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From Selah Shalom Date:03/01/2015:
"you don't look like you in your 50th wow, you my elder, lol im 34".
2015 - 34 years = 1981.
Selah Shalom born in 1980 or 1981.
1980 or 1981 = warm upspike (dan).
Oahspe The Book of Judgment Chapter II:
9. Let no man concern himself as to whether it be the spirit of himself or an angel; for it is only the subject uttered which is of value. In this day all things shall stand on their own merit and not on a supposed authority.
13. It is wiser for the spiritual-minded to keep to themselves, especially when communing with Jehovih and His angels.
3. I am the living mathematics;
"the orach-nebu-ah-galah definition is incredible, how did that come about was it channeled?" - oahspe101, 01/19/2015. 
ORACH-NEBU-AH-GALAH is an Oracle (ORACH) science that is related to the travel of the Earth (AH) through Nebulous (NEBU) regions within the Galaxy (GALAH).
ORACHNEBUAHGALAH = Oracle, Nebula, Earth, Galaxy 
"The year 1848 is the date when the earth, in its travel through interplanetary space, entered a new cosmic cycle. It is a date which may be used with mathematical certainty in the interpretation of prophecy." - Page 171 CHAPTER XIV THE CREATOR'S CLOCK AND THE LAWS OF PERIODICITY, SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, 1941 - 1948 (1940) by Wing Anderson.
Knowledge of the Cosmic cycles are crucial, cyles are linked to prophecy and the order and living mathematics of the universe. The knowledge of cosmic cycles affecting the earth and mankind is one of the most important things in Oahspe that makes it different from the Bible and other holy books.
12. O that the prophets would apply my lessons of the past, in order to foretell the future.
When the real College of Prophecy/Children's colony occurs, the true prophets of that day will determine the correct calendar for scheduling the community activities in concert with the third resurrection. To date, none of the attempts to form a permanent colony have succeeded (which isn't to say the December 21 calendar they used was in itself, the problem).
By establishing the College of Prophecy (also known as the Children's Home, or a family, colony, commune or community of Faithists), and therein developing the senses of suis and ethe, will the confusion resulting from the various changes, revisions, omissions and imperfections of the current Oahspe texts be cleared up. For the true prophets (who will graduate from this college) will not only recover the complete original Oahspe from the libraries of heaven, but also write new revelations of their own, surpassing all others that have ever been.

Jim Velasques called this College an Academy or Etherean Community on earth.
Rules of Prophecy
Harmonics of 3 (1/3 or 3x)
Prophectic numbers:
1st rule = 33.3 years
2nd rule = 11.1 years
3rd rule = 99.9 years
4th rule = 3.7 years
66.6 = 2/3 rule of prophecy.
...two of the most important things about how the world works—cycles and fractals.


...A'ji, the third place (nebulous places in the firmament)... 

"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven" - ◄ Ecclesiastes 3:1 ► of the Bible.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII : 2. Ethe, being the time of light, is named dan; ji'ay, the time of fevers, epidemics, plagues; and a'ji the time of wars, dashing forth with power and grasping; ... 
Plate 32.--THE EARTH IN A'JI.------Plate 94.--ARC OF KOSMON (earth in dan'ha)
A'ji is a cold nebulous substance in outer-space that the earth periodicly passes through.
Dan is a warm light region in outer-space that the earth periodicly passes through.
A'ji stimulates man's physical attributes and desires, dan stimulates man's spiritual attributes and desires.
Above global climate chart shows the dawns of the Arc of Bon and Kosmon cycles Yellow box connected by green line.
Notice each arc cycle starts after the end of a cold period (blue) and at the start of a warm period (brown).
There are 3 major cold periods and 3 major warm periods within each arc cycle between Arc of Bon and Kosmon.
This is scientific global climate evidence that supports the Arc cycles information in Oahspe.

Northern hemisphere temperature reconstruction from proxies and simulations (Source: Australian Government)


Above agrees closely (see 1848 end of cold age and 1550 BC end of cold age) with below:

 Global temperature between 2500 B.C. and 2040 A.D.  Source: Created by A. Gosztom based on the illustration of L. Kordos



A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. There are places in the firmament of heaven...Arji (Poit). When the earth passeth through A'ji (Panic), it aggregateth and groweth. An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth. In the years of Ar'jon mortals became warriors.

...Save your prophets understand A'ji they cannot tell what the next year will be.
...interstellar gas and dust known as molecular clouds. These regions are extremely cold (temperature about 10 to 20K, just above absolute zero). At these temperatures, gases become molecular meaning that atoms bind together.
The deep cold also causes the gas to clump [aggregateth] to high densities.
Since the regions are dense, they are opaque to visible light and are known as dark nebula. Since they don't shine by optical light, we must use IR and radio telescopes to investigate them.
Dark Nebula:
The dark nebulae are clumps or clouds that become opaque because of their internal dust grains
Stars form inside relatively dense concentrations of interstellar gas and dust known as molecular clouds. These regions are extremely cold...known as dark nebula.
Thus, ether, the most rarified place; Ji'ay, the second place, less rarefied; A'ji, the third place (nebulous places in the firmament), and fourth, the corporeal worlds.
Out of A'ghi maketh Jehovih a new world.
A'ji is the cold dark densest clouds (nebula)
Stars form within the densest regions [a'ji] of the ISM, molecular clouds,
The three-phase model
Field, Goldsmith & Habing (1969) put forward the static two phase equilibrium model to explain the observed properties of the ISM. Their modeled ISM consisted of a cold dense phase (T < 300 K), consisting of clouds of neutral and molecular hydrogen [a'ji], and a warm intercloud phase (T ~ 104 K), consisting of rarefied neutral and ionized gas. McKee & Ostriker (1977) added a dynamic third phase that represented the very hot (T ~ 106 K) gas which had been shock heated by supernovae and constituted most of the volume of the ISM.
Oahspe and the Book of Saphah was correct and way ahead of its time when it said "Out of A'ghi maketh Jehovih a new world."
The advent of deep photographic imaging allowed Edward Barnard to produce the first images of dark nebulae silhouetted against the background star field of the galaxy, while the first actual detection of cold diffuse matter in interstellar space was made by Johannes Hartmann in 1904[5] through the use of absorption line spectroscopy.
[5] ^ Asimov, Isaac. Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (2nd ed.).
The first actual detection of cold diffuse matter in interstellar space was made by Johannes Hartmann in 1904, 23 years AFTER Oahspe associated A'ji with cold.

Above cycles of warm up-spikes (left) from 1905 to 1915 and normal heart beat rhythm, notice self-similarity and scaling.
Notice every 3 up-spikes is a large (parent) up-spike, with 2 smaller (child) up-spikes in-between, harmonics of 3 (1/3 and 3x).
Notice the harmonics of 3 parent-child up-spike cycles show up in the time frame from 1906 to 1915.
http://www.longrangeweather.com/1900ad.htm (temperature, climate cycles 1900-1950). 

Kosmon Dawn 1st 2nd 3rd rules of prophecy Dan Ti
images upload

Global climate heat cold cycles 1979 2014

Above (top) is NASA global (on the earth) climate (heat and cold) graph (red line is temperature), showing time-line from beginning (Dawn) of Kosmon cycle (1848), and the 2nd (1859), 1st (1881), and 3rd (1947) rules of prophecy. Notice all 4 were years of Dan (warm up-spike). The rules of prophecy and Dawns are times of Dan as shown above. The number of the beast (66) was a below average cold year (1914) and time of a'ji. The next prophetic Dan number was Gow 111 (1959) which was also a warm up-spike period (1957-1959). The next prophetic Dan (Gow) time mentioned in the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 7 is 200 (2048).
Oahspe's prophetic numbers match the reality of the NASA global climate graphs. An abundance of A'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth, Dan is the opposite of A'ji. Dan gives a warm year upon the earth. Oahspe's prophetic numbers written down in 1881 are exactly correct, even for the future of 1914 (66), and 1947 (99)The warm and cold rhythms of the climate cycles of Earth MATCH the prophetic numbers (rules of prophecy, rules of vortex'ya) of Oahspe. The below verse from Oahspe clearly predicts that Tae would study heat (warm) and cold climate cycles.
Oahspe - The Book of Knowledge Part IV:
8. And Tae perceived ...Tae classified cycles...and the wave of the Great Serpent [solar-system cycle] ....and he found that every thirty-third year was alike on the earth in heat and cold, and he discovered from these the nebulous regions within the vortex of the earth, ...[geomagnetic a'ji cycles]. Every 33rd year (singular) of the Kosmon cycle from 1848, 1881, 1947, 1980, and 2013, was alike on the earth (globally) in heat (warm up-spike or above average heat) the only exception was 1914 (the beast, a'ji, year 66, 2/3 ethe'ic wave - 2/3 3rd rule of prophecy) which was predicted by Oahspe (Orachnebuahgalah plate). The number 33 is associated with Dan in Oahspe. The number 66 is associated with A'ji in Oahspe. From 1848 to 2012 there was the same number (42) of major down-spikes in cold (a'ji) as there was major up-spikes in heat (dan) see Miscellaneous 3 chapter/page of this website 4/5 down from top, yet every 33rd year of Kosmon was a dan (warm up-spike) year except for the 66th year. This proves the information in Oahspe is true, that the number 33 is associated with a Dan cycle and the number 66 is associated with a A'ji cycle when you use 1848 as the baseThe first algorithm (set of rules to be followed in calculations) of prophecy is to add 33 to the base of 1848.
Oahspe Book of Aph Chapter 14:
3. ...So that there were allotted to these Lords' kingdoms thirty-three years for a resurrection, because thirty-three is the division of dan corresponding to one hundred dans to each cycle.
5. For the distance of the sea lay between these heavens; and the access could not be made in the diminutive light of thirty-three. Nevertheless, the Lord and his attendants maintained an etherean ship that enabled him to cross the sea at intervals of eleven years.
33 x 100 = 3300 years for one arc cycle. 100 33 year dans of light for each arc cycle.
Man's behavior inclining to one (33) or the other (66), and they correspond to the vortexian currents of the earth (heat and cold).

Nikola Tesla said "“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”

3-6-9 = Vortex Pyramid Triangle = 33-66-99 = Man-Beast-Ethe'ic Wave = 1/3-2/3-3/3 = .33-.66-.99 = Dan-A'ji-Whole Cycle .

...the way you explain the 99-66-33 with the vortex....incredible - oahspe101, 01/19/2015.

Why Tesla said 3,6,9 was the key to the universe is because 3,6,9, the cyclic rhythm of the universe is in harmonics of 3 (Tri), or 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 which is a manifestation of the Divine E-O-IH (Triune, 3 Infinite attributes in One).

[reading from the sacred scroll] Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. - Planet of the Apes, Rod Serling, 1968. 
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII:
7. Consequently the two most important periods for the prophet's consideration come within thirty-three and sixty-six, or, as they of old said, man and beast. In which measure man is divided into two parts (man and beast), and there is ever a percentage in his behavior inclining to one or the other, and they correspond to the vortexian currents of the earth.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter III:
11. As light, and heat, and magnetism, and electricity, are all one and the same thing, which are the manifestation of vortexian currents under different conditions,...
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII:
7. Consequently the two most important periods for the prophet's consideration come within thirty-three and sixty-six, or, as they of old said, man and beast. In which measure man is divided into two parts (man and beast), and there is ever a percentage in his behavior inclining to one or the other, and they correspond to the vortexian currents of the earth.

(See Oahspe Book of Cosmogony) The numbers of the beast shall be sixty-six, and six hundred and sixty-six, and the parts thereof. Because in the coil of the cycle, behold the distances are two thirds of a circle.

Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666. - Revelation 13:18
The genetic threshold of everlasting life is 1/3 Angel and 2/3 animal man (Asu) the mark of the beast is 2/3 or 666 of a thousand (credit Jim Dennon).
The mark of the beast is the mark of Cain the Druk, the warrior, the killer, the conqueror,  the conquistador, the enforced religion.
33 = spiritual dan and 66 = a'ji beast, 33 = 1/3 and 66 = 2/3 + 1/3 = 1 man.
The center of 33.3 and 66.6 is 50 (half of man). Man divided in two equal parts = 50-50 the center of 33.3 and 66.6.
The top half of man (see image above) is closer to the 33.3, the bottom half of man is closer to the 66.6.
"man is divided into two parts (man and beast)" = I'hin-Angels (man) and A'su-Druks (beast).
man is divided into two parts genetically (Angels and A'su).
(See Oahspe Book of Cosmogony) The numbers of the beast shall be sixty-six, and six hundred and sixty-six, and the parts thereof. Because in the coil of the cycle, behold the distances are two thirds of a circle.
2/3 = .666 of a thousand or .66 of a hundred.
Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter VII: 18 the number 666 (mark of the beast ) is associated with the word Foe:
an enemy or opponent.
enemy · adversary · opponent · rival · nemesis · antagonist · combatant · [more] 
https://www.bing.com/search?q=foe+definition  666 = Foe = enemy or adversary or adverse effect.
"Without a foe a soldier never knows his strength, and thought must be developed by the exercise of strength. And so this carnal nature soon became a foe that man must fight, that he might be the strength of God made manifest.” - The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Dowling, Levi H


The I'huan was the first modern race of man to survive to Kosmon.

The I'huan was the first BALANCED race of man, physically tall, strong, swift AND spiritually

and intellectually capable, being a 50-50 cross between the I'hin (underdeveloped physically)

and the Druk (underdeveloped spiritually-intellectually). The average genetic ratio of the I'huans

was 62.5% Asu DNA to 37.5% Angel DNA, which is 62.5/37.5 = 1.6 the same ratio as the two

fibonacci numbers 5/3 or the Golden ratio or Golden mean, the living mathematical

Fibonacci ratio found throughout nature.

62% Asu / 38% Sethantes angel hosts (who had died in infancy or fetal on other planets) =

1.63 Golden Ratio or 13/8 or 8/5 Fibonacci ratio found in the Human I'huan race (Homo sapiens),

DNA strands, nautilus shells, flower petals, leaf arrangement in plants, ram's horns, hurricanes,

and spiral galaxy arms.


Mathematics › Golden Ratio Phi Digits 1.61803....


1618 (first 4 digits of phi the golden ratio).

First appearances of 1618 in the first 1000000 decimals digits of phi.

↑↓       ↑↓

1              3940

66           666810

101         999232



1618 appeared for the 1st time at 3940 decimal digits of phi.
1618 appeared for the 66th time at 666810 decimal digits of phi.

The number 33 represents the spiritual (dan, light, warmth). The number 66 represents the physical, (a'ji, semi-darkness, cold).
The center of 33.3 and 66.6 is 50 (half of man). Man divided in two equal parts = 50-50 the center of 33.3 and 66.6.
Charles Alexander Eastman was a Santee Dakota physician educated at Boston University, writer, national lecturer, and reformer. In the early 20th century, he was "one of the most prolific authors and speakers on Sioux ethnohistory and American Indian affairs." Eastman was of Santee Dakota, English and French ancestry. Wikipedia

Vortex Triangle 3 6 9

360 “degrees” in a circle ...360 can be equally divided (with the quotient being a whole integer) by 10 of the first 12 numbers (whereas 100, for example, can only be equally divided by 5 of the first 12 numbers).  To illustrate this, consider the following table:
Number--100 / Number--360 / Number    
This may not appear to be of overriding importance, but a society -- ancient and otherwise -- which does not have ready access to hand-held computers might have found this to be of singular importance and ease.  There is also a curious connection to the number 9.
There is a proliferation of 9’s which keep cropping up in the 360 degree circle -- as well as 3’s and 6’s, the natural components of 9.
The number 360 is composed of the numbers 3-6-9. 3 and 6 are the first two numbers of 360, and 3+6+0 = 9.
3-6-9 = 33-66-99 of the vortex circle of the cosmic cycles.

Nikola Tesla once said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration". 
Electromagnetic Waves are typically described by any of the following three physical properties: the Frequency (f), Wavelength (λ), or Photon Energy (E).
He probably meant what De Broglie meant..everything in this world around us has wave nature associated with it.
As with any waves, there exists energy, frequency and indeed vibration.
"In the wave lies the secret of creation." - Walter Russell
Frequency = vortex motion = cycles, numbers. 

A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. There are places in the firmament of heaven...Arji (Poit). When the earth passeth through A'ji (Panic), it aggregateth and groweth. An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth. In the years of Ar'jon mortals became warriors.
...Save your prophets understand A'ji they cannot tell what the next year will be.


Picture above shows the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH (Oracle-Nebula-Earth-Galaxy) plate of Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 7. On the plate you see the words and numbers 66 war and a'ji 66. Add 66 years to the start (dawn) of Kosmon you get 1848 + 66 = 1914. Next to the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate you see NASA climate data for 1900-1915. Notice that in the 66th year of our present Kosmon cycle the global temperature of the earth was below normal, this was because the earth was passing through a region of a'ji in space, and a'ji brings a cold year upon the earth. In the years of A'ji mortals became warriors, in 1914 the mortals went to war (World War I). This was predicted like an Oracle on the ORACH-NEBU-AH-GALAH plate.
Above: Fig.5.15 - Variation in terrestrial magnetism from page 64 of Cycles - the science of prediction by Edward R. Dewey and Edwin F. Dakin. 1914 was a down-spike year which matches 66 war and a'ji 66 on the Orachnebuahgalah plate of Oahspe (1848 + 66 = 1914). 1848 and 1881-1882 were up-spike years (matches times of dawn and dan).
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter III:
11. As light, and heat, and magnetism, ...are all ...the manifestation of vortexian currents under different conditions,...
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VIII:
7. ...In which measure man is divided into two parts (man and beast), and there is ever a percentage in his behavior inclining to one or the other, and they correspond to the vortexian currents of the earth.
vortexian currents of the earth =  terrestrial magnetism.
Past and future Oracle (ORACH) events on Earth (AH) are related to the travel of the solar system through nebulous (NEBU) galactic (GALAH) regions = ORACHNEBUAHGALAH. Below is solar-system (Sun) traveling through nebulous (local cloud) region of galaxy:
A connection between cold a'ji periods and the travel of the earth and solar system through the galaxy.
"terrestrial climate change and Galactic spiral arm transit".
In recent years there have been suggestions of a strong correlation between
spiral-arm passages of the Sun in its orbit around the Galaxy and changes in the
terrestrial climate
. This connection has been based on a statistical association of spiral-arm passages with the timing of ice ages ......
1. Ice Age Epochs and Milky Way Spiral Arm Passages:
By Nir Shaviv, Thu, 2006-03-30 00:45
Nir Shaviv is an Associate Professor at the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Ice ages linked to galactic position / Study finds Earth may be cooled by movement through Milky Way's stellar clouds
...But new research suggests the coming and going of major ice ages might result partly from our solar system's passage through immense, snakelike clouds of exploding stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. There are places in the firmament of heaven...Arji (Poit). When the earth passeth through A'ji (Panic), it aggregateth and groweth. An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth.
"ice ages might result partly from our solar system's passage through immense, snakelike clouds" = cold periods on earth caused by the solar system passing through nebulous (a'ji) regions in the spiral structure of the galaxy. This was stated in Oahspe over 100 years earlier.
Above is from page 142 of African Fractals by Ron Eglash, the Vodun god Dan and periodic snake-like cycles 
notice how very similar it is to the Oahspe concept of Dan, the Great Serpent and Cyclic coil. 
In West Africa they call Dan the "cyclic Dan'; and also "Dangbe";, this is very similar to Oahspe calling
Dan a "cyclic dawn" and "synonymous with dang". See below for proof:
Me calling a "warm up-spike year a time of Dan" is equivalent to the West African concept of "Regular
phenomena in nature--the periodic aspects of weather ...are attributed to the action of Dan." 
Above we see from Oahspe the Roadway of the Solar Phalanx showing the snake-like great serpent of the solar system going through cyclic dawns of Dan. The Oahspe great serpent and Dan (Dang) is very similar to the West African symbolic concept of Dan (Dangbe)
Vodun cosmology centers around the vodun spirits and other elements of divine essence that govern the Earth, a hierarchy that range in power from major deities governing the forces of nature and human society ...
West African Vodun is practiced by the Fon people of Benin, and southern and central Togo; as well in Ghana,and Nigeria.
In West Africa Dan is pictured as "a serpent biting its tail&quot;. In Oahspe Plate 48.--THE CYCLIC COIL you can see the spiral currents of the vortex spiral inward to the sun-center and then spiral and go out from the center toward the tail. Oahspe says &quot;a very long serpent in spiral form, constantly turning its head in at one pole, 
and its tail at the other".
Above is an image of a recursive feedback loop, the output at the bottom stage becomes the input at the top stage of cycle.
If one could imagine a very long serpent in spiral form, constantly turning its head in at one pole, 
and its tail at the other, and continuously crawling upon its own spirality, such a view would somewhat illustrate the currents of a vortex. - Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Ch III: 25.
Above West African Dan (Dangbe) snake swallowing his tail = mathematical iteration = cycle.
Iteration, a dog chasing his tail or a snake swallowing it's tail = the output at one end becomes the input at the other = the end of one cycle (arc of Bon) = the beginning of the next cycle (Kosmon).
Iteration = the repetition of a process, or repetition of a mathematical or computational procedure applied to the result of a previous application.

