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"If the author, Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., is correct, an 890-page book called "Oahspe" is the best kept secret in the world. But it is not supposed to be a secret. It was intended to be as well known as the Bible and provide answers to humankind on all life's mysteries, including the history of the planet, the history of the human race, the fate of man, and countless other matters pertaining to the nature of man and the purpose of life."

Oahspe Bon's Book of Praise: LAIS:
4. O ye seas of Nista and Hoit, in the Nirvanian heavens, where course a thousand million ships
of the congregations of the Almighty
. Sing to Him, thou sea of etherean fire, Poyisativi, home
of billions!


Is a flying saucer shape ideal for a spacecraft?

With our existing technology, no way in hell for planetary travel. We need shielding and gravity simulation and solar collection unless we want to live near a thermonuclear generator. I just don't see fitting all that in a disk shaped object. - Richard Holl , former Engineer at NASA (1961-1971) Answered Jun 18, 2020. https://www.quora.com/Is-a-flying-saucer-shape-ideal-for-a-spacecraft


"fitting all that [shielding and gravity simulation and solar collection] in a disk shaped object" like a lenticular galaxy?

<--- a lenticular disk shaped galaxy.

Lenticular disk shaped galaxies have traveled more distance in intergalactic space than any man-made air or space-craft. Lenticular disk shaped galaxies have shielding, gravity simulation and solar collection. Lenticular or disk shaped galaxies travel at an astounding speed of over 1 million miles per hour which is 40 x faster than the fastest manned space-craft.

If man on Earth could learn to imitate the shape and physics of a lenticular galaxy and use it for space-flight he would be like an Etherean God or Goddess.

Oahspe Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih: Chapter X: 11 As Jehovih maketh worlds, and sendeth them forth in the places of His firmament, so, in imitation of Him, His etherean Gods and Goddesses make adavaysits to traverse space from star to star, and from one etherean region to another. Great in wisdom and power are Jehovih's etherean Gods and Goddesses! Yet they, too, were once but men and women, with corporeal bodies.

<---flying saucer seen by Bud Calvert of 29 Palms, California on May, 24, 1959.
No Human Has Ever Left Earth’s Atmosphere, Here's Why.
New observations of our atmosphere calculate that it extends far beyond what we thought, encompassing the moon! This means that
we've actually never left Earth's atmosphere. Here's what else these observations can tell us.
The above YouTube video dates back to April 9, 2019 (see evidence below):

Jet Turbine engine aerospacecraft, hypersonic arrow-shaped craft, inter-planetary and inter-galactic space travel.

OAHSPE describes the rocket-like emissions for propulsion, the fans, the screws, the whirling or rotating motion of the parts.

Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XXVIII:

1. THE Goddess Arieune slackened the speed of her arrow-ship to suit that of Hoab's vessel; so, onward together they sped in a direct line, propelled as a rocket is propelled, by constant emissions from the hulk; the which expenditure is manufactured by the crew and commanders, skilled in wielding Jehovih's elements. For as mortals find means to traverse the ocean and to raise a balloon, so do the Gods and spirits build and propel mightier vessels through the firmament, betwixt the stars and over and under and beyond the sun.

Modern Rocketry Begins.
In 1898, a Russian schoolteacher, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935), proposed the idea of space exploration by rocket. In a report he published in 1903, Tsiolkovsky suggested the use of liquid propellants for rockets in order to achieve greater range. Tsiolkovsky stated that the speed and range of a rocket were limited only by the exhaust velocity of escaping gases. For his ideas, careful research, and great vision, Tsiolkovsky has been called the father of modern astronautics.
the idea of space exploration by rocket was written in Oahspe in 1881, predating Konstantin Tsiolkovsky's proposal by 17 years, making Oahspe the father of modern astronautics.
MIT openCOURSEWARE Physics I: Classical Mechanics
Lecture 17: Momentum of Individual Objects, Rocket Equation | 8.01 Classical Mechanics
Instructer Walter Lewin
From 37 minutes and 34 seconds to 38 minutes and 6 seconds into Lecture:
Ma = F = U dm/dt ...Some people call this the rocket equation.
M = mass, a = acceleration, F = thrust, U = velocity, dm/dt = kilograms per second
U = Initial velocity, v = Final Velocity, t = time taken
a small amount of time = dt, a small amount of mass = dm
F and a are vectors ------>
From 26:00 minutes to 30 minutes and 25 seconds into lecture:
F = dm/dt x v = kg/s ...idea behind rocket (Rocket Science).
F = Force or Thrust, V = velocity, kg/s = kilograms per second.
<--F--0--Vx-->  experience the same force in the opposite direction - throws out hot gas in one direction and experiences thrust in opposite direction (action = minus reaction, Newton's third law)
Newton's laws of motion.
What does the d stand for in f = dm/dt in physics?
The d in that expression is a differential operator; the entity dm/dt is the notation for the derivative of m (mass) with respect to t (time). Derivatives mean the instantaneous rate of change, and are a big topic in calculus.
d stands for derivative. It is a calculus function.  

2. And when the ethereans, highest raised in the most subtle spheres, send their ships coursing downward in the denser strata of a corporeal world, their ready workmen take in ballast, and turn the fans, and reverse the whirling screws to match the space and course of travel; for which purpose men learn the trade, having rank and grade according to proficiency. Many of them serving a thousand years' apprenticeship, becoming so skilled in wielding the elements, and in the knowledge of the decrees of density, that thousands of millions of miles of roadways in heaven are as a well-learned book to them.


How a Jet Engine Works

An animated image of a jet engine to show how the air flows through the engine.

Jet engines move the airplane forward with a great force that is produced by a tremendous thrust and causes the plane to fly very fast.

All jet engines, which are also called gas turbines, work on the same principle. The engine sucks air in at the front with a fan. A compressor raises the pressure of the air. The compressor is made up of fans with many blades and attached to a shaft. The blades compress the air. The compressed air is then sprayed with fuel and an electric spark lights the mixture. The burning gases expand and blast out through the nozzle, at the back of the engine. As the jets of gas shoot backward, the engine and the aircraft are thrust forward.


The first patent for using a gas turbine to power an aircraft was filed in 1921 by Frenchman Maxime Guillaume.[4] His engine was an axial-flow turbojet. Alan Arnold Griffith published An Aerodynamic Theory of Turbine Design in 1926 leading to experimental work at the RAE.

Heinkel's simple and compact He 178 airframe and flown by Erich Warsitz in the early morning of August 27, 1939, from Rostock-Marienehe aerodrome, an impressively short time for development. The He 178 was the world's first jet plane.[9]

Heinkel He 178, the world's first aircraft to fly purely on turbojet power.

A turbofan engine is a gas turbine engine that is very similar to a turbojet. Like a turbojet, it uses the gas generator core (compressor, combustor, turbine) to convert internal energy in fuel to kinetic energy in the exhaust. Turbofans differ from turbojets in that they have an additional component, a fan. Like the compressor, the fan is powered by the turbine


When was the turbofan invented?




Oahspe in 1881 described a turbofan jet powered aircraft (coursing downward in the denser strata of a corporeal world) 40 years before the first patent for using a gas turbine to power an aircraft was filed and 48 years before the first turbofan was invented, and 58 years before the world's first jet plane.
Definition of BALLAST
: a heavy substance placed in such a way as to improve stability and control (as of the draft of a ship or the buoyancy of a balloon or submarine)
It seems the etherean vessel mentioned above operates similar to a Submarine (coursing downward or submerging into denser strata), they take in ballast to match the space and denser strata of a corporeal world.

A submarine resting on the surface has positive buoyancy, which means it is less dense than the water around it and will float. At this time, the ballast tanks are mainly full of air.

To submerge, the submarine must have negative buoyancy. Vents on top of the ballast tanks are opened. Seawater coming in through the flood ports forces air out the vents, and the submarine begins to sink.

The submarine ballast tanks now filled with seawater is denser than the surrounding water. The exact depth can be controlled by adjusting the water to air ratio in the ballast tanks. Submerged, the submarine can obtain neutral buoyancy. That means the weight of the submarine equals the amount of water it displaces. The submarine will neither rise nor sink in this state.

To make the submarine rise again, compressed air is simply blown into the tanks forcing the seawater out. The submarine gains positive buoyancy, becomes less dense than the water and rises.


Experimental Aircraft to Go From Zero to 13,000 in Hypersonic Test Launch

  • The Falcon HTV-2 is an arrow-shaped aircraft that launches in a rocket, separates and then glides at hypersonic speeds of 13,000 mph through the Earth’s atmosphere. (DARPA)

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2011/08/09/aircraft-set-to-shatter-speed-sound/#ixzz24i4BnavL


5. The swift messengers, with an arrow-ship, such as Gods, for speed and light work, use to accomplish Jehovih's will, shot forth through the ji'ay'an fields of darkness, midway between the Serpent's coils, and were soon deep hidden in the whirling atmosphere of the warring earth.
Book of Es Chapter lll

5....Provide an arrow-ship of great velocity, and go ye in the former roadway of the earth,...


An arrow has a superior aerodynamic shape than a bird.


Oahspe mentions a hypersonic arrow-shaped craft 130 years before man on earth makes an experimental one

1. As mortals sail corporeal ships across the corporeal ocean, so sailed the ship of God in the atmospherean ocean...

2. And now had God departed from the foundation of Hored, in a ship, in heaven to visit his four far-off sons,...

3. First to Jud, Lord of Jud, he headed his ship, running close to the earth, bounding forth, and sapping up fuel from the tall forests to feed the phosphorescent flame, running easy till the wild coast on the west of Waga was reached. Here halted he his ship, first God of the first Lords of earth, till his navigators told the distance of the wide sea before; then gathering fuel and substance from the rich growing lands, he stowed the ship to the full, he and his traveling host.



This data set reports the measurement of stable carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotope ratios in organic material (plant, litter and soil samples) in forest canopy profiles and pasture (grasses and shrubs) as well as corresponding carbon and nitrogen tissue concentrations in a number of different sites across Brazil.



Here Oahspe describes a heavenly space-ship or craft that gathers or scoops up its fuel for propulsion for its entire journey. The fuel feeds the fire of the ship. The fire of the ship feeds off the fuel it gathers or scoops from outside the ship as it flies (bouding forth) like a Bussard ramjet. The craft Oahspe describes uses fuel from organic material, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotope (from tall forests and rich growing lands) maybe using the CNO cycle (for carbonnitrogenoxygen) for fusion in which carbon is used as a catalyst to burn hydrogen via the strong nuclear reaction. This type of spacecraft propulsion wasn't proposed until 1960 by the physicist Robert W. Bussard, 79 years after Oahspe was typed.


