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Book of Saphah: The Basis of the Ezra Bible
28. Thus was substituted Lord God (Land God) for Jehovih (called sacredly, E-O-Ih), and as the Great Spirit had been heretofore taught to the Israelites as an inconceivable entity, WHOSE FORM AND EXTENT no man could attain to know, so was He now transformed and declared to be in the form of a man, and having a residence in the firmament of heaven. Thus they made the Great Spirit merely an idol; thus they began the overthrow of the holy doctrines of Moses.

"If the author, Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., is correct, an 890-page book called "Oahspe" is the best kept secret in the world. But it is not supposed to be a secret. It was intended to be as well known as the Bible and provide answers to humankind on all life's mysteries, including the history of the planet, the history of the human race, the fate of man, and countless other matters pertaining to the nature of man and the purpose of life."
Page 37 of The Universal Cycle Theory (2011) by Stephen J. Puentz and Glenn Borchardt, PH.D. ..."sadly a new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." 

Darkness Dawn Destiny
picture uploading

Neoapocrypha and Modern Gospels: Navigation to unusual and freely ...

OAHSPE: Book of Judgment CHAPTER XXV:
11. Whereby, when a prophet foolishly boasteth to thee, as to having some high-raised angel,
with a loud-sounding name
, as his special guardian and guide, know thou such prophet is
in the hands of drujas, who have not entered my heavenly kingdoms.
12. Neither hath it ever happened on the earth with any individual man, raised up by
me or my Lords for a specific work, like Moses, or Ka'yu [Confucius], or Sakaya, or any
other, that they knew of or boasted of any especial angel over them; but all of them
experienced the light, which was as a pillar of fire. Here Oahspe warns us about anyone
who says they are in contact with or have a guardian or guide such as St. Germain,
Babaji, Ashtar, El Morya, Moroni, Mithra, Orthon, Ashtar, Semjase, Aura Rhanes, 
Solgonda, etc
Oahspe is not only a book about science and facts about the universe, it is also an owners
manual on how to recognize spiritual deception.
While the higher angels (the Ethereans) will not let their name be known to the mortals
they are in contact with
, the lower angels (the false Lords and Gods) like to take
the name of a God known on the earth from thousands of years before (like the
false Osiris took the name of Osiris the first that came before).
Page 301 of _Darkness Dawn and Destiny_ (Drawn from Oahspe) 1965, Regency
Press, London by Augustine Cahill says "The higher angels themselves live in the
kind of society (pure in body and spirit) which they propose now to establish on earth.
They come to us anonymously as members of a heavenly brotherhood dedicated
to this service."
"They come to us anonymously", meaning they don't identify themselves,
Luke 1:19 ESV of the Bible:
And the angel answered him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.

"One issue which I have with Oahspe is that it proposes 2 very different sabbath days, both of which totally ignore the timepiece in the sky, the moon, which our creator has fashioned to change phases on a 7-day cycle. This is not mentioned in Oahspe to my knowledge. The bible reveals that this timepeice is for sabbaths (Gen. 1:14, Lev.23, and psalm 104:19, mow'ed=feasts=seasons=sabbaths) And forces the question why? The inspiration for Oahspe either was not privy to this fact or seeks to obscure this fact. Granted, Oahspe itself admits it is not infallible. But still I have to question its inspiration." - from Paul a Pentecostal, Sunday, July 22, 2018.

Oahspe's answer to Paul is:

OAHSPE: Book of Judgment CHAPTER XXXV: 

10. It was said of old: Thou shalt keep holy the Sabbath day. And it was defined what a man should not do on that day. 

11. Judgment is rendered against that law; nevertheless, I put not aside the practice

12. But the time hath now come when man shall judge himself as to whether he will or will not keep any day sacred. 

13. Moreover, man shall not, henceforth, be accountable as to whether he keep or not keep any day as a sacred day. Yet, this accountability shall be unto all men, whether they fulfill in wisdom and righteousness their utmost capacities.

"But there is a terrifically interesting irony connected with this passage. Second Thessalonians, in which the passage appears, is itself widely thought among scholars not to be by Paul, even though it claims to be written by him (we'll see the reasons for thinking this in Chapter 3). Is 2 Thessalonians itself a forgery in Paul's name? If so, why would it warn against a forgery in Paul's name? There can be little doubt about the answer: one of the "tricks" used by ancient forgers to assure readers that their own writings were authentic was to warn against writings that were not authentic. Readers naturally assume that the author is not doing precisely what he condemns." 7.
7. As we will see later in Chapter 3, some scholars have maintained that the allegedly forged writing the author of 2 Thessalonians is referring to is none other than 1 Thessalonians! - Pages 19-20 and 268 NOTES of FORGED by Bart D. Ehrman
(Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) leading Bible authority. Page 38 of FORGED --> "The Person who wrote the Gospel of Peter, claiming to be Jesus's disciple Simon Peter, some sixty years after Peter's death -- did he realize that he was not in fact Simon Peter? Unless he was a lunatic, then of course he did. He intentionally claimed to be someone he was not. In Greek that would be called a pseudos; in English we would call it a lie."
...that the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were not actually written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Scholars for over a hundred years have realized that in fact this is the case. - pages 9,10 of FORGED by Bart D. Ehrman.
A homonymous (literally, “same named”) writing is one that is written by someone who happens to have the same name as someone else.  In the ancient world, the vast majority of people did not have last names, and a lot of people had the same first names.  This was true among Christians as it was for everyone else.  Lots of people were named John, James, and Jude, for example.  If someone named John wrote the book of Revelation and simply called himself John, he wasn’t necessarily claiming to be anyone but himself.  When later Christians assumed that this John must be the disciple John, the son of Zebedee it wasn’t really the author’s fault.  He just happened to have the same name as another more famous person.  The book is not forged, then.  It is simply homonymous, assuming that John the son of Zebedee did not write it, a safe assumption for most critical scholars.  It was included in the canon because of this mistaken identity. - Page 56 of FORGED by Bart D. Ehrman.
...within the pages of New Testament there is a record of Jesus writing. This is not a story originally found in the New Testament, however, but a later account that scribes added to the Gospel of John. In fact, it is in one of the best-known stories about Jesus, Jesus and the woman taken in adultery (8:1-11). - Page 160.
The anonymity of this author – as is true for the other three NT Gospels as well, was respected by Christians for decades. When the Gospels of the New Testament are alluded to and quoted by authors of the early second century, they are never entitled, never named. Even Justin Martyr, writing around 150-60 CE, quotes verses from the Gospels, but does not indicate what the Gospels were named. For Justin, these books are simply known, collectively, as the “Memoirs of the Apostles.” It was about a century after the Gospels had been originally put in circulation that this book was called Matthew, and the others were called Mark, Luke, and John. This comes, for the first time, in the writings of the church father and heresy-hunter Irenaeus, around 180-85 CE. - Page 225 of
FORGED by Bart D. Ehrman.

Just because millions or billions of people practice a religion doesn't make it true. Just because a religion is the majority (Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On Earth: Chapter XXVI:2. Jehovih had said: ...a majority is, and was, and ever shall be, the lesser light). religion of a nation that does not make it true. Conquerers rewrite history. Conquerers have a motive to rewrite history because they are trying to rule or control people. Conquerers tell their his-story (his story), their own story and they burn, erase, or replace other people's history.
Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On Earth: Chapter VI:
29. The highest wisdom in the state, or in a community, is not with the majority, but with a small minority.
30. The highest wisdom, which is the highest light, should guide the individual and the family and the community and the state. 

 Jeremiah 8:8  of the Bible:
Holman Christian Standard Bible
"How can you claim, 'We are wise; the law of the LORD is with us? In fact, the lying pen of scribes has produced falsehood.



The Bible contains 66 books, divided among the Old and New Testaments, this is equivalent to the number 666 or 2/3, the mark of the Beast.

It is interesting to note there are 66 books in the King James Bible, as though it may be incomplete.
Oahspe the Kosmon Bible. 
Kosmon, or, Kosmon said. THE PRESENT ERA. All knowledge in possession of man, embracing corporeal and spiritual knowledge sufficiently proven. 

On page 126 of OAHSPE'S AMAZING PREDICTIONS OF THINGS TO COME by Laura Horst it says HOW THE EZRA BIBLE WAS WRITTEN. OAHSPE says, that from the time of Moses to Ezra, there was an interval of about four-hundred years, in which the Jews had no written records. The religious records of the Israelites had been destroyed when their temple was burnt, and Jerusalem destroyed; when the Jews were carried into captivity to Babylon. Looeamong said to Thoth (Gabriel), "Go tell mortals I am the same Lord-God, who wrought wonders for the Israelites, and they will fight for me." And Thoth did this. There was a Jewish man named Ezra, who was a priest and also a scribe, who was learned in the law. And Thoth [Gabriel] inspired Ezra, telling him to select numerous other scribes, and to go into various cities, to their libraries, and gather all the records he could find, and write a book of religious doctrines (laws). To compile it from those records, as its writings were to be the priestly laws of the Jews who had returned from their captivity, to Jerusalem. The Ezra book was to be proof of his labors for the Israelites. He was told to systematize, classify and arrange the legal and liturgical system, pertaining to public prayer and worship. For Ezra to accomplish this work, Thoth [Gabriel] employed 700,000 of his evil emissaries, to be with Ezra and his scribes. And by their inspiration upon the scribes, were the books of the Ezra Bible written; being compiled from the ancient records, including the false Osirian Bible. It was found that the ancient books of the Egyptians were so voluminous, being more than 6,000 books, having been written in numerous languages and dialects; that the scribes of Ezra could not make head nor tail of them; so the records were worthless.

[Why in the Bible is 2 Kings 19 identical to Isaiah 37, and why is 2 Chronicles 36:22 identical to Ezra 1:1 through most of 1:3 in the Bible???]

Nevertheless, those 6,000 books were all written, in the first place, not by the Israelites, but by their enemies, the Egyptians. And Ezra's scribes translated and interpreted from those records, which contained all their errors and falsehoods. And the scribes, in turn, erroneously interpreted many of those records. Ezra, thus compiled seventy-two books, and they were put on file in the king's library in Jerusalem. And these books were named by Ezra, the Holy Library; of which number fifty-four remain to this day (Yr. 1881).

[The Gutenberg Bible has 50 books in the Old Testament, that would leave 4 missing books to account for 54.]

But of all these, not one book was inspired by JEHOVIH, or His righteous true God, who ruled the earth. Nevertheless, there are many things within those books that were of JEHOVIH and His righteous Gods, that were put on record by mortals. And they were translated and interpreted by mortal men, and numerous errors were made. However, the Egyptian records relating the miracles that had been performed by ancient mortals, were basically correct. The age of the Ezra Bible is NOT FROM THE TIME OF MOSES, but it was completed by Ezra in Jerusalem, MANY HUNDREDS OF YEARS AFTER MOSES' DEATH. And the Ezra Bible became a book of the OLD TESTAMENT OF THE BIBLE USED BY THE CHRISTIANS.

The Age Of Reason by Thomas Paine

CHAPTER I - THE OLD TESTAMENT (including the Tanakh)

Having premised these things, I proceed to examine the authenticity of the Bible; and I begin with what are called the five books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. My intention is to show that those books are spurious, and that Moses is not the author of them; and still further, that they were not written in the time of Moses nor till several hundred years afterwards...

The writer of the book of Deuteronomy, whoever he was, for it is an anonymous work, is obscure, and also contradictory with himself in the account he has given of Moses.

After telling that Moses went to the top of Pisgah (and it does not appear from any account that he ever came down again) he tells us, that Moses died there in the land of Moab, and that he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab; but as there is no antecedent to the pronoun he, there is no knowing who he was, that did bury him. If the writer meant that he (God) buried him, how should he (the writer) know it? or why should we (the readers) believe him? since we know not who the writer was that tells us so, for certainly Moses could not himself tell where he was buried.

The writer also tells us, that no man knoweth where the sepulchre of Moses is unto this day, meaning the time in which this writer lived; how then should he know that Moses was buried in a valley in the land of Moab? for as the writer lived long after the time of Moses, as is evident from his using the expression of unto this day, meaning a great length of time after the death of Moses, he certainly was not at his funeral; and on the other hand, it is impossible that Moses himself could say that no man knoweth where the sepulchre is unto this day. To make Moses the speaker, would be an improvement on the play of a child that hides himself and cries nobody can find me; nobody can find Moses.

The writer of the book ascribed to Mark, in detailing the circumstances of the crucifixion, makes no mention of any earthquake, nor of the rocks rending, nor of the graves opening, nor of the dead men walking out. The writer of the book of Luke is silent also upon the same points. And as to the writer of the book of John, though he details all the circumstances of the crucifixion down to the burial of Christ, he says nothing about either the darkness- the veil of the temple- the earthquake- the rocks- the graves- nor the dead men.

Now, if it had been true that those things had happened, and if the writers of those books had lived at the time they did happen, and had been the persons they are said to be, namely, the four men called apostles, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, it was not possible for them, as true historians, even without the aid of inspiration, not to have recorded them. The things, supposing them to have been facts, were of too much notoriety not to have been known, and of too much importance not to have been told. All these supposed apostles must have been witnesses of the earthquake, if there had been any; for it was not possible for them to have been absent from it; the opening of the graves and the resurrection of the dead men, and their walking about the city, is of greater importance than the earthquake. An earthquake is always possible and natural, and proves nothing but this opening of the graves is supernatural, and directly in point to their doctrine, their cause, and their apostleship. Had it been true, it would have filled up whole chapters of those books, and been the chosen theme and general chorus of all the writers; but instead of this, little and trivial things, and mere prattling conversations of, he said this, and he said that, are often tediously detailed, while this, most important of all, had it been true, is passed off in a slovenly manner by a single dash of the pen, and that by one writer only, and not so much as hinted at by the rest.

It is an easy thing to tell a lie, but it is difficult to support the lie after it is told. The writer of the book of Matthew should have told us who the saints were that came to life again, and went into the city, and what became of them afterward, and who it was that saw them- for he is not hardy enough to say he saw them himself; whether they came out naked, and all in natural buff, he-saints and she-saints; or whether they came full dressed, and where they got their dresses; whether they went to their former habitations, and reclaimed their wives, their husbands, and their property, and how they were received; whether they entered ejectments for the recovery of their possessions, or brought actions of crim. con. against the rival interlopers; whether they remained on earth, and followed their former occupation of preaching or working; or whether they died again, or went back to their graves alive, and buried themselves.

Strange, indeed, that an army of saints should return to life, and nobody know who they were, nor who it was that saw them, and that not a word more should be said upon the subject, nor these saints have anything to tell us! Had it been the prophets who (as we are told) had formerly prophesied of these things, they must have had a great deal to say. They could have told us everything and we should have had posthumous prophecies, with notes and commentaries upon the first, a little better at least than we have now. Had it been Moses and Aaron and Joshua and Samuel and David, not an unconverted Jew had remained in all Jerusalem. Had it been John the Baptist, and the saints of the time then present, everybody would have known them, and they would have out-preached and out-famed all the other apostles. But, instead of this, these saints were made to pop up, like Jonah's gourd in the night, for no purpose at all but to wither in the morning. Thus much for this part of the story. - From Thomas Paine - The age of Reason (1794) 


 Jeremiah 8:8  of the Bible:
Holman Christian Standard Bible
"How can you claim, 'We are wise; the law of the LORD is with us? In fact, the lying pen of scribes has produced falsehood.

"...the five books of the Torah - Genesis, Exodus, Levitcus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy -" 

"The Full five books did not take final shape until the third or second century BCE,..." - pages 99, 100, of ABRAHAM'S CHILDREN (2007) by Jon Entine.

Exodus is now accepted by scholars as having been compiled in the 8th–7th centuries BCE from stories dating possibly as far back as the 13th century BCE, with further polishing in the 6th–5th centuries BCE, as a theological and political manifesto to unite the Israelites in the then‐current battle for territory against Egypt.[3]
"further polishing in the 6th–5th centuries BCE"
The 5th century BCE started the first day of 500 BC and ended the last day of 401 BCE.
Ezra (/ˈɛzrə/Hebrewעזרא‎, Ezra;[1] fl. 480–440 BC), also called Ezra the Scribe (עזרא הסופרEzra ha-Sofer) and Ezra the Priest in the Book of Ezra, was a Jewish scribe and a priest
There was a Jewish man named Ezra, who was a priest and also a scribe, who was learned in the law.
And Thoth [Gabriel] inspired Ezra, telling him to select numerous other scribes, and to go into various cities, to their libraries, and gather all the records he could find, and write a book of religious doctrines (laws). To compile it from those records, as its writings were to be the priestly laws of the Jews who had returned from their captivity, to Jerusalem.
And Ezra's scribes translated and interpreted from those records, which contained all their errors and falsehoods. And the scribes, in turn, erroneously interpreted many of those records. Ezra, thus compiled seventy-two books, and they were put on file in the king's library in Jerusalem. And these books were named by Ezra, the Holy Library; of which number fifty-four remain to this day (Yr. 1881).
[The Gutenberg Bible has 50 books in the Old Testament, that would leave 4 missing books to account for 54.]
But of all these, not one book was inspired by JEHOVIH, or His righteous true God, who ruled the earth. Nevertheless, there are many things within those books that were of JEHOVIH and His righteous Gods, that were put on record by mortals. And they were translated and interpreted by mortal men, and numerous errors were made. 
The age of the Ezra Bible is NOT FROM THE TIME OF MOSES, but it was completed by Ezra in Jerusalem, MANY HUNDREDS OF YEARS AFTER MOSES' DEATH. And the Ezra Bible became a book of the OLD TESTAMENT OF THE BIBLE USED BY THE CHRISTIANS.
Ezra began to seek everywhere among the Jews for copies of these different books. Whenever he found one he wrote it out, and kept the copy, and also led other men to copy the books as they found them. At last Ezra had copies written of all the books in the Old Testament except the very latest books. They were written very nearly as we have them now, except that his copies were all in Hebrew, the language spoken by the men who wrote most of the Old Testament.
[493] Ezra put all these different books together, making one book out of many books. This great book was written on parchment, or sheepskin, in long rolls, as in old time all books were written. When the book was finished it was called "The Book of the Law," because it contained God's law for his people, as given through Moses, and Samuel, and David, and Isaiah, and all the other prophets.

Hurlbut's Story of the Bible Told for Young and Old ...: One ...