The Colours of Infinity: The Beauty and Power of Fractals 

Above: Warm up-spikes and cold down-spikes and Mandelbrot set fractal chaos. 
"When you turned the Mandelbrot on it’s side to show the bifurcation, I’ll be honest, it blew my mind". - BAgodmode, June 2021
"It blew my mind as well. I've written programs for the Mandelbrot set many times and never paid attention to the actual values that the members of the set stabilized on. I'm going to have to play with that!" - MKahn84, August 2021
"While visiting a family member in the ICU I was seated in a waiting area that allowed me to see the various heart monitors. I was familiar with the bifurcation diagram, and recognized that the rhythm on one of the monitors showed the first bifurcation." -  dana hansen, August 2021
"Even in Chaos you get order turning up." - Numberphile (The Feigenbaum constants), January 16, 2021. 
" As a control systems engineer [What is a Control Systems Engineer?],I've seen this behaviour before in several systems when control goes awry. Now that I know there might be something I can do about it, this opens up all sorts of possibilities to new control methods. I'm freaking out a little bit." -  Andriy Predmyrskyy, 2020.


Unlike Europe, India, and Arabic cultures, base 2 calculation is ubiquitous in Africa, even for
multiplication and division. Doubling is a frequent theme in many other African knowledge systems,
particularly divination. The African origin of geomancy -- and thus, via Lull and Leibnitz, the
binary code -- is well supported

Fractals, chaos, and cycles:

Deterministic Chaos

6.F. Cycles

An n-cycle for a function f(x) is a collection of n numbers, x1, x2, ..., xn related in this way

f(x1) = x2,  

f(x2) = x3,  


f(xn-1) = xn,  

and   f(xn) = x1  

The reason for calling this a cycle should be clear: iteration takes us from x1 to x2, from x2 to x3,

..., and from xn back to x1.

Cycles and graphical iteration.

Cycles and fixed points.

Stability of cycles

A theoretical analysis of the logistic map cycles

Here is an application of counting cycles to a problem in number theory.

Return to Deterministic Chaos.


Fractals are related to chaos because they are complex systems that have definite properties. 


What's happening here is that the system is following an orbit. Literally, this is an orbit 

just like the Moon makes around the Earth (the Moon's orbit around the Earth is also defined 

by a deterministic system). Now when we talk about orbits, we are talking about some kind of 

attraction — in the Moon's case, gravity [or vortex'ya]— that keeps the state from flying off 

to infinity. That attraction is defined by an attractor: a point or curve that the system tries 

to conform to, which sets the basic pattern of movement. 


How can scientist predict the climate in 100 years (3rd rule of prophecy) when they cannot make weather forecasts beyond 2 weeks because of chaos? Climate is not weather, which is correct but doesn’t really explain it. How can climate be predictable if weather is chaotic? 
Lorenz drily told a gathering of scientists, “We might have trouble forecasting the temperature of the coffee one minute in advance, but we should have little difficulty in forecasting it an hour ahead.” - page 25 Chaos (making a new science) by James Cleick (1987, 2008). 
See bottom of Misc. 3, Sacred mathematics, geometry, music, harmonics, cosmology, cycles, fractals, chaos page of this website.
Above map showing where I'hin fleets (Ham and Shem) from Pan landed in Africa
and India (Sanskrit, Hindi). Panic words (like a'ji) spread from India to Europe
(Bosnian, English) and other parts of the world. 
- -
meaning of the word a'ji
    Word Origin
all in the universe that is not jiva, as space, time, matter, and those things by which rest and motion are possible to objects.
Origin of ajiva.
Sanskrit ajiva without life, equivalent to a- a-6+ jiva living
From Hindi
translate Ajiva to english

Translate from Bosnian
Language family‎: ‎Indo-European‎: Balto-Slavic >
to english = Abiotic
physical rather than biological
; not derived from living organisms.
devoid of life; sterile.
abiotic factor
noun, Ecology.
1. a nonliving condition or thing, as climate or habitat, that influences or affects an ecosystem and the organisms in it:
Abiotic factors can determine which species of organisms will survive in a given environment
A'ji is an Abiotic factor as climate (cold), can determine which species of organisms will survive (not become extinct) in a given environment.
Oahspe - Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XXXIV:
16...Mortals must have sufficient a'ji, that the race become not extinct
A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. There are places in the firmament of heaven...An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth.
Stars form inside relatively dense concentrations of interstellar gas and dust known as molecular clouds. These regions are extremely cold...known as dark nebula.
Thus, ether, the most rarified place; Ji'ay, the second place, less rarefied; A'ji, the third place (nebulous places in the firmament), and fourth, the corporeal worlds
Out of A'ghi maketh Jehovih a new world.
-The clouds of cold molecular and atomic hydrogen represent the raw material from which stars can be formed in the disk of the galaxy.
A'ji is like atmospheric haze that reduces visibility (and number of sunspots observed) at a far distance. The view of the sun is dimmed by dense a'ji,
Sunspots are merely easier to see when there is no (cold) space junk (a'ji) in the way. - pages 142-143 of DELUSIONS IN SCIENCE & SPIRITUALITY by Susan B. Martinez, PH.D
Yearly values of sunspot numbers (MAX marks a sunspot cycle maximum and min a minimum):
1913  1.4 min,
1914  9.6
1915  47.4 
1916  57.1 
1917  103.9 MAX
In 1914 the sunspot number cycle was near the minimum which indicates an abundance of a'ji between the earth and the sun.
Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter II:
19. Where nebula is transparent and lieth between the earth and master centre it is not discernible, either with the naked eye or with a telescope.
When a sub-vortex, or even a stratum of ten or twenty million miles, of this solution lieth between the earth and sun centre, and an observation of the sun be taken, the observer is apt to erroneously suppose ...
20. Wherefore all observations made to determine such matters require that the observer shall first understand what lieth between the earth and the sun at the time of observation.
21. ...Some of these traveling plateaux are opaque (dark), so that the sun is kept in a dim eclipse for a year or two,...
Number of sunspots observed may be due to a'ji (nebula) being between the earth and the sun, and NOT because the earth is passing through a region of a'ji. For this reason the global temperature of the earth (cold down-spike) is more of an indicater of the earth passing through a region of a'ji in space than the number of sunspots observed.
Also if the a'ji is transparent and lieth between the earth and master centre (sun) it is not discernible with the eye or with a telescope, so that a high or MAX sunspot count would be misleading. For example 1968 was a cold down-spike (a'ji) year but had a high MAX sunspot count, also 1956 was a cold down-spike (a'ji) year but had a high near MAX sunspot count.
Cycles are crucial because they explain how all motion in the universe primarily occurs as a result of two types of cycles -- vortices and waves. A vortex causes matter to rotate, which produces circular cycles. Conversely, waves cause matter to compress-and-decompress in repeated oscillations, which produces linear cycles. According to our theory, these two basic motions explain much, if not most, of what happens in the universe. - Page 1 of The Universal Cycle Theory (2011) by Stephen J. Puentz and Glenn Borchardt, PH.D.
host image

Pi = 22/7, 22 = Circumference of circle = circular cycle, 7 = diameter of circle = linear cycle.
Vortex = Circuit = Cevorkum = cycles = rules of prophecy = dan and a'ji = ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate = tables of times and measurements. Vortex = Circle, linear compression waves = diameter or radius.
First 8 numbers of Pi = 3.1415926 x 3.1415926 = 9.869604. Ratio of circumference of a circle to diameter of circle = 3.1415926. The circle is a repeating cycle. The diameter is a linear period or sequence of time.
6.66 x 9.869604 = 65.731562.
Oahspe Book of Inspiration Chapter XVI:
1. AS Jehovih, through His God, pulled aside the veil of heaven, saying:
2. Let My angels forth; together shall converse the living and the dead.
3. So sanctified He the day when the angels of heaven were made known to mortals. (March 31, 1848.)
Number of days per month:
Jan = 31, Feb = 28, Mar = 31. 31 + 28 + 31 = 90. 90 / 365.25 (year) = 0.2464 + 1848 = 1848.2464 = start of Kosmon cycle
65.731562 + 1848.2464 = 1913.9779.
1913.9779 = rounded to 1914 (66 war, a'ji 66 on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate). 1848 + 66 = 1914.
1914 - below normal cold year, and World War I.
Numbers of the beast (666) are encoded in pi x pi with the cycles of below average cold years and a'ji and war numbers on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter III:
14...Nevertheless, the sum of heat and cold and the sum of light and darkness are nearly the same, one generation with another. This was, by the ancient prophets, called the FIRST RULE IN PROPHECY. This was again subdivided by three, into eleven years, whereof it was found that one eleven years nearly corresponded with another eleven years. This was the SECOND RULE IN PROPHECY. The THIRD RULE was NINETY-NINE YEARS, whereto was added one year.
16...In periods of thirty-three years, therefore, tables can be constructed expressing very nearly the variations of vortexya for every day in the year, and to prophesy correctly as to the winters and summers, so far as light and darkness, and heat and cold, are concerned...the wonderful differences between the heat of one summer compared with another, and of the difference in the coldness of winters, as compared with one another. Of these also, tables can be made. Winter [cold, a'ji] tables made by the ancients were based on periods of six hundred and sixty-six years [or 66 years], and were called SATAN'S TABLES, or the TIMES OF THE BEAST. Tables made on such a basis are superior to calculations made on the relative position of the moon [superior to moon cycles or the planets].
Solar Year cycles and seasons:
Winter Tables for the new solar year, and solar month.
The summer and winter solstices falls on the 21st or 22nd day of the month. 
December 21 or 22 is the real start of each new year.
For thousands of years, Winter Solstice has celebrated the new solar year. It celebrates the return of the sun, as every day now will see more sun. The sun is at it's southernmost point, and now begins it's long, six month journey north.
As the Earth travels around the Sun in its orbit, the north-south position of the Sun changes over the course of the year due to the changing orientation of the Earth's tilted rotation axes with respect to the Sun. This QuickTime movie illustrates the tilt of the Earth's equatorial plane relative to the Sun which is responsible for the seasons. The dates of maximum tilt of the Earth's equator correspond to the summer solstice and winter solstice, and the dates of zero tilt to the vernal equinox and autumnal equinox. In the northern hemisphere, the Winter solstice is day of the year (near December 22) when the Sun is farthest south. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, respectively, in the sense that the length of time elapsed between sunrise and sunset on this day is a minimum for the year.
Although we cannot SEE with the physical eyes solar-earth cycles of the soltices, we can KNOW them. We cannot see Spirit or ethe but we can KNOW they exist.
We cannot see but know. "It is true that we cannot see God but we can KNOW Him." - Walter Russell, The Message of the Divine Iliad, Vol. I, pp 59-60.
A way to apply time of sunset and sunrise to calculate solar days and solar years for Solar Calender:
Is it possible to keep track of solar days and solar years by keeping track by observation of sunrises and sunsets and by jotting down the length of each day?
sunrise to sunset = 1 day.
Sunrise defined as the instant when the upper edge of the sun's disk becomes visible above the horizon
Sunset defined as the moment the upper edge disappears below the horizon.

The shortest day (from sunrise to sunset) = start of new year.
This can be done without the use of any books or man made calendar.
The indicator of the start of the new solar year would be the shortest day from sunrise to sunset. No matter when you started to keep track, after 365 days you would have a record of the shortest day during that extended time period. That shortest day would be used as the start of the solar new year, and the next time the daylight dropped to that point (approximately one year later) would be the start of the next solar year. After 2 or 3 years you would recognize a pattern and be able to predict with accuracy when the next solar year. This method of solar year calender can be done without the use of any books or man made calendar.
Longest day of the Year (from sunrise to sunset) = Summer Solstice .
Shortest day of the year (from from sunrise to sunset) = Winter Solstice .
When daytime and night are of approximately equal duration = Equinox (2 times a year) .
Astronomers and Old Farmer's Almanacs have been keeping track of sunrises and sunsets since 1901:
An astrolabe (Greek: ἀστρολάβος astrolabos, &quot;star-taker&quot;)[1] is an elaborate inclinometer, historically used by astronomers, navigators, and astrologers. Its many uses include locating and predicting the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars, determining local time given local latitude and vice versa, surveying, and triangulation.
An early astrolabe was invented in the Hellenistic world by Apollonius of Perga, around 220 BCE oa in 150 BC and is often attributed to Hipparchus. A marriage of the planisphere and dioptra, the astrolabe was effectively an analog calculator capable of working out several different kinds of problems in spherical astronomy.
The astrolabe is a very ancient astronomical computer for solving problems relating to time and the position of the Sun and stars in the sky.
Typical uses of the astrolabe include finding the time during the day or night, finding the time of a celestial event such as sunrise or sunset and as a handy reference of celestial positions. Astrolabes were also one of the basic astronomy education tools in the late Middle Ages.
The use of the astrolabe made it easy to keep track of sunrises and sunsets for determining solar days and solar years for accurate cosmic time without relying of the cyles and phases of the moon.
An astrolabe (an ancient pocket computer) can tell you when the sun rises, when the sun sets for any day of the year where ever you happened to be.  - Dr Stephen Johnson University of Oxford (on History Channel Ancient Discoveries  Season 3 Episode 10, Ancient Mega-Fort aired Dec 04, 2009, 30 minutes 33 seconds into video).
Difference between lunar year and solar year .
The solar and moon cycles are not the same, just as the etherean arc cycles and the astrological zodiac ages (cycles) are not the same:
average etherean arc cycle = 3000 years (some 2,400, some 3,600)
average zodiac age cycle = 2,160 years.
If you count time by zodiac cycles you will get a different number than if you count time by arc cycles. The arc cycles are the MASTER cycles, the zodiac cycles are the MINOR cycles.
Likewise if you count years by lunar cycles you will get a different number than if you count years by solar cycles. The Solar years are the MASTER cycles, and LUNAR years are the MINOR cycles.
June 21, 2015
on June 20, 2015 at 10:34 PM, updated June 20, 2015 at 10:35 PM.
The summer solstice 2015 has arrived -- the first day of summer. And, Sunday, June 21, 2015 is the longest day of the year. Jun 20, 2015
June Solstice (Summer Solstice) is on Monday, June 20, 2016 at 6:34 PM in Toronto. This day is 6 hours, 31 minutes longer than on December Solstice. In most locations north of Equator, the longest day of the year is around this date. Earliest sunrise is on June 14 or June 15.
longest day of the year 2015 = June 20, 2015
longest day of the year 2016 = June 20, 2016
From June 20, 2015 to June 20, 2016 = 1 solar year.
How many days are there between two dates?
Date 1: June 20, 2015
Date 2: June 20, 2016
366 Days:
366 days (average 365.25 for solar year) agrees with Oahspe:
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VII:
18. ..Thus, the moon's time is 18, the earth's 365,
the earth's time = the time it takes for the earth to orbit in a circumference around the sun = 365.25 days = 1 solar year. The sun is in the CENTER of the MASTER vortex so the solar year on earth = the MASTER year, the lunar (moon) year of 354, and 355 days is the MINOR year on earth.
December Solstice (Winter Solstice) is on Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 2:44 AM in Los Angeles. This day is 4 hours, 33 minutes shorter than on June Solstice. In most locations north of Equator, the shortest day of the year is around this date. Earliest sunset is on December 3 or December 4.
shortest day of the year 2015 = Tuesday, December 22 Winter Solstice 2015
shortest day of the year 2016 = Wednesday, December 21 Winter Solstice 2016
shortest day of the year 2015 = December 22, 2015
shortest day of the year 2016 = December 21, 2016
How many days are there between two dates?
Date 1: December 22, 2015
Date 2: December 21, 2016
365 Days:
365 days (average 365.25 for solar year) agrees with Oahspe:
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter VII:
18. ..Thus, the moon's time is 18, the earth's 365,
If you count days of year by the moon cycles of 355 days (average) if you are 42 years old in Gregorian calender years (365 days a year) then how much younger in days and years would you be by MOON CYCLE years? Here is the calculation:
42 (years) x 365 (days) = 15,330 days
42 x 355 = 14,910
15,330 - 14,910 = 420 days less (of moon Cycle days of years to Gregorian days of years).
420 / 355 = 1.18 years difference, So if you count days of year by 365 and you are 42 years old (15,330 days), by Moon cycle days of year you would be 42 - 1.18 = 40.82 years old (14,910 days = 420 days less
than 15,330 = 420 days = 1.18 Moon cycle years less).  
(Two versions of New Year's Day - Summer or Winter Soltice).
There are two versions of Oahspe verses identifying the old and new year's days which end and start a Kosmon year.
(1) The 1882 edition of Oahspe, the Book of Sethantes XIII:13 (the footnote to the contrary), and the Book of Inspiration XIV:2-3, both state that the north line of the sun (Tropic of Cancer, June 21) is old year's day, with the day following being new year's day.
(2)All subsequent renditions of these verses, wherever found, were changed by Dr. Newbrough to reverse the meaning, so that the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere (south line of the sun, Tropic of Capricorn, December 21) should be the old year's day, with the day following the new year's day. The first revision appeared in the 1884 Gospels of Oahspe which included the Book of Inspiration; one word was changed in XIV:3, to revise the start of the sun's travel from "southern" to "Northern". The second changes were to both verses XIV:2-3, and these first appeared in Dr. Newbrough's Kosmon Almanac calendar for 37 A.K. (1885) which he produced for the Shalam colony in New Mexico. These almanac changes were then incorporated (with many other changes throughout the entire book) in the second edition of Oahspe printed in 1891.
Dr. Newbrough's view that the calendar should end/start with the northern hemisphere's winter solstice (Dec. 21) was clear from the outset in his footnote at the bottom of page 30 of the 1882 Oahspe, pertaining to Sethantes XII:35 ("*In all systems of religion, the revelations attribute the change of watch of the Gods and Lords to be on that day of the year next after the shortest day in the northern hemisphere, which is the cosmological new year's day."). The actual text of the 1882 Oahspe indicates the opposite (the shortest day in the southern hemisphere, when the sun is at the northern line).
The only explanation ever put forward for this particular revision was that the first edition 1882 Oahspe version had "printer's errors". However, the Book of Sethantes XII:13 and Book of Inspiration XIV:2 are separated by many many other books, yet they remain consistent with each other (and both had to be revised in order to make December 21 the end/start of the Kosmon year).
When the real College of Prophecy/Children's colony occurs, the true prophets of that day will determine the correct calendar for scheduling the community activities in concert with the third resurrection. To date, none of the attempts to form a permanent colony have succeeded (which isn't to say the December 21 calendar they used was in itself, the problem).