Daniel P. Whitmire's 1975 analysis[1] indicates that a ramjet may achieve net power via the CNO cycle, which produces fusion at a much higher rate (~1016 times higher) than the proton-proton chain.



The phosphorescent flame of the ship, the term "phosphorescent", means glow. Nuclear reactions may produce a glow. A classic example is the blue glow associated with a nuclear reactor. The blue light is called Cherenkov radiation or Cerenkov radiation or sometimes the Cherenkov Effect.


Purdue University Reactor Number One (PUR-1)

An image of the reactor when it is active with a blue glow
Cerenkov Radiation "The Blue Glow"

Cerenkov radiation looks much like a glowing ball of water or plasma around the reactor core.


There is a phosphorescent glow associated with nuclear radiation. A classic example is the blue glow associated with a nuclear reactor.

Oahspe's use of the words phosphorescent flame could be synonymous with the glow associated with a nuclear reactor on the ship. There is a glow assoicated with nuclear fission and there is a plasma glow assiociated with nuclear fusion.

Glowing plasma inside a tokamak fusion test reactor

Book of Es, Daughter of Jehova: Chapter III

17. Then upward, outward, rose the airavagna, the ship of fire, whose photosphere, as to size, was like a world; rose up higher and higher, heading for the far-off red star, that coursed in the serpent's coil, a million and a half miles a day.

18. Two thousand million miles off [2 billion miles away], lay the red star, the earth, seen by the magnifying instruments of the Gods, seen in its little orbit round the sun, of half a thousand million miles.

Diagram of solar system with an area outside the orbit of Pluto highlightedPale blue dot image with a wider field of view to show more background 

...a photograph of planet Earth taken in 1990 by the Voyager 1 spacecraft from a record distance of about 6 billion kilometers (3.7 billion miles) from Earth, as part of the solar system Family Portrait series of images. In the photograph, Earth is shown as a tiny dot (0.12 pixel in size) against the vastness of space.[2]...
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot
The approximate location of Voyager 1 while the photograph was taken is shown in green. Photo was taken when the Voyager 1 spacecraft reached the edge of the solar system, 12 years after its launch and travelling at 40,000 miles per hour. 109 years AFTER it was typed man experienced Oahspe's words manifesting true again. Man saw and recorded the earth more than 2 billion miles away through a lens from onboard a spacecraft traveling at hypersonic speed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pale_Blue_Dot


19 July, 2013 the Cassini mission captured this image (above) of the
Earth-Moon system from the spacecraft’s orbit of Saturn, while the
spacecraft was about 1,445,854,740 kilometres (898,412,483 miles) away
from Earth...

19. Four hundred million miles a day, sped the airavagna through the etherean worlds; like a flash of light shot forth the ship of Litabakathrava, Orian Chief of thousands of years, coursing the etherean heavens of Jehovih! A God that, but to look on a corporeal world, knew the grade of her mortals and angels, even as in his flight he passed on.

20. Five days and nights traveled the hosts of the emancipated heavens, to reach the earth; traveled through thousands and thousands of etherean worlds, of forests and swamps of ji'ay, and of nebula, and a'ji, and regions of light, and mountains and rivers and plains; countless places, inhabited and uninhabited in the great expanse of Jehovih's kingdoms.


Verse 17 above in Oahspe says "heading for the far-off red star, that coursed in the serpent's coil, a million and a half miles a day." The serpents coil is the solar system. In the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS 1984 Edition on page 163 it says "The Earth's orbital speed is 66,620 miles per hour" x 24 = 1,598,880 miles a day, or a million and a half miles a day. Oahspe in 1881 contained the speed and distance the Earth travels in the solar system in a day. In verse 18 Oahspe says "two (2) billion miles off, lay the red star (red from the blood spilled in wars), the earth, ...seen in its little orbit round the sun, of half a thousand million miles."  In the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS 1984 Edition on page 163 it says "The Earth's orbit of 584,017,800 miles around the Sun is elliptical." Scientists of 1984 say the Earth's orbit around the Sun is 584,017,800 or half a thousand million miles as Oahspe correctly said in 1881.

<--from Oahspe plate 52 Mathematical problems 1882 green Palmer Edition.

Above text in Oahspe says Earth oscillates twice every year and 286,000,000 miles. This is  97.9 % accurate. The Earth's orbit of 584,017,800 miles around the Sun / 2 = 292,000,000 miles for each of two oscillations (584 / 2 = 292,000,000). 286 / 292 =  0.9794 or 97.94 % accurate.

Verse 19 says "Four hundred million miles a day, sped the airavagna through the etherean worlds; like a flash of light shot forth the ship". 400 million miles a day divided by 24 (hours) divided by 60 (minutes) divided by 60 (seconds) = 4,629 miles per second, like a flash of light. The speed of the spacecraft was an incredible 4,629 miles per second. The GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS 1984 Edition on pages 135-136 says "the speed of a lightning discharge varies from 100 to 1,000 miles /sec for the downward leader track". The airavagna ship was moving faster than the speed of lightning "like a flash of light" as Oahspe said. This is much faster than any man made earth aircraft or spacecraft.

Oahspe Book of Aph

Chapter IX

6. Behold the light of the high heaven opens. Thy Son, O Jehovih, longeth for a great labor. I go on a journey farther than ten thousand suns...And when the next dan appeareth, behold, I will return to them to enjoy a portion of their sweet love. Aph is done.
"And when the next dan [200 years — Ed.] appeareth, behold, I will return" said Aph.
In the book Darkness, Dawn And Destiny by Augustine Cahill (Drawn from Oahspe) on page 75 says "a journey farther than ten thousand suns' distance was involved. Such a distance might be roughly estimated at thirty [30] thousand light years. Nevertheless Aph returned to this earth within two hundred years, having completed the work. The etherean space-ships must therefore be capable of traversing the universe at a speed infinitely greater than the apparent speed of light."
The GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS 1984 Edition on page 170 says "Excepting the special case of our own sun the nearest star [sun] is the very faint Proxima Centauri which is 4.22 light-years away." The first 2 suns from the earth are spaced 4.2 light years apart, so Aph's "journey farther than ten thousand suns" could be a distance of 40 thousand light years instead of 30 thousand. In either case returning in less than 200 years is many times greater than the apparent speed of light. It took Aph's space-ship aprox. 100 years to travel 30 or 40 thousand light-years, that calculates to 300 or 400 times the speed of light. The etherean space-ships must therefore be capable of traveling beyond warp 5 in fictional Star Trek terms.
According to the Star Trek episode writer's guide for The Original Series, warp factors
are converted to multiples of c with the cubic function v = w3c, where w is the warp
factor, v is the velocity, and c is the speed of light.
"warp 1" is equivalent to the speed of light,
"warp 2" is 8 times the speed of light,
"warp 3" is 27 times the speed of light, etc
warp 4 is 81 x c
warp 5 is 243 x c
warp 6 is 729 x c
warp 7 is 2187 x c
warp 8 is 6561 x c
warp 9 is 19683 x c
Prior to the day in 1947 when test pilot Charles E. Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier for the first time, people argued it wasn’t possible for a plane to fly that fast.
In 1947 people thought it was impossible for a plane to fly faster than the speed of sound, but 66 years before that in 1881 Oahspe reported flying craft going many times faster than the speed of sound [hypersonic flight] safely. Oahspe was right again. Oahspe also reported spaceships going faster than the speed of light decades before science-fiction writers did.

Oahspe in 1881 spoke of advanced aeropace technology far beyond what we have on earth even in the 21st century:
OAHSPE: Book of Fragapatti CHAPTER XVI:
13. But, lo and behold, the otevan was only as a small boat is to a ship, when compared to the avalanza. And, accordingly, when they approached each other, Fragapatti caused the front of the avalanza to be opened, and at this place the otevan entered within the walls and was made fast. And the hosts of the otevan came out and were received with great joy by Fragapatti and his people.
A type of huge flying spacecraft carrior with the technology to receive within another spacecraft while in flight.
A flying carrier mothership receives crafts inside it in flight
A flying Craft that can open and receive another craft inside it during flight
The concept of a mother ship in the above context can be traced to numerous claimed UFO sightings in 1947 and George Adamski in the 1950s, who claimed to sometimes see large motherships, out of which flew smaller-sized flying saucers [this was 70 years after Oahspe had described a "mothership"].
In science fiction and UFO lore. The concept of a mother ship has achieved prominence in science fiction and UFO lore, extending the idea to spaceships that serve as the equivalent of flagships among a fleet. In this context, mother ship is often spelled as one word: mothership. A mothership may be large enough that its body contains a station for the rest of the fleet.[citation needed]
A variant of the term mother ship in this context can be traced to numerous claimed UFO sightings in the U.S. during the summer of 1947, when a woman in Palmdale, California was quoted by contemporary press as describing a "mother saucer (with a) bunch of little saucers playing around it".[1] The term mothership was also popularized in UFO lore through the sightings of George Adamski in the 1950s, who claimed to sometimes see large cigar-shaped Venusian motherships, out of which flew smaller-sized flying saucers.
An airborne aircraft carrier or carrier aircraft is an aircraft which can carry other smaller aircraft.
the Akron also served as a flying aircraft carrier for launching and recovering F9C Sparrowhawk fighter planes.
Construction of ZRS-4 commenced on October 31, 1929, at the Goodyear Airdock in Springfield Township, Ohio by the Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation.[3
Akron and sister Macon—which was still under construction—were regarded as potential "flying aircraft carriers", carrying parasite fighters for reconnaissance. On May 3, 1932, Akron cruised over the coast of New Jersey with Rear Admiral George C. Day—President of the Board of Inspection and Survey—on board, and for the first time tested the "trapeze" installation for in-flight handling of aircraft. The aviators who carried out those historic "landings"—first with a Consolidated N2Y trainer and then with the prototype Curtiss XF9C-1 Sparrowhawk—were Lieutenant Daniel W. Harrigan and Lieutenant Howard L. Young. The following day, Akron carried out another demonstration flight, this time with members of the House Committee on Naval Affairs on board; this time, Lieutenants Harrigan and Howard gave the lawmakers a demonstration of Akron's ability to handle aircraft.
Balls 8 was a NASA Boeing NB-52B mothership.[1]
It was retired from active service with NASA on December 17, 2004 after almost 50 years flying service.[2] Balls 8 was famous for dropping aerospace research vehicles for 106 flights of the X-15.[3] Like its NB-52A predecessor, a pylon was fitted under the right wing between the fuselage and the inboard engines with a 6-by-8-foot (1.8 m × 2.4 m) section removed from the right wing flap in order to accommodate the X-15's tail. It flew a total of 159 captive-carry and launch missions in support of the X-15 program, from June 1959 until October 1968.
Balls 8 was originally an RB-52B[1] that was first flown on June 11, 1955; and entering service with NASA on June 8, 1959.
Both the Akron ZRS-4 and the Balls 8 NB-52B were not capable of receiving flying crafts inside it during flight (they were not able to open and receive another craft inside it during flight).
We have a long way to go, before our technology begins to approach that of the etherean spacecrafts mentioned in Oahspe.

