Originating in 2013:
1. C'vorkum circuit number verification to within 5 to 7% using astronomy and math.
Orachnebuahgalah plate meaning (Oracle-Nebula-Earth-Galaxy),
numbers, and words deciphering, proving accuracy of plate.
(ORACH) science that is related to the travel of the Earth (AH) through Nebulous (NEBU) regions within the Galaxy (GALAH).
3. E-O-IH converted to frequencies (Hz) and single digits 9-8-5 and relation to the circumference of a circle, pi,
the golden ratio, fibonacci numbers (8/5), and 1600 arc cycles of C'vorkum.
4. New Zodiac
based on warm and cold year spikes, dan and a'ji years.
5. I'hin features (short height,
blond colors, ) linked to infancy and fetal traits inherited from angelic parents who died in infancy.
6. Ya-La-Pesta meaning and deciphering of numbers and words, showing accuracy of.
7. Vegetation "red-edge" spectral surface feature biomarker interpretation of the red star (Earth) of Oahspe
8. Vortex'ya e=mc2 and GUT (Grand Unified Theory or
Theorem) physics equations and formulas:
a. VGUT = Vortex Grand Unified Theorem of everthing
(TOE) including Psychology, History, Geometry, mathematics etc..
b. Chemical elements atomic
mass converted to vortex'ya force and E=mc2
9. Connection between Computer binary
code 8 bit-system and genetics of human races in Oahspe.
10. Hand grip of Asu (Adam) drawn by John Newbrough more similar
to Orangutan than modern human.
11. Comparatively short legs and long torso of Asu (Adam) drawn by John Newbrough more
similar to Gorilla than modern man.
12. Showing at 2 diameters [200% diameters] the magnetic
strength or attractive force of the corporeal worlds is at 0%.
13. Symbolic ratio of E=mc2
(7) to E-O-IH (22) is pi (3.14), diameter to circumference of circle (E=mc2 no longer consider 7 but 8).
14. Connection of Quantum Entanglement to Ethe'ic Solution of Oahspe.
15. 9-8-5 connection
to Walter Russell wave and octave
16. 9-8-5 connection to ages of a vortex (star evolution) This was orginally posted
in 2014 (see below 2014 # 14).
17. 9-8-5 triune attributes of Creator (Power-Harmony-Balance)
18. 9-8-5 connection
to rules of prophecy (harmonics of 3, 1/3, 3x)
19. Spiral galaxy drawing
with prophetic numbers (0, 11, 33, 66, 99)
99-66-33 with the vortex:
All creation is in motion
4,3,2,1= wave, the Creator is still, unchanging =0 .
Below are images of M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy.
Vortex = 99,66,33,11 = 3/3, 2/3, 1/3,
1/9 = 4,3,2,1 = wave, 0 = Central, Creator.
...the way you explain the 99-66-33 with the vortex....incredible - oahspe101, 01/19/2015.
99-66-33-11-0-11-33-66-99 = whirlpool galaxy spirals
0 = center, 11 = cycle, 33 =
man, 66 = beast, 99 = ethe
Circle = whole, Creator
link below and scroll about 1/2 way down from top of page (middle of page):
Image below is a Vortex-Triangle (circle-triangle).
<--99-66-33 electromagnetic spectrum colors
Drawing above shows spiraling inward to the center from without in 8 octave waves, the vortex
spiral force creates compression, density, mass, gravity, higher frequencies, shorter wavelength, more energy. Each octave
wave represents a different color of the electromagnetic spectrum from radio waves and microwaves at the outer-extreme boundary
to infrared to ultraviolet, and gamma rays and zero point energy in the center. Radio waves = 1/8 octave, microwaves = 1/4
octave, the 1/8th octave goes all the way down to 1/99 octave at the outer extreme of the circle or disk. X-Rays = 8.3/4 octave,
gamma rays = 8.7/8 octave. The 8.7/8 octave goes all the way up to 8.99/100 octave at the extreme center of the vortex, which
equals zero point energy (8.999/1000-9.0 octave). The highest atomic mass (m) is at the center of the vortex, that is where
the highest energy (E) is also (matter converted to energy, energy converted to matter, E=mc^2 (8 = 2 x 2x2 = 8), m=E/c^2
(2 = 8 / 2x2 = 2), expansion and compression, multiplication and division of vortexian power). E=mc^2 = multiplication of
numbers (2x2x2 = 8) = expansion. m=E/c^2 = division of numbers, a larger number over a smaller number is compression or division
(8/2x2 = 2). Expand = enlarge or increase number = multiplication. Compress = reduce in size = division. Energy is compressed
and accelerated to create matter (mass), matter is expanded and accelerated to liberate stored up vortex'ya (energy). OAHSPE:
Book of Apollo CHAPTER VII: 3. Apollo said: To condense and to expand; to expand and to condense, is this all? Who shall fashion a corporeal world by compressing ether? Each twist or half turn (octave) of the spiral vortex of chemical elements above represents a row on the Perodic
Table of Elements below (Octave 1 = row 1 on Perodic Table of Elements, etc..). I put the wrong elements in octaves 3 and
7 on the original spiral vortex I made in 2013 (6 out of 8 were correct). I later (in 2023) replaced the elements listed in
octave 3 and 7 with elements in rows 3 and 7 on the Periodic Table of Elements (see below). Each spiral closer to the center
of the vortex represents 2 octaves or 2 periods on the Table of Elements or each half turn or diameter of the spiral represents
1 octave or 1 period on the Table of Elements. I did NOT put the wrong elements in octaves
3 and 7 on the original spiral vortex I made in 2013 (8 out of 8 were correct). In 2013 the original
octaves were separated by atomic mass numbers and did NOT line up with rows on the Perodic Table of Elements. On
my Table of elements I also connected
each octave of atomic mass elements with a color on the electromagnetic spectrum from IR to UV.
DEC 07 2013 :
https://web.archive.org/web/20131207175443/http://studyofoahspe.com/id4.html (about 40% down from top of page). Each row or period has
elements of increasing mass and density. With increasing atomic mass comes increasing stored up vortexya that can be released
(E=mc2). The elements (Uranium, Plutonium, Radium etc..) near 0 at the center of the vortex have the highest atomic mass and
the highest release of stored up vortexya (atomic-nuclear bomb explosion). Oahspe says vortexya can be charged in corporeal
substances (elements), the higher the atomic mass and number the higher the charge (more stored up) of vortexya. Charge means
to apply motion to or pressure to (compress). Every 1/2 turn or twist of the spiral vortex (just like with a screw) applies
more pressure and more motion towards the center. Heat and fire (nuclear fireball) is liberated stored up vortexya. E=mc2
= "escape of the potent power within" - book of Sephah, plate 65, Se'moin number 72.
"the potent power within" = vortex'ya. The actual numbers for each logarithmic
spiral arm of the vortex is 22, 36, 58, 93 (instead of 11, 33, 66, 99), the ratio of each number to the next number (58 /
36 = 1.611) is approximately the golden ratio or phi which is a common fractal scaling ratio in nature and the cosmos.
Oahspe Book of Jehovih: Chapter IV: 15. First
as vapor the vortex carrieth
it forth [Notice the first octave contains gaseous elements, Hydrogen and Helium]. Checkout Thesaurus.com
for synonyms for vapor. Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter II: 5.
In the case of a vortex in etherea (that is after
the manner of a whirlwind on the earth), the corporeal solutions
are propelled toward the centre thereof in greater density. 
All the fundamental forces of physics (gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong nuclear
forces) are all forces of the vortex called vortex'ya in Oahspe. All the forces of the vortex are the same
force just at different scales (larger or smaller size scales) and at greater or lesser compression. The greater the compression
the more power stronger force. At the largest scales (planetary and galactic) where so-called gravity operates there
is less compression so gravity is not as strong as the so-called strong nuclear force because the strong nuclear force operates
at a much smaller scale (the atomic). Vortex'ya (the force of the vortex) can be charged, stored, or compressed.
The so-called weak nuclear force is the m'vortex'ya (radiation or decay). Radiation or decay is liberated stored
up vortex'ya and is not as strong as compressed un-liberated vortex'ya (strong nuclear force).
If the 4 fundamental forces of physics were compared to the electromagnetic spectrum and size
scales then gravity would be like radiowaves, and the strong nuclear force would be like gamma rays.
Notice there is much more compression of the wave at the Gamma Ray section of the electromagnetic
spectrum and the size scale is atomic nuclei and there is much less compression of the wave at the Radio section of the electromagnetic
spectrum and the size scale is buildings.
= electromagnetism + and - polarity.
vortex'ya (4-3-2-1-0) = Gravity and strong nuclear force.
negative vortex'ya (0-1-2-3-4) = Radiation and weak nuclear force.
the weak interaction, the weak
force or weak nuclear force ...is responsible for radioactive decay.
emitting or relating to the emission of ionizing radiation or particles.
The Weak Nuclear Force (or Weak Force) is a repelling force that causes some elements, such as uranium, "It is hard to believe that a strong force at micro level, like the
strong nuclear force, disappears
into thin air at macro level."
"UG Postulate 1: The nuclear strong interaction and gravitation
are actually one and the same interaction, viewed on different distance scales (fractal = self-similarity and scaling). Therefore, a single equation can describe both
interaction from the sub-nuclear scale to the cosmological scale (fractal mathematics)." [Raviv, 2010] - page 419 of THE UNIVERSAL CYCLE THEORY NEOMECHANICS OF HIERARCHICALLY INFINITE UNIVERSE (2011)
by Stephan J. Puetz and Glenn Borchardt, PH.D.
Below is the Dial of Destiny
(of Oahspe not Indiana Jones) of Cosmology and Prophecy of the first 100 years (Wave) of Kosmon.
<--99-66-33 cycles of time
and prophetic numbers20. Cosmology Prophecy SpiraL Galaxy Clock
drawing with prophetic numbers and words from ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate and Ya-La-Pesta.