In general, the enumeration of After Kosmon years (A.K.) in Oahspe, follows Dr Newbrough's identification of the first Kosmon year beginning on December 23, 1847 and ending on December 22, 1848 (i.e., 1 A.K. = 1848 A.D.) [actually 1848 = 0 A.K, 1849 = 1 A.K.].
To convert Christian calendar Anno Domini (A.D.) years to After Kosmon (A.K.) years, use the following formula:
Christian year A.D. minus 1848 = Faithist year A.K. [1959 - 1848 = 111 Kosmon year]

Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter III:14, Harmonic multiples and divisions of the first rule of prophecy:
Pages 4 and 8 of THE UNIFIED CYCLE THEORY (How Cycles Dominate the Structure of the Universe and Influence Life on Earth) by Stephen J. Puetz, 2009 says &quot;Cycles exhibit harmonics of three. Take the period of cycles, multiply by three, and the next larger cycle results [33 x 3 = 99-100]. Conversely, take cycle...divide it's frequency by three, and the next smaller cycle appears [33 / 3 = 11]. Extra-Universal Wave Seriers (EUWS). EUWS...The length of each child-wave can be calculated by dividing the length of its parent wave by 3."
Cycles = Prophecy
Structure of the Universe = Cosmogony-Cosmology
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter IX:
2. These fall under the divisor, or multiple, 3 (primaries), yellow, blue and red, corresponding to the times, 11, 33, 99, and so on.
Harmonic divisions or multiples of 3 (3/1 recipricle 1/3).
Divisible by 3 reverse mathematics:
The reverse of any number that is divisible by three (or indeed, any permutation of its digits) is also divisible by three. For instance, 1368 and its reverse 8631 are both divisible by three.
21 x 3 = 63, reverse = 36 / 3 = 12. 17 x 3 = 51, reverse = 15 / 3 = 5. (321 x 3 = 963, reverse = 369 / 3 = 123. 123 is also the reverse of 321)
The child cycle is a harmonic fractal of the parent cycle.
Page 420 of The Elegant Universe (Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory) by Brian Greene (2003, 1999) Glossary of Scientific Terms:
Reciprical. The inverse of a number; for example, the reciprical of 3 is 1/3.
The Cosmos is a manifestation of the Creator. Cycles exhibiting harmonics of 3 is a manifestation of the Creator, 3-in-1 = divine (e-o-ih).
Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon.: Chapter XIV:
4. To events of prophecy there was also another calendar, called the ode, signifying sky-time, or heavenly times. One ode was equivalent to eleven long years; three odes, one spell, signifying a generation; ...Thothma, the learned man and builder of the great pyramid, had said: As a diameter is to a circle, and as a circle is to a diameter, so are the rules of the seasons of the earth.

Geometry (mathematics), cycles and seasons:
Oahspe - Book of the Arc of Bon.: Chapter XIV:4:
Thothma, the learned man and builder of the great pyramid, had said: As a diameter is to a circle, and as a circle is to a diameter, so are the rules of the seasons of the earth.
Rules of the seasons of the earth = rules of prophecy, 11, 33, 99, harmonics of 3.
Seasons = Cycles = harmonics of 3 (1/3 or 3x).
The diameter of a circle is 1/3 circumference. harmonics of 3.
Circumference of a circle is 3x diameter. harmonics of 3.
10.614 (rounded to 11) x 3.14 (ratio of Circumference to diameter of a circle) = 33.33.


A repeating number is a number that has two or three repeating digits (the same 2 or 3 digits) in sequence. 11 is a repeating number, repeating numbers are cycles, 22, 33, 66, 99, 100, 111, etc are repeating numbers and cyclic numbers.

Cyclic numbers (repeating numbers) are prophetic numbers. Prophetic numbers are the rules of prophecy, or multiples or combinations of the rules of prophecy.

The rules of prophecy numbers are 11, 33, and 99-100 years, these are also repeating, cyclic numbers. 165 is a prophetic number because it is a multiple of 33 (33 x 5 = 165) and it is the sum of two prophetic numbers (99 + 66 = 165). 2727 C'vorkum light-years distance is a cyclic (repeating numbers 27) prophetic number. 1600 arc cycles of C'vorkum is a prophetic number (repeating 00 numbers). 4,700,000 C'vorkum years is a repeating prophetic cyclic number (repeating 00,000 numbers).1600 and 4,700,000 are also multiples of 100 (3rd rule of prophecy).

Google definition of cycle:

1. a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order.

2. move in or follow a regularly repeated sequence of events.  


Ode = 11 years, Pi (the ratio of the circumerence of a circle to the diameter) = 22/7. 22 = circumference, 7 = diameter. 22/2 = 11 = half cycle of 22 = 2nd rule of prophecy (Ode).
Spell = 33 years, Pi (the ratio of the circumerence of a circle to the diameter) = 22/7. 22/2 = 11 = half cycle of 22. 11 (half cycle) + 22 (circumference) = 33 = 1st rule of prophecy (Spell).
The life of Jesus in the Bible shows a cyclic pattern of the first and second rule of prophecy mentioned in Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy 3:14.
The 33 years commonly associated with the life of Jesus in the Bible, and the silent years of his childhood to adult from age 12 to 30, is a manifestation of the first rule of prophecy (33 years) and the second rule of prophecy (11 years). The Child cycle is 1/3 or 10-11 years (the 11 year childhood mentioned in the Bible before the 12 to 30 silent years).
The parent cycle is 3x the child cycle = 30-33 years (the last 3 years of Jesus's life mentioned in the Bible). According to Oahspe the 1st and 2nd rule of prophecy cycles were known by the ancient prophets just as the 11 year solar cycle is known by today's scientists.
A'ji (Gau), semi-dark...An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth....
NASA global climate graph below (red is temperature) shows a cyclic rhythm of a cold long sharp drop in temperature every 4 years or 1/3 Ode
11.1 / 3 = 3.7 (rounded to 4) matches 4 year cold down-spike child a'ji cycles of 1956, 1960, 1964, and 1968.
1956, 1960, 1964, 1968 = cyclic periodicity of a'ji. A global cold drop in temperature is a manifestation of the earth passing through regions of a'ji in space.
1956, 1960, 1964, 1968 = wave-like interference pattern (the crest of the wave is a warm-up-spike, the trough of the wave is a cold down-spike) = a cycle of 4 = aproximately every 4 years a'ji creates interference with the light of dan.
The rules of prophecy are 3x and 1/3. The first rule of prophecy is 33, the second rule of prophecy is 11.
11.1 years divided by 3 = 3.7 = 4 years rounded to nearest year. The parent cycle or periodicity is 3x the child cycle or periodicity.
Child a'ji periodicity cycle = 3-4 years = 1/3 Ode = 10-12 years = parent a'ji periodicity cycle. 11.1 / 3 = 3.7. Periodicity of A'ji = 3 or 4 years. 3.7 is actually in the third year, but if it last 6 months (3.7 + .6 = 4.3) it averages out to 4 years (3.7 + .6 = 4.3 + 3.7 = 8 / 2 = 4 years) which mathces the 4 year cold down-spike pattern (cycles) below (
1942, 1946, 1950, 1954 and 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968). From 1849 to 2011 = 162 years there were 42 cold (a'ji) down-spike years. 162 / 42 = 3.8 years average almost the exact same as the 2nd rule of prophecy (11.1) divided by the harmonic of 3 = 3.7.


A'ji (Gau), semi-dark...An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth....
NASA global climate graph below (red is temperature) shows a cyclic rhythm of a cold long sharp drop in temperature every 4 years or 1/3 Ode11.1 / 3 = 3.7 (rounded to 4) matches 4 year cold down-spike child a'ji cycles of 1942, 1946, 1950, 1954.
1942, 1946, 1950, 1954 = cyclic periodicity of a'ji. A global cold drop in temperature is a manifestation of the earth passing through regions of a'ji in space.

Above 3.7 or 4 year (1/3 ode) cold down-spike cycles 1984.5-1988.5-1992.5-1996.5. 

Above: 1944 was the highest warm up-spike from 1900 to 1950. 1944 - 1848 = 96 years into Kosmon arc cycle. 96 years
divided by 3.69 years = 26.01 a harmonic multiple of the 4th rule of prophecy, or second rule of prophecy divided by 3.


2013 165 Kosmon Time of the Quickening

^<<---Above from page 318 Time of The Quickening by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D.
Kosmon 165 (the year 2013) was a harmonic above average warm multiple of the first rule of prophecy or 33 (Spell) and the year 1881 (Oahspe transmission), along with the 99th (Wave) year 1947 (UFO wave, Secret of Light published by Walter Russell).
Oahspe - The Book of Knowledge Part IV:
8. And Tae perceived ...and he found that every thirty-third year was alike on the earth ...
The above graph shows every 33 years (Dan) is like the alternating 33 years (Dan) both in global heat and cold and in spiritual publications and inspiration Sub-cycles are cycles within cycles. There are always fluctuations within cycles.
System and Order, not randomness or chance:
Cosmogony and Prophecy:Living Mathematics of Man, Time and Space:
Man Time and Space divided into two parts, 33 (1/3) and 66 (2/3):
33 year cycles of Dan (ethe), and 66 year cycles of A'ji (War), and Ji'ay (fevers, epidemics, plagues) of Kosmon :
1848 = dawn 00 = warm up-spike year (same as wave, 1.00 ethe)
1881 = Dan 33 = warm up-spike year, 1st 33 year cycle, time of ethe
1914 = A'ji 66 (1st .666 2/3 corpor, 1/3 ethe) = cold year (World War I)
1947 = Dan 99 (1st wave) warm up-spike, 3rd multiple of 33, .99 ethe
1980 = Ji'ay 66 (2nd .666 2/3 ethe, 1/3 corpor) = hot and moist (ji'ay'an swamp) AIDS
2013 = Dan 165  = warm up-point year, 5th multiple of 33, time of ethe
2046 = A'ji 66 (3rd multiple of 66) 2/3 .666 corpor, 1/3 ethe = cold year
2047-2048 = Dan 199-200 (2nd wave) warm up-spike year, .99 or 1.00 ethe
33 and 66 year cycles of Kosmon:
1848 = 00 Dawn, 3rd rule of prophecy 99 or 100, ethe'ic wave.
1881 = 33 year transmission Dan.
1914 = 1st 66 year Beast, A'ji (1/3 ethe, 2/3 corpor).
1947 = 3rd rule of prophecy, 99 or 100, ethe'ic wave.
1980 = 2nd 66 year Beast, Ji'ay (2/3 ethe, 1/3 corpor).
2013 = 33 year transmission Dan.
Linked 33 and 66 year cycles:
1848 is linked to 1947 (Dawn-Wave cycle).
1881 is linked to 2013 (Transmission cycle).
1914 is linked to 1980 (Beast cycle).
Years apart linked:
1848 - 1947 = 99  (3rd rule of prophecy), (Dawn and ethe'ic Wave)
1881 - 2013 = 132 (3rd and 1st rule of prophecy), (Orachnebuahgalah transmitted and deciphered)
Importance of 132 year cycle of Kosmon, the end of a 72,000, a 36,000, a 24,000, and a 12,000 year cosmic cycle. - pages 171-172 of SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, 1941-1948 (1940) by Wing Anderson.
1914 - 1980 = 66  (Beast, 1st rule of prophecy x 2, 2/3 wave or .666), (World War 1 and AIDS)
"The late physicist Carl Sagan, in his novel Contact, imagined a time when Earth scientists were sufficiently able to unravel enough of pi to find encoded messages from our creators..."
The string 1980 occurs at position 6633.
.66 and .33 is the genetic threshold of beast and light
.666 = 2/3 = 1980 = 2/3 = two 66 years of Kosmon
1914 (1848 + 66) + 66 = 1980
1980 = 1st year of multiple AIDS cases in USA
1980 = Iran-Iraq War, longest conventional war of 20th century
99 year ethe-dan (1947) + 33 = 1980
subcycle (plural subcycles)
(sciences) A smaller or shorter-term cycle within a larger or longer-term cycle   .
Some of the Cycles associated with Oahspe:
Multi arc cycles = 4000 years or more
Arc cycles = 2000 to 4000 years
Sub-cycles = 100 to 2000 years
Mini cycles = 3.7 to 99 years
Sub-mini cycles = 0.0 to 3.6 years
Oahspe God's Book of Ben: Chapter IV:
5. Jehovih said: ...Behold, I create one thing within another...


Table 1. This is a list of known cycles and data sources. The links are to the source documents. The background colors suggest related cycles.
The 3.7-year cycle is one-third of the 11.1-year Schwabe cycle


Time clock spiral Cosmogony
temporary image hosting

hosting image

Mathematics and Prophecy - mathematics and Cosmogony. Above Cosmogony-Prophecy spiral galaxy Cosmic Clock drawing showing the first 100 years of Kosmon cycle from 1848 to 1948, with the numbers and words on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate and YA-LA-Pesta and the historical manifestations of war, arbitration, peace, learning, order, Oahspe.
Hands of the Cosmic clock is the space-timeline diameter pointing in the 12 and 6 position (12:30 pm). Center = dawn of Kosmon, outer spiral arm is the end of 100 year cycle or ethe'ic wave. 
100 year cycle is a minature (1/10 or 1/30 fractal) representation of a 1000 or 3000 year cycle.
Spiral motion and distance = space-time diameter. Beyond space and time is the Creator, E-O-IH the circumference of the circle.
8 is the number of harmony, a octave. 1600 etherean arcs of CEVORKUM / 8 = 200 dan a harmonic division or multiplication. 4,700,000 C'vorkum years / 8 = 587,500 harmonic division and multiplication. 3000 year cycle / 8 = 375 a harmonic division or multiple.
OAHSPE Book of Knowledge ch 4:
1. Tae said: Now I will apply myself to Your works, O Jehovih. Yours is a book that never errs. The times You bestow shall be my signposts. Is this not the most exalted science under the sun?
Click link below for enlarged Image of Cosmology-Prophecy Spiral Galaxy Clock :
Accuracy and preciseness of sub-cycle time periods .
Arc cycles since the time of the flood (25000 years before Kosmon) and their duration in years.
Oahspe Book of Sapah, OSIRIS, 58: 
1. Aph = 3600
2. Sue = 3200
3. Apollo = 2800
4. Thor = 3200
5. Osiris = 3300
6. Fragapatti = 3100
7. Cpenta-Armij = 2400
8. Arc of Bon = 3400
Notice all arc cyles end in 600, 200, 800, 200, 300, 100, and 400.
All of those years (numbers) are precise multiples of the sub-cycle dan periods of 200 years and the 100 years ethe'ic wave (3rd rule of prophecy) time period,
Sub-cycle time periods are more fixed than arc cycle time periods (arc cycle times fluctuate much more than sub-cycle times).
The fluctuation of arc cycle time periods from 3000 years compared to the fluctuation of sub-cycle time periods of 100 years (human life-time) can be compared to trying to shoot a target a mile away (arc cycle) vs trying to shoot a target 50 yards away (sub-cycle).
1 mile = 1760 yards divided by 50 yards = 35.2 ratio.
3400 year arc cyle divided by 100 year sub-cycle = 34 ratio (almost same ratio as 1 mile to 50 yards).
The longer the bullet travels the much greater chance of it being deflected or deviating from its target by wind direction, wind velocity, air density, elevation, and even the Coriolis effect due to the rotation of the Earth.
From 50 yards there is less space (and time) for your bullet to be deflected or deviate from its target, and therefore a much much greater chance of you hitting the bullseye or being only a few inches away this applies to prophecy or making predictions 33 or 100 years away versus making predictions 1000 or 3000 years away.
A'ji can be regional (fall on a specific region of the earth and not on the whole earth) as well as global. HARRIS-MANN CLIMATOLOGY (and Weather Science Foundation) also gives information on regional climate as well as global, for example 50 B.C. - 0 A.D. in Palestine: by 10 B.C. it was turning below normal cold, a sign of a'ji.
So looking at the Harris-Mann Climatology charts and reading the regional information provided will give you an indicator of regional and global a'ji. Also certain mass human behavior manifests itself with a'ji, so that you can tell if there is a regional a'ji based upon human behavior such as mass violence, and war. 

(See Oahspe Book of Cosmogony) The numbers of the beast shall be sixty-six, and six hundred and sixty-six, and the parts thereof. Because in the coil of the cycle, behold the distances are two thirds of a circle.
In a double-helix (DNA) corkscrew structure (below) each spiral or loop is 1/3 of the total. Each loop is spaced 1/3 distance apart. Second loop is spaced 2/3 distance of total. The whole (double-helix) cycle is divided into two parts spaced 1/3 distance apart.


Electrical oscillation pattern (cycle)
Auto-oscillation experimental and theoretical results.
In figure 3a we observe the experimental bifoil velocity time series, where we can see ...the descending (positive voltage) and the ascending (negative voltage) parts, ...

The above electrical oscillation peak at 33, and down-spike at 66, and up-spike at 99, matches the top cycle drawing (link below):

Electrical Oscillations pattern shows peaks at the 1/3 and 2/3 position of cycle, which matches the DNA double twisted spiral helix of a primary vortex, and the numbers of man (33) and beast (66) and the genetic threshold of spiritual everlasting life and understanding. The Electrical Oscillation peak at 1/3 matches the first rule of prophecy (33). The complete electrical oscillations cycle is the 3rd rule of prophecy (99 or 100 ethe). This matches the 3,6,9 key to the universe of Nikola Tesla (electrical engineer and physicist).

The quarks and antiquarks have electric charges of one-third or two-thirds, and their negatives.

quark1 noun PHYSICS
any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. Quarks have not been directly observed, but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally.



Above chart shows mini sub-cycles of dan and a'ji. Red = dan (warm), blue = a'ji (cold).
OAHSPE: The Lords' Fifth Book Chapter 1:
5. ...blue, which is the coldest color; and red, which is the warmest color. 
2013, 1980, 1947, 1881, and 1848 are high or peak points in the 11 year sunspot cycles = 33 year cycle High Dan times (1st rule of prophecy).
1914 is a low point in sunspot cycle = 66 year a'ji or beast (World War I).
Sunspots cycles:
12. O that the prophets would apply my lessons of the past, in order to foretell the future.
Cyclic rhythmic major cold down-spikes since start of Kosmon:
1849 = 1 = poltergeist cases hit an interesting peak in 1849
1855 = 2
1857 = 3 = Stock market Panic of 1857
1861 = 4 = United States Civil War, defeat of the Papal Army by Victor Emmanuel and Garibaldi.
1866 = 5
1870 = 6
1873 = 7 = Stock market Panic of 1873, 9 May 1873
1880 = 8
1883 = 9
1888 = 10
1893 = 11 = Stock market Panic of 1893
1897 = 12
1904 = 13
1907 = 14 = Stock market Panic of 1907.
1917 = 15 = 1918 flu pandemic beginning in Austria in the spring of 1917. Russian Revolution, rise of the Soviet Union.
1922 = 16
1929 = 17 = Stock-market Crash, Great Depression.
2008 = 41 = Great Recession, stock market crash. Most earthquakes worlwide (31,777) from 2000-2012.
List of epidemics

 Worldwide Psittacosis
284,000+ (Medium Estimate by CDC) Worldwide  2009-2010  2009 flu pandemic (informally called "swine flu")  Pandemic H1N1/09 virus.
COVID-19 pandemic 2019–present
1 million+ (as of 10 October 2020)
Page 39 of TIME OF THE QUICKENING (2011) by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D.:
"in both Egypt and Mesoamerica, mathematician and seer alike stood as equals in the prophecy enterprise...one was trained to analyze data and apply the prophetic numbers,...
"analyze data and apply the prophetic numbers" = cycles of a'ji (cold years) prophetic numbers (11 year solar magnetic sunspot cycle).
A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. There are places in the firmament of heaven...Arji (Poit). When the earth passeth through A'ji (Panic), it aggregateth and groweth. An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth. In the years of Ar'jon mortals became warriors.
...Save your prophets understand A'ji they cannot tell what the next year will be.
From: oahspe101

what is your take on this next 33 years...2014-2048?
January 20, 2015
The next low point in the geomagnetic cycle will be 2019-2020,  this should be similar to the 2008 low point. 2019-2020 should be increased chance of economic depression-recession, stock market crash, earthquakes,, etc.
Next low points in Solar (sunspot) cycle are 2019-2020, and 2030-2031.
I use the 11 year solar sunspot cycle along with the climate cycles (of heat and cold) for prophecy and calculating a'ji and dan cycles.
Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon Chapter XIV:
4. To events of prophecy there was also another calendar, called the ode, signifying sky-time, or heavenly times. One ode was equivalent to eleven long years;
Oahspe The Lord's Fifth Book 2:15:
Learn to prophesy by the sun [solar, sunspot cycles],...
Worldwide  2019–present  2019–2020 coronavirus pandemic  Coronavirus disease.
The 2019–2020 Iraqi protests, also called the October Revolution (Arabic: ثورة تشرين‎) are an ongoing series of protests that consisted of demonstrations, marches, sit-ins and civil disobedience.
The 2019–2020 Lebanese protests, also known locally as the October Revolution, are a series of civil protests taking place in Lebanon, initially triggered by ...
America convulses amid a week of protests, but can it change?
Jun 6, 2020 - “What I think is different in 2020 is a lot of the youth are participating,” he said. “This is the start of a revolution.”
The George Floyd 2020 protest is at the early stage of becoming a global revolution or a powerful but fleeting moment in history. We do not know which.
There is a pattern of an aproximate 11 year cycle (vertical lines and blue circles) of Stock-market Crash-panic, Great Recession-Depression, Revolution-protests, pandemics, from 1907, 1917-1918, 1929, 2008-2009, 2019–2020, the next 11 year cycle is due to hit in 2031-2032. See chart image link below:


Prediction - Prophecy - Prophetic numbers (times) - Solar-sub-galactic cycles
11 year solar vortex sub-galactic radiation (heat) cycle and geomagnetic radiation cycles.
I use the 11 year solar sunspot cycle along with the climate cycles (of heat and cold) for prophecy and calculating a'ji and dan cycles.
Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon Chapter XIV:
4. To events of prophecy there was also another calendar, called the ode, signifying sky-time, or heavenly times. One ode was equivalent to eleven long years;
Oahspe The Lord's Fifth Book 2:15:
Learn to prophesy by the sun [solar, sunspot cycles],...
...a'ji, the veil of rarified matter that intercedes between Earth and the heavens... Scientists cannot explain why there was no sunspots visible during the deepest chill of the LIA [Little Ice Age, deepest chill fell from 1650 to 1715]. I think the view of the sun was dimmed by dense a'ji. Looking in the other direction, away from the sun, was the view of other celestial bodies also obstructed? Apparently so. Astronomers register the "disappearance" of the red spot on Jupiter during that same period. Maybe sunspots have nothing to do with extra heat, after all, but are merely easier to see when there is no (cold) space junk (a'ji) in the way. - pages 142-143 of DELUSIONS IN SCIENCE & SPIRITUALITY by Susan B. Martinez, PH.D.
Oahspe Book of Jehovih: Chapter II:
8. Atmospherean worlds I also created in the firmament, and I gave them places and orbits and courses for themselves. But atmospherean worlds I created shapeless and void of fixed form, for they are in process of condensation or dissolution, being intermediate in condition betwixt My etherean and My corporeal worlds. Of three degrees of density created I them, and I commanded man to name them, and one he called A'ji, and one Ji'ay, and one Nebulæ.
A'ji is like atmospheric haze that reduces visibility at a far distance.
Atmospheric haze and visibility at a distance:
Perhaps the number of sunspots observed during a year or cycle indicates the DEGREE of DENSITY of etherean or atmospherean regions the earth is traveling through.
Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part IV:
8. ...Tae classified cycles...and the wave of the Great Serpent [solar-system cycle] ...and he found that every thirty-third year was alike on the earth in heat and cold [warm cold spikes], and he discovered from these the nebulous [a'ji] regions within the vortex of the earth [geomagnetic cycles, low points in geo-radiation] , ...
9. Again Tae subdivided the thirty-third year into eleven [11 year cycle]...
The numbers of a'ji on the Orachnebuahgalah (prophecy plate of Oahspe) are within 90% of a multiple of 11, with 1 100% match, and 3 98% plus matches.
a'ji numbers = 20, 30, 36, 66, 280, 666.
Multiples of 11 = 22, 33, 66, 275, 671.
20 / 22 = 90.9%
30 / 33 = 90.9%
33 / 36 = 91.66%
66 / 66 = 100.0%
275 / 280 = 98.21%
666 / 671 = 99.25%
Average = 95.15% match
The numbers of a'ji on the Orachnebuahgalah plate are within 90% of a multiple of 10, with 3 100% matches, and 4 99% plus matches.
20 / 20 = 100%
30 / 30 = 100%
36 / 40 = 90%
66 / 70 = 94.28%
280 / 280 = 100%
666 / 670 = 99.40%
Average = 97.28% match
11 year a'ji cycle + 11 year dan cycle = 22 year full cycle = years from highest up-spike to lowest down-spike average (21.6 years).
11.1 year parent cycle divided by 3 = child cycle of 3.7 years (rounded to 4) = 1 year up-spike, 1 year down-spike, 1 year in-between spikes and 1 year even = 4 (3.7) years.
Solar variation is the change in the amount of radiation emitted by the Sun (see Solar radiation) and in its spectral distribution over years to millennia. These variations have periodic components, the main one being the approximately 11-year solar cycle (or sunspot cycle). The changes also have aperiodic fluctuations.[1]
Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy chapter VIII:
2. Ethe, being the time of light, is named dan;...
Oahspe says Neither light, nor heat,...cometh from the sun to the earth...
Light is a condition of those needles being polarized within the Master vortex.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy Chapter I:
34. Were the sun planet extinct, the master vortex would instantly make another sun. As the lines of vortexya are in currents from the outer toward the interior, so do the solutions of corpor take the shape of needles, in the master, pointing toward the centre, which condition of things is called LIGHT [polarized needles]; and when these needles approach the centre, or even the photosphere, the actinic force thereof is called HEAT [compression of needles or mass x acceleration = force, mass x velocity = energy/heat].
OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy CHAPTER VIII:
12. So that whether the vortices show approaching light [dan] or approaching darkness [a'ji] the prophet must bear in mind the grades of peoples.
Dan = Light and Heat = warm up-spike. A'ji = Darkness and Cold = cold down-spike.
Low solar-sub-galactic radiation (dan) = cold down spikes (a'ji) on earth = increased geophysical activity (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes), increased major tornadoes, increased homicide (murder) rates and mass violence, increased chance of wars, conflict, increased chance of economic downslides (depressions, recessions, stock market crashes). Low points in radiation last about 2 years, solar-sub-galactic radiation cycle is about 10-12 years (11 years average), a harmonic sub-division of 22.
11 and 22 is the fundamental base of the prophetic numbers 33, 66, 88, 99 + 1 = 100, 200, 400 etc..
1976 low point in solar radiation = cold down spike, 1985-1986 low point in solar radiation
= 1985 down spike, 1996 low point in radiation = 1996 down spike = 2006 low point in radiation = 2006 down spike, 2008 down spike (10-12 year cycle).
Matches 10-11 year multiples of a'ji numbers on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe.
The bottom solar radiation chart shows the cycle lowest point was at 2008 which was a down-spike year.
2008 down-spike low-point radiation cycle events:
The Great Recession[1] (also referred to as the Lesser Depression, [2] the Long Recession,
[3] or the global recession of 2009[4][5]) is a marked global economic decline that began in December 2007 and took a particularly sharp downward turn in September 2008.
By the standard of spotless days, the ongoing solar minimum is the deepest in a century: NASA report:
In 2008, no sunspots were observed on 266 of the year's 366 days (73%). To find a year with more blank suns, you have to go all the way back to 1913, which had 311 spotless days (85%): 

The lack of sunspots in 2008, made it a century-level year in terms of solar quiet. Remarkably, sunspot counts for 2009 have dropped even lower. As of March 31st, there were no sunspots on 78 of the year's 90 days to date (87%).


The string 2008 occurs at position 11651
11 is a solar sycle, 65 is 1 digit from 66 beast.
yellow = 11, sun, central sun, golden light, solar
2008 was the end of a 11 year solar cycle (down-spike, lowest point) great recession year associated with a'ji, imbalance, greed, and lust.
65 / 99 = .656 = .66 = beast = a'ji = imbalance, greed = crash = low point
The 11 year solar cycle and beast decline of 2008 are encoded in the decimal numbers of Pi
Earthquakes with 50,000 or More Deaths
2008/05/12 Eastern Sichuan, China 87587 7.9 At least 69,195 people killed, 374,177 injured and 18,392 missing and presumed dead in the Chengdu-Lixian-Guangyuan area. More than 45.5 million people in 10 provinces and regions were affected. 
2008 = down spike
2008 had the most earthquakes worlwide (31,777) from 2000-2012.
Number of Earthquakes Worldwide for 2000 - 2012
Located by the US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center
The next low point in the cycle will be 2019-2021. Posted between Dec 7, 2013 and Jan 10, 2014 1/5 down from top:
the Sun continues getting quieter as it approaches Solar Minimum, the nadir expected around 2019-2020.
2019-2021 = should be a down spike period, with increased chance of economic depression-recession, stock market crash, earthquakes, etc...
Next 10-12 year low (down-spike) solar-sub-galactic radiation cycles (a'ji)
2008 + 11-12 = 2019-2020
2019 + 10-12 = 2029-2031
2030 + 10-12 = 2040-2042
2048 = 200 year sub-cycle Dan (light)
Harry Dent September 26, 2014.
This cycle will continue to point down into late 2019 or early 2020 along with three other primary cycles: demographic, innovation and boom/bust (sunspot).
September 12, 2016.
David G from North Hollywood, California
replied over 1 year ago
I'm witnessing buyers over paying for homes they cannot afford; qualifying for a loan is not as difficult.
In addition, I see many "investors" overpaying for multi-units that, even with a significant down payment, they'll have a challenge maintaining. Unless, they plan on pumping  money into the investment.
Prices, are about, where they were before the recession - give or take a little.
There are a few deals out there, but the margins are slim.
In my opinion, I expect a crash in 2019 - 2020.
The US Economic Collapse Of 2019.
Daan Joubert
July 29, 2015.
Gold-Eagle’s Editor Note:
International market analyst Daan Joubert has ‘leaped’ into the future to 2020 with an aim to analyse the causes of the US Economic Collapse Of 2019. His objective is to help the reader prepare for the eventual economic collapse.
For some observers it came as no surprise in 2019 when the US economy suffered a collapse that was much, much worse than what had happened after 9/11; even worse than the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) that began in 2007/8.
Then, much out of the blue, a few trends in the economy that initially seemed to be of little consequence combined with global changes and foreign developments to precipitate this new Great Collapse (GC) of 2019, doing so with little or no advance warning.
"i think your focus on a'ji is very valuable and probably the first time this has been done." - July 17, 2016 Susan Martinez, Ph.D. [focus on a'ji as it relates to cold years on the earth].
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy CHAPTER VII:
18. These periods will be found to come under certain numbers, 11, 33, 66, 99, 100, 200, 400, 666, 333, 66, 18, 500, 600, 365, 99, 33, 18, and so on.
The 18-year geopolitical cycle.
Oahspe teaches AGAINST seeking communications from spirits, Oahspe is AGAINST THAT:
OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy CHAPTER X:
9. There is also another kind of prophecy, wherein man prophesieth by spirits speaking through him. This is dangerous, for lying spirits may come to him.
10. Rather, let man seek to become one with the Father, making close observations of the rules of vortexya; for in this he provideth for the development of all his faculties.
"the rules of vortexya" = the rules of prophecy (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) = cycles (harmonics of 3, 1/3 and 3x).
the rules of vortexya (light and heat) is in harmony with the rules of prophecy:
Oahspe - Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter I:
35. Heat decreaseth in force in proportion to the square of the distance from the place of generation; nevertheless, an allowance of decrease must be added thereunto of one to the hundred.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter III:
14...Nevertheless, the sum of heat and cold and the sum of light and darkness are nearly the same, one generation with another. This was, by the ancient prophets, called the FIRST RULE IN PROPHECY. This was again subdivided by three, into eleven years, whereof it was found that one eleven years nearly corresponded with another eleven years. This was the SECOND RULE IN PROPHECY. The THIRD RULE was NINETY-NINE YEARS, whereto was added one year
Rules of vortex'ya = cycles of heat and cold = warm and cold spikes = rules of prophecy.
"making close observations" = activity of paying close attention to warm and cold climate cycles or years (warm and cold spikes).
Harmony of physics, astronomy, cycles and prophecy:
center of 9.9 and 10 = 9.95, 9.95 squared = 9.95 x 9.95 = 99.00 + 1  = 100 = rules of vortex'ya (heat radiation) and 3rd rule of prophecy.
3rd rule of prophecy = 99 + 1 = 100. The motion or time of ethe = 100 or 99 as the case may be.
rules of vortexya (heat) = 3rd rule of prophecy = the motion (time) of ethe = 99-100 = time of Dan.
Oahspe - Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih: Chapter III:
4. Behold, neither men nor angels on the red star comprehend the harmony of My works
and because of their own inharmony they deny Me, being blind to My Person.
List of historic tsunamis
This article lists notable historic tsunamis, which are sorted by the date and location that the tsunami occurred, the earthquake that generated it, or both.
Because of seismic and volcanic activity at tectonic plate boundaries along the Pacific Ring of Fire, tsunamis occur most frequently in the Pacific Ocean, but are worldwide natural phenomena.
Before 1001 AD [but after 600 B.C. for weather/climate data]
426 BC: Malian Gulf, Greece[edit source | editbeta]Main article: 426 BC Malian Gulf tsunami
In the summer of 426 BC, a tsunami hit the Malian Gulf between the northwest tip of Euboea and Lamia.[6] The Greek historian Thucydides (3.89.1-6) described how the tsunami and a series of earthquakes intervened with the events of the raging Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) and correlated for the first time in the history of natural science quakes and waves in terms of cause and effect.[7]
426 BC = cold down point (a'ji)
79 AD: Gulf of Naples, Italy[edit source | editbeta]A smaller tsunami was witnessed in the Bay of Naples by Pliny the Younger during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.[9]
79 AD = down point
365 AD: Alexandria, Eastern Mediterranean[edit source | editbeta]Main article: 365 Crete earthquake
In the morning of July 21, 365 AD, an earthquake of great magnitude caused a huge tsunami more than 100 feet (30 m) high. It devastated Alexandria and the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, killing thousands and hurling ships nearly two miles inland.[11][12] The Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus (Res Gestae 26.10.15-19) describes in his vivid account the typical sequence of the tsunami including an incipient earthquake, the sudden retreat of the sea and a following gigantic wave:
365 AD = down spike
684 AD: Hakuho, Japan. Japan is the nation with the most recorded tsunamis in the world.[citation needed] The number of tsunamis in Japan totals 195 over a 1,313 year period (thru 1997), averaging one event every 6.73 years, the highest rate of occurrence in the world.[citation needed]
The Great Hakuho Earthquake was the first recorded tsunami in Japan. It hit in Japan on November 29, 684. It occurred off the shore of the Kii Peninsula, Nankaido, Shikoku, Kii, and Awaji region. It has been estimated to be a magnitude 8.4 [15] It was followed by a huge tsunami, but no estimates on how many deaths.[16]
684 AD = down point cold
1293: Kamakura, Japan Magnitude 7.1 Quake and tsunami hit Kamakura, Japan's de facto capital, killing 23,000 after resulting fires
1293 = down spike cold (below normal)
1303: Eastern Mediterranea. 1303 Crete earthquake
A team from Southern Cross University in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia, has found geological evidence of five tsunamis that have hit Greece over the past 2000 years. "Most were small and local, but in 1303 a larger one hit Crete, Rhodes, Alexandria and Acre in Israel."[17]
1303 = inbetween up but cold below normal
1605: Keichō Nankaido, Japan. 1605 Keichō Nankaido earthquake
On Feb 3 of the Keichō era, an 8.1 Quake and tsunami hit 700 houses (41%) at Hiro, Wakayama Prefecture washed away. 3,600 drowned in Shishikui area. Awa, wave height 6-7m. 350 at Kannoura 60 at Sakihama drowned, wave height 5–6 m and 8–10 m, respectively. Total more than 5,000 drowned. An enormous tsunami with a maximum known rise of water of 30 m was observed on the coast from the Boso Peninsula to the eastern part of Kyushu Island. The eastern part of the Boso Peninsula, the coast of Tokyo Bay, the coast of the prefectures of Kanagawa and Shizuoka, and the southeastern coast of Kochi Prefecture suffered especially heavily.[15]
1605 = down spike cold (a'ji)
1607: Bristol Channel, Great Britain. Bristol Channel floods, 1607
On 30 January 1607, approximately 2,000 or more people were drowned, with houses and villages swept away and an area estimated at 200 square miles (520 km2) was inundated. Until the 1990s, it was undisputed that the flooding was caused by a storm surge aggravated by other factors, but recent research indicates a tsunami.[21] The probable cause is postulated as a submarine earthquake off the Irish coast.
1607 = down spike
1771: Yaeyama Islands, Okinawa, Japan. 1771 Great Yaeyama Tsunami
An undersea earthquake of estimated magnitude 7.4 occurred near Yaeyama Islands in the former Ryūkyū Kingdom (present day Okinawa, Japan) on 4 April 1771 at about 8 A.M.. The earthquake is not believed to have directly resulted in any deaths, but a resulting tsunami is thought to have killed about 12,000 people (9313 on the Yaeyama Islands and 2548 on Miyako Islands according to one source [27]). Estimates of the highest seawater runup on Ishigaki Island, range between 30 meters and 85.4 meters. The tsunami put an abrupt stop to population growth on the islands, and was followed by malaria epidemics and crop failures which decreased the population further. It was to be another 148 years before population returned to its pre-tsunami level
1771 = inbetween up but cold
1833: Sumatra, Indonesia[edit source | editbeta]Main article: 1833 Sumatra earthquake
On 25 November 1833, a massive earthquake estimated to have been between 8.8-9.2 on the moment magnitude scale, struck Sumatra in Indonesia. The coast of Sumatra near the quake's epicentre was hardest hit by the resulting tsunami.
1833 = down point (border cold)
1855: Edo, Japan. 1855 Ansei Edo earthquake
The following year, the 1855 Great Ansei Edo Quake hit (Tokyo region), killing 4,500 to 10,000 people. Popular stories of the time blamed the quakes and tsunamis on giant catfish called Namazu thrashing about. The Japanese era name was changed to bring good luck after 4 menacing quake/tsunamis in 2 years.
1855 = down spike
1883: Krakatoa, Sunda Strait, Indonesia. 1883 eruption of Krakatoa
The island volcano of Krakatoa in Indonesia exploded with devastating fury on August 26–27, 1883, blowing its underground magma chamber partly empty so that much overlying land and seabed collapsed into it. A series of large tsunami waves were generated from the collapse, some reaching a height of over 40 meters above sea level. Tsunami waves were observed throughout the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and even as far away as the American West Coast, and South America. On the facing coasts of Java and Sumatra the sea flood went many miles inland and caused such vast loss of life[33] that one area was never resettled but reverted to the jungle and is now the Ujung Kulon nature reserve.
1883 = down spike
1906: Tumaco-Esmeraldas, Colombia-Ecuador. The 1906 Ecuador-Colombia earthquake triggered a tsunami that killed 500 people in Tumaco and Esmeraldas and struck Colombia, Ecuador, California, Hawaii and Japan. Waves were 5 meters high.
1906 = up-spike but much below normal cold
1908: Messina, Italy
The aftermath of the tsunami that struck Messina in 1908.The 1908 Messina earthquake in Italy, triggered a large tsunami that took about 123,000 lives.[34]
1908 = small up-spike but much below normal cold
1923: Kanto, Japan. Great Kanto Earthquake
The Great Kanto Earthquake, which occurred in eastern Japan on 1 September 1923, and devastated Tokyo, Yokohama and the surrounding areas, caused tsunamis which struck the Shonan coast, Boso Peninsula, Izu Islands and the east coast of Izu Peninsula, within minutes in some cases. In Atami, waves reaching 12 meters were recorded. Examples of tsunami damage include about 100 people killed along Yuigahama beach in Kamakura and an estimated 50 people on the Enoshima causeway. However, tsunamis only accounted for a small proportion of the final death toll of over 100,000, most of whom were killed in fire.
1923 = small up-point but much below normal cold
1929: Newfoundland
On November 18, 1929, an earthquake of magnitude 7.2 occurred beneath the Laurentian Slope on the Grand Banks. The quake was felt throughout the Atlantic Provinces of Canada and as far west as Ottawa and as far south as Claymont, Delaware. The resulting tsunami measured over 7 meters in height and took about 2½ hours to reach the Burin Peninsula on the south coast of Newfoundland, where 28 people lost their lives in various communities. It also snapped telegraph cables laid under the Atlantic.[35]
1929 = down spike cold much below normal (a'ji)
1933: Showa Sanriku, Japan. 1933 Sanriku earthquake
On March 3, 1933, the Sanriku coast of northeastern Honshū, Japan which had already suffered a devastating tsunami in 1896 (see above) was again stuck by tsunami waves as a result of an offshore magnitude 8.1 earthquake. The quake destroyed about 5,000 homes and killed 3,068 people, the vast majority as a result of tsunami waves. Especially hard hit was the coastal village of Taro (now part of Miyako city) in Iwate Prefecture, which lost 42% of its total population and 98% of its buildings. Taro is now protected by an enormous tsunami wall, currently 10 meters in height and over 2 kilometers long. The original wall, constructed in 1958, saved Taro from destruction of the 1960 Chilean tsunami (see below). However it failed to protect Taro from the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami which inundated the village with 12–15 meters of water.[36]
1933 = down spike cold below normal cold (a'ji)
1944: Tonankai, Japan. 1944 Tōnankai earthquake
A magnitude 8.0 earthquake on 7 December 1944 about 20 km off the Shima Peninsula in Japan, which struck the Pacific coast of central Japan, mainly Mie, Aichi, and Shizuoka Prefectures. News of the event was downplayed by the authorities in order to protect wartime morale, and as a result the full extent of the damage is not known, but the quake is estimated to have killed 1223 people, the tsunami being the leading cause of the fatalities.
7 December 1944 = is borderline between 1944 up-spike and 1945 sharp down drop in temp.
7 December 1944 = up-spike-sharp down drop borderline
1946: Aleutian Islands. 1946 Aleutian Islands earthquake
On April 1, 1946, the Aleutian Islands tsunami killed 159 people on Hawaii and five in Alaska (the lighthouse keepers at the Scotch Cap Light in the Aleutians). It resulted in the creation of a tsunami warning system known as the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC), established in 1949 for Oceania countries. The tsunami is known as the April Fools Day Tsunami in Hawaii due to people thinking the warnings were an April Fools prank.
1946 = down spike cold
1960: Valdivia, Chile[edit source | editbeta]Main article: 1960 Valdivia earthquake
The magnitude-9.5 Great Chilean Earthquake of May 22, 1960 is the strongest earthquake ever recorded. Its epicenter, off the coast of South Central Chile, generated one of the most destructive tsunamis of the 20th Century. It also caused a volcanic eruption.
The tsunami spread across the entire Pacific Ocean, with waves measuring up to 25 meters high. The first tsunami arrived at Hilo approximately 14.8 hrs after it originated off the coast of South Central Chile. The highest wave at Hilo Bay was measured at around 10.7 m (35 ft). 61 lives were lost allegedly due to people's failure to heed warning sirens.
Almost 22 hours after the quake, the waves hit the ill-fated Sanriku coast of Japan, reaching up to 3 m above high tide, and killed 142 people. Up to 6,000 people died in total worldwide due to the earthquake and tsunami.[37]
1960 = down-spike
1964: Niigata, Japan. The 1964 Niigata earthquake in Japan killed 28 people, and liquefacted whole apartment buildings. A subsequent tsunami destroyed the port of Niigata city. ja:新潟地震
1964: Alaska, USA. 1964 Alaska earthquake
After the magnitude 9.2 Good Friday Earthquake, tsunamis struck Alaska, British Columbia, California, and coastal Pacific Northwest towns, killing 121 people. The waves were up to 100 feet (30 m) tall, and killed 11 people as far away as Crescent City, California. This happened on March 27, 1964. The incident was covered in Dennis Powers' The Raging Sea: The Powerful Account of the Worst Tsunami in U.S. History (ISBN 0806526823).
1964 = down-spike cold much below normal (the sharpest longest drop in temp from 1950-200) a'ji
1976: Moro Gulf, Mindanao, Philippines. 1976 Moro Gulf earthquake
On August 16, 1976 at 12:11 A.M., a devastating earthquake of 7.9 hit the island of Mindanao, Philippines. It created a tsunami that devastated more than 700 km of coastline bordering Moro Gulf in the North Celebes Sea. An estimated number of victims for this tragedy left 5,000 dead, 2,200 missing or presumed dead, more than 9,500 injured and a total of 93,500 people were left homeless. It devastated the cities of Cotabato, Pagadian, and Zamboanga, and the provinces of Basilan, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Sultan Kudarat, Sulu, and Zamboanga del Sur.
1976 = down spike cold below normal (a'ji)
1993: Okushiri, Hokkaido, Japan. 1993 Hokkaido earthquake
A devastating tsunami wave occurred along the coasts of Hokkaidō in Japan as a result of a magnitude 7.8 earthquake, 80 miles (130 km) offshore, on July 12, 1993.
Within minutes, the Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning that was broadcast on NHK in English and Japanese (archived at NHK library). However, it was too late for Okushiri, a small island near the epicenter, which was struck with extremely big waves, some reaching 30 meters, within two to five minutes of the quake. Aonae, a village on a low-lying peninsula at the southern tip of the island, was devastated over the course of the following hour by 13 waves of over two meters’ height arriving from multiple directions, including waves that had bounced back off Hokkaidō—despite being surrounded by tsunami barriers. Of 250 people killed as a result of the quake, 197 were victims of the series of tsunamis that hit Okushiri; the waves also caused deaths on the coast of Hokkaidō. While many residents, remembering the 1983 tsunami (see above), survived by quickly evacuating on foot to higher ground, it is thought that many others underestimated how soon the waves would arrive (the 1983 tsunami took 17 minutes to hit Okushiri) and were killed as they attempted to evacuate by car along the village’s narrow lanes. The highest wave of the tsunami was a staggering 31 meters (102 ft) high
1993 = down spike (slight up from one of the longest sharpest down drops)
2004: Indian Ocean. 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake
The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, which had a moment magnitude of 9.1–9.3,[15] triggered a series of lethal tsunamis on December 26, 2004, that killed approximately 230,210 people (including 168,000 in Indonesia alone), making it the deadliest tsunami as well as one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. It was also caused by the third largest earthquake in recorded history. The initial surge was measured at a height of approximately 33 meters (108 ft), making it the largest earthquake-generated tsunami in recorded history. The tsunami killed people over an area ranging from the immediate vicinity of the quake in Indonesia, Thailand, and the north-western coast of Malaysia, to thousands of kilometres away in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and even as far away as Somalia, Kenya, and Tanzania in eastern Africa. This trans-Indian Ocean tsunami is an example of a teletsunami, which can travel vast distances across the open ocean. In this case, it is an ocean-wide tsunami.
2004 = down spike
2006: South of Java Island. July 2006 Java earthquake
A 7.7 magnitude earthquake rocked the Indian Ocean seabed on July 17, 2006, 200 km south of Pangandaran, a beach famous to surfers for its perfect waves. This earthquake triggered tsunamis which height varied from 2 meters at Cilacap to 6 meters at Cimerak beach, where it swept away and flattened buildings as far as 400 meters away from the coastline. More than 800 people were reported missing or dead.
2006: Kuril Islands. 2006 Kuril Islands earthquake
On 15 November 2006, a magnitude 8.3 earthquake occurred off the coast near the Kuril Islands. In spite of the quake's large 8.3 magnitude, a relatively small tsunami was generated. The small tsunami was recorded or observed in Japan and at distant locations throughout the Pacific.
2006 = down-spike
2011: New Zealand. 2010 Canterbury earthquake
On February 22, 2011, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the Canterbury Region of the South Island, New Zealand. Some 200 kilometres (120 mi) away from the earthquake's epicenter, around 30 million tonnes of ice tumbled off the Tasman Glacier into Tasman Lake, producing a series of 3.5 m (11 ft) high tsunami waves, which hit tourist boats in the lake.[42][43]
2011: Pacific coast of Japan. 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
On March 11, 2011, off the Pacific coast of Japan, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake produced a tsunami 33 feet (10 m) high along Japan's northeastern coast. The wave caused widespread devastation, with an official count of 18,550 people confirmed to be killed/missing.[44] The highest tsunami which was recorded at Miyako, Iwate reached a total height of 40.5 metres (133 ft).[45] In addition the tsunami precipitated multiple hydrogen explosions and nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. Tsunami warnings were issued to the entire Pacific Rim.[46][47]
2011 = down spike
List of historic tsunamis = 59 (subtract 1963: Vajont Dam, Monte Toc, Italy landslide)
29 tsumamis = down spike, sharp down drop, or cold below normal = 49.15%
23 tsunamis = down spikes, down points = 38.98%
How many up point, inbetween up, or up-spike = 19
887 AD: Ninna Nankai, Japan = up point
1361: Shōhei Nankai, Japan = up-point
1698: Seikaido-Nankaido, Japan = up-point
1700: Vancouver Island, Canada = up-spike
1792: Mount Unzen, Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan  = up inbetween
1854: Nankai, Tokai, and Kyushu Japan = up-spike
1868: Hawaiian Islands = up-spike
1868: Arica, Chile = up-spike
1877: Iquique, Chile = up-point
1944: Tonankai, Japan = up spike
1952: Severo-Kurilsk, Kuril Islands, USSR = up inbetween
1958: Lituya Bay, Alaska, USA = even up-spike
1979: Tumaco, Colombia = up inbetween
1980: Spirit Lake, Washington, USA = up inbetween
1983: Sea of Japan = up-spike
1998: Papua New Guinea = up spike
2007: Solomon Islands = up-spike
2009: Samoa = up inbetween
2010: Chile = up-spike
19 tsumamis = up point, inbetween up, or up-spike = 32.20%
15 tsumanis = up-spike or up-points = 25.42%
Results of data:
39% of tsunamis were down-spikes vs 25% up-spikes
39 / 25 = 1.56 = 56%
Down-spike years (cold aji) trigger 56% more tsunamis than up-spikes (warm dan)
"[The cold-dry phase is marked by major geophysical phenomena, including] an increase in the severity of earthquakes and volcanoes...
Cold-dry phase = a'ji
A'ji plays a significant role in earthquakes. Cold creates more density and contraction, which means more PRESSURE, more pressure puts more STRESS on the tectonic plates and fault lines that can trigger earthquakes and tsunamis.