Oahspe describes a Public Address (PA) system throughout the ship
Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XI:
1. The avalanza was so constructed that the words spoken...could be heard by all who chose, of whom there were two thousand millions [two billion] on board...
Early public address systems
Edwin Jensen and Peter Pridham of Magnavox began experimenting with sound reproduction in the 1910s; working from a laboratory in Napa, California, they filed the first patent for a moving coil loudspeaker in 1911.[3] Four years later, in 1915, they built a dynamic loudspeaker with a 1-inch (2.5 cm) voice coil, a 3-inch (7.6 cm) corrugated diaphragm and a horn measuring 34 inches (86 cm) with a 22-inch (56 cm) aperture. The electromagnet created a flux field of approximately 11,000 G.[3]
Some PA systems have speakers that cover an entire campus of a college or industrial site, or an entire outdoor complex (e.g., an athletic stadium). A large PA system may also be used as an alert system during an emergency.
1 Main Circuit (1MC) is the term for the shipboard public address circuits on United States Navy vessels. This provides a means of transmitting general information and orders to all internal ship spaces and topside areas, and is loud enough that all embarked personnel are able to (normally) hear it. It is used to put out general information to the ship’s crew on a regular basis each day. The system consists of an amplifier-oscillator group which is located in the IC/gyro room, a microphone control station, portable microphones at each control station and loudspeakers located throughout the ship. Control stations for the 1MC announcing system are located at the pilot house, OOD stations on the quarterdecks, after steering and Damage Control Central area.[1]
Crimson Tide, a 1995 submarine film, demonstrates in some detail the usage of the 1MC with regard to command instructions and ship-wide orders.
Oahspe in 1881 described a spaceship with many rooms (CH. IX:3) that was constructed with a public address systems that enabled all 2 billion people on board to hear the words spoken by 2 people in one part of the ship, this was 30 years BEFORE the first public address system was made. This ship in Oahspe was 600,000 feet in diameter (CH. IX:4) = 113.63 miles long.
Oahspe - Book of Lika, Son of Jehovih: Chapter VI:
2. As I taught corporeans to build ships to traverse corporeal seas, so have I taught ethereans to build vessels to course My etherean seas.
3. As I bound the corporean that he could not raise up in the air above corpor, save by a vessel, so created I My heavens for the spirits of men, that by manufactured vessels they might course My firmament.
4. For the little knowledge I gave to corporeans I made as a type of knowledge which is everlasting.
5. To the corporean I gave two kinds of presence, objective and subjective. By the latter he can imagine himself in a far-off place; and the thought that proceedeth out of him goeth to a friend and speaketh understandingly in the distance. For thus I created him. But he who goeth objectively must take his person with him, for so created I him.
6. And I magnified these two conditions unto the spirits of all men, that they might also appear objectively and subjectively in the places known to them.
7. And this is the bondage I created unto all places on the earth and in the heavens thereof, making all men understand the power of objective association.
8. I created wide seas on the corporeal p. 471a earth, that man should perceive that one man alone could not cross over; nor in a small boat, with any profit under the sun. Neither created I My heavens in the firmament that one angel could go alone on long journeys, becoming isolated and powerless. But I provided them that they could not escape association; yea, I created the firmament that they must congregate together and go.
9. Nevertheless, I gave freedom unto all; to him that goeth not objectively, to go subjectively; but of little avail and not much truth or profit. And because I gave this liberty, behold, even drujas will say: Yea, I have been there. Nor know they how to raise up from the earth, or to go to any place, save on another's shoulders.
10. And I created man and angels that all knowledge which is to be everlasting must be obtained objectively; yea, in the experience of his own person made I him to desire without end.
11. And they fill My seas in heaven and earth with their great ships; with wants that could not be satisfied in one place created I man. For I drive him forth on strange errands and on missions of profit and love; for I will store him with a knowledge of My works.
Objective knowledge is verifiable by all others, subjective knowledge is something that occurs within your mind and may not be verified by anyone else. Objective is universal, subjective is individual. As Jehovih is All-in-One and Universal, so did he make man to unite many as one instead of an isolated individual (this is the Higher order of how the Ethereans operate as an Organized unite of thousands, millions, and billions).
Science is objective knowledge, whereas religion and many so-called spiritualality is subjective. Objective knowledge (learning, experience) carries over from the corporeal to the spiritual worlds. Subjective knowedge involves beliefs, falsehoods, delusions, Ego, pride, (like being a King or God in his own mind), imagination, feelings, emotions, etc...Objective knowledge involves objects, physical reality, facts, science, measurements of facts, math, buildings, learning the elements, the compatibility of different
chemical elements and particles, learning aeronautics, etc...Subjective heavens are over the lower heavens of the atmosphere of a planet, the higher heavens of Etherea are the objective universal heavens of the Cosmos. Ethereans using their objective knowedge build space-ships that carry millions of them together from place to place in the universe objectively. Lower spirits subjectively travel alone from place to place. Jehovih created objective knowledge to be superior to subjective knowledge.
ufo-trindade-brazil-1958 Galaxy
Back in the early 1990s when I lived and worked in City Heights East San Diego CA (see home page of this website about 15% down from top) I introduced Oahspe to a young black man and friend of mine named Winston who told me when looking at telescopic photos of distant galaxies with their convex saucer shapes he theorized that some of those objects are huge space-ships, sun-ships or star-ships, so far away they look like tiny galaxies or stars. So far away they look stationaryPerhaps some of these enormous space-crafts with their photo-spheres mentioned in Oahspe have been seen and photographed by astronomers and mistaken for stars or small galaxies. Winston told me if there was any book ever written by God [the Creator] it was Oahspe. After reading Oahspe Winston told me he was inspired to go back to school and become an aerospace engineer. 
Oahspe does give us the distance, direction, and brightness of one of these enormous space-ships in the Book of Fragapatti. Perhaps the light of this ship (as it was when it was near its home) can still be seen in the night sky with a giant telescope. A star system has been found that matches the distance, absolute magnitude, and region of the sky of Ctu's enormous space-ship in Oahspe OR the following verses in Oahspe actually refer to the home star-system of Ctu's ship (the Hercules Dwarf Galaxy) 125 years BEFORE it was discovered by earth man.
Oahspe Book of Fragapatti Chapter XVII:
1. ON the way to Zeredho, Fragapatti and his hosts in the avalanza were joined by a ship of a thousand million [billion] explorers from the north regions, a thousand times farther than the north star, of the seventh magnitude of light, even three higher than Fragapatti. Ctu, the Chief in command of the expedition, greeted in the sign, JEHOVIH'S NAME, the which Fragapatti answered; and by certain signals the ships approached and made fast.
5. What time hath thy journey yet before thee? Ctu said: Five hundred thousand years! Then Fragapatti inquired how many star-worlds Ctu had so far passed on his journey, and Ctu said: Twenty thousand star-worlds we have passed, some smaller than this red star, and some ten thousand times larger. Some of them yet liquid balls of fire, some newly crusted over, some with atmosphere and water and earth and minerals not yet separated, but boiling, seething, whirling; some firm and just entering the age of se'mu; and some old and worn out. And one we passed which had become barren as to living creatures; and the God, through whose pastures it passed, dissolved and dissipated it before us, having invited thousands of millions of guests to witness the scene.
7. Thus they discoursed on the size and wonder of Jehovih's kingdoms; but their numbers and descriptions only the Gods themselves could comprehend, they were so vast; and when they had about concluded, Ctu remarked:
8. The mortal desireth to become a spirit; then his ambition is to become an etherean; next, an Orian; next, a Nirvanian; next, an Oe'tan, and then to travel in the surveys of magnitudes. But those ahead still call to us to hasten, because the glories ahead are still more surpassing in magnificence! Who, then, can approach the Unapproachable, All Highest! He Who fashioned the plan of all creations! Who is there that is not swallowed up with devotion and awe of Him Who is Ever Present, that extendeth beyond all limit, our Father, Jehovih!
Cool Fact: The largest exo-planet ever discovered was given the very catchy name 'CD-35 2722 B'. This giant planet is over 10,000 times larger than Earth!
A star is many thousands of times bigger than Earth
"a ship of a thousand million [billion] explorers from the north regions [northern celestial hemisphere], a thousand times farther than the north star [Polaris]"
"of the seventh magnitude of light"
...distance to Polaris at about 434 light-years.
Polaris = 434 light-years away.
434 x 1000 = 434,000 light-years away (home of Ctu's ship in Oahspe Book of Fragapatti)
Hercules is a large constellation in the northern hemisphere [from the north regions]
...the Hercules Dwarf Galaxy, a recently discovered tiny companion to our Milky Way
at a distance of 430,000 light years
, has truly unusual properties
Could some of these tiny dwarf galaxies and stars that are disk-shaped be space-ships carrying billions of people travelling for 500,000 to 4 million years?
Flying disk or cigar-shaped craft? Commander Ctu's craft back home in Oahspe Book of Fragapatti chapter XVII:1
September 17, 2007
Giant Galactic Binoculars Discover Odd Features of Milky Way's Tiny Companion Galaxy
An international team of astronomers using new Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona
has found that the Hercules Dwarf Galaxy, a recently discovered tiny companion to our Milky Way at a distance of 430,000 light years, has truly unusual properties.
While basically all of its known peers in the realm of these dwarf galaxies are
rather round, this galaxy appears highly flattened, either the shape of a disk or of a cigar.
