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Facial recognition - Prophets - Iesu - ZodiacSun planet, Sun photosphere, Sun's stage of developmentMaya Knowledge and Oahspe, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Kosmon raceInstinct, DNA, hereditaryExtrasolar planets, CEVORKUM, Light speedWeather, Climate, Dark Matter, Airborne PathogensGeology - Pole-shift - Magnetic reversal - Radiometric dating-A'jiSolar-Stellar Life Cycle - End of Earth - Death, Disease, Life After DeathBiology, Primary Vortex, Life, Computing, QuantumPhysics - Light - SoundPhysics - Magnetism - GravityThe Creator - The Father- Man - Fractals - Vortex physicsHuman origins - Pygmies - I'hinsHominidae - animal-manEarly Man - Races of Man - AnthropologyOahspe vs MormonismDinosaurs, Man, fossils, early EarthReligious History, Chinvat Bridge, Archeology, RaceConfucius, Po, China, Jaffeth & Caucasian origin & destinyThe Great Pyramid of Ancient Egypt and ThothmaMathematics of Israelites and sub-Saharan Africans, CASTA SYSTEMHell, Knots, Flash devices, Riot control, use of forceBiblical flood and the sinking of PanOahspe vs Qur'anThe Constantine BibleLooeamong, Constantine, and The Roman EmpireThe Bible, Jesus, Joshu, Essenes, AnunnakiColumbus, Catholics, Conquistadors, Protestants, CrusadesQuakers and inner lightThomas PaineUS HistoryKosmon cycle, people, TECHNOLOGY, ancestry & SHALAMSubatomic particles - String Theory - Quantum - GUTMatter - Anti-Matter, Galaxies and CosmologyWalter Russell Cosmogony Einstein Fractals Cellular Automata ManichaeanHolographic CosmosAerospace engineering, space-ships, space travelSpace clouds, Earth travel, ORACHNEBUAHGALAHTables of prophecy and historyThe Beast, Pets and AnimalsORACHNEBUAHGALAH CHARTS Cycles & ProphecyAngels rank, universe, genetics, Loo'isNordic Aliens-Angels, Greys, Neoteny and ManPower of Attraction - Visualization - Spiritual gifts, energy, ceremonySpiritual message - UFOs - EthereansCosmic Consciousness, cycles, human behavior, ZodiacCycles, Predictions, Earth events, A'jiLife Development Darkness Light CyclesNebula, Earth's atmosphere, heat & cold, eclipse, prophecyTrue PropheciesPredictionsDirect Inspiration, Walter RussellMisc. vortex, matter, periodic table, solar system, fractals, pi and cMisc. 2, E=mc2, geometry, pi and alphabet codes, chemical elementsMisc. 3, Sacred mathematics, geometry, music, harmonics, cosmology, cycles, fractals, chaosMisc. 4 life and planets, E-O-IH and geometry, DNA, facial recognitionMisc. 5 human DNA, neuroscience, 9-8-5, 33, creativity, solar powerProphecy, Pan, Harvest & DNAMagnetospheres - Solar planetary vortex - 3D HologramsEther Vortex PhysicsLanguage - Symbols - Pictographs - Creator's name - Native AmericansTornados, name vs concept, flat earth theory, UV-light, sympathetic resonance, spiritsTae and facial recognition, Ham, Shem, Guatama, I'huan, Ghan racesMathematics, Reality, primary 3, E-O-IH, Cevorkum, Ethereans, face matching, DNA, Israelites, MusicOriginal Israelites and JewsIsraelites I'huans Ghans Adinkra TesseractAfrica - Ham - I'huansETHICAL TEACHINGS OF OAHSPE, Government on Earth, digital moneyAngelic star travelers, Human origins, racesAstrophysics, OpticsOAHSPE Contradictions Imperfections CultsInfants Oahspe grades heaven progressionC allele, genetics and SNPsVisitors and CommentsDonation
Oahspe The Book of Judgment Chapter II: 9. Let no man concern himself
as to whether it be the spirit of himself or an angel; for it is only the subject uttered which is of value. In this day all
things shall stand on their own merit and not on a supposed authority. 13.
It is wiser for the spiritual-minded to keep to themselves, especially
when communing with Jehovih and His angels. - “Each year in
May, year after year, … I sought the forests to be alone
with God”, experiencing the oneness of the universe. - Walter Russell OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy
Chapter X: 5. To attain this kind of prophecy, the following
discipline is requisite: 6. To live in the fields and forests [alone in the wilderness], and study the action
of unseen forces upon himself [introspection]; ...
OAHSPE GOD'S BOOK OF BEN CHAPTER VII: 3. I am the living mathematics; - "the orach-nebu-ah-galah definition is incredible,
how did that come about was it channeled?" - oahspe101, 01/19/2015. - US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Hippocampus. 2007;17(6):486-93. ...our findings reinforce the hypothesis that the hippocampus is involved in declarative and semantic learning, which contributes
more notably to verbal IQ, than to performance
IQ. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17407128/ Declarative learning is acquiring
information that one can speak about (contrast with motor learning). The capital of a state is a declarative
piece of information, while knowing how to ride a bike is not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declarative_learning Oahspe - The Book of Knowledge Part IV: 22. Jehovih said: ...as many as hear Me and behold My presence shall be called Tae,
... 23. And Tae shall come forth in Me,
for he is My word, speaking in his
labor to that end. - It focuses
on the relation between signifiers, like words, phrases, signs, and symbols,
and what they stand for; their denotation. Linguistic
semantics is the study of meaning that is used for understanding
human expression through language. - ORACH-NEBU-AH-GALAH is an Oracle (ORACH) science that is
related to the travel of the Earth (AH) through Nebulous (NEBU) regions around the Galaxy (GALAH). - ORACHNEBUAHGALAH = Oracle, Nebula, Earth, Galaxy - The ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate = cosmological oracle of God. - Webster's Second International Dictionary defines an
oracle as, the medium by which a god reveals hidden knowledge or makes known the divine purpose. -
The ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate = the mystery of God in Revelation 10:7 = God's prophetic schedule of events = knowing
the times or the seasons (cycles). - "If the author,
Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., is correct, an 890-page book called "Oahspe" is the best kept secret in the world. But it is not supposed to be a secret. It was intended to be as well known as the Bible and provide
answers to humankind on all life's mysteries, including the history of the planet, the history of the human race, the fate
of man, and countless other matters pertaining to the nature of man and the purpose of life."http://www.amazon.com/The-Hidden-Prophet-Ballou-Newbrough/dp/1449505511 - Vortex'ya by The Eloists 2017 - OAHSPE BOOK OF SAPHAH chapter OSIRIS verse 57: ...A'ji, the third place (nebulous places in the firmament)... - Feb 14, 2019 at 9:16 AM, Michael W wrote:
"My Review of the Orachnebuahgalah prophecy plate
Last Sunday evening I was treated to a remarkable discovery and revelation concerning one of Oahspe’s most unusual mysteries, the Orachnebuahgalah
prophecy plate (Standing for Oracle-Nebula-Earth-Galaxy.). Fellow Oahspean Michael James, went over with me, set-by-set, figure-by-figure—as I used my calculator—and
unravelled this astrological and prophetic chart to my utter
amazement and surprise! This chart has always
been an enigma to many, including myself, who have read Oahspe and a challenge to those who attempt to read
The Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy in Oahspe. Yet by using
my calculator, through mathematics, I was able to see important events deciphered with such clarity, as to make the use of
any zodiacal chart reading look like a child’s exercise! By using astronomical
light year figures of the distance of Polaris, Cevorkum (the sub-galactic orbit of our solar system around Polaris),
and figures of a 3000 year arc cycle, etc., Mr. James was able to open up before me, through mathematics, the
key to calculating important historic and futuristic events. He has crack the code of this prophetic tablet, and I doubt there has been a more important discovery in recent
years. A pity it will probably go largely unnoticed. A true loss for the planet. What a revelation!" - Michael Harris -
"Orachnebuahgalah (very complex ideas)...Consequently, many first-time readers
of Oahspe may glance over these images" - Robert Bayer. Page 34 Chapter Prophetic Numbers of TIME OF THE QUICKENING, Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D.
says "Although Oahspe has been in the world for 130 years, its PRIMARY CONTRIBUTION ON PROPHECY, PLATE 48, HAS NEVER
BEEN DECIPHERED TO ANY DEGREE. " Fig.1.2. For all intents and purposes, Plate 48, "Orachnebuahgalah,"
from Oahspe, remains largely undeciphered. - Page 35, Chapter Prophetic Numbers of TIME OF THE QUICKENING (2011) by Susan
B. Martinez, Ph.D. a recognized authority on the Oahspe Bible. - Oahspe Book of Cosmogony (or Cosmology) and Prophecy Chapter 7: ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. Cosmology is a branch of
The Orachnebuahgalah (Oracle-nebula-earth-galaxy)
plate above from Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy chapter 7 (on the right) showing the curved path of the solar phalanx
and stars and nebula from 1881. On the left is a modern astronomical
depiction of the curved path of the solar system in the Milky Way galaxy showing stars and nebula. If you were to fold both
halves above (the left and the right) together they would almost exactly match just like the red curve on the Cevorkum plate
and the red curve on the Orachnebuahgalah plate illustrated below are very similar if you were to fold each curve together.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A large section of the "inspired"
book Oahspe is devoted to a complete explanation of a supposedly ancient language known as Panic (language of Pan, a lost continent), complete
with vocabulary and written symbols. It appears to be a
combination of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, American Indian, and Chinese." - ufo researcher John Keel -- Having some experience with Latin is never a bad idea when learning words, definitions,
and roots as the Latin words make up a large part of the English
language (and others). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon Chapter II: 17. When the
king consulted the oracle, behold, the angels
of Jehovih had possession, and they answered the
king, …
Oahspe Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovih: Chapter IX: 16. The Lord said: And yet further
on, a brighter light adorneth the way: Great Jehovih's hand sendeth the traveling worlds into the light of kosmon, and new prophets arise gathering up the histories lost, and glorious plan
of the Great Spirit over all. Yea, even thy labor and my ships will be seen by mortals of that day. Oahspe Book of Inspiration Chapter Chapter VI: 1. I am One Spirit, saith Jehovih. 5. And as to man: One
is inspired to music; another to mathematics; another to seership, and so on. 6. To all of these I am the One, the Universal Inspirer that moveth all of them.
Classic Books from a Higher Intelligence OAHSPE:
A NEW BIBLE "This book has been advertised as the
world’s most challenging book. It may be. Before you start, I recommend that you study both the glossary and the index, to familiarize yourself with the strange words used." - LTC USAF (Ret) Donald M. Ware http://web.archive.org/web/20150630035858/http://nationalufocenter.com/2015/05/writings-of-ltc-usaf-ret-donald-m-ware/ (about 70% down from top of page). "There
is an appointed time for everything.
And there is a time for every event
under heaven" - ◄ Ecclesiastes 3:1 ► of the Bible. Oahspe
Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII : 2. Ethe,
being the time of light,
is named dan; ji'ay, the time of fevers,
epidemics, plagues; and a'ji the time of wars, dashing forth with power and grasping;
...  Plate 32.--THE EARTH IN A'JI.------Plate
94.--ARC OF KOSMON (earth in dan'ha)-
A'ji is a cold
nebulous substance in outer-space that the earth periodicly passes through. Dan is a light region in outer-space that the earth periodicly passes through.
A'ji stimulates man's physical attributes and desires,
dan stimulates man's spiritual attributes and desires. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On
August 11, 2014 I came up with a equation - mathematical formula for calculating the distance the solar-system travels for any year within an arc cycle (based on
light-years distance which can be converted to miles or kilometers) that is based on Oahspe text. See mathematical
and scientific proof below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The reason the light-years distance to Polaris (North Star) is so accurate with the numbers and associated
words on the Orachnebuahgalah plate is because not only are you measuring the distance of the roadway of the solar phalanx
but by dividing the light-years distance of one arc cylce (1.7043) by 3000 (the average number of years of one arc cycle)
you actually get the SPEED of the solar system because thats how long it takes the solar system to travel one arc cycle (3000
years). In other words it takes the solar system 3000 years to travel one arc cycle on the roadway of Cevorkum, and that is
what the Orachnebuahgalah is all about, the travel or speed of the solar system on the roadway of C'vorkum determines what
region or place the solar system travels through at a given time and that determines what has been and what will will be on
the earth (prophecy). Even when the arc cycle is shorter or longer than 3000 years the velocity of the solar system is still
the same it's just the arc cycle distance is shorter or longer. Jehovih has placed along the roadway of Cevorkum certian regions
of a'ji and dan and that determines mass human behavior on the earth. All of that is encoded in the light-years distance of
Cevorkum (434 light-years to Polaris x 2 x 3.1415926 / 1600) and the time it takes the solar system to travel one arc cycle.
It seems that measuring distance in light-years has a synchronism with the Orachnebuahgalah plate. Light-years is composed
of the definition of both "light" and "year", which regular measurements like miles, kilometers, or furlongs
do not contain the definition of both. A Sundial as a Clock, Compass, and Calendar Although this may seem like a simple
activity, tracking shadows cast by a vertical pole provides insightful experiences of the daily and seasonal patterns of solar
illumination for a given latitude. https://sciencepickle.com/earth-systems/coordinate-system/a-sundial-as-a-clock-compass-and-calendar/
https://phys.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Astronomy__Cosmology/Astronomy_for_Educators_(Barth)/01:_Starting_our_Journey_of_Discovery/1.01:_Building_a_Solar_Clock_and_Calendar - A way
to apply time of sunset and sunrise to calculate solar days and solar years for Solar Calender: Is it possible
to keep track of solar days and solar years by keeping track by observation of sunrises and sunsets and by jotting down the
length of each day? sunrise to sunset = 1 day. Sunrise
defined as the instant when the upper edge of the sun's disk becomes visible above the horizon Sunset defined as the
moment the upper edge disappears below the horizon. The
shortest day (from sunrise to sunset) = start of new year. This can be done without the use of any books or man made calendar. The indicator of the start of the new solar year
would be the shortest day from sunrise to sunset. No matter when you started to keep track, after 365 days you would have
a record of the shortest day during that extended time period. That shortest day would be used as the start of the solar new
year, and the next time the daylight dropped to that point (approximately one year later) would be the start of the next solar
year. After 2 or 3 years you would recognize a pattern and be able to predict with accuracy when the next solar year. This
method of solar year calender can be done without the use
of any books or man made calendar. Longest
day of the Year (from sunrise to sunset) = Summer
Solstice . Shortest day of
the year (from from sunrise to sunset) = Winter Solstice . When daytime and night are of approximately equal duration = Equinox (2 times a year) . Astronomers and Old Farmer's Almanacs have been keeping track of sunrises
and sunsets since 1901: - An astrolabe (Greek:
ἀστρολάβος astrolabos, "star-taker")[1]
is an elaborate inclinometer, historically used by astronomers,
navigators, and astrologers. Its many uses include locating and predicting the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets,
and stars, determining local time given local latitude and vice versa, surveying, and triangulation. An early astrolabe was invented in the Hellenistic world by Apollonius of Perga, around 220
BCE oa in 150 BC and is often attributed
to Hipparchus. A marriage of the planisphere and dioptra, the astrolabe was effectively an analog calculator
capable of working out several different kinds of problems in spherical astronomy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrolabe The astrolabe is a very ancient astronomical computer
for solving problems relating to time and the position of the Sun and stars in the sky. Typical uses of
the astrolabe include finding the time during the day or night, finding
the time of a celestial event such as sunrise or sunset and as a handy reference of celestial positions.
Astrolabes were also one of the basic astronomy education
tools in the late Middle Ages. An astrolabe (an
ancient pocket computer) can tell you when the sun rises, when the sun sets for any day of the year where ever you happened
to be. - Dr Stephen Johnson University of Oxford (on History Channel Ancient Discoveries Season
3 Episode 10, Ancient Mega-Fort aired Dec 04, 2009, 30 minutes 33 seconds into video). - - How we came to know it takes 365 days to complete 1 revolution around the sun? It's pretty simple to know. People have known for a very long time
that the length of a year was 365 days. Careful observation of the sun e.g. when it rises, when it reaches the highest point
in the sky, can tell you that the earth takes about 365 days to get back the the same point. - ...the phases of the Moon.., the Moon's phase depends only on its position relative to Earth
and the Sun. Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter III: 16...Tables
made on such a basis are superior to calculations
made on the relative position of the moon [superior to moon cycles or phases]. Using the earth-solar cycle of 365 days for one year Edmund Halley was able
to accurately predict the cosmic event of the cyclic return of Halley’s comet. This is evidence of the cosmic accuracy
of using the 365 day one year earth-solar cycle. Halley's Comet predicted using 365 days year cycle: - "one thousand six hundred arcs, the distance of which for each arc is about three thousand years"... - Oahspe Book of Knowledge
Chapter IV: 6. Thus did Tae determine that an arc was three thousand years, ... 8. ...Thereupon Tae classified cycles at three thousand years, ... https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/know.htm
- Distance to Polaris (North Star) 434 light years = radius. - Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part 2: 28. Tae said: ... 32. Yes, I have measured the stars in Your firmament,... 33. I have measured the light and computed the time of its
coming, |1503| and lo, they have also existed for millions of years. 1503 i.e., computed how long it took the
light to "travel" from star(s) to the earth. http://oahspestandardedition.com/OSE_37a.html OAHSPE Book of Saphah - Tablet of Biene 11. Tae (Panic).
A representative man ...Also one who is chosen by etherean spirits for an earth cycle; as Zarathustra, Abraham, Brahma,
Moses, Capilya, Confucius, etc. One of the hidden mysteries
of prophecy that the Orachnebuahgalah plate clears up once deciphered is that prophecy is mathematically connected to
the orbit of the solar system through the roadway of the galaxy. This hidden mathematical mystery of prophecy is revealed
in Oahspe and not revealed in any other holy book.
solar system orbit: On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 James M <ethe2004>wrote: Some Oahspe readers are STILL
getting it wrong about the orbit of Cevorkum, they say it is around the Milky Way Galaxy,
when in fact according to Oahspe it is the sub-galactic orbit around the North Star.
On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 Michael W wrote: I know. I just corrected a guy who didn't understand
it's a sub-galactic orbit either. I wonder why it's so hard to understand? Maybe
'cause today's scientists aren't aware of it, it's hard for them to believe. James M <ethe2004>wrote: Scientists are
not wrong when they say the Sun goes around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, that's like saying the moon goes around
the Sun (the center of the solar system), but the moon is ALSO going around the earth as it goes around the the center of
the solar system. Likewise according to Oahspe the Sun is going around the North Star as it goes around the
center of the galaxy.