21. Drawing of vortex atomic structure with electron orbits and prophetic numbers 0, 11, 33,
66, 99
22. Connection between the Higgs field and the Ethe'ic vortex with the mass of matter.
23. Births of prophets, Tae, and messengers of Jehovih in times of dan or above average warm years or up-spikes.
24. Connecting the birth of Jesus Christ according to the Bible with a time of a'ji (wrong time).
25. Connecting the
birth of Yeshua (Joshu) of the Jewish Talmud to a time of dan (right time)
26. Connected a'ji
and cold years on earth to extremely cold nebula in space.
27. Connecting warm moist years
to Ji'ay (ji'ay'an swamp) and epidemics, fevers, and
28. Negative (female) M'vortex'ya > Positive (male) vortex'ya = Chromosome sizes
of 23rd pair in humans.
29. Pi Encoded in the chapters and verses of Oahspe's Book of Cosmogony
and Prophecy Chapter 3 verse 14 = 3:14 = 3.14
30. Connecting Ctu's (Book of Fragapatti
Chapter XVII) explorers home star-system with the Hercules Dwarf Galaxy discovered in 2006 and showing the accuracy of distance
traveled by Ctu as described in Oahspe. See Aerospace engineering, space-ships, space travel page of this website between
1/4 and 1/2 way down from top.
31. DNA is a vortexian record (a twisted double-helix-spiral shape like a
primary vortex), continues with them in the spirit world.*
this is why your experiences in a physical body is important in the spirit world. A vortex is a combination of corpor
and ethe, both the physical and non-physical.
As you can see above the double-helix
structure of DNA is the same as the structure of a primary vortex that was drawn in Oahspe in 1881. The primary
vortex shows a double-helix twisted structure that was revealed in Oahspe plate 25, the power that makes planets, comets,
stars, and the smallest parts of life.

The PRIMARY VORTEX shows that same twisted double-helix structure as DNA. See below.
Primary (first age) vortex = double helix (spiral) structure = DNA shape = Se'mu = preceding
substance of the living
Above is a screencapture image of Dec 10, 2023 Google keywords search results of "Vortexian
record DNA Oahspe". 2 out of the top 3 results was studyofoahspe.com and the ONLY
result with all 4 keywords in text is studyofoahspe.com.
On studyofoahspe.com web page (in 2013)
titled "Primary Vortex and Life" it says:
OAHSPE) by AUGUSTINE CAHILL on page 286 it says The Vortexian
power, says Oahspe, is not only the reality behind the phenomena of gravity, electricity, magnetism, heat, light,
and radiation, but it is the hand of the Creator behind ORGANIC
<--published in 1965.33. Showed and described how NASA’s IBEX
Provides First View Of the Solar System’s Tail and matches the drawing in Oahspe of the Solar vortex.
34. ..."In the days when mortals put words into all things and made them speak" - Oahspe book of Sephah, plate 65, Se'moin' number 72.
History and Types of Speakers
- how it works and history - by the Edison Tech Center
2. The Electrodynamic Loudspeaker (The Modern Speaker)
electrodynamic loudspeaker...the
most common type of speaker in the world today.
Why did it take so long to invent the speaker?
It sounds
simple, but to build a speaker one needs to have an understanding of electricity, radio, sound waves, mechanics, chemistry
and physics. Today an engineer is trained after a few years of college in these areas if they choose. Back in the early part
of the 20th century the basic knowledge of math and frequencies was still being explored. While the electromagnet part of
the speaker was invented early on in the 1860s, it took 40 more years to develop a knowledge of acoustics and materials. C.W.
Rice and E.W. Kellogg finally invented it by solving the final part of the puzzle. The final work was on how to shape the
diaphragm and what materials to use. The recent developments in vacuum tubes in the 1910s helped to do sophisticated control
of frequencies and power regulation.
C.W. Rice of General Electric and E.W. Kellogg of AT&T worked together in Schenectady,
New York to develop the modern speaker and first electric amplification system. They created a working prototype
in 1921.
http://www.edisontechcenter.org/speakers.html 35. Oahspe Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter
11. Speeding swiftly across the swamps of Ull, where seven corporeal stars were dismembered a thousand million years ago,
now set with a'ji'an fields, and forming nebulae;...-
Oahspe says the stars were dismembered (came to an end) one billion years ago and then
formed into nebulae, but Oahspe doesn't say when these corporeal stars were FIRST FORMED. Obviously these stars were first
formed LONG BEFORE THEY ENDED over 1 billion years ago.
- ...by the end
of the nineteenth century, all scientists who had studied the evidence were convinced that the age of the Earth must be at
least many tens of million of years.
By the end of the nineteenth century...A hundred million years...scientifically
informed people thought that was a plausible age for our entire solar system.
It wasn't until the discovery of radioactive elements
and the invention of Radiometric dating in 1905 (24 years AFTER Oahspe was typed) that showed that some rocks were not just
hundreds of millions, but billions of years old. Similar measurements of isotopes in asteroids (rocks fallen from elsewhere
in the solar system) also gave ages in billions of years.
Oahspe in 1881 mentioned stars that had
formed over a billion years ago, and stars that had died a billion years ago. Oahspe was talking about billions of years for
stars in the universe 24 years before scientists had discovered
that stars in the universe were billions of years old. The Bible doesn't use the words millions or billions
of years old for any formed object in the universe.
At the time Oahspe was typed in 1881 scientist thought the solar system and stars were tens of millions or hundreds of
millions years old, they didn't discover that the solar system and stars were billions of years old until
the invention of Radiometric dating in 1905. -
36. OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter III:
16. As the lens
power loseth by flattening the vortex, and increaseth by rounding the vortex, it will be observed
that the position of the moon's vortex relatively to the earth's, is a fair conclusion as to the times
of ebb and flood tide. In periods of thirty-three years, ...
In 1881 Oahspe spoke of a 33 year weather (climate) cycle on
earth that was connected to the tides (tidal) and lunar
epogee and apogee (the position or nearness of the moon in relation to the earth). This climate
cycle was discovered by E. Bruckner in 1887, 6 years AFTER Oahspe
was typed. There are fluctuations and variations of this cycle that
go to 35 and 37 years. See Weather, Climate, Dark Matter, Airborne
Pathogens page of this website a little more than 1/2 down from top.
37. From the book THE ELEMENTS RAGE (1965) by Lane (which I checked out from the Library in 1987) on page 58 it says "One ingenious INVENTOR (during the first
World War) claimed that shells fired VERTICALLY in rapid succession would produce a vortex and start the tornadic process. Tornadoes occured in the second World War as a result of fire-bombing. The
rain of HIGH EXPLOSIVES and incendiares, and the fires they started, turned sultrines into violent heat. The resultant
fire storm burnt out eight square miles of the city. In typical tornado fashion, the funnels twisted large trees out of the
ground and tossed them as giant torches into the air. OAHSPE BOOK OF COSMOGONY AND PROPHECY chapter VIII:13 says "He shall provide EXPLOSIVE
gases high up in the air, which shall break the wind currents, establishig VORTICES FROM THE UPPER REGIONS DOWNWARD [like a tornado funnel descending from the clouds to the ground]."
Lane says on page 59 of his book "A tornado also formed after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and was strong enough to
uproot trees. OAHSPE in 1881 stated that man made explosives high up in the air would produce vortices [like
a tornado], 30 YEARS LATER this was confirmed during World War 1.
38. Matching Younger Dryas sudden cold and
dry period in Northern Hemisphere to Oahspe
Book of Fragapatti Chapter XXXV:8 1,300 years of a'ji. See Weather, Climate,
Dark Matter, Airborne Pathogens page of this website about 1/5 down from top.
A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. There are places in the firmament
of heaven...Arji (Poit). When the earth passeth through A'ji (Panic), it aggregateth and groweth. An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth.
Oahspe - Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XXXV:
8. As for the mortals of Jaffeth, they have cities
of warriors, huge and fierce. The earth of this region hath
been in a'ji thirteen hundred years.
Book of God's Word
Being contemporaneous with the cycle of Fragapatti,
Son of Jehovih. As the upper book [Book of Fragapatti] is of heavenly things, so is this lower book of the earthly administration
of God for the same period of time. And it is called the Book of God's Word, because it is about the first descent of God
to the earth to establish his word with man. Through Zarathustra, a man of Par'si'e, God came for that purpose, eight thousand
nine hundred years before the Kosmon era. |622|
Oahspe Book of Saphah:
58...From kosmon, the present time, back
to Moses and Capilya, alias Capella, three thousand four hundred years; from Moses and Capilya to Brahma and Abraham, two
thousand four hundred years; from Brahma and Abraham to Zarathustra, three thousand one hundred years;
From Kosmon, the
present time, to Zarathustra, 1848 - 8900 = 7052 B.C
7052 + 1300 = 8,352 B.C. for the earth in a'ji,
8,352 - 7052
B.C cold period on earth according to Oahspe Book of Fragapatti Chapter XXXV:8
Matches Younger Dryas sudden cold and
dry period in Northern Hemisphere
The Younger Dryas stadial, also referred to as the Big Freeze,[1] was a geologically
brief (1,300 ± 70 years) period of cold climatic conditions...
1,300 ± 70 years matches Oahspe Book of Fragapatti 1,300 years of a'ji
List of periods- and events in climate
Knowledge of precise climatic events decreases as the record goes further back in time.
All dates are approximate.
"(B-S)" means this is one of the periods from the Blytt-Sernander sequence, originally based on studies of Danish
peat bogs.
10,800 - 9,500 BC Younger Dryas sudden cold and dry period in Northern Hemisphere (B-S)
1,300 years of cold, matches 1,300 years of a'ji in Book of Fragapatti
The Younger Dryas cold reversal event is
one of the best known instances of an abrupt climate change on record. Theories about what caused the shift from global warming
to a distinctly cooling period are varied. Debate continues amongst scientists as to whether the Younger Dryas was a regional
or global occurrence. Evidence from the Northern Hemisphere strongly supports the existence of the event, but evidence from
the Southern Hemisphere is less compelling. Concern about the impact of a similar abrupt climate change episode in today's
world has prompted further research to better understand the Younger Dryas.