Why Is The Hercules Dwarf Galaxy Shaped Like A Cigar?
September 14th 2007.
The brand-new Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona has a gotten off to an astronomical start, helping an international team of astronomers learn that a recently discovered tiny companion galaxy to our Milky Way, named the Hercules Dwarf Galaxy, has truly exceptional properties: unlike the round tiny dwarf galaxies found so far, this neighbor 430,000 light years away is shaped more like a cigar.
The stars in many large galaxies are arranged in a disk-like configuration, like our Milky Way, but among the millions of well-studied tiny dwarf galaxies none has ever been observed to have a cigar-like shape before now.
So, "The Hercules Dwarf Galaxy is either unlike any of the millions of galaxies studied so far, or circles our Galaxy on an extremely plunging orbit: an exceptional, unparalleled object at any rate", says Matthew Coleman of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany, who headed this study.
The world's single biggest telescope
These inferences were enabled by the very deep images provided by the brand-new Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), the largest single telescope in the world, which is located on the 3190-metre high Mount Graham in Arizona. Two giant mirrors with a diameter of 8.4 meters each, are hosted on the same mount acting as gigantic field glasses.
In the last few decades, UFO sightings have included some huge triangles, V- shapes, orbs, spheres, glowing objects, but there are also cylinders, tubes or cigar shaped UFOs.
The tubular type of space vehicle, if that’s what it really is, has been around for a while. It has been a frequent UFO shape described by airline pilots for a couple of decades.
Hercules, or Her, is a dwarf spheroidal galaxy situated in the Hercules constellation and discovered in 2006 in data obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.[4] The galaxy is located at a distance of about 140 kpc from the Sun and moves away from the Sun with a velocity of about 45 km/s.[4][5] It is classified as a dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph). Her has a noticeably elongated (ratio of axes ~ 3:1) shape with a half-light radius of about 350 pc.[4][6][note 1]
Her is one of the smallest and faintest satellites of the Milky Way—its integrated luminosity is about 30,000 times that of the Sun (absolute visible magnitude of about −6.6)
45 km/s = 27.9617 miles per second
27.9617 x 60 = 1,677.702 mpm x 60 = 100,662.12 mph
Object is moving at over 100,000 miles an hour.
Oahspe Book of Fragapatti Chapter XVIII:
1. WHEN they drew near Zeredho, Ctu, with his ship and hosts, withdrew, duly saluting, and they sped on their journey. But Fragapatti halted on the borders of Zeredho and landed seven hundred millions of his hosts, the others remaining aboard.
Absolute magnitude (also known as absolute visual magnitude when measured in the standard V photometric band) is the measure of a celestial object's intrinsic brightness. It is the apparent magnitude an object would have if it were at a standard luminosity distance (10 parsecs, or 32.6 light years) away from the observer, in the absence of astronomical extinction. It allows the true brightnesses of objects to be compared without regard to distance. Bolometric magnitude is luminosity expressed in magnitude units; it takes into account energy radiated at all wavelengths, whether observed or not.
The absolute magnitude uses the same convention as the visual magnitude: a factor of 100.4 (≈2.512) ratio of brightness corresponds to a difference of 1.0 in magnitude. The Milky Way, for example, has an absolute magnitude of about −20.5. So a quasar at an absolute magnitude of −25.5 is 100 times brighter than our galaxy (because (100.4)(−20.5-(−25.5)) = (100.4)5 = 100). If this particular quasar and our galaxy could be seen side by side at the same distance, the quasar would be 5 magnitudes (or 100 times) brighter than our galaxy.
The dimmer an object (at a distance of 10 parsecs) would appear, the higher (more positive) its absolute magnitude becomes. The lower (more negative) an object's absolute magnitude, the higher its luminosity.
Many stars visible to the naked eye have such a low absolute magnitude that they would appear bright enough to cast shadows if they were only 10 parsecs from the Earth: Rigel (−7.0), Deneb (−7.2), Naos (−6.0), and Betelgeuse (−5.6). For comparison, Sirius has an absolute magnitude of 1.4 which is greater than the Sun's absolute visual magnitude of 4.83 (it actually serves as a reference point). The Sun's absolute bolometric magnitude is set arbitrarily, usually at 4.75.[1] [2] Absolute magnitudes of stars generally range from −10 to +17. The absolute magnitudes of galaxies can be much lower (brighter). For example, the giant elliptical galaxy M87 has an absolute magnitude of −22 (i.e. as bright as about 60,000 stars of magnitude −10).
"three higher than Fragapatti" = more negative an object's absolute magnitude, the higher its luminosity. -7 = 3 higher than -4. (positive 7 would be lower than 4).
"of the seventh magnitude of light" = Ctu's ship of Oahspe Bk of Fragapatti XVII:1
"absolute visible magnitude of about −6.6"  = Hercules dwarf spheroidal galaxy
-6.6 rounded off to nearest whole number = 7 (seventh magnitude of light)
Is the Hercules dwarf galaxy an elongated spheroidal space-ship, the same space-ship of Commander Ctu of Oahspe Bk of Fragapatti XVII:1??
the home distance is right = 434,000 (430,000) light-years away
the magnitude of brightness is right = -6.6 or 7th magnitude
the region of the sky is right = northern regions [northern celestial hemisphere]
the shape is right = elongated disk or cigar-shaped UFO
Usually a dwarf galaxy is much larger than a single star or space-ship (dwarf galaxy > space-ship or star). The fact is we do not know what the size of Ctu's ship was, Oahspe does not say. The ship carried a billion people onboard, but it does not say what the capacity of the ship was, so the size of the ship is unknown.
The object could be like a central planet with a much larger photosphere around it radiating and giving the appearence of a tiny galaxy.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter II:
28. Light bodies (so-called) manufacture light of their own, ever so infinitesimal, which is as an envelope external to themselves. The eye of the observer seeth this as well as the corporeal body, and consequently it appeareth larger than it really is.
29. The same rule applieth in regard to the sun and his photosphere, and to comets, and to all bodies that manifest light. Suitable deduction must be made, in endeavoring to determine the size of a planet.
Hercules Dwarf Galaxy[1]
Hercules Dwarf Galaxy.jpg
Hercules has an elongated shape.
Table 3
Luminosity and Structural Parameters
Galaxy    MV
Hercules −6.6
Oahspe talks about enormous space-ships large as a star with much larger photospheres carrying 20 billion people (but we do not know if that is the largest etherean ship). According to Oahspe etherens can and do construct space-crafts that are millions of times larger than our biggest aircraft carriers.
"their ship, was almost like a world, so vast"
Oahspe Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih: Chapter X:9
..."and around about the whole ship was the photosphere of its power"
Book of Thor, Son of Jehovih: Chapter IV:8
"twenty thousand million angels were carried away on the avalanza"
Oahspe Bk of Fragapatti XVIII:13
"the otevan was only as a small boat is to a ship, when compared to the avalanza"
14. This, then, was the size of Betatis' airiata: Diameter, east and west and north and south, two thousand miles to the borders of the photosphere, and nine thousand miles high. The ship, within the photosphere, was one hundred miles east and west and north and south, and was two hundred miles high.[The photosphere of this ship has a noticeably elongated (ratio of axes ~ 4.5:1) shape, 2000 miles east and west and 9000 miles north and south pole axis = 9000 / 2000 = 4.5, even more elongated than the Hercules Dwarf Galaxy {ratio of axes ~ 3:1}. The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width of a shape to its height. For an ellipse, the aspect ratio denotes the ratio of the major axis to the minor axis. An aspect ratio of 1:1 is a circle. So according to Oahspe some etherean ships have a noticeably elongated (ratio of axes ~ 4.5:1) shape similar to the Hercules Dwarf Galaxy (This elongation is NOT caused by tidal forces acting from the Milky Way galaxy).
9000 / 200 = 45
Photosphere of ship was 45 times larger than the ship within.
Even if the Hercules Dwarf Galaxy is NOT a space-ship then it could at least be the star-system where Ctu's ship came from (the combined image and light of Ctu's ship and the star-system).
How far away can star-ships be seen?
The Most Distant Star Ever Seen?
Astronomers have detected what might be the farthest star ever spectroscopically observed.
...Using optical and ultraviolet observations from several instruments, the duo has
pinpointed what might be the farthest star spectroscopically observed — at a dizzying 55 million light-years away.
Reference: Y. Ohyama and A. Hota. "Discovery of a possibly single blue supergiant star
in the intra-cluster region of Virgo cluster of galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal,
20 April 2013.
In Oahspe enormous etherean space-ships are seen by earth men:
Oahspe Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovih: Chapter IX:
16. The Lord said: And yet further on, a brighter light adorneth the way: Great Jehovih's hand sendeth the traveling worlds into the light of kosmon, and new prophets arise gathering up the histories lost, and glorious plan of the Great Spirit over all. Yea, even thy labor and my ships will be seen by mortals of that day.
OAHSPE: Book of Lika: CHAPTER XXV:8.
And all these matters were carried out to the hour
and minute, in the hands of these great Gods. And Lika caused the fire of the ship to be
made visible to mortals
...when the people beheld the light of the ship they feared and trembled, and many of them fell down bewailing that the world was coming to an end.
Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovih: Chapter VI:
8. When the ship of the hosts of God came to the city of Ul'oo, mortals saw it high up in the air, and they feared and ran hastily to consult the prophet of the Lord. And the prophet said: Behold, God appeareth in a sea of fire in the firmament of heaven.
The odds that Hercules dwarf galaxy matches the distance, magnitude, and celestial region of Commander Ctu's craft in Oahspe Book of Fragapatti chapter XVII:1.
The odds or chance of sky region + home distance + absolute magnitude all be correct within margin of error:
1 in 3 = 33% chance (northern or southern celestial hemisphere 50/50 + 1 borderline N-S-E-W)
1 in 43 = 2.3 % chance (434,000 light-years, be within 10 thousand)
1 in 30 = 3.3 % chance (absolute magnitude from -25 to 5 = 30, be within 1)
1 in 3 + 1 in 43 + 1 in 30 = 1 in 76
1 in 76 = 1.3 % chance = 76 to 1

