golden triangles. A logarithmic spiral can be drawn through the
vertices. This spiral is also known as an equiangular spiral, a term coined by René Descartes. "If a straight
line is drawn from the pole to any point on the curve, it cuts the curve at precisely the same angle," hence equiangular.[4]
E-O-IH = 9-8-5 triangle of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 circle = 36 degrees Golden Divine triangle, 1/10th
decagon. 9x8x5 = 360 degrees circle. The golden
triangle = connecting any two adjacent vertices to the center = 9-8 (adjacent vertices) - 5 (center of 1-9, 0-10, and 2.5-7.5) =
36 degrees (36 number
of Books of Oahspe) = 1/10th decagon (360 degrees circle = 9x8x5). 
The arms
of spiral galaxies.[7] Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, has several spiral arms, each of which is roughly
a logarithmic spiral with pitch of about 12 degrees.[8] 9 / 8 / 5 = 0.225 = E-O-IH divided 9 x 8 x 5 = 360 = E-O-IH multiplied 360 / 0.225 = 1600 1600 = Cycles, etherean arcs of a Circle (Cevorkum), Cosmogony. 1600 etherean arcs of Cevorkum
/ 985(e-o-ih) = 1.62 = Golden Divine Ratio The string 1600 occurs at
position 22222. This string occurs 19972 times in the first 200M digits of Pi. counting from the first digit after the
decimal point. The 3. is not counted. http://www.angio.net/pi/piquery.html1600 = arcs of Cevorkum = Circumference of a circle, 22222 = 22/7 = Pi, 22 = Circumference of a circle.
The cyclic number 22 = 2/9 = .22222 = position 22222 of the digits of Pi where 1600 occurs. - Oahspe Book of Saphah: Se'moin 58) Dan'ha (Panic). ...Jehovih said: The sun I made as the head of a serpent, and his
phalanx made I as the body of a serpent; thus made I the great corporeal serpent. To him gave I a circuit to travel in ... On the circuit have I placed my A'ji and my Ji'ay in many places,
but my Dan'ha have I placed only in one thousand six hundred places
[1600 arcs or cycles of Cevorkum).

Someone once asked, "Since π has such
a close relationship to a circle (and using 360 degrees to express its circumference) where do we find the digits 360 in π and is there anything significant about them?" Well the first
360 begins at the 285th decimal place; nothing interesting about that. However, the second 360 (you'll find it underlined with red in the illustration above) begins at the 358th decimal place.
This means the number of degrees in a circle ends up being centered on the 360th digit of π, so
some people think that's significant. http://thestarman.pcministry.com/math/pi/RandPI.htmlThe string 3600 occurs at position 358. This string occurs times in the first 200M digits of Pi. counting
from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted. http://www.angio.net/pi/piquery.html3 0f 3600 is at position 358 36 of 3600 is at position 359 360 of 3600 (2nd 360 found in pi) is at position 360 (360 at position 360) - Degrees
in a Circle There are 360 “degrees” in a circle.
Which is a puzzlement. Like why 360? Keep in mind
that the “degree” is nothing more than a measurement of
arc which is determined by the first statement. More precisely, a degree can be thought of as being defined to
be an arc whose length is 1/360th of a circle. Clearly, the
circle could just have easily been divided into 100 units or 1000 units. So why, you might ask, are there 360 degrees? Obviously 360 degrees approximates the number of days in an Earth year, 365.24. There is, of course, the minor
inconvenience of there being 5.24 extra days for which there are no corresponding degrees. This accounts for the need
of leap years every four years -- except for century marks which are not divisible by 400 (i.e. 2000 was a leap year, 1900
was not). There is also evidence to support the contention that prior to 1500 B.C.E., the number of days in the year was very
nearly 360. (During the Ages in Chaos, it changed!) Brian Stokes of New Zealand has noted that "the Babylonian
counting system was based on the number 60, which was almost certainly chosen because it was the lowest number to have 2,
3, 4, 5 and 6 as factors (you need to get to 420 to get 7, and 60 also has as factors 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30)." He has
also noted that "the relationship with days in the year was much more clearly stated by the Maya who had a five-day festival
to make up the days to 365. Be this as it may, a more interesting possibility is that 360 can be equally divided (with the quotient being a whole integer) by 10 of the first 12 numbers (whereas 100,
for example, can only be equally divided by 5 of the first 12 numbers). To illustrate this, consider the following
table: - Number--100 / Number--360 / Number 1-------100---------360 2-------50----------180 3-------33.33333...-120 4-------25----------90 5-------20----------72 6-------16.66666...-60 7-------14.28571...-51.42857`42857... 8-------12.5--------45 9-------11.11111...-40 10------10----------36 11------9.09090...--32.72727272727... 12------8.33333...--30 This may not appear to be of overriding importance, but a society -- ancient and otherwise --
which does not have ready access to hand-held computers might have found this to be of singular importance and ease.
There is also a curious connection to the number 9. There is a proliferation of 9’s which keep cropping up in the
360 degree circle -- as well as 3’s and 6’s, the natural components of 9. http://www.halexandria.org/dward091.htm- The first 3 digits
of pi (3.14) x 3.14 = 9.8596, the first 3 digits of 9.8596
= 9.85. 9x8x5 = 360 degrees of circle. 9-8-5 = E-O-IH the Circumference
of a circle. - The string 959
occurs at position 414. This string occurs 1999258 times in the first 200M digits of Pi. counting from the first
digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted. http://www.angio.net/pi/piquery.html959 = 9-5 = 4 (on both sides) = 4. 4 = wave.
Two 4s with 1 digit in center = octave octave (4 on each side with 1 digit in center) = 9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9 = E-O-IH octave 414 = 4 on both sides of 1 digit in the center.
9-5 wave, and 9-5-9 octave encoded in decimal places of Pi. - The string 98765 occurs at position 112031. This string occurs 1885 times in the first 200M digits of Pi. counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted. http://www.angio.net/pi/piquery.html98765 = 4 digits on left of center 5, and 4 digits
on right on center 5. 4 = wave (9-5=4) 112031 = 112-031 = 112 on left of center = 1+1+2 = 4 = wave (9-5=4) 031 on right side of center = 0+3+1=4 = wave (9-5=4). 987656789 E-O-IH double wave (4 digits on left of 5 and right
of 5) octave (9-5-9) encoded in decimal places of pi. - The string 589 occurs at position 10. This string occurs 2011 times in the first 200M digits of Pi. counting from
the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted. http://www.angio.net/pi/piquery.html589 triangle is 1/10th of a decagon (10 sided
polygon) = position 10 encoded in pi. - The string 59
occurs at position 4. This string occurs 2011 times in the first 200M digits of Pi. counting from the first digit
after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted. http://www.angio.net/pi/piquery.html9-5-9 = 9-5 = 4 (on both sides) = 4. 4 = wave. 5-9
(59) = wave = 4 = position 4 encoded in pi.

It wasn’t until Danish Astronomer, Ole Römer [1676] entered the fray that measurements of the speed
of light got serious. The gist of it was that using a bunch of clever calculations involving the diameter of the
Earth’s and Jupiter’s orbits, Römer was able to conclude that it took around 22 minutes for light to cross
the diameter of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Christiaan Huygens later converted this to more commonplace numbers,
showing that by Römer’s estimation, light traveled
at about 220,000 kilometres per second. This figure is a little off (about 27% off). http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2013/08/how-the-speed-of-light-was-first-measured/The string 880991 occurs at position 278809. This string occurs 172 times in the first 200M digits of Pi. counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted. http://www.angio.net/pi/piquery.htmlthe speed of light / speed of sound at sea level = 880,991.09
= 880.9 k (thousands) Cevorkum (sub-galactic orbit of our solar-system) light-years = 2727 (27) Speed of light in vacuum = 880991 x speed of sound at sea level (8809) . first
serious measurement of the speed of light = Ole Römer = 220,000 kilometres per second (27% off). 1947
Essen, Gorden-Smith Cavity Resonator 299,792 +-3 modern accuracy down to the within 1 whole digit. 1983 Adopted Value
299,792.458 299,792 / 299,792.458 = 99.99984 percent accuracy http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Relativity/SpeedOfLight/measure_c.htmlThe speed of sound was also a benchmark in the 20th century. Several pilots tried to fly airplanes faster
than the speed of sound. On October 14, 1947, Chuck Yeager broke the speed of sound 1947 was an important benchmark
year in both the speed of light measurement and the speed of sound. 1947 - 1676 = 271, 27 decades later (speed of light
can be measured to within one whole digit accuracy after the first serious measurement of the speed of light was 27% off). 880991 occurs at position 278809. 27 stands for 27% off at
first serious measurement of speed of light, and 27 decades later
99.99 percent accuracy measurement of the speed of light and the breaking of the sound barrior by man. - The string
4700000 occurs at position 13023895. This string occurs 24 times in the first 200M digits of Pi. counting from the first digit after
the decimal point. The 3. is not counted. The string and surrounding digits: 90992757843318021325 4700000 85971105966176759193 9-8-5(E-O-IH) shows up with 4,700,000(Cevorkum) twice: 1. last 3 digits of position = 895 2. next 3
numbers after 4700000 = 859 Cevorkum = sub-galactic orbit
= 4,700,000 years E-O-IH (9-8-5, 895, 589) or Jehovih
is the Circumference of a circle = Cevorkum - This
is a universe of waves within waves and waves without waves; pulsing
waves of dual light, extending forever outward... - The Secret of Light, by Walter Russell page 132 E=mc2
= 8=4x2, m=E/c2 = 2=8/2. E(energy)= 8, c2(light)=4, m(Mass)=2 pulsing waves of dual light = 4 = wave = 4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3-4
= 9-8-7-6-5-6-8-9(E-O-IH) 9 - 5 = 4 = wave, 9-5-9 = pulsing waves of dual light E-O-IH = 9-5 = 4 (on both sides) = 4 = waves of dual light - E(energy) of E=mc2 = 8, E(Power) of
E-O-IH = 9 An octave can be 8 or 9 The 9 of E-O-IH is the
8 of E=mc2 plus the still center fulcrum which the 8 springs from. Rest (still) points: = rest centers (5) all,
and all things spring from rest (0) and return to rest (10) 0-5-10 8 octave of energy: 1-2-3-4...6-7-8-9 9 octave of Power and expression of power: 9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9 9 is the highest single digit of Power, 9.99999...
= 10 (rest), ethe = 99 or 100, the most potent(power) Rest points = One still center = 0-5-10
= 1(One) + 8 octave of energy = 9 of Power and expression: 5-6-7-8-9-8-7-6-5 = 9 = still center (fulcrum) of power = 9 = E of E-O-IH

Above drawing of the universal mathematical
Language-of-light-9-8-5 “When man shall know My
language of Light then shall he know My Voice"
- Walter Russell "God's still magnetic Light is the
fulcrum of this creating universe." - Walter Russell "To know the mechanics of the wave, is to know the entire secret of Nature." - Walter Russell "The
electric wave of motion is a lever which extends radially away
from a still fulcrum to seemingly divide and extend the fulcrum." - Walter Russell - ful·crum:
the support on which a lever moves when it is used to lift something http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fulcrum 1. the support, or point of rest, on which a lever turns
in moving a body. 2. something that
supports or sustains; http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fulcrum - A fulcrum is
used to move something OAHSPE BOOK OF JEHOVIH Chapter 1: 4. ... I am the QUICKENER, the
MOVER, the CREATOR,... "...the
still fulcrum point in man the place where God sits to fulfill every desire of man." - Page 136 of THE
is the All, and Loves all = I AM That I AM - Exodus 3:14 of the Bible Exodus 3:14 (Pi = 3.14)
relationship of the CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE (E-O-IH, the ALL) to diameter of a circle. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+3%3A14&version=KJV Jehovih is love, harmonic relationship = 8 of E-O-IH 3.14 = 3+1+4 = 8 = the sum of the first 3 digits of pi = 8
= harmonic relationship = love - "Anything in Nature, or in your life's problems, which might have one
million parts and one million complexities, if taken apart, will be found to constitute one simple principle of three elements. God multiplies
these three by three to make nine, but never more than that. So if you can understand the principle of the basic three, and if you can multiply
that three by three, you can become the greatest chemist,
metallurgist, electrical engineer, poet, painter, philosopher or inventor in the whole world if no one but you in the world
did understand it." - Anonymous, Poland 10/19/2012 http://abundanthope.net/artman2/uploads/1/45_-_Walter_Russell_Quotes_1.pdf 3 (E-O-IH) x 3 = 9, 3.14(pi) x 3.14= 9.85(E-O-IH) 1st rule of prophecy (33) x 3 = 99 (3rd rule of prophecy)
1/3 x 3 = 1 whole, cycle, circumference, circle,
E-O-IH Child cycle (Son) x 3 = Parent cycle
(the Father) Jesus in the Bible lived to be 33 years old, symbolic of the child cycle (Son), x 3(Triune) = the
Father Jesus in the Bible said the Father is greater than I (1 whole is greater than 1/3). The Son is the part,
the Father is the ALL (Je-Ho-Vih, E-O-IH). - The rules of
prophecy (1/3 and 3x), and the prophetic numbers 11,
33, 99) are fractions/divisions of 9. 11 = 1/9 = .111,
33 = 3/9 = .333, 99 = 9/9 = 1, 66 = 6/9 = .666, 88 = 8/9 = .888 - From the time the first humans appeared on the
earth that could be taught spiritual (ethe) things to the time of Kosmon (1848) was 73,000 years ago. 72,000-73,000 years
is an astrological mortal genetic dan time. An astrological
cycle is 2160 years, 72,000 / 2,160 = 33.333 = the number of a generational
dan, and the genetic threshold of spiritual light. This is the time it took man to go from 0% to 99.9% of the human
population being capable of everlasting life and being taught spiritual (ethe) things . 73,000 years / 2160 = 33.79. 2160 = the squareroot
of Cevorkum, 2160 x 2160 = 4.665 million, rounded up to 4.7 million same as Cevorkum (sub-galactic orbit of our solar
system). - 7.25 x 7.25 = 52.55625 (age of John Ballou Newbrough at Oahspe transmission) x 3.1415926 (pi) = 165.12996
+ 1848.2464 (start of Kosmon) = 2013.3763 (A.D) = 22 (cycle/circumference
of pi 22/7) x 7.5 = 165 + 1848 = 2013 A.D. year of deciphering Ya-La-Pesta,
the tables of times and measurements, and Orachnebuahgalah plate of Oahspe, and converting the sacred name of E-O-IH
into mathematical musical notes and frequencies (Hz). Pi is the ratio of circumference of a circle to diameter
of circle = 3.1415926. The circle is a repeating cycle. The diameter is a linear period or sequence of time. Oahspe mentions a cyclic time of seven and a half (7.5, or 7.5 x). Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave the times of Jehovih...the times of eleven;
and the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars... [an etherean arc or cycle is 400 (dan) times 7.5 (7.5 x 400) = 3000 years.] - "let
the note C2 be the fundamental or first harmonic of a string" C2 = 65.4064 E = 587.33(D5) / 65.4064(C2) = 8.979 = 9.0 x multiple = harmonic = polarization (within .02) O = 523.251(C5) / 65.4064(C2) = 7.999 = 8.0
x multiple = Harmonic = polarization (exact) IH
= 329.628(E4) / 65.4064(C2) = 5.039 = 5.0 x multiple = Harmonic = polarization (within .03) 9x + 8x + 5x = 22 = heat/cold
highest/lowest cycle average years The number 22 is 7x Pi (3.142) the ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's
diameter. 9 x 8 x 5 = 360 = degrees of a circle = circumference of a circle 587.3 + 523.25 + 329.6 + = 1440.15 sum total Hz of E-O-IH . - E = 587.33(D5) Hz = 9.0 x 65.4064(C2) O = 523.251(C5) Hz = 8.0 x 65.4064(C2) 587.33 + 523.251 = 1110.581 or rounded
to 1111. Gow, 111 (Tables of
Times and measurements Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy 7:18). 1110.581 / 1440.15 = 0.7711 Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave
the times of Jehovih...the times of eleven;... times of eleven = 11 x 77 = 11 x 7 1111
/ 11 = 101 - 9 / 22 = 0.4090 = 400 Dan = 40 decades, and 90 learning on Orachnebuahgalah plate 8 / 22 = 0.3636 = Golden Triangle 36 degrees and Golden Light (harmony) of
Heaven 5 / 22 = 0.2272 = center of color spectrum 22 - First 2 numbers: 40 36 22 40 + 36 + 22 = 98 (of 9-8-5 E-O-IH) of 9.85 98 squared twice = 3.14 = pi - 9/9 = 1 = One undivided
Power 8/9 = 88 = harmony, light
(c/mach = light/sound = 880,991) 5/9 = 55 = Balance, central,
divided half 1 + 88 + 55 = 144
= 1440 Hz sum total of E-O-IH the times of
Jehovih...the times of eleven; = 11x9 = 9/9, 11x8 = 88, 11x5 = 55 144,000 days = 400 years = Mayan Baktun = 400 year
Dan 144 = 1/10th decagon = E-O-IH = 9-8-5 = 36 degrees angle triangle 144 x 10 = 360 degrees
decagon = 1440 Hz = E-O-IH sum total - E-O-IH = 9-8-5. Fractals (fractions) of 9-8-5 = 9/8,
8/5, 9/5. 9/8 = 1.125, 8/5 (2 fibonacci numbers) = 1.6 (Golden Ratio), 9/5 (wave) = 1.8 9/5 divided by 9/8 = 1.6
(golden ratio). 9/5 divided by 8/5 = 1.125 (9/8). Cevorkum light-years = 2727 / 1.125 (9/8) = 2424 = symmetry. Cevorkum light-years = 2727 / 1.8 (9/5) = 1515 = symmetry 9/8 x 8/5 x 9/5 = 3.24
= Pi + 0.1. A relatively high velocity supermicrocosm (external microcosm) collides with and transfers
motion to a relatively low velocity microcosm. - The Scientific Worldview and Infinite Universe Theory by Glenn Borchardt.
A primary vortex (see image below far left) in Oahspe is cylindrical shaped.

Above are 4 drawings by John Ballou Newbrough in 1881 (plates 25, 26 and 28 of Oahspe) of (from left to right): 1.
primary vortex. 2. secondary vortex. 3. third age of vortex. 4. fourth
age of vortex. Ages of a vortex by shape: Primary
vortex age (long funnel or hose shaped). Secondary vortex age (current vortex of our solar system).
Cone-shaped. Third age of vortex. (oval-shaped). Fourth age of
vortex (ball, orb or spherical shaped). - 1. Primary
vortex is used for creating planets or for materialization.
Shaped like a long funnel or hose. - 2. Secondary vortex is used
as a transporter or tractor beam by ethereans. Cone-shaped. - 3-4. A third or fourth age of a vortex is used to surround an etherean space-craft or corporeal
world, like an oval force-field. Shaped
like a ball, orb or spherical.
Enlarged close-up above of Oahspe plate Tow'Sang shows the Solar vortex as a secondary vortex, cone-shaped. Cone-shaped secondary vortex beam of UFO (etherean ship) below photographed on May 24, 1959 (Kosmon 111, Nestor 111, Gow
111, Ceres 111, Acts 1:11).

