Home, Cycles, Astrophysics, Human developmentHome, Cycles, Astrophysics, Human development 2Team Kemet vs OahspeIn the Creator we TrustUp-spikes and down-spikes warm and cold yearsAfrican Slavery in AmericaWing AndersonVortex, rotation and magnetismMore studyofoahspe.com referencesPhysics equations graphics, unified field theory, strings, lines of needles, UFOsCevorkum sub-galactic vs galactic orbitVowel sign language E-O-I greetingsMartial Arts training and Oahspe teachingsThe I'hins became extinctThe Word of John 1:1 is Vortex Motion of Oahspe Book of Jehovih 1:1Biological species concept and oxygen levels of earthFaithists working for earthly Government from Ancient to KosmonMithra, Christianity, Constantine, and OahspeDifference Between an I'huan and a Ongwee-ghanThe City of Abram (Abraham)Study-of-Oahspe for the student in class and moreExosphere and Magnetosphere of the Earth's vortexAnger leads to Satan (Ego)Whatever happened to Kosmon Black?Why the I'hins in Oahspe were not albinos or dwarfsOrigin of the color and race of the I'hins, Amish, Jefferson, Faithists, questions, dependenceOahspe scientific knowledge posted on the Internet in 2005 and 1997Engaging in, aiding and abetting war and murderBig Bang, OAHSPE, Infinity, FractalsSynchronicity 111 (111.1)Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.comOahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.com part 2Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.com part 3Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.com part 4Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.com part 5Oahspe related "New Concepts" and scientific confirmation on studyofoahspe.com part 6How accurate are the drawings in Oahspe?All-Connected, All-Person, UnityJohn Lant Original Oahspe George Van Tassel and Jim VelasquesFaithist James May Science and OahspeGeorge Washington Prophecy of AmericaCOSMOGONY by Hugh RoseScholarly Books about OahspeEtherean fire-ship toroidal propulsion systemAngels mating with physical humansBook of SaphahMore science, Astronomy, PhysicsMore science 2 Chemistry, Physics, AstronomyHigher Advanced Knowledge of OahspeOptical Network Communications - Facial recognition - Prophets - Iesu - ZodiacSun planet, Sun photosphere, Sun's stage of developmentMaya Knowledge and Oahspe, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Kosmon raceInstinct, DNA, hereditaryExtrasolar planets, CEVORKUM, Light speedWeather, Climate, Dark Matter, Airborne PathogensGeology - Pole-shift - Magnetic reversal - Radiometric dating-A'jiSolar-Stellar Life Cycle - End of Earth - Death, Disease, Life After DeathBiology, Primary Vortex, Life, Computing, QuantumPhysics - Light - SoundPhysics - Magnetism - GravityThe Creator - The Father- Man - Fractals - Vortex physicsHuman origins - Pygmies - I'hinsHominidae - animal-manEarly Man - Races of Man - AnthropologyOahspe vs MormonismDinosaurs, Man, fossils, early EarthReligious History, Chinvat Bridge, Archeology, RaceConfucius, Po, China, Jaffeth & Caucasian origin & destinyThe Great Pyramid of Ancient Egypt and ThothmaMathematics of Israelites and sub-Saharan Africans, CASTA SYSTEMHell, Knots, Flash devices, Riot control, use of forceBiblical flood and the sinking of PanOahspe vs Qur'anThe Constantine BibleLooeamong, Constantine, and The Roman EmpireThe Bible, Jesus, Joshu, Essenes, AnunnakiColumbus, Catholics, Conquistadors, Protestants, CrusadesQuakers and inner lightThomas PaineUS HistoryKosmon cycle, people, TECHNOLOGY, ancestry & SHALAMSubatomic particles - String Theory - Quantum - GUTMatter - Anti-Matter, Galaxies and CosmologyWalter Russell Cosmogony Einstein Fractals Cellular Automata ManichaeanHolographic CosmosAerospace engineering, space-ships, space travelSpace clouds, Earth travel, ORACHNEBUAHGALAHTables of prophecy and historyThe Beast, Pets and AnimalsORACHNEBUAHGALAH CHARTS Cycles & ProphecyAngels rank, universe, genetics, Loo'isNordic Aliens-Angels, Greys, Neoteny and ManPower of Attraction - Visualization - Spiritual gifts, energy, ceremonySpiritual message - UFOs - EthereansCosmic Consciousness, cycles, human behavior, ZodiacCycles, Predictions, Earth events, A'jiLife Development Darkness Light CyclesNebula, Earth's atmosphere, heat & cold, eclipse, prophecyTrue PropheciesPredictionsDirect Inspiration, Walter RussellMisc. vortex, matter, periodic table, solar system, fractals, pi and cMisc. 2, E=mc2, geometry, pi and alphabet codes, chemical elementsMisc. 3, Sacred mathematics, geometry, music, harmonics, cosmology, cycles, fractals, chaosMisc. 4 life and planets, E-O-IH and geometry, DNA, facial recognitionMisc. 5 human DNA, neuroscience, 9-8-5, 33, creativity, solar powerProphecy, Pan, Harvest & DNAMagnetospheres - Solar planetary vortex - 3D HologramsEther Vortex PhysicsLanguage - Symbols - Pictographs - Creator's name - Native AmericansTornados, name vs concept, flat earth theory, UV-light, sympathetic resonance, spiritsTae and facial recognition, Ham, Shem, Guatama, I'huan, Ghan racesMathematics, Reality, primary 3, E-O-IH, Cevorkum, Ethereans, face matching, DNA, Israelites, MusicOriginal Israelites and JewsIsraelites I'huans Ghans Adinkra TesseractAfrica - Ham - I'huansETHICAL TEACHINGS OF OAHSPE, Government on Earth, digital moneyAngelic star travelers, Human origins, racesAstrophysics, OpticsOAHSPE Contradictions Imperfections CultsInfants Oahspe grades heaven progressionC allele, genetics and SNPsVisitors and CommentsDonation
^-- Above Removing OAHSPE's Enigma By Jim Dennon. Atmospherea
is a type of Quarantine for mankind until they can purge themselves of unchecked
hominidae tendency towards war-making and
violent behavior and reach pure peaceful spiritual cosmic consciousness. 