Oahspe Book of Fragapatti Chapter XVII:5..."Then Fragapatti inquired how many star-worlds Ctu had so far passed on his journey, and Ctu said: Twenty thousand star-worlds we have passed" "from the north regions, a thousand times farther than the north star" - Oahspe Book of Fragapatti Chapter XVII:1. 

Diameter of Milky Way Galaxy = 100,000 light-years - Average distance between (frequency or density of) stars = 4.22 light-years (from Sun to nearest Alpha Proxima Centauri) - 100000 / 4.22 = 23,696.68 stars along the diameter of the Milky Way. = a space-ship would pass by 23,696 stars along the diameter of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Judging by galactic maps (Hercules Dwarf galaxy is behind Sagitrarius dwarf on the other side of the Milky Way from the Sun-earth) travellers coming from the direction of the Hercules Dwarf galaxy would pass through 1/2 the Milky Way galaxy plus 2/3 of the distance from the center to the Sun-Earth) 1/2 + 2/3 of 50% = 33.3% + 50 = 83.33% of 23696.68 = 19,746.4 stars.

So a traveler from the Hercules Dwarf Galaxy would pass approximately 19,746.4  stars on their way to the Earth's solar system or rounded off to the nearest whole number = Twenty thousand star-worlds, the same figure that Oahspe Book of Fragapatti Chapter XVII:5 has for the same distance and direction of travel to our solar system. Oahspe Book of Fragapatti Chapter XVII:5..."Then Fragapatti inquired how many star-worlds Ctu had so far passed on his journey, and Ctu said: Twenty thousand star-worlds we have passed" "from the north regions, a thousand times farther than the north star" - Oahspe Book of Fragapatti Chapter XVII:1. This accurate number of 20,000 star worlds from a thousand times farther than the north star to our solar system could not have been known when Newborough typed Oahspe in 1881 because the diameter of the Milky Way Galaxy was not known, so the mathematical calculations based on the size of the Milky Way Galaxy could not have been made. Oahspe also calls planets stars, so the other star systems in the galaxy also contain planets (extra-solar planets) so Ctu's statement of "Twenty thousand star-worlds" could also include planets, therefore the 20,000 number clould be far off (including extra-solar planets as "star worlds" coould add up to 1000,000 or more). Also what is the meaning of the words "we have passed" (for star worlds) ? what does "passed" mean, does it mean entered the atmosphere or vortex?


20,000 star worlds = 20,000 star systems = solar systems = 20,000 master vortexes with a central star with a photosphere and phalanx of planets.


The fact that the numbers are accurate, the distance (430,000 light-years), the region of the sky (northern celestial hemisphere), the magnitude (7), the number of stars passed (20,000) all is evidence that this story of Ctu's ship and inter-galactic travel to our solar system in Oahspe's Book of Fragapatti Chapter XVII is not science fiction but a true story (and the other stories of space-ship voyages in Oahspe are probably also true).


Oahspe - Book of Discipline: Chapter VIII:

5. For which reasons thou shalt explain that only facts well known, or comparatively proven, are light.

An opinion is not light.

7. That facts, NUMBERS, figures or axioms can demonstrate light; and that without these, then the

supposed light is only darkness. 

...the Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100000 light years in diameter...
The Solar System is located within the disk, around two thirds of the way out from the Galactic Center...
Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. It's 100% free, no registration required - Most accurate ways to find the average distance between stars in Milky way galaxy . Do you mean the average, over all stars in the galaxy, of the distance to that star's nearest neighbor (e.g., about 4.3 light-years for the Sun)? 1 Answer Making some assumptions of our own (like 200,000,000,000 stars which is LOW in my opinion), we come out to an average distance of about 5 light years. Doubling the number of stars gives an average of about 4 light years though, so again, we are not off by factors. http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/26085/most-accurate-ways-to-find-the-average-distance-between-stars-in-milky-way-galax 
Intergalactic travel, as it pertains to humans, is entirely beyond the capabilities of current engineering and discussion of the subject is speculative to the point of becoming science fiction. Due to the enormity of the distances involved any serious attempt to travel between galaxies would require methods of propulsion far beyond what is currently thought possible in order to bring a large craft close to the speed of light.
List of the most distant astronomical objects
This article documents the farthest known astronomical objects, and the time periods in which they were so classified.
Sourced from World Heritage Encyclopedia™ licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
    1 List of the most distant astronomical objects .
    2 List of most distant objects by type
    3 Timeline of most distant astronomical object recordholders
    4 List of objects by year of discovery that turned out to be most distant
    5 See also
    6 References
(Alpha Bootis)  Star  1891 - 1910  160 ly
(18 mas)
(this is very inaccurate)  This number is wrong; originally announced in 1891, the figure was corrected in 1910 to 40 ly (60 mas). From 1891 to 1910, it had been thought this was the star with the smallest known parallax, hence the most distant star whose distance was known. Prior to 1891, Arcturus had previously been recorded of having a parallax of 127 mas.[156][157][158][159]
(Alpha Aurigae)  Star  1849 -   72 ly
(46 mas)  [160][161][162]
Polaris .
(Alpha Ursae Minoris)  Star  1847 - 1849  50 ly
(80 mas)
(this is very inaccurate)  [1
OAHSPE: Book of Fragapatti CHAPTER XXVIII:
4....so are there in the etherean firmament currents and densities which the well-skilled God can take advantage of, be it a slow trip of pleasure, or a swift one on urgent business to suffering angels or mortals.
Energy-Stress tensor, a set of current densities
A wormhole is a short passage in space-time that directly connects two universes or two distant regions within the same universe.
Wormhole - Space-time connected by a tunnel - Cosmic Shortcuts
The mass distorts the space, and, if we can manipulate space and warp it, we can make a space tunnel, shortcut, bridge or a wormhole.
A two-way traversable wormhole
A wormhole is a theoretical shortcut through space.
Travel through space-time “wormholes” to get across the Universe quickly.
Although a 1916 paper by Ludwig Flamm from the University of Vienna [4] is sometimes cited as giving the first hint of a wormhole, “you definitely need hindsight to detect it,” says Matt Visser of Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand. Einstein and Rosen were the first to take the idea seriously and to try to accomplish some physics with it, he adds. The original goal may have faded, but the Einstein-Rosen bridge still pops up occasionally as a handy solution to the pesky problem of intergalactic travel.
Ji'ayan Eddies Book of Ahshong chapter 1:2
The ISM is turbulent and therefore full of structure on all spatial scales.
...eddies create turbulent patterns called vortex streets.
...Turbulent flow can be realized as a superposition of a spectrum of velocity fluctuations and eddies upon a mean flow...
Wormholes and energy "densities"
which could actually be crossed, known as traversable wormholes, would only be possible if exotic matter with negative energy density could be used to stabilize them. (Many physicists such as Stephen Hawking,[1] Kip Thorne,[2] and others[3][4][5] believe that the Casimir effect is evidence that negative energy densities are possible in nature).
NASA's Van Allen Probes Discover Particle Accelerator in the Heart of Earth’s Radiation Belts
July 25, 2013
Scientists have discovered a massive particle accelerator in the heart of one of the harshest regions of near-Earth space, a region of super-energetic, charged particles surrounding the globe called the Van Allen radiation belts. Scientists knew that something in space accelerated particles in the radiation belts to more than 99 percent the speed of light but they didn't know what that something was. New results from NASA's Van Allen Probes now show that the acceleration energy comes from within the belts themselves. Particles inside the belts are sped up by local kicks of energy, buffeting the particles to ever faster speeds, much like a perfectly timed push on a moving swing.
OAHSPE: Book of Fragapatti CHAPTER XXVIII:
4....so are there in the etherean firmament currents and densities which the well-skilled God can take advantage of,...trip...a swift one on urgent business"
In 1881 Oahspe talked of currents and densities in the etherean firmament (outer-space) that a space traveller could take advantage of to speed up his trip, is this a theoretical wormhole and/or a vortex belt particle accelerator that accelerates particles to more than 99 percent the speed of light?
Have the ethereans learned millions of years ago how to construct and "take advantage of" these voyage accelerators in space?
A wormhole is still theoretical and was hinted at in 1916, 35 years after Oahspe, but a light-speed particle accelerator in space was discovered in 2013, 132 years after Oahspe was written.
Torus shaped accelerators (currents) and wormholes (densities) in outerspace that speed up travel
Many of the things Oahspe talked about in 1881 mankind had not theorized or even thought of at the time, those things had not even entered his mind or heart in 1881 or 2000 years ago in the first century A.D.
New International Version:
However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him - 1 Corinthians 2:9
It had not entered into the mind of man 2000 years ago [and is not in the Bible] the things Jehovih the Creator had planned for man, the plan of the universe, but in 1881 it was revealed to man in Oahspe the things God has prepared for mankind.


Shortcut. Science fiction characters often travel through spacetime “wormholes” to get across the Universe quickly. The concept was first introduced in a 1935 Einstein paper, as part of his failed attempts to unify relativity with electromagnetism.
Oahspe - Book of Jehovih: Chapter II:
5. For the substance of My etherean worlds I created Ethe, the MOST RARIFIED. Out of ethe made I them. And I made ethe the most subtle of all created things, and gave to it power and place, not only by itself, but also power to penetrate and exist within all things, even in the midst of the corporeal worlds. And to ethe gave I dominion over both atmospherea and corpor.
6. In the ALL HIGHEST places created I the etherean worlds, and I fashioned them of all shapes and sizes, similar to My corporeal worlds. But I made the etherean worlds inhabitable both within and without, with entrances and exits, in arches and curves, thousands of miles high and wide, and overruled I them with ALL PERFECT mechanism; and in colors and movable chasms and mountains in endless change and brilliancy. To them I gave motions, and orbits and courses of their own; independent made I them, and above all other worlds in potency and majesty.

Above images are from Oahspe plate 24 showing Etherean Worlds with entrances, exits, arches, and curves.
"Perhaps the entrances and exists and arches and curves of the etherean worlds are similar to wormholes, warps, and dimensional doorways". - Page 22 of EOIH'S VOICE IN THE WIND A Guide to Higher Consciousness and Life After Death (An Introduction to the Wisdom of Oahspe) 2015 by Anne apRoberts.

http://media.gettyimages.com/videos/wormhole-abstract-animation-video-id618590411 "in colors and movable chasms"

chasm: synonyms:gorgeabyss,

<---entrance to hyperspace tunnel (wormhole)

Hyperspace is a method of traveling sometimes used in science fiction. It is typically described
as an alternative region of space co-existing with our own universe which may be entered using
an energy field or other device. Travel in hyperspace is typically depicted as faster-than-light
travel in normal space. - Wikipedia



Oahspe Book of Aph, Son of Jehovih: Chapter III:
19....And after that I formed the tube of transit, which extended in front of the ships, and from the earth to beyond Chinvat;..
CBS News/ August 12, 2013, 10: 23 AM/
Tube travel:..looking to redefine speedy transport
It will take several billion dollars to build a system for sending a capsule down a vacuum tube with the air sucked out just like outer space to eliminate friction. The journey begins when the capsule moves through an airlock.
Colorado inventor Daryl Oster calls his idea the Evacuated Tube Transport Technology and thinks it is an irresistible way to get the 400 miles from Los Angeles to San Francisco in barely enough time to eat a tuna salad sandwich, forget the dessert. Oster says the system is faster than jets and would make the trip in half-an-hour.
Sitting in the capsule, Oster says passengers would feel as if they're in a Corvette with the throttle pushed down all the way. But the feeling wouldn't last long, he says, just "for 20 seconds to get up to 350 to 400 miles per hour."
In 1881, 122 years BEFORE Colorado inventor Daryl Oster's idea of the Evacuated Tube Transport Technology, Oahspe spoke of a tube of transit from the earth to beyond Chinvat (outer-space).