----9-----------------8----------------------7----------------------6----------------------5 Above plates from Oahspe (original drawings by John Ballou Newbrough 1881) Power-Harmony(Light)-Balance(Rest) = 9-8-5 = E-O-IH the Creator, the All-Person 9 = primary vortex, the
power that maketh
planets 8 = secondary vortex 7 = third age of vortex 6 = fourth age of vortex 5 = rest, uncreation,
no vortex, void, without form >--compression--< = 9-8-7-6-5 = gravitation, spiral inward 4-3-2-1-0 = 9-8-7-6-5
= the wave of creation = 1 cycle Walter Russell stated that, “In
the wave lies the secret of creation.” 5 x 8 x 9 = 360 degrees
sphere, radiation, fireball = E=mc2 9 / 8 / 5 = 0.225 = density, hardness, crystal = m=E/c2 360 / 0.225 = 1600 cycles
= arcs of a Circle (Cevorkum) "Within 9-8-5 (E-O-IH)
lies the secret of the sacred divine name and creation" - Author of studyofoahspe.com- 7 =
completion of animal life, past the age of begetting, no new species (ho'tu). Oahspe Book of Jehovih Chapter 4:17. After 5, the cycle, the wave repeats itself, 9-8-7-6-5-9-8-7-6 vortex wave = 9-8-7-6
dual vortex wave octave = 9-8-7-6, 9,8,7,6 = 8 uncreation,
rest, no vortex = 5 9 = dual wave octave + uncreation,
rest vortex wave to rest = 9-5 = E-IH of E-O-IH 5 is the center (balance) between 2 cycles or 2 waves = 9-8-7-6-5-9-8-7-6-5 or 4-3-2-1-0-4-3-2-1 OAHSPE BOOK OF JEHOVIH III: 3 SAYS "as thou beholdest the
power of the whilwind gathering up the dust of the earth, and driving it together, know that even so do I bring together the aji and jiay and NEBULAE in the firmament of heaven: by the power of the whirlwind create I the coporeal SUNS, and moons and STARS. CHAPTER
IV:2 Says "I cause etherean currents to bring forth aji
and jiay, and NEBULAE, prior to MAKING CORPOREAL WORLDS." Oahspe Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter III: 11."...seven corporeal stars were dismembered a thousand
million [billion] years ago, now set with a'ji'an fields, and forming
nebulae;..." In the book called COSMOS by Carl Sagan copyright 1980, Sagan on page 251 says "But as
the stars that outline a spiral arm burn out [explode], new stars and their associated nebulae are formed just behind them,
and the spiral pattern persists." - Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter II: 5. In the case of a vortex in etherea (that is after the manner of a whirlwind on the earth), the corporeal solutions are propelled toward the centre thereof in greater density. 6. When it is sufficiently dense to manifest light, and shadow, it is called a comet, or nebula; when still more
dense it is a planet. 10. Interior nebula is generally
described as comets; whilst exterior nebula is usually called
nebula. Nevertheless, all such solutions of corpor are of like nature, being as the beginning or as the incomplete condensation of a planet. 16. When a nebulous planet is sufficiently dense to have its corpor polarized,... 9 = a vortex in etherea,the
corporeal solutions are propelled toward the centre
thereof in greater density. 8 = light = sufficiently dense to have its corpor polarized, = sufficiently dense to manifest light. Light = polarity of corporeal needles in solution, lined up,
in order, harmony = 8. 7-6 = still more dense it is a planet 5 = the vortex shall burst, the planet shall
be scattered and gone 5 is the rest
point of the pendulum before the cycle
(vortex motion) starts again. - The numbers cycle waves: 5-9-8-7-6-5-9-8-7-6-5<-E-O-IH
cycles 0-1-2-3-4-0-6-7-8-9-0<--Musical Octave<-Decimal system 0---/---Balance---\--0<--Pendulum,
stillness, motion |--------Center--------|<--span, space, duration, time |----------Bob----------|<-Plumb
line |------------|------------| | = rest points = zero = 5 = balance - Oahspe Plate
41.--SHA'MAEL: The prophet of Jehovih
said: A time shall come when ...the vortex of the earth shall burst, even as a whirlwind bursteth, and lo and behold, the whole earth shall be scattered and gone. - Below artist's concept puts solar system
distances in perspective. The scale bar is in astronomical units, with each set distance beyond
1 AU representing 10 times the previous distance. One AU is the distance from the sun to the Earth, which
is about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers. Neptune, the most distant planet from the sun, is about
30 AU. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/voyager/multimedia/pia17046.html#.U8uQ8mW-qjE

Is the Oort Cloud band the place of the
etherean arc bands (spaced aproximately every 3000 years or 1.7 light-years) of Cevorkum in the roadway of the solar phalanx (solar
system)? - Mathematical-Astronomical model for the Dan'ha-Dawn etherean arc regions
in interstellar space: Cevorkum: Circumference = pi ×
diameter = pi × 2 × radius The circumference of a circle is the length around it. pi = 3.14159 434 (light-years away Polaris) x 3.14159 x 2 = 2726.90012 light-years distance circuit 1600 arcs or cycles or dan'has (dawns) in each circuit = 2727 / 1600 = 1.70 light years per dan'ha or etherean arc. Is
there a interstellar cloud arc or band aprox. 1.7 light-years away? - Oort Cloud ...It
is thought to extend from about 20,000 to 100,000 AU. http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/cosmos/o/oort+cloud The Oort Cloud is a large spherical cloud with a radius from 50,000
to 100,000 A.U. http://www.astronomynotes.com/solfluf/s8.htm - Google 100,000 Astronomical Units = 1.58128451 light-years - Dec 15, 2013 - ...a mere 1.9 light-years from Earth. At this icy distance, in the cold recesses of our solar system, we find the Oort cloud. ...This portion of our neighborhood is nearly
a quarter of the distance to Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to
the Sun. ...amalgamation of primordial material
consists of whatever didn’t coalesce into planets, fall into the sun, or become a part of the asteroid belt that orbits
between Mars and Jupiter. ...Long-period comets (which
take more than 200 years to orbit the sun) come from the Oort Cloud. http://www.fromquarkstoquasars.com/the-oort-cloud-home-of-the-icy-giants/un. At 1.5-1.9 light-years away from
the sun, the Oort cloud is located aproximatly the right distance
for the next etherean arc. Things the Oort Cloud has in common with a calculated etherean arc: 1. Distance, aproximately 1.58128451-1.9
light-years away from Earth/Sun (1.7 light-years for etherean arc or band). 2. The Oort Cloud is nearly a quarter of the distance to Proxima Centauri, the nearest star: From Oahspe: Let ethe stand as one, corpor as four (etherean postion is 1/4 Corpor) 3. The Oort Cloud contains
an amalgamation of primordial material, etherean arcs or dawns contain primary vortex substance, the ethe'ic solution. Google pri·mor·di·al:
existing at or from the beginning of time; primeval. (especially
of a state or quality) basic and fundamental. Primordial =
ethe'ic solution, the substance of the etherean dawns of dan'ha. 4. Long-period comets come from the Oort Cloud, comets come from
etherean regions. Comets are intermediary between
etherean and corporeal worlds. 5. There may be other similar
Oort Clouds regularly spaced out in the Cosmos like etherean bands or arcs. Hypothetical: as the Earth's
sun and its solar system travels through one
Oort-like band (etherean arc) another one takes the position
of the former in a continuous circuit, so that short-period comets that originate inside the solar system come from the band or arc that the solar system is currently passing
through. Long-period comets that originate outside the solar system come from the bands or arcs the solar system has not passed through
yet in this circuit. The Oort Cloud is still a hypothetical
region of space, and was named the number one mystery
of the Solar System by universetoday.com. Ten Mysteries of the
Solar System 1. The Oort Cloud How do we know the Oort Cloud even exists? As far as Solar System mysteries
go, the Pioneer anomaly is a tough act to follow, but the Oort cloud
(in my view) is the biggest mystery of all. Why? We have never
seen it, it is a hypothetical region of space. the Oort Cloud is
too far away (if it really is out there). Firstly, the Oort Cloud is predicted to be over 50,000 AU from the Sun (that’s
nearly a light year away), making it about 25% of the way toward our
nearest stellar neighbour, Proxima Centauri. The Oort Cloud is therefore a very long way away. So, the Oort Cloud appears
to be out there, but we cannot directly observe it. In my books, that
is the biggest mystery in the outermost region of our Solar System… http://www.universetoday.com/16940/ten-mysteries-of-the-solar-system/What are the facts that allow accepting the Oort cloud theory? There are several points of evidence
that the Oort Cloud exists, though it is indeed still a hypothesis
and lacks direct observation. The first is indirectly observational, as proposed by Ernst Öpik back in 1932 as the source
of long-period comets. This was revised by Jan Oort
in 1950. All you need to determine an orbit is three observations
of the object, separated in time. The greater the separation in time
and the more observations, the more certainty we have in its orbit. Comets with periods longer than Pluto's must, by definition, have come from beyond Pluto. Pluto's orbit basically
loosely defines the extent of the Kuiper Belt (30-50 AU). http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/26132/what-are-the-facts-that-allow-accepting-the-oort-cloud-theoryHow do scientists know the Oort Cloud exists if they have not seen it? We believe the Oort Cloud
is the origin for long-period comets. Basically what's done is to
determine the orbital characteristics of these comets then backtrack. It's been found that virtually all long-period comets
emerge from the same place, a far-distant sphere of space around the solar system. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100731103944AAYT8eYDo all stars have "Oort Clouds" ?? Our Sun's Oort Cloud seems to extend at least a light-year away from the Sun. Arguing from the Cosmological Principal ("what's here is there"), could other stars have colossal cometary
"Oort Clouds" too ? I have the idea that the Oort Cloud is still hypothetical, or at least unsupported
by observation. Am i wrong? There are arguments from the statistics
of observed orbits of long term comets that indicate an Oort
band out somewhere at 45000+ AU. How much 'stuff' is there is unknown
until we can go there and see. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/49172-do-all-stars-have-oort-clouds/ - Exocomets are an important link in the understanding of planet formation according
to researchers. Astronomer Barry Welsh describes the link as follows: “interstellar dust under the influence of gravity
becomes blobs, and the blobs grow into rocks, the rocks coalesce and become bigger things – planetesimals and comets
– and finally, you get planets.”[3] 3. Sanders, Robert (7 January 2013). "Exocomets may be as common as exoplanets". University of California, Berkeley. Retrieved 8 January
2013. Cevorkum: Circumference = pi × diameter = pi × 2 × radius The
circumference of a circle is the length around it. pi = 3.14159 434
(light-years away Polaris) x 3.14159 x 2 = 2726.90012 light-years
distance circuit 1600 arcs or cycles or dan'has (dawns) in each circuit = 2727 / 1600 = 1.70 light years per dan'ha or etherean arc. 1.7 = between (50% of) 9/5 and 8/5 (8.5/5) = 9-8-5 of E-O-IH 2727 / 1.8 (9/5)
= 1515. 27-27 and 15-15 = symmetry, balance. nine-fifths is at the crux of sacred geometry. fractal geometry (fractions): 9/5 = 1.8, harmonic multiples of 9/5 = 1.8, 3.6, 5.4, 7.2, ...36 (Golden Triangle), 72,
90, 144, 180, 360 (circle), ...1440, 1440 (E-O-IH 1440 Hz), 1515, 2727 (Cevorkum light-years), ... Google
sym·me·try: the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis. axis
= Polaris, the center (5) of Cevorkum, the outer extreme around the axis = 9 = 9-5 of E-O-IH. 9
x 3 = 27 = the symmetry of 2727 (Cevorkum light-years). 1/3 and 3x = rules of prophecy. 5 x 3 = 15 = the symmetry of
2727 (Cevorkum light-year) / 9/5 (1.8) = 1515 Rules of prophecy (cycles) come from E-O-IH.
E-O-IH has 3 parts, each part is 1/3.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 528 Hz | Miracle Tone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PRV6w6VJbc 528 Hz | Miracle Tone very close to O
of E-O-IH = C5 = 523.25 Hz (O = 8, Harmonic tone). The
closest musical note on the scale below to 528 Hz is 523.3 (8 x the
fundamental C2 note): -------C------C#----D-----Eb------E------F-----F#----G-----G#----A-----Bb----B 0 16.35
17.32 18.35 19.45 20.60 21.83 23.12 24.50 25.96 27.50 29.14 30.87 1 32.70 34.65 36.71 38.89 41.20 43.65 46.25 49.00
51.91 55.00 58.27 61.74 2 65.41 69.30 73.42 77.78 82.41 87.31 92.50 98.00 103.8 110.0 116.5 123.5 3 130.8 138.6
146.8 155.6 164.8 174.6 185.0 196.0 207.7 220.0 233.1 246.9 4 261.6 277.2 293.7 311.1 329.6 349.2 370.0 392.0 415.3
440.0 466.2 493.9 5 523.3 554.4 587.3 622.3 659.3 698.5
740.0 784.0 830.6 880.0 932.3 987.8 6 1047 1109 1175 1245 1319 1397 1480 1568
1661 1760 1865 1976 7 2093 2217 2349 2489 2637 2794 2960
3136 3322 3520 3729 3951 8 4186 4435 4699 4978 5274 5588
5920 6272 6645 7040 7459 7902 O = 523.251(C5) / 65.4064(C2) = 7.999 = 8.0 x multiple =
Harmonic = polarization (exact) 8 = Harmonic relationship = Love 528 Hz – The Love Frequency According to
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the
“musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your
heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth. http://attunedvibrations.com/528hz/ 528 Hz Miracle Tone: Harmonic Fibonacci Spiral
Pulsing at the Rate of Pi https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/528-hz-miracle-tone-harmonic/id692849542 523.3 / 528 = .9910 = 99.1% the same. - Power to break glass = a force of frequency to overcome the resistance of the thickness of the high quality
glassware break a wine glass with sound. for step 3 a different glass was used, that had a resonance frequency of around 592 Hz. if you're around (+/- .5 Hz) the resonance frequency of the glass
and if the amplitude of the sound (AKA volume) is loud enough (we used earplugs), you'll see the rim of the glass waving like
that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVvnw3MfxkI E = 587.33(D5) / 65.4064(C2) = 8.979 = 9.0 x multiple of the fundamental C2 note (Power) - Solar
Plexus Chakra (Isochronic Tones 320 Hz) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj2TCTu49rY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqvbkek1FUY solar plexus chakra ...brings
balance between the feminine and masculine, or the Yin and Yang. It is the axial
point, literally the middle of the body http://www.the-unscripted-self.com/yellow.html IH = 329.628(E4) / 65.4064(C2) = 5.039 = 5.0 x multiple of the fundamental C2 note (Balance, central) - 587.33 / 592 = .9921 = 99.21% same for E (9) 523.3 /
528 = .9910 = 99.1% the same for O (8) 320 / 329.6 = .9708 = 97.08% same for IH
(5) Fig. 2. Frequency values and differentials for comparison.Partial Number | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | US Standard Pitch Name | C2 | C3 | G3 | C4 | E4 | G4 | (Bb4) | C5 | D5 | E5 | (F#5) | G5 | Freq. in 12TET (Hz.) Based on A4 = 440 Hz. | 65.41 | 130.81 | 196.00 | 261.63 | 329.63 | 392.00 | 466.16 | 523.25 | 587.33 | 659.26 | 739.99 | 783.9 | http://in.music.sc.edu/fs/bain/atmi02/hs/playback/12etvsjust/index.html -
The name and sound E-O-IH is composed of certain frequencies (which can be measured by a sound spectrograph) and resonance
or harmonic power. Certain frequencies vibrate
matter in such a way that it creates geometric patterns or can break an object. In the links below they break glass with a vowel sound.
Network of Etherean worlds and roadways
(Oahspe plate 24 God's Book of Ben) drawn by John Ballou Newbrough in 1881 looks like invisible Dark Matter in Space
and Human Nerve Cells Network, both discovered
decades later. A similar graphical pattern to the
universe and the brain, a connection
to the cosmos and consciousness. Nearly 90 percent of the
brain is composed of glial cells, not neurons. Andrew Koob argues that these overlooked cells just might be the source of the imagination ...cell counts in the brain
revealed glial cells to be nearly 90% of the brain (this is where
the neuron based idea that we only use 10% of our brain comes from). http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-root-of-thought-what/ Google im·ag·i·na·tion/
the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external
objects not present to the senses. Andrew Koob (born 1976) is an American
neuroscientist and writer. Koob is the author of The Root of Thought, which explores the theory that the astrocyte, a type of glial cell in the brain, is 'responsible for our creative and imaginative existence as human beings.'[1][2] Originally thought to do nothing in the brain, glial cells are now believed to be the new frontier in neuroscience research and play a significant role in brain processing.[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Koob 90% of the Brain untapped by man = 90% human potential = Cosmic Consciousness = Orion/Orian, Nirvanian (etherean). Lucy
played by Scarlett Johansson in the 2014 movie is at the opposite end of the human spectrum
from Lucy (the skeleton of a female Australopithecus afarensis discovered
in 1974) and attains Cosmic Consciousness (the Nirvanian state). Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XXVI: 1. WHEN Fragapatti entered the Road of Fire with his avalanza,
where Athrava had stationed the musicians and groups of furlers, the hosts aboard broke loose from all bounds of propriety,
so great was their delight, and they shouted and sang with the trumpeters with most exalted enthusiasm. Many of them entered the Orian state, and not a few, even the Nirvanian. And they became
even as Gods and Goddesses by their own entrancement, seeing, hearing and realizing, even to the third rate above the
Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih! OAHSPE BOOK OF INSPIRATION CHAPTER VIII: 6. Nevertheless, I created man with
capacity to comprehend this also; for, I designed him, from the first,
to work his way up to the Godhead, understanding all below him. BOOK OF LIKA, SON OF JEHOVIH CHAPTER III. 14. Neither let any man fear that his talents may become too exalted for the work I have provided; for until he hath created a firmament, and created suns and stars to fill it,
he hath not half fulfilled his destiny. Until you have created a galaxy or island universe you
have not half fulfilled your destiny. Man's destiny to create galaxies is a part of THE PLAN OF THE UNIVERSE. The destiny
and potential of man is also stated in the Bible. Psalm 8 King James Version (KJV) 3 When I consider thy heavens,
the work of thy fingers [the works of thy hands], the moon and the stars [galaxies], which thou hast ordained; 4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest
him? 5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels
[temporarily], and hast crowned him with glory and honour. 6 Thou madest him to have dominion [Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling] over the works
of thy hands[the moon and the stars]; thou hast put all things
[the moon and the stars] under his feet:

Solar system speed = 420,000 mph divide
by 60 then divide by 60 again to get miles per second.420,000 mph / 60 = 7,000
mpm, 7000 / 60 = 116.66 = mps Solar system speed. Speed of light (for convenience sake) = 186,282 miles per second. Divide so called speed of light (for convenience sake) by the speed of solar system: 186,282 / 116.66 = 1,596.79 rounded
up to 1,597 which is aproximately = 1600 arc cycles of Cevorkum. There is an interesting correlation between the speed of light divided by the speed of the solar system and the number or arc cycles in Cevorkum. The correlation is .9979 or 99.79% a harmonic (light-polarization) relationship. 1,596.7941025201 / 1,600 = 0.99799. - Convert to solar system speed of 420,000 MPH: 550,000 divided by 420,000 = 1.30952380952 x 3328726.97648 = 4359047.23109
= 4 million 359,047 years circuit or rounded to 4.4 million years. See Extrasolar planets, CEVORKUM, Light speed chapter/page
of this website. 4,363,047.23109
/ 2726.90012 = 1,600.00258 Solar
years = Time (4,363,200), Light-years = distance-space
(2727) Cevorkum years (Time) / Cevorkum light-years (distance-space) = 1600
(cycles, etherean arcs). Synchronously 363 of
4,363,047.23109 (Cevorkum years time) is a tuff or solar cycle. 434 (light-years
away Polaris) x 3.14159 x 2 = 2726.90012 light-years circuit rounded to 2727. The ratio of
Cevorkum Time to Cevorkum Space = 1000 golden (Divine) ratios = 1.6
x 1000 = 1600 arcs or cycles. The ratio of two fibonacci numbers of E-O-IH 8-5 = 8 / 5 = 1.6 = golden divine ratio.
4363 / 2.726 = 1600. 4,363,200 (contains
363 Tuff, and 200 Dan). 4,363,200 / 2727 = 1600 exactly. 4,363,200 is a Cevorkum number that is a multiple of 360 and 9,
8, and 5. 4,363,200 / 1440 (Hz E-O-IH) = 3030 (symmetry). 4,363,200 / 400 (Dan) = 10908. 10908 = 2 Fibonacci numbers (109 and 08). 2.726 = e natural logarithmic constant = 2.718 (2.72) = 1/1000th
fractal of Cevorkum light-years. 2.718 / 2.726 = .997 = 99.7% same. 2727 (cevorkum light-years distance) / 1000 = 2.727 / 2.718 (e logarithmic constant) = 1.003
= 1000/997 The arms of spiral galaxies.[7] Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, has several spiral arms, each of which
is roughly a logarithmic spiral with pitch of about 12 degrees.[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logarithmic_spiral - 12 degrees pitch of spiral galaxy / 360 degrees circle = 0.033 fractal of the first rule of prophecy and the genetic threshold of everlasting life. 33 / 0.033 = 1000 harmonic division. - Oahspe
- Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih: Chapter III: 4. Behold, neither
men nor angels on the red star [earth] comprehend the harmony of My works; and because of their own inharmony
they deny Me, being blind to My Person. - The more math and science you encounter, the more you run into the number [2.718]. Many
of its applications and manifestations are alarmingly beautiful and
often abstract. The logarithmic spiral is a shape that
appears in nature, commonly in: shells, horns, tusks, sunflowers, and spiral galaxies. https://brilliant.org/discussions/thread/the-discovery-of-the-number-e-2/ - Cevorkum light-years x speed of light in vacuum / speed of sound at sea level: 2727
x 880,991 = 2,402,462,457 = 2.4024 Billion (24024 symmetry first 5 digits) Fractal of Cevorkum Light-years: 2.7 x 1010 = 2727. 2727 / 1600= 1.7043 light-years for an etherean arc. 1.70 light-years = 8.5/5 light-years. Jehovih
= E-O-IH = 9-8-5 1 Etherean arc of Cevorkum = 1.70 light-years = 8.5/5 = 9+8/2/5 = E+O/2/IH Jehovih = E-O-IH, E = 9, O = 8, IH = 5. 9+8 = 17 / 2 = 8.5 / 5 = 1.70 = Etherean arc light-years of Cevorkum. - Oahspe mentions a cyclic time of seven and a half
(7.5, or 7.5 x). Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave the times of Jehovih...the times of eleven; and the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars... [an etherean arc or cycle is
400 (dan) times 7.5 (7.5 x 400) = 3000 years.] 363 = Tuff (circle), varies from 360 to 365 years. 7.5x Tuff (Circle) = 363.6 x 7.5 = 2727 Cevorkum (Circumference of a circle) light-years. 363.6
= 36-36 symmetry of Golden Triangle. E-O-IH = Triangle. 2-7-2 = B-A-C symmetry of Isosceles Triangle (below) = 3-6-3
...9... 9-5-9 = 4.34 x 3.1413926 = 13.634511 x 2 = 27.2690 or 27.27 x 100 = 2727 Cevorkum Light-years. ...9... 9 - 5 = 4, 9.34 - 5 = 4.34 (fractal of Polaris light-years radius of Cevorkum). 5 = 5/9 = .55 + 5 = 5.55 = central = 5.55 / 10 =
.55 = 5/9 E-O-IH (9-8-5) = 9.85 = Circle Distance from Circle to center of circle = radius 9.85 - 5.55 = 4.3 radius center (fractal of Polaris light-years
radius of Cevorkum). Polaris light-years distance from solar system (orbit-circle) = 434 light-years
9-5 = wave. wave (4)x pi = 12.56637 radius = 4. 4 x 3.1415926 = 12.56637. 2726.9 / 12.566 =
217.006 x 2 = 434 = Polaris radius distance of Cevorkum light-years. 2727 / 12.56637 = 217.007 x 2 = 434 = Polaris radius
distance of Cevorkum light-years. Harmonic relationship between
9-5 radius and the Polaris light-years distance. 9 x 1
= 9. 909 is 1/3 of 2727 Cevorkum. 9 x 2 = 18. 1818 is 2/3
of 2727 Cevorkum. 9 x 3 = 27. 2727 is 3/3 of 2727 Cevorkum. 1 whole Cevorkum = 2727 light-years. 2727 / 3 = 909
= 1/3 or 33.3 % Cevorkum. 909 = 9 = 3x3 = 3+3+3 = 333. 909 / 333.3 = 2.727 = 1/1000th fractal of Cevorkum light-years. 2.727 = 2.72
= e Euler Logarithmic constant (2.718). 909 x 2 = 1818 = 2/3 or 66.6% Cevorkum. 1818 = 6x3 = 6+6+6 = 666.
1818 / 2727 = .6666... 2727 / 9 = 303 = 1/9 = 11.1% Cevorkum light-years. 303 = 1x3 = 1+1+1 = 111. 303 / 2727 =
.1111... 9/5 = 1.8, harmonic multiples
of 9/5 = 1.8, 3.6, 5.4, 7.2, ...21.6, 36 (Golden Triangle), 72, 90, 144, 180, 360 (circle), 576 THz and 585 nm (green
center of electromagnetic spectrum), 909 (1/3 Cevorkum light-years), 1440 (E-O-IH 1440 Hz), 1818 (2/3 Cevorkum light-years),
2160 (astrological age), 2727 (Cevorkum light-years), 5454 (2 Cevorkum circuits), 8181 (3 Cevorkum circuits), 25,920 (astrological
circuit), 144,000 (400 years days, Mayan Baktun), EOPTIAN AGE = 144,000 YEARS.... 2727 / 9/5(1.8) = 1515 (symmetry) All light-year distances associated with Cevorkum are symmetrical
numbers: Radius = 434, diameter = 868, 1/9 = 303, 1/3 = 909, 2/3 = 1818, Cevorkum = 2727. PERFECT SYMMETRY AND BALANCE IS ENCODED IN THE CEVORKUM LIGHT-YEARS DISTANCE. - Scientists working with the Hipparcos satellite measured
Polaris's distance by taking its trigonometric parallax; that is, how, over a period of months or years, the star moves
across our line of sight in relation to other objects in the sky. Polaris,
the team calculated, was 434 light-years away. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/20/north-star-distance-earth_n_2513621.html - If 323 light-years was used as the radius (distance to Polaris) even though 323 is symmetrical, you would not
have perfect symmetry for Cevorkum. 323 x 3.1415926 = 1014.7344 x 2 = 2029.46 (2029 is not symmetrical) x .3333 = 676.419,
(676 is symmetrical), 2029.46 x .6666 = 1352.838 (1352 and 1353 are not symmetrical), 2029.46 x .1111 = 225.473 (225 is not
symmetrical). Polaris distance in light-years at one time was thought (incorrectly) to be 323 light-years from earth: - What is a symmetrical numbers? A symmetrical number is one
that reads the same from either direction, e.g. 121, or 1345431 http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_symmetrical_numbers - What is a symmetric number? I think a symmetric number is just a type of a palindrome, or something that
reads the same ways backwards or forwards. Example: 454 126621 4913194 Doesn't seem to be a commonly
used term, but every reference I could find says reads the same forwards as backwards, i.e., a palindrome. Just to add
something, if you take a number and add it to its reverse, and repeat this with sum, etc., eventually you'll get a symmetric
number. E.g., 351 + 153 = 504, 504 + 405 = 909. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070219132617AAYMRfG - Google sym·me·try: the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis. axis = center = 5 of 454,
same number (4) around center = symmetry. Axis of 1515 is center between 5 and 1, same number (15) around center = symmetry. The mathematical symmetry, balance, and preciseness
are evidence against their having occurred by blind chance or evolutionary processes. The Creator (Jehovih) of the
universe created these things (Cevorkum light-years distance,
and the Oahspe book that pointed to its existence) as a visible fingerprint of His existence. - "The
heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork." - ◄ Psalm
19:1 ► of the Bible. http://biblehub.com/psalms/19-1.htm "THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE UNIVERSE"
that John Ballou Newbrough desired to learn. - The symmetrical light-years numbers
of Cevorkum is a mathematical code that was embeded in Oahspe
waiting to be discovered with the help of modern astronomical measurements. Oahspe Book of
Knowledge Part II: 28. Tae said:
... 32. Yea, I have measured
the stars in Thy firmament, ... 33. I have measured the light and computed the time of its coming, ... "measured
the light and computed the time of its coming" = light-years
distance of Polaris and C'vorkum. "Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the Universe." – Galileo. - "The Universe
appears to have been designed by a pure mathematician." - Page 1 of Is
God a Mathematician by Mario Livio (astrophysicist) 2009. - Oahspe
Book of Apollo Chapter 2: 11. Who hath not beholden
Jehovih, the All Person? Who is it that crieth out: I behold Him not? No harmony,
no symmetry, no music, no complete
whole? And to which will ye give preference in judgment? Is not the judgment of the perceiver higher than he who perceiveth
not? - Oahspe Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter
XII: 3. And he gave the times of Jehovih...and
the seven and a half
times of the vortices of the stars, so that the seasons might be foretold, ... YHWH or JHVH =
Jehovih = E-O-IH = 9-8-5. 360 degrees of a circle
= vortices of the stars. 9x8x5 x 7.575 = 2727 (C'vorkum
light-years, 1600 arc seasons or cycles). vortices
of the stars = sub-galactic vortices or orbits of the Sun and
Polaris. ------------------------------------------ Symmetrical numbers are rare. The rules of prophecy are all symmetrical numbers 11, 33, 99. The rules of prophecy are
in divisions or multiples (harmonics) of 3. 11 x 3 = 33 x 3 = 99. 3 x 3 = 9 x 3 = 27 (2727 Cevorkum light-years). .999
(1) adds up to 9+9+9 = 27.
The central sun is the symbol of the Creator. The Sun is
symmetrical in light (photosphere). Planets are dark on one side and light on the other, not symmetrical. Symmetry is
balance. Of the 11 numbers from 10 to 20 only one (11) is symmetrical, the other ten (90.9%) are not. The distance
in miles between any two cities being symmetrical is rare. The odds that all 5 numbers (whole, 2/3, 1/3, diameter, radius)
being symmetrical like in the Cevorkum light-years numbers are astronomical. The fact that 2/3 .666 adds up to 6+6+6
= 18 which is 2/3 Cevorkum light-years number is amazing and does not seem to be random. The fact that 1/3 .333 adds
up to 3+3+3 = 9 which is 1/3 Cevorkum light-years number is amazing and does not seem to be random. Mathematics is the
language (word) which the Creator wrote the Universe. Some people can understand and hear the word (mathematics) of the
Creator. Oahspe says the Creator made the solar phalanx to travel in an orbit called Cevorkum, and that travel is not
random but with purpose. The travel of the solar phalanx is not random nor is the Cevorkum light-years numbers.