From http://edholt.com/ ‘But as the days of No’-e were, so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be.’ Matthew 24:37 This statement by Jesus is speaking of a promised
return (in a future time) But as the days of No’-e were!
This spelling, No’-e, was not an honest
mistake by the transcribers of the original Canon and all
who read this word think that it is referring to the time of the biblical flood and Noah’s Ark saving the God selected
“Good” things. I have only found this spelling of No’-e, in one other book that was advertised in FATE back in the 1970’s called OAHSPE (©1882). Between pages 98 – 99 of this book is located
a graph called CEVORKUM which illustrates the Roadway of the Solar Phalanx (our Sun’s solar system) for
25,000 years [Ed Holt here speaks of the 25,920
solar astrological cycle, not the same as CEVORKUM in Oahspe which is a 4.5 million year circuit, see Extrasolar planets, CEVORKUM, Light speed page]. For the grades see Table of Prophecy.
This graph is divided into eight
periods of about 3,000 years,
(8 X 3,000 = 24,000) called arc’s, and shows the travel through the universal constellations of which one (you guessed it) is named Noe. One chapter of Qahspe, entitled "SYNOPSIS OF THE SIXTEEN CYCLES", describes a period of time
FROM THE RECORDS IN THE LIBRARIES OF HEAVEN." The first recorded HARVEST by a high raised angel-son of the creator describes
his approach to earth in his fireship and halting just outside the moons orbit for three days with the inhabitants of earth
and earth's heavens trembling in fear at the site. Then it descended toward earth and halted another three days at 90,000
miles with man observing in awe at its magnificence. At the time of this first Harvest, "fifteen hundred million Brides
and Bridegrooms" were removed and joined with The Pure In Spirit. Is this, our current period in time, the close of a Three Thousand Year Cycle?
Is this companion object the vehicle to be used to HARVEST the Brides and Bridegrooms who have been found worthy to join the
Pure In Spirit and have graduated from their earthly bindings? [the next Ascension of Brides and Bridegrooms will be one Dan
(200 years) after the beginning of Kosmon (1848) which will be in the year 2048. Jesus [Yeshu] said "of that day or hour
no one knows". In Oahspe the year(s) is given. Kosmon (our present age) is referred
to as the actual period in time when the earth's inhabitation was completed by the people led out of Egypt by
Moses. The creator allowed Three Thousand Four Hundred Years for this to be accomplished. If you consider that the west coast
of Guatama (North America) was settled by the free people (United States of America) in 1849-50 at the time of the California
Gold Rush as the completion of the worlds inhabitation and the Dawn Of Kosmon. "but, in this era, I come not to an exclusive
people, but to the combination of all peoples commingled together as one people." "henceforth, My chosen shall be
of the amalgamated races, who choose Me. and these shall become the best, most perfect of all the peoples on the earth."
"And they shall not consider race or color, but health and nobleness as to the mortal part; and as to spirit, peace,
love, wisdom and good works, and one Great Spirit only." And
in Oahspe ©1882, 2. Hindoo scripture’s relate to,
"Hirto, Son Of Neph, born of a egg, descended out of the highest heaven." "So when the egg was broken, one-half
of the shell ascended the other half became the foundation of the world." This entity Neph - Knepf was appointed God
of earth, by the creator, during earth's sixteenth Cycle of Three Thousand Years, and during this cycle , the great flood
or deluge occurred which sank the then continent of Wagga (Pan). All the unholy were destroyed and only the wholly, the little
people - the Ihins, were saved. They floated off in "one hundred and thirty-eight ships" "with a total of twelve
thousand and twenty saved". Two of these ships came to Central America and these were the mound builders that populated
the America's. The mound builders were
called the little people and discovery of small stone coffins in 1828 near Sparta, White County, Tennessee, in one half to
one acre burying grounds. "The greatest length of the skeletons was nineteen inches long" and " their heads
to the east and in a regular order, laid on their backs, and with their hands on their breasts". A book published in
1853, "refers to the diminutive (unhewn stone eh) sarcophagi found in Kentucky and Tennessee" described "about
three foot in length by eighteen inches deep". And again, in 1834, "possible remains of an Egyptian colony that
was found in a catacomb near Lexington, Kentucky. Several settlers discovered several hundred mummies in a cavern, and assuming
they belonged to an ancient Indian tribe, dragged them out of the cavern, tore away their linen bandages, and burned their
bodies". If the Serpent Mound in Southeastern
Ohio is an Ancient ( possibly twenty-four thousand year) remnant, why is it not covered with earth, as archeologists have
to excavate, sometimes 18 to 21 feet to discover the ancient sites in other parts of the world? "Darkness had over spread
the land of the earth in some regions for seven hundred years, so that the sun shone not, save as a red ball of fire. And
nebula fell in many places to a depth of three lengths (seventeen feet - ED.), so that even the places of the great cities
of the earth, which had been destroyed, were covered up, and it was like a new country." The then mathematicians discovered that there would be no fall of condensed nebulae over North Guatama
[North America eh] and the creator left these remnants to prove that the little people existed before the red man, to be discovered
during our time when the white man occupied this country. But the white man has to fulfill his destiny as stipulated by the
creator, because "Oahspe" states that our habitation
of America is the completion of habitation of planet Earth. In 1881 Oahspe predicted this about the
future people of the United States: "not an exclusive people...the combination
of all peoples commingled together as one people...shall be of the amalgamated races...shall become the best, most perfect of all the peoples of the earth. And
they shall not consider race or color, but health and nobleness... wisdom and good works." - Oahspe Book of Es 20:37-39
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Summer_Olympics_medal_table Countries with the Most Nobel Prize Winners ▲ Country Number of
Laureates 1. United States 270 2. United Kingdom 101 3. Germany 76 4. France
49 5. Sweden 30 6. Switzerland 22 7. Netherlands 15 8. USSR 14 http://www.aneki.com/nobel.html - Ancient
DNA processed from publicly available raw files uploaded to GEDMatch for comparison: http://www.y-str.org/p/ancient-dna.html-Saturday, September 20, 2014 Clovis-Anzick DNA The
genome of a Late Pleistocene human from a Clovis burial site in western Montana http://www.y-str.org/2014/09/clovis-anzick-dna.html- Clovis-Anzick-1 ancient DNA have matches with living people! Matches with living
people from Guatemala (Guatama where the I'hins first landed in Central America from Pan): June Ristow2 months ago
- Shared publicly This is very interesting. My daughter is match A130308. She was also adopted from Guatemala.