This belt compareth unto...the wind currents..near the earth - Oahspe Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XVIII:9.
Oahspe in 1881 spoke of advanced aeropace technology far beyond what we have on earth even in the 21st century:
OAHSPE: Book of Fragapatti CHAPTER XVI:
13. But, lo and behold, the otevan was only as a small boat is to a ship, when compared to the avalanza. And, accordingly, when they approached each other, Fragapatti caused the front of the avalanza to be opened, and at this place the otevan entered within the walls and was made fast. And the hosts of the otevan came out and were received with great joy by Fragapatti and his people.
A type of huge flying spacecraft carrior with the technology to receive within another spacecraft while in flight.
A flying carrier mothership receives crafts inside it in flight
A flying Craft that can open and receive another craft inside it during flight
The concept of a mother ship in the above context can be traced to numerous claimed UFO sightings in 1947 and George Adamski in the 1950s, who claimed to sometimes see large motherships, out of which flew smaller-sized flying saucers [this was 70 years after Oahspe had described a "mothership"].
In science fiction and UFO lore. The concept of a mother ship has achieved prominence in science fiction and UFO lore, extending the idea to spaceships that serve as the equivalent of flagships among a fleet. In this context, mother ship is often spelled as one word: mothership. A mothership may be large enough that its body contains a station for the rest of the fleet.[citation needed]
A variant of the term mother ship in this context can be traced to numerous claimed UFO sightings in the U.S. during the summer of 1947, when a woman in Palmdale, California was quoted by contemporary press as describing a "mother saucer (with a) bunch of little saucers playing around it".[1] The term mothership was also popularized in UFO lore through the sightings of George Adamski in the 1950s, who claimed to sometimes see large cigar-shaped Venusian motherships, out of which flew smaller-sized flying saucers.
An airborne aircraft carrier or carrier aircraft is an aircraft which can carry other smaller aircraft.
the Akron also served as a flying aircraft carrier for launching and recovering F9C Sparrowhawk fighter planes.
Construction of ZRS-4 commenced on October 31, 1929, at the Goodyear Airdock in Springfield Township, Ohio by the Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation.[3
Akron and sister Macon—which was still under construction—were regarded as potential "flying aircraft carriers", carrying parasite fighters for reconnaissance. On May 3, 1932, Akron cruised over the coast of New Jersey with Rear Admiral George C. Day—President of the Board of Inspection and Survey—on board, and for the first time tested the "trapeze" installation for in-flight handling of aircraft. The aviators who carried out those historic "landings"—first with a Consolidated N2Y trainer and then with the prototype Curtiss XF9C-1 Sparrowhawk—were Lieutenant Daniel W. Harrigan and Lieutenant Howard L. Young. The following day, Akron carried out another demonstration flight, this time with members of the House Committee on Naval Affairs on board; this time, Lieutenants Harrigan and Howard gave the lawmakers a demonstration of Akron's ability to handle aircraft.
Balls 8 was a NASA Boeing NB-52B mothership.[1]
It was retired from active service with NASA on December 17, 2004 after almost 50 years flying service.[2] Balls 8 was famous for dropping aerospace research vehicles for 106 flights of the X-15.[3] Like its NB-52A predecessor, a pylon was fitted under the right wing between the fuselage and the inboard engines with a 6-by-8-foot (1.8 m × 2.4 m) section removed from the right wing flap in order to accommodate the X-15's tail. It flew a total of 159 captive-carry and launch missions in support of the X-15 program, from June 1959 until October 1968.
Balls 8 was originally an RB-52B[1] that was first flown on June 11, 1955; and entering service with NASA on June 8, 1959.
Both the Akron ZRS-4 and the Balls 8 NB-52B were not capable of receiving flying crafts inside it during flight (they were not able to open and receive another craft inside it during flight).
We have a long way to go, before our technology begins to approach that of the etherean spacecrafts mentioned in Oahspe.
Difficulty in flying in space and re-entering earth's atmosphere (different density).
Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XXVIII:
2. And when the ethereans, highest raised in the most subtle spheres, send their ships coursing downward in the denser strata of a corporeal world, their ready workmen take in ballast, and turn the fans, and reverse the whirling screws to match the space and course of travel; for which purpose men learn the trade, having rank a and grade according to proficiency. Many of them serving a thousand years' apprenticeship, becoming so skilled in wielding the elements, and in the knowledge of the decrees of density, that thousands of millions of miles of roadways in heaven are as a well-learned book to them.
5. And, be it God or Goddess, dispatched by a higher Council, to a distant place suddenly, he, or she, must be already acquainted with navigators sufficiently to know who to choose; and, likewise, understand the matter well enough to lend a helping hand if required. For oft the navigators have not swift messengers to pilot them; and yet a short journey of fifty thousand miles may require as much skill as a million, especially in descending to a corporeal world.
In the above verses Oahspe made it clear about the difficulty of descending to a corporeal world, piloting ships downward in the denser strata (from the vacuum of outerspace to the denser strata of the earth's atmosphere).
There is a difference in operating a craft in Earth's atmosphere and operating a craft in outer-space. It wasn't until 1962/1963 that the X-15 spaceplane reached the edge of outer space and returned to earth (81 years after Oahspe).
A spaceplane is a vehicle that operates as an aircraft in Earth's atmosphere, as well as a spacecraft when it is in space. It combines features of an aircraft and a spacecraft, which can be thought of as an aircraft that can endure and maneuver in the vacuum of space or likewise a spacecraft that can fly like an airplane.
However, for an aircraft to successfully fly in Earth's atmosphere, it must be able to successfully control, power and sustain its own flight.[1] If a spaceplane cannot successfully control itself, power itself or sustain its flight once reentering Earth's atmosphere, it cannot be considered successful at aviation in the atmosphere.
Only five spaceplanes have successfully flown to date, having reentered Earth's atmosphere, returned to Earth, and safely landed — the X-15, Space Shuttle, Buran, SpaceShipOne, and X-37
World's first spaceplanes — North American X-15, Space Shuttle, Buran, SpaceShipOne, Boeing X-37. The X-15 reached space in 1962/1963 (USAF/FAI Kármán line classifications).
The North American X-15 was a rocket-powered aircraft operated by the United States Air Force and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as part of the X-plane series of experimental aircraft. The X-15 set speed and altitude records in the early 1960s, reaching the edge of outer space and returning with valuable data used in aircraft and spacecraft design. As of 2013[update], the X-15 holds the official world record for the fastest speed ever reached by a manned aircraft. Its maximum speed was 4,520 miles per hour (7,274 km/h) (Mach 6.72).[1]
Below video/audio recording of Jim Velasques meets George Adamski, George Van Tassel, land.

...direct effects of hip-hop -- intuitive influences; e.g. breakdancing as having foreshadowed computer morphing effects.


Power moves include windmill, swipes, headspins, flare, and airflare. ..... is suppose to keep the audience guessing by changing and morphing constantly.


Looking like an astronomical observatory, the Integratron remained incomplete at the time of Van Tassel's death in 1978.
James Velazquez [Velasques], a San Diego developer bought it in 1979 with plans to turn it into a disco ...
Google disco definition:
dis·co 1.a club or party at which people dance to pop music.
2.pop music intended mainly for dancing to at discos, typically soul-influenced and melodic with a regular bass beat and popular particularly in the late 1970s

Above a dancer doing "the bridge of Chinvat walk" (moonwalk). 
Cab Calloway executed steps similar to the moonwalk (sidewalk or toe stand) as early as 1932. 
Calloway said that the move was called "The Buzz" when he and others performed it in the 1930s.[6][7] 
Oahspe Book of Sue, Son of Jehovih: Chapter IV:
8. ...Then came the etherean music and the etherean dance. This was so superior to the atmospherean variety that not one atmospherean could join in.
18. In the midst of the forepart of the ship was the Holy Council chamber, with four million members. Above the Council chamber was the chamber of worship; and at either side were the halls for dancing and social reunion.
Leisure time relieves boredom and stress and also improves one's physical and emotional health.
Taking time to focus on enjoyable leisure activities gives a person's mind a rest from daily stress. This allows him or her to be more focused when the time comes. Physical leisure activities, in addition to rejuvenating the mind also help keep the body healthy. A 2012 study by a team of researchers at the National Cancer Institute showed that leisure activity can increase life span by more than 4 years.
  1. activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.
    "areas used for recreation such as hiking or biking"
Oahspe God's Book of Eskra: Chapter XLIII:
9. And God granted two days' recreation, during which time the ethereans mingled with the atmosphereans in great delight.
Oahspe God's Book of Eskra: Chapter LX:
43. The Voice ceased, and now God declared a day of recreation, that the ethereans and atmosphereans might mingle together, and rejoice before Jehovih. And this was done also.
Book of Aph, Son of Jehovih: Chapter X:
9. It was known in heaven that God would leave at the proper time; and, to honor him in Jehovih's name, his hosts from far and near, to the number of ten millions, came to see him depart. And when God saw them, he proclaimed a day of recreation; and the people mingled together, and especially to re-converse on the matter of the deliverance of earth and heaven and the going down of Pan, as it had been.
10. On the following day, all hands being refreshed and assembled in order, according to the discipline of Gods, God spake from the throne, saying:
8. And thereupon Lika proclaimed a day of recreation, so the hosts could be selected, the fifty millions, to which labor the marshals fell to, helping the chosen.
9. During the recreation, the atmosphereans explained to the ethereans how laid the lands of the earth and the heavens thereunto belonging. And then, after a season of prayer and singing, and a season of dancing, the recreation was brought to a close.
OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter IX:
5. If a man be given to reverie because of music or colors, his soul traveleth in the currents thereof [lost in thought], and he becometh oblivious to his surroundings. The vortexian currents in that case pass through him uninterruptedly.[harmony, light, polarized]
6. ...If the person in reverie holdeth the hands of others in the room, the same current will run through the whole [healing power of touch or laying of hands]. Hence music is the greatest of all harmonizers.
"Dance appears at the genesis of human awareness and remains at the center of good health." - KRS-One.
"Play and the continuous return to joy and pleasurable moments is what causes human awareness to grow and expand." - KRS-One.