Halexandria is a Synthesis of new physics, sacred geometry, ancient and modern history, ...to biblical and geologic histories to numerology, ... 2727 = 2+7+2+7 = 18 / 10 = 1.8 = 9/5 = E/IH of E-O-IH. 1818 = 1+8+1+8
= 18 / 10 = 1.8 = 9/5 = E/IH of E-O-IH. 909 = 9+0+9 = 18 / 10 = 1.8 =
9/5 = E/IH of E-O-IH. Bilateral symmetry is
the arrangement of body parts into left and right halves on either side of a central axis (see above images). "Symmetry
is a quintessentialy physics topic, symmetry is
at the heart of a lot of modern physics" - Sean Michael Carroll (theoretical physicist specializing in quantum mechanics,
gravity, and cosmology).
- Tenet Movie: Same forward and
reverse. A Palindrome, example number 313 is a Palindromic number, it is symmetrical like 696, 33, 121,
etc... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uShcH_3NB4 C'vorkum light-years numbers are Palindromic numbers (2727, 434, 868, 1818, 909) as are the rules of prophecy numbers
(11, 33, 99) according to Oahspe. The beast numbers 66, 666 are also Palindromic numbers. A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam, racecar. There are also numeric palindromes,
including date/time stamps using short digits 11/11/11 11:11 and long digits 02/02/2020.
In most genomes or sets of genetic instructions, palindromic motifs are found. For example, the sequence ACCTAGGT is palindromic because its complement is TGGATCCA, which is equal to the original
sequence in reverse complement. The Cevorkum light-years
numbers and the rules of prophecy numbers can be used along with the base or the start date of the Arc cycles to calculate
what has happend (reverse time) and what will happen (forward time) see my Orachnebuahgalah plate analysis of Oahspe Book
of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 7 on this website (studyofoahspe.com). 1881 (the year Oahspe was transmitted and typed) was a double Palindromic year. 1881 is
year 33 of the Kosmon Cycle (1848 + 33 = 1881). 1881 is Palindromic and 33 (the first rule of prophecy) is Palindromic. 1991
is a Palindromic number.
-- Symmetrical Patterns of Nature. "Numbers that vary across the multi-verse should look random to us if we're living in a random universe. Do the measured numbers look random?" - Page 147 of Our Mathematical Universe (2014) by Max Tegmark. Do the Cevorkum light-years numbers look random? "...main reactions to this observed... 1. Fluke: It's just a fluke coincidence and there's nothing more to it. 2. Design: It's evidence that our universe was
designed by some entity (perhaps a deity or an
advanced universe-simulating life form)..."  Above: the top 5 rows of Pascal's triangle, each row of numbers is symmetrical
1, 11, 121, 1331, 14641, same numbers to the left and right of center. Pascal's triangle in divisibility by 2 you get the Sierpiński triangle (a fractal)!  https://www.slideshare.net/rabin95/pascals-triangle-in-data-structure The Sierpinski triangle like other fractals is the result of recursion, each
number on the Sierpinski triangle is the sum of the two numbers above it.  9 triangles on left
(in black), 27 small triangles on right (in black). 909 = 1/3 Cevorkum orbit in light-years. 2727 = Cevorkum orbit in light-years. The Sierpinski triangle S may
also be constructed using a deterministic rather than a random
algorithm...we begin with any triangle. Then we use the midpoints of each side as the vertices of a new triangle,
which we then remove from the original. This leaves us with three triangles... Now
we continue (or iterate) this process. From each remaining triangle we remove the "middle" leaving behind three
smaller triangles each ...Clearly, 9 triangles remain at this
stage. At the next iteration, 27 small triangles
,,, ----------------------------------------- Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter IX: 2. These fall under the divisor, or multiple, 3 ... All cycle
numbers below are in harmonics of three and are symmetrical and palindromic. 3 x 3 = 9 x 3 = 27 (Cube number, n3). 303 x 3 = 909 x 3 = 2727 (Cevorkum
light years) 11 x 3 = 33 x 3 = 99 (all the rules of prophecy 1st, 2nd, and 3rd). ------------------------------------------
Cevorkum = sub-galactic orbit of the Orachnebuahgalah plate of Oahspe Cevorkum = 434
light-years to Polaris x pi (3.1415926) = 1363.4511 x 2 = 2726.9022 = 2727 light-years
The universal One = 0.(9) In mathematics, the repeating decimal 0.999... (sometimes written with more or fewer
9s before the final ellipsis, or as 0.9, 0.(9), or 0.9 with dot over the 9) denotes a real number that can be shown to be
the number one. In other words, the symbols "0.999..." and "1" represent the same number. Proofs of this
equality have been formulated with varying degrees of mathematical rigor, The equality 0.999... = 1 has long been
accepted by mathematicians and is part of general mathematical education. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0.999... 2726.9022 = 2727 light-years of Cevorkum (C'vorkum).
2727 / 1600 = 1.70 light-years
for each arc or cycle 200 / 3000 = 0.0666666 1.7 x 0.0666666 = 0.11 light-years distance for each 200 year dan. .22 light-years for 400 year dan .22 x 7.5 = 1.65 light-years = 22 year cycle x 7.5 = 165 years + 1848 = 2013 1.70
x 0.0666666 = 0.1133332 x 2 = 0.2266664 x 7.5 = 1.699998 = 1.70 Kosmon 165 (2013) was equivalent to 1 arc cycle (dawn
of dan'ha) of Cevorkum on a fractal scale - 2727 x 2 = 5454 (symmetry) = 2 Cevorkum circuits 2727 x 3 = 8181
(symmetry) = 3 Cevorkum circuits - 3000 year cycle = 1 arc of Cevorkum 3000 / 11 = 272.72727 * 3000 /
110 = 27.2727 fractal ratio of Cevorkum light-years * 3000 / 111 = 27.027027 *- 1.7 light-years for one arc cycle = 9/5 + 8/5 / 2 = 1.8 + 1.6 / 2 = 1.7 9/5 + 8/5 = 9-8-5 = E-O-IH. 1 arc
cycle = a fraction of C'vorkum. 1 arc cycle = a fraction (9/5, 8/5) of E-O-IH (9-8-5). -
C'vorkum distance in light-years: 9+9+9 = 2727 = full orbit = .999 6+6+6 = 1818 = 2/3 orbit = .666 3+3=3 = 909 = 1/3 orbit = .333 N.Star = 434 = radius of orbit = 2727 / 6.28 (Tau or 2pi). -
- Mathematics - Project Laboratory in Mathematics MIT OpenCourseWare MIT
3.021J Introduction to Modeling and Simulation, Spring 2012 3. From many-body to single-particle: Quantum modeling
of molecules https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkoxlFUerR0 From 23 minutes and 50 seconds to 24 minutes and 23 seconds into above video: Symmetry Holds the Key Speculation:
everything we know with scientific certainty is somehow dictated
by symmetry. The relationship between symmetry and quantum mechanics is particularly striking. In
Quantum Mechanics symmetry is really really important.
Symmetry tells us alot about the way nature works.
Even in classical mechanics you guys have probably encountered ... so if you have the symmetry of real space, the symmetry of time, things like that, ... So just like that's
true in mechanics its also true in quantum mechanics. - Book of Osiris, Son of
Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave the times of Jehovih...the times of eleven;... times of eleven = 11 x 1, 11
x 3, 11 x 9 the times of eleven = 11, 33, 99 The times of eleven = 2nd, 1st, and 3rd rule of prophecy. When
you divide two numbers the result is called? The result is called the quotient http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_you_divide_two_numbers_the_result_is_called- Cevorkum light-years (2727) = : 3rd rule of prophecy (99) / 2nd rule of prophecy (11) = 9
x 101 = 909 x 3 = 2727 1st rule of prophecy (33) / 2nd rule of prophecy (11) = 3 x 101 = 303 x 9 = 2727 9 x 3 =
27 x 101 = 2727 (Cevorkum light years). the quotient of the 3rd rule of prophecy divided by the 1st rule of prophecy
x the quotient of the 1st rule of prophecy divided by the 2nd rule of prophecy x 101 = 2727 - 9-8-5 E-O-IH
and Cevorkum, sub-galactic orbit: Cevorkum (Circumference) of a circle = pi x radius x 2 Radius = Polaris = 434
light-years distance for each arc 3000 year cycle / 400 year dan = 7.5 1.70 / 7.5 = 0.226 light-years for 400 year
dan (Mayan Baktun) 2727 / 1600 arcs = 1.70 light-year 434 x 3.1415926 x 2 = 2726.9022 (2727) light-years 9
x 8 x 5 = 360 degrees circle, circuit, cevorkum 9 / 8 / 5 = 0.225 = dan'ha, dawn of new cycle, arc 360 / 0.225 =
1600 dan'has, dawns, cycles, arcs 400 dan = 0.226 light-years = sub-cycle dan - 9-8-5 E-O-IH and genetic threshold
of man and beast, and rule of prophecy: 9 - 8 = 1 8 - 5 = 3 1 / 3 = .33 = genetic threshold of man and spiritual
light .333 x 2 = .666 = genetic threshold of beast and darkness (nitrogen) 33 = number of man and 1st rule of prophecy 66 = number of the beast and a'ji - 9-8-5 E-O-IH 9x8x7x6x5 = 15,120 = astrological age (2,160) years x 7 9/8/7/6/5 = 0.005357142 15,120 / 0.005357142 = 2,822,400.452
x 5/3 Fibonacci numbers ratio (1.666) genetic ratio of I'huan (62.5% Asu / 37.5% Angel) = 4,700,000 (years of Cevorkum
circuit) or 15,120 / 0.005357142 = 2,822,400.452 x 8/5 Fibonacci numbers golden ratio
(1.6) harmony/balance or O/IH (of E-O-IH) = 4,515,840 (years of Cevorkum Circuit). -- 9-8-5
E-O-IH and John Ballou Newbrough and Walter Russell: 9.8 x 5 = 49 age of Walter Russell at start of peak complete (7
x 7) Cosmic Consciousness (1921). 5.8 x 9 = 52.2 = age of John Newbrough at start of Oahspe transmission (1880). - OAHSPE BOOK OF JEHOVIH VI:5 "JEHOVIH stores the ingredients of which worlds are
made...everything in its place...THE substance of the vegetable kingdom...and even so of the substance of the animal kingdom;
for HE hath PLACES IN THE FIRMAMENT of heaven for all of them. These that thou sawest are the aji, and the jiay, and the NEBULAE;
and AMIDST THEM IN PLACES THERE IS SE'MU ALSO." OAHSPE says of Se'mu "Gelatine, the preceding substance of the living."
OAHSPE PLATE 39 says "The Earth in semu. Jehovih saith; in the TIME OF SEMU I brought the EARTH INTO A'JI, and JI'AY
and darkness was upon the face of the earth for the space of 3,000 years; and yet for other 3,000 years half darkness covered
all the land and water." 3000 years of darkness + 3000 years of half darkness = 6000 years of Nebula. - The
six days of creation in the Book of Genesis Chapter 1:24-31 in the Bible is symbolic of the se'muan age of the earth for 6
thousand years. In the Bible it says one day is as a thousand years to the Lord, so six days would be 6000 years. One day
is to THE LORD JEHOVAH as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day.” - 2nd Peter 3:8 - Jehovih
said: Behold I caused all living creatures to gestate in the darkness. And this shall be the testimony to the end of the world,
that, when I created life on the face of the earth, she travelled in my se'muan firmament. See page 8, Book of Jehovih. - Oahspe Book of Jehovih ch 6: 6. When the Father drives forth His worlds in the heavens, they gather a sufficiency
of all things. And when a corporeal world is yet new and young it is carried forth not by random, but purposely, in the regions
suited to it. Accordingly, as there is a time for se'mu; and a time for falling nebulae... 11. Out of se'mu I made man,
and man was only like a tree, but dwelling in ha'k (darkness); and I called him Asu [Adam] - A molecular cloud,
sometimes called a stellar nursery if star formation is occurring within, is a type of interstellar cloud whose density and
size permits the formation of molecules... - Mathematical calculation to find the distance away from earth of the
Semuan age of man (when man was created on earth, while the earth was in a interstellar molecular cloud, known as Se'muan
firmament or Ji'ay and A'ji, semi-dark interstellar cloud). Cevorkum = sub-galactic orbit of the Orachnebuahgalah plate
of Oahspe Cevorkum = 434 light-years to Polaris x pi (3.1415926) = 1363.4511 x 2 = 2726.9022 = 2727 light-years 2727
/ 1600 = 1.704 light-years for each arc or cycle - 79000 / 3000 = 26.333 cycles from Kosmon to Asu (semuan firmament)
26.3333333 x 1.704 = 44.871 light-years distance from Kosmon to Asu semuan firmament. Semuan firmament = interstellar
molecular cloud 44.871 = rounded to 45 light-years. - Jeffrey Linsky investigates clouds of warm gas in the
interstellar medium close to the Sun, i.e., within 50 light years. There are 15 of these turbulent clouds, which were formed
several million years ago by the winds from young, massive stars and supernova explosions in the Scorpio-Centaurus Association http://jila.colorado.edu/research/astrophysics/interstellar-mediumDid the earth travel through these clouds of gas in the interstellar medium 79,000 years ago when man
was created on the earth? There are 15 of these turbulent clouds, which were formed several million years ago, one of
these clouds the earth could have passed through 79,000 years ago. The distance away from earth fits the calculations (within
50 light years away) and the molecular size and structure fits. What do we know about the Local Interstellar Medium? ...a cloud of interstellar gas. This cloud is approximately 60 light years across,.. http://www-ssg.sr.unh.edu/ism/LISM.htmlThis interstellar cloud is large enough to be close to the same place it was in 79,000 years ago. - The Solar System is thought to have entered the Local Interstellar Cloud at some time between 44,000 and 150,000
years ago. The cloud is flowing outwards from the Scorpius-Centaurus Association, a stellar association that is a star-forming
region. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_Interstellar_CloudOur solar system itself is also moving in an orbit around the galactic core. The solar system is something
like 25,000 light years away from the center of the galaxy, and the galaxy makes one rotation every 250 million years or so.
That gives the solar system a speed of something like 420,000 MPH
420,000 mph * / 60 = 7000 miles per minute 7000 / 60 = 116.666 miles per second speed of light 186,240 divided by 116.666 = 1596.3519 x faster light vs solar system 44.871 light-years distance x
1596.3519 = 71,629.906 years solar system distance. * astronomers currently calculate speed of solar system around galaxy
to be slightly faster than Oahspe's calculation of the solar system's sub-galactic orbital speed. This accounts for the
slight difference in Polaris-Cevorkum calculation of 4.359 million years vs 4.7 million years in Oahspe. This also accounts
for the difference in 71,629.906 years solar system distance vs 79,000 years for the creation of Asu in Oahspe. 1600 x faster light vs solar system speed x 50 light years = 80,000 years = approximate time ago of earth in semuan
firmament and creation of proto man (A'su). 4,359,047 / 4,700,000 = .9274 = 92.74 percent same. 71,629.906 / 79,000
= .9067 = 90.67 % same. Even though there is a margin of error between Oahspe's numbers and my calculations based on
current astronomy the numbers are still very close (aprox. 91 to 93 percent matches, closer than 9/10ths). John Newbrough
in 1881 could not have calculated so close the Cevorkum circuit in years. According to some scholars the 4,700,000 years number
for Cevorkum in Oahspe was rounded up. - CEVORKUM, also called C'Vork'Um: One circuit of c'vork'um takes about
4,608,000 years (rounded to 4,700,000 years in Oahspe). http://www.angelfire.com/in2/oahspe3/mocycles.html4,359,047 / 4,608,000 = .9459 = 94.59 % same (rounded to 95% same). - Though we may have already
been inside what is known as the Local Interstellar Cloud for tens or hundreds of thousands of years, scientists have been
discussing regional areas, aka “cloudlets”, of variable density that we may have entered into as recently as the
1990′s. For example, see this NASA story from Feb. 2002 or this NASA story from Jan 2003: Some of those cloudlets
might be hundreds of times denser than the local fluff,” says Priscilla Frisch, an astrophysicist at the University
of Chicago who studies the local interstellar medium. “If we ran into one, it would compress the Sun’s magnetic
field and allow more cosmic rays to penetrate the inner solar system, with unknown effects on climate and life." I
discussed a similar interstellar cloud incursion scenario in my 1983 PhD dissertation which is available in updated form on
the Galactic Superwave CD at etheric.com. Pages 94 – 96 of this dissertation, mention the 1950 paper by Fred Hoyle
and Raymond Littleton which examined this scenario of climate effects resulting from the incursion of an interstellar cloud
having a density of 10-21 g/cm3 advancing toward the solar system at 1 km/s. http://starburstfound.org/superwaveblog/?p=207Oahspe Book of Jehovih Chapter 2: 4. Es I divided into two parts, and I commanded man to name them,
and he called one etherea and the other atmospherea. These are the three kinds of worlds I created (corporeal, atmospherean,
and etherean); but I gave different densities to atmospherean worlds, and different densities to the etherean worlds. Oahspe Synopsis Of Sixteen Cycles Chapter I: 2. Second, the sun, with his family, plieth in a large circuit, which
is divided into one thousand five hundred arcs, the distance of which for each arc is about three thousand years, or one cycle. 3. During a cycle, the earth and her heavens fall in the etherean regions of hundreds of etherean worlds, These regions
that the earth and the solar system passes through have different densities that effect climate, life, and human behavior
on the earth. (this is the basis of the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate in Oahspe). - ARC, consists of about seven and a
half times, that is 7 1/2 X 400 years equals 3,000 years ...there is one dan'ha (hi'dan) marking the beginning of each new
arc. Arc meaning a long time [or period of time not just geometric shape or Noah's arc, arc of Noe] is the significance of
this syllable in words like archeology and archives [and archaic and archeozoic]. The general progress of history through
one arc's duration is summarized in the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy VII:6-7. Suddenly man has the impulse to improve himself.
Great learning and inventions follow, http://www.angelfire.com/in2/oahspe3/mocycles.html22 year geomagnetic, solar, and galactic cosmic ray cycles (all 22 year cycles). 22 year cycle x
7.5 = 165 years + 1848 = 2013 Kosmon 165 (2013) was equivalent to 1 arc cycle (dawn of dan'ha) of Cevorkum on a fractal
scale. The effect 2013 had on me was suddenly I had the impulse to improve the understanding of the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
plate, a'ji cycles, YA-LA-PESTA, etc.. Great learning and inventions followed such as Cevorkum calculations, new zodiac based
on a'ji and dan cycles, vortexian unified field equations, etc...coincidentally or synchronously I turned 49-50 years old
in 2013 (7 x7 + 1 = spiritual peak or completion) and 2013 was also a warm up-spike year (dan). - Top 10 Inventions Of 2013: Bladeless Windmills, A Cancer-Sniffing Computer Program And More [PHOTOS, VIDEO] on December 24 2013 3:28 PM Ingenious minds were hard at work in 2013. Here’s a roundup of 10 of our favorite
inventions of the past year, ranging from simple lights to scare off lions to complex cancer-detecting computer algorithms: http://www.ibtimes.com/top-10-inventions-2013-bladeless-windmills-cancer-sniffing-computer-program-more-photos-video2013 in science A number of significant scientific events occurred in 2013, including the discovery
of numerous Earthlike exoplanets, the development of viable lab-grown ears, teeth, livers and blood vessels, and the atmospheric
entry of the most destructive meteor since 1908. The year has also seen successful new treatments for diseases such as HIV,
Usher syndrome and leukodystrophy, and a major expansion in the use and capabilities of technologies such as 3D printing and
autonomous cars. The United Nations designated 2013 the International Year of Water Cooperation.[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_in_science- 15 (7.5 x 2) x 11 = 165 + 1848 = 2013 Oahspe Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave the times of Jehovih...the times of eleven; and the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars... - Convert ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate numbers to light-years distance of Cevorkum up to 3 decimal places. Match light-years distance travel of the solar phalanx
to prophetic numbers and words on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe - August, 11, 2014. There is a correlation and synchronicity between Cevorkum light-years distance and
the numbers and words on the ORACHNEBUAHGALH plate. 2726.9 / 1600 arcs = 1.7043. 2727 / 1600 arcs = 1.7043 3000 years = 1.704 light-years 1000 years = 0.568 light-years _500 years = 0.284 light-years _480 years = 0.272 light-years * = 480 learning on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate _400
years = 0.227 light-years _200 years = 0.113 light-years _196 years = 0.111 light-years _176 years = 0.100
light-years _175 years = 0.099 light-years _165 years = 0.093 light-years _159 years = 0.090 light-years = 90 learning on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate _155 years = 0.088 light-years = 88 worship and war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate _117 years = 0.066 light-years
= a'ji 66 on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 66 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. _116 years = 0.06589 (rounded 0.066) light-years of Cevorkum = a'ji 66 and 66 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. _111
years = 0.063 light-years _100 years = 0.056 light-years __99 years = 0.056 light-years __90 years = 0.051
light-years = 90 learning on Orachnebuahgalah plate. __88 years = 0.050 light-years = 0.0499 light-years = 88 worship
on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. __84 years = 0.048 light-years = 0.0477
(rounded 0.048 light-years = 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate __66 years = 0.037 light years __59 years
= 0.033 light-years = 0.0335 light-years __58 years = 0.033 light-years = 0.0329 (rounded 0.033) light-years =
1st rule of prophecy, 33 dan (light) __48 years = 0.027 light-years
* = 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. __33 years = 0.018 light-years = 1st rule of prophecy 1/3 of 3rd rule
of prophecy (99-100 years). __20 years = 0.011 light-years __19 years = 0.010 light-years = 10 arbitration on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
plate. __11 years = 0.006 light-years ------------------------------------------- 1848
+ 176 = 2024 = 0.100 light-years = 100 order on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 1848 + 175 = 2023 = 0.099 light-years = 99 war
on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 1848 + 159 = 2007 = 0.090 light-years = 90 learning on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1848 +
155 = 2003 = 0.088 light-years = 88 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1848 + 116 = 1964 = 0.066 light-years = 66 war and
a'ji 66 on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 1848 + 84 = 1932 = 0.048 light-years = 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 1848
+ 19 = 1867 = 0.010 light-years = 10 arbitration on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. ------------------------------------------- 434 (light-years away Polaris) x 3.14159 x 2 = 2726.90012 light-years distance circuit 1600 arcs or cycles or
dan'has (dawns) in each circuit = 2727 / 1600 = 1.7043 light years per dan'ha or etherean arc. 3000 years = 1.7043
light-years 1.7043 / 3000 = 0.0005681 light-years = 1 year to travel 0.0005681 light-years 0.0005681 light-years
x 84 = 0.0477 light-years travel in 84 years x 1000 = 47.72 47.72 = rounded to 48 on Orachnebuahgalah plate (48 peace). Above calculations = Hidden mathematical astronomical code to prophecy (Orachnebuahgalah). Feb 14, 2019 at 9:16 AM, Michael W wrote:
"My Review of the Orachnebuahgalah prophecy plate
Last Sunday evening I was treated to a remarkable discovery and revelation concerning one of Oahspe’s most unusual mysteries,
the Orachnebuahgalah prophecy plate (Standing for Oracle-Nebula-Earth-Galaxy.). Fellow Oahspean Michael James, went over with me, set-by-set, figure-by-figure—as
I used my calculator—and unravelled this astrological and prophetic chart to my utter amazement and surprise! This chart has always been an enigma to many, including myself, who have read Oahspe and a challenge
to those who attempt to read The Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy in Oahspe. Yet by using my calculator, through mathematics, I was able to see important events deciphered with such clarity,
as to make the use of any zodiacal chart reading look like a child’s exercise! By using astronomical light year
figures of the distance of Polaris, Cevorkum (the sub-galactic orbit of our solar system around Polaris), and figures of a 3000 year arc cycle, etc., Mr. James was able to open up before me, through mathematics, the
key to calculating important historic and futuristic events. He has crack the code of this prophetic tablet, and I doubt there has been a more important discovery in recent
years. A pity it will probably go largely unnoticed. A true loss for the planet. What a revelation!" - Michael Harris - OAHSPE Book of Knowledge Part IV: 14. Tae said: ...to find the roadway in
the earth's travel is to find what hath been and what will be. Calculating light-years distance of C'vorkum = find the roadway in the earth's travel. Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part II: 28. Tae said: ... 32. Yea, I have measured the stars in Thy firmament,
... 33. I have measured the light
and computed the time of its coming, ... measured the light
and computed the time of its coming = Calculating light-years distance. - 0.0005681 light-years x 116 = 0.06589 light-years travel in 116 years x 1000 = 65.89 65.89 = rounded to 66 on Orachnebuahgalah
plate (66 war, a'ji 66). - 1.704 / .2727 = 6.2486248 = fractional symmetry 3000 / 6.2486248 = 480.10563 years
= 480 learning on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 48 years = 0.027264 light-years 3000 / 62.48 = 48.0153 years 1.704 / 62.48 = 0.0272727 light-years * 3000 / 11 = 272.72727 * ------------------------------ _155 years = 0.0880 light-years = 88 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1848 + 155 = 2003 The 2003 invasion of Iraq lasted from 19 March to 1 May 2003 and signaled the start of the conflict that later came to be known
as the Iraq War, which was dubbed Operation Iraqi Freedom by the United States. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_invasion_of_IraqThe Iraq War[nb 1] was an armed conflict in Iraq that consisted of two phases. The first was an invasion
of Iraq starting on 2003 March 20 by an invasion force led by the United States that led to the end of Ba'athist Iraq. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_War- _159 years = 0.090 light-years = 90 learning
on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 3000 / 159 = 18.8679. 1.7043 / 18.8679 = 0.0903 light-years of Cevorkum. 1848 + 159 = 2007 2007 = warm up-spike dan United Nations Girls' Education Initiative - Global Section - Launch of the 2007 Education for All Global Monitoring Report ... the first Education for All goal focuses on the youngest and most vulnerable children,”
said Koichïro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO. http://www.ungei.org/news/247_1206.html2007 in science Events, discoveries and
inventions[edit] 9 January – Apple Inc.'s first
iPhone smartphone is announced by Steve Jobs at Macworld in San Francisco;[1] it is released on 29 June. 12 January
– Comet McNaught reaches perihelion and becomes visible from Earth during daylight.[2] 14 January – Scientists
at the Roslin Institute announce they have genetically engineered chickens to lay eggs containing cancer-fighting proteins.[3] 28 February – The New Horizons space probe makes a gravitational slingshot around Jupiter to change its trajectory
towards Pluto. 3–4 March – A total lunar eclipse occurs, visible in some parts of the Americas and Asia,
and in all of Europe and Africa.[4] 19 March – A partial solar eclipse occurs, visible in Asia. 10 April –
Spectroscopic analysis of HD 209458 b, an extrasolar planet, provides
the first evidence of atmospheric water vapor beyond the Solar System. 24 April – The potentially habitable
exoplanet Gliese 581 c is discovered in the constellation Libra.[5] 27 April – US researchers simulate half a virtual
mouse brain on a supercomputer.[6] 5 June – NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft makes its second flyby of Venus en route
to Mercury, which it reaches in 2011. 2 July – Venus and Saturn are in conjunction, with a separation of 46 arcseconds. 28 August – A total lunar eclipse occurs, visible in some parts of the Americas and Asia, and all of Australasia and
the Pacific Ocean. 11 September – A partial solar eclipse occurs, visible in southern areas of South America. 27 September – NASA's Dawn spacecraft is launched, beginning its journey to the asteroid belt objects Vesta and Ceres.
It reached Vesta in 2011, and will reach Ceres in 2015.[7] 24 October Comet 17P/Holmes suddenly brightens from 17
to 2.8 magnitude. Chang'e 1, the first satellite in the Chinese
Lunar Exploration Program, is launched from Xichang Satellite Launch Center; on 5 November it enters lunar orbit. Prizes[edit] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_in_science- 3000 / 85 = 35.2941. 1.7043 / 35.2941 = 0.0482 light-years of Cevorkum 3000 / 84 = 35.7142.
1.7043 / 35.7142 = 0.0477 (rounded 0.048) light-years
of Cevorkum = 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 1848
+ 84 = 1932 The 1932 Summer Olympics, officially known
as the Games of the X Olympiad, was a major world wide multi-athletic event which was celebrated in 1932 in Los Angeles,
California, United States. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1932_Summer_Olympics1932 = inbetween (between up-spike and down-spike) down, closer to up-spike. 1932 = 10th Olympics,
Olympics symbol of peace. Olympic Movement promotes peace worldwide http://www.olympic.org/news/olympic-movement-promotes-peace-worldwide/209660the General Disarmament Conference held in Geneva in 1932. World Disarmament Conference, Geneva, Switzerland. It was the first world disarmament conference ever called, it had
no precedents, no beaten or tried paths to direct its course. http://www.historichampshire.org/swanson/disarm.htmNews 14 May 1932 - WORLD PEACE CONFERENCE
WORKS AGAINST AGGRESSION Each of the fifty-seven nations represented
at the peace conference made an opening speech, presenting their attitudes on arms reductions. http://newspaperarchives.vassar.edu/cgi-bin/vassar?a=d&d=miscellany19320514-01.2.2- 33 years = 0.018 light-years. 33 years = 1st rule of prophecy and 1/3 of 99-100 years (3rd rule
of prophecy). 1818 is 2/3 of Cevorkum. 1818 / 0.018 = 101000 harmonic fractal (fraction). 2727 / 0.018 = 151500 harmonic
fractal of Cevorkum (first 4 digits symmetrical). 88 years = 0.049 light-years = 0.0499 light-years. 88 is the number
of Light (8/9 = .88), 8 = Harmony or polarization of light, speed of light in vacuum / speed of sound at sea level = 880.99109
thousands. 49-50 = start of peak years of human spiritual light. 49 / .049 = 1000th fractal. Synchronicity (Sync = Harmony
= light) of 88 and 49 of 88 worship on Orachnebuahgalah plate and start of spiritual peak of enlightenment (49-50 years) and
the numbers of Harmony (8) and Light (88, 880, 8/9) and Cevorkum light-years distance. 90 years = 0.051 light-years.
90 learning on Orachnebuahgalah plate, and 51 years is center of peak enlightenment years of 50-52.5 years. Walter Russell
was 49-50 during his peak enlightenment, and John Newbrough was 52.5 during the Oahspe transmission. 3000 / 90 = 33.3333... 3000 / 110 = 27.2727 fractal ratio of Cevorkum light-years * 3000 / 165 = 18.181818 = fractional symmetry 3000 /
111 = 27.027027 = fractional symmetry * Fractional symmetry = repeating pattern (cycle) of numbers like
Cevorkum light-years on a fraction scale. 100 / 66 = 1.515151 *
fractional symmetry of Cevorkum light-years (2727) on a fraction scale = 110-111, and 48 years (Gow 111, and 48 peace) 1958-1959 = warm high point (dan) years = 110-111 Kosmon. 1896 = warm high point (dan) year = 48 Kosmon. 1848
+ 480 = 2328 = 480 learning on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe book of Cosmogonay and Prophecy. - Synchronicity of Cevorkum light-years with prophetic numbers of light and darkness (dan
and a'ji) with warm and cold spikes: 3000 / 116 = 25.862. 1.7043 / 25.862 = 0.06589 (rounded 0.0660) light-years
of Cevorkum. 1848 + 116 = 1964 = 0.066 light-years of Cevorkum
(0.066 light-years = beast, a'ji). 1964 = coldest down-spike
of 1950-2000 (a'ji, beast). _117 years = 0.066 light-years. 1964-1965 (much below normal-below normal cold spike). 66
war and a'ji 66 on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate Gulf of Tonkin 1964 The incident in the Gulf of Tonkin led to America’s
open entry into the Vietnam War. The Gulf of Tonkin is off the coast of what was North Vietnam. http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/gulf_tonkin_1964.htm- 3000 / 58 = 51.7241. 1.7043 / 51.7241 = 0.0329 (rounded 0.033) light-years 1848 + 58 = 1906
= 0.033 light-years of Cevorkum (0.033 light-years = dan, 1st rule of prophecy). 1906 - 1871 (birth of Walter Russell)
= 35 = 7 x 5 = 5th year of Walter Russell illumination.(Cosmic-Kosmic light). 1906 = up-spike in vortexian energy (heat-light) Page 126-127 of THE MESSAGE OF THE DIVINE ILLIAD VOL.I, 1948 (1848 + 100 ethe = 1948) by Walter Russell says "Beginning
at the age of seven, I have experienced cosmic illumination every May. For ten days or more during these periods, I had to
seek aloneness in the forest... Every seventh year these illuminations were very intense. __59 years = 0.033 light-years - 3000 / 20 = 150. 1.7043 / 150 = 0.011 light-years of Cevorkum = dan, 2nd rule of prophecy. 1848 + 20 = 1868
= warm up-spike dan __20 years = 0.011 light-years - 10 arbitration on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 3000 /
19 = 157.8947. 1.7043 / 157.8947 = 0.0107 = 0.010 light-years distance of Cevorkum. 1848 + 19 = 1867 Arbitration
under the British North America Act 1867: law opinion on proceedings and award by two arbitrators. http://www.worldcat.org/title/arbitration-under-the-british-north-america-act-1867-law-opinion-on-proceedings-and-award-by-two-arbitrators/oclc/16015777- Hidden
mathematical astronomical code to prophecy = every 1/1000th light-year traveled on the roadway of Cevorkum by the Solar Phalanx
is aproximately equal to 1 year or 1 number on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. Future prophecies: _176
years = 0.100 light-years travel of the solar
phalanx in Cevorkum _175 years = 0.099
light-years travel of the solar phalanx in Cevorkum 1848 + 175 = 2023 = 0.099 light-years = 99 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
plate. 1848 = 176 = 2024 = 0.100 light-years = 100 order on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. - The 1/1000th (one-thousandth) ratio of light-years traveled to 1 number or year
on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate is equivalent
to "one to a thousand" rule of the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy: Chapter VII:17. The numbers (years)
on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate are numbered from 1 to a 1000 which is equal to the ratio of light-years distance traveled by
the solar system to the numbers on the Orachnebuahgalah plate. To
convert light-years traveled to Orachnebuahgalah numbers multiply by one thousand (1 to 1000 ratio, "one to a thousand"). 0.048 (light-years traveld) x 1000
= 48 peace on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe. ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
plate is connected to CEVORKUM, and light-years traveled is connected to prophecy. - Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part 2: 28. Tae said: ... 32. Yes, I have measured the stars in Your firmament,... 33. I have measured the light
and computed the time of its coming, |1503| and lo, they have also existed for millions of years. 1503 i.e.,
computed how long it took the light to "travel" from star(s) to the earth. http://oahspestandardedition.com/OSE_37a.html - Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter I: 35...But that which is called light is polarity of corporeal needles in solution, caused by the lines of vortexya. In experiments on earth, the
flash requireth a certain time to polarize these infinitesimal needles, and for convenience sake such lapse of time is called
the travel of light.[Speed of polarization of corporeal needles in solution. Light is polarized state, once polarized
there is no travel or speed to Light, but to go from unpolarized darkness or confusion to polarized light takes a certain
time and that lapse of time is the constant C speed of polarization which scientist call the speed or travel of light] - Number of cyclic rhythmic major warm up-spikes since the beginning of Kosmon: 1848 = 1 = dawn 1856 = 3
= Nikola Tesla born, George Bernard Shaw born 1871 = 7 = Walter Russell's birth 1879
= 8 = Albert Einstein, Born, highest up-spike from 1134 AD to 1988 AD, 854 years span. 1881-1882 = 9 = Oahspe 1885
= 10 = Harlow Shapley astronomer notable for his groundbreaking work using Cepheid variables is born 1890 = 11 = division
of 22 1895-1896 = 12 = 48 peace ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1899 = 13 = fibonacci number 1906 = 14 1915 = 15
= Einstein General Relativity 1921 = 16 = Walter Russell's peak Cosmic Consciousness (1.6 golden ratio) 1926 = 17
= THE UNIVERSAL ONE_ 1926 by Walter Russell. 1931 = 18 1941 = 21 = fibonacci number, first 3 digits of Pi = 3.14
= 3 / .14 = 21.42 1944 = 22 = Pi fraction of Circumference (22/7), highest up-spike from 1848-1980 1947 = 23 = 1947
UFO wave, THE SECRET OF LIGHT_ 1947 BY Walter Russell 1957-1959 = 25 = Jim Velasques and Ethereans (division of
100 ethe) 1963 = 27 = fractal of Cevorkum (2727 light-years). Brian Greene born, widely recognized for groundbreaking
discoveries in superstring theory. Pi (π) ratio year of Kosmon tuff (circle) cycle. 1969
= 29 = First Man to Walk on the Moon, first Internet message was sent from computer 1973 = 30 = 1973
high-point in galactic cosmic radiation 1981 = 33 = 100 years since Oahspe. Oahspe transmitted in 33rd year of Kosmon
(1848 + 33 = 1881). 1983 = 34 = fibonacci number 1988 = 35 = most
significant inventions (6) in a year from 1928 to 2001 1990
= 36 = fractal of 360 degrees circle 1995 = 37 = the sunken land of Pan discovered, UNDERWATER PYRAMIDS off Japan 1998 = 38 2002 = 39 = Carson Huey-You born, youngest ever admitted to TCU (Texas Christian University) when he was
10. 2005 = 40 2007 = 41 2010 = 42 2013 = 43 = fractal of Polaris center light-years distance (434), the center of Cevorkum, the Master Sun, the
Sun's sun.  The bright supergiant Polaris with one of its smaller companion
stars. Polaris Radius Polaris is a white supergiant star with a radius of around 22 million miles (35 million km), which is around
fifty times the size of the sun.Polaris Mass Polaris is estimated to have a mass
of around 4.5 times greater than that of the sun.Polaris Temperature Polaris has surface temperatures of around 5,700C (10,300F), which
is similar to the surface temperature of the sun.Polaris Luminosity
(energy emitted) Due to its larger surface area Polaris
has a luminosity around 2,500 times greater than
that of our sun. -
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2017 1:51 AM
Subject: a new word POLARIOCENTRIC
I have introduced
a new word to the english and scientific lexicon, the new word is POLARIOCENTRIC. - No results containing all your search terms were found. Your search - POLARIOCENTRIC
- did not match any documents. https://www.google.com/#q=+POLARIOCENTRIC&* - The Oahspe system of Astrology (or Cosmogony) is Polariocentric because it accepts
the true position of Polaris (the north Star) as the center and master of the solar orbit and provides a mode of interpretation,
that can be verified mathematically and astronomically. - page 144 of SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, 1941-1948 (1940)
by Wing Anderson. I replaced the word HELIOCENTRIC with POLARIOCENTRIC. Wing Anderson said "can be verified mathematically
and astronomically", I have done this (mathematically and and astronomically) with C'vorkum (mathematical proof). Not Helio-centric but Polaris-centric 434 light-years as the center of a C'vorkum circle (circuit, orbit). - The first rule of prophecy is 33. 33 x 5 (5 = balance, central) = 165 (1848 + 165 = 2013). The center of Cevorkum is Polaris (The Sun's sun). 2013 = the central year of The Master Sun (photosphere,
light). - Polaris = the central sun of Cevorkum. Synchronicity: 1881-1882 =
9 = Oahspe 1981 = 33 = 100 years since Oahspe 1848 + 33 = 1881 (Oahspe transmission) = 33 year dan 33 / 9 =
3.6, 360 degrees circle / 3.6 = 100 inventions: Famous People Born in 1944 http://www.famousbirthdays.com/year/1944.html - 1871 = 7 = Walter Russell's birth Page 126-127 of THE MESSAGE OF THE DIVINE ILLIAD VOL.I, 1948 (1848 + 100
ethe = 1948) by Walter Russell says "Beginning at the age of seven, I have experienced cosmic illumination every May.
For ten days or more during these periods, I had to seek aloneness in the forest... Every seventh year these illuminations
were very intense. In the seven times seventh year - at forty nine [and 50]- came the greatest of these periodic illuminations." 1921 = 16 = Walter Russell's peak Cosmic Consciousness (1.6 golden ratio). The string 1921 occurs at position 1618. http://www.angio.net/pi/1921 year of Walter Russell's 39 day and night Cosmic Consciousness Cosmic Consciouness = golden
light of central sun = Jehovih 1618 = 1.618 golden divine ratio, symmetry, balance The number one word Russell learned
during his Cosmic Conscious experience was balance = symmetry. "so hear me when I say the one word of my one law is BALANCE.
And if man needs two words...BALANCED INTERCHANGE" - page 75 of The Message of The Divine Illiad Volume 1 by Walter Russell,
1948. Encoded in the decimal numbers of Pi is the golden divine experience of Walter Russell in 1921. Pi is the ratio
of the circumference of a circle (E-O-IH Creator) to the diameter of a circle (creation). The decimal numbers of Pi are infinite. - Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 8 and VII:18: 2. Ethe, being the time of light ...Gow, 111, [1848
+ 111 = 1959]. Jim Velasques said "they signed off with the word ethe," 1957-1959 = 25, Jim Velasques
and Ethereans (division of 100 ethe) NASA Global climate graph shows the warm years of 1957-1959, a dan (ethe) period. - 48 = 4 + 8 = 12 1896 = 12 = 48 peace ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate - Finally, pi emerges in the shapes of
rivers. A river's windiness is determined by its "meandering ratio," or the ratio of the river's actual length to
the distance from its source to its mouth as the crow flies. Rivers that flow straight from source to mouth have small meandering
ratios, while ones that lollygag along the way have high ones. Turns out, the average meandering ratio of rivers approaches
— you guessed it — pi. Albert Einstein was the first to explain this fascinating fact. He used fluid dynamics
and chaos theory to show that rivers tend to bend into loops. The slightest curve in a river will generate faster currents
on the outer side of the curve, which will cause erosion and a sharper bend. This process will gradually tighten the loop,
until chaos causes the river to suddenly double back on itself, at which point it will begin forming a loop in the other direction. Because the length of a near-circular loop is like the circumference of a circle, while the straight-line distance from
one bend to the next is diameter-like, it makes sense that the ratio of these lengths would be pi-like. http://www.livescience.com/34132-what-makes-pi-special.htmlthe average meandering ratio of rivers approaches — you guessed it — pi. Because the length
of a near-circular loop is like the circumference of a circle, while the straight-line distance from one bend to the next
is diameter-like, it makes sense that the ratio of these lengths would be pi-like. - the average meandering number
of climate spikes (warm up-spikes and cold down-spikes) or dan and a'ji cycles above and below average approaches —
you guessed it — pi. NASA global average annual temperature graph from 1850 - 1900 (distance from 1860 to 1865
= 5): The sharp bends of warm and cold spikes are like sharp bends in a river. http://www.longrangeweather.com/1850ad.htmAll up-spikes even or above average, and all down-spikes even or below average from 1850-1900: 2.5
up 1.125 up 3.875 up 2.6 down 2.4 down 3.0 up 1.125 down 0 even 6.1 down 11 up 6.125 up 5.0 up 1.8 down 7.6 down 1.4 up 2.6 down 2.4 up Totals = 60.65 / 17 = 3.56 mean
deviation (meandering) from average. Pi = 3.14 / 3.56 = .882 = 88.2 % = 8/9 pi - 9-8-5 = 3-in-One = Power,
Harmony, Balance = E-O-IH = Jehovih 9 x 8 x 5 = 360 degrees Circumference of Circle = E-O-IH whole number multiplied 9/8 x 8/5 x 9/5 = 3.24 = fractions (fractals) of E-O-IH multiplied 360 / 3.24 = 111.111 = Gow 111, coherent number,
May 1959 = 111.1 9 x 8 x 5 = 360 divided by 9/5 divided by 8/5 divided by 9/8 = 111.111 = Gow 111 1 = unity. 111.1,
111.11 = uniform throughout = Jehovih Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave the times of Jehovih...the
times of eleven; eleven = 11, 11.11, 111, 111.11 10 x 11.1 = 111, 10 x 11.11 = 111.1 1848 + 111 = 1959, the
time of Jehovih. Kosmon 111.1 = May 1959 = the coming of the Ethereans, Jehovih's time 11 x 2 = 22. 11 x 3 = 33
= times of eleven. 1848 + 22 = 1870 = John Newbrough visited by Angels, asked to do a sevice to Jehovih 1848 +
33 = 1881 = Oahspe transmission through John Newbrough 1848 + 66 (11 x 6) = 1914 = World War II 1870, 1881, 1959
= the light times of Jehovih (dan, gow) 1914 = the dark time of Jehovih (a'ji, beast). - Photosynthesis occurs
at high rates when there is sufficient nitrogen. http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/mauisoil/c_nutrients01.aspxPhotosynthesis = light reception, dan. Nitrogen = darkness, a'ji Photosynthesis occurs at high rates
when there is sufficient nitrogen = balance between light and darkness. highest photosynthesis occurs when there is sufficiet
nitrogen Oahspe - Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XXXIV: 16...Mortals must have sufficient a'ji, that
the race become not extinct; they must have a sufficient dan, that they become not as beasts. the neutral point in the
light spectrum, Green = balance, center = Kosmon race = the center of the Pendulum and Vortex See Pendulum of races (Hominidae
- animal-man page top) and Color Spectrum Pendulum (Miscellaneous page 6/10 down) 384 + 769 = 1153 / 2 = 576.5 THz =
middle, center, balance = green (520 - 610 THz) 576 is almost at the perfect center of the green range of the color spectrum. No coincidence most plants are green in color = life, balance of light and darkness. "the combination of all peoples
commingled together as one people...shall be of the amalgamated races...shall become the best, most perfect of all the peoples
of the earth." - Oahspe Book of Es 20:37-39 Kosmon race = green, mature growth, balance between light and darkness,
Ghan and Mongrel.[the green 1882 first edition of Oahspe]. The lead spokesman of the Orions/Ethereans who spoke to Jim
Velasques in 1959 (light time of Jehovih) wore green energy robe. - First 3 = primary, primary sounds, primary colors,
primary substance = E-O-IH E-O-IH = Circumference of Circle, Jehovih = the Infinite and the finite (Circumference and
diameter). 1st 3 digits of pi = 3.14 (ratio of Circumference of Circle to diameter) 3.14 x 3.14 = first 3 digits
of 9.8596 = 9.85 = Circumference of first 3 digits of Pi diameter 9.85 = E-O-IH. 9.85 / 1.1 = first 3 digits 8.95 (9-8-5). 9.85 / 1.11 = 8.8, 8 = Harmony, harmonic relationship = light 985 / 111 = 8.8 (fractal of light). Ethe being the time
of Light. Speed of light in vacuum / speed of sound at sea level = 880,991.09. 880.99109 / 8.8 = 100.11 8/9
= .88 (8.8), 880 = Harmony, Light. 9.85 / .88 = 11.1 985 / 8.8 = 111 (Gow 111). Jehovih / fractal of light = coherent,
uniformity. 880 / 8.8 = 100 = fractal of light = harmonic relationship - Tau (2π) (6.283...), a proposed
name for the ratio constant of a circle's circumference to radius. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TauHow to get pi (π, 3.14, 22/7) and
Tau (Tau = 6.28) from 9-8-5 (E-O-IH): E-O-IH = primary sounds = primary = the first 3 First 3 digits
of Pi = 3.14 x 3.14 = 9.85 (first 3 digits) Fractions (fractals) of 9-8-5 = 9/8, 8/5, 9/5 or recipricals = 8/9, 5/8,
5/9. 9/8 = 1.125, 8/5 = 1.6, 9/5 = 1.8 8/9 = .8888888, 5/8 = .625, 5/9 = .5555555 9.85 x .8888888 x .625 x
.5555555 = 3.04 9.8596 / 1.8 / 1.6 / 1.125 = 3.04 1.8 x 1.6 x 1.125 = 3.24 3.24 + 3.04 = 6.28 (Tau) / 2 = 3.14
(Pi) - 1st rule of prophecy = 33 33 x 10 = 330. 330 is to 400 (dan) what 165 is to 200 dan. 1848 + 165 = 2013. 1st rule of prophecy divided (/) by 2 x 10 = 1.65.