...many parts of the world experienced an
abrupt reversal in its warming trend to nearly fully glacial conditions (Lowell and Kelly, 2008). This event was named after
the Dryas Octopetala, a cold loving flower found in alpine glacial areas.
The Younger Dryas climatic event is one of
the most extreme since the Last Glacial Maximum and has thus had many workers focus their research on this period, so a good
deal of supporting evidence has been gathered.
Evidence supporting this cold period includes studies of moraines, radiocarbon
dating, geomorphology of the area, and fossil pollen extract from lake and bog sediments (Grove, 2004). Lithostratigraphic
and biostratigraphic evidence from many sites throughout Europe including Iberia, the Pyrenees, and Northern Italy support
this event., and that previously forested areas of Scandinavia were replaced with tundra. Chronology from varves in Lake Gosciaz
in Poland indicate the colder transition into and the warmer transition out of the Younger Dryas period (Grove, 2004).
Asia:Cores from western Tibet's Lake Sumix indicate cold, dry conditions between 11,000 and 10,000 years ago. Aquatic organisms
and organic matter were absent and decrease in Oxygen 18 isotope indicated a cooling period. (Grove 2004) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oahspe had knowledge of oil in the firmament of heaven (nebula) 131 years before it was
discovered by scientists.
Oahspe Book
of Jehovih: Chapter VI:
5. Behold, O man! As a farmer soweth corn in one place, and wheat in another,
and roots in another, and flax--everything in a separate place; even so doth Jehovih store the ingredients of which worlds
are made--everything in its place--the substance of the iron in one place, the substance of the stones in another, the substance
of the vegetable kingdom in another, and even so of the substance of the animal kingdom; and the oils and sand;
for He hath places in
the firmament of heaven for all of them. These that thou sawest are the a'ji and the ji'ay and the nebulæ; and amidst them in places there is se'mu also. Let no man say: Yonder is hydrogen only, and yonder oxygen only.
The divisions of the substances of His creations are not as man would make them. All the elements are to be found not only
in places near at hand, but in distant places also.
Scientists Find Mega-Oil Field ... 1,300 Light Years Away.
06 December 2012.
Have our wishes been answered? Scientists have found an oil field which contains 200 times more hydrocarbons
than there is water on the whole of the Earth.
Time to wave peak oil goodbye forever … but
before you do I should probably inform you of the tiny hiccup in any plan to develop this oil field.
is around 1,300 light years away.
The scientists work at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, and
using the 30m-telescope of the Institute for Radio Astronomy they discovered a vast cloud of hydrocarbons within the Horse Head Nebula galaxy
in the Orion constellation. Upon discovery of the cloud IRAM astronomer Viviana Guzman declared
that, “the nebula contains 200 times more hydrocarbons than the total amount of water on Earth!”
Explained the difference and importance of Objective Knowledge vs Subjective Knowledge according to Oahspe:
Oahspe - Book of Lika, Son of Jehovih: Chapter VI:
2. As I taught corporeans to build ships to traverse corporeal seas,
so have I taught ethereans to build vessels to course My etherean seas.
3. As
I bound the corporean that he could not raise up in the air above corpor, save by a vessel, so created I My heavens for the
spirits of men, that by manufactured vessels they might course My firmament.
4. For the little
knowledge I gave to corporeans I made as a type of knowledge which is everlasting.
5. To the corporean I gave two kinds of presence, objective and
subjective. By the latter he can imagine himself in a far-off place; and the thought that proceedeth
out of him goeth to a friend and speaketh understandingly in the distance. For thus I created him. But he who goeth objectively must take his person with him, for
so created I him.
6. And I magnified these two
conditions unto the spirits of all men, that they might also appear objectively and subjectively in the places
known to them.
7. And this is the bondage I created unto all places on the earth
and in the heavens thereof, making all men understand the
power of objective association.
8. I created wide seas on the corporeal earth, that man should perceive that one man alone could not cross over;
nor in a small boat, with any profit under the sun. Neither created I My heavens in the firmament that one angel could go
alone on long journeys, becoming isolated and powerless. But I
provided them that they could not escape association; yea, I created the firmament that they
must congregate together and go.
9. Nevertheless, I gave freedom unto all; to him that goeth not objectively, to go subjectively; but of little
avail and not much truth or profit. And because I gave this liberty, behold, even drujas will say:
Yea, I have been there. Nor know they how to raise up from the earth, or to go to any place, save on another's shoulders.
10. And I created man and angels that all
knowledge which is to be everlasting must be obtained objectively; yea, in the
experience of his own person made I him to desire
without end.
11. And they fill My seas in heaven and earth with their great ships; with wants
that could not be satisfied in one place created I man. For I drive him forth on strange errands and on missions of profit
and love; for I will store him with a knowledge of My works.
Objective knowledge is verifiable by all
others, subjective knowledge is something that occurs within your mind and may
not be verified by anyone else. Objective is universal, subjective is individual. As Jehovih is All-in-One and
Universal, so did he make man to unite many as one instead of an isolated individual (this is the Higher order of how the
Ethereans operate as an Organized unite of thousands, millions, and billions).
Science is objective knowledge, whereas religion and many so-called spiritualality
is subjective. Objective
knowledge (learning, experience) carries over from the corporeal to the spiritual worlds. Subjective knowedge involves beliefs, falsehoods, delusions, Ego, pride, (like
being a King or God in his own mind), imagination, feelings, emotions, etc...Objective knowledge involves objects, physical reality, facts, science, measurements
of facts, math, buildings, learning the elements, the compatibility of different chemical elements and particles,
learning aeronautics, etc...Subjective heavens are over the lower heavens of the atmosphere of a planet, the higher heavens
of Etherea are the objective universal heavens of the Cosmos. Ethereans
using their objective knowedge build space-ships that carry millions of them together from place to place in the
universe objectively. Lower spirits subjectively
travel alone from place to place. Jehovih created objective
knowledge to be superior to subjective
knowledge. See Aerospace engineering, space-ships, space travel page of this website about 1/3
down from top.
DNA is a vortexian record similar to magnetic tape recording:
At the moment I am writing a paper on DNA magnetism,
I could discuss with you some improvements on
1. Source of DNA to use.
2. State of the DNA to be measured, I believe that it has to be alive.
3. Sequence of DNA.
4. Other components of the solution (salts, pH, proteins etc).
33 year (first rule
of prophecy) cycles in inspiration and prophecy:
33 + 1848 = 1881 (Oahspe).
33 x 5 = 165 + 1848 = 2013
x 5 = 166.65 + 1848 = 2014.65.
33.333 x 5 = 166.665. 166.665 + 1848.24 (March
31, start of Kosmon) = 2014.905 (almost 2015).
41. Pointed out CBS fraud of
Noah's Ark on Mt. Ararat in Turkey:
Dec 07 2013:
About the Ark that was found on Mt. Ararat where the Bible says the Noah's Ark came to rest:
CBS airs fraudulent arkaeology special in 1993.
The "Ark" wood turned out to be contemporary PINE soaked in juices and baked in an oven. - Time Magazine, July 5,
1993. From THE BOOK YOUR CHURCH DOESN'T WANT YOU TO READ edited by Tim C. Leedom.
I bought and
read THE BOOK YOUR CHURCH DOESN'T WANT YOU TO READ back in 1993 or 1994. I also
belonged to the Bible errancy list in 1996 to 1999 that was run by a contributer (Farrell Till) to THE BOOK YOUR CHURCH DOESN'T WANT YOU TO READ.
42. Pointed out and published on the world
wide web in 2013 that man is local and the Creator is non-local
or omnipresent :
On "The Creator - The Father- and Man"
page of studyofoahspe.com :
On NOV 24 2011 I had no (zero) page counter
for my website. In 2012 or 2013 I put a web page (number of views or visits) counter on my website and on DEC 07 2013
I had 2255 visits or views for just that short period of time from 2012 to 2013. That was back then in 2013.
There are Oahspe YouTube videos in 2023 that don't get over 2,000 views in 1 or 2 years. Kosmon Black (the first man on YouTube
to go by the name "Kosmon") had 8 videos posted from 2016 to 2023 (7 years) and only
2 of them had over 2,200 views (for 7 years), click on link below for screen capture proof:
My home page alone for less than 1 or 2 years back in 2013 had 2,255 views in the link below
is the proof (scroll to bottom of page):
On DEC 18 2014 I had 7014 views (visits)
on my website home page. 1 year earlier (DEC 07 2013) I had 2255 visits (views) on my website home page. So in 1 year I had
4759 views (visits), not bad for an Oahspe content back in 2013-2014 when not many people knew of Oahspe back then. Kosmon
Black only had 1 video with more views (5900) than my website home page and that took him 7 years (2016-2023) instead of 1
year (his other 7 videos had significantly less views in 7 years than my home page (1 page) did in 1 year. I have been getting
Oahspe out to the masses of people around the world on the Internet going back to 2005 and 1997. From February 6, 2006 to June 13, 2007 I
recorded visitors to my website who all left positive reviews from Australia, the Netherlands, and India.
in 2014:
1. Hidden
astronomical mathematical prophecy code based on light-years distance from Polaris and travel of the solar
phalanx and numbers and words on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe and one to a thousand ratio.

2. C'vorkum symmetrical light-years numbers around a central axis of a vortex.
3. Pi (3.1415926...) numerical code containing prophecy and messages (connecting year to decimal
4. Discovered that every thirty-third year (in Kosmon, 1848, 1881, 1947, 1980, 2013)
was alike on the earth (globally) in heat and cold (warm above average heat or up-spikes).
Genetic ratio (beast to angel) of modern man (I'huan) connected to the golden ratio (1.6) and fibonacci numbers (8/5, 13/8).
6. Connection of Etherean worlds (snowflakes) to geometric pattern of musical harmony (Cymatics sound made visible).
7. Connecting the Quickening to an increase in warm up-spike frequency (Earth's vibrational frequency is rising since
Tae would
talk about the quickened times, the Quickening, the earth moving into a higher cycle frequency.