Crystal space-ships of Oahspe and advanced technology:
Solid-state physics is the study of rigid matter, or solids, through methods such as quantum mechanics, crystallography, electromagnetism and metallurgy. It is the largest branch of condensed matter physics. Solid-state physics studies how the large-scale properties of solid materials result from their atomic-scale properties. Thus, solid-state physics forms the theoretical basis of materials science. It also has direct applications, for example in the technology of transistors and semiconductors.
The bulk of solid-state physics theory and research is focused on crystals. This is largely because the periodicity of atoms in a crystal — its defining characteristic — facilitates mathematical modeling, and also because
crystalline materials often have electrical, magnetic, optical, or mechanical properties that can be exploited for engineering purposes.
Crystals have aesthetic properties that have long made them attractive in jewelry. But they also have some properties that make them very important to the electronics and optical industries. Today,
crystals are used in just about every type of modern technology.
OAHSPE Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih: Chapter X:
9. Unlike all other etherean ships of fire that had as yet visited the earth's heavens, it was provided with openings in the bottom, five hundred thousand in number, which were the places of entrance and exit. And the openings were studded with crystals of ceaseless fire, of all conceivable colors, shades and tints, and sizes and figures, curves, circles, angles, crescents, and so on. And up within the openings, were the crystal and opaque chambers...
the whole adavaysit was like a crystal ship within a globe of phosphorescent light.
The etherean crystal space-ships are used for the ascension of the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih.
Revelation 15:1,2 of the Bible talks about the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih aboard a crystal ship of fire:
New American Standard Bible 
Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous...And I saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire, and those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, holding harps of God.
Oahspe - Book of Ah'shong, Son of Jehovih: Chapter II:
1. JEHOVIH spake to Ah'shong, saying: On the evening of the third day shalt thou move thy etherean ship toward the earth. And when thou arrivest within an arrafon 1 thou shalt halt for another three days, that thy magnificence may awe the men and angels of earth with the power and glory of My emancipated sons and daughters.
9. Ah'shong perceived, and he proclaimed what Jehovih had spoken to him. And the hosts cast out fastenings to the plateau, that the kingdom together with the etherean sea of fire might rotate with the earth and its atmosphere.
OAHSPE Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih: Chapter X: 9
...etherean ships of fire...up within the openings, were the crystal and opaque chambers...within these chambers, were the reports of the guardian angels, of the lives and good work heretofore done by every man and woman of all the two thousand million who were to ascend to Jehovih's higher heavens. But in all the records there was not recorded one evil thing, or dark deed, or selfish thought; for of these things the ascended hosts had long since purged themselves... 


Above drawing of a large interstellar mothership that has openings for entrance and exit for smaller-sized space-crafts during flight. Mothership diagram is from _Inside The Space Ships_ by George Adamski first published in 1955.

Litabakathrava travels in Otevan to earth and 10000 times farther from earth to other worlds (star-system).
Oahspe Book of Es Chapter 3:
4. Litabakathrava, Orian Chief of Yohamma, of two hundred thousand years, God of Ithwan, forty thousand years, said: Come, O ye Gods and Goddesses, come to the red star. Behold, my otevan, my fire-ship, goeth that way on her cruise of ten thousand years. Come with me, my otevan will carry a thousand millions; I will halt and leave you on the earth with mortals.
15. And Litabakathrava ordered his fire-ship to be brought to Piatya, where it no sooner arrived than the hosts of the mission, the ten millions, went aboard, as guests and companions to Litabakathrava's fifty million traveling visitors to worlds, ten thousand times further on.
17. Then upward, outward, rose the airavagna, the ship of fire, whose photosphere, as to size, was like a world; rose up higher and higher, heading for the far-off red star, that coursed in the serpent's coil, a million and a half miles a day.
18. Two thousand million miles off, lay the red star, the earth, seen by the magnifying instruments of the Gods, seen in its little orbit round the sun, of half a thousand million miles.
21. Then, they came to Chinvat, the bridge of the boundary of the earth's vortex, and there halted to survey the earth and her unruly heavens, where the four false Gods proclaimed themselves monarchs of the universe! A day they rested, in a day they measured the grade and standing of the earth's mortals and angels, and then, they descended straight to Paradise, the place of God, Jehovih's Son.
2 billion x 10000 = 2.0 x 10 to the 13th power
10 to the 13th power = 1.0 x 10,000,000,000,000
2.0 x 10 to the 13th power = 20,000,000,000,000 = 20 trillion miles
20 trillion miles = 3.40222857 light-years
Litabakathrava traveled 3.402 light-years beyond earth
The Nearest Stars, as Seen from the Earth
Proxima Centauri V645 Cen 4.2 light-years distance
Earth-sized planet found orbiting Alpha Centauri, our astronomical 'backyard' Discovery of nearest planet yet found outside solar system suggests such bodies are commonplace in Milky Way.
The Guardian, Wednesday 17 October 2012
Alpha Centauri is the nearest star to Earth. It appears to the naked eye as one body but is actually a trio, two of which are similar to our sun.
The faintest wobble of one of our nearest stars has revealed the presence of a planet the size of Earth, the closest yet found outside the solar system.
If Oahspe rounded the 2 billion number down from 2.47 billion:
4.2 / 3.4 = 1.235
2 billion x 1.235 = 2.47 billion x 10000 = 24,700,000,000,000 = 24.7 trillion miles
24.7 trillion miles = 4.20175228 light-years = Proxima Centauri 4.2 light-years distance

The difference between 2 billion and 2.47 billion may be accounted for in verse 17:
17. Then upward, outward, rose the airavagna, the ship of fire, whose photosphere, as to size, was like a world; rose up higher and higher, heading for the far-off red star, that coursed in the serpent's coil, a million and a half miles a day.
The airavagna had traveled some distance before it was 2 billion miles from the earth.
18. Two thousand million miles off, lay the red star, the earth, seen by the magnifying instruments of the Gods, seen in its little orbit round the sun, of half a thousand million miles.
It is plausable that the airavagna traveled .47 billion miles before it was 2 billion miles away from the earth.
It is interesting and amazing that there was another earth-like planet in a star system aproximately 10,000 times farther from earth (the distance Litabakathrava was traveling) that was not discovered until 131 years after Oahspe was written.


Any astronaut returning to Earth from the International Space Station (ISS) does their best to smile for the cameras but struggles to stand. So, imagine what it will be like for future missions to Mars. After several months cooped up in zero (or micro) gravity, the first astronauts to step onto the Martian surface will barely be able to manage an ungainly stagger, let alone a giant leap.
“There’s a variety of different effects that can happen,” says Nasa biologist Sharmila Bhattacharya. “There’s a reduction in bone density, there’s loss of muscle and vision can be affected.” Her recent studies suggest that spaceflight even compromises the immune system.
Add in difficulties with balance, sleep deprivation, a slowing of the cardiovascular system, not to mention excess flatulence; throw in a bit of space sickness, vertigo and lethargy, and you begin to understand the scale of the problem. Bhattacharya’s experiments, along with countless others carried out over more than fifty years, attribute most of these symptoms to the effects of living without gravity.
It seems humans have not evolved for life in space.
Weightlessness causes many adverse effects; short-term effects include nausea and vomiting, while long-term effects include bone loss, muscle atrophy, fluid loss,and anemia (see How Weightlessness Works).
In the early 1970s I heard people talking about Astronauts suffering from the above symptoms of weightlessness, and concluding that God didn't mean for man to leave the earth (probably and old Bible based belief, the same way people said of the Wright brothers early efforts if man was meant to fly God would have gave him wings).
The weightlessness symptoms was the result of man not yet learning how to create artificial gravity the way it is mentioned in Oahspe.
The ignorant statments above about the Astronauts space sickness and the Wright brothers efforts to fly are from those people who based their beliefs on the old Christian Bible and who lack the knowledge of Oahspe that clearly states man is meant and destined to make space-ships and travel (fly) in space.
On spaceships, such as "Star Trek"'s Enterprise or Star Wars' "Millennium Falcon," there is some type of artificial gravity field that allows the occupants to experience normal gravity in flight. This is important to counteract the adverse effects of prolonged weightlessness. It is also easier to film a movie without having to make the occupants appear weightless. How these artificial gravity fields are generated are unknown (remember, sci-fi writers are free to extrapolate). Currently, the only known means of producing artificial gravity is spinning the astronauts in a wheel-like environment. Centripetal acceleration towards the center of the wheel produces centripetal force. The reaction to this acceleration (often called centrifugal force) throws the occupants against the wall and feels like gravity (many amusement parks have rides like this). The films "2001: a Space Odyssey, " "2010: The Year We Make Contact," and "Mission to Mars" all depict this type of artificial gravity correctly.
Artificial gravity is the varying (increase or decrease) of apparent gravity (g-force) via artificial means, particularly in space, but also on Earth. It can be practically achieved by the use of different forces, particularly the centripetal force and linear acceleration.
The creation of artificial gravity is considered desirable for long-term space travel or habitation, for ease of mobility, for in-space fluid management, and to avoid the adverse long-term health effects of weightlessness.
A number of methods for generating artificial gravity have been proposed for many years, as well as an even larger number of sci-fi approaches using both real and fictitious forces. Practical in-space applications of artificial gravity for humans have not yet been built and flown, principally due to the large size of the full-scale spacecraft that would be required to allow centripetal acceleration rotating spacecraft, such that they have not been selected as funded missions for the various large national space agencies that have developed the vast majority of space hardware in the early decades of human spaceflight.[1]
Dave: In space, it is possible to create "artificial gravity" by spinning your spacecraft or space station. When the station spins, centrifugal force acts to pull the inabitants to the outside. This process could be used to simulate gravity. It wouldn't be exactly the same, though, because large coriolis forces would also be present, and things would fall in curves instead of straight lines.
Pages 62 and 63 of The Elegant Universe (Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory) by Brian Greene (2003, 1999) says
Spinning [spacecrafts] space stations are designed to create artificial feeling of gravity in outer space...if you were to ride a spinning [object]
tornado in outer space, and if it were to spin at just the right rate, it would feel just
like lying in a stationary bed on earth. Moreover, were you to "get up" and walk along the interior
 of the...your feet would press against it just as they do against an earthbound floor.
Oahspe spoke of space-ships spinning to produce artificial gravity (and counter weightlessness) 120 years before the sci-fi film 2001: a Space Odyssey:
OAHSPE: Book of Apollo CHAPTER X:
9. And the mighty vessel, and the vessel of Apollo, adjoined, arose up from Gau, rocking, rising, and moving to the music of a million trumpeters and singers, joined by the es'enaurs of the lower heavens. Higher and higher rose the etherean fire-ships, turning and rising, passing beyond the vortex of the earth, beyond Chinvat, out into the firmament of etherea, higher and higher, till all was lost in the distance.