Read moreShow less+0 1 0 1 · ReplyAdd a comment...Dianne Crouse2 months ago
- Shared publicly My son is number 15 on this list. He was adopted from Guatemala. My daughter is number 17 on
the full list on Gedmatch. She is also from Guatemala, although from a completely different part of Guatemala. Their DNA testing
showed them to be "4th to distant" cousins to each other. This is very interesting!Read moreShow less+0 1 0 1 · ReplyAdd a comment...Beth Komel2 months ago - Shared publicly My
daughter is the number 5 profile She was adopted from Guatemala in 2008Read moreShow less+0 1 0 1 · ReplyAdd a comment...
- Adopted daughter of Guatemala high clovis match GEDmatch HarappaWorld - The Anzick site is a human burial which occurred approximately 13,000 years ago, part of the late
Clovis culture, Paleoindian hunter-gatherers who were among the earliest colonizers of the western hemisphere.DNA analysis of a fragment of the
boy's bones revealed that he was closely related to Native American people of Central and South America, rather than those
of the Canadian and Arctic, ...The Anzick site, sometimes called the Wilsall-Arthur site and designated as Smithsonian 24PA506, is a human burial site
dated to the Clovis period, ~10,680 RCYBP. Anzick is located in a sandstone outcrop on Flathead Creek, approximately one mile
(1.6 kilometers) south of the town of Wilsall in southwestern Montana in the northwestern United States.http://archaeology.about.com/od/paleoindian/fl/Anzick-Clovis-Site-Montana-USA.htm - Clovis,
Montana, 12.5ky GEDmatch MDLP World-22 Admixture Proportions results: Mesoamerican 45.72%, North-Amerind 33.40%, South-America_Amerind 15.45%, Arctic-Amerind 0.92%,
East-South-Asian 1.39%. Map showing Clovis-Anzick-1
ancient Native American site south of Wilsall (black square on map) in southwestern Montana. Notice the nearby Shoshone and
Flathead Indian Territories (Both the Shoshone and Flathead Indians are mentioned in Oahspe God's First Book Chapter XXIV
:16 and Chapter XXVII:34. Then came Eawahtah; came first to the kingdom of Took-shein, and to his queen, Che-guh, in the land
Anagoomahaha, the flat-heads. Told them all the words of the Great Spirit, Egoquim. https://postimg.cc/Mv6mb4nJ The Flathead Indian
Reservation, located in western Montana on the Flathead River, is home to the Bitterroot Salish, Kootenai, and Pend d'Oreilles
Tribes - also known as the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation. The reservation was created through
the July 16, 1855, Treaty of Hellgate, and reservation has land on four of Montana's counties: Lake, Sanders, Missoula, and
Flathead.[1] The Flathead Indian Reservation, west of the Continental Divide, consists of 1,938 square miles (5,020 km2) (1,317,000
acres (533,000 ha)) of forested mountains and valleys.[2] Native Americans have lived in Montana for more than 14,000
years, based on archaeological findings. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flathead_Indian_Reservation - Clovis-Anzick-1 ancient DNA "closely related to Native American people of Central and South America, rather
than those of the Canadian and Arctic" This agrees with what Oahspe said in 1881, that the first Native Americans came
from Guatemala in Central America (Guatama) not from crossing the bering strait in
the Artic. - OAHSPE: First Book of God CHAPTER XXIV: 9.
And these were the first tribes of I'huans in the land
of Guatama (after the flood), and they dwelt together, marrying and begetting offspring, dwelling in peace.