Frequency of cycles is speeding
up, the Quickening, more up and down spikes in
a 50 year period.
More up-spike frequency. Our planet's vibrational frequency
is rising.
Frequency = cycles per time frame (50 years)
1988-2013 =
19 x 2 = 38 up and down-spikes (rate) in 50 years.
1950-2000 = 31 up and down spikes
1900-1950 = 29 up and down spikes
1850-1900 = 23 up and down spikes
= 14 up and down spikes
1750-1800 = 14 up and down spikes
The above is objective scientific evidence of the earth moving into a higher cycle frequency.
The Quickening,
these are the quickened times.
Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part IV:
4. Tae said: ...for these are the quickened times mentioned by the prophets of old.
Notice since 1850 (the Dawn of Kosmon) the cyclic vibrational frequencies of up and
Oahspe says Tae based
his knowledge on science and Tae studied warm and cold cycles.
8. PANIC "number letter" cipher, decrypting numbers
to letters for 3.141 (Pi), 1.618 (golden ratio), 2.718 (e Euler constant), 1 million
divided by c/mach.
9. Search Pi binary index infinite string of digits (Converted into ASCII
text) for messages.
10. Connection of Nephilim of the Bible and the times of Neph of
11. Connecting the Oort Cloud band with
etherean arc bands spaced aproximately every 3000 years or 1.7 light-years of Cevorkum.
12. Numbers of the beast (666) are encoded in pi x pi with the cycles of below average cold
years and a'ji and war numbers on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
13. There's another recent discovery predicted by Oahspe. In the glossary of unusual terms in Oahspe
there is the following entry: "Vocent: Perpetual roaring of the atmospherean
elements." Apparently in 2009 NASA scientists discovered a phenomenon they called 'space roar'. https://web.archive.org/web/20140828142009/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_roar Apparently
it constantly bombards the earth and is virtually everywhere in
the Universe. Oahspe discussed this phenomenon in 1881- but it didn't enter the scientific lexicon until 2009. Even the same
word, roar, is used to describe it, even though the technology to detect
this sound existed nowhere on earth in the 19th century.
This book continues to amaze and inspire. - Marli, May 29, 2014 14.
Below are the 5 vortex stages of solar and planetary development (creation and destruction):
Above plates from Oahspe (original drawings by John Ballou Newbrough 1881)
Power-Harmony(Light)-Balance(Rest) = 9-8-5 = E-O-IH the Creator, the All-Person
9 = primary vortex, the power that maketh planets
8 = secondary vortex
7 = third age of vortex
6 = fourth age of vortex
= rest, uncreation, no vortex, void, without form
>--compression--< = 9-8-7-6-5 = gravitation, spiral inward
4-3-2-1-0 = 9-8-7-6-5 = the wave of creation = 1 cycle
Walter Russell stated that, “In the wave lies the secret of creation.”
"Within 9-8-5 (E-O-IH) lies the secret
of the sacred divine name and creation" - Author of studyofoahspe.com-
7 = completion of animal life, past the age of begetting, no new species (ho'tu). Oahspe Book of Jehovih Chapter 4:17.
5, the cycle, the wave repeats itself, 9-8-7-6-5-9-8-7-6
vortex wave = 9-8-7-6
dual vortex
wave octave = 9-8-7-6, 9,8,7,6 = 8
uncreation, rest,
no vortex = 5
9 = dual wave octave + uncreation,
vortex wave to rest = 9-5 = E-IH of E-O-IH
5 is the center (balance) between 2 cycles or 2 waves = 9-8-7-6-5-9-8-7-6-5 or 4-3-2-1-0-4-3-2-1
OAHSPE BOOK OF JEHOVIH III: 3 SAYS "as thou beholdest the
power of the whilwind gathering up the dust of the earth, and driving it together, know that even so do I bring together the aji and jiay and NEBULAE in the firmament
of heaven: by the power of the whirlwind create I the coporeal
SUNS, and moons and STARS. CHAPTER IV:2 Says "I cause etherean
currents to bring forth aji and jiay, and NEBULAE, prior to MAKING CORPOREAL WORLDS."
Oahspe Book of
Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter III:
11."...seven corporeal
stars were dismembered a thousand million [billion] years ago, now set with a'ji'an fields, and forming nebulae;..."
In the book called COSMOS by Carl Sagan copyright 1980 (which I checked out from the Library in 1985), Sagan on page 251 says "But as the stars
that outline a spiral arm burn out [explode], new stars and their associated nebulae are formed just behind them, and the spiral pattern persists."
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter II:
5. In the case of a vortex in etherea (that is after the manner of a whirlwind on the earth), the corporeal solutions are propelled toward the centre thereof in greater density.
When it is sufficiently dense to manifest light, and shadow,
it is called a comet, or nebula; when still more dense it is a planet.
10. Interior nebula is generally described as comets; whilst exterior nebula is usually called nebula. Nevertheless, all such solutions of corpor are of
like nature, being as the beginning or as the incomplete condensation
of a planet.
16. When a nebulous planet is sufficiently
dense to have its corpor polarized,...
9 =
a vortex in etherea,the corporeal solutions are propelled toward the centre thereof
in greater density.
8 = light = sufficiently dense to have its corpor polarized, = sufficiently dense to manifest light.
Light = polarity of corporeal needles in solution, lined up, in order, harmony = 8.
7-6 = still more dense it
is a planet
5 =
the vortex shall burst, the planet shall be scattered and gone
5 is
the rest point of the pendulum before
the cycle (vortex motion) starts
15. The Roadway of the Solar Phalanx and the Orachnebuahgalah
(Oracle-Nebula-Earth-Galaxy prophecy) plates of Oahspe shows the travel of the earth and solar-system through sub-galactic arcs or bands of light
(dan) and darkness (a'ji) that correspond to galactic wave interference patterns. See Cosmic Consciousness,
cycles, human behavior, Zodiac page of this website about 6/7 down from top of page.

I got the idea of galactic (or sub-galactic) wave interference pattern of Cevorkum torus from
the website below:
But I came up with the idea to compare a image of bright and dark interference pattern bands to the
bright and dark bands on the Roadway of the Solar Phalanx and Orachnebuahgalah plates in Oahspe.
Ballou Newbrough's inspired drawing of plate 49 in Oahspe
(below) show a cosmic phenomena that has a basis in modern astro-physics.

Above cross section of spiral galaxies show torus, magnetic fields, and wave interference pattern. John
Newbrough in Oahspe drew a picture of these interstellar wave field patterns existing in the galaxy long before they were
confirmed. Images above are from the large northern Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS), galaxies were observed
with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) at 1300-1760 MHz (May 2010).

Astrophysics image above shows wave interference pattern very similar to John Ballou Newbrough's sub-galactic
Cevorkum torus plate drawing in 1881.
Cosmic rays were discovered in 1912, and the torroidal
galactic magnetic field was discovered after 1960, decades after Oahspe was transmitted.
The early observations by Mayer et al. (1957) were the first to give information about the magnetic field
in the Crab Nebula, a supernova remnant. Galactic radio polarization was discovered by Westerhout et al., 1962) and Wielebinski et al., (1962).

Above is my drawing of Vortex Unified Field Theory of Oahspe, showing atomic mass (matter), strings
(lines or needles) of vortex'ya, e=mc2, m=E/c2, radiation, gravitation, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces all
unified in a vortex etheic rotary motion. Heat and fire is liberated stored up vortex'ya. Light = condition of things (ethe'ic
needles) polarized (harmonic pionting in the same direction) caused by the vortexian current. Positive vortexya = male, He
or Him, Negative vortexya = female, She or Her. The extreme center = balance, rest, no force, 0 or Iesu. See Miscellaneous
and Miscellaneous 2 chapters/pages of this website.
Oahspe Book
of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter I:
17. Vortexya can be concentrated in iron and steel,
and in iron ore, in which condition they are called magnetic. And these substances, if poised as needles, will
assume the line of polarity of the vortex or its poles.
When vortexya is manifested in flames of fire it is called electricity. But when it lieth dormant, as in iron, it is called
35. ...a certain time to polarize these
infinitesimal needles... But that which is called light is polarity
of corporeal needles in solution, caused by the lines of vortexya.
36. ..a magnetic flame called electricity.
as previously stated, existeth not in any corporeal substance as a separate thing. There is no substance of attraction. Nor
is there any substance of gravitation. These powers are the manifestation of vortexya. If vortexya
be charged into a piece of iron or steel, it is called a magnet,
because it APPARENTLY draweth its own kind to itself.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy:
Chapter III: 12. Vortexya can be charged, as before mentioned,
into iron and other substances. When it is charged
in iron it is called magnetism; when charged in
phosphorus it is called light (inactive); when charged
in nitrate of silver it is called darkness.
Frequently using colored highlighted text on
a page (not just 1, 2, or 3 words but several sentances with more than a few words) to draw attention to important information in a text (sentence or paragraph) to
teach Oahspe:
High point in sunspot cycle = High Dan.
2013-2014 high point (peak) in sunspot cycle 24:
Yearly Mean Sunspot Numbers
MAX marks a sunspot cycle maximum and min a minimum.
2008 2.9 min
2009 3.1
2010 16.5
2011 55.7
2012 57.6
2013 64.7
2014 79.3
Sunspots 2015: Year of the decline
Solar maximum has passed.
Solar maximum activity peaked in April 2014 at an exceptionally low 81.9 spots/day. Waning
solar activity in 2015 will begin the long, inexorably journey toward solar minimum over the next half decade.
-2013 is supposed to be the year of Solar Max, the peak of the 11-year sunspot cycle.
Solar physicist Dean Pesnell of the
Goddard Space Flight Center has a different explanation:
"This is solar maximum," he suggests. "But it
looks different from what we expected because it is double peaked."
"I am comfortable in saying that
another peak will happen in 2013 and possibly last into
2014," he predicts.
2014.65 + 33.33 = 2047.98.