None of the Hebrew scriptures therefore was in fact written by Moses, his great name being used to bolster the authority of later compilers.
True that Moses himself was a highly educated man. But the biblical records were gathered from Egyptian, Assyrian, Phoenician, and other sources, and compiled in their present form by Ezra and his associate scribes about 450 B.C., a thousand years after the age of Moses. Foreign sources were thus incorporated with the legends of the Israelites, and because the records were those of strangers and enemies, considerable misrepresentation crept in. - Page 148 of DARKNESS DAWN AND DESTINY (DRAWN FROM OAHSPE) 1965 by Augustine Cahill.

The variations of Oahspe from the Old Testament story cast a very different and vitally important light upon the character of Moses himself, and upon the nature of the divine inspiration by which he was guided.
Oahspe denies emphatically the calumny that Moses was obliged to flee from Egypt because he was guilty of murder.
Had any such charge stood against him, would not the first act of the new Pharoah and his other enemies, on the return of Moses as as trouble-maker, have been to silence him by legally pressing this charge?
In truth, Moses was a Faithist lawgiver, pledged to non-violence, not permitted by his own laws even to kill animals for food. The murder story was a calumny of the Egyptians, a calculated piece of early propaganda. As such it was inserted in their written records. The Israelites themselves, being slaves in Egypt, were of course an illiterate people, and remained so for centuries thereafter. When they came to collect their own history, they were obliged to derive it to some extent from their enemies. - Page 205 of DARKNESS, DAWN, AND DESTINY (DRAWN FROM OAHSPE) 1965 by Augustine Cahill.

Every sensitive reader of the Old Testament version of the Exodus is troubled by the repeated remark that the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh. It seems a matter of simple common sense to ask without intended irreverence, why the Lord did not prefer to soften the heart of Pharoah? The King's continued intransigeance brought the most appalling disasters upon his entire country. Even if men must be punished for their wickedness, it seems neither fair nor reasonable deliberately to make them more wicked than they otherwise would be. The explanation of Oahspe on this point is clear. Pharoah and all his people were under the inspiration of the false God Baal, who had now seized Egypt for himself after the overthrow of Osiris [the false]. Two angelic forces were therefore contending for control. The tremendous spiritual power of the ethereans guiding Moses and the Israelites [copper-colored race] was such that the armies of Baal had no prospect of overpowering them. On the other hand the pacifism of the angels of Jehovih, whilst it permitted them to shield their people from harm, did not permit them to crush their enemies. As always, then, the false Gods had free rein with those who were in spiritual darkness. The I AM, Jehovih, Whom, Moses revealed to the Israelites, on the one hand; and the Lord who controlled Pharaoh on the other; were two fundamentallyy diverse and oppposed forces. Hundreds of years later, when the Jews had taken up arms and chosen a king, they too fell a prey to the misguidance of this Baal and other dark entities, as is quite obvious from a perusal of the scripture narrative. It was then that Baal succeeded in imposing himself upon the Jews as that same Lord God who made the world in seven days, created Adam and Eve, commanded Abraham to sacrifece his son Isaac, and had led the Israelites out of Egypt into what he then represented as their Promised Land.- Pages 207-208 of DARKNESS, DAWN, AND DESTINY (DRAWN FROM OAHSPE) 1965 by Augustine Cahill.
Page 215-216
The Ten commandments as they were originally given by Moses named the I AM, the Great Spirit, as THE POWER Who brought the Israelites out of Egypt, and the first five of these commandments were insistently directed towards preserving the Israelites from falling into the cunning clutches of the warrior Gods. The surrounding tribes were still under the dominion of Ashtaroth, Baal, and Dagon.
Ashtaroth presently inspired the the handsomest maidens of the Canaanites to visit the camps of Israel, where the young men were smitten by their beauty and broke the law of the circumcision to take them to wife. The offspring of these marriages in course of time introduced a war party amongst the Israelites. The war party proclaimed a warrior as king over Israel, that they might despoil their neighbours under the pretense  of defending themselves.
This King, Saul, was under the power of the tyrant Gods, and by specious argumennts he introduced the designation "Lord God" --meaning an earth spirit --into the commandments of Moses, in order to imitate and placate the neighbouring tribes. The opposite resulted, as the neighbouring tribes lost the awe which they had cherished for the mysterious deity of the Israelites, and fell upon them fearlessly.
Although the sexual temptations of Ashtaroth had ripened the Israelites, for the plucking, the fruit was now treacherously picked by her confederate Baal, who thereupon affiliated with the minor God Dagon to establish an earthly base with the Jews. Baal, by representing himself as the Lord God of the Deliverance, obtained control over the opostate Jews.
Ashtaroth was consumed with jealous fury over this coup at her expense. The friendship of thousands of years was ruptured, and Baal, well knowing the vindictive nature of the Goddess, stationed his armies in preparation for war. In due course it came.
When war is declared in heaven its reflected crimson flares on earth. Ashtaroth's jealousy caused her to seek the destruction of the Jews whom she had lost, and she inspired wars against them and amongst them for centuries. The horrific Old Testament tales of bloodshed and massacre and treachery, misery, confusion, and slavery, require no enlarging here."
Exodus 15 King James Version (KJV):
3 The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.
Palestine and its adjacent regions were already settled in the days of Moses. The Israelites were at that period non-warriors. The idea that Jehovih intended them to rob the Canaanites and others of their lands by force, bloodshed, and treachery is a later fabrication of the lower entities who wished to induce the apostate Jews to fight for them. It is a proposition opposed to the very breathe and essence of the true Faith.
Jehovih desires his children to cultivate the waste, unpopulated lands of the earth. He desired no less of the Israelites, and promised them no more. When their settlement of the so-called Promised land led to friction with their neighbors, many of the true Israelites moved on westward, as they were meant to do. The Faithists who remained formed the sect of the Essenes, devoted to spirituality, non-violence, and the arts of healing. - Page 206 of DARKNESS, DAWN, AND DESTINY (DRAWN FROM OAHSPE) 1965 by Augustine Cahill.
Astarte or Ashtoreth (Greek: Ἀστάρτη, Astártē) is the Hellenized form of the Middle Eastern goddess Ishtar, worshipped from the Bronze Age through classical antiquity. The name is particularly associated with her worship in the ancient Levant among the Canaanites and Phoenicians. She was also celebrated in Egypt following the importation of Levantine cults there. The name Astarte is sometimes also applied to her cults in Mesopotamian cultures like Assyria and Babylonia.
Astarte riding in a chariot with four branches protruding from roof, on the reverse of a Julia Maesa coin from Sidon.
Figurine of Astarte with a horned headdress, Louvre Museum
Ashteroth Karnaim, ancient city, also simply called Ashteroth in the Hebrew Bible.
Ashtoreth is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as a foreign, non-Judahite goddess, the principal goddess of the Sidonians or Phoenicians, representing the productive power of nature. It is generally accepted that the Masoretic "vowel pointing" adopted c. 135 AD, indicating the pronunciation ʻAštōreṯ ("Ashtoreth," "Ashtoret") is a deliberate distortion of "Ashtart", and that this is probably because the two last syllables have been pointed with the vowels belonging to bōšeṯ, ("bosheth," abomination), to indicate that that word should be substituted when reading.[9] The plural form is pointed ʻAštārōṯ ("Ashtaroth"). 
...the title "Queen of heaven" as mentioned in Jeremiah ...(In later Jewish mythology, she became a female demon of lust; for what seems to be the use of the Hebrew plural form ʻAštārōṯ in this sense, see Astaroth).
Westward destiny of Israelites = From Persia to Israel to Egypt to Western Europe to the east coast of North America (Jamestown, Virginia) to the west coast of North America (California, 1848, Kosmon, gold discovered, California Gold Rush).
"Such is Oahspean insistence that the destiny of Israel lay towards the West that where Moses leads them out of Egypt in the direction of the Red Sea, the text uncompromisingly propounds that they were then proceeding westward. The Red Sea being of course east of Egypt the first editor of the work rather desperately inserted the remark "(eastward?)" immediately thereafter." - 206-207 DARKNESS, DAWN, AND DESTINY., 1965 by Augustine Cahill.
[Location of the Red Sea (yām s�p)
The Hebrew phrase yām s�p is a term used in the Old Testament to identify a number of different bodies of water. Yām is used in the Old Testament over 300 times to refer to "sea" and about 70 times for "west" or "westward."23 The word s�p means "reed, waterplant," a general term for marsh plants.24

No doubt the "Red Sea" (literally "Reed Sea," yām s�p) refers to some body of water east of the Nile delta, probably either at Lake Timsah or at the Great Bitter Lake, both of which lie along the present route of the Suez Canal. You can explore this further in Appendix 2 - The Route of the Exodus.

Pronounce: yawm.

Strong: H3220

Orig: from an unused root meaning to roar; a sea (as breaking in noisy surf) or large body of water; specifically (with the article), the Mediterranean Sea; sometimes a large river, or an artifical basin; locally, the west, or (rarely) the south:--sea (X -faring man, (-shore)), south, west (-ern, side, -ward).


13:18 But God 430 led 5437 0 the people 5971 about 5437 8686, [through] the way 1870 of the wilderness 4057 of the Red 5488 sea 3220: and the children 1121 of Israel 3478 went up 5927 8804 harnessed 2571 out of the land 776 of Egypt 4714.(harnessed: or, by five in a rank)

Proposed route of the Exodus from Rameses to the Red Sea, and Reed Sea crossing<----Eastward route, not "westward".
Proposed route of the Exodus and 'Reed Sea' crossing from Rameses to the Red Sea. Larger image.

I first posted the above information on the internet between MAR 20 2016 and NOV 01 2016 see link below about 1/6 down from top of page.
Above screen capture images are from Kosmon Cal tv on YouTube Jehovih Chronicles #121 Moses in Egypt Streamed live on Feb 29, 2024 showing Westward Exodus movement.
Below is link showing Eastward Exodus movement from Oahspe Standard Edition:
The same story of fabrication of the Jewish record through contamination with foreign sources and through the artifices of the false Gods applies to the so-called laws of Moses which disfigure so much of the books of Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Where these laws hold the spirit  of the Ten Commandments they may perhaps be accepted as indeed the laws of Moses, but where they breathe the spirit of eye-for-an-eye tribalism and reeking superstition they are no more the laws of Moses than the laws of most "Christian" countries are those of Jesus. They are mostly quite simply the common laws of Babylon and other pagan civilizations brought home from the captivity, and domesticated in the name of Moses along with other falsehoods.
These obvious points are substantially acknowledged by all enlightened Christian scholars and exegetists. - Pages 206-207
Oahspe First Book of God Chapter CHAPTER XIII:
19. God said: Behold, there is a time to clear up all things, present and past: Were Abraham father to Hagar's son, Ishmael, and had he been true to the law of sacrifice amongst the heathen, then, Ishmael, being first-born, would have been chosen for the burnt offering.
20. In which matter the Ezra Bible is shown to be false before Jehovih, in regard to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac, and the burnt offering also.
21. Which words were not my words, nor the words of my angels, but the words of the Egyptian record.
Exodus 22:29-30 New International Version (NIV)
29 “Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats.[a]
You must give me the firstborn of your sons. 30 Do the same with your cattle and your sheep. Let them stay with their mothers for seven days, but give them to me on the eighth day.

child sacrifice it was actually commanded by God In Exodus 22:29-30
Later on God admitted he did this in Ezekiel 20:25-26 where he purportedly said:
“Moreover I gave them statutes that were not good and ordinances by which they could not have life; and I defiled them through their very gifts in making them offer by fire all their first-born, that I might horrify them; I did it that they might know that I am the LORD.” (See note). [19]
The context of the Exodus passage just quoted above concerns offerings and sacrifices, and it says God requires that first born sons are to be literally sacrificed to him. Hence, unlike other passages where there is the possibility of redemption with a substitute sacrifice (cf. Exodus 13:13; 34:10-20), none is stated there. The concept of "redemption" is an interesting one that goes hand in hand with child sacrifice, because animals were substituted for the firstborn. Yet that says nothing against the idea that a better sacrifice was the firstborn child himself, and many people in the Old Testament did just that. Circumcision was probably a substitutionary child sacrifice (Exodus 4:24). Child sacrifice was probably only considered evil when it was done in the name of a foreign god, and doing so was punishable by death precisely because it was offered to another deity (Leviticus 20:2; 18:21 Deuteronomy 12:31; 18:10; II Kings 17:17 23:10; II Chronicles 28:3; 33:4-10; Ps 106:38; Isaiah 57:5,6; Jeremiah 7:31 32:35 Ezekiel 16:20,21; 20:26,31; 23:37,39; Acts 7:43).
Child sacrifice was something that several Biblical people either did, or assisted others in doing so. Abraham was not morally repulsed by the command itself and there is no command against this practice there by God (Genesis 22).
According to the Hebrew Bible, God commands Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. After Isaac is bound to an altar,
Genesis Chapter 22
1 And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.
2 And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
◄ Hebrews 11:17 ►
By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son,
Who was born first in the Bible Ishmael or Isaac?
As we know, Isaac was not Abraham's first born, for Hagar had borne him Ishmael thirteen years earlier
Genesis 16:16 Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram.
Genesis 21:5... Abraham was one hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.
Oahspe First Book of God CHAPTER IX.:
10. Now, after Abraham and his people were returned to Jireh, his camp, and it was night,
God said to Abraham: Be thou steadfast, and show thy people that they may understand
my words.
11. And whilst they were yet praying before the altar, God withdrew from Abraham, and
suffered the evil angels, who had followed them from Sodom and Gomorrah, to draw near
about the altar. And one of the angels clothed himself in a great light, and with a crown, and
with sparkling gems, and he appeared, so all the multitude of people could look upon him.
12. Abraham said: Who art thou? And the spirit said: I am thy God, ruler of heaven and earth!
Abraham said: I am thy servant; what wouldst thou? And the spirit said: Thou shalt take thine
only son, Isaac, and thy hosts who were with thee at Sodom and Gomorrah, and go with me
whither I will lead thee, for I have a great work for thee.
13. Abraham said: Whatsoever thou puttest upon me to do, that will I do.
14. So in the morning Abraham and his son Isaac, and the hosts who had been with Abraham
to Sodom and Gomorrah, assembled together. And Abraham spake, saying: Whither, O God?
15. The spirit answered, saying: Take sticks and a fire-brand and come thou to the summit of
yonder hill, for thou shalt restore the rites of burnt offerings. So Abraham told what God had
said, and they started, and Isaac carried the bundle of willows, such as basketmakers use,
saying: This will light the large pieces; but what wilt thou burn for an offering, O Father? And
Abraham said: God will provide.
16. And when they ascended to the place, Abraham gathered logs and heaped them up, and
Isaac placed the willows.
17. Then spake the spirit, saying: What shall a man love above all things in the world? And
Abraham said: God. And the spirit said: For which reason thou shalt offer thine only son, Isaac,
as a burnt offering. And it shall be testimony before thy people that thou wilt obey God even to
the sacrifice of thine own flesh and kin.
18. Abraham said: Show me that thou art God, that I may not err, for I have been commanded
not to kill.
19. And the spirit departed away from Abraham, perceiving that he knew the higher law. And
Isaac was grieved at heart, for he desired to witness what a sacrifice was. And the people,
seeing a ram near at hand, went and caught it, and slaughtered it, and sprinkled the blood on
the sacrifice, and they lighted the fire and roasted the flesh, and took it and gave it to the poor.
Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih: Chapter XXI:
11. ...The time shall come when angels and mortals shall know of a truth that the Lord God [of the Bible] is a false God ...
Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon.: Chapter XIII:
3. God said: Go ye amongst my chosen until ye find a man capable of understanding betwixt truth and fable. Him inspire ye to an I'hin woman for my voice.

The Esseneans: The true ruling God of earth, sent many willing righteous angel-hosts to the earth; who inspired seven-hundred Israelites to separate themselves from all other people, and to go and live by the direction of the angels of JEHOVIH. And the angels inspired those people to call themselves Esseneans [Essenes]. - Page 127 of OAHSPE'S AMAZING PREDICTIONS OF THINGS TO COME by Laura Horst

Page 230, 232 of the book DARKNESS, DAWN AND DESTINY by Augustine Cahill (Drawn from Oahspe) says Who were the Essenes? Our historical knowledge of this remarkable sect derives from the classical works of Pliny, Josephus, and Philo. Of these, Josephus had himself formerly been a member of the Sect; Pliny was a Roman savant whose account identifies the Essenes of whom he writes with the Dead Sea Sect whose scrolls, discovered after some two thousand years, have recently aroused such tremendous interest; and Philo described the Egyptian Therapeutae before the Christian Era.

The discipline of the Essenes was excellent, we are further told, and their conduct was admitted even by their enemies to be irreproachable.The cruelest tyrants and oppressors could neither shake nor impute the virtue of these holy ones. They conquered pain and danger by their spiritual resolution, and death to them was an honor. They were subjected by the Romans to the uttermost torture to induce them to blaspheme their Lawgiver, but, says Josephus, smiling cheerfully in their agonies and mildly deriding their enemies, they cheerfully reigned their souls, confident that they would receive them back agian.

According to the Talmud (Sanhedrin, 107b; Sota, 47a) the founder of the order was Jesus ben Pandira, who was stoned to death in Jerusalem for preaching blasphemy and heresy, and whose body was hanged upon a tree, about one hundred years B.C.

...both the pre-Christian Nazarites and...Nazarenes are sects almost indistinguishable from the Essenes. The Nazarenes followed Jesus as Teacher, but not as the Christos.

In the Acts Of the Apostles, written between 80 and 100 A.D., it is specifically stated by St. Peter that Jesus was slain by the Jews and hanged on a tree. Such a Jesus can be no other surely than the Jesus ben Pandira of the Talmud. (Acts 5; 29 and 30; and 10; 39.)

Jesus Ben Pandira was called Jesus the Nazarene and was hung on a tree on the eve of the Passover.