And now came earth and heaven {atmosphere} into an a'jian forest, and the pressure was upon all sides of the earth. - OAHSPE, GOD'S BOOK OF ESKRA 11:1
The cycles and rhythm of the earth's magnetic field or vortex for 500 years:
The numbers of a'ji (war, destruction) on the Orachnebuahgalah (prophecy plate of Oahspe) are within 90% of a multiple of 11, with 1 100% match, and 3 98% plus matches.
a'ji numbers = 20, 30, 36, 66, 88, 99, 280, 408, 666, 999
-----------------10----6-30--22---11--181--128-258--333 = 108.7 Ave.
20 / 20 = 100%
30 / 30 = 100%
36 / 40 = 90%
66 / 70 = 94.28%
88 / 90 = 97.7%
280 / 280 = 100%
408 / 410 = 99.5%
666 / 670 = 99.40%
999 / 1000 = 99.9%
Average = 97.86% match with a 10 year multiple cycle. The periodicity of aji = 10, 10-11 child cycle of 30-33 years.
The numbers of dan (dawn, gow, peace, learning, order) on the Orachnebuahgalah and Tables of Times and Measurements:
dan numbers = 0, 33, 48, 90, 100, 111, 200, 400, 480, 500, 600, 750, 1000,
---------------33--15--42--10---11---89---200--80---20---100--150--250 = 83.33 Ave.
108.7 - 83.3 = 25.7 (22.24 + 2.78 = 25.02)
Dan years = 33-48-90-100-111-200-400-480-500-600-750-1000
10 x years =30-50-90-100-110-200-400-480-500-600-750-1000
30/33 = 90.9 %
48/50 = 96
90/90 = 100
100/100 = 100
110/111 = 99.09
200/200 = 100
400/400 = 100
480/480 = 100
500/500 = 100
600/600 = 100
750/750 = 100
1000/1000 = 100
98.8 % match with a 10 year multiple cycle
The periodicity of dan = 10, 10-11 child cycle of 30-33 years.
1950-2000 = 15 up-spikes = 50 / 15 = 3.33
1950-2000 = 16 down-spikes 50 / 16 = 3.125
50 / 31 = 1.612
1900-1950 = 14 up-spikes = 50 / 14 = 3.57
1900-1950 = 15 down-spikes = 50 / 15 = 3.33
50 / 29 = 1.724
1850-1900 = 12 up-spikes = 50 / 12 = 4.16
1850-1900 = 11 down-spikes = 50 / 11 = 4.54
50 / 23 = 2.173
1800-1850 = 7 up-sikes = 50 / 7 = 7.14
1800-1850 = 7 down-spikes = 50 / 7 = 7.14
50 / 14 = 3.571
1750-1800 = 7 up-spikes = 7.14
1750-1800 = 7 down-spikes = 7.14
1700-1750 = 9 up-spikes = 50 / 9 = 5.555
1700-1750 = 9 down-spikes = 50 / 9 = 5.555
50 / 18 = 2.777
1650-1700 = 9 up-spikes = 5.555
1650-1700 = 7 down-spikes = 7.14
50 16 = 3.125
1600-1650 = 9 up-spikes = 5.555
1600-1650 = 9 down-spikes = 5.555
1550-1600 = 7 up-spikes = 7.14
1550-1600 = 7 down-spikes = 7.14
1500-1550 = 8 up-spikes = 50 / 8 = 6.25
1500-1550 = 9 down-spikes = 5.555
50 / 17 = 2.941
500 year climate cycle averages from 1500-2000
5.58 average years from up-spike to up-spike, or down-spike to down-spike
2.78 average years from up-spike to down-spike
e (Euler Logarithmic base constant) = 2.718
2 / .718 = 2.7855153 = 2.78
5.58 / 2.78 = 2.007 = half cycle
21.6 average from highest up-spike to lowest down-spike
21.6 / 5.58 = 3.87
21.6 / 2.78 = 7.76 (aprox 7.5 x cycle, 7-8 year cycle)
Oahspe mentions a cyclic time of seven and a half.
Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih: Chapter XII:
3. And he gave the times of Jehovih...the times of eleven; and the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars...
[an etherean arc or cycle is 400 (dan) times 7.5 (7.5 x 400) = 3000 years.]
2.78 = basic rhythm of the earth's magnetic field or vortex
2.78 = aprox e euler natural logarithmic constant of 2.72 or 2.718
2.78 x 3 = 8.34
2.78 x 5.58 = 15.51 (15 year, 7.5 x 2 cycle)
2.78 + 5.58 = 8.36 / 2 = 4.18
21.6 x 4.18 = 90.28 = (90 learning ORACHNEBUAHGALAH).
90.2 + 21.6 = 111.8 = (Gow 111 Tables of Times and Measurements)
..the Sun oscillates up and down relative to the Galactic plane approximately 2.7 times per orbit. This is very similar to how a simple harmonic oscillator works with no drag force.
2.7 = e Euler natural logarithmic constant

Frequency of cycles is speeding up, the Quickening, more up and down spikes in a 50 year period. More up-spike frequency. Our planet's vibrational frequency is rising.
Frequency = cycles per time frame (50 years)
1988-2013 = 19 x 2 = 38 up and down-spikes (rate) in 50 years
1950-2000 = 31 up and down spikes
1900-1950 = 29 up and down spikes
1850-1900 = 23 up and down spikes
1800-1850 = 14 up and down spikes
1750-1800 = 14 up and down spikes
The above is objective scientific evidence of the earth moving into a higher cycle frequency
The Quickening, these are the quickened times.
Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part IV:
4. Tae said: ...for these are the quickened times mentioned by the prophets of old.
Notice since 1850 (the Dawn of Kosmon) the cyclic vibrational frequencies of up and down spikes have increased (quickened).
A new cycle of the earth began in 1848.
Increase in up and down-spike frequency rate from 1850 to 2013 = 14 to 38
38 / 14 = 2.714 the base of the natural logarithm (e Euler)
Objective, scientific evidence we are moving into a higher frequency, frequency (vibrations up and down) is increasing :
2000-2012 = 5 up-spikes (bottom of Cosmic Consciouness chapter)
2000-2012 = 5 down-spikes
2013 = up-spike in vortexian energy (heat)
2012 = up-inbetween
2011 = down-spike in vortexian energy (heat)
2010 = up-spike
1988-2000 = 4 up-spikes
1988-2000 = 4 down-spikes
1988-2013 = 10 up-spikes in 25 years x 2 = 20 in 50 years
1988-2013 = 9 down-spikes in 25 years x 2 = 18 in 50 years
1988-2013 = 19 x 2 = 38 up and down-spikes in 50 years
The increased cyclic frequency and higher vibrational rate are like an increase in labor pains before the birth of a child (dan).
The increase in cyclic vibrational frequency will continue up to the birth of the 200 year dan at 2048.
Oahspe Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih: Chapter VIII:
15. ..I have seen many corporeal worlds arrive at the kosmon era. But it is like a new birth, brought forth in pain, and with much labor.
Matthew 24:7,8 of the Bible:
But all this is only the first of the birth pains, [the time of the quickening]. Birth pains speed up before the birth of a child.
True Labor: Contractions come at regular intervals and last about 30-70 seconds. As time goes on, they get closer together and stronger.
The contractions of real labor are identifiable because they:
become more frequent, intense, and regular. (Don't count on the pains coming in perfect intervals; just pay attention to an increase in frequency.)
The birth of the dawn of dan, not the birth of a man-christ (Jesus was born over 2000 years ago, he will not enter a woman's womb and be born again).
The coming of dan (light), the cold a'ji period before the dawn (birth) of dan (light). Revelation chapter 12 (The Living Bible): I saw a woman [the Mother Earth] clothed with the sun [inside the solar system], with the moon
beneath her feet [subject to her vortex]....She was pregnant [the planted soil] and screamed in the pain of her labor, awaiting her delivery [the birth of the dawn of dan].
Harmonic multiples and divisions of cycles:
216 / 10 = 21.6 (22) years
21.6 / 2 = 10.8 (11) years
10.8 / 2 = 5.4
5.4 / 2 = 2.7 (e Euler logarithmic constant) = Basic rhythm of the solar-earth system
21.6 x 2 = 43.2
43.2 x 2 = 86.4
86.4 x 2 = 172.8
172.8 x 2 = 345.6
172 + 345 = 517 (515-year EUWS cycle, 515-year civilization cycle)
Pages 284, 443 of THE UNIFIED CYCLE THEORY by Puetz says ...the 515-year civilization cycle, important fluctuations and deviations often occur around its 172-year sub-cycle. For nearly 6000 years , civilizations in China, Meso-America, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Europe have come and gone in cycles of 515 years.
Pages 315 to 316 of THE UNIFIED CYCLE THEORY by Puetz says The 172-year EUWS Cycle. Chapter
26 showed how the 172-year cycle affected fluctuations in ancient Roman civilization. The 172-year EUWS cycle
also affects global climate. The correlation between climate and human behavior has already been noted...
civilizations ascend along with rising global temperatures...At the peak of a civilization cycle, temperatures cool, war breaks out, and government control falls apart.
Cycles based on 500 years (from 1500 to 2000 AD):
Harmonic multiple climate numbers (years)
2.7 (2.78)
5.4 (5.56)
10.8 (11.12) 2nd rule of prophecy
21.6 (22.24)
22.2 + 11.1 = 33.3 1st rule of prophecy (generation, and genetic threshold of spiritual light)
33.3 x 2 = 66.6 numbers of man and beast, genetic threshold of spiritual light and beast.

Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy chapter VIII:
2. Ethe, being the time of light, is named dan;... and a'ji the time of wars, dashing forth with power and grasping; mi, the earth being the subject.
List of ongoing military conflicts:
1,000+ deaths per year. Conflicts in the following list are currently causing at least 1000 violent deaths per year, a categorization used by the Uppsala Conflict Data Program[1] and recognised by the United Nations.[2][3] Italics indicate disputed territories and unrecognized states.
Start Continent Location Cumulative fatalities
1. 1964 Colombian conflict (1964–present) 220,000-600,000
1964 = down spike (deepest coldest down spike from 1950-2000), much below normal
2. 1978 Conflict in Afghanistan (1978–present) 1,405,111-2,084,468
1978 = down-spike
3. 1991 Somali Civil War Africa  Somalia 500,000+
1991 = down inbetween spike (next year down spike)
4. 1992 Al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen 3,799
1992 = down spike
5. 2004 War in North-West Pakistan 48,123
2004 = down spike
6. 2006 Mexican Drug War North America Mexico 108,000+
2006 = down spike
7. 2009 Sudanese nomadic conflicts Africa  South Sudan 7,441
2009 = inbetween up (2008 down-spike, 2010 up-spike)
8. 2011 Syrian civil war Syria 93,000-120,000
2011 = down spike
9. 2011 Inter and Intra-Sudanese conflicts South Sudan 2,367  
2011 = down spike
10. 2011 Iraqi insurgency (post-U.S. withdrawal) Iraq 8,793+
2011 = down spike
8 of 10 ongoing military conflicts started in down-spike years
8 of 10 = 80% down-spike (a'ji) a'ji is associated with war
0 of 10 ongoing military conflicts started in up-spike years
0 of 10 = 0% up-spike (dan) dan is associated with Light and peace
Supernova cycles:
On average, every 50 years a supernova explodes in our Galaxy,...
Supernovae happen at the rate of about once every fifty to one hundred years for a given galaxy.
Supernova explosions have a cyclic rate that is a wave or third rule of prophecy (99-100 years) or a half wave of 50 years.


1968 and 1971 downspike in galactic cosmic radiation (dark) = downspike in worldwide temperature (a'ji)
1974 down-spike in galactic cosmic radiation (dark) = downspike in worldwide temperature (a'ji)
1982 down-spike in galactic cosmic radiation (dark) = downspike in worldwide temperature (a'ji)
1992 down-spike in galactic cosmic radiation (dark) = downspike in worldwide temperature (a'ji)
2000 down-spike in galactic cosmic radiation (dark) = downspike in worldwide temperature (a'ji)
1973 high-point in galactic cosmic radiation (light) = up-spike in worldwide temperature (dan)
1977 high-point in galactic cosmic radiation (light) = up-spike in worldwide temperature (dan)
1987-1988 highpoint in galactic cosmic radiation (light) = up-spike in world temperature (dan)
1998 high-point in galactic cosmic radiation (light) = up-spike in worldwide temperature (dan)
Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) come from outside the solar system but generally from within our Milky Way galaxy.

There are regions of high cosmic radiation in the galaxy. The Earth (and the solar system) encounters this cosmic radiation regularly.


22 year galactic radiation cycle wave


A map of our Milky Way galaxy above showing regions of high cosmic radiation and low cosmic radiation. High cosmic radiation is colored yellow (11) and red (99), low cosmic radiation is colored blue (33) and violet or purple (66). The Earth encounters high cosmic radiation and low cosmic radiation in cycles of 11 and 22 years that match the prophetic numbers and time periods of years in Oahspe Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy, which are 11, 33, 66, 88, 99, 100, 200, etc...
22-year cycle in cosmic ray flux...galactic cosmic ray (GCR) fluxes
Differences in GCR flux during alternate solar cycles yield a 22-year cycle, known as the Hale Cycle,
Annual Globally Averaged Temperature Trends
22 year Hale solar cycles. There was also evidence of a longer climate cycle of ~66 years, or three Hale solar cycles, corresponding to slightly higher peaks on of cycles 11 to 17 and 17 to 23.

The existence of Galactic Cosmic Radiation fits in with what Oahspe said in its book of Cosmogony in 1881 21 years before galactic cosmic rays were discovered:
"Vortex'ya [high-energy rays] pervadeth the entire universe [Galactic...from outside the solar system], but different according to volume [concentration, amount], velocity [from a fraction of light speed to .99 times light speed], and configuration"...."showers [rays] and shadows of the unseen worlds [invisible like X-rays] will affect different peoples"...
"Wherever the vortexian current [rays] falls, corpor [matter] is more or less damaged [radiation damage] or changed in its combinations" [radioactive decay].
Cosmic rays were discovered in 1912 by Victor Hess.
If I google "showers of radiation speed throughout the galaxy"
I get Search Results:
1. Cosmic ray - Wikipedia
2. Frequently Asked Questions About Cosmic Rays
3. HowStuffWorks "Cosmic Rays"

Cosmic rays are sub-atomic particles that are moving at a good fraction of the speed of light. The velocity of cosmic rays can go from a small fraction of the speed of light up to about .999999999999 times the speed of light.
Pythagoras of Samos is often described as the first pure mathematician. He is an extremely important figure in the development of mathematics
Born: about 569 BC = up-spike cold (normal)
A pattern, apart from the term's use to mean "Template"[a], is a discernible regularity in the world or in a manmade design. As such, the elements of a pattern repeat in a predictable manner.
Patterns have an underlying mathematical structure;[1] indeed, mathematics can be seen as the search for regularities, and the output of any function is a mathematical pattern. Similarly in the sciences, theories explain and predict regularities in the world.
Science and mathematics[edit source
Mathematics is sometimes called the "Science of Pattern", in the sense of rules that can be applied wherever needed.[22] For example, any sequence of numbers that may be modeled by a mathematical function can be considered a pattern. Mathematics can be taught as a collection of patterns.[23
Finding and understanding patterns gives us great power. With patterns we can learn to predict the future, discover new things and better understand the world around us.
"Periodicity is a characteristic of all phenomena of nature" - Walter Russell page 261 THE SECRET OF LIGHT (1947)
Google Periodicity definition:
technical noun: periodicity 1. the quality or character of being periodic; the tendency to recur at intervals.
"the periodicity of the sunspot cycle"
22-year cycle in geomagnetic activity
Because the 11 year [Solar] cycles are magnetically reversed from one cycle to the next. Thus it takes 2 cycles to repeat.
It takes 22 years for complete magnetic polarity cycle, but solar activity will have two minimum within that 22 year cycle and one maximum.
During the 22 year solar radiation cycle there will be at least one minimum (deepest down-spike) and one maximum (highest up-spike).
Reversed magnetic polarity = positive to negative change = male to female = couple = full cycle = 11 + 11 = 22
Reversed magnetic polarity = hot to cold = highest to lowest = up-spike to down-spike = 22 year average span or cycle
The prophetic numbers of Oahspe are harmonic multiples of half of 22 (11), = 33, 66, 88, 99-100, 200, 400, 600 etc..
Pages 155, 156, and 157 of THE UNIFIED CYCLE THEORY (How Cycles Dominate the Structure of the Universe and Influence Life on Earth) by Stephen J. Puetz, 2009 mentions a 22.2 billion year cycle (half cycle of 11.1 billion years) and gyr (Giga-year = billions of years) cylces of 66.5, 200, 599, these billion years cycles = 11, 66.6, 200, and 600 year cycles mentioned in Oahspe (fractal cycles of the giga-years cycles).
Page 142 of THE UNIFIED CYCLE THEORY (How Cycles Dominate the Structure of the Universe and Influence Life on Earth) by Stephen J. Puetz, 2009 :
Table 12.1 Theoretical EUWS (Extra-Universal Wave series) Cycles, 22.2 Gyr cycle, 7.39 Gyr cycle, are Pi ratio cycles 22/7. 7-8 year cycles and 21-22 year cycles are fractals
of the 22.2 and 7.39 billion year (Gyr) cycles.
List of stock market crashes and bear markets
Kipper und Wipper 1623
Financial crisis during the start of the Thirty Years' War (1621-1623)
1621 = cold down-spike
Tulip mania Bubble 1637 = up inbetween
A bubble (1633-37) in Netherlands during which contracts for bulbs of tulips reached extraordinarily high prices, and suddenly collapsed
1632, 1634, 1636 = down-spikes
The Mississippi Bubble 1720
1720 = up inbetween cold (below normal)
Bengal Bubble of 1769
1769 = cold down-spike (below normal)
Panic of 1796–1797
1796 = cold down spike
Panic of 1819 = up in-between cold
Panic of 1837 10 May 1837
1837 = cold down-spike (much below normal deepest of 1800-1850)
Panic of 1847
1847 = cold down-spike
Panic of 1857
1857 = down-spike
Black Friday 24 Sept 1869
1869 = 1869-1870 = decline to down-spike (24 Sep 1869 = late in year)
Panic of 1873 9 May 1873
1873 = cold down-spike (below normal, 2nd lowest down-spike 1850-1900)
Paris Bourse crash of 1882 19 Jan 1882
even up-spike (above normal warm, 2nd highest peak 1850-1900)
Panic of 1884
1884 = up inbetween warm
Encilhamento 1890
1890 = even up spike (cold borderline)
Panic of 1893
1893 = cold down-spike below normal (coldest from 1850-1900)
Panic of 1896
1896 = small drop down point (warm)
Panic of 1901
1901 = cold down-point (below normal)
Panic of 1907
1907 = cold down-spike much below normal (2nd coldest, almost tie 1900-1950)
Wall Street Crash of 1929
1929 = cold down-spike (much below normal)
Recession of 1937–1938
1937-1938 = up-spike warm
1971 Brazilian Markets Crash
1971 = cold down-spike (almost below normal)
1973–1974 stock market crash
1973-1974 = from top to down-spike (cold)
Silver Thursday, 27 March 1980  Silver price crash
1980 = up inbetween warm
Souk Al-Manakh stock market crash Aug 1982 (Kuwait)
1982 = deep drop down-spike
Black Monday 1987 Oct 1987
1987 = up-point warm much above normal
Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange collapse 1989 06-01 June 1989
1989 = down-spike warm
Japanese asset price bubble 1991
1991 = small down point warm
Black Wednesday 1992 16 Sep 1992
1992 = down-spike warm (one of the deepest drops 1950-2000)
1997 Asian financial crisis
1997 = up point warm
1998 Russian financial crisis
1998 = up-spike warm (much above normal) highest 1950-2000
Dot-com bubble 10 March 2000
2000 = small down-point (from even down-spike)
31 stock crashes from 1621-2000
21 of 31 were down-spikes or down-points = 67.74 %
23 of 31 were down-spikes/down-points or cold (below average borderline) = 74.19%
6 of 31 were up-spikes or up-points = 19.35% up-spikes/up-points
Significance of a'ji on stock market crashes:
67.74 % of stock market crashes from 1621 to 2000 were down-spike/down-point years
74.19 % of stock market were down-spike/down-point or cold years (a'ji)
Only 19.35% were up-spike/up-point years (dan)

Stock Market crashes, the Great Depression, and recessions very closely match cold down-spike (a'ji) years because they are manifestations of human behavior such as greed, excess, and imbalance which are associated with a'ji (the beast, 66, 666).

The international monetary system has actually collapsed three times in the past 100 years – 1914, 1939, and 1971. So these things do happen,
1914 was the start of WWI and a below normal cold year, 1939 was the start of WW2 and a down-spike in cold, 1971 was a below normal cold down-spike year and the start of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.

All 3 years of the collapse of the international monetary system was a sharp cold drop in temperature or below normal cold year (a'ji), and years mortals went to war.
Oahspe - Book of Divinity: Chapter XIV:
1. JEHOVIH said: When a'ji cometh ...my loo'is be swift in duty; far-seeing in the races of men.
I not only break up the old foundations of temples and cities in those days, but the foundations
of the abuse of the caste of men. My Voice is upon the races of men. To-day I say: Preserve ye
the caste of men; marry ye thus and so, every one to their own line. For I perceive it is wisdom.
To-morrow I say: I will have no caste, for the races are becoming impoverished in blood; marry
here, marry there! And I give them a'ji, and their desires break all bounds
, and I raise them up
giants and strong limbed.

A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. There are places in the firmament of heaven...Arji (Poit). When the earth passeth through A'ji (Panic), it aggregateth and groweth. An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth.

Weather History and Climate (1900 A.D. to 1950 A.D.)
a'ji and Black-White Interracial Marriage Trends, 1850-2000 Sociology Department
Columbia University January 31, 2006

Notice how the high point in Black-White Interracial Marriage was 1910 this lines up with
the cold much below normal temperature of 1910, and the low point of Black-White Interracial
Marriage of 1920-1930 lines up with warm up spikes of 1926-1931. The low point in Black-White
Interracial Marriage of 1900 lines up with the up-spike in heat of 1900.


2013 = up-spike in vortexian energy (heat)
2012 = up-inbetween
2011 = down-spike in vortexian energy (heat)
2010 = up-spike

11.1 / 3 = 3.7 years (rounded to 4 years) a'ji cycle
2011 + 4 = 2015 + 4 = 2019 = a'ji cold down-spike year. This agrees with future projection of next low point in solar cycle:
This matches future 2019 colder year prediction on chart below:
A'ji (Gau), semi-dark. There are places in the firmament of heaven...Arji (Poit). When the earth passeth through A'ji (Panic), it aggregateth and groweth. An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament giveth a cold year upon the earth. In the years of Ar'jon mortals became warriors.
...Save your prophets understand A'ji they cannot tell what the next year will be.
A cold drop in temperature on the planet may be an indicator of a'ji and a'ji related happenings on the earth and things to come in that year or the next year.
GLOBAL Land-Ocean Temperature Index 1880-10/2013
Strong to Violent tornadoes EF3+ 1954-2012
60 count (or very near borderline 58,59) above
1974 (highest number EF3+ by far 131 > 98 for second most) = down-spike
1974 peak in homicide rate = 1974 cold year down spike
Climate cycle indicators of a'ji and dan:
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul
1972   -25  -16    3   -1    1    9    4
1973    28   32   26   26   25   18   10
1974   -14  -26   -5  -10   -1   -5   -3
1974 was much colder than previous years which may have been an indicator of things to
happend in that year.
The bottom solar radiation chart shows the cycle lowest point was at 2008 which was a down-spike year.
Earthquakes with 50,000 or More Deaths
2008/05/12 Eastern Sichuan, China 87587 7.9 At least 69,195 people killed, 374,177 injured and 18,392 missing and presumed dead in the Chengdu-Lixian-Guangyuan area. More than 45.5 million people in 10 provinces and regions were affected. 
2008 = down spike
2008 had the most earthquakes worldwide (31,777) from 2000-2012.
Number of Earthquakes Worldwide for 2000 - 2012
Located by the US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center
The Great Recession[1] (also referred to as the Lesser Depression, [2] the Long Recession,
[3] or the global recession of 2009[4][5]) is a marked global economic decline that began
in December 2007 and took a particularly sharp downward turn in September 2008
2008 = sharp down spike
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Oct  Nov Dec
2005    69   55   67  77   72   65
2006    54   66   59  67   70   75
2007    94   66   68  57   54   46  
2008    24   32   70
The end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008 was much colder than previous years,
which may have been an indicator of what was coming. 
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression...
The depression originated in the U.S., after the fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929, and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday).
The Great Depression began in 1929 = cold down spike (much below normal)
Stock Market Crash of 1929 = Cold down spike (much below normal)
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr
1926    16    7   12  -11 
1927   -22  -16  -34  -28  
1928     1   -5  -24  -24 
1929   -38  -52  -30  -36
1929 started out much colder than previous years which may have been an indicator.
Korean War, conflict between Communist and non-Communist forces in Korea
from June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953.
1950 = below normal cold down spike (a'ji)
1953 = cold below normal down spike (a'ji)
Year   Jan  Feb
1947   -11   -9
1948    12  -12
1949    12  -17
1950   -29  -29
1951   -33  -43
1952    13   12
1953    11   20
1950 and 1951 started out much colder than other years from 1947-1953, which may have
been an indicator.
1962, in which stock prices dropped in the sharpest decline since the crash of 1929. - page 55 (chapter The Prophetic Numbers) of THE TIME OF THE QUICKENING by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D.
1962 = down spike (sharp drop in temperature) a'ji
The 'Flash Crash' of 1962
Year Oct  Nov  Dec
1958  1    2   -1
1959 -9   -9    1
1960  6  -12   16 
1961  0    3  -16
1961 ended in a sharp drop (19 degrees) in heat much more than previous years, which may have been an indicator for next year.
List of ongoing military conflicts (War#Ongoing_conflicts)
1,000+ deaths per year. Conflicts in the following list are currently causing at least 1000 violent deaths per year, a categorization used by the Uppsala Conflict Data Program[1] and recognised by the United Nations.[2][3] Italics indicate disputed territories and unrecognized states.
Start Continent Location Cumulative fatalities
8. 2011 Syrian civil war Syria 93,000-120,000
2011 = down spike
9. 2011 Inter and Intra-Sudanese conflicts South Sudan 2,367  
2011 = down spike
10. 2011 Iraqi insurgency (post-U.S. withdrawal) Iraq 8,793+
2011 = down spike
Year  Nov  Dec
2006  70   75
2007  54   46
2008  63   52
2009  72   59
2010  75   46
2010 ended with a 29 degree drop in heat which was the greatest drop in heat from Nov to Dec since 1929 (the Great Depression) and 1916-1917 (World War I). This extreme drop in heat may have been an indicator of what was to come in 2011.
Tornadoes of 2010
November and December were both above average with most of the activity clustered in two outbreaks, one at the end of each month, with both months generally inactive until those tornado outbreaks.
Tornadoes of 2011
There were 1,897 tornadoes reported in the US in 2011 (of which 1,704 were confirmed). 2011 was an exceptionally destructive and deadly year for tornadoes; worldwide, at least 577 people perished due to tornadoes: 12 in Bangladesh, two in South Africa, one in New Zealand, one in the Philippines, one in Russia, one in Canada, and an estimated 553 in the United States (compared to 564 US deaths in the prior ten years combined).[3] Due mostly to several extremely large tornado outbreaks in the middle and end of April and in late May, the year finished well above average in almost every category, with six EF5 tornadoes and nearly enough total tornado reports to eclipse the mark of 1,817 tornadoes recorded in 2004, the current record year for total number of tornadoes.
January 1 Main article: 2010 New Year's Eve tornado outbreak
A late-season deadly tornado outbreak continued though the early hours of January 1, with seven tornadoes touching down in Mississippi over three hours. The strongest of these, rated EF3 with winds of 145 mph (233 km/h), reached 0.75 mi (1.21 km) in width along its 23.45 mi (37.74 km) track and caused significant damage along Mississippi Highway 19. Several structures were damaged or destroyed and two people were injured. Near Mississippi Highway 35, thousands of trees were uprooted by the tornado. Another EF3 touched down near Macon, damaging or destroying several structures and one person was injured. Overall damage in the state from tornadoes amounted to $10.4 million.[9]
The Arab Spring (Arabic: الربيع العربي‎, ar-rabīˁ al-ˁarabī) is a term for the revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests (both non-violent and violent), riots, and civil wars in the Arab world that began on 18 December 2010.
To date, rulers have been forced from power in Tunisia,[1] Egypt (twice),[2] Libya,[3] and Yemen;[4] civil uprisings have erupted in Bahrain[5] and Syria;[6] major protests have broken out in Algeria,[7] Iraq,[8] Jordan,[9] Kuwait,[10] Morocco,[11] and Sudan;[12] and minor protests have occurred in Mauritania,[13] Oman,[14] Saudi Arabia,[15] Djibouti,[16] Western Sahara,[17] and the Palestinian Authority.
Related events outside of the Arab World included protests in Iranian Khuzestan by the Arab minority in April 2011[18] and border clashes in Israel in May 2011.[19]
The start of the Arab Spring on 18 December 2010 was a cold down-spike a'ji period
cold down-spike a'ji period from late 2010 to early 2011.
1907   -46  -54  -34  -46
1931    -5  -20   -6  -16
1950   -30  -29   -7  -19
1950   -30  -29   -7  -19
1967    -5  -18    8   -2
1975     8    7   14    4
1983    49   35   37   27 *
1993    34   37   33   22
2006    52   65   59   45 *
2013    62   52   60   48 *
2015    75   80   84   71
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr
Feb  Mar Apr 2013, 2006, and 1983 fits the closest climate pattern to Feb  Mar Apr 2015.
May 27 – A 6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes central Java in Indonesia, killing more than 6,000, injuring at least 36,000 and leaving some 1.5 million people homeless.[27]
May 26 – A powerful earthquake and tsunami in northern Honshū, Japan kills 104 and injures 163.
Earthquakes, cooling, and contraction:
May 26 – A powerful earthquake  (magnitude of 7.8) and tsunami in northern Honshū, Japan kills 104 and injures 163.
Major Earthquake alert (6.0 to 8.0 or greater) for the next couple weeks.
Google San Andreas movie release date:
May 29, 2015 (USA)
San Andreas, Release date
San Andreas (2015) Motion Picture Rated PG-13
In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California ...
Watch the news in the coming days and weeks to see if anything happens that is like the above from 1983, 2006, and 2013.
Posted 5/18/2015
Posted 1:00 p.m. EDT May 30, 2015 .
Magnitude-7.8 quake strikes off Japan's southern coast .
Doug Stanglin, USA TODAY
USA TODAY 10:18 a.m. EDT May 30, 2015 .
A magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck off the southern coast of Japan Saturday, shaking buildings in Tokyo and interrupting subway service, but causing no major damage or injuries.
The epicenter was located 540 miles south of Tokyo in the Ogasawara Islands, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, which initially reported the quake as a magnitude-8.5.
The Japan Meteorological Agency reports that no tsunami warnings were issued.
The strong quake rattled buildings in the capital for about a minute, briefly shutting down subways, Japan Today reports.
NHK reports that train service between Tokyo and Osaka was halted due to a power outage.
Naoki Hirata, an earthquake expert at the University of Tokyo's Earthquake Research Centre, told NHK that while it was a "very big quake" and "shaking was felt over a broad areas," there was little danger of a tsunami because it it was centered 350 miles below the surface.
Very similar climate patterns in 1983 and 2006 indicated a probable Earthquake for East Asia/Western Pacific between 100 degrees East and 150 degrees East longitude (Indonesia and Japan area) close to the date of May 26 - May 27, 2015.
2015    81   87   90   73   78   77   73   79   80  104
2004    58   70   66   62   42   43   27   45   53   66++
1995    51   78   45   47   28   44   49   49   34   49
1990    40   40   76   54   46   37   43   30   29   42+
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct
Aug, Sep, Oct 2004, 1990, and 1995 fits the closest climate pattern to Aug, Sep, Oct 2015.
Watch the news in the coming days and weeks to see if anything happens that is like the above from 2004 and 1990.
Posted 11/20/2015.