<---Louis Armstrong the greatest trumpeter.



13. Then on its axis turned the great ship, rising and turning, higher and higher. And in a little while only an ascending star was seen, and then it disappeared in the distance.
It seems that the author of Oahspe knew about the adverse effects of space weightlessness and how to counter it by spinning (artificial gravity) long before we sent a man into outer-space. More than 80 years before. This shows superior pre-knowledge about the universe again by the Oahspe author.

Why haven't we built ourselves a centripetal space station yet? One problem is size. John Page, a lecturer on aerospace design for University of South Wales, told ABC Science that the scale of such a craft would pose some problems. "The smaller the spacecraft is, the faster it has to rotate," he says, "so if you're going to generate gravity, it's got to be done with a very large spacecraft that spins very slowly. The bigger the disk, the slower you can rotate it.
Oahspe in 1881 mentions ethereans using "very large spacecraft that spins very slowly" just like John Page, a lecturer on aerospace design for the University of South Wales, told ABC Science.

"the mighty ship...turning round and round, slowly"
Oahspe Book of Cpenta-Armij, Daughter of Jehovih: Chapter II:
15. ..Out shot the flames, the buoyant force ...where whirled the million screws of fire, propelling, till the mighty ship reeled, and turned, and rose from its foundation, with all its joyous hosts aboard, shouting loud, and singing praise to Him who ruleth over all. Then turning round and round, slowly, spiral like...the great airavagna began her course in the roadway of Salkwatka, in etherea, shooting toward the red star, the young earth.
16. Nearing first the Oixanian Spars of Ochesu, where were gathered near the road ten million spectators to see the Goddess pass in her ship;...
"slowly turning on its upright axis, turning and rising, higher and higher"
OAHSPE: Book of Sethantes CHAPTER XIX:
17. ..and the light of the ascending ship of fire made all else as a shadow. But higher and higher it arose, in the form of a crescent, slowly turning on its upright axis, turning and rising, higher and higher, and the music faded away in the distance.
18. In a little while the meteor-like ascending ship of heaven looked like a star, till farther and farther off it disappeared in the distance. 

OAHSPE: Book of Cpenta-Armij CHAPTER II:
19. By music alone, some their ships propelled, the vibratory chords affording power sufficient in such high-skilled hands, and the tunes changing according to the regions traversed.
He cites the work of London-based Facility: Innovate, an architectural research firm investigating ways to convert environmental vibrations into electricity. As crowds walk through malls, sports arenas, and other high-traffic areas, small hydraulic generators beneath the company’s floor tiles capture the vibrations of their steps –and generate enough electricity to power nearby phone-charging stations and illuminate electronic signage and advertising.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering.
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2012)
As sound has enormous amount energy with it, it
could be used by converting it into electric energy
for various purposes
 Sound energy is a mechanical energy so according
to law of thermodynamics mechanical energy could
be converted into electric energy
Sound energy could be converted by different
 Method 1-by creating apparatus using curtain
(diphagram) magnet and conductor
 Methods 2-by converting
 Sound energy>heat energy and then heat
energy>electric energy or
 Method 3-by using transducers such as piezo
electric material which converts mechanical
strain>electric energy and vice4 versa
 Piezo electric crystals are the crystals which
converts mechanical strain to electric energy
 The strain applied to piezo electric material by
sound energy could be converted into electricity
 In this aspect lot of research is to be done but on a
positive note this could surely be done which could
solve the energy problem of the entire world
OAHSPE: Book of Cpenta-Armij CHAPTER II:
19. Others, even by colors made in the waves of sound, went forward, carrying millions of angels, every one attuned so perfectly that his very presence lent power and beauty to the monarch vessel. And downward and upward, and east and west, and north and south, and of every angle and course; such were the traveling regions of Wellagowthiij, in the etherean fields of Oteson.
Converting color into sound.
Above Location (drawn with software pencil) of torus (vortex) power plant propulsion system. This bright circular area around the ship is where the photosphere or energy force field is generated and where energy (liberated vortex'ya) is utilized for propulsion.
The structure of this propulsion system was a wheel (torus) within a wheel (disk-shaped vehicle). - Ezekiel 1:16 - The appearance of the wheels and their construction was like gleaming jasper,...Their structure was like a wheel within a wheel.
Ezekiel 1 King James Version (KJV)
4 And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.
5 Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.
10 As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.
The tribes of Israel (above) and how their camps were located around the tabernacle.
In Ezekiel chaper 1 of the Bible, Ezekiel sees a disk shaped space-craft, and out of the center of the craft where the crew is came 4 men, the men looked like they were of the tribes of Israel (Reuben the Man, Judah the Lion, Ephraim the Ox,  and Dan the Eagle). In 593 BCE Ezekiel saw the inside of a disk shaped flying craft and the 4 men who came from the center of the craft who looked like Israelites. In 1959 Jim Velasques in California saw the inside of a disk shaped flying craft and 3 men who looked like Celto-Saxon Israelites (Germanic-Nordic sons of Isaac and Jacob),1 man who looked Mediterraneanand 2 who looked like Egyptian-Nubiandressed in robes, and sandals, with a rope around the waist.
Image result for Ethereans
(Oahspe God's Book of Eskra 50:30-33) Now, after the fall of the great empire, Egupt [when the Israelite Faithists left Egypt at 1549 BCE], her people migrated westward, hundreds of thousands of them, and they settled in western Uropa, where these people married with the aborigines. Their offspring were called Druids, Picts, Gales (Gaelic), Wales (Welsh), Galls (Gauls), and Yohans (Johns), all of which are Eguptian names, preserved to this day. 
31. Now, when the Faithists were moved by the inspiration of God to have no more kings, and to flee away from the Kriste'yan warriors, they came amongst the people above mentioned. (The apostate Faithists married with them, and their offspring were the forefathers of those now called, French, German, Russian and English.)
32. God, Son of Jehovih, had said: Suffer the apostates to so marry, for here will I find a way to raise up disbelievers in the false Kriste; and they shall ultimately become believers in Jehovih only.
33. For, inasmuch as I have suffered them to become scattered, so will I appropriate them as seed to quicken all the races of men to comprehend the All One.
The Celto-Saxon Israelites or the White European Ghans have Israelite DNA in them but they are a watered down version of the original Israelites. The closest or purest to the original Israelite faithist today are African-Americans or sub-Saharan Africans, just as the African pygmies are the closest to the original I'hins in genotype and phenotype than other modern people.
There was a genetic line of light from the ancient Hebrew/Egyptian faithists to modern western and northern Europe.
A similar type of genetic line would also have been on other corporeal planets in other solar systems.
Mice zapped with cosmic rays can incur brain damage, suggesting that astronauts' mental performance could suffer over time on deep-space missions to Mars and beyond, researchers say.
"There is now cause for concern that cosmic rays can lead to cognitive deficiencies, and this effect is likely to occur in humans as well as rodents," study co-author Charles Limoli, a radiation biologist and neuroscientist at the University of California, Irvine, told Space.com.
However, research on the effects of space radiation focuses mostly on high-energy forms of light, such as X-rays and gamma-rays. But a major potential danger to astronauts that has not yet been studied in depth are galactic cosmic rays — massive, high-speed, electrically charged particles emerging from every direction in space. Galactic cosmic rays are caused mostly by exploding stars known as supernovas, and can easily penetrate spacecraft and human skulls.
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station are safe from galactic cosmic rays because they are still protected by the Earth's magnetosphere, which reaches about 35,000 miles (56,000 kilometers) above Earth's surface on the day side. However, astronauts on future deep-space missions farther away from Earth — to Mars or the asteroid belt, for example — face peril from this space radiation.
"Galactic cosmic rays don't reach the surface of the Earth because the planet's magnetosphere protects us," Limoli said. "It's one reason why we have life on Earth."
A partial solution might involve increasing shielding on spaceships in areas where astronauts rest and sleep. "We are working on ways to minimize this damage in space, and should not let these results discourage our attempts to embark on future deep-space missions," Limoli said.
Scientists are developing a shield to protect astronauts from cosmic radiation.
Real-life force fields to protect from the perils of space.
If humankind is ever going to get off this rock we call Earth, we’ll have to find a way of dealing with cosmic radiation – the high-energy particles speeding through open space that have been found to be harmful when we’re not protected by our planet’s atmosphere.
Fortunately, scientists at CERN have announced they are working on a solution to this very problem. In collaboration with the European Space Radiation Superconducting Shield (SR2S) project, CERN is developing a superconducting magnetic shield that can protect a spacecraft and its occupants from cosmic rays during deep-space missions.
The shield will repurpose one of the discoveries made by CERN physicists last year, when it achieved a record-breaking electrical current using magnesium diboride (MgB2) for its superconductor cables. The team working on the shield will use the same material for the magnet’s superconductor coils in a new configuration, designed to generate a field that’s strong enough to stop harmful space rays from penetrating spacecraft exteriors to harm astronauts and equipment.
OAHSPE: Book of Apollo CHAPTER X:
11. ...As Jehovih maketh worlds, and sendeth them forth in the places of His firmament, so, in imitation of Him, His etherean Gods and Goddesses make adavaysits to traverse space from star to star, and from one etherean region to another.

◄ John 5:19 ► of the Bible:
Jesus gave them this answer: "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. - New International Version.
Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. - New American Standard Bible.
Galaxy-star-planet-Etherean ship-UFO-Flying-Saucer = "in like manner" = self-similarity, scaling, fractals.
Man learns from watching Nature, planets have atmospheres and plasmas (ionosphere, plasmasphere, magnetosphere) around them that protect humans from cosmic radiation and meteors.
Etherean space-ships or fire-ships have plasmas around them. In the Bible the plasmas around etherean space-ships were called clouds (ionized gas).
"Like gas, plasma does not have a definite shape or a definite volume unless enclosed in a container. Unlike gas, under the influence of a magnetic field, it may form structures such as filaments, beams and double layers."
Physics. a highly ionized gas containing an approximately equal number of positive ions and electrons.

         POLAROID 1
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American King James Version
And the LORD said to Moses, See, I come to you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with you, and believe you for ever. And Moses told the words of the people to the LORD.

American King James Version
And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD.

King James Bible
While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud.

They entered into the cloud (space-ship with a plasma field around it) from underneath, the bottom opened up to receive them as the craft hovered above them.

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