Next 33.33
year inspiration (light-year) at the (200 year) 2048 Dan of the Kosmon cycle.
Originating in 2015:
1. Showing how SPECIFIC DNA, genes, SNPs, alleles (especially the C allele) relate to the work of the Loo'is angels.
2. How the 3 words of the LAW of Balance of the Universe = the 3 sounds of the name of the
3. 200 year (22.22) 9-based Vortex mathematics prophecy wheel drawing.
4. Using facial recognition software to compare portraits of prophets and lawgivers in Oahspe to photos of other
people in percent similarity.
5. New word entry to Oahspe glossary (May 7, 2015): Sortiv =
an etherean arc region.
6. Shone = ancestral line
of light = shone past tense of shine related to Zarathustra (Persian), Brahma, Native American (Sho-shone).
7. Connecting the Oahspe Emblem of wisdom (a hollow crescent) with the hippocampus.
8. Showed and described how Rene Descartes' vortices are different from Oahspe planetary vortices:
Descartes celestial vortices are five and six sided polygons (pentagons, hexagons):
Oahspe's celestial vortices are cone-shaped like the magnetospheres of the planets in the solar system:
9. Showed and described connection between enhanced hippocampus C;C genotype, Etherean God Seth-antes, Egyptian God Seth or Set, Seth of the Bible, the
hosts of Seth-antes, and the ability (Abel) of the I'hins (sons of Seth) to learn spiritual things: -
made the angels different from the first earth man (Asu) was that they were capable of being taught spiritual things (they
had an enhanced ability to learn) and Asu could not. The ability to learn is connected to the hippocampus (even the ancient
Egyptians connected the hippocampus to the god Seth or the hosts of Sethantes).

Above images showing the
horn of the hippocampus in the brain, and Seti
I at Abydos of 13th century (1290) BC
of ancient Egypt with horn on head gear. The name 'Seti' means "of Set", which indicates that he was consecrated to the god Set (also
termed "Sutekh" or "Seth").
3,300 year old ancient egyptian hippocampus symbolism artwork.
In pink, and green location and structure of the
brain hippocampus and horn shape curved like the horn on the ancient egyptian head gear of Seti I.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pages 32,36 of OAHSPE'S AMAZING PREDICTIONS
OF THINGS TO COME by Laura Horst:
About 73,000 years ago the God Sethantes [god
Seth of Egypt?] came to earth in a etherean space-ship [UFO] with 27,600,000 highly evolved Archangels [many who had died
in infancy on other corporeal planets]. These several millions of angel-spirits took on physical forms, like unto mortal man.
the God Sethantes with 27,600,000 highly evolved Archangels came to earth in a etherean space-ship [UFO] before homo sapiens
(I'hins or I'huans) existed.
The Ethereans created man (genus Homo, I'hins) by blending their own
DNA with the DNA of earth primates and the predecessors of man (A'su, Adam, Ardipithecus-Australopithecus).
Genesis 1:26:
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness".
According to Oahspe at least some angels who had died in infancy could take on human mortal form with sex organs
and could reproduce with the first race of man on earth (that is how the I'hins were produced).
In the Bible (Genesis 4:25–26 ) Adam was contemporary with Seth (who came to earth after Adam) = the
God Sethantes came to earth after Asu.
In the Bible the meaning of the name Seth
is 'Appointed'. Sethantes was the 'Appointed' first God of the earth during the time of Asu (Adam) .
Oahspe Synopsis of Sixteen Cycles: Chapter I:
5. At the time of the creation of
man, the earth was traveling in the arc of Wan, where dwell thousands of Orian chiefs, with thousands of millions of high-raised
6. The Holy Council of Orian Chiefs, through the Wisdom and
Voice of Jehovih, appointed one of their number, Sethantes,
to take charge of the earth, and to people it with immortal beings, during its travel in Wan.
of Ancient Egypt: Set (Seth)
Set (Seth, Setekh, Sut, Sutekh, Sety) was one of
the most ancient of the Egyptian gods...
However, he was not always considered to be an evil being. Set was a
friend of the dead, helping them to ascend to heaven on his ladder...
http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/set.html"friend of the dead, helping them to ascend to heaven on his ladder" = Sethantes, to take charge of the earth, and to people it with immortal beings [ascend
to Etherea].
See C allele, genetics and SNPs
page of this website 1/10 down, and see Miscellaneous
5 page about 1/4 down from top in link below:
10. Creator's name (E-O-IH) hidden in the 4 letter consonants of the tetragrammaton:

Above are the 3 vowels (the 3 primary sounds) of the Creator's name (E-O-IH) hidden in the 4 letter
consonants of the tetragrammaton. The vowels of E-O-IH is converted into musical frequencies (measurement of vowel formants
by means of the sound spectrograph) and multiples of the fundamental C2 note to obtain the triune (tri-angle) sacred
numbers (9-8-5) of the Creator's name. The sacred numbers of the Creator's name is related to the circle and Pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter of
a circle. Only 2/1000ths difference between 3.139 and 3.141 (Pi out to 3 decimal places). The sacred numbers of the Creator's
name is also related to the arcs and cycles of the
sub-galactic (Cevorkum) orbit of the solar-system. 1600 arcs or cycles of Cevorkum
= Circumference of a circle (circumference number just
as 9.85, 22, and 360 are). Elohim = l-h-m (consonants), E-O-I (vowels). Plural or singular = 3 attributes in One. Power-Harmony-Balance. Might = Power, Love = Harmony,
Wisdom = Balance.
11. 2015 :
Connected 400 years of a'ji in Oahspe Book Eskra
Chapter IX:3 to The Greek Dark Age or Ages
1100 - 700 B.C. 400 years of a'ji in
Oahspe Book Eskra Chapter IX:3.
Historical evidence of the 400 years of a'ji mentioned in Oahspe Book of Eskra Chapter
The Greek Dark Age or Ages and Geometric or Homeric Age (ca. 1100–800 BC)[1][2] are terms which have regularly
been used to refer to the period of Greek history from the presumed Dorian invasion and end of the Mycenaean palatial civilization
around 1100 BC, to the first signs of the Greek poleis in the 9th century BC.
The archaeological evidence shows a widespread
collapse of Bronze Age civilization in the eastern Mediterranean world at the outset of the period, as the great palaces and
cities of the Mycenaeans were destroyed or abandoned. Around this time, the Hittite civilization suffered serious disruption
and cities from Troy to Gaza were destroyed. Following the collapse, fewer and smaller settlements suggest famine and depopulation.
Dark ages = a'ji. A'ji = semi-dark cold nebulous region in space. -
Originating in 2016:
1. I'huan = sub-Saharan African or African-American. Native-American-Indian = ghan not I'huan.
2. Po and Ka'yu of Oahspe were Cauc-asian, white, or same race as Europeans based on facial recognition science.
3. Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter IX: 6. If one instrument in a same room be played upon, and other instruments in the same room be
in tune therewith, the currents of vortexya will cause the others to give off sounds faintly. If said instruments be connected
by wood fibres, the sounds will be louder. If the person in reverie holdeth the hands of others in the room,
the same current will run through the whole. Hence music is the greatest of all harmonizers.
Sympathetic resonance or sympathetic
vibration is a harmonic phenomenon wherein a
formerly passive string or vibratory body responds to external vibrations to which it has a harmonic likeness.
The classic example is demonstrated with two similar tuning-forks of which one is mounted on a wooden box.
If the other
one is struck and then placed on the box, then muted, the un-struck mounted fork will be heard. In similar fashion, strings
will respond to the external vibrations of a tuning-fork when sufficient harmonic relations exist between the respective vibratory
modes. A unison or octave will provoke the largest response
as there is maximum likeness in vibratory motion. Other links through shared resonances occur at the fifth and,
though with much less effect, at the major third. The principle of sympathetic resonance has been applied in musical instruments
from many cultures and times. Apart from the basic principle at work on instruments with many undamped strings, such as harps,
guitars and pianos with the dampers raised, other instruments are fitted with extra choirs of sympathetic strings, which respond
with a silvery halo to the tones played on the main strings.

Vibratory Physics
"My system, in every part and detail, both in the developing
of this power and in every branch of its utilization, is based and founded on sympathetic vibration. In no other way would
it be possible to awaken or develop this force, and equally impossible would it be to operate my engine upon any other principle." John Keely
"The science of the future will be based on Sympathetic Vibrations." Rudolph Steiner, 1913
"The sympathetic vibratory force discovered by Keely will be quite sufficient
to make him the greatest discoverer of this age." H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, 1888
"Mr. Keely has demonstrated he has
discovered a vibratory force previously unknown to science.. which, when applied to machinery, must supersede all ordinary
appliances." Prof. Joseph Leidy, Md, 1890
"The fact remains that Mr. Keely is able to demonstrate
the existence of a stupendous power which has never yet been satisfactorily accounted for by any old and well recognized force." Henry Hudson, The Scientific Arena, 1887
Sympathetic vibratory physics
builds primarily upon the work and principles of
4. 2016 on Extrasolar planets, CEVORKUM, Light speed page of this website was when/where I first
described and pictured the motion (not just
the shape) of the great serpent (solar phalanx) as “spiral circular sine wave motion”. In
2016 I was the first to describe and show both the galactic
sine wave sepentine motion AND the circular sub-galactic motion around the north star of the solar phalanx.
wavelike path = spiral circular sine wave
motion = crest to trough = half circle or diameter. Crest to Crest or Trough
to Trough = full circle, circumference or orbit (Cervorkum, C'vorkum).
NOV 01 2016 :
Oahspe Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter I:
As an oscillating star feedeth itself with a change of seasons, so hath Jehovih coursed the wave of His traveling Serpents [here Oahspe states in 1881 solar systems travel
in a wave..i.e. sine wave and oscillates up and down].
Oahspe Book of Aph, Son of Jehovih: Chapter I : 1. IN the time of the
world twenty-four thousand years before the kosmon era, the
great serpent (solar phalanx) being in the arc of Noe, in the etherean heavens, ...