Traffic lights alternate the right of way accorded to road users by displaying lights of a standard
color (red, yellow, and green) following a universal color code. The red, yellow, green, colors of traffic lights are
the symbolic colors of E-O-IH (9-8-5) red = 5 (99-00), yellow = 8 (11), and green = 9 (22) red = balance (stop,
center), yellow = harmony (slow motion tempo), green = Power (go fast). red = stop = rest point between motion = center yellow = slow motion tempo = harmony red for stop, green for go, and yellow for proceed
with caution. Caution = care taken to avoid danger or risk : a careful attitude or way of behaving = Love, harmony =
8 Green = go = fast moving power Power (Force) = MASS X VELOCITY2 = FORCE 4,000 lbs (mass) x 1 mile
per minute x 2 = 8000 foot-lbs of force or shocking power For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction =
2 halves Center = still point = stopping point between two halves The numbers cycle waves: 5-9-8-7-6-5-9-8-7-6-5<-E-O-IH
cycles 0-1-2-3-4-0-6-7-8-9-0<--Musical Octave<-Decimal system 0---/---Balance---\--0<--Pendulum,
stillness, motion |--------Center--------|<--span, space, duration, time |----------Bob----------|<-Plumb
line |------------|------------| | = rest points = zero = 5 = balance color frequency
interval (in cycles per second): red 430–480 THz orange 480–510 THz yellow 510–540 THz
green 540–610 THz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color Red has the slowest frequency or speed = stop Yellow has a slower frequency than green = slow down or caution Green has the fastest frequency or speed = go - How 1600 etherean arcs of Cevorkum is derived from 9-8-5 (E-O-IH): Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy
8:1-2: Let ethe stand as one; ji'ay as two; a'ji as three,
and corpor as four. Ethe is approximately 1/4 of Corpor. 1/4 = 0.250, 0.225
= 1/4.4. An ethe region of Cevorkum is called an etherean arc. Etherean arc = 1/4 or 9 / 8 / 5 = 0.225. 9 x 8 x 5 = 360
degrees of Cevorkum. 360 degrees of Cevorkum / 0.225 etherean arc
= 1600 arcs or cycles of Cevorkum.
... my Dan'ha (etherean light) have I placed only in one thousand and six hundred places.