According to Joseph Lightfoot the Church Father Epiphanius (writing in the 4th century CE) seems to make a distinction between two main groups within the Essenes:[28] “Of those that came before his [Elxai, an Ossaean prophet] time and during it, the Ossaeans and the Nazarean.”[51] Epiphanius describes each group as following:

The Nazarean—they were Jews by nationality—originally from Gileaditis, Bashanitis and the Transjordan... They acknowledged Moses and believed that he had received laws—not this law, however, but some other. And so, they were Jews who kept all the Jewish observances, but they would not offer sacrifice or eat meat. They considered it unlawful to eat meat or make sacrifices with it. They claim that these Books are fictions, and that none of these customs were instituted by the fathers. This was the difference between the Nazarean and the others...[52]

After this Nazarean sect in turn comes another closely connected with them, called the Ossaeans. These are Jews like the former... originally came from Nabataea, Ituraea, Moabitis, and Arielis, the lands beyond the basin of what sacred scripture called the Salt Sea... Though it is different from the other six of these seven sects, it causes schism only by forbidding the books of Moses like the Nazarean.[51]


"Jesus and Joshu are two completely different persons. Joshu is one of Jehovih's Great Leaders Forth and Jesus is a strictly fictional character created at the Council of Niece". - Donald Ballard
Jesus and Joshu are two totally different characters.
The Nicean Council invented a composite character called "Iesu"[Jesus] composed of parts of other religions from throughout the Roman Empire and beyond.
Aspects of the Essene Joshu's life and teachings were included in the composite Iesu [Jesus] story that came out of the Council of Nicea, more ancient iesus such as Zarathustra (whose life-story had previously been woven into various mythical personages) became a part of the Christian Iesu [Jesus] story.
Although Jesus of the Bible and Joshu of Oahspe are different, there are also several close similarities of the two such as:
1. The story in the Bible (Matthew 17:3) of Moses and Elijah visiting Jesus is the story of  Moses and Elias visiting Joshu in Oahspe.
OAHSPE: God's Book of Eskra Chapter XLIII:13. And Moses and Elias went and stood before Joshu, and he saw them.
2. The Jesus sermon on the Mount in the Bible is the sermon of Joshu.
3. Both are Jewish from Israel.
4. Both lived between 2000 and 2,200 years ago.
5. Both were Iesu (eunuchs), did not marry, and had no children.
6. Both were killed near the Old City of Jerusalem for preaching  blasphemy.
According to Christians:
7. The Hebrew name of Jesus was Yeshua, Greek Ἰησοῦς or Iēsoûs is also used to represent the name of Joshua.
Basically, what this means is Joshua and Jesus are the same name.
Oahspe glossary:
Yeshua. A heavenly kingdom. Yeshua is the original of iesu and ieue, and Joshua.


JOSHU, like Ka'yu and Sakaya was a lawgiver of sub-cycle rank. He was of Jewish birth, and also an i-e-su, born near Jerusalem, something less than two thousand years ago [in 1881]. His predecessors were of the tribe called Esseneans, or non-resistants. He labored to bring the Jews back to their pristine purity. He was a severe preacher, denounced by the people as a blasphemer, and was stoned to death in Jerusalem. He also taught the doctrine of one Great Spirit only. In the Christian New Testament it has been supposed that the so-called Sermon on the Mount is a plagiarism on Joshu's teachings, gotten up by the Ecumenical Council under the direction of the emperor Constantine.

At the time of Jesus, those who committed crimes worthy of capital punishment were stoned to death. Crucifixion was not the Jewish form of execution. Why then did the religious leaders take Jesus to Pilate in order to have Him crucified? Crucifixion was the Roman form of punishment. Why didn't they stone Him like they eventually did with the martyr Stephen? Stephen was stoned to death by the Jews. They ran at Stephen, threw him out of the city and stoned him to death (Acts 7:57-58).

The Old Testament speaks of those being cursed who hang upon a tree.

When someone is convicted of a crime punishable by death and is executed, and you hang them on a tree, their corpse must not remain all night upon the tree; you shall bury them that same day, for anyone hung on a tree is under God's curse. You must not defile the land that the LORD your God is giving you for possession (Deuteronomy 21:22,23).

A cross is composed of planks and posts of wood. A cross is man-made and different from a tree. The Roman Emperor Constantine was showed a cross by a spirit that appeared to him (an aparition). The cross or Chi Rho was the symbol of Looeamong. * see 4 paragraphs below. 

Jews would not have used crucifixion, period.

Amongst the Jews the subject was stoned to death first and then hung on a tree in accordance with the Biblical passage in Deuteronomy 21:22-23:
"When someone is convicted of a crime punishable by death and executed, and you hang him on a tree, his corpse must not remain all night upon the tree; you shall bury him that same day, for anyone hung on a tree is under God's curse."

Acts 5:30: "The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree."...whom they slew and hanged on a tree; whom the Jews put to death.

Peter said the Jews slew Jesus. Crucifixion was not the Jewish form of execution. Crucifixion was the Roman form of execution. Peter said it was the Jews, not the Romans who slew Jesus. Amongst the Jews the subject was stoned to death first and then hung on a tree in accordance with the Biblical passage in Deuteronomy 21:22-23. This is how the Talmud said Jesus was killed in Jerusalem, the Jews stoned him to death, not crucifixion.  This is how the Jews killed the martyr Stephen in the New Testament.This agrees with Oahspe which says the Jews killed Jesus by stoning him to death in Jerusalem.

* see 4 paragraphs above. The Chi Rho is one of the earliest forms of christogram, and is used by Christians. It is formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters chi and rho (ΧΡ) of the Greek word "ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ" =Christ in such a way to produce the monogram. Although not technically a Christian cross, the Chi-Rho invokes the crucifixion of Jesus, as well as symbolizing his status as the Christ.[1]

The Chi-Rho symbol was also used by pagan Greek scribes to mark, in the margin, a particularly valuable or relevant passage; the combined letters Chi and Rho standing for chrēston, meaning "good."[2] Some coins of Ptolemy III Euergetes (r. 246–222 BC) were marked with a Chi-Rho.[3]

The Chi-Rho symbol was used by the Roman emperor Constantine I .


The Ptolemaic dynasty was in Egypt, where Oahspe says Looeamong was fighting Baal in the Old Testament times. The Chi Rho or cross symbol was being used in Egypt by the Greeks (Greco-Roman) hundreds of years before Christianity. In OAHSPE: God's Book of Eskra Baal was God of the Argos'yans [Greeks]. Baal was associated with Zeus, also dubbed King of the Gods.

The deities, Amun and Re [Egyptian] only became prominent in combined form in the New Kingdom, but they existed long before then. Amun being known as a God of Air and associated with the breath of life [Genesis 2:7] and fertility (Aries) now became combined with the attributes of Re, as Creator God and Father of the Gods. In the New Kingdom, he took the form of a man with a beard on a throne, thus becoming known as King of the Gods under the inspiration of Baal, who had also appropriated the name of De’yus, which the Greeks pronounced Zeus. These two, Amun and Zeus, later became known as the same God:[the Spanish or Latin word for Jesus sounds like Zeus, hey-zeus].


retrieved 5 Oct, 07.

||….Because of the adoration now given to Amun, visiting Greek travelers to Egypt would report back that Amun, king of the Egyptian gods, was one and the same, and therefore became identified with, the Greek king of the gods Zeus. As did Amun's consort Mut become associated with Zeus's consort Hera…..||

This is in accord with Oahspe’s account of the history of the lower heavens at the end of the cycle of Cpenta Armij and the beginning of the cycle of Lika. Baal, who in alliance with Ashtaroth [Isis], had already maintained domination over the non-Faithist (non-Israelite) Asiatics for hundreds of years, continued to exercise dominion in their respective regions as well as Egypt.

Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon:

||27/17.1. Jehovih, through His angels, said unto Moses: When the body of the king is embalmed and put away, you shall go quickly to your people; for he who comes to the throne is under the voice of the Lord, Baal, and he will try to prevent the departure of My chosen....||

Since the Egyptian New Kingdom was now under the dominion of Baal, a long time warrior God (in contrast to Osiris who strived to establish prosperity by preserving peace in his dominions, and who profited by the enslavement of war refugees into his regions), it is not surprising to find the pharaohs becoming aggressive warrior kings extending their territory far into the eastern lands and establishing what became known as the Egyptian Empire, contending with worshippers of rival false Gods for hundreds of years more. Later, the apostate Israelites under their Kings inspired by Baal and Ashtaroth [Isis], became a part of the politics and wars of the Egyptian Empire and surrounding regions.


Pages 239-241 of the book DARKNESS, DAWN AND DESTINY by Augustine Cahill (Drawn from Oahspe) says ...the Epistles of St. Paul, and the first Epistle of St. Peter. These make no mention of any crucifixion...although they were written about 30 years after the supposed event. The first of the gospels was Mark...written about 90 A.D. It is improbable therefore that even this first one could have been written by anyone having the authority of an eye-witness. According to Eusebius, a Christian bishop and historian, Mark never knew Jesus, but wrote only what he had heard from Peter. As we have just seen, even this evidence is unlikely, as Peter knew nothing of the crucifixion. The Gospel of St. Luke was written about 100 A.D., and St. Matthew somewhat later. The authorship of both however is extremely dubious, as it was not until nearly 200 years after the accepted date of the birth of Christ that these documents were ever attributed to Luke and Matthew. St. John, which differs greatly from the other 3, was written somewhere between A.D. 100 and 160. It was not however accepted as an authentic gospel by the early church until the middle of the 3rd Century; and its author in any case was not that John who was the disciple of Jesus. The story of the virgin birth of Jesus did not appear until 60 years after his death, and is unmentioned in Mark and the earlier New Testament books. Justus of Tiberias, an historian born in Galilee only a few years after the Crucifixion, who wrote the Chronicle of the Jewish Kings and other historical works, makes no mention of him (the Crucified Christ). Pliny the Elder, the intelligent and wide awake Roman who compiled a record of all the noteworthy natural events or marvels reported throughout the Roman Empire, writing less than 40 years after the supposed death of Christ, makes no mention of the miracles performed or of Jesus himself, or of the stupendous events...darkness...rending of the veil of the Temple...the earthquake, the opening of the graves and the appearance of the bodies...the Resurrection itself--which surely ought to have made a tremendous noise over all Judea...There is no record whatsoever of the reputed census under the Emperor Augustus by which Joseph and Mary were compelled to travel to Bethlehem. In any event the Roman census was sensibly taken like our own at the normal place of residence. The Jewish historian Josephus, who fully records the crimes of the wicked King Herod the Great, makes no mention of what surely would be one of the worst of them -- the massacre of all the infants in Bethlehem and its environs. (Matt. 2: 16). But in any case Herod died in the year 4 Before Christ! The first historical reference to Jesus Christ are those of Josephus, about 90 A.D., Pliny the Younger, and Tacitus, both about 112 A.D. The references of the historians Josephus and Tacitus are extremely slight, and many good authorities hold these passages to be forgeries subsequently inserted. Pliny the younger, one of the most learned, travelled, and well-informed and experienced men of his age, wrote to his Emperor rather to emphasize his ignorance than to convey any real information. It is typical of the uncertainty of the whole atmosphere that the genuineness even of this correspondence has been doubted.


On page 156 of THE BOOK YOUR CHURCH DOESN'T WANT YOU TO READ by Tim C. Leedom (Editor) it says THERE IS NO EVIDENCE...That Jesus Was Born in 4 B.C. That He Was Born in a Manger. That He Was a Carpenter. That He Was Crucified on Mt. Calvary. -- The People's Almanac #3, David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace, Bantam Books, 1978.



On page 134 of OAHSPE'S AMAZING PREDICTIONS OF THINGS TO COME by Laura Horst it says Comment: (OAHSPE does not tell the story of a man named "Jesus Christ", which is contained in the Christian Bible. OAHSPE does tell the life histories about Zarathustra and Joshu. And it is amazing how the combining of those two stories, tell the Christian Biblical story about the life of a man named Jesus.

Oahspe Book of God's Word XXVII:
7. After many days of rest and rejoicing, I'hua'Mazda came to Zarathustra, saying: Behold, the time hath now come to go against the city of thy birth. Take Asha with thee, and I will cause Oas to fall before thy hand.
8. Accordingly, Zarathustra took Asha and returned, as stated, to the gates of Oas; but he was known at once; and when he demanded admittance, he was refused, because the king had previously decreed his banishment and death, there being an offer of reward to whoever would destroy him and bring his skull to the king.
9. The keeper of the gate, whose name was Zhoo'das [Judas], thought to obtain the reward, and hit upon the following plan, saying to Zarathustra: I know thee; thou art Zarathustra, who art banished under penalty of death. I have no right to admit thee within the city, nor have I a desire to witness thy sure death. But if thou wilt secrete thyself, till the change of watch, when I am absent on the king's reports, thou mayst take thine own risk. But if I admit thee, I will also be put to death.
10. Zarathustra said: As for myself, I fear not; but I would not have thee put to death on my account. Where, then, can I secrete myself, till the change of watch?
11. Zhoo'das, the keeper of the gate, said: Within the chamber of the wall. Go thou, and thy friend with thee.
12. So Zarathustra went into the chamber of the wall, and Asha went with him. And now, when they were concealed, Zhoo'das [Judas] called his wife and said unto her: Be thou here, walking back and forth, that they who are concealed will think it is I. And I will run quickly to the guards, and they shall come and seize Zarathustra, for whom the reward is offered.
13. And the keeper's wife came and walked back and forth; and the keeper ran quickly and brought the guards, one thousand men, with spears and swords and war clubs and slings and bows and arrows, and they surrounded the place of the chamber on all sides. And then spake Zhoo'das [Judas] ironically, saying: Come forth, Zarathustra, now is the change of watch!
14. And Zarathustra and Asha came forth and beheld what was done. Zarathustra said to Asha: The Light is upon me. Go thou with me. No harm shall come to thee. But now is the time come in which I shall fulfill what hath been prophesied of me in my youth.
Chapter XXVIII
1. SO Zarathustra suffered himself to fall into the power of the Sun King; and the soldiers caused him and Asha to march in their midst to the place of the skulls [Golgotha]. And there came thousands and tens of thousands of people forth to witness the proceedings; for at this time there were many who were in sympathy with Zarathustra, as well as many against him.
2. And in order to stay the multitude, the captain of the army called out many soldiers in addition to those who made the arrest. Others ran to the king's palace, carrying the news of his arrest, and the place he had been taken to.
3. The king said to the heralds: Though this man shall die, it is fit that proper judgment be rendered against him, as an example before all men. Go, therefore, to the executioners, and command them to bring Zarathustra into my presence, that I may adjudge him to death according to law.
4. This was accomplished. Zarathustra was brought before the king, who accosted him, saying:
5. By thy behavior thou art accused before thy king, and I adjudge thee to death. But that thou mayst be as an example before the world, I will render my judgments before the heralds, who shall proclaim my words unto all who desire to witness thy death.
6. First, then, thou wert ordered for arrest by my predecessor, and thou deliveredst not thyself up to my soldiers; neither could they find thee. For which thou art adjudged to death.
7. Second. Without permission from the KING OF THE SUN, thou hast traveled in foreign lands, sowing seeds of disallegiance against the CENTRAL KINGDOM. For which thou art adjudged to death.
8. Third. The KING OF KINGS offered a ransom for thy head, and the king's soldiers were disappointed in finding thee. For which thou art adjudged to death.
9. Fourth. In thy youth thou threatenedst to overthrow the city of Oas, the CITY OF THE SUN, and failedst to make thy word good, thereby being a teacher of lies. For which thou art adjudged to death.
10. Fifth. Thou hast cut off the foreign tribute to the rightful OWNER OF THE WHOLE WORLD! For which thou art adjudged to death.
11. Sixth. Thou hast revived the doctrines of the dark ages, teaching of spirits and Gods, which things cannot exist, because they are contrary to nature, and contrary to the laws of the KING OF THE WORLD! For which thou art adjudged to death.
12. Seventh. Thou hast taught that there is an unseen Creator greater than thy king; which is contrary to reason. For which thou art adjudged to death.
13. Eighth. Thou returndst to Oas not openly, but as a thief, and hid thyself in a chamber of the wall. For which reason thou art adjudged to death in the manner of thieves, which is the most ignoble of deaths.
14. Therefore, I command the executioners to take thee to the den of thieves and cast thee therein; and on the morrow, at high noon, thou shalt be hung up by thy feet along with the thieves [hung between two thieves], where thou shalt be left hanging till thou art dead.
15. That my judgment may appease thy best friends, what sayest thou against my decrees?
16. Zarathustra said: All the charges thou hast made against me are true this day; but ere to-morrow's setting sun I will have disproved some of them. To-day thy kingdom is large; in two days I will be dead, and thou wilt be dead; and this great city will be destroyed. Yea, the Temple of the Sun will be rent in twain, and fall as a heap of rubbish.

"MY design then was, first, to bring the diverse judgments formed by all nations respecting the Deity to a condition, as it were, of settled uniformity" -  323 or 324AD Roman Emperor Constantine .


The Christian religion like water (hydrogen plus oxygen = water) was/is a creation composed of parts of other religions from throughout the Roman Empire and beyond, from India (Krishna), Perisa (Mithra and Zarathustra), Israel (Essene Jesus - Yeshu), Greece and Rome (Zeus, Hercules,Prometheus), and Egypt (Horus, Amun ), etc..The Trinity from India (Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu), and Egypt (Osirus, Isis, and Horus). 
As is shown from Oahspe, the Nicean Council invented a composite character called "Iesu"[Jesus], drawing upon the mythmaking tradition of constructing a person from a title, similar to the construction of the first Joshua, Conqueror of Canaan appearing in the Ezra Bible  i.e. the Old Testament (See The Myth of the Invasion of Canaan). Although aspects of the Essene Joshu's life and teachings were included in the composite Iesu story that came out of the Council of Nicea, more ancient iesus such as Zarathustra (whose life-story had previously been woven into various mythical personages) became a part of the Christian Iesu [Jesus]story.

Also from Zarathustra's life-story are found other details such as wise men searching for the babe [Mithra] and the king's search for the infant and the proclamation that infants were to be put to death unless the babe was found; feeding the thousands of hungry; bringing the dead back to life and being put to death and appearing to the living after three days. (Oahspe, Book of God's Word)

We also find that in other parts of the world, the creators of mythical saviors had already previously appropriated similar details, i.e., the Egyptian Horus, the Persian Mithra, the Greek Prometheus, the Hindu Krishna, and others (For more examples of saviors before Jesus Christ, sharing similar life details go to: Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth http://www.pocm.info/getting_started_pocm.html):

Some Scholars believe there are references to Jesus in the Talmud and Mishna, which contain a number of references to Yeshu. Such references @ http://www.angelfire.com/mt/talmud/jesusnarr.html portray Yeshu as a sorcerer and idolater who was stoned at Passover. It may well be that these are references to the Essene Joshu who was stoned to death in Jerusalem by apostate Jews for preaching the All One. The "Sermon on the Mount" in the Christian Gospels has been attributed to Joshu the Essene of Nazareth.


||The eminent Swiss theologian, Dr. Wetstein, says: "It is a curious fact that the Lord's Prayer may be constructed almost verbatim out of the Talmud. The Sermon on the Mount is derived largely from the teachings of the Essenes, a Jewish sect to which Jesus is believed by many to have belonged."||


Christianity and Zoroastrianism:

The religion of ancient Persia as founded by Zoroaster; one of the world's great faiths that bears the closest resemblance to Judaism and Christianity.