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Plate 49 --Cevorkum,
roadway of solar phalanx. a,
a, a, lines ... The numbers with their signatures, show the densities through which the great serpent passes each cycle.
Book of Jehovih chs 7 & 8
115 The words Great Serpent means solar phalanx [solar system]. --Ed.
In Oahspe the
words Great Serpent refers to the Solar System not the Sun. In Oahspe the solar phalanx or solar system is called
the Great Serpent, the Sun is not called the Great Serpent. The Great Serpent refers to the snake-like motion of the entire
solar system (the phalanx) not just the Sun. Great Serpent refers
to the motion of the entire solar system from a cosmic or galactic perspective it does not refer to the motion of the Sun
from the perspective of the earth.
Plate 36--SERPENT.
1, Sun. 2, Mercury. 3,
Earth. 4, Mars. 5, Artaea. 6, Vesta. 7, Ceres. 8, Jupiter. 9, Saturn. 10. Uranus.
Equivalent: Koo, 28. Sai'Lee, 44. Pisc, 22. Hoo, 85. Frgabal, 114. At'bars, 8. Gib'S'Smak, 198.
Phalanx Noun Meaning...
a number of individuals, especially
persons united for a common purpose
If one could imagine a
very long serpent in spiral form, constantly turning its head in at one pole, and its tail at the other,
and continuously crawling upon its own spirality, such a view would somewhat illustrate the currents of a vortex. - Oahspe
Book of Cosmology and Prophecy Ch III: 25.
5. Connection between the invisible spirit world and the non-visible part of the electromagnetic
See Tornados, name vs concept, flat earth theory,
UV-light, sympathetic resonance, spirits page of this website about 2/3 down.
A NEW WAY to capture ghosts on camera.
I heard
it stated that Mediums can see spirits, ghosts, light anomalies
etc…because they can see the faster,
higher plains. To use an analogy: Imagine looking at a person riding his or her bicycle past you very fast.
When you look at the bicycle’s wheels you can not see the spokes because they are spinning too fast! Only when they
slow down and finally stop can you see the spokes that hold the axle and rim together and actually make the wheel what it
is. With this example in mind: The reason Mediums can see the spirit world but we cannot…is because they can see the
‘faster’ plains of life that the rest of us cannot…at least this is what they tell us.
Just outside
of the ‘Visible Light’ spectrum lies (at the less energetic/ longer wavelength end) infrared, then radio waves
etc…But! At the other more energetic and higher
energy end Ultra-Violet light, then X-Ray, then Gamma/ Cosmos…This is when the pieces came together.
I realised when sat watching these paranormal investigation programs that my wife and I love that they always film at night
in their ‘supposedly’ haunted locations with infrared!!! Isn’t it obvious to them? They are searching for paranormal manifestations and trying to capture evidence at the
wrong end of the spectrum. They should be looking at the higher ‘faster’ end of the spectrum. That
is…within the 3 Ultra-Violet spectrums.
These are UVA, UVB and UVC. For practical purposes I realise the
most accessible area to observe would be UVA; the part that lies between 400nm and 315nm respectively. The reason
being it is the least harmful.
5. For the substance of My etherean worlds [spirit-worlds] I created Ethe [ether], the MOST RARIFIED.
Out of ethe made I them.
Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 8:
1. To ethe [ether] give motion one hundred, or ninety-nine (as the case may
be); to corpor give zero, that is, no motion (of itself). "motion one hundred, or ninety-nine" = the higher ‘faster’ end of the spectrum
= ultraviolet light +
Faster motion, higher frequencies from - Infrared >> to >> Ultraviolet +
V = 300 GHz
V = 576 Thz
V = 30,000 Thz
Electromagnetic Spectrum = vortexian cycles.
Color Wavelength Frequency .
Infrared 1,000,000 - 780 nm, 300 GHz -
384 Thz
red 780 - 622 nm, 384 - 482 Thz
orange 622 - 597 nm, 482 - 503 Thz
yellow 597 - 577 nm, 503 - 520 Thz
green 577 - 492 nm, 520 - 610 Thz
blue 492 - 455 nm, 610 - 659 Thz
violet 455 - 390 nm, 659
- 769 Thz
Ultraviolet 390 - 10 nm, 769 - 30,000 Thz
Thz = terahertz (THz) = vibrational frequency.
1 THz = 1,000,000,000,000 Hz per second, 1 Terahertz = one trillion Hertz.
White light is a mixture of the
colors of the visible spectra.
7. The Maxwell equations are the set of four fundamental equations governing electromagnetism (i.e., the behavior of electric and magnetic fields).
They were first written down in complete form by physicist James Clerk Maxwell, who added the so-called displacement
current term to the final equation, although steady-state forms were known earlier.
Maxwell's equations describe
the behavior of Light (electro-magnetism).
Oahspe describes what IS Light, electricity and magnetism (polarized condition of vortexian currents).
One description (Maxwell's) is a noun (behavior) relating to actions, the other description (Oahspe's) is a verb
(IS) relating to state of being or existence. State of being or existence is more primary than behavior or actions. The primary
state of something is different from what something temporarily does. The primary state of existence or being is an eternal
or unchanging definition. There is a difference between describing what a car does and describing what a car is.
The polarized condition of electro-magnetism can be seen in the microscopic photographs of magnetized iron, cobalt, and grain oriented electrical silicon steel.
Also the polarized condition can be seen when grass seeds
floating in oil align themselves with electric field lines.
divergence = a measure of an outgoing flow of vortexya and extent to which there
is more exiting a region of space than entering it.
the curl = vortexian curve of the
ethe'ic fluid.
pi = relationship of vortex circumference to
the central axis or diameter of the
the electric field = vortexian current, ethe'ic sub-atomic particles in axial and and orbitic motion.
the magnetic field = vortexian current flowing in, out,
and around iron or magnetic substances.
the charge density = how much vortexian pressure is concentrated in an area.
c is the speed of light = how long it takes the subatomic particles to line up and point in
the same direction over a distance.
the vector current density = the vortexian current per unit area
of cross section, the total amount of vortexya flowing
through the surface in that time.
8. In May of 2016 I showed how 5 human development stages in Oahspe corresponded
to human 5 st-ages or ages from the Stone Age
to Bronze Age to Iron Age to Industrial Age to Space Age, but did not connect those 5 stages to 5 human races in Oahspe yet:
--------------------------------------------------------Originating in 2017:
1. Identifying Human Kosmon mixed race genotype as rs1426654(A;G).
2. Cosmic background radiation-glowing plasma = 0 age of vortex and exploded (shattered)
wark remnants
"What we call our Big Bang wasn't the beginning but the end --"
Book of Jehovih CHAPTER 4:
15. First as vapor the
vortex carries it forth, ...
Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 3:
25. Though the general form of a vortex, as before stated, in its beginning is long, funnel-shaped (like a whirlwind), its ultimate is toward a globular form. And though the current of a vortex is spiral, at first, its currents ultimate toward less spirality.
Page 51 of Our Mathematical Universe by Max Tegmark (physics professor at MIT)..."when we gaze farther into
space as in figure 3.3 we should encounter old galaxies nearby [ellipticals], then young galaxies beyond them [spirals], then
transparent hydrogen gas [vapor],
then a wall of glowing hydrogen plasma [microwave background radiation].
Are we at the center of the universe? .
"on a large field when fog has cut the visibility
to 50 meters, you'll feel like you're at the
center of a fog sphere, beyond which (akin to the edge of our Universe)
you can't see anything.
But that doesn't mean that you're in any sort of special place, at the center of anything
because everyone else on that field will find themselves at the center of their own
fog spheres. In the same
way, any observers anywhere in space will find themselves at the
centers of their universes." - Page 129 of
Our Mathematical Universe.
The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) is the remnants of shattered
(exploded) warks-vortices
beyond that would be old galaxies or ellipticals beyond our observable universe.The Cosmology of the universe - galaxies order - and microwave background radiation follows
the ages of a vortex and exploded (shattered) wark in Oahspe.
Oahspe Book of Saphah: Se'moin verse 45. Work or wark (Panic). Vortex, whirlwind.
Ellipticals = 3rd and 4th age
of vortex
Spirals = 2nd age of vortex
Vapor-Hydrogen gas = 1st age or primary vortex
Background radiation-glowing
plasma = 0 age of vortex and exploded (shattered) wark remnants
"What we call out Big Bang wasn't the beginning but the end --" - Page 118 of
Our Mathematical Universe by Max Tegmark (cosmologist at MIT).
Above plates from Oahspe looking back in time and farther into space ------------------>
The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation instead of being a remnant of the "Big
Bang" is a
remnant of exploded (shattered) galactic warks.
Above illustration based on observation = 4-3-2-1-0 =
9-8-7-6-5 = the wave of creation = 1 cycle
Walter Russell stated that, “In the wave lies the secret of creation.”The Cosmology
of the universe - galaxies order - and microwave background radiation follows
the ages of a vortex and exploded (shattered)
wark in Oahspe.
Oahspe Book of Saphah: Se'moin verse 45. Work
or wark (Panic). Vortex, whirlwind.
Ellipticals = 3rd and 4th age of vortex
Spirals = 2nd age of vortex
Vapor-Hydrogen gas = 1st age or primary vortex
Background radiation-glowing plasma = 0 age of vortex and exploded (shattered)
wark remnants
rays from supernovae
Cosmic rays are protons or atomic nuclei that have been accelerated to high energies.
They are different from cosmic neutrinos and gravitational waves, which have next to no effect on us, and electromagnetic
radiation (photons). Electromagnetic radiation includes radio waves, microwaves,
visible light, X-rays, and gamma radiation. How
supernovae have affected life | Astronomy.com
study of the microwave emission of the supernova remnant 3C 396 Detailed study of the microwave emission of the supernova ...
examples of supernova spectra depicted as intensity and wavelength:
<--Supernova spectra intensity and wavelength
Spectrum of The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation as intensity and wavelength:
<--Spectrum of The Cosmic Microwave Background Intensity and Wavelength
Notice the similarity in the spectra intesity and wavelength shape of The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and supernova spectra depicted
intensity and wavelength.