Above ^-- Removing OAHSPE's Enigma By Jim Dennon Scientists Reset the Molecular Clock For Human Origins Langergraber’s team estimated the human and chimpanzee lineages split at least 7 million years ago, but maybe
even further back in the timeline, to as much as 13 million years. That’s more than twice as long as initial estimates,
which placed the human/chimp split between 4 and 6 million years ago. http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnfarrell/2012/12/07/scientists-reset-the-molecular-clock-for-human-origins/ The first Hominids appeared 13 million years ago on earth (the first garden or sum of the earth). https://postimg.cc/hJTgDn9b - E=mc2 = radiation = sphere = female = multiplication (expansion) m=E/c2 = gravitation
= cube = male = division (compression) Compress a sphere into a cube = gravitaion expand a cube into a sphere =
radiation 5 x 8 x 9 = 360 degrees sphere, radiation, fireball = E=mc2 9 / 8 / 5 = 0.225 = density, hardness, crystalization
= m=E/c2 9 / 8 / 5 = 0.225 Man-ifestation, Man, fractal of Creator, crystalized form of the Creator 360 /
0.225 = 1600 = fractal (1/1600 fraction), Cycles, or arcs of a Circle (Cevorkum) 1600 etherean
crystal arches of Cevorkum Oahspe book of Jehovih chapter 1: And the ethereans held up snowflakes, saying: In the
name of Jehovih we declare to you, that the etherean worlds are larger than the earth, and penetrable---full of roadways of
crystals, and arches, and curves, and angles, Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy 8:2 2.
Ethe,...is named dan, the son or Man-ifestation of Jehovih - Crystal = Harmony, harmonic structure,
polarization, Light, in condensed solid form Google crys·tal definition 1. a piece of a homogeneous solid
substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces. E=mc2 and m=E/c2 and geometric
shape and atomic-molecular structure. Pages 222-224 of THE SECRET OF LIGHT by Walter Russell, THE CUBE-SPHERE "Carbon
and sodium chloride are good examples of true cube crystallization. Likewise their atomic units are true spheres..the cube
is born from the sphere...the sphere is born from the cube...all crystals are cube sections." Page 221 of THE SECRET
OF LIGHT by Walter Russell: "Tennis balls crushed together
become cubes by gradually flattening where they meet at six points on curved surfaces." Atomic-molecular
structures: Diamonds are formed at high temperature and pressure Diamond creation processes: High Pressure-High
Temperature Diamond's crystal structure has a cubic arrangement of the atoms The sphere compressed
from all six directions makes a cube Cube Thermally Expanding
Into A Sphere - YouTube As a cube
is heated from temperature 0 to 1, its position-dependent thermal expansion coefficients lead to a final shape of a sphere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P_JloJKxl8 Gas = sphere (E), solid crystal = cube (mass) E=mc2 = fireball, m=E/c2 = diamond compression of sphere = cube (flattening) = solid crystal = m=E/c2 = division = crystallization expansion of cube
= sphere (roundening) = gas fireball = E=mc2 = multiplication = explosion Page 226 of THE SECRET OF LIGHT by Walter Russell
"Multiplication [2x2x2=8] and division [8/4=2] of expressed energy [E=] into high and low potential of gravitation [compression]
and radiation [expansion] is made possible by the plan of Nature... Gravitation [m=E/c2]...spirally inward...to wind
[compress] light waves [c2] into solids [m] to center space [vortex center]. Radiation [E=mc2] thrusts spirally outward to
unwind [expand] dense solids [m] into space to surround solids. - Below panic symbols of Asu-Adam
shows square geometric shapes (compare to sphere shape of Es symbol below).

Human sex-gender, geometry and physics: Male humans have a more square (cube) body shape. m=E/c2, m = mass, matter, male (Asu, Adam) Female
humans have a more curvy (sphere), body shape. E=mc2, E = energy, spirit, female (Es, Eve) Male = cube, square, compression,
blue-purple (most compressed, shortest wave), harder Female = sphere, curve, expansion, pink-red (most expanded, longest
wave), softer Male = violet, 730 THz, 420 nm, shorter compressed wavelength = positive vortex'ya from the external toward
the center (compression) Female = red, 440 THz, 690 nm, longer expanded wavelength = negative vortex'ya from the center
outward to the external (expansion) Iesu = green color, center, neutral, neutered, eunuch, 22, 576 THz, 585 nm Ratio
of jE-hO-vIh frequency to female (Es) frequecy: E-O-IH (circle) 1440 Hz
/ red 440 THz = 3.2727. 3 = Divine .2727 (fractal of Cevorkum light years) 3.2727 / 1.618 (golden
ratio) = 2.02 harmonic multiple/division 3.2727 √ (squareroot) = 1.80 = 9/5 fractal of E-O-IH numbers (9-8-5) 3 / .2727 = 11.0011 (symmetry) and 2nd rule of prophecy. Es: The
unseen worlds, i.e., unseen by the corporeal eyes of mortals. This word
is used in the feminine; synonymous with the spirit
world (see image only)
Iesu: A sexless person;
one without the possibility of sexual passion. Some men, as Brahma, attain to iesu. Improperly called iesus. The Hebraic word
Ieue was made from Iesu; one who can hear the voice of the Great Spirit. Ieue has been improperly confounded with Jehovih.
Men who attain iesu are said to have attained the state of woman,
i.e., to have changed sex. --Ed. (see image only) Es, or, Es said: Equivalent to, THE UNSEEN WORLD, also to, SPIRIT WORLD. The testimony of angels.
Also spirit.
The word IESU contains the word ES (I-ES-SU) in it. ES is central to IESU. The symbol of
ES is the circle (sphere, curve, circumference or Cevorkum) - No female angels are mentioned in the Bible,
all the angels in the Bible are males. The Bible was written in a time (the Iron Age) when the earth was dominated by male
Kings, Emperors, and Generals. In Oahspe we learn that the female force (negative vortexya) is the giving force, the more
spiritual force, and the male force (positive vortexya) is the taking force, more aggressive force. It is better to give than
take. Fiatisi a female was the highest ranking angel
(Orian Chief) of the many angels that came to earth for the sinking of Pan (Whaga). Her name means a command or act of will
that creates something without or as if without further effort (Websters 9th New Collegiate Dictionary - Fiat).
Her resume included among many things; maker of corporeal roadways five hundred thousand years. She created the roadways or
paths of travel of a corporeal world for 500,000 years. She had been a Goddess of 23 worlds. She probably sat on a Nirvanian Council. Fiatisi was ready to be promoted to the rank of Oe'tan, maker of worlds. Oahspe, Book of Aph chapter 3: 31.
So Fiatisi outranked all other Gods and Goddesses, and was
special guest of honor to Aph, Chief over all the rest. 32. And the star that was Fiatisi's etherean ship was stationed
near the earth, so that she could better oversee the deliverance of the spirits that were to be freed by the submersion of
the land of Whaga [Pan]: - 9/5 (1.8) = E-O-IH fraction (fractal) 9-5 wave of 9-8-5 576
THz / 1.8 (9/5) = 320. 585 nm / 1.8 (9/5) = 325. red = 384 - 482 Frequency THz (female red-pink for girls) violet
659 - 769 Frequency THz (male violet-blue for boys) 384 + 769 = 1153 / 2 = 576 THz = center frequency of electromagnetic
spectrum, neutral, green 390 + 780 = 1170 / 2 = 585 nm = center wavelength of electromagnetic spectrum, neutral, green http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator-wavelength.htm Pink and blue arrived, along with other pastels, as colors for babies in the mid-19th century, yet the
two colors were not promoted as gender signifiers until just before World War I—and even then, it took time for popular
culture to sort things out. Today’s color dictate wasn’t established until the 1940s, as a result of Americans’
preferences as interpreted by manufacturers and retailers. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/when-did-girls-start-wearing-pink-1370097/?no-ist the mid-19th century = start of Kosmon cycle (1848) the 1940s = ethe'ic wave (99 years into Kosmon
cycle, 1947) - New Zodiac and birth signs based on warm dan and cold a'ji periods: warm
up-spike means an increase in energy = more energy you can receive at birth. cold down-spike means a decrease in energy
= less energy you can receive at birth. cold a'ji = less energy warm dan = more energy (heat is a form of radiant
energy) radiant energy refers to energy that travels by waves or particles, particularly electromagnetic radiation such
as heat or x-rays. http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-radiant-energy.html - Cyclic rhythmic major down-spikes since start of Kosmon: 1849 = 1 = poltergeist cases hit
an interesting peak in 1849 1855 = 2 1857 = 3 = Stock market Panic of 1857 1861 = 4 = United States Civil
War, defeat of the Papal Army by Victor Emmanuel and Garibaldi. 1866 = 5 1870 = 6 1873 = 7 = Stock market Panic
of 1873, 9 May 1873 1880 = 8 1883 = 9 1888 = 10 1893 = 11 = Stock market Panic of 1893 1897 = 12 1904 = 13 1907 = 14 = Stock market Panic of 1907 1917 = 15 = 1918 flu pandemic beginning in Austria in the spring
of 1917. Russian Revolution, rise of the Soviet Union. 1922 = 16 1929 = 17 = Stock-market Crash, Great Depression 1933 = 18 = highest United States homicide rate from 1900-1973. Rise of Nazi Germany and the Third Reich. American serial
killer Edward Wayne Edwards born. 1935 = 19 1939 = 20 = World War II (greatest war in history). Lee Harvey Oswald
born. 1942 = 21 1946 = 22 = most Serial killers born (7) out of a sample of 78 born from 1863-1971.* 1950 =
23 = The Korean War, 1950–1953 1956 = 24 = Arab-Israeli war, also known as the Suez War 1960 = 25 = strongest
earthquake ever recorded Valdivia, Chile magnitude-9.5 1962 = 26 = The stock 'Flash Crash' of 1962 1964 = 27 = (coldest
deepest down-spike from 1950-2000) Alaska 9.2 earthquake. Race riots in 7 U.S. cities (2nd most in one year in history). 1968 = 28 = 8 major race riots in U.S. cities (most in one year in history) King assassination riots: 125 cities in
April and May, in response to the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1971 = 29 = Brazilian Markets
Crash 1974 = 30 = highest number EF3+ tornadoes by far 131 > 98 for second most) 1976 = 31 = Ebola
first emerged in Sudan and Zaire 1978 = 32 = Peak in volcanic activity. The Iranian Islamic Revolution,began in January
1978 1982 = 33 = Souk Al-Manakh stock market crash Aug 1982 (Kuwait) 1985 = 34 = Crack explodes in New York, largest
U.S. City 1989 = 35 = Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange collapse 1989 06-01 June 1989. 3rd strain of Ebola first identified 1992 = 36 = Los Angeles riots, among the worst rioting in U.S. History. 1996 = 37 = In Afghanistan the Taliban capture
the capital 1999 = 38 = 1999 Oklahoma tornado outbreak: A devastating tornado, rated F5, India Pakistan Kargil war 2004 = 39 = Indian Ocean earthquake, magnitude of 9.1–9.3,triggered the deadliest tsunami in recorded history. 2006 = 40 = July 12 – 2006 Lebanon War: Israel vs Hezbollah 2008 = 41 = Great Recession, stock market crash.
Most earthquakes worlwide (31,777) from 2000-2012 2011 = 42 = The Arab Spring revolutionary wave
of demonstrations and protests riots, and civil wars March 11, 2011 off the
Pacific coast of Japan, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake produced a tsunami total height 133 ft * Out of a study of 78 serial
killers born from 1863-1971, the year with the most Serial killers born was 1946 (7). - Nebuchadnezzar II
was king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, who reigned c. 605 BC – 562 BC 604-605? BC - 592 BC = cold a'ji http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebuchadnezzar_II http://www.longrangeweather.com/600bc.htm - Famous People Born in 1964 http://www.famousbirthdays.com/year/1964.html Famous people are not your average people, they are the small percentage. - The advantage Oahspe has over other spiritual books
is its precise knowledge of the cycles of the Cosmos (kosmos), the cycles of Cevorkum, of darkness and light,
a'ji and dan, and how man's behavior is subject to the cycles. The cycles of Cevorkum and a'ji and dan is the why behind history
and man's behavior. Other books cannot make up for not having
the knowledge of the cycles of Cevorkum, and a'ji and dan, because that knowledge is what explains the big
picture of man's development. Walter Russell's peak illumination matched (synchronicity) a peak in cosmic energy, the
Oneness of Cosmic Consciousness and man's Consciousness. The big picture, Jehovih's plan of the universe, the cycles of Cevorkum
and a'ji and dan, that is what John Ballou Newbrough wanted to know, the general plan of the universe. - Periods
of light and hearing Jehovih's Voice go together, periods of darkness interferes with hearing the Voice. Oahspe Book
of Divinity 10:14-19: Then I reasoned, saying to myself: Behold,
when we were in light, Jehovih's Voice spake unto us. When the darkness came, the Voice came not. We sat in the Diva,
in the altar circle, praying for light from the Father, but it came
not. And I said: More we need the Voice in darkness than in
light. For a hundred years we saw not the light of the Voice, nor heard the Voice speak. - A'ji cycle = dark periods, Dan
cycle = light periods. Dark periods are for strengthening the
individual self, the light periods are for strengthening the connection to the universal self. A child at first needs adult supervision because it is not strong enough individually to
stand on its own, but when the person matures to adulthood it is strong enough to stand on its own. The Father (Jehovih) wants us to develop individualy, and be strong.
During light times of dan its is easy to recieve light externally from the Father, but by cutting off the external light by bringing in the darkness (a'ji) we learn to develop our individual strength
and go to the light that is inside of us. When people go too
far with strengthening the individual self they become selfish. When people go too far with depending on the Father, or the
angels they become individualy weak. Balance is needed.