The Sun
going around the North Star and the center of the Milky Way galaxy are not mutually exclusive. They both
can be true. UNDERSTANDING what scientists say and what Oahspe says is TWO DIFFERENT things. Animated GIF below shows two orbits and two
motions: 1. Galactic the up and
down sine wave motion (solar-system orbit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy). 2. Sub-galactic circular motion is the solar-system orbit around the North Star. wavelike path = spiral circular sine wave
motion = crest to trough = half circle or diameter. Crest to Crest or Trough to Trough = full circle, circumference or orbit (Cervorkum, C'vorkum). Cevorkum = sub-galactic orbit of the Orachnebuahgalah plate of
Oahspe. Cevorkum = 434 light-years to Polaris x pi (3.1415926) = 1363.4511 x 2 = 2726.9022 = 2727 light-years. Radius (green line) of sub-galactic orbit (circumference) of Cevorkum = Earth to Polaris (North Star). https://pperov.angelfire.com/haal.html 2727 / 1600 = 1.7043 light-years for each arc cycle. Arc cycle
= dawn to dawn of dan. Cevorkum: Circumference = pi × diameter = pi × 2 × radius. The circumference
of a circle is the length around it. pi = 3.14159 434 (light-years away Polaris) x 3.14159 x 2 = 2726.90012 light-years
distance circuit 1600 arc cycles or dan'has (dawns) in each circuit = 2727 / 1600 = 1.7043 light years per dan'ha or
etherean arc. Arc (path of solar
system) of Cevorkum = red color. 1.7043 / 3000 = 0.0005681. 0.0005681
x 84 = 0.0477 (rounded 0.048) light-years
of Cevorkum = 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 3000 = average years for one arc cycle of Cevorkum. Each
notch on ruler = 100 years x 30 = 3 thousand year arc cycle: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy: Chapter VII: 17. In orachnebuahgalah the student will draw a curved line, representing the travel of the great serpent for three thousand years. Oahspe instructs to use 3000 years for
ORACHNEBUAHGALAH prophecy plate. - Match light-years
distance travel of the solar phalanx to prophetic numbers and words on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe - August, 11,
2014. Hidden mathematical astronomical code to prophecy = every 1 arc cycle of Cevorkum distance in light-years divided
by 3000 x 1000 = one number on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. light-years distance of the solar phalanx in Cevorkum: Also 0.0005681 x 177 years = 0.1005537 x 1000 = 100.55 = 100 order on Orachnebuahgalah plate. _176 years = 0.100 light-years = 100 order on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. _175 years
= 0.099 light-years = 99 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate Also 0.0005681
x _174 years = 0.0988494 x 1000 = 98.8494 rounded to nearest whole number = 99 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
plate. _159 years = 0.090 light-years = 90 learning on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
plate _155 years = 0.088 light-years = 88 worship and war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate _116 years = 0.066 light-years
= a'ji 66 and 66 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. __84 years = 0.048 light-yearshttps://youtu.be/EldMuOKfenM?si=9r0eKOYDs4ImgGcR = 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate __19 years = 0.010 light-years = 10 arbitration on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. ----------------- Donald Trump U.S. President and New World Order 2025 : https://youtu.be/ByhfkV9HqgI?si=k2vD-ogUMMtTmsxC Donald Trump 2.0 1st month 2025 https://youtu.be/EldMuOKfenM?si=9r0eKOYDs4ImgGcR Trump, Putin & Elon Musk: A New World Order in 2025? https://youtu.be/R3XO_ee9VeY?si=laWLPcyTDt-BY_ts Trump
2 .0: A New World Order 1848 + 177 = 2025 = 0.100.5 light-years = 100 order on
Orachnebuahgalah plate. 1848 + 176 = 2024 = 0.100 light-years = 100 order
on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 1848 + 175 = 2023 = 0.099 light-years = 99 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 1848 + 174 = 2022 = 0.0988494 or 0.099 light-years = 99 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 1848 + 159 = 2007 = 0.090 light-years = 90 learning on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1848 + 155 = 2003
= 0.088 light-years = 88 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1848 + 116 = 1964 = 0.066 light-years = 66 war and a'ji 66 on
ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 1848 + 84 = 1932 = 0.048 light-years = 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. 1848 + 19 = 1867
= 0.010 light-years = 10 arbitration on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. ----------------- 1848 + 175 = 2023 = 0.099 light-years = 99 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate = 1848 + 99 solar years
= 1947 = Civil war - 1947–48 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine. A synchronicity of 0.099 light years travel of the solar system since 1848 and
99 solar years since 1848 with
99 war on Orachnebuahgalah plate
and 1947 Civil war between Palestine and
Israel. https://i.postimg.cc/BbkdbVnP/2023-war-Palestine-Israel.jpg (DEC 2023) 2023 = October
9, 2023 - Israel-Hamas war news 2023 = When the
Biggest Land War in Europe Since WWII Comes … 2023 = Russia: NATO war involvement 'growing' with arms to Ukraine 2022 = Russia's invasion of Ukraine: War
has returned to Europe 2007 = United Nations first Education for All Global goal https://web.archive.org/web/20181015021659/http://www.ungei.org/news/247_1206.html 2007 = Apple Inc.'s first iPhone smartphone 2007 = the first
evidence of atmospheric water vapor beyond the Solar System. 2007 = first satellite in the Chinese Lunar Exploration
Program, is launched 2003 = invasion of Iraq, the Iraq War, Operation Iraqi Freedom by the United States. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_invasion_of_Iraq 1964 = Gulf of Tonkin incident led to America’s
entry into Vietnam War 1964 = coldest down-spike of 1950-2000 (a'ji, beast). 1932 = WORLD PEACE CONFERENCE, first world disarmament conference ever, it had no precedents 1932 = Games of the X Olympiad, symbol of peace, major world wide multi-athletic eventLos Angeles 1932 Olympics...The modern young sportsman presents the laurel of peace.
 "The shipbuilding industry,
which reached fantastic peaks of construction under the
war impact, ..." FIG.7. U.S. shipbuilding, 1830-1945.
- Page 32 of Cycles - the science of prediction by Edward R. Dewey and Edwin F. Dakin. The two highest peaks were from 1915-1918, and from 1941-1944, during World Wars 1 and 2. The lowest period of shipbuilding (time of peace) was 1932-1933, matches 1932
WORLD PEACE CONFERENCE and 1932 Olympics, which matches Hidden mathematical astronomical code to prophecy. - 1867 = British North America Act, Arbitration, award
by two arbitrators 50 arbitration on Orachnebuahgalah plate 0.0005681
x 89 = 0.0505 x 1000 = 50.56 (1848 + 89 = 1937) The Arbitration (Protocol and Convention)
Act, 1937 (Act No. VI of 1937) [Pakistan] statutes on arbitration in India i.e., the Arbitration
(Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937 20 arbitration on Orachnebuahgalah plate 0.0005681
x 35 = 0.0198 x 1000 = 19.88 (rounded to 20) 1848 + 35 = 1883 The London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) dates back to 1883. - It is not coincidental that the words and numbers on the Orachnebuahgalah
plate align with historical manifestations that are listed above.  <-----Flow of time of the Solar system (L) and the path of the solar phalanx within the galaxy (R).Is the Orachnebuahgalah a sacred timeline
(with the Creator Jehovih and the Nirvanians as the
Time Keepers) for the earth and the solar system as it travels inside the Milky Way galaxy? Is there a Divine plan and timetable
(tables of times and measurements) for what is suppose to
happend with mankind as they travel with the earth and the solar system? Oahspe
Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter VII: 18. These periods will be found to come under certain numbers, 11, 33, 66, 99,
100, 200, 400, ...For which reason the following tables of times and measurements were established: ... Above are pictures of the Sacred Timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Sacred Timeline
in Oahspe has no branches. - The
travel of the solar family can be timed upon the Creator's clock and future events foretold with mathematical accuracy by
one possessed of spiritual insight. - Page 149 of SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, 1941 - 1948 (1940) by
Wing Anderson.  ----------------- Light-years
travel of the solar phalanx = years-duration (time) and distance (space), in parts out of 1000 (one to a thousand ratio) on
the Orachnebuahagalah plate. The 1/1000th (one-thousandth) ratio of light-years traveled to 1 number or
year on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate is equivalent to "one to a thousand" rule of the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy:
Chapter VII:17. The numbers (years) on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate are numbered from 1 to a 1000 which is equal to the
ratio of light-years distance traveled by the solar system to the numbers on the Orachnebuahgalah plate. To convert light-years traveled to Orachnebuahgalah numbers multiply by one thousand (1
to 1000 ratio, "one to a thousand"). 0.048
(light-years traveled) x 1000 = 48 peace on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe. ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate
is connected to CEVORKUM, and light-years traveled is connected
to prophecy.
--------------------------------------- 434 (light-years away Polaris)
x 3.14159 x 2 = 2726.90012 light-years distance circuit 1600 arcs or cycles or dan'has (dawns) in each circuit = 2727
/ 1600 = 1.7043 light years per dan'ha or etherean arc. 3000 years = 1.7043 light-years. It takes the "Light"
wave effect only 1.7043 years to travel the distance of one 3000 year arc cycle of Cevorkum. 1.7043 / 3000 = 0.0005681
light-years = 1 year to travel 0.0005681 light-years 0.0005681 light-years x 84 = 0.0477 light-years travel in 84 years
x 1000 = 47.72 47.72 = rounded to 48 on Orachnebuahgalah plate (48 peace). Above calculations and equations on blackboard (chalkboard) = Hidden mathematical astronomical code
to prophecy (Orachnebuahgalah). On Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 5:57 AM
James M wrote:
Dan arcs are 3000 years. Have you checked my calculations with a calculator to see if they are accurate? On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 6:11 PM, Chuck H. wrote: yes i have, i go back and study them....but
ill read them again, i do see theyre accurate ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feb 14, 2019 at 9:16 AM, Michael W wrote:
"My Review of the Orachnebuahgalah prophecy plate
Last Sunday evening I was treated to a remarkable discovery and revelation concerning one of Oahspe’s most unusual mysteries,
the Orachnebuahgalah prophecy plate (Standing for Oracle-Nebula-Earth-Galaxy.). Fellow Oahspean Michael James, went over with me, set-by-set, figure-by-figure—as
I used my calculator—and unravelled this astrological and prophetic chart to my utter amazement and surprise! This chart has always been an enigma to many, including myself, who have read Oahspe and a challenge
to those who attempt to read The Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy in Oahspe. Yet by using my calculator, through mathematics, I was able to see important events deciphered with such clarity,
as to make the use of any zodiacal chart reading look like a child’s exercise! By using astronomical light year
figures of the distance of Polaris, Cevorkum (the sub-galactic orbit of our solar system around Polaris), and figures of a 3000 year arc cycle, etc., Mr. James was able to open up before me, through mathematics, the
key to calculating important historic and futuristic events. He has crack the code of this prophetic tablet, and I doubt there has been a more important discovery in recent
years. A pity it will probably go largely unnoticed. A true loss for the planet. What a revelation!" - Michael Harris Theories do not have to be perfectly accurate to be scientifically
- OAHSPE Book of Knowledge Part IV: 14. Tae said: ...to find the roadway in the earth's travel is
to find what hath been and what will be. Calculating light-years distance of C'vorkum = find the roadway in the earth's travel. Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part II: 28. Tae said: ... 32. Yea, I have measured the stars in Thy firmament,
... 33. I have measured the light
and computed the time of its coming, ... measured the light
and computed the time of its coming = Calculating light-years distance. -
- uncovering
the divine plan for the universe in the form of its underlying mathematical order."9 (9) Paul C. Davies, quoted in edge.org/discourse/science_faith.html http://www.everystudent.com/wires/organized.html Hidden mathematical astronomical code to prophecy = every 1 arc cycle of Cevorkum distance in light-years
divided by 3000 x 1000 = one number on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. Light-years
distance of the solar phalanx in Cevorkum. - a beautiful
mathematical relationship that was hidden and waiting to be discovered--put in place by an orderly Creator whose
intellect is far beyond ours. - "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork."
- ◄ Psalm 19:1 ► of the Bible. http://biblehub.com/psalms/19-1.htm "THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE UNIVERSE"
that John Ballou Newbrough desired to learn. Oahspe Book of
Saphah: Osiris: 58 Jehovih said: The sun
I made as the head of a serpent, and his phalanx made I as the body of a serpent; thus made I the great corporeal serpent.
To him gave I a circuit to travel in, and I numbered his time a thousand tuos and seven aka and four bi'jus *(Equal to four
million seven hundred thousand years), for the sun coil. On
the circuit have I placed my A'ji and my Ji'ay in many places, but my Dan'ha have I placed only in one thousand six hundred
places [1600 arc cycles]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From 1:54 to 2:16 of video above shows
the Milky Way galaxy and the sine wave sub galactic orbits of the solar system as it orbits the center of the galaxy. V-- Removing OAHSPE's Enigma By Jim Dennon,
below: Picture below shows Polaris (N. Star) just above the galactic plane (--- dashed line)
in the center of the sun's orbit (1) above and below
the galactic plane. - Sadhu’s images and video above agrees with the Oahspean
sub-galactic orbits of the solar system around the galaxy. Astrophysicists do not agree with the Oahspe cosmogony so to be
fair here are posts from astrophysicist Rhys Taylor about Sadu’s solar motion around the
galaxy: DECEMBER 19, 2013 AT 3:45 AM Excellent pont ! Yes, it does, on the very large scale. But, in Sadhu’s second video, he shows the Sun moving on a corkscrew path as it moves through
the Milky Way (as though it were orbiting something else within our own galaxy). This is just not the case. Rhys Taylor DECEMBER 19, 2013 AT 8:09 AM Possibly. But I doubt very
much we would see the Sun making a very nice, neat corkscrew pattern. More likely the gravitational neighbourhood of
the Sun will vary more randomly, since none of the stars will have perfectly circular obits. So the motion through the galaxy
may look a bit more… wobbly… but not a neat helix of constant radius. Certainly though, as Phil Plait points out, we will not see the Sun passing through the plane of the galaxy dozens of times in its orbit of the galaxy, as in
Sadu’s video. This actually happens about 4 times per orbit. https://www.universetoday.com/107322/is-the-solar-system-really-a-vortex/ https://www.universetoday.com/tag/rhys-taylor/ 5 Little-Known Facts About The Sun’s Journey Through The GalaxyOur Sun’s journey
around the Milky Way’s galactic center puts it through some of the most complicated motions imaginable.
Since time immemorial, astronomers and celestial mechanics have struggled to understand the how and why of our Star’s
journey through the galactic disk. —- The
Sun itself is bobbing up and down in a vertical motion in and out of midplane of our galactic disk almost like a cork in water. Where are we now? Although
recent estimates put our position as some 81 light-years above the midplane of the galaxy, in fact, Reid puts that figure
at only 20 light years above the plane. Blitz says that once the Sun hits a height of some 300 light years
above the galactic plane, it will begin its descent back down through the midplane, out the other side and then back up again.
And our star’s journey up, down and around will continue just as it has for the last 4.6 billion years. Bruce Dorminey
I'm a science journalist and host of Cosmic Controversy https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucedorminey/2020/06/30/5-little-known-facts-about-the-suns-journey-through-the-galaxy/?sh=599df80a2148 In 1900 the orbit and up and down sine wave like great serpentine motion
of the sun and solar system was unknown to astronomy scientists. This motion and orbit of the sun
was probably unknown to astronomy scientists up to the 1920s. Scientists
in the future may discover more about the sun’s orbit and motion that may
agree with the writings of Oahspe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Key to understanding
anything you read is to take it one word and one sentence at a time. If you come to a word you don't understand
then research the word until you understand it,
then go back and re-read the sentence again. I have made the word research easier for you by providing
definitions for many strange words in Oahspe and on my website. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovih: Chapter IX: 13. And the mathematicians foretold the great cities and
nations that would rise up; how this one and that one would move to battle; how their great cities would fall in ruins
and be covered up by falling nebulæ, and
by denuding mountains washing down upon them, so that even their remembrance should be lost. And yet, further on, the mathematicians foretold the coming of kosmon
when the ruined cities would be discovered and their histories deciphered by the su'is of man in Great Jehovih's hand. 14. And now when all these things were estimated, the prophets and mathematicians went before God according to the commandments
of the Lord, and they spake before God, Son of Jehovih, telling all these wonders. http://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah25.htm - Page 39 of TIME OF THE QUICKENING (2011)
by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D.: "in both Egypt and Mesoamerica,
mathematician and seer alike stood as equals in the prophecy enterprise...one was trained to analyze data and apply
the prophetic numbers,... - Two types
of Prophecy from OAHSPE Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy: 1. Prophesy using rules or calculations = Orachnebuahgalah
plate (Chapter VII). 2. Prophesy without rules or calculations = using su'is and ethe sense. He/She prophesieth
in this last method without rules or calculations (number 2, Chapter X). OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter
X: 3. These creatures prophesy by the direct action of vortexian currents upon them. They feel what is approaching, BECAUSE
THE UNSEEN CAUSE IS ALREADY UPON THEM. 4. Man can learn to acquire the same kind of prophecy. And this is different from the prophecy herein before mentioned, because he prophesieth in this last
method without rules or calculations. "is different from the prophecy herein before mentioned, because
he prophesieth in this last method without rules or calculations" "the prophecy herein before mentioned"
= "rules or calculations" = mathematical rules and
numbers of prophecy and calculations = Orachnebuahgalah plate of Chapter VII (mentioned before Chapter X). Attainment in both su'is and ethe is not required (do not have to use his/her ethe sense when using the rules of prophecy
and mathematical calculations of the Orachnebuahgalah plate). Using ethe sense can come into play when deciphering the
Orachnebuahgalah plate and it's meaning, but not in doing the mathematical calculations or using the rules of prophecy. - Oahspe Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave the times of Jehovih, the four hundred years
of the ancients, and the half-times of dan, the base of prophecy;
the variations of thirty-three years; the times of eleven; and the seven and a half times of the vortices of
the stars, so that the seasons might be foretold, and FAMINES averted on the earth. 4. When the tablets [prophecy tablets] were completed and ready to deliver to the
Lords, Osire said: Take these and bestow them on mortals, both through the oracles and by inspiration, making them sacred with the prophets..." - A mortal can receive information (while
awake or sleep) from angels or spirits: Oahspe Book of Divinity Chapter IV: 5. For four generations, of one hundred
and thirty-three years, shall he serve as an ashar.
And he shall learn to have dominion over his mortal proteges night and day, not suffering them, however, to know his presence.
To accomplish which, he shall begin with his proteges in their first infancy; remaining with them whilst they sleep, talking to the spirit of the mortal, teaching and persuading.
- ...We had no control over you, but merely passed...intellectual
light before you. It is most probable you thought to yourself that a new thought struck you, which is a common [reaction]
by reflecting people to the new ideas which they receive from spirits. - Page 108 of THE HIDDEN PROPHET
The Life of Dr. John Ballou Newbrough by Susan B. Martinez, PhD.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verses that prove Orachnebuahgalah is for Kosmon and the
Future. Oahspe Book of Knowledge Chapter IV: 2. Thereupon Tae collected histories from the
arc of Bon to the coming of Kosmon; and the sons and daughters
of Jehovih quickened him to remember all the knowledge that had come into the world from the revelations of
that day. When Tae had completed his labors he made a tablet of events, and classified them, and he called the tablet Orachnebauhgalah, because it was of the line of the tree of Jehovih,
being the last of the fruits of the Hebrew language. But the people called it the tablet of prophecy, signifying, the mathematics
of both evil and good. 3. And Tae divided the time of the tablet according to the darkness and the light of the period,
and for four hundred years prior, and it was in all, three thousand four hundred years. 29.
Tae took the histories of men from the time of Moses to Kosmon, and for the periods of war and destruction he made
one place, and for the periods of peace and good will amongst men, he made another place, for he saw that the actions and
behaviors of nations were governed largely by the unseen worlds around about them. These formed a map of light and
darkness, as it had been for three thousand four hundred years.
And this became as a key to unlock the past,
and a base to foretell the future. https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/know.htm The two dates used as "a key to unlock
the past" (1553 B.C.E.) and
"a base
to foretell the future" (1848)
from 1553 B.C.E. to 1848 = "three thousand four hundred years".
Verse 2 says "Tae collected histories from the arc of Bon to the coming of Kosmon" Verse
29 says "Tae took the histories of men from the time of Moses to Kosmon" Both verses above in the same chapter
are talking about the same thing. Verse 3 says "Tae divided the time of the tablet according
to the darkness and the light of the period" Verse 29 says "for the periods of peace and good will amongst
men, he made another place, ...These formed a map of light and darkness" Both verses above in the same chapter
are talking about the same thing. Now add the last words of verse 29 and you get the proof the
Orachnebuahgalah is for Kosmon: Verse 29 says "And this became as a key to unlock the past, and a base to foretell the future." https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/know.htm The other proof is the fact that the Orachnebuahgalah is mentioned in the chapter 7 of the
Book of Cosmology and PROPHECY. Prophecy is refering to the Future and Kosmon. OAHSPE
Book of Cosmology and Prophecy CHAPTER VII: 16. It is not the purpose of these revelations to work out prophecies, leaving
nothing for man to do. But to call his attention to the unseen forces that rule on the earth, and show him the way to make
the prophecies himself. https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah408.htm Verse 16 tells you the purpose of why the Orachnebuahgalah is being revealed in the Book of
Cosmology and Prophecy. Verse 16 says "show
him the way to make the prophecies himself". "make the prophecies himself"
is refering to using the Orachnebuahgalah to prophecy about Kosmon. Thats why the very next
verse it talks about the Orachnebuahgalah: 17. In orachnebuahgalah ... 18. These periods
will be found to come under certain numbers, 11, 33, 66, 99, 100, 200, 400, 666, 333, 66, 18, 500, 600, 365, 99, 33, 18,
and so on. (Not that the numbers, as such, have anything to do with such matters.) https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah408.htm These periods of light and darkness or a'ji and dan come under certain numbers that are listed
above and on the Orachnebuahgalah tablet. The numbers don't cause the events to happen it is the periods of light (dan)
and darkness (nebulous regions of aji) that the earth passes
through as it travels in the galaxy that cause the historical manifestations on earth.