Both Buddhist and Christian religions are said to be made up chiefly from the history and miracles of Zarathustra. It was to obliterate such history that Coatulus, a Christian priest, burned the Alexandrian Library in the year 390. - OAHSPE LIST OF PORTRAITS

Theophilus was Patriarch of Alexandria from 385 to 412 AD. During his reign the Temple of Serapis was converted into a Christian Church (probably around 391 AD) and it is likely that many documents were destroyed then...Some regard the death of Hypatia as the final destruction of the Library. Others blame Theophilus for destroying the last of the scrolls when he razed the Temple of Serapis prior to making it a Christian church.

On page 185 of THE BOOK YOUR CHURCH DOESN'T WANT YOU TO READ by Tim C. Leedom (Editor):

Krishna       Christ [Khrist]

. Both are held to be really God incarnate

. Both were incarnated and born of a woman.

. The mother in each case was a holy virgin.

. The father of each was a carpenter.

. Both were of royal descent.

. Each had the divine title of "Savior."

. Both were "without sin."

. Both were crucified.

. Both were crucified between two thieves.

. Each taught of a great and final day of Judgment.


In 1875, Kersey Graves wrote, “The World’s 16 Crucified Saviors,” a book that shows how all of the Christ story appeared in earlier myths.


"Grave's extraordinary compilation of the research of a number of erudite and important scholars whose works have not been widely accessible to the masses, and who have exposed a deliberate suppression of critical information ..."

"...with some digging of our own, we discover that Graves did not make up any of these correlations [between Krishna and Christ], which means that he has been unjustly maligned over the past century." - Page 1 (Foreword) of The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors (Christianity Before Christ) by Kersey Graves (first published 1875, 2001 edition). 

"...both Higgins and Graves used the original work of Christian authority Sir William Jones, the esteemed President of the Asiatic Researches Society whose publications beginning in the late 18th century threw open the door to the study of eastern culture, including its correspondences in religion to that of the west indeed, in the first volume of Jones Asiatic Researches published in 1784, can be found some of the most significant correlations between Krishna and Christ, including the claim that Krishna's mother was a virgin. Yet, this volume was heavely edited and re-released in 1788, with the germaine material removed. Further details concerning this and other literary chicanery can be found in the book Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ unveiled, ..." - Page 2 (Foreword) of The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors (Christianity Before Christ) by Kersey Graves (first published 1875, 2001 edition). 

"In reality, the contention that Krishna was crucified can be found in the works of earlier, erudite and pious christian authorities such as the Reverend Moor's Hindu Pantheon, which was later mutilated, with the pertinent discussion and plates removed." - Page 3 (Foreword) of The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors (Christianity Before Christ) by Kersey Graves (first published 1875, 2001 edition).

...we find the same agencies had been previously employed to effect the rescue of other Saviors likewise and similarly threatened.

In the case of Chrishna of India, in particular, the similitude is very striking in nearly every feature of the whole story.

Now let us observe for a moment the chain or category or resemblance.

1. There was an angel warning in each case relative to the impending danger.

2. The governor or ruler was hostile in each case relative to the impending danger.

3. A bloody decree was issued in both.

4. The hurried flight of the parents takes place in each case. - page 84 of The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors; Or, Christianity Before Christ by Kersey Graves.

...according to Carrier [historian], there is no comprehensive rebuttal of the book,...


"It is argued that, as the story of the incarnation of the Christians' Savior is of more recent date than that of these

oriental and ancient religions (as is conceded by Christians themselves), the origin of the former ...as being an outgrowth

from, if not a plagiarism upon the latter --- a borrowed copy, ..." - Pages 28-29 of The World's 16 Crucified Saviors. 

Below picture of the law-giver Joshu (wrongly called Jesus) in Oahspe (original by John Ballou Newbrough) in color done by Rein, January 30, 2010.


Above drawing of the Hebrew Joshu (Yeshu) of Israel (over 2000 years ago) done by John Newbrough.
The highest facial recognition match to the drawing of Joshu (above) is Haile Salassie and Keanu Reeves 88%.
Joshu and Keanu Reeves 88%.
Reeves was born in BeirutLebanon, the son of Patricia Bond (née Taylor), a costume designer/performer,
and Samuel Nowlin Reeves, Jr.[4]His mother is English, from Essex, England.[5] His father, an American
from Hawaii, has Native HawaiianChinesePortuguese, and English ancestry.[6][7][8][9][10]
88% is one of the highest matches of any modern man to any ancient prophet or law-giver drawn by John Ballou Newbrough:
88% is as high as Indentical twins facial recognition matches:
Identical twins facial recognition 84%:
The drawing above of Joshu may not be as authentic as the drawing below (on left) which is also suppose to be the portrait of Joshu drawn by John Ballou Newbrough.
2D facial recognition analysis (above) shows the Joshu painted by Rein was altered by 18%.
As for the accuracy of John Newbrough's drawings:
Newbrough correctly pictured the cone-shaped magnetosphere of the earth ...
John Newbrough's drawing in 1881 closely matches data gathered by NASA's Voyager 2 probe in 1989.
John Ballou Newbrough had drawn a picture of the magnetic field (vortex) of saturn with no tilt,
Newbrough drew the magnetic fields of 5 planets in the solar-system, Saturn was the only one he drew that had no tilt (as can be seen on the Tow'-Sang plate) and more than 98 years later scientist have discovered that Saturn is the only planet in the solar system with a magnetic field with no tilt just as Newbrough had drawn.
See page below:
John Newbrough's drawings were done by angelic control, its spiritual authors did not transmit the book through Dr. Newbrough's mind--but controlled his hands and arms, independent of his consciousness--so that he could not interfere or alter or color its contents...
"The peculiar drawings in Oahspe were made with pencil in the same way."
The image below is also suppose to be the portrait of Joshu drawn by John Ballou Newbrough. The portrait below looks more African than the portrait above (notice the nose and lips). Unfortunately I tried to scan the portrait below (even adjusting the contrast) with http://www.pictriev.com/fc.php but pictrieve said "face not found" (as it does many other images) so I could not compare it to photos of people from different tribes and ethnic groups.
The three images above (Jesus-Joshu-Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia) are similar except the hair of Joshu drawn by Newbrough (in the middle) is thicker and more coarse looking (more like wool) than the image of Jesus on the left, and the nose of Joshu as drawn by Newbrough is wider and more rounded down and less pointed than the image on the left (more like Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia of 1930 on the right). Haile Salassie of Ethiopia looks the closest to the drawing of Joshu below and looks like a twin to the law-giver (has the highest facial match to Joshu), see facial recognition proof below:
On the basis of autosomal polymorphic loci, it has been estimated that 60% of the Ethiopian gene pool has an
African origin, whereas ~40% is of Caucasoid derivation…. 

Above Betaface facial recognition and race of Joshu of Oahspe. race hispanic = Latino, mideast = hebrew, arabic or afro-asiatic.

Puerto Rican is a hispanic that on average is 53% European, 29% sub-Saharan African, 18% Native American. 
Rastafari is an Abrahamic belief which developed in Jamaica in the 1930s, following the coronation of Haile Selassie I as
Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930. Its adherents worship him in much the same way as Jesus in his Second Advent, or as God the Father.[1]
"Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the Lord." (Amos 9:7 of the Bible).
"We must point out, however, that the term 'Ethiopians' is used throughout classical literature
generally to refer to Black people who inhabited Africa south of Egypt
 [sub-Saharan Africa] (See Map 3.1). Occasionally
the expression is used to specify African people like the Nubians or the Cushites."
Haile Selassie is regarded by the Rastafari fraternity as the incarnation of God, to unify all the peoples of Africa and the human race.
The name of the movement comes from “Ras Tafari”, a combination of his name and the noble title “Ras”, which translates to “prince”.
Haile Selassie was born Tafari Makonnen on 23 July 1892, in Ethiopia. He was the son of Ras Makonnen, a chief adviser to Emperor
Menelik II of Ethiopia, and the ruler became his mentor, placing him in positions of power from a young age.
1892 was a below normal cold down-spike a'ji year.
On May 25, 1963 the Organization for African Unity (OAU) was established with a permanent headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 
Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, was selected as the first President of the OAU.
The Rastafari movement began in Jamaica during the 1930s following a prophecy made by Marcus Garvey, a black political leader. Garvey
led an organisation known as the Universal Negro Improvement Association, whose intention was to unify blacks with their land of origin.
Garvey preached "Look to Africa where a black king shall be crowned, he shall be your Redeemer." This statement became the foundation
of the Rastafari movement.
The prophecy was rapidly followed by the crowning of Emperor Haile Selassie I in Ethiopia. Rastafarians see this as the fulfilment of
Garvey's prophecy. The religion takes its name from Haile Selassie's original name.
Haile Selassie is therefore regarded by Rastafarians as the Black Messiah, Jah Rastafari.

Marcus Garvey was a proponent of the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements, inspiring the Nation of Islam and
the Rastafarian movement.
Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr. was born on August 17, 1887, in St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica.
1887 was an almost down-spike cold year (a'ji).
Below Betaface facial recognition of un-colored un-enhanced original Joshu portrait with familiar (family).
Betaface software recognized the racial difference in the two portraits of Joshu from Oahspe (one is the real original the other has been altered).

Betaface | Advanced face recognition
race - asian-middle-eastern, asian, african-american (black), hispanic (european), white, middle eastern, other

On the basis of autosomal polymorphic loci, it has been estimated that 60% of the Ethiopian gene
pool has an African origin, whereas ~40% is of Caucasoid derivation….
Above portrait of Joshu in Oahspe is classified as "asian" face. Many east asians and Native Americans are classified
as "white" (ghans) by betaface, and many African-Americans are classified as "asian" (I'huans) by betaface. 

Facial recognition is an important and rapidly evolving biometric science.
The highest modern match to Joshu is Haile Selassie I Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930.

Betaface above doesn't have a categorie of mixed or "mulatto" (Ethiopians 60% Negro, 40% Caucasian) it will classify somone as black or white or asian.

EgyptSearch Forums: Halie Selassie - 'I am not a Negro at all',

Haile Selassie/Menelik II : "We are caucasian" | Sports, Hip Hop ...

Selassie's speech on Spirituality - Wikisource, the free online library

Haile Selassie was a member of the Solomonic Dynasty.

What kind of a ruler was Haile Selassie? Does history depict him as one of the good guys or as one of the bad guys?
You can say that Haile Selassie was a reformer that sought to develop the country. He built the first university (called Haile Selassie I University, now the Addis Ababa University), introduced modern legislation and judiciary systems, modernized the army, etc. He's a bit of Emperor Menilik II's successor in this regard. He had a progressive view towards it and people, especially from the older generation, fondly reminisce his reign. Compared to today, the economy was stable and life was not hard (compared to today of course, and check the next paragraph for context). Us current generation folks are puzzled when our elders tell us of how cheap things were during that time. Ethiopians today would agree that there were opportunities that we didn't make use of. Many notable achievements in the literary, artistic, and other fields were achieved during his reign. Many old classic buildings in the capital were made of durable quality, unlike the cheap showoffs of today. Many regard the education of his reign as the best (with a few exceptions like history I'd argue, take a look at the next paragraph to get the idea). He is credited for creating a conducive environment for foreign communities that came and invested here, bringing with them skills that were needed. There were vibrant Armenian, Italian, Arab, Greek and I believe Indian communities that were part of Ethiopian life. He's got a big foreign policy portfolio, especially with regards to Africa, though I don't think Ethiopians give it much thought. Sometimes it just feels that he gave the foundation for the country to reach whatever stage it has.


Above: faces of Shepherd Kings and Queen tribe of faithists

Shepherd Kings (Listians) were more like Ghans than I'huans (or a mixture of both like an Ethiopian or Somali).

Joshu was more like a Ghan or Listian (Sheperd King) than a I'huan (Abraham). John Newbrough's drawing of Joshu depicts him more like a Ghan than an I'huan.

Joshu and Haile Selassie 3 81%:
Joshu and Haile Selassie 88%:

The Hollywood Reporter has learned that Rodrigo Santoro, best known as Xerxes in the 300 duology,
has been tapped to play the Jesus Christ in Timur Bekambetov's remake of Ben Hur.

Rodrigo Santoro é Jesus- Ben Hur - YouTube

My Mother's MtDNA HVR1 HVR2 MATCHES (below) are very similar to Rodrigo Santoro's
(highest facial recognition 86% to Joshu) Portuguese-Brazilian, including Azorean (mother).
Brazil and Uruguay are neighbouring countries in South America, and share close political, economic and cultural ties.
L2a1i1 traces back to West Africa Guinea-Bissau a former Portuguese colony.
Several L2 haplotypes observed in Guineans and other West Africa populations shared genetic matches with East Africa and North Africa.[5] 
Brazilians (Portuguese, Iberian Peninsula):

Alves-Silva et al. (2000), for example, found that 28% of a sample of mainly “white” subjects from

Brazil were of recent African maternal ancestry, with substantial variation from region to region.

Some lineages could be readily attributed to arrivals from western Africa, which had already been

extensively sampled, but almost 50% belonged to haplogroups L1c and L3e, which are rare in

western Africa. Their presence at much higher frequencies in small west-central African data sets

suggested that the Brazilian L1c and L3e mtDNAs might be of largely west-central African origin

(see also Bandelt et al. 2001). Indeed, major sources for Brazilian slaves are thought, on the basis

of historical records, to have been Congo and Angola (e.g., Curtin 1969; Thomas 1998).

Alves-Silva et al. (2000) predicted that, when these regions were sampled for mtDNA variation,

L1c and L3e would be found at high frequencies.
Above average genetic makeup of Brazilian racial groups - white (Branco) 10.8% African.
At 9:36 of the video "Are the Europeans 1 Race? The Genetic Evidence"
L2a1 MtDNA Haplogroup connects Ethiopian people with Israelites and Portugese people (the highest facial recognition matches to Joshu):
In East Africa L2a was found 15% in Nile Valley- Nubia, 5% of Egyptians, 14% of Cushite
speakers, 15% of Semitic Amhara people, 10% of Gurage, 6% of Tigray-Tigrinya people,
13% of Ethiopians and 5% of Yemenis.[13]L2a can be further divided into L2a1, harboring the
transition at 16309 (Salas et al. 2002).This is observed in West Africa among the Malinke,
Wolof, and others; in North Africa among the Maure/Moor, Hausa, Fulbe, and others; in
Central Africa among the Bamileke, Fali, and others; in South Africa among the Khoisan
family including the Khwe and Bantu speakers; Haplogroup L2a1 was found in two specimens
from the Southern Levant Pre-Pottery Neolithic B site at Tell Halula, Syria, dating from the
period between ca. 9600 and ca. 8000 BP or 7500-6000 BCE.[17]
Above: Abraham and Joshu as drawn by John Ballou Newbrough under angelic control.
Abraham and Joshu were Hebrew Israelites, but there was a racial difference between Abraham and Joshu:
1 Abraham had recent I'hin (pygmy) ancestry 3 generations back (Abraham's great-grandparent was an I'hin).
2. 3 of Abraham's grandparents were pure I'huans and 7 of 8 great-grandparents were pure I'huans.
3. Joshu did not have recent I'hin (pygmy) ancestry. I'hins had been extinct for 1000 years (30 generations).
4. Joshu had recent Ghan or Listian ancestry. At least one of Joshu's parents was a Ghan or Listian.
The Gutenberg Bible mixes the apocrypha into the Old Testament, with the Prayer of Manasses following 2 Paralipomenon, and 3 and 4 Esdras following 1 Esdras and Nehemias. The Prayer of Solomon follows Ecclesiasticus. It thus has 50 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New, for a total of 77 books

Codex Alexandrinus A most valuable Greek manuscript of the Old and New Testaments, so named because it was brought to Europe from Alexandria...The character of the letters and the history of the manuscript point to Egypt as its place of origin.


The Codex Alexandrinus...Along with the Codex Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus, it is one of the earliest and most complete manuscripts of the Bible...It derives its name from Alexandria [the city in Egypt] where it resided for a number of years before it brought by the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Cyril Lucaris from Alexandria to Constantinople.[4]...Alexandria was not only a center of Hellenism, but was also home to the largest Jewish community in the world. The Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, was produced there. The early Ptolemies kept it in order and fostered the development of its museum into the leading Hellenistic center of learning (Library of Alexandria),

The Royal Library of Alexandria, or Ancient Library of Alexandria, in Alexandria, Egypt, was the largest and most significant library of the ancient world.[1] It flourished under the patronage of the Ptolemaic dynasty and functioned as a major center of scholarship from its construction in the 3rd century BC until the Roman conquest of Egypt in 30 BC.
Ancient and modern sources identify four possible occasions for the partial or complete destruction of the Library of Alexandria: Julius Caesar's fire in the Alexandrian War, in 48 BC; the attack of Aurelian in 270 – 275 AD; the decree of Coptic Pope Theophilus in AD 391; and the Muslim conquest in 642 AD or thereafter.
Oahspe God's Book of Eskra CH. L
21. Now, Looeamong, the false Kriste, had previously destroyed, for the most part, the Alexandrian Library having inspired a mortal priest, Coatulius, to do the work.* *Immediatly after Constantine founded the Christian religion, Christian emissaries were sent to all the eastern countries, to contrive the destruction of ancient records.
The Burning of the Library of Alexandria
The loss of the ancient world's single greatest archive of knowledge, the Library of Alexandria, has been lamented for ages...Alexandria was founded in Egypt by Alexander the Great. His successor as Pharaoh, Ptolomy II Soter, founded the Museum or Royal Library of Alexandria in 283 BC...It has been estimated that at one time the Library of Alexandria held over half a million documents from Assyria, Greece, Persia, Egypt, India and many other nations.

Theophilus was Patriarch of Alexandria from 385 to 412 AD. During his reign the Temple of Serapis was converted into a Christian Church (probably around 391 AD) and it is likely that many documents were destroyed then...Some regard the death of Hypatia as the final destruction of the Library. Others blame Theophilus for destroying the last of the scrolls when he razed the Temple of Serapis prior to making it a Christian church. 



Oahspe the Osirian Bible [containing the book of Genesis], being of Osiris (the false), with interpolations from Te-in and Sudga, and given to mortals in Arabin'ya (Egypt), Jaffeth (China) and Shem (Vind'yu - India). Book of Wars Against of Jehovih Chapter XXIX. THE OSIRIAN BIBLE OF EGYPT, AND VIDY'YU, AND CHINA.