And the I'hins taught them in all things, so they became an honor on the earth and a glory unto the Creator; but they were
mixed so together that one tribe had no preference over another. So, by commandment of God, they were called the tribe of
Oedukakaooh, of the middle kingdom, Waneopanganosah (Central
America). - Spreadsheet of the MDLP K23b ethnicity results of the ancient specimens and two living
Europeans: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3bmjv02e7808h0y/MDLP%20K23b%20of%20Ancient%20Samples%20.xlsx?dl=0 Screenshots of the MDLP K23b ethnicity results of the ancient specimens and two living Europeans: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zgti0c2grlryahb/MDLP%20K23b%20of%20Ancient%20Specimens.docx?dl=0 - Friday, November 21, 2014 GEDmatch Archaic DNA
matches I would like to thank John Olson from GEDmatch for preparing an excellent tool to compare
all ancient DNA uploaded to GEDmatch in one page. The tool allows to reduce the cM as low as 0.5. However, based on my experience
and experiments, always try to use 1.5 to 2 cM and above. http://web.archive.org/web/20141208234313/http://www.fc.id.au/2014/11/gedmatch-archaic-dna-matches.html - For people who carry known Native heritage, matches,
especially relatively large matches to Anzick, confirm not only their Native heritage, but his too. For
people who suspect Native heritage, but can’t yet prove it, an Anzick match provides what amounts to a clue –
and it may be a very important clue. http://dna-explained.com/2014/10/18/anzick-12707-12556-ancient-one-52-ancestors-42/ - Minimum DNA GEDmatch for significant amount of common ancestry (500 SNPs
and 2 cM). No Match between my DNA and Archaic Eskimo at 500 SNPs and 2 cM. GEDmatch.Com
Autosomal Comparison: - Comparing Kit F999919 (Clovis, Montana, 12.5ky)
and A121953 (Ethe1959): Match at 500 SNPs and 2 cM threshold at Chromosome 6. https://postimg.cc/T5qF5ZvN - Denise Neufeld Nov, 2014 - Shared publicly - I am interested to know what you think of my results. I match Clovis-Anzick on Chr 1- I kept the number
at 700 SNP's and changed the cM to 6 and these are my results: Chr 1 Start Location- 5594373 End Location-9405975 Centimorgans (cM)- 6.8 SNPs - 1062 - Largest segment = 6.8 cM Total of segments > 6 cM = 6.8 cM - Comparison took 0.17030 seconds The woman above may be least 40 to 50 percent Native American DNA and
at over 500 SNPs she has a 6.8 Cm match on Chromosome 1 to Archaic Clovis-Anzick of Montana. Her Chromosome segment length
match to Clovis-Anzick is more than 3 times my Match. - Q – Does my match to Anzick mean he is my ancestor? A – No, it means that you and Anzick share common ancestry someplace back in time, perhaps tens of thousands of years
ago. - Q – I match the Anzick sample. Does this prove that I have Native American heritage? A – No, and it depends. Don’t you just hate answers like this? No, this match alone does not prove
Native American heritage, especially not at IBS levels [the segment is small and you can’t necessarily connect it to
the ancestor]. http://dna-explained.com/2014/09/25/ancient-dna-matches-what-do-they-mean/ If the segment match is large (at least 2 cM) and the SNPs are high (at least 500) I believe [based on research] there
is a high chance of Native American heritage. - The admixture report below is for the first individual on
the Anzick one to all Gedmatch compare at 700 SNPs and 7cM, above: http://dnaexplained.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/anzick1.png His average DNA to Clovis-Anzick was 94.5%, almost 100 percent Native American. His largest chromosome match was 14.8
cM. Denise Neufeld above had a segment match almost half the size (45.9%, 6.8/14.8). - DNA ethnicity percentage estimate of Clovis-Anzick (91.68 - 95.38%
American Indian): - Genetic evidence for archaic admixture in Africa A long-debated question concerns the
fate of archaic forms of the genus Homo: did they go extinct without interbreeding with anatomically modern humans, or are
their genes present in contemporary populations? to test whether patterns of neutral polymorphism in three contemporary
sub-Saharan African populations are better explained by archaic admixture. Although whole-genome polymorphism data are
now available from hundreds of samples (20), they do not include individuals from African hunter-gatherer populations, which
serve as important reservoirs of human genetic diversity. Our study includes two such populations (Biaka Pygmies and San),
along with an agricultural population from West Africa (Mandenka). We use a model of historically isolated subpopulations
(17, 21) to predict patterns of nucleotide variation expected as a consequence of no admixture (null hypothesis) vs. low levels
of admixture (alternative hypothesis). We apply two complementary coalescent-based approaches, a two-population and a three-population
model to test the null hypothesis, and then estimate three key parameters: the time of admixture (Ta), the ancestral split
time (T0), and the admixture proportion (a). The evidence for archaic admixture is extremely strong in the Biaka and
the San (P < 10−4) but not in the Mandenka (P > 0.05). Geographic Surveys. A survey of the insertion that
is diagnostic for the divergent haplotype at 4qMB179 (i.e., at position 179,598,847 in Table S3) in 502 individuals from West,
East, central, and southern Africa reveals that it reaches its highest average frequency (3.6%) in Pygmy groups from west-central
Africa (Fig. 4). The variant is also found at low average frequencies (0.8%) in some non-Pygmy groups from West and East Africa.
An A→G mutation that marks the divergent haplotype at 18qMB60 shows a similar distribution—also reaching its highest
average frequency in the Pygmy groups—although it is found at slightly lower frequencies than the variant at 4qMB179
(i.e., 1.6% vs. 3.6%, respectively). This variant is also found in some non-Pygmy groups, exhibiting similar average frequencies
as the 4qMB179 variant in West Africans (0.8%), East Africans (0.8%), and southern Africans (0.5% vs. 0.0%, respectively)
(Fig. 4). Interestingly, the distribution of the G→A variant marking the divergent haplotype at 13qMB107 exhibits a somewhat
different geographic distribution, reaching its highest average frequency in our sample of southern Africans (6.3%, and especially
in the San at a frequency of 11.9%) rather than in central African Pygmies (average of 5.2%). However, it is important to
note that its presence in our sample of central Africans is entirely limited to the Mbuti, where it has a frequency of 14.8%. http://www.pnas.org/content/108/37/15123.full Mbuti from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Interestingly, the Mbuti represent the only population in our survey that
carries the introgressive variant at all three candidate loci, despite the fact that no Mbuti were represented in our initial
sequencing survey. Given that the Mbuti population is known to be relatively isolated from other Pygmy and neighboring non-Pygmy
populations (26), this suggests that central Africa may have been the homeland of a now-extinct archaic form that hybridized
with modern humans. http://www.pnas.org/content/108/37/15123.full Archaic genetic admixture in Africa Frequency of introgressive variants within three sequenced regions in an expanded
sample of ≈500 sub-Saharan Africans (SI Materials and Methods). The filled bar represents the frequency of a variant
marking the divergent haplotype at 4qMB179 (Left), 18qMB60 (Center), and 13qMB179 (Right) in each of 14 population samples.