Supernova remnant = shattered wark (shattered
vortex) = the end and beginning (5 and 0 and 10 of 9-8-7-6-5 and 4-3-2-1-0).
Matter - Anti-Matter, Galaxies and Cosmology page of this website 1/3 to 1/2 way down from top.
3. Identification of the horizontal mid-forehead indentation
that is seen on the original I'hin drawing in Oahspe and seen on the human Pygmies of Africa.
4. Showing how 5 races in Oahspe correspond to 5 stages
of man from infant to adulthood:
Man develops in 5 stages from infant to adult (I was the first and only person to use the image
below up to 2023):
Human races = 1.Asu--------2.I'hin-------------------3.I'huan---------------4.Ghan----------5.Kosmon = balance

5 = central balance between 0-10 and 1-9, spiritual
and corporeal, being good and being independent and strong.
1. Infant-Toddler 0 - 2
years. Asu = 0-1 (infant, no walk, no talk).
2. Preschooler 2 - 5 years. I'hin = 2-5
(walk and speak).
3. Gradeschooler 6 - 12 years (I'huans, the Bible).
4. Adolescent age 13 through 19 years (the Ghans).
5. Adult fully
grown or 20 years age or older (Kosmon, Oahspe).
On page 165 of SEVEN YEARS THAT
CHANGED THE WORLD [1940], 1941-1948 by Wing Anderson it has a text table showing 4 Oahspe races and 4 stages of human development.
Wing Anderson has the I'HIN as INFANT, I'HUAN as CHILD, GHAN as YOUTH, KOSMON as MANHOOD. My 5 stages that correspond to 5
races in Oahspe is better, more inclusive, and more accurate than Wing Anderson's 4 stages.
May of 2016 I showed how 5 human development stages in Oahspe corresponded to human 5 st-ages or ages from the Stone Age to
Bronze Age to Iron Age to Industrial Age to Space Age, but did not connect those 5 stages to 5 human races in Oahspe yet:
(2017) Mentioned the discovery of a ramp or inclined plane used to build the Great Pyramid as stated
in Oahspe.
Jan 23 2017 :
Study of Oahspe
The Great Pyramid of Ancient Egypt
The External Ramp and Crane Theories
The first theory is that a ramp was built on one side of the pyramid and as the pyramid grew, the ramp was raised
so that throughout the construction, blocks could be moved right up to the top.
2007, French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin proposed a theory that involved use of an internal spiral ramp system [source:
Connor]. Using 3-D software, Houdin reconstructed how he believed Hemienu and his laborers may have accomplished this feat.
He believes the pyramid was built in stages, the first using an external ramp, and the second an internal ramp.
That image showed exactly what Jean-Pierre Houdin's theory had predicted--a ramp spiraling up through the pyramid.
Far from being just another theory, the internal ramp has considerable evidence behind it. A team headed by Jean-Pierre
Houdin and Rainer Stadlemann, former director of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo and one of the greatest authorities
on pyramids, has submitted an application to survey the Great Pyramid in a nondestructive way to see if the theory can be
confirmed. They are hopeful that the Supreme Council of Antiquities will grant permission for a survey. (Several methods could
be used, including powerful microgravimetry, high-resolution infrared photography, or even sonar.) If so, sometime this year
we may finally know how Khufu's monumental tomb was built. One day, if it is indeed there, we might just be able to remove
a few blocks from the exterior of the pyramid and walk up the mile-long ramp Hemienu left hidden within the Great Pyramid.
A microgravimetry survey of the Great
Pyramid in the 1980s yielded the enigmatic image at right. [image above]
dense areas (indicated in green) seem to correspond to an internal
ramp proposed by Jean-Pierre Houdin (diagram). (Dassault Systemes; Courtesy EDF)
Brier is a senior research fellow at the C. W. Post Campus of Long Island University
and a
contributing editor to ARCHAEOLOGY.
© 2007 by the
Archaeological Institute of America
in 2018:
1. Describing and connecting the structure of the Great Pyramid with the mathematical knowledge
of the Israelites. Making a vertical/horizontal coordinate
graph that shows the slope angle of
the Great Pyramid is in Fibonacci numbers which is a phi logarithmic fractal scaling ratio.
The slope of a pyramid based on phi (golden ratio, Fibonacci numbers) is 51.83, the slope
of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 51.87 (99.92% same).
See Mathematics of Israelites and sub-Saharan Africans, CASTA SYSTEM page of this website
about 1/3 to 2/5 down from top.
2. Describing and connecting the fractal architecture
and spirituality of sub-Saharan Africans to the mathematical knowledge of the Israelites.
Describing the races of man in Oahspe as mathematical iterations of a recursive process of mix-breeding with the goal (Kosmon)
of 5 iterations, the same way fractals are generated.
4. Using imgonline.com.ua (image
recognition software) to identify similarity between two pictures (races in Oahspe to other pictures) in % (percent).
5. Showing how man's behavior (world war) corresponds to the vortexian currents of the earth (terrestrial magnetism):

Above: Fig.5.15 - Variation in terrestrial magnetism from
page 64 of Cycles - the science of prediction by Edward R. Dewey and Edwin F. Dakin. 1914 was a down-spike year which matches 66 war and a'ji 66 on the Orachnebuahgalah plate of Oahspe (1848 + 66 = 1914). 1848 and 1881-1882 were up-spike years (matches times of dawn and dan).
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter III:
11. As light, and heat, and magnetism,
...are all ...the manifestation of vortexian currents under
different conditions,...
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII:
7. ...In which measure man is
divided into two parts (man and beast), and there is ever a percentage in his behavior inclining to one or the other, and they correspond to the vortexian currents of the earth.
vortexian currents of the earth = terrestrial
6. JAN 15, 2018 Connecting the Late Bronze Age collapse with a period of a'ji cold years (time of war and destruction).
ORACHNEBUAHGALAH Plate 408 destruction
How 408 destruction manifested in the previous arc cycle:
1848 = start of current Kosmon
1553 B.C. = start of previous Arc of Bon Cycle
1848 - 3400 = 1553
B.C (add 1 year for no zero yero)
1553 - 408 = 1145 B.C
Google 1145 B.C destruction
Late Bronze Age collapse
The Late Bronze Age collapse was a transition
in the Aegean Region, Southwestern Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age that
historians believe was violent, sudden and culturally disruptive.
Between 1206 and 1150 BC, the
cultural collapse of the Mycenaean kingdoms, the Hittite Empire in Anatolia and Syria,[1] and the New Kingdom of Egypt in
Syria and Canaan[2] interrupted trade routes and severely reduced literacy. In the first phase of this period, almost every
city between Pylos and Gaza was violently destroyed, and often left unoccupied thereafter: examples include Hattusa, Mycenae,
and Ugarit.[3] Drews writes "Within a period of forty to fifty years at the end of the thirteenth and the beginning of
the twelfth century almost every significant city in the
eastern Mediterranean world was destroyed, many of them never to be occupied again" (p. 4).
Caused The Mysterious Bronze Age Collapse?
by James Wiener May 20, 2015
Education, Interviews
The decline
of the Late Bronze Age civilizations of the Mediterranean and Near East has puzzled historians and archaeologists for centuries.
Professor Eric H. Cline speaks to Ancient History Encyclopedia’s James Blake Wiener about his new title and
the circumstances that lead to the collapse of the cosmopolitan world of the Late Bronze Age in this interview.
In 1177 BC, you trace the social, economic, and cultural links between the civilizations of the Eastern Mediterranean
and Near East — Egypt, Minoan Crete, Mycenaean Greece,
the Hittite Empire, Mittani, Assyria, and Kassite Babylonia — and their cataclysmic demise during the late second millennium BC.
Late Bronze Age Collapse In & Around Egypt.
After apparently surviving
for a while, the Egyptian Empire collapsed in the mid twelfth century BC (during the reign of Ramesses VI, 1145 to
1137 BC).
Cycles tend to repeat themselves (a pattern). TEMPERATURE
Above two vertical lines (between 2 and 0) near the bottom of a cold down-spike between 1250bc and 1000bc during the Late Bronze Age
collapse or 408 destruction on the Orachnebuahgalah plate. a'ji was a significant factor in the cold climate and the late bronze age colapse.
A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. ...An abundance
of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold
year upon the earth. In the years of Ar'jon
mortals became warriors.
...Save your prophets understand A'ji they cannot tell what the next year will
Historians and archaeologists can look
back and see the Late Bronze Age collapse, but without knowing when the arc cycles start they can't see how the Late Bronze Age collapse relates to the previous arc cycle and how it would
relate to this cycle and a repeating pattern.
Oahspe provides the hidden knowledge of the arc cycles, Oahspe
gives you exact dates of the start of the arc cycles and from there with the prophetic numbers (rules of prophecy) and the
ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate you can add the numbers to the start of each arc cycle to get an accurate calculation (mathematics)
of prophecy.
This is what is missing from the Bible and other Holy Books of Light. Oahspe contains the Higher Knowledge (Light) of the precise times of the arc cycles, prophetic numbers, and the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
plate. Oahspe also contains the heavenly galactic(galah) and nebulous (nebu) causes of earthly (ah) events that
are predictable like an oracle (Orach) = Orachnebuahgalah.
Originating in 2019:
1. Discovering
through magnification of drawing by Newbrough the African like upper and lower thick lips of the I'huan.
2. The sine wave serpentine like motion
is why the solar phalanx is called the great serpent
in Oahspe.
Above and below illustrates sub-galactic
orbits as the solar system makes a orbit around the galaxy.
The sine wave
serpentine like motion is why the solar phalanx is called the great serpent in Oahspe.
2019 on Mathematics, Reality, primary 3, page
of this website was when/where I first said “sine wave serpentine like motion is why the solar phalanx is called the
great serpent”.
Originating in 2020:
1. Oahspe Book of
Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII:
3. And he gave the
times of Jehovih...and the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars, so that the seasons might be foretold,
YHWH or JHVH = Jehovih = E-O-IH = 9-8-5. 360 degrees
of a circle = vortices of the stars.