Deus is Latin for "god" or "deity". descended from Proto-Indo-European *deiwos, "celestial" or "shining", from the same root as *Dyēus, the reconstructed chief god of the Proto-Indo-European pantheon. Compare Greek Zeus (Ζεύς dzeus; Aeolic Greek Δεύς deus) and Sanskrit deva.
In Late Latin, Deus came to be used mostly for the Christian God. It was inherited by the Romance [Roman] languages.
The name Jesus was given to us by the Romans who is Zues in Greek, the son of Zeus and in Spanish we say Hey Zeus. Zeus is a Pagain Diety and another name for Osiris ...

Jesus face matched to Zeus (82%), Zupiter (80%), Zeus, Serapis (78%), Looeamong (76%).

Jesus looks like Zeus, looks like Zupiter (Roman name for Zeus) and Serapis, Looks like Looeamong.

Dyaus, De'yus, or Zeus:
The name Dyaus Pitā is exactly parallel to the Greek Zeus Pateretymologically, and closely related to Latin Jupiter. Both Dyaus and Zeus reflect a Proto-Indo-European *Dyeus.


Rufus Ryker: [speaking of Joe Starrett]...Tell him anything but, by Jupiter, get him here!



"Jesus brought him to me" - Legegg  October 31, 2016.



Clarence DeLude likes to say ..."Jesus brought him here as principal of Our Redeemer Lutheran School"


The Christian Jesus of the Constantine (Roman) Bible is related to Hercules and Zeus:

Webster's 1913 Dictionary


1. (Myth.) An illustrious man, supposed to be exalted, after death, to a place among the gods; a demigod, as Hercules.

Hero worship

extravagant admiration for great men, likened to the ancient worship of heroes.

Hero worship exists, has existed, and will forever exist, universally among mankind.

- Carlyle.

WordNet Dictionary

5. hero - (classical mythology) a being of great strength and courage celebrated for bold exploits; often the offspring of a mortal and a god.

https://www.webster-dictionary.org/definition/Hero .

The Hero as Savior in Classical Literature and Mythology.

Heroes, too, can promote salvation.

As we think through the list of examples I just offered, we need to keep reminding ourselves that such concepts of savior and salvation are not borrowings from Christian discourse. The fact is, Christian discourse inherited the words sōzein ‘save’ and sōtēr ‘savior’ from pre-Christian phases of the Greek language.


The common persona of a hero is that of the savior of a vast city.




The intention of the Council of Nicaea was to settle a Christological controversy caused by a presbyter named Arius who denied the deity of Christ. It was never about “creating a god.”


Page 243 In a letter to the famous Bishops Alexander and Arius, the Emperor Constantine wrote: "It was my purpose in the first place to bring the diverse opinions of all nations respecting the Deity to a settled condition and a single form".


In a letter dated 323 or 324 AD to the famous Bishops Alexander and Arius, the Roman Emperor Constantine wrote:

"MY design then was, first, to bring the diverse judgments formed by all nations respecting the Deity to a condition, as it were, of settled uniformity.


According to Oahspe the Council of Nicea was at first by no means a purely Christian gathering, but was composed of the representatives of many faiths. As Constantine himself was not a Christian this seems reasonable enough.

"There was no Roman Catholicism in the 4th century."?

(325AD) Letter of Constantine to the churches after the Council of Nicæa.

Synopsis: Dwells on the harmonious result, especially respecting the Easter controversy, and commends to the bishops to observe what the Council has decreed.


...I have judged that it ought to be the first object of my endeavors, that unity of faith, sincerity of love, and community of feeling in regard to the worship of Almighty God, might be preserved among the highly favored multitude who compose the Catholic Church.


Duffy claims that by the 3rd century, the bishop of Rome began to act as a court of appeals for problems that other bishops could not resolve.[6]

Doctrine was further refined by a series of influential theologians and teachers, known collectively as the Church Fathers.[35]From the year 100 onward, proto-orthodox teachers like Ignatius of Antioch and Irenaeus defined Catholic teaching in stark opposition to other things, such as Gnosticism.[36] In the first few centuries of its existence, the Church formed its teachings and traditions into a systematic whole under the influence of theological apologists such as Pope Clement I, Justin Martyrand Augustine of Hippo.[37]


"Constantine wasn’t the ruling spirit at Nicaea."?

Council of Nicaea, also called First Council of Nicaea, (325), the first ecumenical council of the Christian church, meeting in ancient Nicaea (now İznik, Turkey). It was called by the emperor Constantine I, an unbaptized catechumen, who presided over the opening session and took part in the discussions.


Definition of preside over. 1 : to be in charge of something (such as a meeting or organization) The vice president presided over the meeting.


"emperor Constantine I" "presided over" =  "to be in charge of" = in control or with overall responsibility. synonyms: responsible for, in control of, in command of,


Synonyms for ruling:





"emperor Constantine I" "presided over" = "to be in charge of" = in control or with overall responsibility. synonyms: responsible for, in control of, in command of, = ruling spirit at Nicaea

Jesus was an amalgam of many gods = "the diverse judgments formed by all nations respecting the Deity"

"to a settled condition and a single form" = Jesus Christ.

"Constantine was a politician, not a theologian, and was ready to agree with whatever party for peace to reign in his empire. “Constantine had basically no understanding whatsoever of the questions that were being asked in Greek theology” ?

"Ossius was the bishop of Cordoba and an ecclesiastical adviser to Constantine. He was the one who prompted him on which steps to take."?


Constantine was under the inspiration of a spirit (Looeamong) more so than being inspired by a ecclesiastical adviser (mortal man).

Constantine looked up to the sun before the battle and saw a cross of light above it, and with it the Greek words "ν Τούτ Νίκα" ("by this, win!", often rendered in the Latin "in hoc signo vinces"), a cross, that led him to promise to follow the Christian religion if victory were granted. Constantine commanded his troops to adorn their shields with a Christian symbol (the Chi-Rho), and thereafter they were victorious.[1][9]


the Greek words "by this, win!" was from a delusion or from a spirit (angel).

in 314, Eusebius (became bishop of Caesarea) describes:

God [Looeamong or Gabriel] sent him a Vision of a Cross of Light in the Heavens at Mid-day, with an Inscription admonishing him to conquer by that.


Oahspe God's Book of Eskra: Chapter XLVIII:

13.Thoth then descended to the earth, to Hatuas (Constantine), who was a su'is, and could both see angels and hear them talk ...

15. And Looeamong showed unto Hatuas, in the air of heaven, a true cross,...

16. ...Looeamong descended to Hatuas, and said unto him: This is the interpretation of the sign and the cross I showed thee:


Chapter XXIX.—How the Christ of God appeared to him in his Sleep, and commanded him ...



The Biblical canon …By the early 200's, Origen of Alexandria may have been using the same 27 books as in the modern New Testament, though there were still disputes over the canonicity of Hebrews, James, II Peter, II John and III John, and Revelation,[6] referred to as the Antilegomena.

The letters accepted by many Christians as part of Scripture warned about mixing Judaism with Christianity, leading to decisions reached in the first ecumenical council, which was convoked by Emperor Constantine at Nicaea in 325 in response to further disruptive polemical controversy within the Christian community, …

After 325, some opinion was formulated as dogma through the canons promulgated by the councils.


Jerome, in his Prologue to Judith, makes the claim that the Book of Judith was "found by the Nicene Council to have been counted among the number of the Sacred Scriptures".[3]



One of the projects undertaken by the Council was the creation of a Creed, …

1·  Jesus Christ is described as "Light from Light, true God from true God," proclaiming his divinity.

2·  Jesus Christ is said to be "begotten, not made," asserting that he was not a mere creature, brought into being out of nothing, but the true Son of God, brought into being "from the substance of the Father."


Oahspe Book of Inspiration Chapter I:

12. As out of corpor I made thy corporeal body, so, out of My Light, which is My Very Self, I built thee up in spirit, with consciousness that thou art.

"out of My Light, which is My Very Self" = same self = fractal.

Definition of very in US English:

adjective 1 Actual; precise (used to emphasize the exact identity of a particular person or thing). 'those were his very words'

"exact identity of a particular person" = same self (fractal).

https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/us/very .


The Council of Nicea did not invent the doctrine of the deity of Christ.


The Council of Nicea overwhelmingly affirmed [voted] the deity and eternality of Jesus Christ …



there was pressure to accept this confession at the council, as originally seventeen opposed it. When Constantine threatened exile, that number reduced to 2.


Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On Earth: Chapter XXVI:

2 ...not follow the highest Light; it followeth the majority. And a majority is, and was, and ever shall be, the lesser light

Religion in the Greco-Roman world at the time of the Constantinian shift mostly comprised three main currents:

Early Christianity grew gradually in Rome and the Roman Empire from the 1st to 4th centuries. In 313 it was legally tolerated and in 380 it became the state church of the Roman Empire with the Edict of Thessalonica. Nevertheless, Hellenistic polytheistic traditions survived in pockets of Greece throughout Late Antiquity until they gradually diminished after the triumph of Christianity.

Before the Edict of Milan

The Romans tended towards syncretism, seeing the same gods under different names in different places of the Empire, accommodating other Europeans such as the Hellenes, Germans, and Celts, and Semitic and other groups in the Middle East. Under Roman authority, the various national myths most similar to Rome were adopted by analogue into the overall Roman mythos, further cementing Imperial control. Consequently, the Romans were generally tolerant and accommodating towards new deities and the religious experiences of other peoples who formed part of their wider Empire.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decline_of_Greco-Roman_polytheism

Syncretism (/ˈsɪŋkrətɪzəm/) is the combining of different beliefs, while blending practices of various schools of thought. Syncretism involves the merging or assimilation of several originally discrete traditions, especially in the theology and mythology of religion, …

Religious syncretism exhibits blending of two or more religious belief systems into a new system, or the incorporation into a religious tradition of beliefs from unrelated traditions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syncretism

Roman religious syncretism described in Oahspe during the 4th century :

OAHSPE God's Book of Eskra Chapter XLVIII:

26. Looeamong inspired Hatuas [Constantine], the mortal emperor, to call together a council of wise men from all the kingdoms of Arabin'ya, Heleste, Parsi'e and Uropa, to select from all the religious doctrines in the world, that which was the wisest and best, that it might be established by kings, emperors and governors by the sword and spear, so there should never more be but one religion.

29. Now, the council had brought with them, in all, two thousand two hundred and thirty-one books and legendary tales of Gods and Saviors and great men, together with a record of the doctrines taught by them.

30. Hatuas [Constantine], being under the inspiration of Looeamong, through Gabriel, alias Thoth, thus spake:

31. Search ye these books, and whatsoever is good in them, that retain; but, whatsoever is evil, that cast away. What is good in one book, unite ye with that which is good in another book. And whatsoever is thus brought together shall be called, THE BOOK OF BOOKS. And it shall be the doctrine of my people, which I will recommend unto all nations, that there shall be no more war for religions' sake. 

36. As yet, no God had been selected by the council, and so they balloted, in order to determine that matter. And the first ballot gave prominence to the following Gods: Jove, Jupiter, Salenus, Baal, Thor, Gade, Apollo, Juno, Aries, Taurus, Minerva, Rhets, Mithra, Theo, Fragapatti, Atys, Durga, Indra, Neptune, Vulcan, Kriste, Agni, Croesus, Pelides, Huit, Hermes, Thulis, Thammus, Eguptus, Iao, Aph, Saturn, Gitchens, Minos, Maximo, Hecla and Phernes.

Jesus in comparative mythology.

Later Christian traditions about Jesus were probably influenced by Greco-Roman religion and mythology. Much of Jesus's traditional iconography is apparently derived from Mediterranean deities such as Hermes, Asclepius, Serapis, and Zeus

At around the same time Christianity was expanding in the second and third centuries, the Mithraic Cult was also flourishing. …

More general comparisons have also been made between the stories about Jesus's birth and resurrection and stories of other divine or heroic figures from across the Mediterranean world, including supposed "dying-and-rising gods" such as Tammuz, Adonis, Attis, and Osiris, …

Another comparable story from Greek mythology describes the conception of the hero Perseus.[175][176][177] According to the myth, Zeus came to Perseus's mother Danaë in the form of a shower of gold and impregnated her.[175][178][177] Although no surviving Greek text ever describes this as a "virgin birth",[178] the early Christian apologist Justin Martyr has his Jewish speaker Trypho refer to it as such in his Dialogue with Trypho.[178][177][165] Scholars have also compared the story of the virgin birth to the complex narratives revolving around the birth of Dionysus.[179][180]


Real Proof that Jesus was NOT real https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljRKhZ81aqY 

"You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours." - Richard Platt March, 2018.

"U believed in jesus, then u can do greater things that he said if a person believed him he shall do so now, go to where mountains is and believe and say to mountain to uproot into sea" - Agyei Daniel August, 2018.  

"If I read a modern Textbook or History Book, I can check its sources at the Back but many Ancient Documents don't have these sources so can't be trusted or tested" - Colin Dowson August, 2018.

"It's crazy that most don't care that the story of Jesus was clearly plagiarized from the mythology and polytheism that came BEFORE ..." - Mike O'Hara February, 2018.

"yes he [Jesus] is real because you are programmed to believe it's real. But we know that he was made up by the white Roman Catholic Church and made up in their likeness? Think about it why a man .Why a white man? Why not a woman?  Why say slaves obey your white master's because we're made in God's likeness?" - Samuel White, March 2018. 


Genesis 1: (KJV)
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
"Briefly, De'yus declared that he had created the universe by separating light from darkness,
although he did not say who created the darkness." - page 176 of Darkness, Dawn And Destiny by Augustine Cahill.
Genesis 1: (KJV)
24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
"He [
De'yus] had then commanded the earth to bring forth the creatures of the earth, every creature after its kind." - page 176 of Darkness, Dawn And Destiny by Augustine Cahill.







The Sun began to form around 5 billion years ago out of a cloud of whirling dust and gas in space. As it formed, the Sun’s gravity gradually pulled the dust and gas into lumps, which became the planets. At first, Earth was a ball of molten rock. Its surface rock slowly began to cool and harden around 4 billion years ago.


5.0 billion years agoThe solar system begins to form from gas and dust swirling in space.
4.6 billion years agoEarth begins to form as a ball of molten rock.
When the star that we call our Sun condensed out of a swirling cloud of hot interstellar gas, some material remained in orbit around the newly forming star. That orbiting material consisted of hot chunks of rock and frozen liquids called "planetisimals". From these were gradually formed several (nine that we know of) planets including Earth.
1. How was the planet Earth formed?

Chunks of rock and frozen liquids in orbit around the newly forming Sun converged and melted together to form the planets. Each time a planetesimal (see the Introduction) hit the rotating chunk of material that was to become Earth it melted in to the existing mass. The mass was hot and the metals were molten so the heavy metals like iron sank toward the center of the mass while lighter metals like silicon floated near the surface.
Which came first the earth or the sun?
Probably the Sun, but most scientists believe that the planets formed pretty quickly after that; the math doesn't seem to allow much time between the Sun igniting and the planets starting to form.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Which_came_first_the_earth_or_the_sun#ixzz2DWlDMHl5

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Which_came_first_the_earth_or_the_sun#ixzz2DWl67ted
2. Which came first, plants or the Sun?

See this article:

The Sun came first and then matter formed the planets which revolve around it. This is the commonly accepted scientific knowledge about it.

Life on Earth is more or less as old as 3.8 billion years. Cyanobacteria are pretty old, and once the oxygen catastrophe happened, aerobic life could freely evolve. The ozone layer could arise spontaneously after there was free O2 in the atmosphere via ozone-oxygen cycle.
Since prokaryotes predate eukaryotes and largely multicellular eukaryotes, when the plants firstly appeared about 520 m.a. ago, there was already an ozone layer available.
Genesis claims vegetation was created before the sun. Plants have chlorophyll and they need the sun to survive.
Our modern science has disproved most of the creation myth (there's no water above the sky, the stars came first, then Sun then Earth, etc.).
If you understand the creative vortex, you know that a ball is created in the center of a vortex first, the center is filled up first, then the outer. The Sun is in the center of the vortex, the center of the solar system [man didn't know this when the Bible was written 2 or 3,000 years ago, man thought the earth was the center of the universe and the Sun traveled around the earth], so it was created first, then the outer planets including the earth were created after the Sun,  After the Sun and earth were created, then came plant life.
"3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light."

(Was this some sort of temporary light so God could see where to place things? Or, was it the powerful Sun put into place?)
Above is an anthropomorphic God that needs to see where to place things.
Maybe the light from the Big Bang explosion, such an enormous explosion of light, and the after glow of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. The existence of the CMB is a direct prediction of the big bang model – the afterglow of a fiery birth. This light would not be enough for plant life. The Big Bang and CMB may explain the Light at the beginning of Genesis in the Bible, but it does not explain plant life on the earth before the creation of the sun. Genesis in the Bible states the Earth was created before the stars and before the galaxies, but we know from modern science that billions of stars and galaxies were created before the earth.
Our Milky Way galaxy is about 12 billion years old, the typical age of galaxies across the universe.[many billions of years older than the earth]
How do scientists determine the age of galaxies in pics taken by Hubble space telescope?
The rate of recession (going away from us) is so high (as shown by the Doppler shift of the light of the galaxies) as to give us idea that the galaxies are 13 billion LY away. That means the light is 13 billion years old when it reaches us now. If those galaxies existed 13 billion years ago, and the universe has been expanding only 13.4 billion years, and the first stage (inflation) of the universe after the Big Bang and the formation of matter (protons, electrons, neutrons) took 100 million years, those galaxies were made only 300 million years after the origin of the universe. They are among the first galaxies to form. They were very young when light began the journey.


@---->> light beam for 13 billion years ---->> to our eyes.
|<------distance is 13 billion light years-------->|
Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part 2:
32. Yes, I have measured the stars in Your firmament,...
33. I have measured the light and computed the time of its coming, |1503| and lo, they have also existed for millions of years [or billions].
1503  i.e., computed how long it took the light to "travel" from star(s) to the earth

Billy Camrick Carson II (born september 4,1971) : https://wikitia.com/wiki/Billy_Carson

1971 = cold down-spike (a’ji). http://www.longrangeweather.com/1950ad.htm 
Below Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge face matched 93% to Haile Salassie of Ethiopia.
Below Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge face matched 88% to Mike James (age 27).

People Base Their Eternity On 1 Book But Never Research It - YouTube

IG LIVE @4biddenknowledge Billy Carson and @lawofattractionlive on Jan 10th 2021.
From 9 minutes to 11 minutes and 38 seconds into Youtube video link above Billy Carson talks about the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia, he called them advanced thinkers [like Thothma of Ancient Egypt and the False Gods], Billy Carson says they ruled over people [born conquerers the Ghans], he said they programmed us to be subservient and to worship them [worship a God in their image, in the image of a man] , that got ingrained in us.
From 11 minutes and 32 seconds to 11 minutes and 38 seconds of above YouTube video link Billy Carson said "people think memory is only in the brain, no it's actually in your genes" [what I called DNA is a vortexian record similar to magnetic tape recordings or memory].

Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih Chapter Chapter XII


1. ANUHASAJ never established the De'yus as projected at first, but took the name De'yus (Dyaus) upon himself, and became known in the heavens by that name. ...he gave a feast to the Gods and Goddesses; and after it was ended, previous to their departure, he spake before them, saying:

2. The time of duty is now upon you, and upon me, the Lord your God, also. Be ye then solicitous of these things I speak of, that in the everlasting times we may be brethren, and there shall be no other Gods, but ourselves forever.

4. To overturn Jehovih and His dominions on the earth and in these heavens will be your first labor. And whenever corporeans embrace Him, calling themselves FAITHISTS IN THE GREAT SPIRIT, or FAITHISTS IN JEHOVIH, or FAITHISTS IN ORMAZD, or by any other name signifying the ALL LIGHT, or UNSEEN, or PERSON OF EVER PRESENCE, ye shall pursue them, and destroy them off the face of the earth

11. When the Lord God had finished his discourse, the other Gods responded in love and adoration. Thus ended the feast, and, according to the rites in other heavens, the Gods and Goddesses went and sat at the foot of the throne, and De'yus came down and took them by the hand, one at a time, and raised them up, saying: Arise, O God, and in my name, and wisdom, and power, go thy way. Thus they departed.

12. And as to the earth, great havoc and persecution were visited upon the Zarathustrians and Israelites, being put to death by hundreds of thousands. 

Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih = the Annunaki wars against the All Person.  

Origin of the Anunnaki, Sumerian mythology, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and the Book of Genesis of the Bible (Torah - Tanakh):

"...regarding the fallen angels Anuhasaj and Anubi in the Book of Wars Against Jehovih...I noticed both of these gods have names that starts with Anu.
Are ...these gods are the names and gods called the Sumerian Anunnaki?  I read in Book of Wars Against Jehovih 14:34 that Anuhasaj traveled to far-off regions to help Goddess Atcheni.  This implies travel in the ethereal realms." - Michael W. 05/18/2016
"...upon reading passages of Oahspe about the fallen god Anuhasaj with his servant Anubis, and being inundated with new agers who constantly talk about the Anunnaki, it just occurred to me.  I've looked up Anu on Wikipedia and he was the earliest of the Sumerian sky gods, king of the gods, lord of the constellations, spirits, angels, etc., and supreme ruler of the kingdom of heaven.  It could very well be Anuhasaj" - Michael W. 05/19/2016.
Based on Oahspe the Summerian Anunnaki information is not trustworthy because it comes from the false Gods Anuhasaji,and Anubi.
15. So God came from Craoshivi and crowned Anuhasaj Lord God of heaven and earth; with great pageantry and display, God gave him a throne and placed him upon it. And from this time forth Anuhasaj was known and saluted as Lord God, which is the first rank below God.
14. So, after a session of three days, Anuhasaj was elected and enthroned in Hored, a new heavenly place, and crowned OUR GOD of the earth and her heavens, the VERY LORD GOD IN JEHOVIH. Thus he became a false God.
OAHSPE Book of Wars Against Jehovih 14:34
34. When we raised them up, my wards, four thousand millions, were lifted a small way up out of darkness, and our far-off Goddess, Atcheni, needed one who was great, like unto thee, to travel in other regions. And I parted with thee. My soul was as if divided in twain.
According to The Oxford Companion to World Mythology, the Anunnaki: "...are the Sumerian deities of the old primordial line; they are chthonic deities of fertility, associated eventually with the underworld, where they became judges. They take their name from the old sky god An (Anu)."[2]
The Anunnaki are mentioned in The Epic of Gilgamesh when Utnapishtim tells the story of the flood.
Toward the end of the Sumerian civilization, Ziggurats became the preferred temple structure for Mesopotamian religious centers.[3] Temples served as cultural, religious, and political headquarters until approximately 2500 BCE,
The Sumerians originally practiced a polytheistic religion, with anthropomorphic deities representing cosmic and terrestrial forces in their world. During the middle of the 3rd millennium BCE [2500 BCE], Sumerian deities became more anthropocentric ...
The earliest Sumerian literature of the 3rd millennium BC identifies four primary deities; Anu, Enlil, Ninhursag and Enki.[add Anu+hursag = 
The majority of Sumerian deities belonged to a classification called the Anunna (“[offspring] of An”), whereas seven deities, including Enlil and Inanna, belonged to a group of “underworld judges" known as the Anunnaki (“[offspring] of An” + Ki; alternatively, "those from heaven (An) who came to earth (Ki)"]).
The main Sumerian deities are:
Anu: god of heaven, the firmament
Ninhursag: goddess of the earth
2500 BCE of the Sumerian religion (and The Anunnaki) is in the middle of the time of Anuhasaj [between 3953 B.C AND 1553 B.C] in OAHSPE BOOK OF WARS AGAINST JEHOVIH CHAPTER VIII.
Zecharia Sitchin (Russian: Заха́рия Си́тчин; July 11, 1920 – October 9, 2010)[1] was a Russian-born American author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he states was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He believed this hypothetical planet of Nibiru to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth's own Solar System, asserting that Sumerian mythology reflects this. Sitchin's books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into more than 25 languages.
Sitchin says that his research coincides with many biblical texts, and that biblical texts come originally from Sumerian writings.
Bible from a false God and fallen Angel Anuhasaj (Anunnaki):
According to Oahspe Anuhasaj's three Gods make a bible (Osirian) in their own way, and give it to mortals [this is where The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis came from).
55. Anuhasaj
"The Sumerians originally practiced a polytheistic religion, with anthropomorphic deities", "During the middle of the 3rd millennium BCE [2500 BCE], Sumerian deities became more anthropocentric".
Anuhasaj under the names God, and Lord, and Lord God, and De'yus had now, for a thousand years, become fixed in mortals' minds as the Creator, a large man sitting on a throne, guarded by his Son Anubi.
Book of Wars Against Jehovih: Chapter XLI:4
According to researchers of the Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki come to earth to mine the earth of resources, minerals, gold erc...

This planet is inhabited by the Anunnaki (the Nefilim/giants in the Bible), "Those Who ... They landed on Earth, colonized it, mining
the Earth for gold and other minerals, ... Enlil and Enki, two governors of Earth sent from Nibiru to rule Earth, were ...

False Gods in Oahspe got gems from other stars.

"the mining of jewels and precious metals"
Gold is a precious metal:
"built with heavenly precious stones and gems of splendor"
"heavenly place paved with diamonds and most precious gems"
"billions of its gems had been captured from the"
"of heavenly cities, built with heavenly precious stones and gems of splendor"

Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih: Chapter XXX:
10....they had millions of heavenly cities, built with heavenly precious stones and gems of splendor, and with roadways and streets paved with heavenly diamonds and pearls.

Oahspe Book of Eskra Chapter LI:
5. And the false Lord God and his false Gods prospered in earth and heaven, as to themselves and their kingdoms, hundreds of years, nine hundred years,...
8. And now of the heavenly kingdoms of Anuhasaj and his Gods, this is what occurred, to wit: They had accumulated twenty-eight thousand millions of spirits, all of whom were servants to De'yus and his Gods.
12. Now, as to the throne and its brilliancy and grandeur, no mortal words can convey a knowledge thereof to mortal understanding; for it was so vast, and withal adorned with elements not found on the earth. Thousands of millions of which gems had been captured from the dispossessed false Gods of centuries before, and even from heavens from other star worlds.

De'yus and his Gods = Zeus and Greek Gods.

See Youtube video Anunnaki Gods of Ancient Greece by Ancient Astronaut Archive:
The belief that Rh-negative (O blood type) earthlings instead of pygmies (who have less O blood than Europeans who have the most O blood type) and A and B blood types are from another world (extraterrestrial) is connected to the false Gods belief in the Anunnaki, see Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among by Nick Redfern:
Ea or Enki Anunakki
Oahspe Book of Saphah: Se'moin Interpretation.

5. Ea'yo, from below forever, from upward forever (Panic). E'do (Bakie). M'yo (China). She'go (Algonquin). U'do (Vede). Udoche (Sanscrit). Upward and downward forever. None can measure the extent.
Oahspe Book of Saphah:
26. What is the sign of the black hand and black enk, the slaying tool
Synonyms of slaying in English: SYNONYMS: murder, killing, homicide, putting to death, execution, butchery, slaughter, massacre, assassination, dispatch, destruction, extermination https://www.lexico.com/synonyms/slaying 

The Black Hand: The Epic War Between a Brilliant Detective and the Deadliest Secret Society in American History is a non-fiction book written by Irish American author Stephan Talty, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt on 25 April 2017.

The book received praise from critics.[1] Author Mark Adams said: "The Black Hand is nonfiction noir at its best: a real-life Godfather prequel that pits an unforgettable Italian-American hero against the seemingly unstoppable menace that would become the New York mafia".[2] Kirkus Reviews said it was: "A thrilling tale of the "Italian Sherlock Holmes"".[3] 
The Bible is a revised copy of the Sumerian texts this is where the hebrews got there creation story from the epic of galgamesh, the emuna elish, the 7 tablets of creation, - Selah Shalom.


From 51.0 minutes to 54.02 minutes Billy Carson talks about the lineage of the Kings of Sumeria, the Pharaonic Kings, the Presidents of the USA, the Annunaki. The liniage that Billy Carson talks about is the lineage of the high government officials, the born Conquerors, the rulers of Western Civilization. The other lineage (described in Oahspe) that Billy Carson doesn’t talk about is the lineage of the Israelites (mtdna La1) , the Mbuti and Efe Pygmies, the I’hins, the hosts of Sethantes.

All but for one (1) president, Martin Van Buren (allegedly also still related to the ruling elite families) share a lineage to a common ancestor, King John of England. (wiki)...From the young BridgeAnne d'Avignon assessment back in 2012, which has yet to be refuted it seems, As it turns out, both Trump and Hillary Clinton are related to John of Gaunt, a 14th century royal. Gaunt, who was the 1st Duke of Lancaster, was the son of King Edward III.  According to MyHeritage, Trump is related through his mother, Mary Anne Macleod, back to his 17th great-grandfather, John Beaufort, while Clinton is related through her father and the Rodham family, back to her 17th great-grandmother, Joan Beaufort. The two candidates are 19th cousins. Neither has commented on this fact. - victuruslibertas.com Even the Trump supporter/conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, shows the common genealogy of both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster on Jones' website. (infowars.com; citing to MyHeritage).  John of Gaunt is part of the next generation of British royals after John of Lackland. (britroyals.com). To take this up a notch, Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge gave an interview on Buzzsaw hosted by Sean Stone, quickly disclosing that not only are all of the U.S.Presidents part of this royal British bloodline, but the bloodline of these Kings can be traced to the Egyptian Pharaohs...In essence, I'm really asking who are these ruling elite that have been in the background of all major historical events. What exactly has been leading humanity and is it for our own good? http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/personal-golgotha/the-us-presidential-british-royal-and-pharaonic-bloodline The above bloodline (DNA haplogroup) includes the line of Thothma which was probably Y-DNA R1b same as Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, most of the Y-DNA haplogroups of the U.S. Presidents were R1b (61%) including George Washington, John Adams, Ronald Reagon, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. https://www.eupedia.com/forum/threads/40004-Y-DNA-Haplogroups-of-U-S-Presidents Research published in 2016 suggested that Genghis possibly belonged to the haplogroup R-M343 (R1b).[17] Five bodies, dating from about 1130–1250, were found in graves in Tavan Tolgoi, Mongolia. Anthropologically, all five of the bodies belong to the East Asian race. The authors also suggested they are members of the Golden Family. They hypothesize that Genghis Khan may have belonged to haplogroup R1b-M343, for the same reasons Zerjal et al. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Descent_from_Genghis_Khan ...one descending from Louis XIII of France via King Louis Philippe I, and two from Louis XIV via Philip V of Spain. They concluded that all three men share the same STR haplotype and belonged to haplogroup R1b-U106 (Z381* subclade)...All kings of France being descended in patrilineal line from Robert the Strong (820-866), unless a non-paternity event happened some time before Louis XIII, it can be assumed that all kings of France belonged to the same R1b-Z381 lineage. The House of Bourbon also includes all the kings of Spain from Philip V (1683-1746) to this day with King Juan Carlos, all the kings of the Two Sicilies, the grand dukes of Luxembourg since 1964, and of course all the dukes of Orléans and the dukes of Bourbon...Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821-1877) was a prominent Confederate Army general during the American Civil War, renowned as a cavalry leader and military strategist. He was the only general on either side who began as a private. After the war he became the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, which has made him a controversial figure in American history. His lineage was identified (group B) in the Forrest/Forrester DNA Project, which makes him a member of R1b-U106.
Thomas Paine : the Payne FamilyTreeDNA Project has many R1b members, but only one with ancestry confirmed from Norfolk, where Thomas Paine's family originated. This member happens to be R1b-L2. [Thomas Paine was one of the greatest men who ever lived and along with George Washington and John Adams who were also R1b haplogroup was under the direct inspiration of Jehovih through God, His Son and Jehovih's Lord, Yotahiza according to Oahspe].

Maciamo 22-06-11, 20:44 If the Macedonian elite descended from the Macedonian branch of the Indo-Europeans, and the elite kept a strict apartheid with the conquered population until the time of Alexander (very likely considering that Hindus have managed to do it for the last 4500 years), then the most likely haplogroups for Alexander the Great and other ancient Macedonian nobility was R1a1a, R1b1b2 or G2a3b1. It is tempting to say that the chances are higher for R1a1a because this is the most common of the three haplogroups in Macedonia nowadays (just a little higher than R1b). But it could very well be that R1a1a in modern Macedonia is of later Slavic, Germanic (Ostrogothic) or Central Asian (Bulgarian, Hunnic, Turkic) origin. In fact, it is very likely that most of the R1a1a in the Balkans is of various Central Asian and Slavic origin, which explains its great diversity. Therefore R1b1b2 emerges as the most likely possibility for Alexander the Great. What makes you think that Alexander could not belong to I or E1b1b haplogroups which are the most common in modern day Greek Macedonians? And why should he be R1b1b2? Because Alexander belonged to the Indo-European ruling class, which was most probably pure R1b with a G2a3b1 minority. Besides, most of the haplogroup I might have arrived in Macedonia after the time of Alexander. I1 and I2b would have come with the Germanic invasions at the end of the Roman empire. I2a2 might well have come with the Slavic migrations. However, if the Indo-Europeans mixed with the other inhabitants of Greeks without Hindu-style segregation, and all classes had their fair chances to become nobility, then haplogroups E1b1b, I2 and J are also possible. But I doubt so. It is important to keep in mind that Alexander had light skin, blond hair, and blue eyes, like many other Macedonian nobles, which suggests that the Indo-European speakers from the steppes didn't mix with the dark-skinned and curly black-haired Middle Eastern Neolithic inhabitants of Greece (those typically depicted in ancient Greek pottery). https://www.eupedia.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-26390.html 

Haplogroups of European kings and queens

I mentioned that members of the House of Oldenburg belonged to haplogroup R1b, based on Tsar Nicholas II's DNA. Kings & Queens of England or Great Britain James I (1566-1625) => R1b-L21 (Y-DNA) James II (1633-1701) => H (mtDNA) ; R1b-L21 (Y-DNA) Edward VII (1841-1910) => H (mtDNA) R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Alexandra of Denmark (1844-1925) => T2 (mtDNA)

George V (1865-1936) => T2 (mtDNA) R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Edward VIII (1894-1972) => R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

George VI (1895-1952) => R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh => H (mtDNA) ; R1b (Y-DNA)

Charles, Prince of Wales => R1b (Y-DNA)

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge => R30b (mtDNA) ; R1b (Y-DNA) All the Kings of Denmark since Christian I (reigned from 1448) belonged to haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA) Kings of Norway Haakon VII (1872-1957) => R1b (Y-DNA)

Olav V (1903-1991) => T2 (mtDNA) ; R1b (Y-DNA)

Harald V (1937-) => R1b (Y-DNA)

Kings & Queens of the Belgians:

Leopold I (1790-1865) => H (mtDNA) R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Marie-Louise of France (1812-1850) => H3 (mtDNA)

Leopold II (1835-1909) => H3 (mtDNA) R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Albert I (1875-1934) => R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Leopold III (1901-1983) => R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Baldwin I (1930-1993) => R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Albert II (b. 1934) => R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA) All kings of France supposedly belonged to haplogroup R1b-Z381 (Y-DNA). Kings of the Two Sicilies All the kings of the Two Sicilies presumably belonged to Y-haplogroup R1b-Z381 as members of the House of Bourbon. Kings & Queens of Portugal 

Maria II (1819-1853) => H (mtDNA)

Pedro V (1837-1861) => H (mtDNA) R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Luís I (1838-1889) => H (mtDNA) R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Carlos I (1863-1908) => R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Manuel II (1889-1932) => R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Tsars & Empress of Russia

Peter II (1715-1730) => H3 (mtDNA)

Romanov dynasty since Paul I => R1b (Y-DNA) :

  • Paul I (1754-1801)

  • Alexander I (1777-1825)

  • Constantine I (1779-1831)

  • Nicholas I (1796-1855)

  • Alexander II (1818-1881)

  • Alexander III (1845-1894)

  • Nicholas II (1868-1918) => T2 (mtDNA)


Maria Feodorovna (1847-1928) => H (mtDNA) 

Alexandra Feodorovna (1872-1918) => H (mtDNA)

Kings & Queens of Greece

George I (1845-1913) => T2 (mtDNA) ; R1b (Y-DNA)

Constantine I (1868-1923) => R1b (Y-DNA)

Sophia of Prussia (1870-1932) => H (mtDNA)

Princess Alice of Battenberg (1885-1969) => H (mtDNA)

Alexander (1893-1920) => H (mtDNA) ; R1b (Y-DNA)

George II (1890-1947) => H (mtDNA) ; R1b (Y-DNA)

Paul (1901-1964) => H (mtDNA)

Anne-Marie (1946-) => H (mtDNA)

Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece (1967-) => H (mtDNA)

Tsars of Bulgaria

Ferdinand I (1861-1948) => R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Boris III (1894-1943) => R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)

Simeon II (b. 1937) => R1b-U106 (Z305+) (Y-DNA)
Haplogroup R1b
Possible time of originProbably soon after R1, possibly between 18,000-14,000 BC[1]
Possible place of originWestern Asia, North Eurasia or Eastern Europe[2]
  • R1b1a (L754, PF6269, YSC0000022)
  • R1b1b (PH155)
Defining mutationsM343


18,000 - 14,000 B.C. about the time of the origins of the Ghans (19,000 - 14,000 years B.K) according to Oahspe. 