Oahspe Book of Knowledge Chapter IV: 2. When Tae had completed his labors he made a tablet of events, and classified
them, and he called the tablet Orachnebauhgalah, because it was of the line of the tree of Jehovih, being the last of the
fruits of the Hebrew language. But the people called it the tablet of prophecy, signifying, the mathematics of both
evil and good. https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/know.htmVerse 2 says "the people called it the tablet of prophecy"..."signifying, the mathematics"... It wouldn't be called "the tablet of prophecy" if it only referred to the arc of Bon. it is called "the
tablet of prophecy" because it's "mathematics" also refers to Kosmon and the future. Tae
demonstrated how the Orachnebuahgalah applied to Kosmon and the future thats why the people called it "the tablet of prophecy" and " the mathematics of both evil and good." There
are different theories on the Orachnebuahgalah, the difference is I have tested my theory and demonstrated it to Michael W.
and others with positive results, I can't say the same about the other theories.Theories do not have to be perfectly accurate to be scientifically useful.
Some may believe the Orachnebuahgalah plate in Oahspe can’t be used to calculate and
it won’t work at all. That is where they are wrong. "GENERAL calculations can be made, especially those
factors, histories, events, etc. that repeat in cycles." - Michael W. Dec 26, 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below
on the left is the path of the solar system through the Milky Way Galaxy. The path of the solar system is a curved line very similar to the curved line on the Orachnebuahgalah plate representing the travel of the
great serpent (solar system).
Below on right is the Orachnebuahgalah prophecy plate (tablet) of Oahspe. Above on left is strip of our Milky Way galaxy showing nebulae, solar
systems, and past and future roads of travel. Above on right is Orachnebuahgalah (Oracle-nebula-earth-galaxy) plate showing solar system traveling
through galaxy. - OAHSPE Book of Knowledge
Part IV: 14. Tae said: ...to find the roadway in the earth's travel is to find
what hath been and what will be. Pi (3.14 = 22/7). At age
29 (22 + 7 = 29) I was inspired to become vegetarian-vegan
and have continued that practice to this day. 21 years
(Pi = 3.14, 3 / .14 = 21.42) after becoming vegetarian at age 50 (7 x 7 + 1) I was inspired to begin and complete work on
the prophecy plates and tables of Oahspe plus many drawings, equations, mathematics, and research articles. - OAHSPE:
Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy CHAPTER IX: 10. Herb-food for man cultivateth the negative condition; flesh-food for man
increaseth the positive: Which is to say, flesh-food carrieth
man away from prophecy; away from spirituality. OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy
Chapter X: 5.
To attain this kind of prophecy, the following
discipline is requisite:6. To live in the fields and forests [alone
in the wilderness], and study the action of unseen forces upon himself [introspection];
to eat not fish, nor flesh, nor any food that cometh of animals; to bathe daily; to permit no passion to enter his mind; to abnegate self and to wed himself to the Creator for righteousness sake, and to do good; to discipline his mind, to remain in any given direction on any subject, for days if necessary;
to become oblivious to pain. After which he shall receive anointment [anointed] from
one who had previously attained the seership. Years of discipline and age also play a factor in prophecy
(being age 50 or over like Ka'yu, John Newbrough,
and Walter Russell for examples). Oahspe - The Book of Knowledge SPIRIT BIRTHS - PROPHECY GRADES. All below 50 years of age are considered
minors (as to spirit).  The Prophecies of Oahspe — Part 2 - Ch 1 by Robert Bayer...Sep 26, 2020.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Dij3sOUIY At 2 minutes 37 of above video Robert Bayer says there
exits an intense textual and graphic explanation of this prophecy system at Study-of-Oahspe website. Robert Bayer goes on to say one of the basic inconsistencies with
The Orachnebuahgalah is that it has no way to distinguish WHERE IN THE WORLD the war or famine will be taking place. He says this alone makes the validity of The Orachnebuahgalah open to being questioned. Later in the video Robert Bayer goes on to discuss other prophecies in Oahspe such as Wars and Anarchy, impending
war with Communist China, and vagabonds traveling in the country places, stealing and robbing and murdering, current racial
violence in the United states, the End of Nations, that many of the advanced nations of the earth will self-destruct, the
demonic beast of false religions, that earth is going to be hell on earth for a time as the vast destruction being symbolized
here takes place, the New Age Communities, the Faithists shall go away into My Kingdoms, Oahspe predicts modern civilization
is going to self-destruct, establishing Jehovih's Kingdom on Earth, ... Whereas the Orachnebuahgalah speaks of the What and THE WHEN, and not the WHERE,
the prophecies Robert Bayer goes on to discuss in the video
above are missing the WHEN. Besides the What and the When of prophecy here are other things discussed
on the study-of-Oahspe website: 1. A definition or meaning of the name of
the Orachnebuahgalah is given (Oracle-Nebula-Earth-Galaxy) and an explanation. 2.
How the times of war align with cold years (a'ji) on the earth, and how times of dan align with warm years on the
earth using global climate data,
and how times of a'ji and dan align with down-spikes and up-spikes in terrestrial and solar magnetism. 3. How
"measuring light (light-years) and computing the time of its coming" decodes the Orachnebuahgalah
and aligns with the numbers and words written on the Orachnebuahgalah plate. 4. There is an
astronomy based (Polariocentric not Heliocentric) mathematical geometric formula or equation to decoding the Orachnebuahgalah
prophecy plate. Mr. Bayer did say he will go into more detail about the Orachnebuahgalah texts
in part 7. As to any short comings the Orachnebuahgalah plate may have, Oahspe Book of Cosmogony
and Prophecy: Chapter VII says: 16. It is not the purpose of these revelations to work out prophecies, leaving
nothing for man to do.
The service to others that Robert Bayer discusses
in the video is of the utmost importance and he does an excellent job of pointing that out in the video.

Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy: Chapter VII: 16. It is not the purpose of these revelations
to work out prophecies, leaving nothing for man to do. But to call his attention to the unseen forces that
rule on the earth, and show him the way to make the prophecies himself. [I make prophecies for the years
2048 - 2050 based on the Orachnebuahgalah plate 48 see my Space Clouds and Earth travel page and the Beast page of this
website]. Here Oahspe says the purpose of ORACH-NEBU-AH-GALAH is NOT TO WORK OUT PROPHECIES, the purpose
is to reveal the plan and divine knowledge of the Creator (ORACH) and the travel of the great serpent around the galaxy (GALAH)
and to call attention to the unseen nebulous (NEBU) and light regions in space that rule over the earth (AH). It is not the
purpose of the Orachnebuahgalah plate 48 of Oahspe to make prophecies (beyond what is already on the plate) or to calculate
every significant historical event, so don't expect to find the invention of the Internet on plate 48 or what is going to
happen in 2014. On Plate 48 ORCHNEBUAHGALAH in Oahspe the prophetic numbers on the chart go up to 100 (1948) then pick up
again at 200 (2048) on the left english side of the plate. On the right side of the plate are mostly panic words and some
english words. For the purpose of deciphering and understanding Plate 48 ORACHNEBUAHGALAH I translated and calculated most
of the left side and a few of the right side (later I have translated most of the right side). But the same rules
for the Base of Prophecy and calculations that I deciphered should apply to the right side of plate 48 also. My purpose
of deciphering the Orachnebuahgalah plate 48 was to proove it true or not, for confirmation and verification, not to make
prophecies. Above I have made a ORACHNEBUAHGALAH chart of 1000 years of the Cycle of
the Arc of Bon, of the great division of the earth Asia (Persia, India) and the bordering
lands of Egypt and Greece from 1552 B.C.E to 552 B.C.E. This ORACHNEBUAHGALAH is based on the numbers and
words on Plate 48 in the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy in Oahspe and I show the historical manifestations that the
numbers and words designate. I drew a curved line, representing the travel of the great serpent for a scale of one to
a thousand for the entire length from the dawn of the Arc of Bon to 1000 years into the cycle with each and every characteristic
designated from one to a thousand. The chart is cut across in eight places, to represent the periods of light (1.dawn of Arc
of Bon 2. 33 year dan, 3. 200 year dan, 4. 400 year dan, 5. 500 year dan, 6. 600 year dan, 7. 800 year 8. 1000 year). The
places inbetween the dans are made dark. - 33 dan in Oahspe: OAHSPE: Book of Aph CHAPTER
XIV: 3. ...thirty-three is the division of
dan corresponding to one hundred dans to each
cycle.2 2 Thirty-three years is one generation
or mortal dan: thirty-three hundred years is one
cycle or dan of the earth's life. - The right side of the Orachnebuahgalah plate shows heavenly
and earthly manifestations (historical and future). On the Orachnebuahgalah plate of Oahspe the fact that the numbers add up to more than
7,000 years means you are not suppose to add a string of multiple prophetic numbers together, you are suppose to add one
number to the base of prophecy which is the start of each arc cycle (1848 or 1553 B.C for example)."The
year 1848 is the date when the earth, in its travel through interplanetary space, entered a new cosmic cycle. It is a date
which may be used with mathematical certainty in the interpretation of prophecy." - Page 171 CHAPTER XIV
PLATE in Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy chapter 7: "a key to unlock the past, and a base to foretell the future." OAHSPE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE Chapter
4: 39. Tae took the histories of men from the time of Moses
to Kosmon, and for the periods of war and destruction he made spans of darkness, and for the periods of peace
and goodwill among men, he made spans of light, for he saw that the actions and behaviors of nations were governed largely
by the unseen worlds around them. And these spans formed a map of light and darkness, as it had been for three thousand four
hundred years. And this became like a key to unlock the past, and a base to foretell the future. The base of prophecy to use the prophetic numbers on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
plate is the 3400 year span from the Arc of Bon to Kosmon (1848 base, and 1553 B.C.E. base).
Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part IV: 2. Thereupon Tae ...he called the tablet Orachnebauhgalah, ...the people called it the tablet of prophecy, signifying, the mathematics of both evil and good. 3. And Tae divided the time of the
tablet ...and it was in all, three thousand four hundred years
[3400 years base of prophecy from 1553 B.C. to 1848]. By adding the prophetic numbers on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate you get the year of
prophecy for the words next to the numbers. Just adding prophetic numbers together from any date that is not the base is NOT
how to use the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH (this is what was done before by people who did work on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH). For example
if you add 400 years to 1603 and get 2003, that is NOT a 400 year dan, a 400 year dan is 400 years from THE BASE of 1848 to
2248. You must use the prophetic numbers on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate in conjunction with the base of 1848 (beginning of
Kosmon) and the base of 1553 B.C.E (beginning of the Arc of Bon, time of Moses). You add one (1) prophetic number on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate to get a prophetic date for the word next to it, not
a string of multiple prophetic numbers added together to get a date. The error that others have made in doing
work on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH is that they simply added prophetic numbers together with any date (such as 1603 or 1979 etc...)
to obtain a year of prophecy. On the Orachnebuahgalah plate you
don't see a string of numbers together like 33+99+11. You see only one number and one word together on the Orachnebuahgalah plate such as 66 a'ji or 48 peace.
OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter
VII: 17. In orachnebuahgalah ...Numbers shall designate the degrees of historical manifestations. Links below shows Youtube video by Selah Shalom explaining the Time Tables of Prophecy and the Gadol degrees (24,000 years). Gadol degrees = period
of time. In other words to decipher the Orachnebuahgalah plate you have to show the historical manifestations
that match the numbers and words on the plate, and you have to know the base to apply the numbers
to get a historical or prophetic manifestation. There are different ways a person can do an Orachnebuahgalah. The Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy instructs the student to do it one way, and the Book of Knowledge talks of Tae
doing it a different way. Regardless of whether you do an Orachnebuahgalah table (timeline) in written form or an
Orachnebuahgalah chart (drawing), the same
rules, base of prophecy, and numbers (and words) apply. Regardless of whether you do
an ORACHNEBUAHGALAH for a region (continent) of the earth or you do an ORACHNEBUAHGALAH for the whole Earth (planet) the same
rules, base of prophecy, and numbers (and words) apply. Regardless of whether you do an ORACHNEBUAHGALAH for a length of a
thousand years, or for 3400 years (like Tae in the Book of Knowledge), or for the length of many (9 or 10) dawns of dan
(cycles) like in Plate 48 the same rules, base of prophecy, and numbers (and words) apply. Regardless of whether your Orachnebuahgahlah
table, chart, or plate has 8 dawn (dan) cuts in it or 9 or 10 dawn (dan) cuts in it, or less, the same rules, base of prophecy,
and numbers (and words) apply. ORACH-NEBU-AH-GALAH is an Oracle (ORACH) science that is related to the travel of the Earth
(AH) through Nebulous (NEBU) regions around the Galaxy (GALAH). "your
orachnebuahgalah work is ground-breaking." - Susan Martinez Ph.D May
01, 2013 adjective: groundbreaking; adjective:
ground-breaking 1. breaking new ground; innovative; pioneering.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oahspe
- Book of Cosmology and Prophecy Chapter VII:
17. In orachnebuahgalah the student will
draw a curved line, representing the travel of the great serpent for three thousand years. This shall be cut across in eight
places, to represent the periods of light. 400 dan is
a light number, a period of light. 375 (3000 / 8) for example is not a dan number. OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony
and Prophecy Chapter VII: 18. These periods will be found to come under certain numbers, ...dan 200, 400, 600, 500 ... Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 8: 2. Ethe, being the time of light, is named dan. Dans
are short sub-arc-cycles, normally 200, 400, or 600 etc..years as listed above. -
and answers about the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate: "i've gone back to plate 48, studying it.... there's something i don't
understand, tho. there are eight danhas pictured in pl. 48. WHICH ONE IS KOSMON???? it looks like kosmon is toward the top,
and the lower danhas indicate: arc of rupta, arc of mos, arc of dae, etc. on up. is that correct?
No that is not correct. See answer below:
The 8 danhas is a misquote, Oahspe actually says 8 "periods of light" representing any 3000 year arc cycle. Verse 17 says "a curved line , representing the travel of the great serpent for three thousand years",
that equals ONE arc cycle, not multiple arc cycles, so the question WHICH ONE IS KOSMON????
is not applicable. The numbers and words on the Orachnebuahgalah apply
to to each and every cycle: Oahspe Book of Ouranothen Chapter III: 6. For the same things come in every cycle
in the travel of the world. "cut
across in eight places, to represent the periods of light". Example arc
of Bon cycle: 1. 1553 B.C. = first danha = dawn period of light.
2. 1553 - 400 = 1153 B.C. = 400 dan = period of light 3. 1153 - 400 = 753
B.C. = 800 dan = period of light 4. 753 - 400 = 353 B.C. = 1200
dan = period of light 5. 353 - 400 = 47 + 1 for no zero year = 48 A.C.E. =
1600 dan = period of light 6. 48 + 400 = 448 ACE = 2000 year dan = period of
light 7. 448 + 400 = 848 ACE = 2400 year dan = period of light
8. 848 + 400 = 1248 ACE = 2800 year dan = period of light 2800 year dan = 200 years from 3000 year cycle,
or 600 years from the end of the 3400 years arc of Bon cycle.
The above are the 8 "periods of light" of ONE arc cycle. The
numbers and words on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate
are not in chronological order. Drawing an ORACHNEBUAHGALAH helps students to visualize the alternating periods of light and darkness.
One of the things we can agree upon is Oahspe instructs a
student on how to draw or illustrate an ORACHNEBUAHGALAH, but it is the interpretation
of the words and numbers on the plate that is more important than just drawing
a curved line divided by eight places. But Oahspe does not
tell us how to interpret the numbers and words on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate,
the interpretation has to be done
by the student or researcher. And the interpretation has to make sense, and the interpreter has to be able to
go back in the past (to prove it, because you cannot prove the future) and into the future to show manifestations
that match the numbers and words on the ORACHNEBUAHGALH plate. ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate Question: "(1) the numbers on the LEFT of the "film strip"/cvorcum indicate years and (2) the words and numbers on
the RIGHT indicate degree of manifestation. is that correct?". Answer: Yes, but actually the numbers represent years and degrees of manifestation. Degrees is a measurement
(like the tables of times and measurements of verse 18) just like years. The words represent what will manifest, the type
of manifestation or degree. - A strong indication
that the numbers and words on the Orachnebuahgalah plate represent years is the following words and numbers
on the tables of times and measurements: Gow, 600. Gow, 500. Gow, 200. We know that the above Gow numbers match dan 200, 600, and 500 which are years of dan (not just degrees, not just terms of millage, not just parts of 1000). Oahspe
Book of Saphah Se'moin Interpretation. 42. M'git'ow, morning, sunrise (Panic). Dawn, M'git'ow (Algonquin).
Tigiatow (Vede). At dawn fly away the evil spirits; at dawn come the shining, full of holiness (Kii). The wise man
hath found Git'm'ow full of cow, i.e., receptivity...He maketh a book at dawn. The seventh heaven cometh in M'git'ow, the
morning light (Poit). The word Gow is closely related to
cow and M'git'ow which means sunrise or Dawn like
the word dan. That's why Gow and dan have
the same numbers, dan 200, 600, and 500 which are years. People are more receptive (cow) to light during times
of dan.
This also applies to 200 learning on the Orachnebuahgalah plate, 200 learning matches dan 200, dan 200 is 200 years. Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter
8: 2. Ethe, being the time of light, is named dan, dan and ethe is associated with light, enlightenment (learning). Enlightenment occurred 200 years after the dawn of the Arc of Bon cycle with Amenhotep IV (Ahknaton)
who brought "new teachings". The proof that
backs up the above is the following:Oahspe Book of Jehovih Chapter VII: 18. All those who ascend shall
be called a Harvest to Me, through My God and Lords. And the time of My Harvests shall be according to each dan, which is two hundred years, four hundred years, six hundred years, and five hundred
years; Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VII: 17. In orachnebuahgalah ... 18....dan
200, 400, 600, 500; Here (above) Oahspe clearly says dan is 200, 400, 600 and 500 years, this applies to Gow 200, Gow 500, and Gow 600. The words and numbers on the tables of times
and measurements belong on the Orachnebuahgalah plate also, that's why the tables of times and measurements were given with
the Orachnebuahgalah plate in the same chapter. Because of limited space all words and numbers were not
included on the Orachnebuahgalah plate.
following words and numbers are also located on the Orachebuahgalah plate and on the tables of times and measurements: Tae, 999. Tae, 666. Nestor, 111. [matches Gow, 111] Just like Gow, 600. Gow, 500. and Gow, 200. match dan 200, 600, and 500 which are rated in terms of years so are the other words and numbers on the tables of times and measurements and the Orachnebuahgalah plate rated in terms of years. - Another indication that the numbers on
the Orachnebuahgalah plate are years is the plate above (Oscillation of the solar phalanx
for a given cycle). The 11, 33, 99, and 200 are the rules of prophecy and multiple. The rules of prophecy 11, 33, 99-100, are in years. Many of the numbers on the Orachnebuahgalah plate are multiples or divisions (harmonics) of the numbers above such as 50, 700,
1000, 200, 66, 88, 999, 666, 10, 99, 100, 20. 333, 11, 111, 20. - Oahspe is the book of heaven received by Dr. John Ballou Newbrough during the 33rd year of Kosmon (1881). OAHSPE. 23. And in the thirty-third year thereof, the Embassadors of the angel hosts of heaven prepared and revealed unto man in the name of Jehovih, His heavenly kingdoms; and have
thus herein made known the plan of his delightful creations, for the resurrection of the peoples of the earth. http://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah07.htm Below is Vortex-Triangle showing
two most important periods of dan 33 and a'ji 66 years. Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII: 7. Consequently the two most important periods for the prophet's consideration come within thirty-three and sixty-six,... Definition of period - a length or portion of time, By using the word "periods" with "thirty-three and sixty-six" = time = years.  66 war on the LEFT of the Orachnebuahgalah plate and a'ji 66 on the RIGHT of the Orachnebuahgalah plate: Oahspe
Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII: 9....a people fall under a'ji for a period of sixty-six years, or even more, war, destruction, death and lust will
come upon that people. The above verse in
Oahspe Book of Prophecy clearly connects a'ji with "sixty-six years" and war. 66 represents years,
"a period of" time. -
Example: 66 war on the LEFT of the Orachnebuahgalah plate and a'ji 66 on the RIGHT indicate degree of
manifestation AND years. 66 means 66 years into
the arc cycle AND 2/3 degree of a wave (3rd rule
of prophecy). A'ji also represents 2/3 degree of darkness
(corpor) and 1/3 degree of Light (ethe). 666 is 2/3 degree of a 1000 just as 66 is 2/3 of a 100. 2/3 degree = 2/3
of a complete circle or cycle (such as the ethe'ic wave or a thousand year day period). OAHSPE Plate 48.--THE
CYCLIC COIL. (See Oahspe Book of Cosmogony) The numbers
of the beast shall be sixty-six, and six hundred and sixty-six, and the parts thereof. Because in the coil of
the cycle, behold the distances are two thirds of a circle.