Above is Oahspe Arc cycles numbered
since the creation of man on the planet of earth to the present Kosmon cycle. Compared to the numbered cycles of major energy up-spikes (crests)
and down-spikes (troughs) since the start of Kosmon. 17th cycle = flood, submersion (sinking) of Pan = 1929 =
17 = Stock-market Crash, Great Depression - 23rd cycle = Great Pyramid
of Egypt = 1947 = 23 = 1947 UFO wave, THE SECRET OF LIGHT_ 1947 BY Walter Russell (mid-way of Eoptain age and 200 Dan). The Great Pyramid of Egypt .... the greatest building that had ever been built on the earth. The
H-4 Hercules is the largest flying boat ever built
and has the largest wingspan of any aircraft in history.[3] "Spruce
Goose." Evergreen Aviation Museum. Retrieved December 14, 2011. First flight November 2, 1947 Produced 1947 - 25th cycle = Kosmon, Cosmos, Space age = 1957-1959 = 25 = Jim Velasques and Ethereans, division
of ethe (25 / 100 = 1/4) ethe = 1/4 Corpor. First
space satellites = 10-4-1957 USSR, 2-1-1958 USA - The major up and down-spike 1/3 Ode cycles of Kosmon are fractals of the 3000 year arc cycles of Cevorkum since the creation of man on earth.
Above graphs compares the Great Recession and stock market crash of 2008 to the cold down-spike
(a'ji) of 2008. - Yearly
Mean Sunspot Numbers . The table below, available from the National Geophysical Data Center in Boulder
(USA), lists the yearly values of sunspot number from 1700. MAX marks a sunspot cycle maximum and min a minimum. Up
to 1944, yearly means were calculated as the average of the 12 monthly means; since 1945 yearly means have been calculated
as the average of the daily means. http://www.ips.gov.au/Educational/2/3/6 The number of sunspots observed during a year or cycle
indicates the DEGREE of DENSITY of etherean or atmospherean regions the earth is traveling through. Oahspe
Book of Jehovih: Chapter II: 4. ...These are the three kinds of worlds I created (corporeal, atmospherean, and etherean);
but I gave different densities to atmospherean worlds, and different densities to the etherean worlds. 5. For the substance
of My etherean worlds I created Ethe, the MOST RAREFIED. 8. Atmospherean worlds...Of three degrees of density created I them...called A'ji, and one Ji'ay, and one Nebulæ. Dictionary definitions for rarefied: to become rare or less dense...having a low density... http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rarefied A'ji is like atmospheric haze that reduces visibility
at a far distance. The view of the sun is dimmed by dense a'ji,. Sunspots are merely easier to see when
there is no (cold) space junk (a'ji) in the way. - pages 142-143 of DELUSIONS IN SCIENCE & SPIRITUALITY by Susan B.
Martinez, PH.D - 2007 7.6 2008 2.9
min 2009 3.1 2010 16.5 2011 55.7 2012 57.6 2013 64.7 2014 79.3 http://www.ips.gov.au/Educational/2/3/6 As you can clearly see from the data above 2008 was a
minimum year for sunspots which indicates a more dense region of space the earth is traveling through which is an sign of
a'ji. - By the standard of spotless days, the ongoing solar minimum is the deepest in
a century: NASA report. In 2008, no sunspots were observed on 266 of the year's 366 days (73%). To find a year with
more blank suns, you have to go all the way back to 1913, which had 311 spotless days (85%): The lack of sunspots in 2008, made it a century-level year in terms of solar quiet. Remarkably, sunspot counts
for 2009 have dropped even lower. As of March 31st, there were no sunspots on 78 of the year's 90 days to date (87%).

Above NASA graph shows global climate oscillations from 1835 to 1850 (red = temperature, green
= precipitation). poltergeist activity - also known as
"recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis" or RSPK - is the result
of psychic energy generated (usually unconsciously) by a person, referred to as an agent. http://paranormal.about.com/od/poltergeists/a/7-Signs-Of-Poltergeist-Activity.htm OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter XI: 12. When a prophet hath attained to discharge vortexya, so as to make raps at will, he is also subject to the presence
of people from the unseen worlds. And these people, spirits, or angels, use this vortexya for a foundation for sar'gis [materialization]
.... 13. The ancient prophet caused the worshipers to sit in
the dark, because all people give off the negative current
in the dark (which they received as positive in the light), A'ji.
Semi-dark. A dense region in etherea which sometimes descends to the earth. Less than nebula (Oahspe glossary). OAHSPE BOOK OF SAPHAH chapter OSIRIS verse 56: A'ji
(Gau), semi-dark. An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth
a cold year upon the earth. a'ji, cold semi-dark region = in the dark, ...all people give off the negative current in the dark ... these people, spirits, or
angels, use this vortexya for a foundation for sar'gis ..,so as to make raps (noise, poltergeist activity) at will. ...there was an outbreak of poltergeists in 1835, 1846,
and 1849. http://www.ufocasebook.com/krill4.html ... poltergeist cases hit an interesting peak
in 1849. http://www.chodesh.info/ufos-operation-trojan-horse-gems.htm 1835, 1846 (1847), 1849 = cold down-spike years (a'ji, semi-dark regions of the roadway of the solar-phalanx). 1848 = Dawn (start) of Kosman (dan) = warm
light region. Start of Kosmon = 00 3rd rule of prophecy (00 of 100). - Oahspe mentions a cyclic time of seven and a half (7.5, or 7.5 x). Book of Osiris,
Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave the times of Jehovih...the times of eleven; and the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars... [an etherean arc or cycle is 400 (dan) times 7.5 (7.5 x 400) = 3000 years.] 1/3 + 2/3 = 1 whole 3.33
x 6.66 = 22 (1 whole cycle) = 22 year geomagnetic, solar, glactic cosmic ray cycles. Pi = 22/7, 22 = circumference/cycle of a circle. 22 x 7.5 = 165. 1848 + 165 = 2013 = fractal equivalent of 400 x 7.5 = 3000 year cycle (dawn
of dan'ha) 5/8 = fractal (fraction) of 5-8 of 5-8-9 of E-O-IH. 5/8 = .625 (balance/harmony fractal) 165 / .625 = 264 harmonic multiples of 5/8 fractal of balance/harmony
(symmetry/light). 264 / 8 = 33 (1st rule of prophecy). 16.5
(1/10th fractal of 165) is the symmetry (balanced half) of 33 the first rule of prophecy. 5/9 = fractal (fraction)
of 5-9 of 5-8-9 of E-O-IH. 5/9 = .555 5/9
fractal of E-O-IH and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rules of prophecy = harmonic relationship 33.3 = first rule of prophecy,
genetic threshold of spiritual light, generational dan. 33.3 / .555 (5/9) = 60 harmonic multiple = harmonic division of 360 degrees circle (E-O-IH). 11.1 = second
rule of prophecy. 11.1 / .555 (5/9) = 20 harmonic multiple = harmonic division of 360 (E-O-IH). 99.9 = 3rd rule of prophecy.
99.9 / .555 (5/9) = 180 harmonic multiple = harmonic division of 360 (E-O-IH). E = 9, 0 = 8, IH = 5. 9x8x5 = 360 degrees circumference of a circle = E-O-IH. 9 = Power,
8 = Harmony, 5 = Balance. Harmony = lined up, polarization
= light (8, 88, 880) 9/9 = Power, 8/9 = Harmony (Light,
polarization), 5/9 = Balance (center of 1 and 9 = 5). 8/9 = fractal (fraction) of light = .88 C (constant of light) = speed of light in vacuum / speed of sound at sea level =
880,991.09 = 880k (880 thousand). 880 / .88 = 1000 (thousand) fractals or quantum packets of light- - The Eoptian age (life-span) of man on earth
in this current garden: 79,000 years ago Asu first appeared: 79,000 / 3000 = 26.333333 x 1.7043 = 44.879
light-years Great Pyramid of Egypt = 4,500 years ago 4500 / 3000 = 1.5 x 1.7043 = 2.556. 44.879 - 2.556 = 42.323
x 2 = 84.646 The Eoptian Age of physical man in light-years
distance (solar-phalanx travel): = 84.646 light-years travel of the solar-phalanx in Cevorkum. 84.646 / golden ratio (1.61) = 52.5 = age of John Ballou Newbrough at Oahspe transmission. --------------------------------------------------------2nd
rule of prophecy = 11 = 1/3 of 33 (1st rule of prophecy) x 3 = 99 (3rd rule of prophecy). multiple rules of prophecy: 1/3 x 3 = 1 1 x 3 = 3 3 x 3 = 9 9 x 3 = 27 (fractal of Cevorkum
light-years 2727) 27 x 3 = 81 (9 x 9)27 (fractal) x 101 = 2727 (whole Cevorkum
light-years) - 2727 = light-years distance of Cevorkum. 360 = Circumference degrees of a circle.
363 = solar year (tuff cycle). Vortex (vortices) = cyclic circle (circular motion). Oahspe mentions a cyclic time of
seven and a half (7.5, or 7.5 x). Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave the times of Jehovih...the times of eleven; and the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars... [an etherean arc or cycle is 400 (dan) times
7.5 (7.5 x 400) = 3000 years.] 2727 / 360 = 7.575. 2727 / 363 = 7.51. -Page 60 of TIME OF THE QUICKENING (Chapter 1 The Prophetic Numbers) by Susan B.
Martinez, Ph.D says "We have seen that there are three odes to a spell (3 x 11 = 33), but now the grandest, most compelling unit of prophecy falls to yet a larger multiple of an ode or spell, a stronger, more complete cycle, one that spans the centuries and embraces the cardinal
changes, shifts, and transformations in the life of man and culture. That prophetic number is obtained by multiplying
the spell by the ode. This solar year, as it was once called,
consisting of 363 years (11 x 33), was regarded as a crowning cycle in time, much like a circle or orbit that is at length
completed....and it was called tuff, a circumference of time." Page 22 of TIME OF THE QUICKENING says 363 Tuff ("Circle")
varies from 360 to 365 years. Nostradamus Died: July 2, 1566, 362 years (a Tuff, Solar cycle) before the birth (1928) of Jim Navajo Velasques. Jim Navajo Velasques was born one wave (100 years) after John Ballou
Newbrough was born (1828) and one Tuff (362 years) after the death of Nostradamus. Jim Navajo
Velasques was born in 1928 - 1848 = 80. Jim Velasques was born in Kosmon 80. 8, 80, and 88 are harmonic light numbers (8 = musical octave,
can divide by 2 and get whole integers, 880,991 = velocity of light in vacuum / speed of sound at sea level).- Born January 27, 1963 http://www.famousbirthdays.com/year/born/january1963.html Moana Carcasses Kalosil WORLD LEADER Politician
who became Prime Minister of the South Pacific island Republic of Vanuatu in 2013. He is his country's first native born prime
minister. BEFORE FAME He served as both Foreign Minister and Finance Minister of Vanuatu before taking office as
the Republic's Prime Minster. TRIVIA He allied himself with the Vanuatu Green Party. FAMILY LIFE He was
born in Tahiti, French Polynesia to a French father and a Tahitian mother http://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/moana-kalosil.html - NAME: Arpad Busson FULL NAME: Arpad A. Busson OCCUPATION: business man AGE: 51 BORN: January, 27 1963 in Paris CITIZENSHIP: France Entourage SPOUSE: Uma Thurman (since 2007) Elle Macpherson (1995-2005) http://en.mediamass.net/people/arpad-busson Arpad A. Busson (born 27 January 1963) is a London-based French financier. Busson entered the world of
hedge funds in 1986 working in New York.[1] He is the founder and Chairman of the EIM Group, a fund of funds company. Busson is also active in a number of philanthropic causes around the globe.
According to prestigious French business magazine Challenges, financier Arpad Busson is a multi-millionaire with a net worth
of €150 million at 2013. Charity[edit] Main article: Absolute Return for Kids Busson is a proponent of "venture philanthropy",[citation needed] which seeks to multiply the effectiveness
of charitable pursuits by applying to them the same management practices which are used in business ventures. He is a founding trustee of the children's charity ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) and serves
as chairman of its board of directors. Busson held the post of Chairman since the charity's inception. He stepped down
from that position in 2009 but remains a member of the Board as founding chairman, and as chairman of ARK US. ARK raises charitable contributions from the hedge fund industry for children who are victims
of abuse, disability, illness and poverty.[citation needed] ARK finances and manages projects aimed at transforming the lives of children in Eastern Europe, South Africa and the UK through
education and healthcare.[citation needed] The annual Ark Dinner hosted by Busson sees a range of high profile
individuals attend the event to raise money for the charity. Previous years have seen the likes of Bill Clinton (2006),[12]
Queen Rania of Jordan (2010)[13] and in 2011 the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge took the limelight as Prince William announced
a joint venture by the Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry and the Ark charity.[14] Its activities include
funding treatment for AIDS victims in Africa, taking children out of care in Bulgaria and Romania and developing educational
opportunities for disadvantaged children in India.[15] It also operates eight academies, six of which are in London, through
its subsidiary charity ARK Academies.[16] Busson says of ARK, "If we can apply the entrepreneurial principles we
have brought to business to charity, we have a shot at having a really strong impact, to be able to transform the lives of
children."[4] He is a patron of the Elton John AIDS Foundation[17] and a founding member of Theodora Children's
Trust,[18] a charity which brings music, magic and laughter to children in hospital through visits from performers known as
"Giggle Doctors". Personal life[edit] Busson began a relationship with Australian supermodel Elle Macpherson
in 1996.[19] They have two sons together: Arpad Flynn Busson, known as Flynn (born February 1998 in New York City),[20] and
Aurelius Cy Andrea Busson (born February 2003 in London).[21] The family lived together in London until Busson and Macpherson's
separation in July 2005.[19] Busson began dating American actress Uma Thurman in 2007[22] and they announced their engagement
in June 2008.[23] In December 2009, it was reported that the two had ended their engagement,[24] but they reconciled soon
after.[25] Busson and Thurman have one daughter together, Rosalind Arusha Arkadina Altalune Florence Thurman-Busson, known
as Luna (born July 2012 in New York City).[26] The couple reportedly called off the engagement for the second time in April
2014.[27] In 2006, Busson was voted the seventh most wanted person at a party in the UK, according to Tatler; Macpherson
was voted in at eleventh.[28] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arpad_Busson - Born Jan. 27, 1963. 27 / 365.25 = 0.07. Jan. 27, 1963 = 1963.07 - Oahspe Book of Inspiration:
Chapter XVI HOLY VEIL DAY. 1. AS Jehovih, through His God, pulled aside the veil of heaven, saying: - 2. Let My angels forth; together shall converse the living and the dead. - 3. So sanctified He the day when the
angels of heaven were made known to mortals. (March 31, 1848.) - 4. And He gave the sign, A HAND HOLDING ASIDE A
VEIL, signifying, HEAVEN UNVEILED, as the master's sign in the lodge on the day and evening commemorating the same. - 5. And Jehovih gave to the members of the lodge to answer in the sign, THREE CLAPPINGS, signifying, ENDLESS JOY! - 6. And Jehovih said: Remember this day, and keep it holy, to the end of the world. For, without books and without arguments,
behold, I have proven unto you the immortality of the soul of man! - Oahspe Book of Jehovih Chapter VII: 4.
And Jehovih gave this sign to man on earth; which is to say: In the beginning of the light of dan'ha, the spirits of the newly
dead shall have power to take upon themselves the semblance of corporeal bodies, and appear and talk face to face with mortals.
Every three thousand years gave Jehovih this sign on earth, that those who learned the powers and capacities of such familiar
spirits, might bear testimony in regard to the origin of man on earth. - Jan = 30 days Feb = 28 days March
= 31 days Total = 30 + 28 + 31 = 89 / 365.25 = 0.24 March 31, 1848 = 1848.24 = start of Kosmon 1963.07 -
1848.24 = 114.83. 360 (circle, circumference) / 114.83 = 3.135 (rounded to 3.14 pi ratio). 363 (tuff) / 114.83 = 3.161 3.161 + 3.135 = 6.296 / 2 = 3.148 = first 3 = 3.14 pi ratio. January 27,
1963 or Kosmon 114.83 = 3.14 pi ratio. January
27, 1963 = pi ratio to circumference of time (tuff, circle, solar cycle, 360-363 years). 1963 was a warm up-spike (dan)
time on the earth. - Circumference
of circle or Tuff cycle = 360-363 years. 1963 - 1848 =
115 1963 = 115th year of Kosmon 1962 = 114th year of Kosmon 1964 = 116th year of Kosmon 1963 = 360 / 115 = 3.130. 363 / 115 = 3.156. 3.130 + 3.156 = 6.286 / 2 = 3.143 mean or average. 1962 = 360 / 114 = 3.157. 363 / 114 = 3.184. 3.157 + 3.184 = 6.341 / 2 = 3.170 mean or average. 1964 = 360 /
116 = 3.103. 363 / 116 = 3.129. 3.103 + 3.129 = 6.232 / 2 = 3.116 mean or average. 1963 is the pi ratio year of Kosmon to the Circumference of Circle or Tuff cycle of 360-363 years. - Math and science, the universal language, in Contact Carl Sagan did a lot of work on the question of communication with aliens, both in his work on SETI for receiving
and decoding, and on various projects for sending, most visibly the Pioneer plaque and Voyager golden record. Always the answer is mathematics and science, because always we must conclude
that it is the only thing we know we'll share in common with
pretty well any spacefaring (or even just interstellar-communicating) species. We see this referred to in the film three
times: The frequency of the transmission is "hydrogen times
pi". What kind of number is hydrogen? Well, Ellie is referring
to the hydrogen line, which is a frequency itself -- thus neatly avoiding any problems of whether we're using the same units
as the aliens. (To explain that: suppose I asked you to build a stick the length of a hydrogen atom times the number
of protons in uranium, squared. If you work in metric and I use furlongs, our sticks will still end up the same length.) The prime numbers are proof that the message cannot be caused by
a natural phenomenon. And therefore, proof that it originated from an intelligence, because it takes an intelligence to understand
what prime numbers are. The primer found in the message, briefly glimpsed, becomes the key to deciphering it.
It is a series of mathematical statements that can easily be broken
down into components: addition, equality, truth, falsehood, and numbers. Combine that with a few pictures and you can
start building up a complicated language. For instance, a representation of an atom, then the number six, then the symbol
for equals, then an unknown symbol. What does the unknown symbol represent? (Check your answer.) In the book, one of
the things Ellie talks to the aliens about is God, and they reveal
that, essentially, the Creator has chosen not to reveal himself until a species reaches a necessary level of understanding
about the universe around them. How has this been done? Brilliantly, by using the same techniques of math as a universal language to hide a message to us in the structure of the universe itself. The number pi is a fundamental constant of our universe.
(Properly speaking, it is not really a constant because relativistically space is curved; however, it is nevertheless a fundamental number that any technological civilization must become aware
of, even if only as the limit of the ratio of circumference to diameter as the curvature of space approaches zero.)
What if you looked at the digits of pi and found, only a few million digits in, a series of 0s and 1s precisely 121 digits
in length (121 being the product of primes, 11 times 11), such
that if you drew them in an 11x11 grid, it depicted a circle? Furthermore, what if it turned out that this happened in any
numerical base you evaluated pi in? Technically speaking, that that particular sequence of numbers appears in pi isn't
really that remarkable. We know that pi's digits go on forever and never repeat. It can thus be assumed that any given sequence
of numbers is out there somewhere if you go far enough, because that's how infinity works (same as the oft-misunderstood monkeys
and typewriters theory). Somewhere in pi is an ASCII representation of this blog post I'm typing now. Somewhere in pi is a
complete description of every atom that makes your body. And this is true no matter what numerical base you work in. (Though
even more technically speaking, this is not necessarily true; we can't mathematically prove pi contains every sequence of
numbers. But it is widely believed nevertheless.) http://hawthornthistleberry.blogspot.com/2006/05/math-and-science-universal-language-in.html -Below drawing and table showing the mathematics of Je-Ho-Vih or E-O-IH, the Creator, the Circle and Circumference:

Dakotaranch.org numerology using my sacred mathematics of the spiral circle symbol of Creator and Creator's name: http://postimg.org/image/b2bddk4ll/...https://www.dakotaranch.org/about The Gow series of numbers are as follows: Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy:
Chapter VII: 18. These periods will be found to come under certain numbers, 11, 33, 66, 99, 100, 200, 400, 666,
333, 66, 18, 500, 600, 365, 99, 33, 18, and so on...a generation 33, dan 200, 400, 600, 500; nitrogen or darkness 66 and 666,
and so on. For which reason the following tables of times and measurements were established: Gow, 600.[= Dan or
ethe 'c wave x 6] Gow, 500.[= Dan or ethe'ic wave x 5] Gow, 200.[= Dan or ethe'ic wave x 2] 1848 + 200 = 2048
= next coming of the Orions and Nirvanians. Gow, 111.[= Dan or ethe'ic wave x 1.11] 1848 + 111 = 1959 = coming of the
ethereans, Jim Velasques. The Gow series of numbers are: 111,
200, 500, and 600. The Gow series (along with the sub-cycle
Dan times of 200 and 400) are times of the Ethereans (Orions and Nirvanians) coming to earth. We are currently
(in 2014) between two Gow years, the first and second Gow years of
Kosmon, 111 (1959) and 200 (2048). These two sequence of numbers (111
and 200) are connected by two pair of numbers that contain the numbers of E-O-IH (9-8-5), 5/9 (1.8) and 89. 8 and 9 of 89, and 5 and
9 of 5/9 are part of 9-8-5 (E-O-IH). 200 / 1.8 (5/9) = 111.1. 200 - 111 = 89 (a Fibonacci number). The reciprocal of 89, a Fibonacci number, is based on the Fibonacci series. The Remarkable Number 1/89 The decimal expansion of 1/89 is just the Fibonacci series, added together in
an appropriate fashion. Specifically, think of the Fibonacci
series as being a sequence of decimal fractions, arranged so the right most digit of the nth Fibonacci number is in
the n+1th decimal place. Then add: .01 .001 .0002
.00003 .000005 .0000008 .00000013 .000000021 .0000000034
.00000000055 .000000000089 .0000000000144 .
. + . ---------------- .01123595505... As
you can easily check, 1/89 = .01123595595... http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~rminer/1over89/89 x golden ratio: 89 x 1.618 = 144.00. 1440 (Hz E-O-IH) / 144 = 10. - The E-O-IH series of numbers = 5, 8, 9, two of the numbers 5 and 8 are fibonacci numbers ( 8/5 fraction = 1.6 golden ratio,
which the fibonacci numbers are based on the golden ratio). two of the numbers of E-O-IH added together equals a third fibonacci
number (8 + 5 = 13). 13 / 8 = 1.625 (the golden ratio). E-O-IH (9-8-5) contains a series of fibonacci numbers and the
golden ratio. - 98 of 985 (E-O-IH) squared
twice is 3.14 …or Pi π
22/7. 22 = cycle (geomagnetic, solar, and galactic cosmic ray) and circumference of a circle = the sum of E-O-IH numbers =
9 + 8 + 5 = 22. - The Creator, music, mathematics, and time (cycles) and space "let the note
C2 be the fundamental or first harmonic of a string" C2 = 65.4064 Hz (cycles per second) E = 587.33(D5) /
65.4064(C2) = 8.979 = 9.0 x multiple = harmonic = polarization (within .02) O = 523.251(C5) / 65.4064(C2) = 7.999 = 8.0
x multiple = Harmonic = polarization (exact) IH = 329.628(E4) / 65.4064(C2) = 5.039 = 5.0 x multiple = Harmonic = polarization
(within .03) 9x + 8x + 5x = 22 = heat/cold highest/lowest cycle average years The number 22 is 7x Pi (3.142) the
ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's diameter. 9 x 8 x 5 = 360 = degrees of a circle = circumference of a circle 1st 3 numbers of Pi = 3.14 x 3.14 (Pi) = 9.85 (first 3, primary numbers), circumference of a circle E-O-IH,
Jehovih = circumference of a circle, no beginning, no ending, infinite Diameter of a circle = finite space-time line,
with a beginning and an ending = creation = 7 of 22/7 (Pi) Circumference of a circle = external to, beyond space-time
line. - Cevorkum = 4,700,000 years (maximum) One circuit of c'vork'um takes about 4,608,000 years (rounded
to 4,700,000 years in Oahspe). http://www.angelfire.com/in2/oahspe3/mocycles.html (reference) If one Gadol = 24,000 years and one Measure = 3 Gadols, then one Measure = 72,000 years [3
x 24,000 years] SEASON, is a 3 gadols long, or about 72,000 years = 1/2 Eoptian age (144,000 years). Then there
are 4,700,000 / 72,000 = 65.28 measures in a circuit of cevorkum. One Measure = 72,000. 4,700,000 / 72,000 = 65.28 = C2 = 65.4064 = 72,000 years. 576,000 years = Sum = Magnetic reversal, One-eight (1/8) of the Cevorkum Circuit 576,000 years = 1/8 Cevorkum and 8x Season = 8 = O of E-O-IH = Oxygen (atomic number 8)
= Life age = Garden = 2nd age of Vortex Reference = Page 22 Chapter The Prophetic Numbers, TIME OF THE QUICKENING
by Susan B. Matinez, Ph.D. 72,000 x 5 = 360,000 = IH 72,000
x 8 = 576,000 = O = A garden is the sum of 4 ages (cubes), about 576,000 years 72,000 x 9 = 648,000 = E 360,000
+ 576,000 + 648,000 = 1,584,000 = E + 0 + IH = 22 _100,000
Astronomical Units = 1.58128451 light-years An astronomical unit is a unit of length, roughly the distance from the Earth to the Sun. However, that distance varies as the Earth
orbits the Sun, from a maximum to a minimum and back again once a year. 100k AU = 1.58128451 light-years = 1/1,000,000
(millionth) E-O-IH = ratio of E-O-IH years to AU light-years - Cevorkum fluctuation (range) = 4,363,200 / 4,700,000
= 0.928 = 92.8 % (93 % rounded). 4,363,200 / 4,608,000 = 0.946 = 94.6 % (95 % rounded). - Cevorkum = 4,363,200
years (minimum) 4,363,200 / 65.4 = 66,715.596 = C2 66,715.596 x 5 = 333,577.98 = IH 66,715.596 x 8 = 533,724.76
= O 66,715.596 x 9 = 600,440.36 = E 333,577.98 + 533,724.76 + 600,440.36 = 1,467,743 = 22 33.3 = 1st rule of
prophecy = 1/10,000th IH = ratio of IH years to 1st rule of prophecy years. Oahspe is the book of heaven received by
Dr. John Ballou Newbrough during the 33rd year of Kosmon (1881). The word Kosmon signifies an equal balance of material and
spiritual knowledge = 5 (IH) 4,363,200 years (Cevorkum) / 1,584,000 (E-O-IH years) = 2.75 = e Euler natural logarithmic
constant = 1/1000 fractal of Cevorkum light years (2727 light years). The 100 iterations give us an approximate value
of e , which is 2.75 (with error = 0.0317). http://helloacm.com/e-base-of-the-natural-logarithm/ (E, base of the natural logarithm). - 1.58128451 light-years
/ 100,000 = 0.0000158128451 light-years = 1 AU 434 light-years) / 0.0000158128451 = 27,446,041.3 AU E-O-IH = 9-8-5.
E-O-IH fractions = 9/5, 8/5, 9/8. 27,446,041 / 985 = 27,864.001 (harmonic) 27,446,041 / 9.8596 = 2783687.06641 (harmonic) 27,446,041 / 1.8 (9/5, wave) = 15,247,800. 27,446,041 / 1.6 (8/5, golden ratio) = 17,153,775. 27,446,041 / 1.125
(9/8) = 24,396,480 The numbers 27 are the first two digits
in e Euler logarithmic base, and in Ceverkum light-years and the ratio of light-years distance from Earth to Polaris
/ light-years distance from Earth to Sun. 27 is a rule of prophecy
(1/3, 3x) multiple: .111 x 3 = .333 .333 x 3 = .999 (1.00) 1 x 3 = 3 3 x 3 = 9 9 x 3 = 27 (27 is a prophetic divine number) Rules of prophecy (1/3 and 3x) is Triune (Tri = 3) and Divine = Divide = 1/3 = 3 ones = 3-in-1. Triune = Power-Harmony-Balance
or Power-Love-Wisdom = E-O-IH - Number of cyclic rhythmic major warm up-spikes since the beginning of Kosmon: 1848 = 1 = dawn 1963 = 27 = fractal of Cevorkum (2727 light-years). Brian Greene born, widely recognized for groundbreaking
discoveries in superstring theory. Pi (π) ratio year of Kosmon tuff (circle) cycle. 2013 = 43 2013 - 1848 = 165. 165 / 43 = 3.83 average years from up-spike to up-spike (cyclic rhythm).
The rules of prophecy are 3x and 1/3. The parent cycle or periodicity is 3x the child cycle or periodicity. The second rule of prophecy is 11. 11.1 / 3 = 3.7 = child cycle of the second
rule of prophecy. Cyclic rhythmic major down-spikes since start of Kosmon: 1849 = 1 = poltergeist cases hit
an interesting peak in 1849 1964 = 27 = (coldest deepest down-spike from 1950-2000) Alaska 9.2 earthquake. Race
riots in 7 U.S. cities (2nd most in one year in history). 2011 = 42 = The Arab Spring revolutionary wave of demonstrations
and protests riots, and civil wars 2011 - 1848 = 163. 163 / 42 = 3.88 average years from down-spike to down-spike (cyclic
rhythm). - Back to back
major up-spike-down-spikes (or down-spike-up-spike) since 1848: 1848-1849 gap = 5 years 1854-1855 gap = 1 year 1856-1857 gap = 13 years 1870-1871 gap = 8 years 1879-1880 gap = 2 years 1882-1883 gap = 13 years 1906-1907 gap = 14 years 1921-1922 (8) gap years = 4 years 1926-1927 gap =
7 years 1934-1935 gap = 3 years 1938-1939 gap = 2 years 1941-1942 gap = 11 years 1953-1954 gap = 2 years 1956-1957 gap = 4 years 1961-1962 gap = 1 year 1963-1964 (16) gap = 3 years 1967-1968 gap = 5 years 1973-1974 gap = 1 year 1975-1976 gap = 1 year 1977-1978 gap =
3 years 1981-1982 gap = 6 years 1988-1989 gap = 5 years 1994-1995 23 out of 152 years (2000)
152 / 23 = 6.60 (average years per back to back spikes) 23 out of 147 years (1995) 147 / 23 = 6.39 (average years per back to back spikes) Average
gap = 114 / 22 = 5.18 years average gap between back to back
spikes 11 / 2 = 5.5 = 1/2 Ode. Ode = 11 year cycle. 10 / 2 = 5 = 1/2 Ode. Aproximately every 1/2 Ode is a back to back spike rythimic cycle (average every 5 to 6 years). - average years per back to back spikes = 6.39 average years between back to back spikes = 5.18 5.18 + 6.39 = 11.57 = Ode or second rule of prophecy - Time of Birth 5:11 am - JM - 1963 5:01 am - GK - 1944 - Astronomical
twilight is defined to begin in the morning,...The most familiar occurrences of twilight are between dawn and sunrise ... astronomical dawn, early in the morning when the
Sun is higher than 18 degrees below the horizon. From this point, it will be difficult to observe certain faint stars, galaxies,
and other objects because the Sun starts to illuminate the sky. Twilight
is sacred in Hinduism. It is called गोधूळिवेळ in Marathi or गोधूलिवेला
godhūlivelā in Hindi—literally "cow dust time".
Many rituals including Sandhyavandanam and Puja are performed at twilight hour. Eating of food is not advised during this time. Some
times it is referred to as Asurasandhya vela. It is believed that Asuras are active during these hours. One of the avatars
of Lord Vishnu, Narasimha is closely associated with Twilight period. Twilight is important in Islam as it determines when certain universally obligatory prayers are to be recited.
Morning twilight is when morning prayers (Fajr) are done, ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TwilightOahspe Book of Saphah Se'moin Interpretation. 42. M'git'ow, morning, sunrise (Panic). Dawn,
M'git'ow (Algonquin). Tigiatow (Vede). At dawn fly away
the evil spirits; at dawn come the shining, full of holiness (Kii).
The wise man hath found Git'm'ow full of cow, i.e., receptivity...He
maketh a book at dawn. The seventh heaven cometh in M'git'ow, the
morning light (Poit). - [Interpretation = During dawns and dans, man is more receptive to light and spiritual
understanding, so this is when the wise men make true holy books, during dans, this is when true religions are founded, this
is when true prophets and messengers of the Creator are born, and this is when they teach]. - Google Ki definition: chi, ki variant spelling of qi. ki
- the circulating life energy that in Chinese philosophy is thought to be inherent in all things; in traditional Chinese
medicine the balance of negative and positive forms in the
body is believed to be essential for good health. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ki Kii or Ki = vortex'ya, spiritual ethe'ic energy. - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Rise and Set for the Sun for 1963 Apr 22, 1963 - 0511 Aug. 14,
1963 - 0511 -- Rise and Set for the Sun for 1944 May. 01, 1944 - 0501 July 30, 1944 - 0501 http://aa.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/aa_rstablew.pl
Oahspe and dawn: "the angel of God spake through Brahma, saying: Whilst it is yet night, I speak.
With the dawn, at sunrise, is the Father's Voice." "Archangels...They generally come in the dawn of a cycle to give new inspiration to mortals." "The angels appeared an hour before dawn and the typing continued for fifty weeks" "On the first
day of January 1881 the first session began at the hour before dawn
as he sat ..." "For many months he rose at dawn
when he believed communion with unearthly powers" -- If you were born at dawn (5am-7am), your rising sign will
most likely be the same as your sun sign Your rising sign is the sign that was “on the horizon” at the time
or your birth. So, if you were born at dawn, you were “rising” into the same sign that the sun was rising into.
You can continue to move in 2 hour intervals across the zodiac
wheel, one interval for each sign, until you find your time of birth. http://astrophilosophy.tumblr.com/post/42160805330/astrology-lesson-1-your-rising-sign-ascendantGoogle dawn: 1. the first appearance of
light in the sky before sunrise.
Rules of prophecy
(prophetic numbers) times ten: 111 is the second rule
of prophecy (11.1) x 10. 333 is the first rule of prophecy (33.3) x 10. 999 (1000) is the third rule of prophecy
(99.9) x 10. - Cycles, harmonics of three, prophetic numbers (years), rules of prophecy, and sum of prophetic numbers: 3.7 x 3 = 11.1 (2nd rule of prophecy) 11.1 x 3 = 33.3 (1st rule of prophecy) = 1881 33.3 x 3 = 99.9 (3rd rule
of prophecy) = 1948 99.9 + 11.1 = 111 (Gow 111) = 1959 - CEVORKUM light-years distance (circuit) = 2727 √
(squared) = 52.22 = age of John Ballou Newbrough at Oahspe transmission. John
Ballou Newbrough born June 5, 1828. June = 6th month of year = 6 x 30 = 180 + 5 = 185 days of year (aprox.) 185 / 365.25 (year) = 0.506. 1828 + 0.506 = 1828.506 + 52.22 = 1880.726 Dr.
Newbrough had started writing the book in 1880 (late in 1880) 3 (divine number, triune) x 3 = 9 (divine number, E of E-O-IH). 9 √ (squared) = 3 52.22 (years age of Newbrough at Oahspe
transmission) x 52.22 = 2726.9 ( rounded to 2727 light-years
of CEVORKUM). - CEVORKUM, North Star, E-O-IH
and 2 balanced octave mathematics 9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9 = E-O-IH octave 4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3-4 = universal octave waves (2 balanced, symmetrical halfs) Radius
= center = symmetrical half of circle (orbit). Polaris - radius = center of Cevorkum = symmetrical
half of circle (orbit, vortex, or torus). Polaris = (434) light-years away = (4-3)-2-1-0-1-2-(3-4)
= 43 = 434 end 2 numbers = 2 balanced, symmetrical halfs. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shamash A
common symbol of the ancient Assyrian/Mesopotamian Sun
God Shamash.
It is often referred to as the “Seal of Shamash,” and appears near images of the God, or to represent his presence
when worn by Kings or in inscriptions.
The Seal of Shamash is a typical solar symbol, and probably represents the Sun Wheel, or solar calendar, much like
the Celtic Cross or the Pueblo Zia. The four arms most likely represent the solstices and equinoxes, which were extremely important calendar days
in ancient agrarian cultures. http://symboldictionary.net/?p=3000
    3835 Hz we can see the Seal of Shamash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvJAgrUBF4w 3835 Hz is 59 x the fundamental C2 musical frequency of 65 Hz. 587 / 65 = 9,03 = E 523
/ 65 = 8.04 = O 329 / 65 = 5.06 = IH 59 x = 5 and 9 = IH and E. 9+8+5 = 22 / 3 = 7.333 average of E-O-IH
(Creator's name). Seal of Shamash = 59 x / 7.333 x = 8.04 x harmonic multiple of E-O-IH average (8 represents Harmany
and light).
“SHAMASH” in your SOLAR Symbols should
be spelled “SHEMESH” which means “SUN” in Hebrew. http://symboldictionary.net/?p=3000 8 represents harmony (musical octave) and light (ordered polarization of needles). The sun is the central all-light
(photosphere) of the solar-system (Master vortex) and represents the Creator which has no dark-side. At 5201 Hz (above) we can see another similar symbol to the Oahspe symbol. 5201 Hz / 65 Hz (fundamental C2 musical frequency) = 80.015
a harmonic multiple. (8 x 10 = 80). 8 represents harmony and light. 80.0
/ 7.3 = 10.9589 (less than 0.05 from 11). Oahspe Book of Saphah: Se'moin 34: I'su (Panic). Ie-Su,...The true
cross within Eloih How the sun relates to Jehovih, the Creator Oahspe Book of Sapah Se'moin Interpretation 37.
Git'ow the sun (Panic). Git'how, the sun (Chine). The central light. Let the sun stand to the corporeal world as Jehovih
standeth to the All Unseen. He, the Gitow shall
be on the beam betwixt the pillars as a symbol of my power. As
he bringeth forth grass, so bring I forth the souls of men. He sendeth forth Karang'kwa, the All Heat, Haw'git (Algonquin).
He sendeth white light, or H'wit (Ebra). Or, the corporeal sunlight; Git'fume, the driving (Aham). M'Git (Kii). Hog'git or
git-hog (Aribania).
 1820 hz / 65 hz (fundamental C2 frequency) = 28 (7 x 4).
Youtube video: Sequences 10: Fractals and Chaos [Deterministic Chaos, Predictability]
by mathTV.com from 10:32 to 13:28.  Equilateral Triangle random number from roll of dice (divided into 3 results). Roll
of dice is equivalent to Pseudo-random
number generator. You get a sequence of points from the random roll of
dice.  Using a graphing calculator program to show all the points, each input becomes
the next output [recursion]. The graphing calculator can do it much quicker than you can draw it, until little by little it starts to take shape looking like the Sierpinski Triangle (fractal),   in fact it is the Sierpinski Triangle,
that very regular deterministic process we use to get that Sierpinski Triangle also comes out of this chaos game.  So the relationship between these iterated functions that are unpredictable and the fractals that
we looked at before is that the fractals are the graphical representation of parts of those chaotic functions
like that, a surprising result.  Out of that complete randomness, that unpredictability of the chaos game what we get is that very regular, self-similar fractal
the Sierpinski Triangle. Sierpinski triangle below turns into trifurcating (powers of 3, 9, 27, etc...) tree fractal (see Trifurcate). Below is from pages 218 and 115 of African Fractals by Ron Eglash.
https://monoskop.org/images/f/fc/Eglash_Ron_African_Fractals_Modern_Computing_and_Indigenous_Design.pdf https://users.math.yale.edu/public_html/People/frame/Fractals/Panorama/Art/AfricanArt/AfricanArt.html   
Above are triangle iterations and recursion very similar to the Sierpinski Triangle
fractal. Images for Tuareg people Below: pages 113, 115 of African Fractals by Ron Eglash.
More images for Mauritania people
 Above chart shows migration of fractal geometry from Africa to Europe (Rome). See Mathematical knowledge of Israelites and sub-Saharan Africans page of this website. The Sierpinski triangle …It is named after the Polish mathematician Wacław Sierpiński, but appeared as a decorative pattern many centuries before the work of Sierpiński.[1][2] · Conversano, Elisa; Tedeschini-Lalli, Laura (2011), "Sierpinski Triangles in Stone on Medieval Floors in Rome" (PDF), APLIMAT Journal of Applied Mathematics,
4: 114, 122 ·
Brunori, Paola; Magrone, Paola;
Lalli, Laura Tedeschini (2018-07-07), "Imperial Porphiry and Golden Leaf: Sierpinski Triangle in a
Medieval Roman Cloister", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer International Publishing, pp. 595–609, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-95588-9_49, ISBN 9783319955872, retrieved
2018-09-18 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpinski_triangle Most traditional European fractal designs, like those of Japan and China, are due to imitation of nature ...There are at least two stellar exceptions, however, that are worth noting. One is the scaling iterations of triangles in the floor tiles of the Church
of Santa Maria in Cosmedin Rome
(see plate 5.7 in Washburn and Crowe 1988). I have not been able to determine anything about their cultural origins, but they are clearly artistic
invention rather than imitation of some natural form. - pages 47-48 of African Fractals by Ron
Eglash. http://www.formulas.it/formulog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/sierpinski-aplimat.pdf https://threesixty360.wordpress.com/2010/12/02/sierpinski-hiding-in-the-sistine-chapel/ More images for floor tiles of the Church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin Rome https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/5-important-cities-of-the-roman-empire.html
"Several researchers have suggested that ...some Italian floor
tiles were created by North African artisans (argiro 1968, 22)."
- Page 236 Chapter 3 Fractals in Cross-Cultural Comparison note 4 of African Fractals by Ron Eglash. The
Chaos Game. Most students
who are unfamiliar with the game guess that the resulting image
will be a random smear of points. Others predict that the points
will eventually fill the entire triangle. Both guesses are quite natural, given the random nature of the chaos
game. But both guesses are completely wrong. The
resulting image is anything but a random smear; with probability one, the
points form what mathematicians call the Sierpinski triangle. http://math.bu.edu/DYSYS/chaos-game/node1.html Why does the Sierpinski triangle arise from the chaos game?
Students are always intrigued when they first see the
Sierpinski triangle emerge from the random chaos game, but there is a simple explanation of why this happens. Suppose we start
with a point somewhere in the middle of the largest white (removed) triangle in the Sierpinski triangle. Where
does this point move after one roll of the die? As in Figure 4, we see that this point hops into one of the
three next-smaller triangles, since these triangles represent all points that are half the distance to the three vertices from points in the largest removed triangle. After one
more iteration, this point then moves to the next smaller size
triangle. And so forth. Now
continue. At the next iteration, the point hops
into one of the 9 next small triangles, then into the next smaller triangles, and so on. Eventually (after very few iterations),
the point enters a small triangle that is for all intents and purposes invisible. In actuality, the orbit of a point that starts in any of the removed triangles will never
``reach'' the Sierpinski triangle. Rather, it will continue to lie in successively smaller removed triangles. Of course, these
removed triangles very quickly become microscopic in size, so for all practical purposes the orbit looks like it lies on S.
Mathematicians says that the orbit of the seed is attracted to S. Sometimes S is called a strange attractor.
http://math.bu.edu/DYSYS/chaos-game/node3.html In mathematics, the term chaos game originally
referred to a method of creating a fractal, using a polygon and an initial point selected at random inside it.[1][2] The fractal is created by iteratively creating a sequence of points,
starting with the initial random point, in which each point in the sequence is a given fraction of the distance between the
previous point and one of the vertices of the polygon; the vertex is chosen at random in each iteration. Repeating
this iterative process a large number of times, selecting the vertex at random on each iteration, and throwing out the first
few points in the sequence, will often (but not always) produce a fractal shape. Using a regular triangle and the factor 1/2
will result in the Sierpinski triangle, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_game Sierpinski Triangle - why does it form in the
'chaos game'? Let's reorient things such
that the chosen vertex is at the top. Since the upper triangle is similar
to the triangle as a whole, except scaled by 1/2 in each dimension,
the new point will be in the same place relative to the scaled triangle as the original point was to the whole triangle. It
is like a pantograph at work. [pan·to·graph: 1. an instrument for copying a drawing or plan on a different scale by a system
of hinged and jointed rods. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/us/pantograph] Well, suppose our original point was some distance
e to its nearest point on the triangle. On the next iteration, that distance can be no more than e/2. On the one after that,
e/4, and so on. This exponential decay means that it doesn't take long for our points to get very close to the original triangle.
https://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=763362 In the Chaos game the numbers (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, or 0-.33, .33-.66,
.66-.99) are truly "random" but it is the
(algorithm) of the game (recursion, 1/2 distance to corner) that determines (deterministic
Chaos) the fractal pattern of the Sierpinski Triangle. See illustration
above. 3 of the 10 rolls of dice were 1-2.
3 of the 10 rolls of dice were 3-4, and 4 of the 10 rolls of dice
were 5-6. The "random" rolls of dice for each triangle corner or pair
of numbers matches the statistical probability and average of 33.3% or 1/3. - What does the chaos game teach us? Lesson: It employs an elegant, simple mathematical exercise to demonstrate this. It involves a randomizing component (a die),
and a simple mathematical rule (the non-random component), resulting in the repeated plotting of points. Repeated cycles eventually
produce an orderly pattern. PRINCIPAL
CONCEPT Simple non-random rules [recursion, 1/2 distance to corner], acting on random events [roll of dice, random number generator] can easily produce complex, seemingly "designed" patterns
[Sierpinski triangle, fractal]. http://www.indiana.edu/~ensiweb/lessons/chaos.html The Chaos Game:
One method of generating the Sierpinski triangle
is by using the Chaos Game. The Chaos Game goes as follows:
1. Fix 3 points on a plane. These points are the vertices
of the triangle 2. Randomly choose
one point within the triangle bounded by the 3 fixed points. This is your current point 3. Randomly choose 1 of the
3 vertices 4. Determine the midpoint
of the line between the chosen point and your current point. This midpoint now
is your current point 5. Repeat step 3
to 5 about 3000 times Notes on
the Chaos game: After around 3000 iterations, one can see that the points (which seems to be
randomly generated) create a specific pattern, known as the Sierpinski Triangle. The Chaos game is a good example of one
property of Chaos Mathematics: that patterns exists within chaos.
http://www.math.toronto.edu/mathnet/simmer/simmer-mar00-handout.pdf - The Chaos Game
is a process of generating an approximation to a
deterministic set by random means. http://www.cut-the-knot.org/Curriculum/Geometry/SierpinskiChaosGame.shtml deterministic = outcome is 'pre-determined.'
resulting behavior is entirely determined by its initial state and inputs. deterministic definition (google):
relating to the philosophical doctrine that all events,
including human action, are ultimately determined by causes
regarded as external to the will. About Determinism and the Randomness of Life
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RnPzSu_72E - Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy CHAPTER VII: 15. ...the periods
of inspiration, and periods of darkness, are not haphazard. ** 18. These periods will be found to come under certain numbers, 11, 33, 66, 99,
100, 200, 400, 666, 333, 66, 18, 500, 600, 365, 99, 33, 18, and so on. The number 33 is associated with Dan (light) in Oahspe. The first algorithm
(set of rules to be followed in calculations)
of prophecy is to add 33 to the base of 1848.
(see Orachnebuahgalah pages of this website). ** haphazard definition: 1.
characterized by lack of order or planning, by irregularity,
or by randomness; determined by or dependent on chance; aimless. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/haphazard The outcome
(effect-creation) is determined by chosen rules (Cause-Creator) not by randomness or chance (evolution-roll
of dice). The
outcome is determined by chosen mathematical rules not by randmoness or chance. Which in the end is harmony and symmetry. - Mandelbrot and Sierpinski are two mathematicians who made important contributions in the field
of fractals. Waclaw Sierpinski
lived from 1882 to 1969. He was one of the most famous Polish mathematicians. Let's look at a
discovery which was named after him the Sierpinski Triangle. He found it while
reasearching on topology. The Sierpinski Triangle has all the properties of a fractal: http://mathematica.ludibunda.ch/mathematicians12.html The Sierpinski triangle is a fractal described in 1915 by Waclaw Sierpinski. It is a self similar structure that occurs at different
levels of iterations, or magnifications. http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/EMAT6680/Parsons/MVP6690/Essay1/sierpinski.html - topology.
1. Mathematics the study of geometric
properties and spatial relations unaffected by the continuous change of shape or size of figures. 2. the way in which
constituent parts are interrelated or arranged. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/topology The Sierpinski Triangle is a self-similar fractal that
is the result of rules or algorithms which are bi-furcation and powers
of 2. If you take a number (2) and cut it in half (binary) you will have twice as many self-similar smaller
pieces which are half the size, which is scaling, The repeated process over
and over again is recursion or iteration. A pseudo-randum number generated process
can produce a predictable (based on past knowledge) orderly chaotic
fractal pattern. The outcome is deterministic based on past knowledge. How an outcome can be Deterministic based on past knowledge see ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
CHARTS Cycles & Prophecy page. ...the difference
[between the Native American concept of unpredictability
and the African concept] is partly mathematical. The Native American concept of unpredictability is based more on chance (see Ascher 1991, 87-94), while the African concept tends to be coser to deterministic chaos, as we saw in Bamana sand divination. - Page 237 of African Fractals Chapter 8 Recursion 4 notes. The idea that African cultures are connected
to deterministic chaos and its computational relatives in fractals and complexity theory are described
in detail in Eglash (1999), 2.
Deterministic chaos as a cultural theme in African societies 2.1. What is deterministic chaos? Before describing the African cultural elements
utilizing deterministic chaos, I need to explain what it is. From about the time of Plato to the 19th century, mathematicians and those
involved in computational modeling (physicists, astronomers, etc.) assumed that unpredictable behavior
was due to randomness. This assumption
is deeply ingrained
in Western culture, and relates to a host of European cultural concepts around the issues of free will, religion, etc.
What do we mean by the words “random”
and “determined”? If I flip a coin its outcome (heads or tails) is said to be the result
of “chance,” but of course we know that it was actually determined by the force of the thumb flicking upward, the friction of skin and
thumbnail, perhaps some stray current of air, etc. In other words if you could measure every force of every particle impinging on the coin
during the flipping process, you could in fact predict
whether it would be heads or tails. Mathematician Laplace expanded this concept: if you could know the position and
force of every particle in the universe
at one moment,
and possessed the required calculating power, you could then predict everything that will ever happen, even the words that I have yet to write in this essay. After all, my brain cells are also composed of particles acted upon by physical forces. But this
Laplacian determinism
is disturbing to a culture with religious and political foundations in
the concept of individual free will, so we tend to gloss over it by referring
to randomness or
chance. With the exception of quantum events (which
we do not encounter in our daily life unless we are physicists) all the events which we describe as “random”
are actually pre-determined, but generally with causes so subtle or hard to keep track of (like millions of
air molecules) that we ignore their presence. Given this cultural emphasis on unpredictability
as randomness, it is no surprise that it took mathematicians a very long time to unearth deterministic chaos (see Gleick 1986 for a popular introduction to that history). ... in the combination
of negative and positive feedback in African religious systems, in their use of recursion in cosmologies of infinite variation,
etc. I have outlined these analogous structures extensively
in Eglash (1999). Here I will only give
a brief description of pseudorandom number generation in divination
and games, and recursion in trickster stories and fecundity concepts, for the purposes of contrast to the role that random (i.e. stochastic) variation plays in the same cultural categories in Native American societies.
http://www.academia.edu/7355078/An_Ethnocomputing_Comparison_of_African_and_Native_American_Divination_Systems  Above is from page 99 of African Fractals by Ron Eglash. Europeans replaced the sub-Saharan African deterministic aspects of geomancy with
chance.  This
deterministic aspect of the African world view is precisely the point on which anthropologist Evans-Prichard, and others following him, laid claim to
a distinction between African knowledge and science.
Africans were supposed to have a closed world view because
they could not see that nature operated by statistical chance, that the diversity
we see is entirely random, or to put it in terms of spectral density function, that the world is ruled by white noise (figure 4 center). According to the mathematics of Evans-Prichard’s own European culture, the linkage between
determinism and predictability was unbreakable. Deterministic systems could only give repetition, a periodic noise (figure 4, top),
and aperiodic,
unpredictable noise could only come from systems which were
random, i.e. undetermined. By the late 1970s this mathematical characterization was
found to be incorrect. Deterministic chaos, which was inherently
unpredictable, could be found in extremely simple deterministic systems. Its spectral density function is neither the vertical
line of periodic noise, nor the horizontal line of white noise, but rather 1/F noise (figure 4 bottom). The paradigmatic example
for binary coding was the Morse-Thue sequence. The
of the Morse sequence begins by counting from zero in binary notation: 000, 001, 010, 011.... It then takes the sum of the digits in
each number -- 0 + 0 + 0 = 0, 0 + 0 + 1 = 1, etc. -- and finally mod 2 of each sum. The result is a sequence with many recursive properties[1], but also endless variety. Note that the Morse-Thue sequence is quite similar to African geomancy; both use recursive application
of mod 2. That’s because both were created through similar motivations: like these mathematicians, the African divination
needs to create maximum symbolic diversity with a minimum algorithm.
The contrast between all three
categories -- periodic determinism, white noise randomness, and deterministic chaos – are foundations of African knowledge systems (Eglash 1999). https://homepages.rpi.edu/~eglash/eglash.dir/ethnic.dir/flipflop/flipflop.html - Prophecy,
prediction, and deterministic chaos. Prediction or Prophecy?: The Boundaries of Economic Foreknowledge
... - Page 39 of TIME OF THE QUICKENING (2011) by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D.: "in both Egypt [Africa] and Mesoamerica [Central America], mathematician and seer alike stood as equals in the prophecy enterprise...one was trained to analyze data and apply the prophetic numbers,..." Mayans had Euclidean geometry (four fold
symmetry), Africans had fractal geometry (self-similarity at different scales or size frames) and
deterministic chaos. - Deterministic not random events in Oahspe: Oahspe Book of Jehovih ch 6: 6. When the Father drives forth His worlds in the heavens, they gather a sufficiency of all
things. And when a corporeal world is yet new and young it is carried
forth not by random,
but purposely, in the regions suited to it. - According to Oahspe the cycles of A'ji and Dan are not random, they are deterministic. determinism: The philosophical doctrine that every event,
act, and decision is the inevitable consequence of antecedents,...that are independent of the human will.
the philosophical doctrine that all events including human actions and choices are fully determined by preceding events ... Related forms de·ter·min·is·tic,
https://www.dictionary.com/browse/determinism an·te·ced·ent: 1. a thing or event that existed before or
logically precedes another. synonyms: precursor, forerunner, predecessor.
https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/us/ANTECEDENT ...consequence
of antecedents... = recursion like the Fibonacci Sequence.
...a recursive formula where each generation
is defined in terms of the previous ... Mathematics, Fibonacci sequence:
a series of numbers in which each number (Fibonacci number) is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Google Fibonacci Sequence definition - OAHSPE GOD'S BOOK OF BEN CHAPTER
CHAPTER IX: 12. O that the prophets would apply my lessons of the past, in order to foretell the future. "In a recursive
system, present behavior depends on past behavior."
- Page 156 of African Fractals by Ron Eglash. Determinism is
the belief that every action is the result of preceding actions. Fractals
are recursively defined. each time the process creates an output,
it uses the result as the input for the next iteration. the
result is the sum of its predecessors. a European historical
trend ...Europeans traditionally placed such little importance on recursion. Europeans replaced the sub-Saharan African deterministic aspects of geomancy with chance. - Determinism is related to recursion and fractals.
Oahspe - Book of Cosmology and Prophecy Chapter
VII: 1....the
unseen forces which govern all corporeal things, man included
... - Edward Lorenz, the father of chaos theory ... His discovery of
"deterministic chaos" brought about "one of the most dramatic changes in mankind's view of nature since Sir
Isaac Newton," said the committee that awarded
Lorenz the 1991 Kyoto Prize for basic sciences. Lorenz, a meteorologist, came up with the chaos theory
concept in the 1960s through his own meticulous work habits, said Kevin Trenberth, a student of Lorenz's. Trenberth
is now climate analysis chief at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/24165010/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/father-chaos-theory-dies/#.W8342rhf3CM Chaos theory, in mechanics and mathematics, the study of apparently random or unpredictable behaviour in systems governed by deterministic laws.
more accurate term, deterministic chaos, suggests a paradox because it connects two notions that are familiar and commonly regarded as incompatible. The first is that
of randomness or unpredictability,.. In
conventional analyses, randomness was considered
more apparent than real, arising from ignorance of the many causes at work. In other words, it was commonly believed that the world is unpredictable because it is complicated.
The second notion is that of deterministic motion, as that of a pendulum or a planet,
which has been accepted since the time of Isaac Newton as exemplifying the success of science in rendering predictable that
which is initially complex. https://www.britannica.com/science/chaos-theory Cornell Math Explorers'
Club Chaos and Fractals.
Determinism and Chaos. Chaos can also
be seen in systems as diverse as electrical circuits, oscillating chemical reactions, and fluid dynamics, and planetary bodies
orbiting each other. However, many real world systems such as the weather involve far too many particles to
analyze precisely with computers, but much of the essential
behavior which makes these systems chaotic can also be found in much simpler systems that are much more easily analyzed with
pencil and paper and simulated with computers. Researchers study these simpler systems in the hope that they
will shed light on the more complicated real-world phenomena. In the 1960s, Edward Lorenz, a meteorologist experimented
with primitive computer simulations of. His program used twelve
recursive equations to simulate rudimentary aspects of weather; he entered several variables into his program
each time he ran it, and watched to see what types of weather
patterns such initial conditions would generate. He could print out graphs of fluctuating temperatures or other
conditions. One day, Lorenz tried to recreate an interesting weather pattern, one he had seen previously, by re-entering
the values the computer had previously calculated and reported. However, when he ran the program again, his results were different
from the initial run. Lorenz suspected a bug, but after checking the two plots, however, he realized his "error":
on his previous computer printout, the one he had used to enter the initial conditions into the computer for the second trial
run, the figures were printed with three significant digits. In the program, all values were calculated to six significant digits. Lorenz had assumed that the difference, only one part in a thousand, would be inconsequential. However, due to the recursive nature of the equations, little
errors would first cause tiny errors, which would then affect the resulting next calculation a bit more, which would affect
the output of the next run even more. The final result of a long string of recursive calculations would lead to a weather
pattern totally different from the expected values. http://pi.math.cornell.edu/~lipa/mec/lesson1.html How can scientist predict the climate
in 100 years (3rd rule of prophecy) when they cannot make weather forecasts beyond 2 weeks because of chaos? Climate
is not weather, which is correct but doesn’t really explain it. How can climate be predictable if weather is chaotic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5fwYtU7Rhg
Lorenz simplified a few fluid dynamics equations (called the Navier-Stokes equations) and ended up with a set of three nonlinear equations: Lorenz Attractor ... https://www.stsci.edu/~lbradley/seminar/attractors.html
Chaotic universe model | Scientific Reports - Nature These strange attractors with
the positive
Lyapunov Exponent clearly show that chaotic dynamics appears
in the time evolution of the densities. These results provide that the time evolution of the universe is chaotic. The present model may have potential to solve some of the cosmological problems such as the singularity, cosmic coincidence, big crunch, big rip, horizon, oscillation, the
emergence of the galaxies, matter distribution and large-scale organization of the universe. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-18681-4