Each horizontal line on the bar charts represents a frequency of 5%. Our inference methods reject the hypothesis that
the ancestral population that gave rise to AMH in Africa was genetically isolated and point to several candidate regions that
may have introgressed from an archaic source(s). https://postimg.cc/SJycLZy9 The pygmies have more archaic human (I'hins and I'huans)
admixture, and the Mandenka, Ghanans, Ivory Coast, Nigerian, Bantu, Mali, and Senegal have less archaic human admixture and
more modern (Ghan and Mongrel) admixture. - Other Ethnic admixure proportions from my Ancestry raw DNA data file
uploaded to GEDmatch: Admixture Proportions from ancestry raw dna data GEDmatch: https://postimg.cc/9znWbtzQ (shows Archaic African) Ethnic African only admixture GEDmatch: I have more Biaka
(Aka) Pygmy DNA than Mbuti pygmy DNA, and less San DNA. Since this is a 100% African test my European DNA shows up as North
African, Nilo-Saharan, etc.. which is mostly Caucasion. The Aka or Biaka are related to the Baka people of Cameroon, Gabon, northern Congo,
and southwestern Central African Republic. The Mbuti pygmies are of the far eastern Congo, farther from the West African
coast (than the Biaka) where most of the slave trade was, so naturally I would have less Mbuti pygmy DNA than Biaka pygmy
DNA. https://postimg.cc/QKdsP4sT GEDmatch
HarappaWorld Admixture Ethnic proportions: Shows percent of pygmy, San, and
American Indian DNA. If you add up the Afican (W-African, pygmy, E-African, San) DNA from this test the sum is 70.31% which
is close to the 72% from Ancestry.com. The 1.30% American Indian matches the 1% Native American of Ancestry.com. If you
add up the European (Meditteranean, NE-Euro, Caucasian) from this test, the sum is 24.25% which is close to the 27% of Ancestry.com.
On this test Papuan shows up as 0.12% which matches the Ancestry.com range of 0%-1% of Melanesia. 3.18% Baloch = Iranian-Afghanistan, Persian Admixture Dodecad V3 Ancestry GEDmatch: Shows Meditteranean as 5.71% which matches ancestry.com Iberian Peninsula 5%. If you add up the African (Palaeo_African,
East_African, Neo-African) the sum is 71.18% which is a close match to the 72% African of Ancestry.com. If you add up the
European (Meditteranean, West_European, East_European) the sum is 24.45% a close match to the 27% of ancestry.com. Which shows
these tests are not far off from each other and are close to the median of the minimum to maximum ethnicity elstimate ranges. https://postimg.cc/hJfxqhCN Eurogenes K13 Ethnic admixture
proportions GEDmatch: Shows American Indian
DNA percentage of 1.47% that matches 1% Native American Ancestry.com ethnicity estimate. The Oceanian 0.42% matches the 0%-1%
range of Melanesia from Ancestry.com. The West_Med 5.10% matches the 5% Iberian Peninsula from Ancestry.com. The North_Atlantic
14.2% is a close Match to the sum of Ireland (13%) and Great Britian (3%) of Ancestry.com. It shows Sub-Saharan African at
65.74% which is a 91.3% match with the 72% of Ancestry.com. According
to the previous DNA ethnicity estimate tests from my raw DNA data file the amount of African pygmy dna I have ranges from
0.50% minimum to 7.27% maximum, and 2.47% medium. This matches the common minimum to maximum range of ethnicity estimates
for my other ethnic groups on Ancestry.com such as Mali (range 0%-7%), and Finland/Northwest Russia (0%-7%). Ancestry.com
came up with an ethnicity estimate of 2% for both Mali and Finland/Northwest Russia in my DNA which matches the 2.47% medium
estimate of pygmy DNA for me on GEDmatch. -DNA ethnicity percentage and ancestral generations back: 100% = You = 0 50% = Parent = 1 generation back 25% = Grandparent = 2 generations back 12.5% = Great Grandparent = 3 6.25% = Great Great Grandparent = 4 3.125% = Great Great Great Grandparent = 5 1.56% = Great Great Great Great Grandparent
= 6 0.78% = Great Great Great Great Great Grandparent = 7 generations back 0.39% = Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandparent = 8 generations back - HarappaWorld is the most accurate DNA ethnicity estimate on GEDmatch. - highest match to Archaic Luxembourg GEDmatch HarappaWorld highest
Native American match to Clovis Montana GEDmatch HarappaWorld https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ8Hgkfjfushttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Exz0yNdvksghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yf9befFNy6g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3EBDD1VjBc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isJEUDXBLEE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c02FTPEn80M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZCreTCxe4k
2% ethnic DNA is considered significant, 1%
and under is considered insignificant. I have eleven (11) ethnic regions 2% or more (6 from Africa, and 5 from Europe). Gerry Isaac Williams has 10 ethnic regions 2% or more. (Puerto Rican / Colombian): Dominican:
Ancestry DNA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dos4FBSxVeg Father: 27% Africa 8% Mali 4% Africa North 4% Senegal 4% Cameroon/Congo 4% Africa Southeastern
Bantu 2% Benin/Togo >1% Africa South-Central Hunter Gatherers 7% Native American >1% Asia 58%
Europe 30% Iberian Peninsula 11% Europe West 7% Italy/Greece 4% European Jewish 3% irish 2%
Europe East >1% Great Britain >1% Scandinavia 7% Middle East 14 ethnic DNA regions 2% or more (One of the most
ethnicly diverse Ancestry DNA results so far). --------------------------------------------------- Ancestry.com DNA results 2015 (Dominican). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL8HQTqBzRc 49% Europe, 32% African, 12% Native American, 5% Middle East, 2% Central Asian. 15 ethnic DNA regions 2% or more (Most ethnicly diverse Ancestry DNA results so far). Below Betaface facial recognition
and race classification of the 2 most ethnic diverse people
(Dominican) and
a Puerto Rican/Columbian and a Mexican. Dominicans were