2/3 = .666 of a thousand or .66 of a hundred.
Picture above shows the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
(Oracle-Nebula-Earth-Galaxy) plate of Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 7. On the plate you see the words
and numbers 66 war and a'ji 66. Add 66 years to the start (dawn)
of Kosmon you get 1848 + 66 = 1914. Next to the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
plate you see NASA climate data for 1900-1915. Notice that in the
66th year of our present Kosmon cycle the global temperature of the earth was below normal, this was because the earth was
passing through a region of a'ji in space, and a'ji brings a cold year upon the earth. In the years of A'ji mortals became
warriors, in 1914 the mortals went to war (World War I). This was predicted like
an Oracle on the ORACH-NEBU-AH-GALAH plate. On page 32 of the
book TIME OF THE QUICKENING by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D. chapter 1 The Prophetic Numbers, it says "Why should
the assassination of an obscure Austrian arch-duke tumble the world into World War I? For an answer, apply the 66 years of a'ji, which is said to fall on the earth after
each Dawn (1848 [Kosmon] + 66 = 1914). It
was not in the stars; it was in the earth's atmosphere. The darkness of war and thickening of contention had descended on the globe."
OAHSPE BOOK OF SAPHAH chapter OSIRIS verse 56: A'ji (Gau), semi-dark.
There are places in the firmament
of heaven...Arji (Poit). When the earth
passeth through A'ji (Panic), it aggregateth and groweth. An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth. In
the years of Ar'jon mortals became warriors.
As for why a'ji
would result in war of mortals see near the bottom of this page. Above: Fig.5.15 - Variation
in terrestrial magnetism from page 64 of Cycles - the science
of prediction by Edward R. Dewey and Edwin F. Dakin. 1914
was a down-spike year which matches 66 war and
a'ji 66 on the Orachnebuahgalah plate
of Oahspe (1848 + 66 = 1914). 1848 and 1881-1882 were up-spike
years (matches times of dawn and dan). - Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter III: 11.
As light, and heat, and magnetism, ...are all
...the manifestation of vortexian currents under
different conditions,... Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII: 7. ...In which measure man is
divided into two parts (man and beast), and there is ever a percentage in his
behavior inclining to one or the other, and they correspond
to the vortexian currents of the earth. vortexian currents of the earth = terrestrial magnetism. Degree(s) of manifestation = 2/3 degrees of a circle = 240 degrees = 66.6% or .66 (66) or .666 (666) of a hundred or thousand.  The right side of the Orachnebuahgalah plate contains
both heavenly and earthly words/manifestations, heavenly
words such as dawn of dan, a'ji, jiay, etc..,
earthly manifestations such as tae, famines, epidemics, etc.. The right side of the Orachnebuahgalah
plate shows heavenly causes and earthly manifestations, proof is listed below: Oahspe Book of Cosmogony
and Prophecy chapter VIII: 2. ....ji'ay, the time of fevers,
epidemics, plagues; Oahspe book of prophecy above plainly indicates that with the heavenly time of Jiay (cause) comes the earthly manifestations (results) of fevers, epidemics, and plagues,
just as a'ji (cause) is connected to war (result): OAHSPE BOOK OF SAPHAH chapter OSIRIS verse 56: A'ji
(Gau), semi-dark. ...In the years [time]
of Ar'jon [a'ji] mortals became warriors
[war result].
yet on
the Orahnebuahgalah plate you never see epidemics and plagues (earthly results) on the left side, epidemics and plagues (eartly results) are always listed on the RIGHT SIDE of the Orachnebuahgalah
plate just as Ji'ay (heavenly cause) is (see Orachnebuahgalah plate below for proof).  On the rght side of the Orachnebuahgalah plate is a'ji 36 and on the left is 66 war and 408
destruction, on the right side is a'ji 66 and on the left is 20 arbitration. It is doubful that the words and numbers on the right side of the Orachnebuahgalah plate line up in every case with
the words and numbers on the left side of the Orachnebuahgalah plate in a cause and effect relationship, examples: On the right side is a'ji 66 and on the left is 20 arbitration,
it is doubtful a'ji 66 would result in arbitration because arbitration is an attempt at peaceful
resolution to a dispute (instead of war) and a'ji
is associated with war. Arbitration
is used to resolve conflict diplomatically to prevent a more
serious confrontation (war). On the right side is Ji'ay 66 and on the left is war,
it is doubtful Ji'ay would result in war, since
Oahspe plainly said fevers, epidemics and plagues are associated
with ji'ay and war is associated with a'ji. On the right side is famines and on the left
is 200 learning and 1000 peace, In response to
famines people starving to death usually aren't involved in
the acquisition of knowledge (of course humans can learn from any experience). Famines are oftern associated with war and conflict not peace. On the right side is plagues and on the left side
is 66 war, on the right side is epidemics and
on the left side is 66 war and 10 arbitration. Oahspe indicates that hells
in atmospherea can generate poison or virus that can cause plagues and epidemics (Oahspe Book of Lika Chapter XIV:7). Oahspe Book of Judgement: Chapter I:"8. And man shall understand, that, even as plants and trees and fish and serpents
can be wielded by My angels, so also can virus and pestilence be carried by angels of darkness to cast mortals in death." pes·ti·lence = a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague. According to Oahspe epidemics and plagues
can be carried by angels of darkness to cast mortals in death but
do epidemics and plagues play a causative factor in wars or are wars a causative factor
in epidemics
and plagues? According to historical records epidemics occur after wars have already began (cause should precede effect-result): Diphtheria – 1943 – WWII Europe (WWII began in 1939). Influenza WWI (WWI began in 1914, influenza
pandemic was from 1918-1919) https://networks.h-net.org/node/20292/discussions/120536/epidemics-and-war-impact-disease-major-conflicts-history  Above: Cosmic causes and results from page
148 of SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD (1940) by Wing Anderson. A'ji causes war and revolution, a'ji is semi-dark. Ji'ay causes epidemics and fevers. Ji'ay is semi-light. Ether (ethe) cause peace, learning and enlightenment. Ether is Light (Dan). - Notice
on the Orachnebuahgalah plate the times of Aji 66, a'ji 666,
a'ji 280, a'ji 30, a'ji 36, and a'ji 20, they only occur once (no multiple a'ji 66 or any other a'ji number).
On the left side there are no repeats of numbers for the same word within the same dawn of dan to dawn of dan except
one time (66 war appears three times at the bottom). The multiple 66 wars in the same dawn of dan to dawn of dan (arc cycle)
could mean different or multiple wars in the same year which sometimes occur). The words and numbers are not in chronological
order, and because of limited space some words and numbers are missing on the Orachnebuahgalah plate. - Depending on the grade of the people a'ji can produce
war, destruction, etc. (grades 22 to 33) or war, and
intellect (learning), with oratory, music and remarkable men of genius will result (graded above 33 to 66)
etc... Oahspe - Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter Chapter VIII: 8. The student must not consider merely individuals, but nations and peoples belonging to continents. And the relationship
that cometh of a'ji or dan, or their percentage, must have reference to such nations or peoples as manifest
to its influence. 9. Thus, suppose a grade to run below thirty-three, but not as low as twenty-two, and such a people
fall under a'ji for a period of sixty-six years, or even more, war, destruction, death and lust will come upon that people.
But suppose the same fall of a'ji come upon a people graded above thirty-three, to sixty-six, war and intellect, with oratory,
music and remarkable men of genius will result. But, to carry it still further, the same fall of a'ji coming on a people
above sixty-six, they will manifest in multitudinous Lords, Gods and Saviors, and p. 587 in superstitions, rites and ceremonies,
which will all more or less pertain to sexualisms. 10. The
prophet is thus enabled to determine, by the vortexian currents, the rise and fall of nations, and to comprehend how differently
even the same showers and shadows of the unseen worlds will affect different peoples. And the same rules apply in the manifestation
of dan; according to the grade of a people, so will they receive its light. 18. When the student hath
completed his tables of orachnebuahgalah, with the history of the period, and taken the measure of grades of the different
nations and peoples of the earth, he will find that he can not only foretell the future, but he can discover the past history
for an equally long period of time. http://www.gailallen.com/rel/Oahspe/oah409.htmBy determining if the earth is in a'ji or dan (by sunspots
or cold and warm climate or by other methods) and calculating the grade of the people you can make prophecies about nations
and continents.  "I was especially impressed
with your work concerning the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH. I have seen 2 other sources ONLY which even begin to make sense, other than yours: Wing Andersons "7
Years That Changed the World" and "The Tree of Light" obscure article put out by Faithists long ago.
They back what you are saying and may have inspired you to write
your strong analysis of the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH."- Robert Bayer, March 25, 2015. - AN ORACHNEBUAHGALAH OF KOSMON DAN (1992) Here follows an estimated A’JI / JI’AY level of lumens radiating from vortexya
for Earth and its solar system in etherea for selected years of the present DAN and sub-cycle dan. Significant
increases or decreases in rate of lumen change can influence es’eans and corporeans towards just as great
(or greater) spiritual upliftment / harmony (or bondage / conflict), as the actual lumen degree can at a specific
level. World-wide events and trends may lag slightly behind the peaks and trends of light and darkness, as the population
reacts to the intensity of the changes and levels of light and darkness. See Eloist articles on follow pages for further explanation. Year (AK).-5,........0........10......20....32......48.....63........90.........100....160....165....166....200 Year (AD) 1843..1848.1858.1868.1880.1896,1911....1938.....1948..2008..2012..2013..2048 Lumens.....730...650....115...550...275...300...65-A’JI.450-A’JI.75.....397....300....397....276. [Note: I agree with the above spiritual transmission and interpretation of the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate which agrees
with what I came up with in 2013 except for some minor differences such as; 2013 not 2012 was Kosmon 165 (33 x 5),
and 2008 lumens (units of light or vortexian heat) would be lower than 2012 and 2013. I agree 1911 was an A'ji year (much below normal cold), but I disagree with 1938
being an A'ji year. 1938 was a warm up-spike year corresponding
with 90 learning (warm dan year of light-enlightenment) on the Orachnebuahgalah plate. http://www.longrangeweather.com/1900ad.htm The Eloists use of the word lumens seems to correspond
with my vortexian heat and cold (light and darkness) and warm up-spikes and cold down-spikes. When I
came up with my interpretation of the Orachnebuahgalah plate in 2013 I was unaware of the Eloists publication and did not read this information until Jan. 4, 2018.]. --------------------- SPECIAL SESSION IV (1992) We will instruct you this day on the sub-cycles of light and darkness throughout your recent history, and
in that awareness to arise at an understanding of how we work with the Creator’s Power to influence mortals
to a greater good for the benefit of His Light in this new age. You are already aware from the teachings of our book
Oahspe of how the upper heavens function with regard to the greater cycles of Light called dan and dan’ha, but
the comprehensiveness of the book allows little room to explore their function in the context of sub-cycle variations of Light, which are of short duration, ever changing,
but important to our labours, nevertheless. - Within
a cycle of light, the vortexy’an tide and the grade of light is constantly in flux (or change) to a varying degree.
It is almost like the waves of an ocean that ebb and crest in smooth cycles, with some peaks higher than others and some valleys lower than others. --------------------------- We are merely describing the wave frequency and amplitude applicable to the solar phalanx during this brief period
of time in its history only. ---------------------------- The cycles of light and darkness directly affect both angels and mortals, with the intensity and quality of
the response being dependent upon their relative grade. --------------------------------- Since the
earliest phase of this new era, we have been working subtly, yet with tireless determination in this regard: shaping
and moulding mankind to our purpose,... The first step
was to inspire our mortal wards to discoveries and inventions that would thrust mankind into the complexities
of industrialization and technology. A mixed blessing, no doubt, but essential for all planets that have reached Kosmon.
Your well-known inventor, Edison, for example, was prepared
for from before his birth. His parents were inspired toward spirituality throughout gestation so that his mediumistic
qualities would be well developed at birth, and throughout his life he was inspired by the lord Lotiza,
an Aztec by birth. Edison was inspired in this work through
direct trance mediumship as he slept, the history of which is well known to you all. ----------------------------------- Solar Phalanx, 0 to 200 A.K. You
will note that the peak intensity of light at dawn
was actually five years before Kosmon. In any event you may almost always assume a spiritual event to precede an earthly
event by some given interval of time. [Note: 1843 5 years before Kosmon was a cold down-spike year according to: http://www.longrangeweather.com/1800ad.htm But 1843 had a sunspot count of 10.7 min (low minimum)
according to: http://www.sws.bom.gov.au/Educational/2/3/6 A sunspot min is also a low point of light (lumens) the more a'ji and less light the less sunspots are counted. 1848 had a sunspot count of 124.7 MAX (maximum light, lumens) which agrees with the warm up-spike in vortexian heat. ------------------------------------- It is often the relativity of light or degree of spiritual
change that makes a greater impact on mortal events and attitudes. But when one considers that the
relative intensity at this point was 70, while only 10 years previous it had been at -450, the surge was intense indeed.
The intensity of this new light left a substantial imprint
on the newborn at that time, most especially those born between 97 A.K. to 103 A.K., with the effect being a greater psychic sensitivity and inclination toward spiritual influences.
This of course does not apply to all newborns at that time,
for many factors influence the quality of a birth. Those, however, who were born with favorable parental influences during gestation and subjected to a favorable
environment were to be much more telepathic and mediumistic when compared to children born at other times in recent
history. The above agrees
with my "New Zodiac" based on year born and warm-up spikes or cold down-spikes. --------------------------------------- Sunrays of Radiance — Vortex’ya — (2017) — The Eloists pages 75-87. Published on Jun 10,
2017 https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:BDTjZ41a_aUJ:https://issuu.com/robertbayer/docs/sunrays_of_radiance_-_vortex-ya-_th+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OAHSPE. 25. Neither are, nor were, the revelations within this OAHSPE wholly new to
mortals. The same things have been revealed at
the same time unto many, who live at remote distances from
one another, but who were not in correspondence till afterward. http://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah07.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- millennium 1a : the thousand years mentioned in Revelation 20 during which holiness is to prevail and Christ
is to reign on earth 2a : a period of 1000 years; http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/millennium millennium = 1000 years peace on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 48 of Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and
Prophecy Combined 1882 and 1891 Glossaries from Oahspe: Christ, or Kriste: Wisdom, knowledge, education... Christians,
or Kriste'yans:..(The following words are synonymous;...budha, christ, kriste, ...knowledge, wisdom, ...light,...) 1000
years into the cycle of the Arc of Bon = Buddha, peace, enlightenment, light, Arc of Bon = 3400 B.K (before Kosmon, before
1848). Arc of Bon begins 1,552 B.C.E, 1848 - 3400 = 1552 1000 = peace = 552. B.C.E (1,152 - 1000 = 552) 550
BC—Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism in Northern India after achieving enlightenment after six years of practicing
penance and meditation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/550s_BC The Buddha described Nirvāna as the perfect peace of a mind that's free from ignorance, greed, hatred and other
afflictive states,[36] or "defilements" (kilesas). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gautama_Buddha ORACHNEBUAHGALAH is a key to the past as well as the future, an open book Arc of Bon = 3400
B.K (before Kosmon, before 1848). Arc of Bon begins 1,552 B.C.E, 1848 - 3400 = 1552 1000 = peace = 552. B.C.E (1,152
- 1000 = 552) Kong Qui, better known as Confucius, was born in 551 B.C. in the Lu state of China. http://www.biography.com/people/confucius-9254926 551 B.C. = warm (dan) year period (1000 year dan 552 B.C). Confucius Peace Prize Awarded for
Promotion of world peace from an Eastern, Confucian perspective; to declare China's view on peace and human rights to the
world[1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confucius_Peace_Prize -------- 1000 years into the cycle of Kosmon = 1848 + 1000 = 2848 = Another peace light manifestation.
In Kosmon not one great leader forth like in ages past, but many quickened with the Light. THE ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
PLATE in Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy chapter 7: "a key to unlock the past, and a base
to foretell the future." . ORACHNEBUAHGALAH Plate:
280 a'ji
. 1553 - 280 = 1273 B.C. OAHSPE BOOK OF SAPHAH chapter OSIRIS verse 56: A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. There
are places
in the firmament of heaven...Arji (Poit). When the earth passeth through A'ji
(Panic), it aggregateth and groweth. An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth. In
the years of Ar'jon mortals became
warriors. - The Battle of Kadesh c.1273 BCE . http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/ramseskadeshcampaign.htm 1274 BC—The Battle of Kadesh (or Battle of Qadesh) in Syria, regarded as the largest (5–6,000) chariot vs. chariot battle in antiquity. The end of the Battle of Kadesh was followed by some 15 years of border warfare ended by the signing of the earliest
known peace treaty between the Hittites and Egyptians, the Treaty of Qadesh. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1270s_BC Climate Change as a Reason for Assyro-Aramaean
Conflicts? Pollen Evidence for Drought at the End of the 2nd Millennium BC In contrast to the previous papers the meteorologist Neumann and the assyriologist Parpola (1987)
summarise investigations on climatic changes in
Europe and the Middle East and conclude that a transition took place from a cool phase around 1500-1200
BC to a warm phase lasting around 1200-900 BC. http://www.academia.edu/779972/Climate_Change_as_a_Reason_for_Assyro-Aramaean_Conflicts_Pollen_Evidence_for_Drought_at_the_End_of_the_2nd_Millennium_BC 280 a'ji on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH Plate = 1553 - 280 = 1273 B.C. = a cool phase around 1500-1200 BC = a cold
year upon the earth = mortals became warriors = Battle of Kadesh c.1273 BCE - 1848 + 280
= 2128, according to the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe 2128 should be a cold a'ji period and possibly war.
Above I have made a ORACHNEBUAHGALAH chart for a 202 years period of the present Kosmon cycle from
1848 to 2050 A.D. of the world divisions (North and South America, Europe, and Asia). This ORACHNEBUAHGALAH is based on the
numbers and words on Plate 48 in the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy in Oahspe and I show the historical manifestations that
the numbers and words designate. I have drawn a curved line, representing the travel of the solar system from the
dawn of Kosmon to 202 years into the cycle. The Dawn of Kosmon and the 200 year dan is represented by light. War
is represented by black. The duration of wars is marked with a cut called change.