scientists have produced the largest-ever maps of these gargantuan filaments, covering about
an eighth of the entire night sky from Earth and encompassing more than 200 million galaxies that were observed over 758 nights at NOIRLab's
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. Among the many revelations
from this data dump is a huge map exposing thousands of empty voids in the
cosmic web that may challenge longstanding cosmological models, including aspects of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. “When we look at some of these patches in our
map, we are seeing structures in the Universe that no one else has had the
chance to see before. I also feel really lucky that we can share what we see
with everyone in the world.” https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7be77/scientists-discover-huge-voids-in-the-cosmic-web-connecting-the-universe
Put simply,
strange attractors make fractals. In the case of the Lorenz attractor, the solution to that set of equations is the Lorenz Butterfly or Lorenz Attractor that we see here.
Notice the similarity between the Lorenz dynamic and this galaxy pair of supposedly
colliding galaxies. I believe that strange attractors have a lot more to do
with how our universe works than we have previously given credit. I believe that there
is a possibility that black holes are actually strange attractors and that complex “black holes” can cause complex
objects such as galaxy clusters to form. https://www.butterflyeffect.ca/Close/Pages/StrangeAttractors.html
Ellen Cole Fetter Gille is an American computer scientist. She worked with Edward Norton Lorenz on chaos theory. Fetter's
daughter, Sarah Gille, studied physics at Yale University. She now
works in physical oceanography at the
University of California, San Diego.[9]
Dr. Sarah T. Gille Professor Scripps Institution of Oceanography 348 Nierenberg
Hall University of California San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093-0230 [shout out to Scripps Institution of Oceanography where me
and 4 other Torrey Pines Elementary School students including Taku Tokuyasu toured between 1973 - 1975]. http://pordlabs.ucsd.edu/sgille/ Nov 16, 2016 — Dr. Tokuyasu holds double PhD: Physics PhD from Princeton, and CS PhD from UC Berkeley.
He is a Scientist at the Center of Synthetic Biology ... https://research.shanghai.nyu.edu/centers-and-institutes/datascience/events/blind-man-and-elephant-tales-cancer-and-data-analysis
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