classified as asian because of their mixture and having close to 30% black DNA (asian
is like inbetween black and white). Puerto-Rican/Columbian was classified as white because almost 60% European, with less than 20% Black DNA. Mexican man classified as white because 48% Native American, 35% European
both are classified as white or
caucasian Ghan (Ongwee-ghan and European). -------------------------------------- African American woman: 12 ethnic DNA regions 2% or more (82% African, 16% Europe, 2% Asia). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwLKrpbU6ic Mixed woman: 8 ethnic DNA regions 2% or more (20% African, 79% European, 1% Pacific islander). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47XTgjpYocw White girl: 9 Ethnic DNA regions 2% or more (97% Europe, 2% Asia South, 1% Caucus). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxi8SqC06to Mexican man At least 8 or 9 ethnic regions 2% or more (48% Native American, 35% European, 11% African, 6
% West Asian). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DSumq7IFss Puerto Rican woman: 8 ethnic regions 2% and more (Africa 22%, Europe 60%, 16% Native American, Pacific Islander
1%) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbR4EcIGdMk Jamaica man: 10 ethnic regions 2% and more (85% Africa, 15% Europe). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YWSvvNN_K0
- ...computational
biology by Lior Pachter Together, SNPedia and PCA therefore provide a path to determining
where a “perfect human” might be from: - Create a “perfect human” in
silico by setting the alleles at all SNPs so that they are “good”.
- Add
the “perfect human” to a panel of genotyped individuals from across a variety of populations and perform PCA to
reveal the location and population of origin of the individual.
Results After restricting the SNP set from SNPedia to those with green painted
alleles, i.e. “good”, there are 4967 SNPs with which to construct the “perfect human”(available for download here). A dataset of genotyped
individuals can be obtain from 1000 genomes including Africans, (indigenous) Americans, East Asians and Europeans. The PCA plot (1st and 2nd components) showing all the individuals
together with the “perfect human” (in pink; see arrow) is shown below: The nearest neighbor to the “perfect human” is HG00737, a female who is…Puerto Rican. Conclusion
The fact that the “perfect human”
is Puerto Rican makes a lot of sense. Since many disease SNPs are population specific, it makes sense that an individual homozygous for all “good” alleles should be admixed. And
that is exactly what Puerto Ricans are. In a “women in the diaspora” study, Puerto Rican women born on the island but living in the United States
were shown to be 53.3±2.8% European, 29.1±2.3% West African, and 17.6±2.4%
Native American. In other words, to collect all the “good” alleles it
is necessary to be admixed, but admixture itself is not sufficient for perfection. https://liorpachter.wordpress.com/2014/12/02/the-perfect-human-is-puerto-rican/ ... shall be of the amalgamated
races...shall become the best, most perfect of
all the peoples of the earth." - Oahspe Book of Es 20:37-39 There is no "perfect human" because we all have bad and good genotypes,
but the closest match to the perfect human with
all good SNPedia genotypes is a Puerto Rican woman. the only reason a Puerto Rican sample shows the most beneficial alleles among
peoples from the populations compared is that Puerto Ricans typically provide the most admixed samples. That is, virtually
all Puerto Ricans carry a substantial proportion of three relatively well-studied populations: European, sub-Saharan African
and the Native American. Thus, a Puerto Rican sample has the best chance of drawing “the best” or “the
biggest mix” of alleles from all three ancestral sources. By contrast, the non-admixed populations can only have “the
best genes” derived from the local ancestry. Recent studies
in population genetics have concluded that Puerto Rican gene pool is on average predominantly European, with a significant Sub-Saharan
African and Indigenous American substrate, the latter originating in the island's pre-Hispanic Taíno inhabitants.[16][17][18 Though, most Puerto Ricans self-identify as white, few are of purely
European ancestry, with about 61% of Puerto Ricans have significant Taino ancestry and 46% of Puerto Ricans having significant African ancestry,
many are racially mixed, with most people having varying degrees of European, African, and Taino ancestry.[29][31][32][33][32][34][34][35][29][35][33][36][37] Studies have shown that the ancestry of the "average" white
Puerto Rican person is about 64% European, 21% African, and 15% Taino/Amerindian,... - Aaron Hagedorn 100% Europe has five (5) 2% or more ethnic regions, a low diverse resultnick oldja 93% Europe has five (5) 2% or more ethnic regions, a low diverse result. Mark
G. 95% Europe has seven (7) 2% or more ethnic origins, a moderate diverse result. thecolourofsunset
is Mexican-American, 66% Europe (40% Iberian Peninsula), 28% Native American, 3% Africa (Mali, Senegal, Nigeria), 2% Asia
East, and has 8 ethnic DNA regions 2% and over, moderate-high diverse results. African-Americans average 8.4 ethnic DNA regions. A wife of a friend of mine initials LJ is 99% Europe
and <1% Caucasus has only 3 ethnic DNA regions of 2% or more, a very low diverse number. My friend HJ is African-American and his AncestryDNA results are 9 ethnic DNA regions, a high diverse number. Out of the many Ancestry DNA results I have
seen posted, I have found African-Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Dominicans to have the most ethnic DNA diversity, the most Kosmon race-like. - European-American populations are less genetically diverse and have more potentially harmful genetic
variations than African-American populations, according to an international team of researchers. - Study Finds Africans More Genetically Diverse Than Other Populations... because of historical