OAHSPE predicts a man (Tae) will find
and determine (calculate) the orbit of CEVORKUM and prove whether the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH is true or not. In other words Tae would decipher
the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate and show how the numbers and words on the plate matched events in past and the future. OAHSPE Book of Knowledge ch 4: 1. Tae said:
Now I will apply myself to Your works, O Jehovih. Yours is a book that never errs. The times
You bestow shall be my signposts. Is this not the most exalted science under the sun? 2. So Tae collected histories from the arc of Bon to the coming of kosmon;
...When Tae had completed his labors he made a tablet of events, and classified them, and he called the tablet Orachnebuahgalah,... But the people called it the tablet of prophecy, signifying, the mathematics of both evil and good. - The above predicts that Tae would call the tablet Orachnebuahgalah (and know the meaning of it,
Oracle-Nebula-Earth-Galaxy) but other people will call it the tablet of prophecy and evil and good (dark times and periods
of Light) instead of ORACHNEBUAHGALAH because they will have a hard time pronouncing the name or spelling it (and knowing
the meaning of it). This proved to be true in 2013. "The thing I am most interest in is building a Orachnebuahgalah...although
I may never be able to pronounce or spell it." - A faithist, July 17, 2013 3. And Tae divided
the time of the tablet according to the darkness and light of the period, and for four hundred years prior, and in
all, it spanned three thousand four hundred years. 4. Tae said: According to the light of my Father in heaven I will call the ends of the tablet dan'ha, for these are the quickened times * mentioned by the prophets
of old. Not only will I prove whether they are true
or not; but I will find the motion of the Great Serpent
(solar system) and this will determine its orbit. [Tae talks about himself and what he would do]. * I used this term, the quickened times. It wasn't until after I read
the book "TIME OF THE QUICKENING" by Susan Martinez did I
prove the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH. 5. For since Jehovih has made years, has He not also made cycles,
and will the cycles not comport with the rules of its members? 29. Tae took the histories of men from the time
of Moses to Kosmon, and for the periods of war and destruction he made spans of darkness, and for
the periods of peace and goodwill among men, he made spans of light, for he saw that the actions
and behaviors of nations were governed largely by the unseen worlds around them. And these spans formed a map of
light and darkness, as it had been for three thousand four hundred years. And this became like a key to unlock the
past, and a base to foretell the future. http://oahspestandardedition.com/OSE_37b.html The above prediction in 1881 came true on
the pages of this website in February of 2013,
132 years after Oahspe was written. This prophecy in Oahspe has
been fullfilled. - Oahspe
mentions a cyclic time of seven and a half. Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave the times
of Jehovih...the times of eleven; and the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars... [an etherean arc or
cycle is 400 (dan) times 7.5 (7.5 x 400) = 3000 years.] 22
is the sum number of Jehovih, E-O-IH = 9+8+5 = 22 22 year
cycle (solar, geomagnetic, galactic cosmic ray) x 7.5 (7.5 x 22) = 165, 1848 + 165 = 2013. - 165 / 33 = 5, 165 / 100 = 1.65 golden ratio
165 year cycle is a harmonic multiple (5x) of the first rule of prophecy (33), and a harmonic multiple (100x) of the
golden ratio (1.65). - 2013 = up-spike in vortexian energy (heat) 2012 = up-inbetween 2011 = down-spike in vortexian energy (heat) 2010 = up-spike http://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/2014/20140121_Temperature2013.pdf - BOOK OF JEHOVIH’S KINGDOM ON EARTH, WHICH CONTAINETH WITHIN
kosmon era, after the revelations of the Father's
kingdom on earth had been published, and was known abroad over all the world, there went forth many,
in Jehovih's name, to accomplish unto the resurrection of man, and for the glory of the Almighty, the new kingdom. 2.
Foremost, amongst the many, there came out of Uz 2 one who was esteemed wise and good
above all others; and because he was a representative man, the people named him, Tae. 1 We understand
by this term, and also by the book itself, that, what is set forth as being in the past, has not yet occurred. In such respect
it is a picture of the future, as will be demonstrated in actual practice. The name, "Tae," is of course only figurative, and is not a man of that name, as stated, but a
representative, a figurehead. See Book of Ben, p. 541. 2 World's people. See Book of Ben, p.
541. http://www.sacredhistory.com/kingdom1.html - OAHSPE Book of Saphah - Tablet of Biene 11. Tae
(Panic). A representative man. The universal prayer of mankind. Also one who is chosen by etherean
spirits for an earth cycle; as Zarathustra, Abraham, Brahma, Moses, Capilya, Confucius,
etc. I provided for the nations in their darkness, saith Jehovih. For I bring the earth into a light
region in the firmament, and I send My etherean
angels to deliver them out of darkness and bondage. In My name raise they up men with eyes to see and ears to hear, and I proclaim unto all the inhabitants
of the earth (Kosmon). Mankind. - Tae (Panic). Chinese language is the closest to Panic language. In Korean "Tae" means "foot," "leg," or "to step on"; http://www.wtf.org/wtf_eng/site/about_taekwondo/taekwondo.html Tae may be a pioneer, like the first man to step foot on (Tae) the Moon. "One small step for man, one giant leap
for Mankind (Tae)". It seems like it derived from the Chinese name "Tai". Tae means "Great".
http://ph.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120418065339AArSmnl ...a word of Chinese or Malaysian origin. In fact, in China, Taipan is a personality, a leader “taipan”
may mean something similar to “Boss, Sir”, http://www.photomazza.com/?Oxyuranus-scutellatus Chinese is the closest language to the Panic language
according to the Tree of Language of Oahspe.TREE OF LANGUAGE.-- Panic trunk one, China branch two, India branch 3-4, Semitic
5, American Indian 6, Europe 7, etc...
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VII: 18. These
periods will be found to come under certain numbers... the following tables of times and measurements
were established: Tae, 999. Tae, 666. The numbers for Tae are 999 (war) on
ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 48, and 666 (beast) Here Oahspe prophecies (through prophetic numbers) the dark-side of
Tae. - Newbrough ended up in a court case for abusing a member's child and of unfulfilled
promises to all remaining members by cheating them out of their possessions and money on the promise of sharing ownership
of SHALAM COLONY Near Las Cruces. See Las Cruces Court Documents of SHALAM COLONY Near Las Cruces, NM 1887 -1891. Suit Declaration *1050, Third Judicial District Court, County of Dona Ana, New Mexico. Ellis vs. Newbrough &
Howland. - Did Newbrough's lack of humbleness mean his ego wanted the 'power' that being a prophet would bring?
It seems it may have happened during the incomplete Book of Ben (pub.) / Book of Knowledge (unpub.), requiring all the tools
to do prophecy. the Grand C'Cheif Newbrough [Newbrough's own letters 1882 - 1884]. http://www.oahspe.com/oahspeneg.html - In the summer of 1885, some of its members left the colony and told stories of a misled but well-meaning group.
For many in Las Cruces, these tales confirmed their impressions of the Shalam Colony's leader, John Ballou Newbrough, a 57-year
old former dentist and spiritualist from New York. 'Colony of cranks' Standing six feet and four inches, with reddish
curly hair and arresting blue eyes, Newbrough drew followers, but he apparently rubbed others the
wrong way. Newbrough had told the Rio Grande Republican thousands would eventually come to run schools and farm vast
fields and gardens, and that all property was to be held in common. To many, his bold predictions were too much to take.
The attempts at farming were unsuccessful, and most colonists were still living in tents a year later. Then in the spring
of 1886, several disgruntled colonists sued Newbrough, alleging fraud. They said Newbrough
ran Shalam like a despot, and the property was not held in common, but by Howland. http://www.lcsun-news.com/ci_18606580 - The numbers 999, and 666 for Tae has NOTHING
TO DO WITH the purity and transmission of OAHSPE, because Newbrough's MIND was not involved in its transmission. For 10 years
prior and up to Oahspe being transmitted Newbrough went through a purification process of mind, body and spirit. Later Newbrough's
mind or ego did get involved in him being a leader. The prophetic numbers of 666, 999 for Tae may be a caution or warning
for any future "leader" of faithists. - OAHSPE: Book of Judgment CHAPTER XXV: 8. The members of such a brotherhood shall not desire a leader; neither will any one of them
desire to be a leader. For, if one should so desire, he would not be of the God-head, but of himself. 15. For
this reason, O man, I declare unto thee that the Father's kingdom is now being founded on earth, and the mortal manifestation
thereof is near at hand. 16. But it shall not come in this area, as in the past, through any one great leader-forth;
but it shall appear as a spontaneous light, permeating the soul of thousands; and they shall come forth, establishing Jehovih
in truth and fullness.
Above is a 900 year (from 1150 AD to 2050 AD Arc of Bon Cycle to Kosmon) ORACHNEBUAHGALAH chart of the great divisions of the Earth (North and South America,
Europe, Africa, and Asia) called SATAN'S TABLES OR
TIMES OF THE BEAST & THE NUMBER 666 and 66. OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy
CHAPTER III:16 ...tables made by the ancients were based on periods of six hundred
and sixty-six years, and were called SATAN’S TABLES, or the TIMES OF THE BEAST. SATAN'S
TABLES OR TIMES OF THE BEAST & THE NUMBER 666 and 66. The fatal numbers of the beast (66
and 666 of the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH OF OAHSPE) are associated with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Pestilence, War, Famine,
and Death which are mentioned in the Book of Revelation of the Bible. The 66th (66) book of the Bible is the Book of Revelation. Revelation 6:6 = 66 = famine (66th book, 6th chapter = 666 = Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death). Employing the most
fatal numbers (66 and 666). I have drawn a
curved line, representing the travel of the solar system from 1150 AD to 2050 AD. The Dawn
of Kosmon and the 200 year dan is represented by light. War, famine, pestilence, and death is represented by black. I
show the historical manifestations of 66 and 666 years added to or subtracted from the dawn of Kosmon (1848) base. -------------------------  Plate 48.--ORACHNEBUAHGALAH (prophetic numbers, word associated, dates, events) ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
Table (list) below of historical manifestations related to plate 48 of Oahspe and future prophecy of 2048 - 2050. 0
= faith = 1848 = dawn of dan (Kosmon), spiritualism religious movement began in 1848 10 = arbitration = 1858 = Arbitration
(International Law) Brazil and Great Britain INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION between the United
States and the United Kingdom, 8 April 1858 Chilean-American Diplomacy - Convention for Arbitration
of Macedonian Claims; November 10, 1858 16 worship = 1864 = Syllabus of Errors, document of Pope Pius IX, important part
of Church history 20 = arbitration = 1868 = Russell Gurney's Act, Russell Law, Arbitration Laws, trade union law 48 = peace = 1896 = 1st modern Olympics, uniting for peace, symbol of peace 50 = arbitration = 1898 = Erdman Act of
1898, United States Federal Law pertaining to railroad labor disputes. The Law provided arbitration for disputes 66
= war = a'ji = 1914 = World War 1 88 = worship = 1936 = first Pope (future) who visited the US, met with President Franklin
D. Roosevelt to appoint a US representative to the Holy See, inspired awe and respect wherever he traveled. 88 = war
= 1936 = war = Chronology of World War 2: Adolf Hitler reoccupies Rhineland breaking the terms of Versailles (first
act of aggression that leads to World War II, global significance), Adolf Hitler
announces plan to prepare for war, Italy and Germany announce the Rome-Berlin Axis, Germany and Japan sign the Anti-Comintern
Pact, to cooperate in defense against Communistic International, Spanish civil war, Japan wars against China and Soviet
Union 90 = learning = 1938 = John Dewey wrote Experience and EducationExperience and Education is the best concise statement
on education ever published by John Dewey, 90 = learning = 1938 = Discovery of Atomic fission. [learned something of great importance
to mankind] 99 = war = 1947 = Indo-Pakistani war, Civil war - 1947–48 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine (global significance), Cold War began (first superpower war between nuclear superpowers), 1st Kashmir war, Indochinese conflict 100 = order = 1948 = World Health Organization
founded by United Nations, interlinked global health with global peace, office located in UN headquarters ORACH-NEBU-AH-GALAH
gives precise words, and precise numbers, that are added to precise beginnings of cycles to get precise dates or year of
prophecy, and it is 100% accurate. It
is not coincidental that the words and numbers on the Orachnebuahgalah plate align with historical manifestations that are
listed above. From 1848 to 2048 on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH: Precise words (9) = arbitration, worship, peace,
war, pestilence (epidemics), learning, plenty, order, famines. Precise numbers (10) = 10, 16, 20, 48, 50,
66, 88, 90, 100, 200. The reason (the why) the numbers work is because they correspond with the places in the roadway
of the travel of the earth (AH) around the galaxy (GALAH), the sub-galactic orbit called CEVORKUM. The roadway has certain
nebulous (NEBU) regions and arcs of light (dawn of dan) at exact places in the circuit of the travel of the earth.
The Creator put those regions there and thus KNOWS what numbers and words match up to make precise predictions like an Oracle
(ORACH) of the Creator. No other book has this revealed precise knowledge that has PROVEN to be true. These precise
numbers and dates (years) are based (the base) on 1848 being the start of Kosmon. Using 1847 or 1849 as a base would not
be precise, that would throw the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate off by 1 year. ORACH-NEBU-AH-GALAH means : Diety reveals
hidden knowledge of the Earth through Nebula and Galaxy. ORACH = ORACLE, NEBU = NEBULA, AH = EARTH (O-AH-spe, Panic)
= GALA = GALAXY ORACHNEBUAHGALAH = Oracle, Nebula, Earth, Galaxy   Above info of the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH was taken from my web page "Space clouds, Earth travel,
ORACHNEBUAHGALAH is a key to the past as well
as the future, an open book Arc of Bon = 3400 B.K (before Kosmon, before 1848). Arc of Bon begins 1,552 B.C.E, 1848 - 3400 = 1552 750 learning = 802 B.C.E (1,552 - 750
= 802) 800s BC (decade) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/800s_BC_(decade) Pyramid of Kukulcan built (Mayans learn pyramid building) Chichen
Itza – Mayan Civilization Site The Extraordinary In Mexico At Age 800 BC. http://www.doaaraku.com/art-and-historic-sites/tourist-information-mexico-chichen-itza-mayan-civilization-site-the-extraordinary-in-mexico-at-age-800-bc/ - From c. 800 BC – The Upanishads are composed. (Hindus learn philosophy,
and theoretical Cosmogony-Cosmology) Upanishads are a collection of philosophical texts which
form the theoretical basis for the Hindu religion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upanishads - c. 800 BC—Greek Dark Ages end. Dark
Age Culture. With the collapse of the palatial centres, no more monumental stone buildings were built and the practice of
wall painting may have ceased; writing in the Linear B script ceased, vital trade links were lost, and towns and villages
were abandoned. The population of Greece was reduced,[4] and the world of organized state armies, kings, officials, and
redistributive systems disappeared. Most of the information about the period comes from burial sites and the grave goods
contained within them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_Dark_Ages c. 800 BC—Archaic period in Greece begins. (Greeks learn philosophy, theatre, written
poetry) The Archaic period in Greece (800 BC – 480 BC) was a period of ancient Greek history
that followed the Greek Dark Ages. This period saw the rise of the polis (city-states) and the founding of colonies, as well
as the first inklings of classical philosophy, theatre in the form of tragedies performed during Dionysia, and written poetry,
which appeared with the reintroduction of the written language, lost during the Greek Dark Ages. The term archaic covers
these cultural aspects as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archaic_period_in_Greece - c. 800 BC: Etruscan civilization. Beginning
of the Iron Age in Central Europe, spread of the Proto-Celtic Hallstatt culture, and the Proto-Celtic language. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9th_century_BC- The Late Bronze Age collapse was dated between 1200 bc and 1100
bc, the time of the Book of Wars Against Jehovih was covered a period of time up to 1553 B.C (THE DAWN OF BON). "The
Book of Wars Against Jehovih reveals an answer to the current mystery of what really caused the Late Bronze Age collapse." - - Oahspe reader 11/21/2020 Book of Wars Against Jehovih COVERING A PERIOD OF TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED YEARS; THAT IS, FROM THE TIME OF ABRAHAM,
AND BRAHMA, AND PO, AND EAWAHTAH, TO THE TIME OF MOSES, AND CHINE, AND CAPILYA. https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah267.htm Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih Chapter LII: 4. To Baal and Ashtaroth was committed the duty of subjugating
these people unto Osiris, Savior of mortals. So Baal and Ashtaroth, finding them stubborn in the worship of the Great Spirit,
finally resolved to make them destroy one another, after the same manner as Te-in, in Jaffeth, and Sudga, in Vind'yu; and
they asked Osiris for armies of warring angels for that purpose 6. ...And Osiris gave to Baal and Ashtaroth, each,
five hundred million warring angels. And thus armed, they descended to the earth, to the objectionable regions, of Parsi'e
and Heleste. In those days these great divisions of the earth were divided into many nations and kingdoms. 26. Thus
did Baal and Ashtaroth pursue the other great cities of Parsi'e and Heleste. And the time of the destruction of any two or
three cities varied from two years to ten years. For the destruction of Athena and Troy it required twelve years. And for
the destruction of Ituna and Fado it required eleven years. Betwixt Su-gun and Lakao it required two years to bring them
to war. Betwixt Athena and Troy it required three years to bring them to war. Two hundred vampires, angels of lust, were
set upon a prince of Troy, and in desperation he was driven to kidnap an Athenian princess, who was led to exposure by Baal's
angel hosts. In this great battle Ashtaroth won the game, having succeeded in having the whole of the Trojans destroyed. 27. In the war betwixt Tos and Sun, which lasted nine years, it was an even game, for both cities were entirely destroyed
and all the people in them, and also their tributary cities as well. But the city of Tol was destroyed within itself, for
there was no city near enough to war upon it. The angels brought virus from the dead of other regions, and inoculated the
breath of the people of Tol, and their flesh festered, and they died of themselves without war. 28. The whole time
of destruction was one hundred and sixty years; and after that Parsi'e and Heleste were wasted and desert, and wild beasts
coursed the country far and near. Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih Chapter Chapter LV: 4. By the pressure
of ji'ay, Craoshivi had descended near the earth, ... And nebula fell in many places to a depth of three lengths, so that
even the places of the great cities of the earth, which had been destroyed, were covered up, and it was like a new country. 16. And now the earth and her heavens crossed the boundaries of the ji'ay'an forests, and rolled slowly towards the homes
and dominions of other etherean Gods. END OF BOOK OF WARS AGAINST JEHOVIH. Next: Chapter I https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah321.htm Book of Lika, Son of Jehovih KNOWN IN HEAVEN AS THE DAWN OF BON, AND ON EARTH AS THE CYCLE OF MOSES, CAPILYA
AND CHINE! https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah322.htm
- ORACHNEBUAHGALAH Plate 408 destruction How 408 destruction manifested in the previous arc cycle: 1848 = start of current
Kosmon cycle 1553 B.C. = start of previous Arc of Bon Cycle 1848 -
3400 = 1553 B.C (add 1 year for no zero yero) 1553 - 408 = 1145 B.C Google
1145 B.C destruction Late Bronze Age collapse The Late Bronze Age collapse was
a transition in the Aegean Region, Southwestern Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the Early
Iron Age that historians believe was violent, sudden and culturally disruptive. Between 1206 and
1150 BC, the cultural collapse of the Mycenaean kingdoms, the Hittite Empire in Anatolia and Syria,[1] and the New Kingdom
of Egypt in Syria and Canaan[2] interrupted trade routes and severely reduced literacy. In the first phase of this period,
almost every city between Pylos and Gaza was violently destroyed, and often left unoccupied thereafter: examples include
Hattusa, Mycenae, and Ugarit.[3] Drews writes "Within a period of forty to fifty years at the end of the thirteenth
and the beginning of the twelfth century almost every significant
city in the eastern Mediterranean world was destroyed, many of them never to be occupied again" (p. 4). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_Bronze_Age_collapse - What
Caused The Mysterious Bronze Age Collapse? by James Wiener May 20, 2015
Education, Interviews The decline
of the Late Bronze Age civilizations of the Mediterranean and Near East has puzzled historians and archaeologists for centuries. Professor Eric
H. Cline speaks to Ancient History Encyclopedia’s James Blake Wiener about his new title and the circumstances that
lead to the collapse of the cosmopolitan world of the Late Bronze Age in this interview. In 1177
BC, you trace the social, economic, and cultural links between the civilizations of the Eastern Mediterranean and Near East
— Egypt, Minoan Crete, Mycenaean Greece, the Hittite
Empire, Mittani, Assyria, and Kassite Babylonia — and their cataclysmic demise during the late second millennium BC. http://etc.ancient.eu/2015/05/20/what-caused-the-bronze-age-collapse/ Late Bronze Age Collapse In & Around Egypt. After apparently surviving
for a while, the Egyptian Empire collapsed in the mid twelfth century BC (during the reign of Ramesses VI, 1145 to 1137
BC). http://scienceheathen.com/2015/02/11/late-bronze-age-collapse-mycenaean-civilization-collapse-collapse-witnessed-3400-3000-years-ago/ Cycles tend to repeat themselves (a pattern). TEMPERATURE CHANGES
Above two vertical lines (between 2 and 0) near the bottom of a cold down-spike between 1250bc and 1000bc during the Late Bronze Age collapse or 408 destruction
on the Orachnebuahgalah plate. a'ji was a significant
factor in the cold climate and the late bronze age colapse. OAHSPE BOOK OF SAPHAH chapter OSIRIS verse 56: A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. ...An abundance
of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year
upon the earth. In the years of Ar'jon mortals
became warriors. ...Save your prophets understand A'ji they cannot tell what the next year will be.