The Biblical Flood story vs facts and knowledge.

Oahspe and the Bible creation story, who is speaking, the father Jehovih or someone else?

One of the differences between Oahspe and the Bible is in Oahspe the father Jehovih speaks directly, says I created, in Genesis in the Bible someone else is speaking and says God created.

OAHSPE Book of Jehovih CHAPTER 3:

4. By the power of rotation, swift driving at the periphery, I condense the atmospherean worlds that float in the firmament; and these become My corporeal worlds. In the midst of the vortices I made them, and by the power of the vortices I turn them on their axes, and carry them in the orbits I allotted to them. Wider than to the moons of a planet I have created the vortices, and they carry the moons also.

6. For each and every corporeal world I created a vortex first, and by its rotation and from the places in the firmament where it traveled, I caused the vortex to conceive the corporeal world.
7. To make the sun I created a great vortex, and within this vortex and subject to it, I made the vortices of many of the corporeal worlds. The sun vortex I caused to rotate, and I gave it power to carry other vortices within it. According to their density and position, they are thus carried forth and around the sun.

The Bible Genesis Chapter 1:

King James Version (KJV)

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.


OAHSPE: God's Book of Ben CHAPTER V:

3. Man said: To know the beginning of things; what greater delight than this?

4. To know when the earth was made; and how the living were created!

5. The thousands of millions of kinds and species!

6. God said: Was not this answered unto thee? According to the light that man was capable of receiving, so was he answered.

7. Man inquired: But why was not the truth told? Why the six days? And why the rib?

8. God said: That which man can accept, and is good for him, is given unto him. That which man can not comprehend, can not be revealed to him.


The prophet Muhammad was/is accepted in Saudi Arabia, Buddha was/is accepted in India, Brahma and Krishna were/are accepted in India, Moses and ALL the Old Testament Prophets were/are accepted in Isreal, but Jesus was and is NOT accepted in Israel (his homeland). Now of course the New Testament Bible says No Prophet is accepted in his own homeland (own country) AFTER the fact (the Bible doesn't say this BEFORE Jesus) but as I have just shown you this is FALSE, not true. This is unprecedented, no precedence for this. The people who would know the most about the Old Testament, the Jews, the Essenes, the Israelites, the Hebrews, do not accept the New Testament story of Jesus. Could it be the Jews KNOW something? Could it be as Oahspe says there was no Jews allowed on the Council of Nicea because they would know the falsehood of what the Romans were doing? Man's hindsight "looking back" is 20/20. It is easy for one to be knowledgeable about an event after it has happened. Matthew in the New Testament makes Isaiah chapters 7 and 8 refer to Jesus AFTER the fact when in B.C. no Old Testament scholar referred to Isaiah chapters 7 and 8 to a future event. God has perfect foresight, man uses hindsight to see something and even then his hindsight may not be perfect. Man (the Romans, Constantine etc..) uses hindsight to revise re-write history, but they often leave evidence of their crimes that a good investigator or detective can discover.

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and the Anti-Christ are spoken of in the Bible AFTER Jesus, not before. In the Old Testament blasphemy is spoken of against Jehovah, the Father God, not against the son or the Holy Spirit, more of man's hindsight, re-write or revision of history or addendum. The real blasphemy and idolatry is the belief in a trinity and an anthropomorphic Creator God.

Its ok to have true Faith, but not BLIND faith where you don't LOOK or EXAMINE. Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” - Matthew 15:14 http://bible.cc/matthew/15-14.htm 

Perfect comments from Oahspe and Jehovih to Looeamong and those who say "if it isn't in the Bible I don't believe it." or for those who believe the Bible is the word of the Most High God:
OAHSPE: God's Book of Eskra CHAPTER LV:
7. Ye have holden your sacred books up, and said: Here is the ultimate; beyond this, no man shall go!
8. And ye knew, the while, that any fixed revelation could not be true, because all the universe is in constant progress.
7. Show them My suns and stars in the firmament above; for they are My written words. My voice proceedeth in the space of heaven; the wise angels of My exalted places hear the sound going forth. Hearken to My speech,...

HISTORY (50 B.C. - 0 A.D.):
All through the cold period from 50 to 30 B.C., Rome was gripped in civil war;...
The severe oppressions of Herod in Palestine led to a revolt in that province.
By 10 B.C. it was turning cold and at 4 B.C. occurred that incomparable event of history
the birth of Christ
According to the Constantine Bible, Jesus the Christ is born in 4 B.C during a cold (a'ji) dry dark down spike period. A'ji is associated with war, darkness, cold dry years, the Beast, and the numbers 66, 666. Ethe is associated with light, warm years, 100, 1000.
The Jesus of the Jewish Talmud was born during a warm light (dan) period, as a prophet should be.
What year was Jesus born?
The evidence from the Bible and the Church Fathers
there is strong support for Jesus being born in either 3 or 2 B.C.
3 or 2 B.C = dead center bottom of below normal cold dry down-spike (a'ji).
The Ussher chronology is a 17th-century chronology of the history of the world formulated
from a literal reading of the Bible by James Ussher, the Archbishop of Armagh (Church of Ireland)....
Ussher deduced that the first day of creation began at nightfall preceding Sunday,
October 23, 4004 BC, in the proleptic Julian calendar, near the autumnal equinox...
Ussher chose 4 BC as Christ's birth year because Josephus indicated that the death of
Herod the Great occurred in 4 BC.
4 B.C = cold year below normal drop in heat (almost down spike), dry period also
2nd coldest and driest period of the half century (50 B.C - 0 A.D.). Cold and dry = A'ji
The Talmud and the Masters of Wisdom affirm that Jesus Ben Pandira the historical Christ who lived in the 4th year of Alexander Jannaeus, King of Judea (106 to 76 B.C)...JESUS BEN PANDIRA WAS THE HISTORICAL CHRIST
Jesus ben Pandira. A wonder-worker during the reign of Alexander Jannaeus (106-79 BC), one of the most ruthless of the Maccabean kings. Imprudently, this Jesus launched into a career of end-time prophesy and agitation which upset the king. He met his own premature end-time by being hung on a tree – and on the eve of a Passover. Scholars have speculated this Jesus founded the Essene sect.
According to Josephus, Heshbon was in the possession of the Judeans since Alexander Jannaeus the Maccabee (106-79 B.C.) took it and made it a Jewish town.
4th year of reign of Alexander Jannaeus = 1st 106, 2nd 105, 3rd 104, 4th 103 B.C = warm period
The personal existence of Jesus as Jehoshua Ben-Pandira can be established beyond a doubt.
 One account affirms that, according to a genuine Jewish tradition "that man
(who is not to be named) was a disciple of Jehoshua Ben-Perachia." It also says,
"He was born in the fourth year of the reign of the Jewish King Alexander Jannæus,
notwithstanding the assertions of his followers that he was born in the reign of Herod."
That would be more than a century earlier than the date of birth assigned to the Jesus of
the Gospels! But it can be further shown that Jehoshua Ben-Pandira may have been born
considerably earlier even than the year 102 B.C.
, although the point is not of much
consequence here.
when he went down into Egypt with his pupil.For it is related that he fled there in
consequence of a persecution of the Rabbis, feasibly conjectured to refer to the civil
war in which the Pharisees revolted against King Alexander Jannæus, and consequently
about 105 B.C. If we put the age of his pupil, Jehoshua Ben-Pandira, at fifteen years,
that will give us an approximate date, extracted without pressure, which shows that
Jehoshua Ben-Pandira may have been born about the year 120 B.C. But twenty years are a
matter of little moment here.
When the true tradition of Ben-Pandira is recovered, it shows that he was the sole
historical Jesus who was hung on a tree by the Jews, not crucified in the Roman fashion,
and authenticates the claim now to be made on behalf of the astronomical allegory to the
dispensational Jesus, the Kronian Christ, the mythical Messiah of the Canonical Gospels,
and the Jesus of Paul, who was not the carnalised Christ. For I hold that the Jesus of
the "other Gospel," according to the Apostles Cephas and James, who was utterly
repudiated by Paul, was none other than Ben-Pandira, the Nazarene, of whom James was a
follower, according to a comment on him found in the Book Abodazura. Anyway, there are two Jesuses, or Jesus and the Christ, one of whom is repudiated by Paul. But Jehoshua, the son of Pandira, can never be converted into Jesus Christ, the son of a virgin mother, as an historic character. Nor can the dates given ever be reconciled with contemporary history.
Jesus Ben Pandira born 103 B.C. = warm (dan) year (above normal warm year).
Jesus Ben Pandira born 120 B.C = warm (dan) year (normal).
Warm period years = from 120 B.C. to 102 B.C. = Time Jesus Ben Pandira was born, matches warm Dan cycle.
Cold period years = 5 B.C to 1 B.C = Time Jesus of the Gospels was born, matches cold dry a'ji cycle.
OAHSPE Book of Saphah - Tablet of Biene 11. Tae (Panic). A representative man. The universal prayer of mankind. Also one who is chosen by etherean spirits for an earth cycle; as Zarathustra, Abraham, Brahma, Moses, Capilya, Confucius, etc. I provided for the nations in their darkness, saith Jehovih. For I bring the earth into a light region in the firmament, and I send My etherean angels to deliver them out of darkness and bondage. In My name raise they up men with eyes to see and ears to hear, and I proclaim unto all the inhabitants of the earth (Kosmon). Mankind.
Siddhartha Gautama was born around the year 580 BCE in the village of Lumbini in Nepal.
580 BCE = warm (dan) year period
Kong Qui, better known as Confucius, was born in 551 B.C. in the Lu state of China.
551 B.C. = warm (dan) year period (1000 year dan 552 B.C).
(Oahspe God's Book of Eskra 14:4-6) Know then, O Thoanactus, thou shalt go down to the earth, to the land of Chine'ya, and by inspiration bring forth a birth, capable of the All Voice, but not capable of su'is. And thou shalt accomplish this service so that he shall be born into the mortal world at the time a'ji ceaseth to fall upon that land.
(Oahspe God's Book of Eskra 32:1-6) 
Ka'yu grew up to be a man, in every way adapted to the work for which the loo'is had had him born into the world by command of God.
2. And it also came to pass, that disciples were also born, and duly prepared by the angels of God to become co-workers with
Cold a'ji periods are not a good time for a Prophet to teach, mortals are not nearly as receptive to spiritual teachings during a'ji as they are during dan periods.
Oahspe - Book of Divinity: Chapter XIII:
17. So great was the power of a'ji that even the I'hins oft broke their vows and lived clandestinely with the world's people...
18. Jehovih had said: What I give that groweth the corpor, inspireth man to corpor; what I give that groweth the es [spirit, es-sential part], inspireth man to es. And in the days of a'ji, neither angels or men can enthuse mortals with spiritual things, only they that are organically grown in spirit [above grade 66] can withstand.
According to the New Testament gospels, Jesus started his ministry at age 30, that would make the year 26 A.D. (4 B.C. + 30 years = 26 A.D.)
26 A.D. = cold (a'ji) drop in heat. 24 A.D. to 35 A.D. was cold (a'ji) period. The coldest lowest drop in temperature from 0 A.D. to 50 A.D.
If Jesus (Ben Pandira) was born in 103 B.C, at age 30 would have been the year 73 B.C.
73 B.C. = warm (dan) peak (77 B.C. to 65 B.C warmest highest temperature period from 100 B.C. to 50 B.C).
If Jesus (Ben Pandira) was born in 120 B.C, at age 30 would have been the year 90 B.C., which is ok because 90-91 B.C. = warm (dan) up spike, the opposite of  5 B.C to 1 B.C which is a cold (a'ji) down spike period.

The cycles of a'ji and dan (light) are against the Biblical story of Jesus in the New Testament Gospels, and they are in harmony with the Jewish Talmud story of Jesus (Ben Pandira).
In 525, at the request of Pope St. John I, Dionysius prepared a modified Alexandrian computation. In the course of his new calculations Dionysius decided to discard the Alexandrian era of emperor Diocletian, which reckoned from AD 284, because he 'did not wish to perpetuate the name of the Great Persecutor of Christians, but rather to number the years from the Incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ'.
Dionysius wrongly dated the birth of Christ as 753 A.U.C., but the Gospels state that Christ was born under Herod the Great who died in 750 A.U.C. The use of the Christian Era spread through the employment of Dionysius' new Easter tables and was later popularized by the English scholar Bede.
Dionysius was heavily influenced by Astrology [Mithra, Mithraism, Persian Magi]:
At the time it was believed that the Resurrection and end of the world would occur 500 years after the birth of Jesus. The old Anno Mundi calendar theoretically commenced with the creation of the world based on information in the Old Testament. It was believed that based on the Anno Mundi calendar Jesus was born in the year 5500 (or 5500 years after the world was created) with the year 6000 of the Anno Mundi calendar marking the end of the world.[13][14] Anno Mundi 6000 (approximately AD 500) was thus equated with the resurrection of Christ and the end of the world [15] but this date had already passed in the time of Dionysius. Dionysius therefore searched for a new end of the world at a later date. He was heavily influenced by ancient cosmology, in particular the doctrine of the Great Year that places a strong emphasis on planetary conjunctions. Dionysius decided that when all the planets were in conjunction this cosmic event would mark the end of the world. Dionysius accurately calculated that this conjunction would occur in May AD 2000, about 1500 years after the life of Dionysius. Dionysius then applied another cosmological timing mechanism based on precession of the equinoxes (that had only been discovered about six centuries earlier). Though incorrect, many people at the time believed that the precessional cycle was 24,000 years which included twelve astrological ages of 2,000 years each. Dionysius believed that if the planetary alignment of May 2000 marked the end of an age, then the birth of Jesus Christ marked the beginning of the age 2,000 years earlier on the 23rd March (the date of the Northern Hemisphere Spring Equinox and beginning of many yearly calendars from ancient times). He therefore deducted 2,000 years from the May 2000 conjunction to produce AD 1[16] for the incarnation of Christ even though modern scholars and the Roman Catholic Church[17] acknowledge that the birth of Jesus was a few years earlier than AD 1.[18][19][20][21]
Instead of going by Jewish historical records Dionysius decided to go by false Astrology to calculate (invent) a birthdate of Jesus Christ, which the world has adopted.
As this date was invented and false, it is evidence that other parts of the Christian story was invented and false.
A guest on the 700 club said the latest scholarship puts birth of Christ at 2 or 3 B.C. = dead center bottom of below normal cold dry down-spike (a'ji).
Martin thinks the birth of Jesus was in September 3 BC, and the probable date of the Magi was Dec. 25, 2 BC.
More than 600 planetariums here and in Europe have revised their Christmas star show to match this work of E. L. Martin.
The objective of this study is to demonstrate that Christ was born in 3BC rather than the commonly accepted years of anywhere from 4 to 7BC.
The new information dovetails with the chronological statements of early Christian Fathers that Christ was born in 3 or 2BC and with the natural reading of Scripture to this effect.

Apollonius of Tyana.
Born 4 BCE or Born c. 15 CE.

Letters in Primitive Christianity - Page 3 - Google Books Result

Both 4 BCE and 15 CE are cold down-spike periods (a'ji).
Apollonius of Tyana[1]
Born c. 15 CE
Died c. 100 CE (aged c. 85).
Being a 1st-century orator and philosopher around the time of Christ, he was compared with Jesus of Nazareth by Christians in the 4th century[3] and by various popular writers in modern times.
15 CE or AD = cold down-spike (a'ji) in the middle of a cold period from 10 CE-AD to 19 CE-AD
True Prophets of the Creator are associated with Dan periods (light, warmth) not a'ji or cold periods.
Oahspe Book of Saphah: Osiris:
87. Dan'gan (Panic), prophet. A man of light. Clear sight. Es'sight. An inter-seer (Vede). Yajvan, one who by much sacrifice hath attained to soul-seeing (Pali). Wa'gan-wag (Algonquin).
A Dan'gan (prophet) has insight, he can see things that other humans don't even though it be right in front of them.
Proxy measurements can be used to reconstruct the temperature record before the historical period. Quantities such as tree ring widths, coral growth, isotope variations in ice cores, ocean and lake sediments, cave deposits, fossils, ice cores, borehole temperatures, and glacier length records are correlated with climatic fluctuations. From these, proxy temperature reconstructions of the last 2000 years have been performed for the northern hemisphere, and over shorter time scales for the southern hemisphere and tropics.[5][6][7]
As well as natural, numerical proxies (tree-ring widths, for example) there exist records from the human historical period that can be used to infer climate variations, including: reports of frost fairs on the Thames; records of good and bad harvests; dates of spring blossom or lambing; extraordinary falls of rain and snow; and unusual floods or droughts. Such records can be used to infer historical temperatures, but generally in a more qualitative manner than natural proxies.
Recent evidence suggests that a sudden and short-lived climatic shift between 2200 and 2100 BCE occurred in the region between Tibet and Iceland, with some evidence suggesting a global change. The result was a cooling
and reduction in precipitation. This is believed to be a primary cause of the collapse of the Old Kingdom of Egypt.[11]
Oahspe Book of Saphah: Hi'dang
High Noon, or Sun Degree.--The same Tablet is used in this degree as in Dawn.
Oahspe Book of Saphah
42. M'git'ow, morning, sunrise (Panic). Dawn, M'git'ow (Algonquin). Tigiatow (Vede).
At dawn fly away the evil spirits; at dawn come the shining, full of holiness (Kii).
The wise man hath found Git'm'ow full of cow, i.e., receptivity...He maketh a book at dawn. The seventh heaven cometh in M'git'ow, the morning light (Poit).
[Interpretation = During dawns and dans, man is more receptive to light and spiritual understanding, so this is when the wise men make true holy books, during dans, this is when true religions are founded, this is when true prophets and messengers of the Creator are born, and this is when they teach]
43. Hi'dang, high-noon (Panic); the sun at noon. Let the Hi'dang be an emblem over my
altar. He is the glory of the day as is the Great Spirit of the soul world.
[Interpretation = highest, brightest light of day]
37. Git'ow the sun (Panic). Git'how, the sun (Chine). The central light. Let the sun stand to the corporeal world as Jehovih standeth to the All Unseen. He, the Gitow shall be on the beam betwixt the pillars as a symbol of my power. As he bringeth forth grass, so bring I forth the souls of men. He sendeth forth Karang'kwa, the All Heat, Haw'git
(Algonquin). He sendeth white light, or H'wit (Ebra).
[Interpretation = Light, Dan, Heat, warmth, white light, ethe 100 or 99, 100% Light, the whole specrtum, Light divided = 11/100ths or 1/3 of 1/3, 1/3, 2/3, 99/100ths = 33, 66, 99 = yellow, blue, violet, red]
Laminin is a protein molecule in the human body that plays a role in holding the body together and it is in the shape of a cross, so Christians are excited about it as a sign of Jesus Christ. But there is a GREATOR SIGN in the Universe that is missing from the Christian symbols, and that is the circle or vortex, the circle is seen from the smallest subatomic particles, to atoms, to planets, to stars, to solar systems, to galaxies. The circle has no beginning and no ending, and represents the true Creator. The symbol of Oahspe is the circle AND the cross inside the circle.
See Subatomic particles - String Theory - Quantum Physics chapter.
The laminin molecule is composed of circular atoms and electrons in circular orbits, that make up the whole universe, and vortex'ya is the circular force that holds the galaxies and universe together.