December 6Terrorists attack the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, killing several people.
On December 2, 2015, fourteen people were killed and 22 injured in an Islamic extremism-inspired terrorist attack, consisting of a mass shooting (and attempted bombing) at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, United States.

1994    31    3   26   40   28   41   31   22   33   42   45 *
1997    32   37   51   37   38   54   36   41   56   64   65 *
1998    61   88   62   64   70   77   70   69   46   46   49
1999    48   67   33   34   32   37   41   35   43   42   40
2006    56   71   63   49   47   64   55   71   64   70   73 *
2007    96   69   70   75   68   58   62   61   64   60   57
2008    26   35   74   53   51   47   60   44   64   67   67
2015    81   87   90   73   78   77   73   77   82  106  105
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov
Sep, Oct, Nov 2006, 1997, and 1994 fits the closest climate pattern to Sep, Oct, Nov 2015
December 15 – The first version of web browser Netscape Navigator is released.[10]
December 19
A planned exchange rate correction of the Mexican peso to the US dollar, becomes a massive financial meltdown in Mexico, unleashing the 'Tequila' effect on global financial markets. This prompts a US$50 billion "bailout" by the Clinton Administration.
The Whitewater scandal investigation begins in Washington, D.C.
Civil unions between homosexuals are legalized in Sweden.
December 26 – French anti-terrorist police storm a hijacked jet at Marseille and kill 4 Islamist terrorists.
December 31 is skipped by the Phoenix Islands to switch from the UTC−11 time zone to UTC+13, and by the Line Islands to switch from UTC−10 to UTC+14. The latter becomes the earliest time zone in the world, one full day ahead of Hawaii.
Watch the news in the coming days and weeks to see if anything happens that is like the above from 2006, 1997, and 1994.
Posted 12/21/2015.
December 26 – French anti-terrorist police storm a hijacked jet at Marseille and kill 4 Islamist terrorists.
Related image
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On Christmas eve 1994 the Armed Islamic Group (GIA), the FIS’s military wing, hijacked an Air France plane at the main airport in Algiers, the French capital. Three passengers were killed. In the subsequent raid at Marseille airport by operatives from France's GIGN anti-terror group, all four hijackers were killed.
(CNN) Belgian authorities have arrested two people on suspicion of being involved in a plot to attack "emblematic sites" in Belgium's capital during New Year's celebrations, the country's federal prosecutor's office said Tuesday.
The men are members of a Muslim biker gang called the Kamikaze Riders and are suspected to have discussed attacking Brussels' Grand Place square and other places where crowds gather as well as police and military facilities, a senior Belgian counter-terrorism official told CNN on condition of anonymity.
In the news
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
2014    73   50   77   78   85   65   57   81   89   85   68   78 *
2015    81   86   89   73   78   77   72   77   82  106  102  111
2016   113
Nov Dec Jan 2014-2015 fits the closest climate pattern to Nov Dec Jan 2015-2016.
February 16 – The Egyptian military begins conducting airstrikes against a branch of the Islamic militant group ISIL in Libya in retaliation for the group's beheading of over a dozen Egyptian Christians.[14]
March 5–8 – The ancient city sites of Nimrud, Hatra and Dur-Sharrukin in Iraq are demolished by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.[15][16][17]
March 6 – NASA's Dawn probe enters orbit around Ceres, becoming the first spacecraft to visit a dwarf planet.[18][19]
March 12 – The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant becomes allies with fellow jihadist group Boko Haram, effectively annexing the group.[20]
Watch the news in the coming days and weeks to see if anything happens that is like the above from 2015-2016.
Posted 2/21/2016.

US Special Ops Teams in Libya Helped Direct Airstrikes Against ISIS.
Feb 19, 2016.
U.S. Special Operations teams on the ground in Libya in recent weeks aided in the preparations for the U.S. airstrike that hit an ISIS training camp and reportedly killed a top operative, the Pentagon said Friday.
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter recommended the strike and it was approved by President Obama, Cook said. At the White House, Press Secretary Josh Earnest said that the airstrikes were "an indication that the president will not hesitate to take these kinds of forceful, decisive actions."
2016   116  132  128  108   94   79   84
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul
2007    96   69   71   75   68   58   62-
    August 15 – An 8.0 earthquake strikes Peru, killing 512 people, injuring more than 1,500, and causing tsunami warnings in the Pacific Ocean.  
Watch the news in the coming days and weeks to see if anything happens that is like the above from 2003, 2002, 2007.
Posted 8/28/2016.
Magnitude 6.2 earthquake.
11 km from Norcia PG, Italy · Aug 23, 6:36 PM
Ascoli Piceno, Italy (CNN) Italy began the painful task of burying its dead Saturday following a massive earthquake, as aftershocks rattled the heart of the country and the death toll climbed to 291.
1988    57   42   49   45   44   42   35   46   41
2006    58   70   63   51   47   65   55   72   65 *
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep
2016   116  134  130  109   93   75   84   97   91
Watch the news in the coming days and weeks to see if anything happens that is like the above from 1988, 2006.
Posted 11/02/2016.
November 11 – In Sacramento, California, police find a body buried in the lawn of 60-year-old boardinghouse landlady Dorothea Puente (7 bodies are eventually found and Puente is convicted of 3 murders and sentenced to life in prison).
Posted 8:08 AM, November 7, 2016, by CNN Wire
Another body found on alleged killer’s property in South Carolina
The discovery is the latest twist in the dizzying case against Todd Kohlhepp.
Now Kohlhepp, a registered sex offender, faces murder and kidnapping charges. Authorities say he could be connected to at least seven homicides. They’ve found at least two bodies on his 100-acre farm — and they’re also checking other properties he’s owned inside and outside the state, CNN affiliate WSPA reported.
Dorothea Helen Puente (January 9, 1929 – March 27, 2011) was a convicted American serial killer. In the 1980s, Puente ran a boarding house in Sacramento, California, and cashed the Social Security checks of her elderly and mentally disabled boarders. Those who complained were killed and buried in her yard. Newspapers dubbed her the "Death House Landlady".[1]
Born  Dorothea Helen Gray January 9, 1929
1929 = cold much below normal down-spike (a'ji)
Todd Kohlhepp Born: March 7, 1971 (age 45)
1971 = cold down-spike dry (a'ji)
2016   115  133  129  108   93   75   83   98   90   88   95
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov
1981    56   41   48   31   24   30   35   35   17   13   21 *
1979    14   -9   19   13    6   14    3   14   27   25   29 *
January 11 – January 17 – A brutal cold snap sends temperatures to all-time record lows in dozens of cities throughout the Midwestern United States.
Bitter Cold Arctic Air Sets Dozens of Record Lows in the Midwest and Plains
Dec 19 2016
Record low temperatures hit Southern California
December 19, 2016

December 24
The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan, and Babrak Karmal replaces overthrown and executed President Hafizullah Amin, which begins the war.
January 4 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter proclaims a grain embargo against the USSR with the support of the European Commission.

White House announces retaliation against Russia: Sanctions,...
January 2, 2017

2016   117  135  130  109   93   76   83   98   87   89   93   81
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
2004    59   71   64   62   42   43   26   45   53   66   72   52 **
1994    30    4   26   41   29   42   32   23   32   42   46   36 **

Watch the news in the coming days and weeks to see if anything happens that is like the above from 2004 and 1994.
Posted 1/20/2017.
January 19 – Record cold temperatures hit the eastern United States. The coldest temperature ever measured in Indiana state history, −36 °F (−38 °C), is recorded in New Whiteland, Indiana.
2007    96   70   70   76   68   58
2014    74   53   78   79   87   66
2017    92  109  111   94   88   69
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun

July 17 – Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, a Boeing 777, crashes in eastern Ukraine after being shot down by a missile. All 298 people on board are killed.[35]
July 21 – The United Nations Security Council adopts Resolution 2166 in response to the shootdown of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.[36]
July 24 – Air Algérie Flight 5017 crashes in Mali, killing all 116 people on board.[37]
August 7 – Khmer Rouge leaders Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan are found guilty of crimes against humanity and are sentenced to life imprisonment by the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.[38]
August 8 – The United States military begins an air campaign in northern Iraq to stem the influx of ISIL militants.[39]

July 17 – TAM Airlines Flight 3054 overruns the runway of São Paulo–Congonhas Airport and crashes, killing all 187 and 12 others on the ground.[23]
July 24 – Five Bulgarian nurses were released from Libyan prison after eight and a half years spent behind bars in Benghazi and Tripoli, marking the end of the so-called "HIV trial in Libya".[24]
August 4 – The Phoenix spacecraft is launched toward Mars to study its north pole.[25]
August 9 – The French global bank BNP Paribas in the United Kingdom blocks withdrawals from three hedge funds heavily committed in sub-prime mortgages, signaling the financial crisis of 2007–2008.[26]
August 14 – Multiple suicide bombings kill 572 people in Qahtaniya, northern Iraq.[27]
August 15 – An 8.0 earthquake strikes Peru, killing at least 450 people, injuring more than 1,500, and causing tsunami warnings in the Pacific Ocean.[28]

Watch the news in the coming days and weeks to see if anything happens that is like the above from 2007 and 2014..
July 7 – The Great Flood begins in southern Poland.(1997)
At least 9 die in Arizona flash flooding (July 17, 2017)

2017    98  112  114   94   89   69   84   85
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug
2011    49   51   62   62   50   57   72   71 *

September 17 – Occupy Wall Street protests begin in the United States. This develops into the Occupy movement which spreads to 82 countries by October.[49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57]
September 19 – With 434 dead, the United Nations launches a $357 million appeal for victims of the 2011 Sindh floods in Pakistan.[58]
October 4 – The death toll from the flooding of Cambodia's Mekong river and attendant flash floods reaches 207.[59]

Showdown over NFL anthem protests moves to Monday night
By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN
Updated 2:43 PM ET, Mon September 25, 2017

LeBron James defends NFL protests: 'It's not about the disrespect of our flag'
By MICHAEL ROTHMAN  Sep 25, 2017, 2:06 PM ET

Texas faces flood threat as Pilar enhances downpours this week
By Renee Duff, AccuWeather meteorologist
September 25, 2017, 2:31:21 PM EDT
Heavy thunderstorms and moisture from Pilar will cluster around western and central Texas this week, threatening to trigger flooding and travel disruptions.

2017    97  112  113   93   88   70   81   87   80   90
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct
2010    74   80   92   85   73   63   60   63   59   69
2003    73   55   58   54   61   48   54   65   64   74

November 23 – North Korea shells Yeonpyeong Island, prompting a military response by South Korea. The incident causes an escalation of tension on the Korean Peninsula and prompts widespread international condemnation. The United Nations declares it to be one of the most serious incidents since the end of the Korean War.[72][73][74]
Watch the news in the coming days and weeks to see if anything happens that is like the above from 2003 and 2010. Posted 12/4/17.
On November 28, North Korea launched another ballistic missile, a Hwasong-15, the first in over two months. The missile was said to have reached an altitude of 4,500 km and landed near Japan’s exclusive economic zone.[32] According to Yonhap News, Korean Air flights KE026 and KE012 witnessed lights presumably from separated portions of the missile.[33]
2006    56   68   62   50   47   64   52   70   62   67   69   73
2017    96  111  113   93   88   70   81   86   74   88   87   89
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
February 13 – North Korea agrees to shut down its nuclear facilities in Yongbyon by April 14 as a first step towards complete denuclearization, receiving in return energy aid equivalent to 50,000 tons of heavy fuel oil.[10]
Watch the news in the coming days and weeks to see if anything happens that is like the above from 2007. Posted 1/28/2018.
North Korea Asks for Direct Nuclear Talks, and Trump Agrees
MARCH 8, 2018.
WASHINGTON — North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, has invited President Trump to meet for negotiations over its nuclear program, an audacious diplomatic overture that would bring together two strong-willed, idiosyncratic leaders who have traded threats of war.
The president expressed his optimism about the meeting in a post on Twitter, saying that Mr. Kim had “talked about denuclearization with the South Korean Representatives, not just a freeze.”
Also, no missile testing by North Korea during this period of time,” Mr. Trump added. “Great progress being made but sanctions will remain until an agreement is reached. Meeting being planned!”
2018    75   80   88   86
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr
2011    48   50   62   61
2005    71   56   70   68
May 16 – The European Union agrees to a €78 billion rescue deal for Portugal. The bailout loan will be equally split between the European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism, the European Financial Stability Facility, and the International Monetary Fund.[25]
May 21 – Grímsvötn, Iceland's most active volcano, erupted and caused disruption to air travel in Northwestern Europe.[26]
May 22 – The 2011 Joplin Tornado was an EF5 Tornado that formed in Joplin, Missouri; killing 158 and injuring 1,150.
May 26 – Former Bosnian Serb Army commander Ratko Mladić, wanted for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, is arrested in Serbia.[27][28]
June 4 – Chile's Puyehue volcano erupts, causing air traffic cancellations across South America, New Zealand, Australia and forcing over 3,000 people to evacuate.
May 13 – Uzbek Interior Ministry and National Security Service troops massacre at least 200 protesters in the city of Andijan.[17

18 May 2018.
Hawaii's Kilauea volcano erupts.
The eruption took place at 04:15 local time (14:15 GMT) on Thursday, and scientists say further activity is likely in the near future.
Lava from the volcano has wrecked dozens of homes and forced hundreds of people to be evacuated.


2018    77   80   90   85   82
Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May
2005    71   56   70   67   63
2005 July 7 – Four coordinated suicide bombings hit central London, killing 52 people and injuring over 700.[22]
1 July 2018.
A suicide bombing in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad has killed at least 19 people, most of them members of the country's Sikh minority.
Among those killed was the only Sikh candidate who had planned to contest October's parliamentary elections.
The Islamic State (IS) group said it carried out the attack.


Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2017 1:51 AM
Subject: a new word POLARIOCENTRIC
I have introduced a new word to the english and scientific lexicon, the new word is POLARIOCENTRIC.
No results containing all your search terms were found.
Your search - POLARIOCENTRIC - did not match any documents.
The Oahspe system of Astrology (or Cosmogony) is Polariocentric because it accepts the true position of Polaris (the north Star) as the center and master of the solar orbit and provides a mode of interpretation, that can be verified mathematically and astronomically. - page 144 of SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, 1941-1948 (1940) by Wing Anderson.
I replaced the word HELIOCENTRIC with POLARIOCENTRIC. Wing Anderson said "can be verified mathematically and astronomically", I have done this (mathematically and and astronomically) with C'vorkum (mathematical proof).
Not Helio-centric but Polaris-centric 434 light-years as the center of a C'vorkum circle (circuit, orbit).
Cevorkum = sub-galactic orbit of the Orachnebuahgalah plate of Oahspe
Cevorkum = 434 light-years to Polaris x pi (3.1415926) = 1363.4511 x 2 = 2726.9022 = 2727 light-years
2727 / 1600 = 1.7043 light-years for each arc or cycle
Cevorkum: Circumference = pi × diameter = pi × 2 × radius
The circumference of a circle is the length around it.
pi = 3.14159
434 (light-years away Polaris) x 3.14159 x 2 = 2726.90012 light-years distance circuit
1600 arcs or cycles or dan'has (dawns) in each circuit = 2727 / 1600 = 1.7043 light years per dan'ha or etherean arc.
3000 / 84 (years) = 35.7142. 1.7043 / 35.7142 = 0.0477 (rounded 0.048) light-years of Cevorkum = 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
3000 = average years for one cycle or arc of Cevorkum.
Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy: Chapter VII:
17. In orachnebuahgalah the student will draw a curved line, representing the travel of the great serpent for three thousand years.
Oahspe instructs to use 3000 years for ORACHNEBUAHGALAH prophecy plate.
434 (light-years away Polaris) x 3.14159 x 2 = 2726.90012 light-years distance circuit
1600 arcs or cycles or dan'has (dawns) in each circuit = 2727 / 1600 = 1.7043 light
years per dan'ha or etherean arc.
3000 years = 1.7043 light-years
1.7043 / 3000 = 0.0005681 light-years = 1 year to travel 0.0005681 light-years
0.0005681 light-years x 84 = 0.0477 light-years travel in 84 years x 1000 = 47.72
47.72 = rounded to 48 on Orachnebuahgalah plate (48 peace).
Above calculations = Hidden mathematical astronomical code to prophecy (Orachnebuahgalah).
Feb 14, 2019 at 9:16 AM, Michael W wrote:

"My Review of the Orachnebuahgalah prophecy plate

Last Sunday evening I was treated to a remarkable discovery and revelation concerning one of Oahspe’s most unusual mysteries, the Orachnebuahgalah prophecy plate (Standing for Oracle-Nebula-Earth-Galaxy.).  Fellow Oahspean Michael James, went over with me, set-by-set, figure-by-figure—as I used my calculator—and unravelled this astrological and prophetic chart to my utter amazement and surprise!  This chart has always been an enigma to many, including myself, who have read Oahspe and a challenge to those who attempt to read The Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy in Oahspe.  Yet by using my calculator, through mathematics, I was able to see important events deciphered with such clarity, as to make the use of any zodiacal chart reading look like a child’s exercise!
By using astronomical light year figures of the distance of Polaris, Cevorkum (the sub-galactic orbit of our solar system around Polaris), and figures of a 3000 year arc cycle, etc., Mr. James was able to open up before me, through mathematics, the key to calculating important historic and futuristic events.  He has crack the code of this prophetic tablet, and I doubt there has been a more important discovery in recent years.  A pity it will probably go largely unnoticed.  A true loss for the planet.  What a revelation!" - Michael Harris 
Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part II:
28. Tae said: ...
32. Yea, I have measured the stars in Thy firmament, ...
33. I have measured the light and computed the time of its coming, ...
0.0005681 light-years x 116 = 0.06589 light-years travel in 116 years x 1000 = 65.89
65.89 = rounded to 66 on Orachnebuahgalah plate (66 war, a'ji 66).
Match light-years distance of Cevorkum to prophetic numbers and words on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe - August, 11, 2014.
33.33 (1st rule of prophecy) x 5 (balance) = 166.65 + 1848 = 2014.65.
August 11 = 8th month of year, 11th day of month.
11/31 (days of August) = 0.3548
8.3548/12.99 (months and decimal of last day of year)= 0.6431
August 11, 2014 = 166.64 year of Kosmon almost exactly to the 1/100th decimal place 33.33 x 5 year of Kosmon.
Hidden mathematical astronomical code to prophecy = every 1 arc cycle of Cevorkum distance in light-years divided by 3000 x 1000 = one number on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
Light-years distance of the solar phalanx in Cevorkum:

_176 years = 0.100 light-years = 100 order on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
_175 years = 0.099 light-years = 99 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate
_159 years = 0.090 light-years = 90 learning on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate
_155 years = 0.088 light-years = 88 worship and war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate
_116 years = 0.066 light-years = a'ji 66 and 66 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
__84 years = 0.048 light-years = 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate
__19 years = 0.010 light-years = 10 arbitration on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
1848 + 176 = 2024 = 0.100 light-years = 100 order on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
1848 + 175 = 2023 = 0.099 light-years = 99 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
1848 + 159 = 2007 = 0.090 light-years = 90 learning on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate
1848 + 155 = 2003 = 0.088 light-years = 88 war on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate
1848 + 116 = 1964 = 0.066 light-years = 66 war and a'ji 66 on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
1848 + 84 = 1932 = 0.048 light-years = 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
1848 + 19 = 1867 = 0.010 light-years = 10 arbitration on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
2007 = United Nations first Education for All Global goal
2007 =  Apple Inc.'s first iPhone smartphone
2007 = the first evidence of atmospheric water vapor beyond the Solar System.
2007 = first satellite in the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program, is launched
2003 = invasion of Iraq, the Iraq War, Operation Iraqi Freedom by the United States.
1964 = Gulf of Tonkin incident led to America’s entry into Vietnam War
1964 = coldest down-spike of 1950-2000 (a'ji, beast).
1932 = WORLD PEACE CONFERENCE, first world disarmament conference ever, it had no precedents
1932... It was the first world disarmament conference ever called, it had no precedents
1932 = Games of the X Olympiad, symbol of peace, major world wide multi-athletic event
Los Angeles 1932 Olympics...The modern young sportsman presents the laurel of peace.
"The shipbuilding industry, which reached fantastic peaks of construction under the war impact, ..." FIG.7. U.S.
shipbuilding, 1830-1945. - Page 32 of Cycles - the science of prediction by Edward R. Dewey and Edwin F. Dakin.
The two highest peaks were from 1915-1918, and from 1941-1944, during World Wars 1 and 2. The lowest period
of shipbuilding (time of peace) was 1932-1933, matches 1932 WORLD PEACE CONFERENCE and 1932 Olympics, which
matches Hidden mathematical astronomical code to prophecy.
1867 = British North America Act, Arbitration, award by two arbitrators
Arbitration under the British North America Act 1867 ...proceedings and award by two arbitrators
The 1/1000th (one-thousandth) ratio of light-years traveled to 1 number or year on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate is
equivalent to "one to a thousand" rule of the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy: Chapter VII:17.
The numbers (years) on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate are numbered from 1 to a 1000 which is equal to the ratio of light-years distance traveled by the solar system to the numbers on the Orachnebuahgalah plate.
To convert light-years traveled to Orachnebuahgalah numbers multiply by one thousand (1 to 1000 ratio, "one to a thousand").
0.048 (light-years traveled) x 1000 = 48 peace on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe. ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate is connected to CEVORKUM, and light-years traveled is connected to prophecy.
Cevorkum = sub-galactic orbit of the Orachnebuahgalah plate of Oahspe
Cevorkum = 434 light-years to Polaris x pi (3.1415926) = 1363.4511 x 2 = 2726.9022 = 2727 light-years
1600 arc cycles (dawns) in C'vorkum circuit
2727 / 1600 = 1.7043 light-years for each arc or cycle
3000 years of C'vorkum = 1.7043 light-years
84 years of C'vorkum =  0.0477 (rounded 0.048) light-years
3000 / 84 (years) = 35.7142. 1.7043 / 35.7142 = 0.0477 (rounded to 0.048) light-years of Cevorkum = 48 peace on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate.
3000 = average years for one cycle or arc of Cevorkum.
0.048 x 1000 = 48 (the base of calculation) on Orachnebuahgalah
0.0477 x 1000 = 47.7 rounded to 48 (the base of calculation)
66 / 48 = 1.375, 0.048 x 1.375 = 0.066 x 1000 = 66 on Orachnebuahgalah
0.0477 x 1.375 = 0.06558 (rounded to 0.066) x 1000 = 65.58 (66 rounded)
84 years x 1.375 = 115.5 (rounded to 116) years
48 and 66 checks out with base calculation
10 / 48 = 0.2083
0.048 x 0.2083 = 0.0099 (rounded to 0.010)
0.0477 x 0.2083 = 0.00993 (rounded to 0.010)
0.010 x 1000 = 10 on Orachnebuahgalah
3000 / 19 = 157.8947
1.7043 / 157.8947 = 0.010
0.010 x 1000 = = 10 on Orachnebuahgalah
10 checks out with base calculation
159 / 84 = 1.8928, 0.048 x 1.8928 = 0.090 x 1000 = 90 on Orachnebuahgalh
0.0477 x 1.8928 = 0.0902 = 0.090
90 checks out with base calculation
155 / 84 =  1.8452, 0.048 x 1.8452 = 0.088 x 1000 = 88 on Orachnebuahgalah
0.0477 x 1.8452 = 0.08801 = 0.088
88 checks out with base calculation          
Oahspe Book of Knowledge Part 2:
28. Tae said: ...
32. Yes, I have measured the stars in Your firmament,...
33. I have measured the light and computed the time of its coming, |1503| and lo, they have also existed for millions of years.
1503  i.e., computed how long it took the light to "travel" from star(s) to the earth.
Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter I:
35...But that which is called light is polarity of corporeal needles in solution, caused by the lines of vortexya. In experiments on earth, the flash requireth a certain time to polarize these infinitesimal needles, and for convenience sake such lapse of time is called the travel of light.[Speed of polarization of corporeal needles in solution. Light is polarized state, once polarized there is no travel or speed to Light, but to go from unpolarized darkness or confusion to polarized light takes a certain time and that lapse of time is the constant C speed of polarization which scientist call the speed or travel of light].
1 light-year = 5.87849981 × 10 to the 12 miles .
light-year =  time to polarize infinitesimal needles in solution over a distance of 5.87849981 × 10 to the 12 miles.
light-year = time to go from unpolarized darkness or confusion to polarized light, to polarize the adjacent area of space then the next area of space etc...so on for a distance of 5.87849981 × 10 to the 12 miles.
1.04117 light-years = 9.85001836 × 10 to the 15 meters .
A meter is defined by the speed of light or the distance light travels in one second.
The speed of light is defined as being a specific quantity, 299792458 m/s.
The exact speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s.
A metre is 1/299792458 of the distance light travels in a sec in a vacuum.

Speed of light - Wikipedia

1.0 + 411 + 7 light-years = 9.85 + 00 + 1836 x 10 to the 15 meters
400 (dan-baktun) + 11 (2nd rule of prophecy) = 411
7 = completion, 00 = Ciper ethe'ic wave Dan (light), 1836 = Proton-to-electron mass ratio,
3.14 (pi) x 3.14 = 9.85 (first 3 primary numbers) circumference = E-O-IH
1 = unity, 10 = cipher and unity, 15 = 22 - 7 (22/7 pi)
From: oahspe101
what is your take on this next 33 years...2014-2048?
January 20, 2015
Cycles and prophetic numbers are manifestations of the ethe'ic vortex.

My take on 2048, the 200 year dan is something similar to the 200 dan of the arc of Bon cycle. In 1353-1352 b.c. The Pharaoh Amen hotep IV put away the many gods of the Egyptian old and middle kingdoms and introduced the One God of the New Kingdom. Jehovih will rise up in popularity and idolatry will descend.

The next low point in the geomagnetic cycle will be 2019-2020,  this should be similar to the 2008 low point. 2019-2020 should be increased chance of economic depression-recession, stock market crash, earthquakes,, etc. 2029-2031, and 2040-2042 should be low points in the geomagnetic  cycles and should be similar to 2008 and 2019-2020.
Next low points in Solar (sunspot) cycle are 2019-2020, and 2030-2031.
Next low points in Solar (sunspot) cycle are 2019-2020, and 2030-2031.
List of epidemics
15th century and earlier
Death toll (estimate)  Location  Date  Event  Disease
75,000–100,000  Greece  429–426 BC  Plague of Athens  Unknown, possibly typhus, typhoid fever or viral hemorrhagic fever
427-426 BC Long dip toward cold (426 BC) downspike (422 BC)
5–10 million  Roman Empire  165–180 (possibly up to 190)  Antonine Plague  Unknown, possibly smallpox
166 cold dip toward down-spike (171) 180 down-spike.
------------  Europe  250–266  Plague of Cyprian  Unknown, possibly smallpox
250 cold dip toward down-spike (252).
25–50 million; 40% of population  Europe, Egypt and West Asia  541–542  Plague of Justinian  Plague
542 dip toward cold down-spike (543) 542 cold.
------------  Rome  590  Roman Plague of 590  Plague
590 above normal warm inbetween
> 100,000  Ctesiphon, Persia  627–628  Plague of Sheroe  Plague
626 cold down-spike, 627 cold almost down-spike. 628 borderline up-spike
------------  British Isles  664–689  Plague of 664  Plague
664 warm almost upspike 665, 667 cold down-spike. 685 cold down-spike. 688 cold down-spike, 689 cold
approx 1/3 of entire Japanese population  Japan  735–737  735–737 Japanese smallpox epidemic  Smallpox
735 cold inbetween going up. 737 cold up-spike.
------------  Byzantine Empire, West Asia, Africa  746–747  Plague of 746–747  Plague
746 borderline warm-cold up-spike, 747 cold inbetween
75–200 million (10–60% of European population)  Europe, Asia and North Africa  1331–1353  Black Death  Plague
1330 cold down-spike, 1331 borderline cold-warm inbetween up,
10,000 +  Britain (England) and later continental Europe  1485–1551  Sweating sickness (multiple outbreaks)  Unknown, possibly an unknown
1486 below normal cold downspike, 1485 below normal cold.

20th century
up to 100,000,000  worldwide  1918–1920  Spanish flu  Influenza
1917 coldest much below normal down-spike of 1900 to 1950. 1918 much below normal cold, 1920 below normal cold.
1917 the coldest down-spike from 600 B.C. to 2000 A.D (last 2420 years).
21st century
284,000+ (Medium Estimate by CDC)  Worldwide  2009-2010  2009 flu pandemic (informally called "swine flu")  Pandemic H1N1/09 virus
2008 = deep drop down-spike, 2009 coming up from deep drop down-spike.
http://www.studyofoahspe.com/id47.html (half-way down)
11 year solar vortex sub-galactic radiation (heat) cycle and geomagnetic radiation cycles
I use the 11 year solar sunspot cycle along with the climate cycles (of heat and cold) for prophecy and calculating a'ji and dan cycles.
Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon Chapter XIV:
4. To events of prophecy there was also another calendar, called the ode, signifying sky-time, or heavenly times. One ode was equivalent to eleven long years;
Oahspe The Lord's Fifth Book 2:15:
Learn to prophesy by the sun [solar, sunspot cycles],...
(as of 27 March 2020)  Worldwide  2019–present  2019–2020 coronavirus pandemic  Coronavirus disease
epidemics and Se'mu (Virus composed of mostly DNA or RNA) are linked to a'ji.
2019–2020 Coronavirus pandemic is linked to global recession and 2019–2020 down-spike.
"Sun light and the UV light inactivates the virus and leads to less transmission by physics." - Dr. Joseph Fair, Viralogist and Epidemiologist, March 27, 2020.

Virus = se'mu = preceeding substance of the living = RNA or DNA.
A virus is a small parasite that cannot reproduce by itself. Once it infects a susceptible cell, however, a virus can direct the cell machinery to produce more viruses. Most viruses have either RNA or DNA as their genetic material. The nucleic acid may be single- or double-stranded. The entire infectious virus particle, called a virion, consists of the nucleic acid and an outer shell of protein. The simplest viruses contain only enough RNA or DNA to encode four proteins. The most complex can encode 100 – 200 proteins.
OAHSPE: Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy CHAPTER VIII.
14. And when an epidemic is prophesied to a city, man shall dissipate the falling se'mu, and thus save it from destruction.
The falling se'mu (Virus) dissipated by irradiating, and photoionizing -- as UV light does.
See Weather, Climate, Dark Matter, Airborne Pathogens page of this website near the bottom.
2041-2042 = low point in sunspot cycle
Half of 11 year cycle = 5.5 years.
2041 + 5.5 = 2046.5
2042 + 5.5 = 2047.5
Average = 2047 as high or peak year of sunspot cycle = High Dan  = very rarefied region = 2047-2048 = Wave or 200 Dan-Gow 200 = 200 Learning on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahape.
1938 was also a high or peak year of the 17th sunspot cycle = High Dan = 90 Learning on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate of Oahspe. 
In 2023 the solar system will.have traveled 0.099 light-years since 1848 which will equal 99 war on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate. And 2024 will be equivalent to 0.100 light-years traveled and 100 order on the prophecy plate.

2038-2039 could be a year of increased productivity, creativity, inventiveness, science, and technology.

2047-2048 should be the year or start of a big worldwide UFO flap or wave, similar to 1848, and 1947-1948.

2017 may see another battle in the middle east involving Arab counties.
Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic war with Qatar, explained
Jun 6, 2017,
A longstanding war of words between Saudi Arabia and its oil and gas-rich neighbor Qatar has just exploded into open diplomatic warfare, ...
The new rift in the Persian Gulf is in and of itself a big deal — it’s already being interpreted by some observers as the biggest diplomatic crisis in the region since the Gulf War in 1991.
2048 should be a time of enlightenment and learning.  Also most of the world's people should have changed to a vegetarian diet by 2050. During the same time there could be great famines around the world.
International manned mission to Mars, or beyond (use of a new type of propulsion?) by 2048. 

There should be an Oahspe type shalam community established between 2040 and 2048 in the United States. 

That is my take based on my Oahspe studies of the cycles and prophetic numbers.
2015 = warm above average up-spike 
2014 = up inbetween above average heat 
2013 = up inbetween above average vortexian energy (heat)
2012 = up-inbetween
2011 = down-spike in vortexian energy (heat)
2010 = up-spike

In the big picture, regardless of the eventual rank—1st, 2nd or 3rd—what matters most is that 2014 will end up very, very warm compared to the historical record.
NASA, NOAA Find 2014 Warmest Year in Modern Record
2015 is warmest year on record, NOAA and NASA say
...as in other sciences, we are apparently dealing with laws [rules of prophecy] regarding rhythmic human response to certain stimuli that give a remarkable working tool to any man who is responsibly concerned with future outcomes. - page [xii] of CYCLES - the science of prediction (2012) by Edward R. Dewey (Director, Foundation for the study of Cycles) and Edwin F. Dakin (Associate, Foundation for the study of Cycles).
Oahspe Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovih: Chapter IX:
13. And the mathematicians foretold the great cities and nations that would rise up; how this one and that one would move to battle; how their great cities would fall in ruins and be covered up by falling nebulæ, and by denuding mountains washing down upon them, so that even their remembrance should be lost. And yet, further on, the mathematicians foretold the coming of kosmon when the ruined cities would be discovered and their histories deciphered by the su'is of man in Great Jehovih's hand.
14. And now when all these things were estimated, the prophets and mathematicians went before God according to the commandments of the Lord, and they spake before God, Son of Jehovih, telling all these wonders.
From Study of Oahspe:
Geology - Pole-shift - Radiometric dating:
"future cold down-spike prediction in 2019, and warm up-spike in 2038 followed by down-spike in 2040-2042 which matches predictions based on 11-year solar radiation cycles in chapter Cycles, Predictions of this website."
From Study of Oahspe:
Cycles, Predictions, Earth events:
Oahspe The Lord's Fifth Book 2:15:
Learn to prophesy by the sun [solar, sunspot cycles],...
The next low point in the cycle will be 2019-2021. Posted between Dec 7, 2013 and Jan 10, 2014 1/5 down from top:
2019-2021 = should be a down spike period, with increased chance of economic depression-recession, stock market crash, earthquakes, etc...
Next 10-12 year low (down-spike) solar-sub-galactic radiation cycles (a'ji).
2008 + 11-12 = 2019-2020
2019 + 10-12 = 2029-2031
2030 + 10-12 = 2040-2042
2048 = 200 year sub-cycle Dan (light).
PUBLISHED: 12:40 EST, 10 July 2015:
Is a mini ICE AGE on the way? Scientists warn the sun will 'go to sleep' in 2030 and could cause temperatures to plummet
New study claims to have cracked predicting solar cycles
Says that between 2030 and 2040 solar cycles will cancel each other out
Could lead to 'Maunder minimum' effect that saw River Thames freeze over.
the 'Maunder minimum' - which has previously been known as a mini ice age when it hit between 1646 and 1715, even causing London's River Thames to freeze over. 
During Cycle 26, which covers the decade from 2030-2040, the two waves will become exactly out of synch and this will cause a significant reduction in solar activity.
'Effectively, when the waves are approximately in phase, they can show strong interaction, or resonance, and we have strong solar activity.
'When they are out of phase, we have solar minimums.
'When there is full phase separation, we have the conditions last seen during the Maunder minimum, 370 years ago.'
From Cosmic Consciousness, cycles, human behavior NOV 28, 2014 (about 7/8 down from top of page):

Galactic Wave Interference Patterns of double spiral vortex torus = cycles
constructive interference = peak of one wave meets the peak of another wave = two troughs meet = in phase = harmony = light = Dan, warm.
destructive interference =  trough from one wave meets the crest from another wave = out of phase = disharmony = Darkness = A'ji,  cold.
Climate cycles, cold a'ji years, prophetic numbers, and harmonics of 3.
E-O-IH = the Creators name = harmonics of 3 = cycles = prophetic numbers.
From 1849 to 2011 = 162 years.
There were 42 spike cold (a'ji) years from
1849 to 2011. 162 / 42 = 3.8 years average.
Cycles come in harmonics of 3 (such as 11, 33, and 99 years).
11.1 / 3 = 3.7 almost the same number for average spike cold years (3.8) periodicity from 1849 to 2011.
The average periodicity of a'ji = 3.7-3.8 years aproximately.
Coldest and warmest down and up spikes and difference in years for the last ten 50 years period = 500 years
1. 1950-2000 = 1964 (down), 1998 (up) = 34 years
2. 1900-1950 = 1917, 1944 = 27 years
3. 1850-1900 = 1893, 1879 = 14 years
4. 1800-1850 = 1837, 1804 = 33 years
5. 1750-1800 = 1783, 1754 = 29 years
6. 1700-1750 = 1718, 1700 = 18 years
7. 1650-1700 = 1665, 1682 = 17 years
8. 1600-1650 = 1646, 1629 = 17 years
9. 1550-1600 = 1566, 1557 = 09 years
10. 1500-1550 = 1513, 1531 = 18 years
longrangeweather.com = Goddard Institute of Space Studies (temperature) = NASA in Columbia University.
Columbia University is a private Ivy League research university in Upper Manhattan, New York City.
Total of years = 216 / 10 = 21.6 average years from coldest year to warmest year
average = 21.6 years = 22.
22 is two 11 years cycles put together (bi-radial axial symmetry, 11 years positive polarity, 11 years negative polarity).
Bi-radial axial symmetry = vortex. positive and negative polarity = positive and negative vortex'ya of Oahspe.
22 years cycle / 2 = 11 years cycle, x 3 = 33 years cycle, x 6 = 66 years cycle, x 9 = 99 years cycle + 1 = 100 years cycle = the prophetic numbers of Oahspe.
21.6 rounded off = 22 or 22.2 years. 22.2 / 3.7 = 6. 6 is a 2x harmonic (multiple) of 3 (cycles come in harmonics of 3).
Based on my research (using Goddard Institute of Space Studies data) of climate cycles (warm and cold years) the average periodicity of a'ji (cold spike years) cycles = 3.7, 11, 22, 33, 66, and 99-100 years = the prophetic numbers of Oahspe (which are in harmonics of 3).
Again Oahspe is proven to be true.
Page 39 of TIME OF THE QUICKENING (2011) by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D.:
"in both Egypt and Mesoamerica, mathematician and seer alike stood as equals in the prophecy enterprise...one was trained to analyze data and apply the prophetic numbers,...
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After you get your DNA report from ancestry.com, 23andme, etc..I will tell you how to get your detailed scientific report of your genes and alleles,
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