- Historians and archaeologists can look back and
see the Late Bronze Age collapse, but without knowing when the arc cycles start they can't see how the Late Bronze Age collapse relates to the previous arc cycle and how it would relate to this cycle and
a repeating pattern. Oahspe provides the hidden knowledge of the arc cycles, Oahspe gives you exact dates
of the start of the arc cycles and from there with the prophetic numbers (rules of prophecy) and the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate
you can add the numbers to the start of each arc cycle to get an accurate calculation (mathematics) of prophecy. This
is what is missing from the Bible and other Holy Books of Light. Oahspe
contains the Higher Knowledge (Light) of the precise times of the arc cycles, prophetic numbers, and the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
plate. Oahspe also contains the heavenly galactic(galah) and nebulous (nebu) causes of earthly (ah) events
that are predictable like an oracle (Orach) = Orachnebuahgalah. - After 400 years destruction: Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy Chapter VII: 7. The scale then riseth for four hundred years, more or less; and, after that, wars and epidemics come upon the people. ... After which time they destroy their libraries and records, ... -
Second 408 destruction (repeating cycle) after the first 1000 year
(day) cycle: 1553 - 1000 = 553 - 408 = 145 B.C. Despite the widespread modern belief that the Library of
Alexandria was burned once and cataclysmically destroyed, the Library actually declined gradually over the course of several centuries, starting with the purging of intellectuals
from Alexandria in 145 BC during the reign of Ptolemy VIII Physcon, which resulted in Aristarchus of Samothrace,
the head librarian, resigning from his position and exiling himself to Cyprus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_of_Alexandria - 408 destruction (repeating cycle) after the second 1000 year (day) cycle: 553 - 1000 = 447 + 1 (no year zero) = 448 AD. 448 + 408 = 856 AD. Corinth Earthquake –
Greece – 856 AD an earthquake of magnitude 8 or more
that almost totally destroyed the city in 856. https://devastatingdisasters.com/corinth-earthquake-greece-856-ad/ The 856 Damghan earthquake or the 856 Qumis earthquake
occurred on 22 December 856 (242 AH). The earthquake had an estimated
magnitude of 7.9, and a maximum intensity of X (Extreme) on the Mercalli intensity scale. The meizoseismal
area (area of maximum damage) extended for about 350 kilometres (220 mi) along the southern edge of the eastern Alborz mountains
of present-day Iran including parts of Tabaristan and Gorgan. The earthquake's epicenter is estimated to be close to the
city of Damghan, which was then the capital of the Persian province of Qumis. It caused approximately 200,000 deaths and is listed by the USGS as the sixth deadliest earthquake in recorded history.[2]Hecatompylos, now called Šahr-e Qumis, the former capital of Parthian Empire, was destroyed. Half of Damghan
and a third of the town of Bustam were also destroyed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/856_Damghan_earthquake -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The highest number on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate is 1000. Does the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate numbers repeat every 1000
year cycle of each arc cycle? - 66 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 1066 = 487 487
BC Greece The island of Aegina and the city of Athens go to war. The island has earned the enmity of Athens by
earlier submitting to the Persians. The Spartan King, Leotychidas, tries unsuccessfully to arrange a truce in the war. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/487_BC 66 a'ji 66 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 487 BC was borderline cold year (the end of a cold dip from 490 BC to
487 BC) = a'ji. http://www.longrangeweather.com/500bc.htm 99 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 1099 = 454 454 BC Greece Pericles leads a naval expedition
in the Corinthian Gulf, in which Athens defeats Achaea. He then attacks Sicyon and Acarnania, after which he unsuccessfully
tries to take Oeniadea on the Corinthian Gulf, before returning to Athens. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/454_BC 666 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 1666 = 113 + 1 (no zero AD) = 114. 114 Roman Empire Emperor
Trajan defeats the Parthians and overruns Armenia and northern Mesopotamia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/114 The Roman–Persian Wars were a series of conflicts between states of the Greco-Roman world and two successive
Iranian empires: the Parthian and the Sassanid. Battles between the Parthian Empire and the Roman Republic began in 54
BC; A fresh series of conflicts began in the 2nd century AD, during which the Romans consistently held the upper
hand over Parthia. The Emperor Trajan invaded Armenia and Mesopotamia during 114 and 115 and annexed them as Roman provinces. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman%E2%80%93Persian_Wars 54 BC was a below normal cold dip in temperature (53 BC was a cold down-spike) = a'ji. http://www.longrangeweather.com/100bc.htm 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 48 = 1505 1506 BC — Cecrops, legendary King of Athens,
dies after a reign of 50 years. Having survived his own son, he is succeeded by Cranaus. c. 1506 BC — Thutmose
I (Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt) starts to rule. Alternatively, a date of c. 1504 BC is a possibility. Egypt conquers
Nubia and the Levant (1504 BC–1492 BC). Earliest remains of domesticated ferrets found.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1500s_BC_(decade) 1505 BC appears to have been a year of peace. 88 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 1088 = 465 465_BC Greece Thasos revolts from the Delian League. The revolt arises from rivalry over trade with the Thracian hinterland
and, in particular, over the ownership of a gold mine. Athens under Kimon lays siege to Thasos after the Athenian fleet
defeats the Thasos fleet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/465_BC 465_BC near the bottom of a long sharp cold down-spike (464 BC below normal cold down-spike) = a'ji. http://www.longrangeweather.com/500bc.htm 100 order on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 1100 = 453 453 BC Greece Achaea, on the southern shore
of the Corinthian Gulf, becomes part of what is effectively now the Athenian Empire. The Delian League had changed from
an alliance into an empire clearly under the control of Athens. China The Wei and the Han swap allegiances to
side with Zhao and eliminate the Zhi house, ending the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/453_BC 66 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 2066 = 513 + 1 (no zero year) 514 Byzantine Empire Vitalian,
Byzantine general, marches again to Constantinople. A fleet of 200 vessels sails from the Black Sea ports and blockades
the entrance of the harbor capital. Emperor Anastasius I is disquieted by riots in the city, which cost many casualties,
and decides to negotiate with Vitalian. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/514 514 AD = bottom of below normal Cold dry down-spike period (coldest from 500-550 AD) = a'ji. http://www.longrangeweather.com/500ad.htm 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 2048 = 495 + 1 = 496 (no year zero). Year 496 Byzantine Empire,
Africa, and Asia had no wars, one battle in Europe (Battle of Tolbiac), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/496 Battle of Tolbiac The date of the battle has traditionally been given as 496, though other accounts suggest it
may have been fought in 506. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tolbiac 99 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 2099 = 546 + 1 = 547 Year 547 Europe Gothic War: Belisarius
recaptures Rome from the Ostrogoths but his Italian campaign is unsuccessful. He is starved of supplies and reinforcements
from Constantinople. Africa Battle of Marta: The Byzantine army under John Troglita is defeated by Moorish tribes
in Tripolitania. He flees to Lunci (9 km south of Mahares[1]) and is forced to withdraw north to the fortress of Laribus
(near modern El Kef[2]). Asia The Tonkin revolt (Vietnam) led by Lý Nam Đế is suppressed by
the Chinese Liang dynasty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/547 66 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 3066 = 1513 + = 1514 Year 1514 August 23 – Selim
I crushes the Persian army of Shah Ismail I in the Battle of Chaldiran. September 8 – Battle of Orsha: In one
of the biggest battles of the century, Jagiellonian dynasty forces comprising Belarusians of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
and Poles defeat the army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1514 1514 AD bottom of below normal Cold dry down-spike period (coldest from 1500-1550 AD) = a'ji. http://www.longrangeweather.com/1500ad.htm 99 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 3099 = 1546 + 1 = 1547 Year 1547 April 24 – Battle of
Mühlberg: Emperor Charles V defeats the Lutheran forces of the Schmalkaldic League. September 10 – Battle
of Pinkie Cleugh: An English army under the Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector of England, defeats a Scottish army under
James Hamilton, 2nd Earl of Arran, the Regent. The English seize Edinburgh. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1547 1547 AD = cold down-spike (a'ji) http://www.longrangeweather.com/1500ad.htm 90 learning [education] on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1553 - 3090 = 1537 + 1 = 1538 Year 1538 October 28
– The first university of the New World, the Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino, is founded. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1538 The Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino (St. Thomas Aquinas University) founded in 1538 in Santo Domingo, in
the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, present-day Dominican Republic, was the first institution of higher education in the
western hemisphere. It ceased to operate in 1823. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universidad_Santo_Tom%C3%A1s_de_Aquino 1538 AD = warm above average going up = dan http://www.longrangeweather.com/1500ad.htm 88 worship and war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 1538 - 2 = 1536 Year 1536 war May 6 – Incan emperor
Manco Inca Yupanqui, having on April 18 escaped from imprisonment in Cuzco, begins his revolt against his captors when his
army begins the 10-month Siege of Cuzco against a garrison of Spanish conquistadors and Indian auxiliaries led by Hernando
Pizarro. Battle of Un no Kuchi: Takeda Family forces defeat Hiraga Genshin. War resumes between Francis I of France
and Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. Francis ceases control of Savoy and captures Turin. Charles triumphally enters Rome
following the Via Triumphalis and delivers a speech before the pope and college of cardinals publicly challenging the
king of France to a duel. Battle of Un no Kuchi: Takeda Family forces defeat Hiraga Genshin. Battle of Reynogüelén:
First battle between Spanish conquistadors and Mapuches in Chile; start of the Arauco War. worship Various religious
buildings are closed as part of Henry VIII of England's Dissolution of the Monasteries, including Basingwerk Abbey Bourne Abbey Brinkburn Priory Buildwas Abbey Cartmel Priory Dore Abbey Haltemprice Priory Tintern
Abbey Publication of John Calvin's Institutio Christianæ religionis, a seminal work of Protestant systematic
theology.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1536 1536 AD = down-spike borderline cold-warm (a'ji-dan, war-worship) http://www.longrangeweather.com/1500ad.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dark a'ji period at the end of the cycle of the arc of Bon (four hundred years before and
down to the dawn of Kosmon) = 1448 to 1848 AD 1453: The Fall of Constantinople marks the
end of the Byzantine Empire and the death of the last Roman Emperor Constantine XI and the beginning of the Growth of the
Ottoman Empire. 1456: The Siege of Belgrade halts the Ottoman's advance into Europe. 1462: Mehmed the Conqueror
is driven back by Wallachian prince Vlad III Dracula at The Night Attack. 1467–1615: The Sengoku period is one
of civil war in Japan. 1481: Spanish Inquisition begins in practice with the first auto-da-fé. 1492: Jews
expelled from Spain. 1494: Spain and Portugal sign the Treaty of Tordesillas and agree to divide the World outside of
Europe between themselves. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15th_century 1502: First reported African slaves in The New World 1506: King Afonso I of Kongo wins the battle
of Mbanza Kongo, resulting in Catholicism becoming Kongo's state religion. 1506: At least two thousand converted Jews
are massacred in a Lisbon riot. 1509–10: The 'great plague' afflicts various parts of Tudor England.[6] 1512:
Copernicus writes Commentariolus, and moves the sun to the center of the solar system. 1513: Sultan Selim I ("The
Grim") orders the massacre of Shia Muslims in Anatolia. 1517: The Sweating sickness epidemic hits Tudor England.[8] 1517: The Protestant Reformation begins when Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses in Saxony. 1519–1522: Spanish
expedition commanded by Magellan and Elcano first to circle Earth 1519–1521: Hernán Cortés leads
the Spanish conquest of Mexico. 1521: After building fortifications at Tuen Mun, the Portuguese attempt to invade Ming
Dynasty China, but are expelled by Chinese naval forces. 1536: Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal 1556:
Pomponio Algerio, radical theologian, is executed by boiling in oil as part of the Roman inquisition. 1562–98:
French Wars of Religion between Catholics and Huguenots. 1562: Massacre of Wassy and Battle of Dreux in the French Wars
of Religion. 1563: Plague outbreak claimed 80,000 people in Elizabethan England. In London alone, over 20,000 people
died of the disease. 1571: Pope Pius V completes the Holy League as a united front against the Ottoman Turks. 1571:
The Spanish-led Holy League navy destroys the Ottoman Empire navy at the Battle of Lepanto 1592–1593: John Stow
reports 10,675 plague deaths in London, a city of approximately 200,000 people. (1527 – 1598).King Philip II of
Spain. It was first said of his empire that "the sun did not set". Strong defender of Catholicism and self-proclaimed
leader of Counter-Reformation (1527 – 1598). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16th_century 1618: The Bohemian Revolt precipitates the Thirty Years' War, which devastates Europe in the years 1618–48. 1647–1652: The Great Plague of Seville. 1692: Salem witch trials in Massachusetts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/17th_century 1709: Great Frost of 1709, coldest winter in 500 years. 1720–1721: The Great Plague of Marseille 1750: Peak of the Little Ice Age 1756–1763: Seven Years' War fought among European powers in various theaters
around the world. 1767: Burmese conquered the Ayutthaya kingdom. 1773: East India Company starts operations in Bengal
to smuggle Opium into China. 1775–1783: American Revolutionary War 1776: Illuminati founded by Adam Weishaupt 1776: United States Declaration of Independence adopted by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. 1787: United States
Constitution was written in Philadelphia and submitted to the states for ratification. 1787: Freed slaves from London
founded Freetown in present-day Sierra Leone. 1793: The largest yellow fever epidemic in American history killed as many
as 5,000 people in Philadelphia—roughly 10% of the population.[25] 1796: Edward Jenner administers the first smallpox
vaccination. Smallpox killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans each year during the 18th century (including five reigning monarchs).[26] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/18th_century 1803: The United States more than doubles in size when it buys out France's territorial claims in North
America via the Louisiana Purchase. This begins the U.S.'s westward expansion to the Pacific referred to as its Manifest Destiny
which involves annexing and conquering land from Mexico, Britain, and Native Americans. 1830: The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints is established on April 6, 1830. 1834: Spanish Inquisition officially ends. 1837–1901:
Queen Victoria's reign is considered the apex of the British Empire and is referred to as the Victorian era. 1838: By
this time, 46,000 Native Americans have been forcibly relocated in the Trail of Tears. 1844: Millerite movement awaits
the Second Advent of Jesus Christ on October 22. Christ's non-appearance becomes known as the Great Disappointment. 1848:
Revolutions of 1848 in Europe. 1848: Seneca Falls Convention is the first women's rights convention in the United States
and leads to the battle for suffrage and women's legal rights. 1848–1858: California Gold Rush. 1850: The
Little Ice Age ends around this time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19th_century ---------------------------------------------- A'ji dark nebula is associated with cold years on
the earth (1448 - 1848 AD) Mormonism is the predominant religious tradition of the Latter Day
Saint movement of Restorationist Christianity. This movement was founded by Joseph Smith, Jr., in the 1820s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormonism ...in 1830 The Book of Mormon was published. In the same year, Smith founded the Church of Christ--later
known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints--in Fayette Township. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mormon-church-established Mormonism and the Book of Mormon is founded during the dark cold period of a'ji near the end of the
cycle of the Arc of Bon. Oahspe - Book of Divinity: Chapter XIII: 17. So great was the power
of a'ji that even the I'hins oft broke their vows and lived clandestinely with the world's people, begetting offspring in
great numbers, not eligible to enter their sacred cities. And yet mortals
saw not the a'ji; saw their cities and temples as it were, sinking in the ground; but they sank not; it was the a'ji falling
and condensing. 18. Jehovih had said: What I give that groweth the corpor, inspireth
man to corpor; what I give that groweth the es [spirit, es-sential part], inspireth man to es. And in the days of a'ji, neither angels or men can enthuse mortals with spiritual
things, only they that are organically grown in spirit [above
grade 66] can withstand.
The Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of cooling
that occurred after the Medieval Warm Period (Medieval Climate Optimum).[1] While it was not a true ice age, the term was
introduced into the scientific literature by François E. Matthes in 1939.[2] It has been conventionally defined
as a period extending from the 16th to the 19th centuries,[3][4][5] or alternatively, from about 1350 to about 1850,[6] NASA defines the term as a cold period between AD 1550 and AD 1850 and notes three particularly cold intervals: one
beginning about 1650, another about 1770, and the last in 1850, each separated by intervals of slight warming.[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ice_Age -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cooling period
comes near the end of Apollo’s cycle and the warming comes at the beginning of the cycle of Thor. This is consistent
with the cycles of Light and Dark of an average 3000 year cycle as given in Oahspe. The dawn, being the Hi-dan (most light)
of the cycle and receding to a dark period of a thousand years, more or less before the end of the cycle. Oahspe details
the conditions of the space in which earth travels as having effects on the Light and Dark, Heat and Cold manifested on the
earth and atmospherea. Geological timelines found in icecores and other geological evidence indicate that the beginning
of Thor’s cycle (15550 years bp) is marked by a sudden warming period which lasts around 1000 to 1500 years. The
cycle of Thor ended with 600 years of darkness before the dawn of the cycle of Osiris whose cycle continued for 3300 years: Bk of Thor, 6. ||12. Now the earth passes into deep darkness, for I fructify the races of men in new growth,
corporeally, for things that shall come after. As they absorb from the a’ji of My places, in this age, so also
do their souls become full of superstition and darkness.|| 13. Thus the earth went into great darkness during the last
six hundred years of the cycle of Thor, and there was no harvest from her for the etherean heavens. But the spirits deserted
atmospherea in millions and millions, and went down to the earth, to dwell with mortals and to find places on the corporeal
earth where to live.|| The termination of cultures such as the Clovis of North America also concurs with Oahspe regarding
the effect of this dark period on human culture in the last 600 years of Thor’s cycle: Lord’s Fourth Bk,
4. ||22. Then darkness came upon the races of men; millions of them returned to a state of savagery. And angels
of darkness came upon the earth, verily taking upon themselves the semblance of corporeal forms and dwelling with mortals
and engaging in practices whereof it is unlawful to write or speak. 23. So that, at the termination of three thousand
years, the lands of the earth were covered with darkness. http://oahspe-study-confirmation.angelfire.com/Light_Dark_Climate_Cycles.html -------------------------------------------------------- OAHSPE: Synopsis of Sixteen Cycles CHAPTER
III: 6. Sixteen times have my etherean hosts redeemed the earth and her heavens from darkness into light, and yet ere
the end of a cycle she falleth again, and her atmospherea with her. Oahspe Book of Aph XVII:7 the earth in a'ji 800 years. Oahspe Book of Aph XVII:11 Thus ended the cycle of Aph's arc of Noe, which was 3,600 years. Oahspe Book of Sethantes,
Son of Jehovih Chapter XXIII: 13. And now darkness set in and covered all the earth around. And from this time until
the end of the cycle, This darkness that covered all the earth around sounds like a'ji, semi-dark nebula (2/3 dark,
1/3 light) that is associated with cold years on the earth at the end of a cycle. Seeds need soil,
darkness and light to germinate and grow. Man the spirit is planted in corpor and given periods of darkness and light to germinate
and grow. Germination is the growth of an embryonic plant contained within a seed. Man
needs Light and Darkness. Developing life forms need darkness, like a seed planted in the darkness of earth soil
that shuts out the light of the sun, like an embryo or fetus
in the darkness of the womb, the atmospherea of the earth and the a'ji and nebula of interstellar space is a womb for the spirit of man. Once man is fully developed
(100 per cent, grade 100, ethe) he will have no need for darkness (a'ji, or atmospherea) anymore. When man is fully developed
he will dwell in perpetual light (etherea).