9x8x5 x 7.575 = 2727
(C'vorkum light-years, 1600 arc seasons or cycles).
of the stars = sub-galactic vortices or orbits of the Sun
and Polaris.Is a vortex a circle?
Vortices can otherwise be known as a circular motion
2. Recession, Pandemic, and protest cycles
match 11 year solar-sunspot and cold down-spike cycles.
Perhaps my C;C genotype aided me in producing the concepts and words above on this page. 2013. Orachnebuahgalah plate meaning (Oracle-Nebula-Earth-Galaxy)
US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
Oahspe - The Book of Knowledge Part IV:
22. Jehovih said: ...as many as hear Me and behold My presence shall be
called Tae, ...
23. And Tae shall
come forth in Me, for he is My word, speaking in
his labor to that end.
It focuses
on the relation between signifiers, like words, phrases, signs, and symbols,
and what they stand for; their denotation. Linguistic
semantics is the study of meaning that is used for understanding
human expression through language. -
UZH|ETH Zurich - Neuroscience Center Zurich - Research Groups - Cognitive Neuroscience - Henke
Prof. Dr. Katharina Henke
Department of Psychology
of Bern
current research projects:
Role of hippocampus in creativity,
insight and problem solving.
Our findings
suggest that the human hippocampal formation specializes in
the rapid establishment of new conceptual associations between items in memory. Importantly, we found that the
hippocampal formation mediates the rapid encoding of new associations even when encoding (and later retrieval) were carried
out without conscious awareness of encoding (and retrieval). Moreover, unconscious encoding affects the success of subsequent
conscious encoding when the same, similar or different material is given for conscious learning. This influence of encoding across levels of consciousness was mediated by the hippocampal formation.
The hippocampus
is a double arc or C-shaped structure formed by cutting open a torus.
2) Brain regions
involved with mystic experiences.
Mental forms follow neural functions. In most cases, a
mystic's experiences will reflect the activity of one neural region. The most labile structures in the brain are the amygdala and hippocampus. Because of this,
these are the two areas most likely to become unstable. When the experiential correlates are negative, we should expect psychiatric
problems. When they are positive, we should expect mysticism
and spirituality to appear. The amygdala is an affective structure, and hippocampus is a cognitive structure. The difference in their functions will give rise to some mystics who emphasize thought and
others who emphasize emotion. Of course, these
two structures are heavily interconnected, so very few mystics will emphasize one to the exclusion of the other.
We will find the structures most implicated in mystic
experience are the right hippocampus (RH) and the left amygdala (LA), so we can speak of right hippocampal, and left amygdalar mystics (or shamans). These are the two most sensitive areas of the brain Of course,
these would not be the only structures involved in anyone's mystic experiences, but the majority of reports of such experiences strongly implicate dominance by one or both of these two structures.
The hippocampus on the right is a cognitive structure
that processes non-verbal information. It's also involved in spatial perception, music appreciation, as well as memory creation
and consolidation . It's a major source of dream imagery.
A mystic whose experiences appear
from an unusually responsive right hippocampus is expected to report experiences dominated by right hippocampal (RH) phenomena. The RH role in spatial reasoning and memory
implicates it in experiences of 'infinity', the
"infinite void", spaciousness, and the experience that the space occupied by the sense of self is limitless ("one
with the universe"), or existing in 'one-pointedness' (phenomena suggestive of macropsia and micropsia).
The RH role in non-verbal information implicates it in
the experience of inner silence, or freedom from 'mind chatter'. Its cognitive functions implicate it in the experience
of 'knowingness', and 'insight', in which understandings appear spontaneously. The right hippocampus' role in processing non-verbal information would give such mystics a propensity
for experiences that are 'beyond words' or 'too subtle to be explained". It's role as the source for dream imagery
suggests that its also involved in the experience of 'alternate realities', 'other dimensions', the 'astral plane',
the 'dream time', as well as the fleeting images that appear in hypnogogia, and even artistic visual inspirations.
Its role in creating and retrieving memories suggests it may be crucial in accessing inner images, including symbolic, spiritual,
and artistic images. Its production of theta activity
suggests it's crucial in trance and meditation.
First to connect Oahspe text "epidemic is prophesied to a city, man shall dissipate
the falling se'mu" to "completely inactivating
biological particles [falling se'mu], by irradiating
them, and photoionizing them".
See below for proof and time stamp.
DEC 07 2013:
Virus = se'mu = preceeding substance of the living = RNA or DNA.
A virus
is a small parasite that cannot reproduce by itself. Once it infects a susceptible cell, however, a virus can direct the cell
machinery to produce more viruses. Most viruses
have either RNA or DNA as their genetic material. The nucleic acid may be single- or double-stranded. The entire infectious virus particle, called a virion, consists of
the nucleic acid and an outer shell of protein. The simplest viruses contain only enough RNA or DNA to encode
four proteins. The most complex can encode 100 – 200 proteins.
https://quizlet.com/633775323/biol-exam-3-pt-2-flash-cards/ OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy CHAPTER VIII.
14. And when an epidemic is prophesied to
a city, man shall dissipate the falling se'mu, and thus save it from
1881 Oahspe talked about man inactivating airborne bacteria and viruses to protect humans and animals and prevent the
spread of infectious diseases. 132 years later man invents a new device capable of doing this.
dissipate - to cause to separate and go in different directions; "She waved her hand and
scattered the crowds"
break up, scatter, dispel, disperse
disband - cause to break up or cease
to function; "the principal disbanded the political student organization"
New device traps, then zaps, airborne pathogens
Researchers say
a new device called a soft X-ray electrostatic precipitator protected mice from airborne bacteria, viruses,
and allergens, and could some day be incorporated into HVAC [Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning] systems
Science News...New Device Traps Particulates, Kills Airborne Pathogens
Jan. 31, 2013 — A new device called a soft X-ray electrostatic precipitator
protected immunocompromised mice from airborne pathogenic bacteria, viruses, ultrafine particles, and allergens,
according to a paper published online ahead of print in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
works by placing a charge on the particles -- "which it does very effectively," says Biswas -- and then using an
electrical field to trap the particles. The SXC unit then also completely
inactivates biological particles, by irradiating them, and photoionizing them -- as UV light does, only more energetically.
Shane Ross, left, assistant professor of engineering science and mechanics, and David Schmale
III, right, associate professor of plant pathology, physiology and weed science, both at Virginia Tech, are using autonomous
aircraft to study how airborne microbes might ride massive air systems to travel long distances across regions.
Engineers and biologists are steering their efforts towards a new aerobiological modeling technique,
one they think may assist farmers in the future by providing an early warning system for high-risk plant pathogens. It will
also provide the basis for more effective management
strategies to address the spread of infectious diseases affecting plants, domestic animals, and humans.
Using initial studies on the efficient movement and subsequent atmospheric dispersal of these microbes, Shane Ross, an assistant
professor of engineering science and mechanics, and David Schmale III, associate professor of plant pathology, physiology
and weed science, both at Virginia Tech, have received close to half a million dollars from the National Science Foundation
to use autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to collect new samples of Fusarium in the lower atmosphere. They believe
their work, combining the study of biology with engineering dynamics, will allow the prediction of atmospheric transport barriers
that might govern the motion of Fusarium between habitats.
In preliminary work leading to their new study, also funded
by the National Science Foundation, but through a different project led by Schmale and Ross, more than 100 airborne samples
of Fusarium were obtained using UAVs. "The resulting information has led to strong evidence that specific atmospheric
structures play a role in determining atmospheric concentrations of Fusarium," Ross says. This work was published online
Sept. 9, 2011 in the American Institute of Physics’ journal Chaos.
In engineering terms, the atmospheric structures
are called Lagrangian coherent structures, named after the 18th century Italian-French mathematician Joseph Lagrange. He introduced
a point of view into the study of fluids, like the atmosphere, which the research will employ. Ross and Schmale will be able
to compute, track, and predict atmospheric transport barriers governing the motion of microorganisms such as Fusarium between
habitats, using engineering methods including the Lagrangian methods.
"By comparison with results of microbiological
analysis, we expect to reveal how dynamical structures partition and mix airborne populations of microorganisms, and relatedly,
how mixtures of microorganisms might encode their recent history of large-scale atmospheric mixing," they said. For microbes
to move through the atmosphere to a new habitat, they must pass through a series of ‘layers’- the laminar boundary
layer, the surface boundary layer, and the planetary boundary layer. The surface boundary layer often contains strong vertical
gradients in wind speed, temperature, and humidity, accounting for the turbulence. "The small-scale motion can be characterized
as random," Ross adds.
If the microbes make it above this
surface boundary layer, and enter the second layer of the atmosphere, defined as being at
a height of about 50 meters to about three kilometers (1.86 miles) above the ground, they can be transported
over long distances. In this second layer, known as planetary boundary layer, "there are
a lot of uncertainties in the trajectory computations," Ross explains.
With Ross and Schmale’s research they
hope to reduce some of these uncertainties. Schmale has already published his findings about reliable methods for collecting
and studying populations of Fusarium in the lower atmosphere. Using UAVs, Schmale has collected data
that shows the lower atmosphere is "teeming with Fusarium." Schmale has DNA sequence data for hundreds
of strains of Fusarium collected from the atmosphere, and they have preliminary data validating the important role
that atmospheric transport barriers play in the transport of the microorganisms.
Ross says
their work should allow them to make more predictable assessments of the transport of the microbes.
the future our work may be able to assist farmers by providing an early warning systems for high
risk plant pathogens," Ross says. "It might also pave the way for more effective management strategies
for the spread of infectious diseases affecting plants, domestic animals, and humans."
First to connect and apply Oahspe The Lords' Third Book 2:2 to Black or negroidal people:
Between JUL 30 2016 and AUG 31 2016 (using text and imagery):

Plate 32.--THE EARTH IN A'JI.------Plate
94.--ARC OF KOSMON (earth in dan'ha)