migrations and genetic mixing across the continent. Her team looked at 98 African Americans from North Carolina, Baltimore, Chicago and Pittsburgh. The researchers determined that, on average, 71 percent of their genes could be traced to the far-flung African linguistic
group Niger-Kordofanian, 8 percent to other African groups and 13 percent to Europe, with a smattering of genetic markers
pointing to other places on the globe. But the percentages
vary widely from individual to individual. In a conference
call with reporters, Tishkoff said the 13
percent figure for European genetic markers may be a slight underestimate; other studies have found numbers closer to 20
percent. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/30/AR2009043002485.html - Genetic diversity is important....Genetic diversity also reduces the incidence of unfavorable inherited
traits...The vulnerability of a population to certain types of diseases can also increase
with reduction in genetic diversity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_diversity Genetic diversity is so important because it helps organisms to cope with current environmental
variability, as well as reduces potentially deleterious effects of close relative breeding. Genetic diversity is also the primary basis for adaption in the
face of future environmental uncertainty. http://www.ask.com/world-view/genetic-diversity-important-403504e5879d638c - Oahspe Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih Chapter
Chapter VIII: 29. ...for in kosmon, man shall go abroad into all countries, one nation with
another; and they shall profit by wisdom, to bring forth a new
race with all the glories selected from the whole. - Oahspe Book of Es, Daughter of Jehova: Chapter XX: 37. But, in this era, I come not to an exclusive people,...Hence, I have called this, the KOSMON ERA. 38. Henceforth, my chosen shall be of the amalgamated
races, who choose Me. And these shall become the best, most perfect of all peoples on the earth. - "a new race with all the glories selected from the whole", "Henceforth,
my chosen shall be of the amalgamated races, who choose Me". Above Kosmon amalgamated race genotype.Hopefully my own and others DNA results
will inspire readers to get their DNA tested also. - My own ancestry DNA results: 25% Cameroon/Congo, only 3% Bantu, < 1% Nigerian, South-Central Hunter-Gatherers (Khoisan-San,
Pygmy) < 1%. 72% to 28% DNA = 2.6 = golden ratio squared = alternating
fibonacci sequence numbers ratio. When unity(1)
is added to the Golden Ratio(1.6), the result is the Golden
Ratio squared(2.6)! - Comparison of my Ancestry DNA (on left) to My mother's (on right): My Mother and I are descended from Pacific
Islanders...Melanesians....dark skinned with blonde hair. Melanesians got their blonde hair from the I'hins
who were white and yellow. - My
genetic proportions from the I'hin fleets that survived the sinking of Pan during the arc of Noe: My Ham (Africa) dna
/ my Shem (Indo-European) + Guatama (American-Native) dna = 2.6 = the Golden Ratio squared - unity (1) plus the Golden Ratio
(1.6). Shem is the father of the Indo-European and Semitic peoples, most notably the Jews and the Arabs. http://creationwiki.org/Shem The majority of Ham's descendants moved southwest into Africa, and were the forefathers of the nations there. http://creationwiki.org/Ham - My Origins from familytreedna: The 1% possibly shows a full-blooded Persian and a full-blooded Native American 7 generations back. - My Mother's
Origins from familytreedna and distant relatives in U.S.A and other countries My Family Tree DNA Ethnic Makeup and
distant relatives in other countries (Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany,
Austria): I probably have 1 percent or a fraction
of 1 percent Jewish ancestry. Because when Ancestry.com processed my DNA they saw a 0%-2% range of European Jewish DNA which
is the same range as my Africa South-Central Hunter-Gatherers DNA which they listed at < 1%, and the same range as my Native
American DNA which they listed at 1%. Ancestry.com rounds off all fractional DNA to the nearest whole percent,
because of this some fractional or 1 percent ancestral DNA is not included in your ethnicity estimate. My Italy/Greece
(Greco-Roman) Ancestry DNA. Ancestry.com saw a 0%-0% range, zero Greco-Roman ancestry, not even a fraction of
a percent. Ancestry.com listed my Middle East DNA range as 0%-0% which means zero
Middle Eastern DNA not even a fraction of a percent. My ancestral DNA in Asia goes through Persian (Asia Central), and European
Jewish (which includes Asia Minor and Caucasus Jews), but not through Middle Eastern (Arabic). Ancestry.com listed my North African DNA range as 0%-0%
which means zero North African DNA not even a fraction of a percent. My ancestral DNA in Africa is sub-Saharan but not North
African. A number of genetic characteristics
are associated with Ashkenazi groups, as opposed to other Jewish populations and other contemporary Middle-Eastern and European
peoples. Certainly they are genetically distinguishable. “Compared with European samples, our Ashkenazi Jewish panel
has 47 percent more novel variants per genome,” write the scientists. http://www.haaretz.com/life/science-medicine/.premium-1.614893 The Jtest is now available at GEDmatch. It is to determine if you have Recent Jewish ancestry. http://forums.familytreedna.com/showthread.php?t=31595 My Jtest Admixture Proportions results: Ashkenazi (Jewish) 1.74% Middle Eastern (Arabic) - 0.00% EAST_MED (Italy-Greece) - 0.00% Also shows: African
(West + East) = 69.8% closely matches 70% of Familytreedna and 72% Ancestry.com. European (Baltic+East+North-Central+Atlantic+West_Med)
= 26.46% closely matches 27% of Ancestry.com and Familytreedana. - 2% Finland/Northwest Russia (St. Petersburg area): Most
people are surprised when they discover that until as recently as the 1960s it was widely accepted that the Finns originally