All life germinates (starts off) in darkness. Nitrogen = darkness. DNA = life. DNA is made up of four nitrogenous bases, Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine
abbreviated as letters A, T, G, and C. Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VII: 18. ..Thus, the moon's
time is 18, the earth's 365, a generation 33, dan 200, 400, 600, 500; nitrogen or darkness 66 and 666. Darkness and cold stimulates man to want
something better, it stimulates (pushes) man to build, invent, find solutions, to grow and develope. Too much light,
paradise, and comfort can bring about complacency and stagnation. Oahspe 3000 year Day &
Night Cycles (dawn of dan and a'ji cycles). Warm (dan) during the day, cold (a'ji) at night. Day
shift from 6am to 2pm = dawn daylight first 1000 years Afternoon shift 2pm to 10pm = evening or middle of each cycle Night shift from 10pm to 6 am = darkness end of each cycle Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010) But you shall not disregard this one thing, beloved: “One day is to THE LORD JEHOVAH as a thousand years, and a thousand
years is as one day.” http://biblehub.com/2_peter/3-8.htm 1848, the dawn of Kosmon was a warm peak (dan) http://www.longrangeweather.com/1800ad.htm The period 1850 to present is one of general warming http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/7x.html 1848 to present = dawn of new day = dawn of new cycle Kosmon = Light = Sunshine = Warmth = warming period
from Dawn to afternoon

Climate change, global warming and global cooling is explained in Oahspe by the periods of dan and a'ji,
the cycles of light and darkness, day and night. See graphs above to see the similarites between the dawn (dan) of a new cycle
(1850) and the dawn of a new day (6 am) and the light and heat of 2006 and the light and heat of noon. The blue marks on the
Global Temperature graph represent cold year anomalies or periods of a'ji (1885, 1916, 1946-1947) on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH
plate 48. in Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy chapter 7. ------------------- OAHSPE: Book of Lika CHAPTER VII.: 5. I created life, and I take away life; in Mine
own way do I with Mine own. I send night to follow the day; clouds to interchange with the sunshine. And even so do
I give times of dan to My atmospherean heavens, to be followed by
seasons of darkness. 6. By these changes do mortals and angels and Gods learn to battle with and
overcome the elements of My worlds. ------------------------------------- The
4 substances, layers, elements, or entities of the universe 1. Ethe = 100% light
and spiritual 2. Ji'ay = 2/3 ethe, 1/3 physical matter (66% light) 3. A'ji = 1/3 ethe, 2/3 physical matter (66% darkness) 4. Corpor = 100% physical
matter 2 substances represent the 4
Horsemen of the Apocalypse of the Book of Revelation chapter 6, ji'ay and a'ji. Ji'ay represents pestilence and plague. A'ji represents war, famine, and death.
Ethe represents the Light (dan), the Light that defeats and destroys darkness (a'ji and Ji'ay, pestilence, war, famine, and
death). Ethe is the Son (creation, begotten) of the Creator (Father). The Creator sends ethe (dan) to earth for the benefit
of man. Ethe the most rarefied and the most potent substance. Ji'ay and A'ji the Beast (2/3 or 66, 666) has dominion over
the earth (corpor). Ethe has dominion over ji'ay and a'ji the beast or Satan. The 5th entity of the universe is Jehovih
the All-person, Omni. These 5 entities are the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY of the entire Universe. These 5 entities make
up the PLAN OF THE UNIVERSE that was revealed to mankind through Dr. John Ballou Newbrough in the book named OAHSPE in the
33rd year of the DAWN OF THE CYCLE OF KOSMON. <---6:00 am sunrise 1848 = 6:00 am, dawn of a new day (cycle)
<--- present time on the Kosmic clock, 2013 A.D., 7:19 am ----------------------------------------------------- Cosmic (kosmon) clock
125 / 60 = 2.083 years to hour/minutes 2013
- 1848 = 165 years since dawn 165 / 2.083 = 79.212 minutes since dawn 200
/ 2.083 = 96.015 minutes since dawn, 2048 dan 96.015 - 60 = 36.015 = 1 hour 36 minutes since
dawn for 2048 79.212 - 60 = 19.212 = 1 hour 19 minutes since dawn 6:00
+ 1 hr = 7:00 + 19 = 7:19 am present Kosmic time 1098 = 12 midnight 1598
= 4:00 am 1723 = 5:00 am 1848 = 6:00 am 1910
= 6:30 am 1973 = 7:00 am 2013 = 7:19 am 2048
= 7:36 am 2598 = 12:00 noon, highest, brightest, etherean light of Kosmon Jehovih
= the central sun, the highest, brightest light Highest brightest
etherean light of Kosmon (7 dans, 100 or 200 years, or 7 ethes = 100 x 7 + 50 = 750 LEARNING ORACHNEBUAHGALAH =
high noon) Oahspe Book of Jehovih Chapter VII: 18...the time of My Harvests shall be according to each dan,
which is two hundred years, four hundred years, six hundred years, and five hundred years; and these shall be called My lesser
cycles because they are the times of the tables of prophecy which I give unto My servants. 19...Seven
dans have I created for each and every dan'ha; and six generations of mortals have I given unto each dan. - OAHSPE:
Book of Saphah - Se'moin 17. Dang, light (Panic). Hi'Dan (Kii). 43. Hi'dang, high-noon (Panic);
the sun at noon. Let the Hi'dang be an emblem over My altar. He is the glory of the day
like the Great Spirit is the glory of the soul world. 50...The corporeal sun ye can behold at high noon -------------------------------------------- Oahspe mentions a cyclic time of seven and a half. Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII: 3. And he gave
the times of Jehovih...the times of eleven; and the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars... [an etherean
arc or cycle is 400 (dan) times 7.5 (7.5 x 400) = 3000 years.] - 100 year cycle (ethe, etheic wave) x 7.5 = 750
learning on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe. 3000 year cycle / 24 (hour day) = 125 years = 1 hour. 6am DAWN + 6 hours
= 12 noon, high-noon, hi-dang, hi-dan, highest brightest light of Cycle. 1848 = 6am DAWN, 1848 + 125 x 6 = 750 + 1848
= 2598, HI-NOON, HI-DANG, HI-DAN of Kosmon = brightest light of central sun Jehovih. _______________________________________________________ The number 22 and the other numbers on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate On the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 48 of 1882 Oahspe edition: 480 learning, 480 / 22 = 21.81 = 22 cycles of 1 cycle = 22 x 21.818 = 480 other learnings on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH are
90, 200, 750, Dan periods and high-noon (high-dan), 1848 + 90 (learning) = 1938 = up-spike warm (above normal) 2nd highest
peak 1900-1950. 1938 = scientific accomplishments = atomic energy = uranium fission 1938 = academic accomplishments
= John Dewey published best book on education 1552 B.C (Bon cycle) - 200 (learning) = 1352 B.C = Monotheism, new kingdom
civilization 1552 B.C - 750 (learning) = 802 B.C. = Mayan Pyramid building, Greek dark ages end, Greeks produce philosophy,
theatre, written poetry, Hindus produce philosophy, and theoretical Cosmogony-Cosmology, Beginning of the Iron Age in Central
Europe. So 480 learning would also be a dan year to fit the pattern of all the other learnings on the prophecy plate
(ORACHNEBUAHGALAH). 480 is approximately a 22 x the 22 year cycle a harmonic division/multiple. Learning = enlightenment =
light = dan = ethe. 22 is a harmonic fundamental dan number (aprox harmonic of 480 learning) 22 is also a harmonic
fundamental a'ji number (exact harmonic of 66 war) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1000 and 48 is peace on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH 1848 + 48 = 1896 = Year of 1st modern international Olympics = in-between
warm (slightly down from up-spike) = dan 1552 (Bon cycle) - 1000 (peace) = 552 B.C = in-between warm (down slope)
= dan = Buddha teaching and Confucious birth (same or within 1 year). - 1000 year reign of Christ (prince of peace): 1000 years peace on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate is a period of dan (light) that the earth travels through 1000 years
after the dawn of a cycle that manifests peaceful behavior on the earth just as 48 peace on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate manifested
peace on the earth in 1896 (1st international modern Olympics, the symbol of peace). - The war between England and
Zanzibar in 1896, the shortest war in history, lasted only 38 minutes. http://www.omg-facts.com/History/The-Shortest-War-In-Recorded-History-Las/1271 the shortest war in history.[3] 3.Jump up ^ Editor-in-chief, Craig Glenday (2007), Guinness World Records 2008,
London: Guinness World Records, p. 118, ISBN 978-1-904994-19-0 . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Zanzibar_War The only war I could find in 1896 was the shortest war in human history lasting only 38 minutes. This shows the power
of dan over the earth and human behavior, and the accuracy of the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe book of Cosmogony and Prophecy
Chapter 7. - Peace and learning are both dan times, 480 / 48 = 10 harmonic division/multiple ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---^----------V-----------^-----------V---- = New Zodiac ---0----------11----------22----------33--- = Prophetic numbers --Dan--------A'ji---------Dan---------A'ji- = Light, darkness cycles 11 year, 22 year dan, a'ji cycles - Oahspe
Book of Jehovih: Chapter II: 5. For the substance of My etherean worlds I created Ethe, the
MOST RARIFIED. Out of ethe made I them. And I made ethe the most subtle of all created things, and gave to
it power and place, not only by itself, but also power to penetrate and exist within all things, even in the midst
of the corporeal worlds. And to ethe gave I dominion over both atmospherea and corpor. 6. In the ALL
HIGHEST places created I the etherean worlds, and I fashioned them of all shapes and sizes, similar to My corporeal worlds.
But I made the etherean worlds inhabitable both within and without, with entrances and exits, in arches and curves
[etherean arcs], thousands of miles high and wide, and overruled I them with ALL PERFECT mechanism; and in colors
and movable chasms and mountains in endless change and brilliancy. To them I gave motions, and orbits and courses of their
own; independent made I them, and above all other worlds in potency and majesty. 7. Neither created
I one etherean world like another in size or density or in component parts, but everyone differing
from another, and with a glory matchless each in its way. Ethe regions in space differ in density.
Different degrees of density and component parts of etherean worlds stimulate different mortal behavior and manifestations,
this accounts for the different words on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate in the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 7. 48
peace, 1000 peace, represent a very high rarified degree of etherean light (dan). 90 learning, and 750
learning also represents a very high rarified degree of etherean light (dan). 88 worship, 16 worship, 50
arbitration, 20 arbitration, are assoicated with less rarified and more dense (opaque) degree of
etherean light. A'ji regions are associated with greater degrees of density (darkness) than etherean light, and the numbers
20, 30, 36, 66, 99, 280, 666, 999, war and 408 destruction, and sometimes epidemics along with ji'ay. ___________________________________________________________
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VII: 4.
It is not the place of a prophet to answer these things by the accusation of ignorance or war. The prophet must account for
that tendency in man to fall into ignorance and into war. In other words, he must find the cause of causes. 5. At certain
periods of time, for hundreds of years, nations have dwelt in peace, and have risen in virtue; then turned to war within themselves
and gone down in death. 6. The prophets of old divided time into cycles of three thousand years, with slight variations.
And they found that at such periods of time, some certain impulse came upon the people, causing them to try to be better and
wiser. Even as the same feeling is this day manifesting itself in many nations. 7. The scale then riseth for four hundred
years, more or less; and, after that, wars and epidemics come upon the people. ...Then followeth a darkness of one thousand
or more years, with slight intermissions. - Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII: 11. Let the
student compare the Faithists of Capilya in India with the Cojuans of the same country; and the Faithists of Moses in
Egupt with the Eguptians of the same country. The Faithists of both countries advanced, but their persecutors both went
down to destruction. The peace of the Faithists held four hundred years; and then both peoples began to choose
kings, which was followed by nine hundred and ninety years of darkness. - compare...Faithists of Moses in Egupt
with the Eguptians of the same country... advanced... peace of the Faithists held four hundred years... then
both peoples began to choose kings, which was followed by nine hundred and ninety years of darkness - Ancient Egyptian
Timeline - 1504 - 1492 BC Thutmose I begins military campaigns 1380 BC Building of the Temple of Luxor by
Amenhotep III 1367 - 1350 BC Rule of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton) - changed from a polytheism to a monotheistic society
1336 - 1327 BC Reign of Tutankhamon 19th Dynasty (1295-1186) Seti I restored many monuments. His temple at
Abydos has some of the most superior carved wall relief. Many battles and treaties were written between Egypt and Asiatic
powers. 1279 - 1213 BC Ramses II begins building projects - including his mortuary temple The Ramesseum (on the West
Bank near Luxor) 20th Dynasty (1186-1069) Setakht restored order to the country. Ramesses III was one of
the greatest kings. 1186 - 1089 BC Royal Tombs in the Valley of the Kings plundered 21st Dynasty (1070-945)
The kings weakened, and Egypt was no longer a world power. Civil war and foreign invaders tore Egypt apart. The
capital moved from Tanis to Libyan, to Nubia, to Thebes, to Sais, and then back to Nubia and Thebes. 1069 BC Civil War
http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0210200/ancient_egypt/timeline.htm - Egypt conquers Kush (c. 1500 B.C.)>br> Queen Hatshepsut rules Egypt (c. 1490 B.C.) Egypt reaches
greatest extent under Tuthmosis III (c. 1469 B.C.) Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton, 1367 B.C.-1350 B.C.) institutes monotheism
in Egypt Egyptian capital moved to El Amarna (c. 1363 B.C.) reign of Tutankhamon (c. 1350 - 1341 B.C.) Egyptian
army halted at Qadesh by the Hittites (1285 B.C.) Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt (c. 1280 B.C.) peace
treaty between Egypt and the Hittites (c. 1269 B.C.) invasion of the Sea Peoples halted by Merenptah (c. 1218 B.C.)
invasion of the "Sea Peoples" halted by Ramesses III (c. 1180 B.C.) 1000 B.C http://sarissa.org/egypt/egypt_t.php ------- 1492 - 1069 = 423 years of peace except for Egyptian army halted at Qadesh by the Hittites
(1285 B.C.) ended in peace treaty between Egypt and the Hittites (c. 1269 B.C.). Oldest surviving international
peace treaty in history. - peace of the Faithists [Eguptians] held four hundred years; Egupt
advanced: changed from a polytheism to a monotheistic society temple at Abydos has some of the most superior carved
wall relief. begins building projects - including mortuary temple The Ramesseum (on the West Bank near Luxor) restored order to the country. - 1490 B.C - 1070 B.C = warm dan period (1552 dawn, 1352 200 dan, 1152 400 dan). Refer to Climate Cycle chart in Geology Chapter on this website for dates beyond 600 B.C. to 2,500 B.C. ____________________________________________ A time-line of ancient India 1600 BC: Indo-Aryans invade India from the west and expel the Dravidians
1500 BC: religious texts are written in Vedic, an Indo-European language 1100 BC: the Indo-Aryans use iron tools
1000 BC: the Rig-Veda are composed 900 BC: Indo-Aryans invade the Ganges Valley http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/indians.html - 1500 BCE The Indus Valley is invaded by Aryans - nomadic northerners from central Asia. c. 1000 BCE The Aryans expand into the Ganges valley in India. http://www.fsmitha.com/h1/ch05kyber.htm/ - 1500 BC - 1000 BC = 500+ years of peace peace of the Faithists [in
India] held four hundred years [plus]; advanced... 1500 BC: religious texts are written in Vedic, an Indo-European
language 1100 BC: the Indo-Aryans use iron tools 1000 BC: the Rig-Veda are composed followed by nine hundred
and ninety years of darkness. 900 BC: Indo-Aryans invade the Ganges Valley 700 BC: the caste system emerges, with
the Brahman priests at the top - 1500 BC - 1000-900 BC = warm dan period (1552 dawn, 1352 200 dan, 1152 400 dan,
952 600 dan). Refer to Climate Cycle chart in Geology Chapter of this website for dates beyond 600 B.C. to 2,500 B.C. - Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part 2: 32. Yes, I have measured the stars in Your firmament,... 33. I have measured the light and computed the time of its coming, |1503| and lo, they have also existed
for millions of years. 1503 i.e., computed how long it took the light to "travel" from
star(s) to the earth http://oahspestandardedition.com/OSE_37a.html - The Andromeda Galaxy is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light-years (2.4×1019
km) from Earth[4]...Also known as Messier 31, M31... The 2006 observations by the Spitzer Space Telescope
revealed that M31 contains one trillion (1012) stars:[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andromeda_Galaxy - Light-speed = Dan = c = in vacuum (ethe) Sound-speed = a'ji = mach = in atmosphere Speed of light /
speed of sound at sea level = 880919.09x = ethe / a'ji ratio - Speed of Light encoded into the prophetic table of
Orachnebuahgalah Plate 48 of Oahspe. 880991.09 / 400 = 2202.4777 2202.4777 / 100 = 22.02 400 year Dan/Mayan
Baktun and 22 year solar/galactic rays cycle 100 = ethe 1848 + 22 = 1870 Newbrough visited by angels, begins purification 1848 + 400 = 2248 = End of Beast religions on earth, Dan, Harvest The Baktun
Mayan Calendar and the Heavenly Calendar of the Angels ... year periods called Katuns and 400 year periods
(144,000 days long) called Baktuns. - 880991.09 / 999 = 881.80089 ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate 48 of Oahspe , 99, 88, 999 = war 1848 + 99 =
1947 = Cold War begins, Mandatory Palestine Civil War, - 880991.09 / 666 = 1322.7013 ORACHNEBUAHGALAH Plate
48 of Oahspe, 666, = war, a'ji 1322.7013 / 10 = 132.27013 1848 + 132 = 1980 = Iran-Iraq war, 10 year, longest conventional
war 20th century. First year of multiple AIDS cases in the U.S. - CEVORKUM is the sub-galactic orbit of our solar-system Encoded ratio of CEVORKUM to Light-speed in Oahspe 4,700,000 (CEVORKUM) / 880991.09 (c/mach) = 5.3 CEVORKUM/Light-speed
= radius of 33.3 circumference. 33.3 circumference = harmonic multiple of 11.1, 22.2, cycles and prophetic numbers. 5.3
radius (center) x 2 = 10.6 (diameter) x 3.14159 (Pi) = 33.3 = harmonic multiple of 11.1, and 22.2. Oahspe Book of Cosmogony
and Prophecy Chapter 3:14 (3.14, Pi), first rule of prophecy 33 (33.3) divided by second rule of prophecy 11 (10.6) = 3.14
(Pi). - 5.0 = Center, balance, Polaris, radius 5.0-5.3 fluctuation, oscillation, due to aphelion and perihelion
of polestar. Golden ratio x PI(n) = 5.083 = 1.618 x 3.1415926 - Notice the speed of light unit or ratio (based on the universal relationship of light to sound or c/mach) of 880919.09
divided by 10000 = 88.0 88 is a harmonic multiple of 11, the second rule in prophecy. 11 x 8 = 88, 8 is a octave,
or 8 x (cycles) per second which is a Schuman Resonance. - Encoded mathematical prophecy of: 880991.09
= the speed of light / speed of sound at sea level - 8\= 88 = 8 x 11 8/ 0 9\ = 99 = 9 x 11 9/ 1 - 1848 + 99 = 1947 On October 14, 1947, Chuck Yeager broke the speed of sound 880991 = 2 separate
harmonic multiples of 11 880 / 11 = 80 991 / 11 = 90.0909 880991.09 The speed of
light to speed of sound has a harmonic relationship to the geomagnetic, solar, and galactic cyclic numbers (11, 22), the prophetic
numbers (11, 33, 99) mentioned in Oahspe's Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy and the numbers on the Orachnebuahgalah plate (88,
99) and to Cevorkum (4,700,000), and the mathematical formula Circumference = radius^2 x PI(3.14159). - The trigonometric functions rely on angles, and <----22 year galactic radiation cycle waveMathematics of Circular
Motion The speed of an object moving in a circle is given by the following
equation.  - This wave pattern occurs often in nature, including ocean waves, sound waves, and light waves. A cosine wave is said to be "sinusoidal", because which is also a sine wave with a phase-shift of π/2. Because of this "head start", it is often said that the cosine function leads the sine function or the sine lags the cosine. Illustrating the cosine wave's fundamental relationship
to the circle.