Book of Saphah: Se'moin 34: I'su (Panic). Ie-Su, a young child that has not sinned. The true cross within Eloih. I'e'su (Aham).
The cross (Jesus) within the circle (Creator).
The cross in the Oahspe symbol is the positive and negative forces of the vortex.
The positive force of the vortex exerts east and west -- from east to the center and from the west to the center --. The negative force of the vortex exerts from north to south | from the center to the north pole axis, and from the center to the south pole axis |. The two forces put together equals a cross + -|-. The Oahspe symbol is the Circle, the Cross and the Leaf. The vortex or circle represents the Creator O, the creative force of the universe.
The cross represents the positve and negative vortex'ya (male and female) + -|-. The Leaf represents Life. The Oahspe symbol of the circle = infinity = no begining and no ending = The Creator = 1 whole or 100 (ethe), or 1000 (dan). The Christian cross = 2/3 or incomplete. 2 lines dividing a circle -- plus | = + or -|- which is 2/3 or 666, the Beast. 3 or the third represents the Holy or divine whole the third = 1 whole or 3. Each line of the Christian Cross is 1/3, the Cross is made of 2 lines which = 2/3 or a'ji, Ji'ay, 66, or 666, the Beast. A circle O is an UNDIVIDED WHOLE or ALL-PERSON (omni-) a cross + is two intersecting DIVIDING LINES.
Christianity like the cross is incomplete (2/3, .66, 666, 66 books of the Bible), seeing the trees but not the whole forest.
Whenever someone is lost in a forest and they can see a satellite photo of the whole area, they are better off because they can see what is coming ahead and how to get out of the forest.
Oahspe is the whole story of the Creator (100, 1, 1000, 36 books of Oahspe = 360 degrees = full circle or orbit). Oahspe is like that satellite photo of the space (Kosmon) age that allows you to see the WHOLE area from above (the light of the higher heavens) with magnification power if needed.
About Christian book on being in Hell:
OAHSPE: Book of Fragapatti CHAPTER II:
11. And there were born from the earth into atmospherea, millions and millions of spirits, who could not believe they were dead, but maintained they were confined in dark dungeons,1 howling and cursing day and night.
1 One of the first surprises a novice in Su'is receives, is to see and hear so many spirits in the spirit world who do not know they are dead; or rather, that they have left their mortal bodies. And they very generally believe they are confined in a dark chamber, from which they cannot escape.
Bill Wiese 23 minutes in Hell. ... Proverbs 7:27 "they shall go down to Hell in the chambers of death" .... I was lying in the cell and it went dark, pitch, pitch black.
Oahspe glossary:
Osiris:...There was also a false God Osiris of later date who inspired the building of pyramids.
OAHSPE: Book of Wars Against Jehovih CHAPTER L:
6...Baal by order of Osiris, takes the spirit of Thothma to many places in Osiris' heavenly kingdom.
Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih CHAPTER 50:
10...Baal then took the soul of Thothma to the hells of De'yus, and showed him its horrors.
11...Baal brought his spirit back to the Chamber of Death, and showed him how to regain his corporeal part, which he did.
Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon 20:
18...The inspiration of Genesis was from the God, Osiris, the false, and his emissaries, chief of whom were Yotabba and Egupt, who were angel servants to Osiris. And so far as the records now stand the spirit of both books was the Eguptian version of the whole subject.
23 Minutes in Hell: One Man's Story About What He Saw, Heard, and Felt in That Place of Torment
"My sincere hope is that this book is the closest you will ever come to  experiencing hell for yourself."
Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, and experienced the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony, terrorizing demons, and finally, the strong hand of God lifting him out of the pit.
"Tell them I am coming very, very soon!"
Wiese’s visit to the devil’s lair lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned with vivid details etched in his memory. Since this life-changing ordeal, he has spent the last seven years studying the Scriptures to find answers and has listed more than 150 Bible verses referencing hell.
Everyone is curious about the afterlife, and now Wiese shares his insights to commonly asked questions such as:
•Is hell a literal burning place?
•Where is hell?
•Do you have a body in hell?
•Are there Degrees of punishment in hell?
•Are there children in hell?
•Can Demons torment people in hell?
•Can "good" people go to hell?
"Even if you don’t believe my story, I hope you will believe the Scriptures and avoid hell just the same."
Oahspe glossary:
Hell: Anarchy in heaven, especially in hada, the lowest heaven, where angels torment one another.
Wiese states that he had been a Christian since 1970, but had never studied hell before his experience[2] on the night of November 23, 1998.[3] According to the book, Wiese, then a real estate broker,[2][4] found himself in a cell approximately 15 feet (4.6 m) high and 10 feet (3.0 m) by 15 feet (4.6 m) in area, where there were two foul-smelling beasts, personifications of evil and terror, who spoke in a blasphemous language.[3] Wiese says that the creatures had strength approximately one thousand times greater than a man's strength.[3] According to Wiese, the beasts threw him against the stone wall, breaking his bones, and then ripped his flesh.[4]
Wiese states that he nevertheless managed to crawl out of his cell, where he heard the screams of the billions of damned people in hell.[4] He states that he then encountered Jesus, who told him to tell other people that hell is real.[3] Wiese states that his experience ended with him waking on the floor of his living room, screaming in horror [3]
Oahspe - Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XXXVII:
29...the drujas fell upon the king's spirit, and the spirits of his counselors, and bore them off to a foul-smelling place in hada, and cast him and them in, and the drujas went in after them, beating them.
...And the drujas went around about on the earth,..finding whomsoever...bringing their spirits into hell, beating them and otherwise punishing them, until these four hells became the habitation of sixty millions of souls.
Oahspe, Book of Es, 18:6
5...his spirit went into the heaven of the sect he had worshipped while on earth. And when a spirit cried out: "I want to go to Jesus; I want to go to Christ", he was shown the druja-God and told: "this is He". The which, he believed to be true. For WHAT IS BOUND ON EARTH, IS BOUND IN HEAVEN. And such spirits became servants [or slaves] unto those druja-Gods.
The Christian Religion like other religions is a Power and Control mechanism:
Page 168 of of DARKNESS DAWN AND DESTINY (DRAWN FROM OAHSPE) 1965 by Augustine Cahill says "And the God who controls the earth controls its heavens".
"Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, ..." Matthew 18:18 of the Bible (NIV).

Oahspe The Book of Judgment Chapter Chapter III:
15. And whoever says: Christ, Christ! signifying a God in the figure and shape of a man, sitting on a throne in heaven, is a blasphemer against Jehovih, the Creator, the All Person.
Oahspe Book of Saphah: M'hak:
34. W.: What is an idol?
35. I.: Anything that is worshiped, having form and figure.
36. W.: Who is God?
37. I.: A spirit with a heavenly throne believed by people in darkness to be the Creator of all things. Familiar spirits have oft called themselves God, and so taught mortals.
38. W.: Who are Saviors?
39. I.: Familiar spirits who have kingdoms in atmospherea, which, by the ancients, was called the lower heaven. Saviors are tyrants who make slaves of other spirits, who believe in them. Their slaves are sent back to mortals as guardian angels or familiars, in order to make captives of mortals after death, to augment the Savior's kingdoms in atmospherea.
40. W.: How can a man escape the toils of false Lords, Gods, Saviors and familiars?
41. I.: He shall covenant with Jehovih every day of his life, and serve Him by doing good works unto others with all his wisdom and strength. Nor shall he call in prayer on the name of a Savior or God, nor any other spirit, but on the Great Spirit only. If he do this, and eschew contention and war, and leadership, and earthly gain, and earthly aggrandizement, then will etherean angels come and guard him in the name of Jehovih.

OAHSPE: Book of Wars Against Jehovih CHAPTER XXI:
11. ...Jehovih spake in Craoshivi, saying: The time shall come when angels and mortals shall know of a truth that the Lord God is a false God and a vain-glorious usurper. For I will leave one race of I'huans on the earth, in Guatama, even till the era of kosmon. And men and angels shall see and understand that man of himself never inventeth a God in figure of a man born of woman. And that only through the inspiration of My enemies, who build kingdoms in hada for their own glory, hath any people ever fallen from My estate to worship a God in image of man.
Native American Indians are considered I'huans (but are actually Ongwe-ghans). Many are still worshippers of the Great Spirit, Jehovih.
The Great Spirit, called Wakan Tanka among the Sioux and Gitche Manitou in Algonquian, is a conception of a supreme being prevalent among some Native American and First Nations cultures.
Chief Dan Evehema, a spiritual leader of the Hopi Nation, described the Great Spirit as follows:
"To the Hopi, the Great Spirit is all powerful. He taught us how to live, to worship,"
"Old Man" is how the Great Spirit is "known" by the Blackfoot people. Old Man personally created all things and personally instructed the Blackfoot people on how to attain spiritual wisdom in daily life:
Old Man is not an anthropomorphic and anthropopathic god like Jesus, nor a panentheistic deity as in Brahmanism out of which the whole fabric of existence is derived. Rather, Old Man is simply acknowledged to exist in the sense of the Aristotelian "prime mover" ("prime mover" idiom provided for the benefit of European audiences) and the traditional teachings are attributed to "him" as a source.
Old Man = Ancient of Days = The father = The Source
anthropopathy 1. the attribution of human passions, etc, to a deity,
an•thro•pop•a•thy ascription of human passions or feelings to a thing or a being not human, as to a deity.
Great Spirit = NOT an anthropomorphic and anthropopathic God like Jesus

Garrick Mallery, the leading Smithsonian authority of his day, says: "The most surprising fact relating to the North American Indians, which until lately had not been realized, is that they habitually lived in and by religion to a degree comparable with that of the old Israelites under the theocracy. This was sometimes ignored, and sometimes denied in terms, by many of the early missionaries and explorers. The aboriginal religion was not their [the missionaries'] religion, and therefore was not recognized to have an existence or was pronounced to be satanic." (3)
Because of the inverse square law of physics the Creator would have to be everywhere (omnipresent) to be all-powerful, because if the Creator would be located in just one local area it's light intensity (power) would decrease by the square of the distance from the source, if you double the distance the light intensity would be half. And if the Creator's light or intensity (power) does not decrease or fall of in any part of the infinite universe, then you would not be able to tell the difference of where the Creator is and what shape the Creator has, so this is why an all-powerful Creator would have to be everywhere (omnipresent), and would not change or decrease, and would not have a shape or form.
The first and second resurrections According to the Bible:
Daniel 12:2, and Revelation 20:4-6 of the Bible speaks about the first and second resurrections.
Daniel 12:2 summarizes the two very different fates facing mankind: “Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” Everyone will be raised from the dead, but not everyone will share the same destiny.
Revelation 20:4-6 mentions a “first resurrection” and identifies those involved as “blessed and holy.”
The second death (the lake of fire, Revelation 20:14) has no power over these individuals.
The first resurrection, then, is the raising of all believers.
Revelation 20:12-13 identifies those comprising the second resurrection as the wicked judged by God at the great white throne judgment prior to being cast into the lake of fire. The second resurrection, then, is the raising of all unbelievers; the second resurrection is connected to the second death.
The event which divides the first and second resurrections seems to be the millennial kingdom. The last of the righteous are raised to reign “with Christ a thousand years” (Revelation 20:4), but the “rest of the dead [that is, the wicked] lived not again until the thousand years were finished” (Revelation 20:5).
Raising of the dead to judge them and caste them into a lake of fire sounds like a tyrant (Looeamong), like a King or Emperor who torments you and puts you to death if you don't bow down to him.
Oahspe Book of Sethantes Chapter XIV:2, the first and second resurrections:
2. Now is the beginning of the second resurrection. Even as the corporean putteth off the corporeal body, and is born a spirit, becoming the first resurrection, so are ye, putting away individual self and becoming an organic community, the beginning of the second resurrection.
1st resurrection = from corporeal death to born an es'yan (newborn) spirit
2nd resurrection = death of individual self and becoming part of a organic community.
3rd resurrection = Spirits who are ready to rise above the bondage of the earth and its atmosphere (at the next 200 or 400 year dan), and have attained to etherean grades, being in the third resurrection (Brides and Bridegrooms).
3rd resurrection = Union with the father and rise (ascension) from atmospherea to etherea (harvest, brides and bridesgroom) this event happends at the 200 and 400 year dans.
Your spiritual grade and resurrection has to do with how much you put away self (selfishness, or Ego).
Selfishness = disharmony with the organic community, disharmony with the All or Whole, disharmony with the Father.
Harmony = union, oneness
The event which divides the second and 3rd resurrections = the 200 and 400 year dans (the harvest and ascension times).
(Oahspe Book of Jehovih 7:16-18) At the termination of the dominion of My God and his Lords they shall gather together in these, My bound heavens, all such angels as have been prepared in wisdom and strength for resurrection to My etherean kingdoms. And these angels shall be called Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih, for they are Mine and in My service.
17. And to God and his Lords, with the Brides and Bridegrooms, will I send down from etherea ships in the time of dan; by My etherean Gods and Goddesses shall the ships descend to these heavens, and receive God and His Lords with the Brides and Bridegrooms, and carry them up to the exalted regions I have prepared for them.
18. And all such as ascend shall be called a Harvest unto Me, through My God and Lords. And the time of My Harvests shall be according to each dan, which is two hundred years, four hundred years, six hundred years, and five hundred years; and these shall be called My lesser cycles because they are the times of the tables of prophecy which I give unto My servants.
These "tables of prophecy" and "times of dan" are missing from the Bible and Koran, but are found in Oahspe.
The millennial period = a day (1000 years as a day to Jehovah), daylight or dan period of time.
The first death = death of the corporeal body (shedding the corporeal body)
The second death = death of individual self (selfishness, Ego, disharmony)
All mortals partake of the first death
All human spirits capable of everlasting life experience the second death and the second and third resurrections.
OAHSPE: Book of Judgment XXXI:
6. Which is, that thou shalt be bound in heaven till thou shalt accomplish what thou mightst have done, but failed to do.
8. To all men, who set out with a promise to accomplish charity, or any good for the resurrection or melioration of man, and fail to do it, the same judgment shall be upon them in heaven. Nor shall they rise above the first resurrection until they have fulfilled the same in all particulars. Thus shall they judge themselves in heaven.
9. It is not sufficient for thee, O man, to say: I saw not my way clear as to the best method of doing a thing, and so I waited.
10. The commandment of Jehovih is upon thee, to do what thou canst, according to thy highest light and ability to accomplish. In this respect, then, thou shalt find no excuse, because thou knewest not the best way.
Is 'Let Him Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone' Biblical?
Scholars are cautious about the story of the woman caught in adultery.
Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra/ April 23, 2008
When Dallas Theological Seminary professor Daniel Wallace examined New Testament manuscripts stored in the National Archive in Albania last June, he was amazed by what he did not find.
The story of the woman caught in adultery, usually found in John 7:53-8:11, was missing from three of the texts, and was out of place in a fourth, tacked on to the end of John's Gospel.
"This is way out of proportion for manuscripts from the 9th century and following," Wallace said. "Once we get into that era, the manuscripts start conforming much more to each other. Thus, to find some that didn't have the story is remarkable."
Many scholars agree that the verses are not original to John's Gospel, pointing out that the story interrupts the flow of the verses that come before and after. The style is also noticeably different from that of John's usual writing.

Bible, Bible Reading, Bible Translations
The Earliest and Most Reliable Manuscripts…” – What Does This Mean?
As previously mentioned, a couple of entire passages were absent (from John 8 and Mark 16).
For some Bible readers, these differences can be disconcerting. If the end of Mark is not inspired Scripture, then what happened to the ending? Did it somehow get lost? Or does Mark his Gospel end abruptly, with the disciples in fear (see Mark 16.8)?


Jehovih or Yahweh:
I understand that the letter "J" is relatively new — perhaps 400–500 years old. But since there has long been important names that begin with J, such as Jesus, Joshua, Justinian, etc., and which predate the introduction of a special letter, does that mean that the "J" sound predated the letter, or were such famous names spelled and pronounced differently?
In the original languages (Latin, Greek, Hebrew) which provide us with the names Jesus, Joseph, Justinian, etc., the sound which we write as J was pronounced as the English letter Y. (Just to make things confusing for English speakers, the phonetic symbol for this sound is [j].) In Latin, the letter for this was I/i, in Greek it was Ι/ι (iota), and in Hebrew it was י (yod). Thus, the Greek spelling for "Jesus" was Ιησους, pronounced something like "Yeh-SOOS", and the Latin likewise was Iesus.
Subsequently, in the Latin alphabet the letter J was developed as a variant of I, and this distinction was later used to distinguish the consonantal "y" sound [j] from the vocalic "i" sound [i]. However, at about the same time there was a sound change in many of the languages of Western Europe, such that the "y" sound changed into a "j" sound ([dʒ], or sometimes [ʒ]). So we have it that in English, the letter J now represents a consonant [dʒ] which is not obviously similar to the vowel [i], despite the fact that they descend from the same letter and the same sound. (English also has many [dʒ] sounds spelled with J which come from native Germanic roots.)
You can see this history worked out differently in the spelling systems of German and many of the Slavic languages of Eastern Europe, where the letter J spells the "y" sound [j], and the letter Y, if used at all, is primarily used as a vowel.
edited Jan 29 '14 at 18:04
answered Jan 28 '14 at 15:23
English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts.
The first letter in the name Yeshua ("Jesus") is the yod. Yod represents the "Y" sound in Hebrew. Many names in the Bible that begin with yod are mispronounced by English speakers because the yod in these names was transliterated in English Bibles with the letter "J" rather than "Y". This came about because in early English the letter "J" was pronounced the way we pronounce "Y" today.

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