The Arab Spring begins during cold down-spike period (a'ji). The Arab Spring (Arabic:
الربيع العربي, ar-rabīˁ al-ˁarabī)
is a term for the revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests (both non-violent and violent), riots, and civil wars
in the Arab world that began on 18 December 2010. To date, rulers have been forced from power in Tunisia,[1] Egypt (twice),[2]
Libya,[3] and Yemen;[4] civil uprisings have erupted in Bahrain[5] and Syria;[6] major protests have broken out in Algeria,[7]
Iraq,[8] Jordan,[9] Kuwait,[10] Morocco,[11] and Sudan;[12] and minor protests have occurred in Mauritania,[13] Oman,[14]
Saudi Arabia,[15] Djibouti,[16] Western Sahara,[17] and the Palestinian Authority. Related events outside of the Arab
World included protests in Iranian Khuzestan by the Arab minority in April 2011[18] and border clashes in Israel in May 2011.[19] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Spring The start of on The Arab Spring on 18 December 2010 was a cold down-spike a'ji period cold down-spike
a'ji period from late 2010 to early 2011. http://www.studyofoahspe.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/Global-2002-2011.jpg.w560h357.jpg - - Oahspe Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII:
3. And he gave the times of Jehovih...and
the seven and a half
times of the vortices of the stars, so that the seasons might be foretold, ... YHWH or JHVH =
Jehovih = E-O-IH = 9-8-5. 360 degrees of a circle
= vortices of the stars. 9x8x5 x 7.575 = 2727 (C'vorkum light-years, 1600 arc seasons
or cycles). vortices of the stars = sub-galactic vortices or orbits of the Sun and Polaris. - 0.0005681 light-years x 116 = 0.06589
light-years travel in 116 years x 1000 = 65.89 65.89 = rounded to 66 on Orachnebuahgalah plate (66 war, a'ji 66). --------------------------------------------- 10 / 48 = 0.2083 0.048 x 0.2083 = 0.0099 (rounded to 0.010) 0.0477 x 0.2083 = 0.00993 (rounded to 0.010) 0.010 x 1000 = 10 on Orachnebuahgalah - 3000 / 19 = 157.8947 1.7043 / 157.8947 = 0.010 0.010 x 1000 = = 10 on Orachnebuahgalah 10 checks
out with base calculation --------------------------------------------------- 159 / 84 = 1.8928, 0.048 x 1.8928
= 0.090 x 1000 = 90 on Orachnebuahgalh 0.0477 x 1.8928 = 0.0902 = 0.090 90 checks out with base calculation ---------------------------------------------------- 155 / 84 = 1.8452, 0.048 x 1.8452 = 0.088 x 1000 = 88 on
Orachnebuahgalah 0.0477 x 1.8452 = 0.08801 = 0.088 88 checks out with base calculation
- From: Susan Martinez To: James Michael Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2015 Subject: Re: Hidden mathematical astronomical code to prophecy
discovered in 2014 "this is amazing,
mike keep up the good work can't say I understand
it all, but it looks consistent!" ------- Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter I: 35...But that which is called light is polarity of corporeal needles in solution, caused by the lines of vortexya. In experiments on earth, the
flash requireth a certain time to polarize these infinitesimal needles, and for convenience sake such lapse of time is called
the travel of light.[Speed of polarization of corporeal needles in solution. Light is polarized state, once polarized
there is no travel or speed to Light, but to go from unpolarized darkness or confusion to polarized light takes a certain
time and that lapse of time is the constant C speed of polarization which scientist call the speed or travel of light] - 1
light-year = 5.87849981 × 10 to the 12 miles . light-year = time to
polarize infinitesimal needles in solution over a distance of 5.87849981 × 10 to the 12 miles. light-year
= time to go from unpolarized darkness or confusion to polarized light, to polarize the adjacent area of space then the next
area of space etc...so on for a distance of 5.87849981 × 10 to the 12 miles. 1.04117 light-year = 9.85001836 × 10
to the 15 meters . - 1.04117
light-years = 9.85001836 × 10 to the 15 meters . 1.0 + 411 + 7 light-years
= 9.85 + 00 + 1836 x 10 to the 15 meters 400 (dan-baktun) + 11 (2nd rule of prophecy) = 411 7 = completion, 00 = Ciper ethe'ic wave Dan (light), 1836 = Proton-to-electron mass ratio, 3.14
(pi) x 3.14 = 9.85 (first 3 primary numbers) circumference = E-O-IH 1 = unity, 10 = cipher and
unity, 15 = 22 - 7 (22/7 pi) ------------------------------------------------------------- Top Search Keyphrases for studyofoahspe.com 10/22/2015.
"A large section of the
"inspired" book Oahspe is devoted to a complete explanation of a supposedly ancient language
known as Panic (language of Pan, a lost
continent), complete with vocabulary and written symbols. It appears to be a combination of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, American Indian, and Chinese." - ufo researcher John
Keel - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The solar and moon cycles are not the same, just as the
etherean arc cycles and the astrological zodiac ages (cycles) are not the same: average etherean arc
cycle = 3000 years (some 2,400, some 3,600) average zodiac age cycle = 2,160 years. If you count time by zodiac cycles you will get a different number than if you count
time by arc cycles. The arc cycles are the MASTER cycles, the zodiac cycles are the MINOR cycles. Likewise if you count years by lunar cycles you will get a differnt
number than if you count years by solar cycles. The Solar years are the MASTER cycles, and LUNAR years are the MINOR cycles. - June 21, 2015 on June 20, 2015 at 10:34 PM, updated June 20, 2015 at 10:35 PM. The summer solstice 2015
has arrived -- the first day of summer. And, Sunday, June 21, 2015 is the longest day of the year. Jun 20, 2015 https://www.google.com/#q=longest+day+of+the+year+2015 June Solstice (Summer Solstice) is on Monday, June 20, 2016 at 6:34 PM in Toronto. This day is 6 hours, 31 minutes longer than on December Solstice. In most locations north of Equator,
the longest day of the year is around this date. Earliest sunrise is on June 14 or June 15. https://www.google.com/#q=longest+day+of+the+year+2015+sunrise+sunset longest day of the year 2015 = June 20,
2015 longest day of the year 2016 = June
20, 2016 From June 20, 2015 to June 20, 2016 = 1 solar
year. How many days are there between two dates? Date 1: June 20, 2015 Date 2: June 20, 2016 PLANETCALC PLANETCALC Calculate 366 Days: http://planetcalc.com/274/ 366 days (average 365.25 for solar year) agrees with
Oahspe: Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VII: 18. ..Thus, the moon's time is 18, the
earth's 365, the earth's time = the time
it takes for the earth to orbit in a circumference around the sun = 365.25 days = 1 solar year. The sun is in the CENTER of the MASTER vortex so the solar year on earth = the MASTER
year, the lunar (moon) year of 354 and 355 days is the MINOR year on earth. - December Solstice
(Winter Solstice) is on Wednesday, December 21, 2016
at 2:44 AM in Los Angeles. This day is 4 hours, 33 minutes shorter
than on June Solstice. In most locations north of Equator, the shortest day of the year is around this date.
Earliest sunset is on December 3 or December 4. https://www.google.com/#q=shortest+day+of+the+year+2015+sunrise+sunset shortest day of the year 2015 = Tuesday, December 22 Winter Solstice 2015 https://www.google.com/#q=shortest+day+of+the+year+2015 shortest day of the year 2016 = Wednesday, December 21 Winter Solstice 2016 https://www.google.com/#q=shortest+day+of+the+year+2016 shortest day of the year 2015 = December
22, 2015 shortest day of the year 2016 =
December 21, 2016 How many days are there between two dates? Date 1: December 22, 2015 Date 2: December 21,
2016 PLANETCALC PLANETCALC Calculate 365 Days: http://planetcalc.com/274/ 365 days (average 365.25 for solar year) agrees with
Oahspe: Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VII: 18. ..Thus, the moon's time is 18, the
earth's 365,

Above animation shows the travel
of the solar system through galactic nebulous space. 
Above arrow vector ----------> shows direction of travel in galactic space and time. 
As the earth and solar system travels it goes through cycles of warm (dan) and cold (a'ji) as the graph above (red line) shows Kosmon Dawn (1848) 1st (33
years) 2nd (11 years) and 3rd (99 years) rules of prophecy. Notice since the start of this Kosmon cycle (1848) the 11th year (1859), and the 33rd year (1881), and the 99th year (1947)
are oscillation warm spikes. These oscillation warm spikes match the oscillations of the Solar phalanx (solar system) for the
Kosmon cycle shown on the plate below from Oahspe. From this we can predict the future and say the 200th year
(2048) of the Kosmon cycle should be a warm spike oscillation year. As the
earth and solar system travels it goes through regions of light
(dan) and darkness (a'ji). 
Above plate from Oahspe shows direction and velocity of travel ----> of the solar system around the
North Star (Polaris) the center and geometric radius of Cevorkum (C'vorkum). Above plate also shows oscillations, cycles,
and mathematical rules of prophecy (11,33,99,200) of the travel of the solar system through nebulous galactic regions.
This velocity and travel of the earth (AH)
and solar system through nebulous (NEBU) galactic (GALAH) regions is as an oracle (ORACH) to the spiritually and mathematically gifted students of the
ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe as Tae would
prove. If you are driving down
interstate 10 at 70 mph (velocity) and you know the next city is 100 miles away you can predict when you will be in the next city based on mathematics. "Let my mathematicians calculate the time when these things shall be" - Oahspe Book of Fragapatti
Chapter 21:22 OAHSPE: Book of Fragapatti CHAPTER I: 6. And then they overhauled the earth's
history, these Gods and Goddesses; measured her course to learn
just when she would pass; and they found five years and fifty days would be her dawn of dan, her time to cross the arc of Aza. And as yet she roamed two hundred years away. Past and future Oracle (ORACH) events on Earth (AH) are related to the travel of the solar system through nebulous (NEBU) galactic (GALAH)
regions = ORACHNEBUAHGALAH. A connection between cold a'ji periods and
the travel of the earth and solar system through the galaxy. "terrestrial climate change and Galactic spiral arm transit". In recent years
there have been suggestions of a strong correlation between
spiral-arm passages of the Sun in its orbit around the Galaxy and changes in the terrestrial climate.
This connection has been based on a statistical association of spiral-arm passages with the timing of ice ages ...... 1.
Ice Age Epochs and Milky Way Spiral Arm Passages:
By Nir Shaviv, Thu, 2006-03-30 00:45 http://www.sciencebits.com/ice-ages Nir Shaviv is an Associate Professor at the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Nir_Shaviv Ice ages linked to galactic position / Study finds Earth
may be cooled by movement through Milky Way's stellar clouds ...But new research suggests the coming and going of major
ice ages might result partly from our solar
system's passage through immense, snakelike clouds of exploding stars in the Milky Way galaxy. http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Ice-ages-linked-to-galactic-position-Study-2620619.php OAHSPE BOOK OF SAPHAH chapter OSIRIS verse 56: A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. There are places in the firmament of heaven...Arji
(Poit). When the earth passeth through A'ji
(Panic), it aggregateth and groweth. An abundance of Dar'ji
in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth. - "ice ages might result partly from our solar system's passage through immense, snakelike
clouds" = cold periods on earth caused by the solar system passing through nebulous (a'ji) regions in the spiral structure
of the galaxy. This was stated
in Oahspe over 100 years earlier. The earth and the solar system is traveling through space around the galaxy at a constant rate of speed, as the solar system travels it passes through different regions of space, the different regions of space contain certain chemical composition and different degrees of density, the chemical composition of space and the different degrees of density have an effect on man (just like alcohol does) and the climate of the earth, warm and cold, light and darkness. All life needs light and darkness to grow and develop, like a seed in the dark earth grows toward the light, and like a fetus develops in the darkness of the womb before coming out to the light. Man needs alternating periods of light and darkness to survive and develop. The different degrees of density and regions of space are a'ji and dan. a'ji brings a cold year to the earth, and has an effect on man that makes him more aggressive and war-like. A'ji is like nebula, and the reason a'ji brings a cold year to the earth is because there are some very cold nebulous regions in space, and when the earth passes through these cold nebulous regions the global temperature of the earth drops, these cold regions are also called dense molecular clouds. The nebulae and dense molecular clouds contain all the chemical compositions found here on earth and then some. The number of dan (ethe) or light is 100 or 99 (99 percent or 100% light or spirit). The number of physical matter (corpor) is 0 (0% light or spirit). A'ji is 2/3 corpor and 1/3 ethe or light, and it's number is 2/3 or .66 or .666 (66 or 666) the number of the beast or darkness. Another nebulous substance called Ji'ay is 2/3 ethe (light) and 1/3 corpor (physical matter) and it's number is also 2/3 or .66 or .666. Man, space and time (cycles and seasons) are divided into two main parts 1/3 and 2/3 or 33 and 66. The sub-galactic orbit of the solar system is called C'vorkum or Cevorkum and it contains 1600 arc cycles of a circle or circuit (orbit). The ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate or chart shows the travel of the earth and the solar system in it's sub-galactic orbit, passing through regions of light and darkness of different degrees of density, with numbers and words, the numbers represent years on earth, and the words represent what mankind on earth will encounter during that year. The numbers and words are prophetic like an Oracle just like you can predict when you will be in the next city traveling on a freeway at a certain constant speed. The ORACHNEBUAHGALAH and C'vorkum is the big picture and plan of the Creator for Mankind on earth. It is meant for this time, this current Cosmic cycle (Kosmon, beginning in 1848). The ORACHNEBUAHGALAH (meaning Oracle-Nebula-earth-Galaxy) and C'vorkum is like the last complete revelation, the 7th seal unsealed, that was sealed up until the end. The Mysterious plan of God the Creator (who would know about the travel of the solar system around the galaxy because He Planed it and created it). God the Creator works in mysterious ways,but has revealed his ways to mankind through John Ballou Newbrough in Oahspe in 1881 (the 33rd year of the Kosmon cycle). The first rule of prophecy is 33, the second rule of prophecy is 11, and the 3rd rule of prophecy is 99-100, cycles come in harmonics of 3 (3x or 1/3 according to the scientific authors of The Unified Cycle Theory and The Universal Cycle Theory). The Parent cycle is 3x the Child cycle, and the Child cycle is 1/3 the Parent Cycle. The sacred name of the Creator in in 3 parts, E-O-IH, representing3 infinite attributes of Power, Harmony, and Balance, when converted to single digit numbers E-O-IH is 9-8-5. 9+8+5 = 22 (the 22 of pi fraction 22/7 which is the circumference of a circle). The Circle represents the Creator
which has no beginning and no ending. The diameter
represents a beginning and ending (start and finish line points). 9x8x5
= 360 degrees of a circle, the circumference of a circle. Jehovih the
Creator is represented by the circumference of a circle. 9x8x5 = 360, 9/8/5
= 0.225, 360 product divided by 0.225 quotient = 1600 arcs of a circle (the
1600 arc cycles of C'vorkum), which equals the circumference of a circle again. On the Orachnebuahgalah plate there is the number 66 and the words a'ji, 66 = 66 years, a'ji brings a cold year to the earth, and in the years of a'ji mortals become warriors. 66 years added to 1848 (start of current arc cycle) = 1914 the start of World war I and in 1914 the global temperature of the earth was below normal (a sign of a'ji). So the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate was able to predict war and below normal cold for the earth in 1914. Several other numbers on the Orachnebuahgalah plate have proved to be accurate in foretelling the future like an oracle.More of Oahspe - Angelfire and a'ji, the time of wars ...When the earth passeth through A'ji (Panic), it aggregateth and
groweth. An abundance of Dar'ji (Kii) in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth. In the years of Ar'ji mortals become warriors Those who are week (of low grade) become warriors. ... And yet mortals saw not
the a'ji; saw their cities and temples as it were, sinking in the ground; but they
...' Effect of a'ji
like a man drinking wine (alcohol): Oahspe Book of Divinity XV: 9. ...And when it is thus receiving,
it is called the time of a'ji, because that which
falleth (condenseth) is aji. 10. When a'ji cometh upon the earth, the drujas come also. ...A'ji is their delight; but they are also like a foolish man drinking wine
with delight, who continueth till his delight turneth to madness.
So the drujas feast and disobey their masters; and then they
become boisterous and unruly, full of disorder and evil intent, ... Does alcohol really cause fights and arguments on a night out? Find out how alcohol... How alcohol can make us aggressive; Avoiding aggressive encounters. Jan
30, 2014 - Alcohol-related violence has been making headlines with increasing frequency, but not .... Then people became violent and started
fighting. .... So I also want to know if the type of alcohol you drink affects how you react? Feb 12, 2010 - Its like people drink it including myself and it makes you super aggresive and
there must be some sort of scientific reason for this? Does it ... You want to fight and have sex [Oahspe - Book of Divinity:
Chapter XIII: 17. So great was the power of a'ji
that even the I'hins oft broke their vows and
lived clandestinely with the world's people, begetting offspring
in great numbers, ...] Is there a chemical in it that makes you wanna fight? I mean im cool up till a ... Oct 26, 2012 - Why does alcohol lead to aggression and rage for
some, but not for others ... Want to know why? ... You hear of bar fights but cafe fights aren't so common! ... This captured my attention: There is a cloud of alcohol (ethyl alcohol –
the happy juice found in beer, wine, and spirits) floating in space. ... space
nebula. The discovery was made during a study of how stars begin. ... "It
seems the ethanol molecule is found in relatively high concentrations in regions where stars are  http://io9.com/5911365/how-alcohol-is-formed-naturally-in-space The Sagittarius B2 cloud has ten billion, billion, billion liters
of alcohol floating in it. Most of it is undrinkable, but there
are some of them are ethanol, which is drinkable by humans. Scientists still don't
know for sure why the booze is out there,
but they have a theory. Out of A'ghi maketh Jehovih a new world. Save your prophets
understand A'ji, they can not tell what the next year will be. Let man build
consecrated chambers - The clouds
of cold molecular and atomic hydrogen represent the raw material from which stars can be formed in
the disk of the galaxy.- When the earth passeth
through A'ji (Panic), it aggregateth and groweth. An abundance of
Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year
upon the earth (Kii). ..... Oahspe - Book of Jehovih: Chapter II. ... Of three degrees of density created I them, and I commanded man to name them, and one he called
A'ji, and one Ji'ay, and one Nebulæ. 9. But all of them are composed of the same substances, being A'JI. Semi-dark.
A dense region in etherea which
sometimes descends to the earth. A molecular cloud, sometimes called a stellar nursery (if star formation
is .... Their internal motions are governed by turbulence in
a cold, magnetized gas, for ... These stars are formed in the densest parts of the clouds. Molecular
clouds are very cold, having temperatures ranging
from about -440 to -370 degrees ... https://postimg.cc/sGBWVLqt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oahspe Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovih: Chapter
IX: 13. And the mathematicians
foretold the great cities and nations that would rise up; how this one and that one would
move to battle; how their great cities would fall in ruins and be covered up by falling nebulæ, and by denuding mountains
washing down upon them, so that even their remembrance should be lost. And yet, further on, the mathematicians foretold the coming of kosmon when the
ruined cities would be discovered and their histories deciphered by the su'is of man in Great Jehovih's hand. 14. And now when all these things were estimated, the prophets and mathematicians went before God according to the commandments
of the Lord, and they spake before God, Son of Jehovih, telling all these wonders. http://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah25.htm - Page 39 of TIME OF THE QUICKENING (2011) by Susan
B. Martinez, Ph.D.: "in both Egypt and Mesoamerica,
mathematician and seer alike stood as equals in the prophecy enterprise...one was trained to analyze data and
apply the prophetic numbers,... - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6w0K5FIgsU At 4:50 into video above, "Mathematics is a extra-sensory
perception organ...that allows us to look out at the universe..."[beyond our physical perception]. - S.
James Gates, Theoretical Physicist.
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