came from Mongolia. But the Mongolian ‘Origins of the Finns’ is a controversial topic in Finland. http://www.chinahistoryforum.com/topic/29132-are-the-finns-the-mongolians-of-europe/ Posted in the China Forum The more recent discovery of genetics has added
further evidence to the ‘Mongol’ claim. Geneticist Richard Kittles found in 1998 that Finns have ‘Dual Origins’
between Germanic and Mongoloid as measured by their ‘Y Chromosome Haplotype Variation.’ Other geneticists estimated
that Finns have between 10 percent and a quarter mongoloid genes, more than any other European nation. Twenty-seven percent
of Finns carry the eastern ‘Tat C’ marker compared to only seven percent in Norway... Hmmm! Amanda Finnish
are more likely to carry the ADH-22 gene, a gene which is uncommon in many Western cultures, but
has a high frequency in both
Native American and Asian cultures. http://www.topix.com/forum/world/china/T4HF378IRM6GDJKR5 CONCLUSIONS: The high frequency of certain mtDNA haplotypes considered to be Saami specific in the Finnish
population suggests a genetic admixture, which appears to be more pronounced in northern Finland. Furthermore, the presence of haplogroup Z in the Finns and the Saami
indicates that traces of Asian mtDNA genotypes have survived in the contemporary populations. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11588400 - Genetic Relationships of
Asians and Northern Europeans, Revealed by Y-Chromosomal DNA Analysis evidence for a substantial
paternal genetic contribution of Asians to northern European populations such as the Finns. Genetic link between Finnish and
Chinese: The Mongol invasion of China spanned six decades in the 13th century
and involved the defeat of the Jin dynasty, Western Xia, the Dali Kingdom and the Southern Song, which finally fell in 1279.
The Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan started the conquest with small-scale raids into Western Xia in 1205 and 1207.[1] By
1279, the Mongol leader Kublai Khan had established the Yuan dynasty in China and crushed the last Song resistance, which
marked the onset of all of China under the Mongol Yuan rule. This was the first time in history that the whole of China was
conquered and subsequently ruled by a foreign or non-native ruler,[2] compared with the Manchus (who established the Qing
dynasty) who did so a few centuries later. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_China Mongolian Empire 13th Century A.D. http://s.hswstatic.com/gif/willow/history-of-asia2.gif - My highest percentage of ancestry region
of Africa: Cameroon, Congo, Africa population history, Pygmy hunter-gatherers My own DNA ancestry results
for other regions and ethnic groups: - My MDLP WORLD 22 ADMIXTURE PROPORTIONS GETMATCH
results: The MDLP WORLD 22 is the only test results I know that seperates
North American Indian DNA from Central, South American, and Arctic-American Indian DNA. Shows North American
Indian 1.56%, Mesoamerican Indian 0.55%, South-American Indian - 0.00%, Arctic-Amerind - 0.00%. African Pygmy 3.83%,
Sub-Saharian African 65.19%, North-East-European 11.67%, Atlantic_Mediterranean_Neolithic 8.95%: - My
DNA Kit Chromosome 1 segment Gedmatch HarappaWorld Admixture proportions: Someone's DNA report on their genes and inherited traits - What is Raw DNA data? - Part
of a Ancestry Raw DNA Data File: - Some genes found in my raw DNA
data file: rs9264942(C;C) : HLA-C plays a key role in tumor cells recognition and elimination HLA-C is important in viral control and tumor elimination People with rs3732379(T;T) have increased susceptibility to HIV infection and rapid progression to full-blown AIDS People with rs3732379(C;C) have increased resistence to HIV infection and resistence to developing AIDS. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Immunology.
2011 May Some associations are clearly attributable to HLA-C/KIR interactions, as they involve both a KIR as well as
an HLA-C component. The first description of an HLA-C/KIR association with clinical outcome was made in hepatitis C virus
infection, which leads to a chronic viral infection in approximately 80% of infected people. In a large study of hepatitis
C virus-exposed individuals, Khakoo et al.23 found a strong association between the presence of KIR2DL3, along with homozygosity
for the C1 group of HLA-C molecules that bind to KIR2DL2 and 2DL3, and clearance of infection. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3088962/ Natural killer (NK) cells provide a central defense against viral infection by using inhibitory and activation receptors
for major histocompatibility complex class I molecules as a means of controlling their activity. We show that genes encoding
the inhibitory NK cell receptor KIR2DL3 and its human leukocyte antigen C group 1 (HLA-C1) ligand directly influence resolution
of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. This effect was observed in Caucasians and African Americans with expected low infectious
doses of HCV but not in those with high-dose exposure, in whom the innate immune response is likely overwhelmed. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15297676/ Much lower 0.15x risk of Type 1 Diabetes. - Where Did We All Come From? Tracing Human Migration
Using Genetic Markers Presented by Professor Moses Schanfield,
Ph.D. Professor of Forensic Science and Anthropology George Washington University. January 11, 2014. National
Science Foundation Arlington, VA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhOYxbsifkI From 1 hour and 3 minutes and 9 seconds to 1 hour 4 minutes and 2 seconds into above video: 23andMe and Ancestry.com....how accurate besides the interpretation that they
offer, how accurate is their technology in terms of how accurate
are they reading the SNPs? The technology is accurate. Can we accurately determine a SNP, yes. Is the raw data [raw dna
data file] they supply accurate? I would assume the raw data is accurate. You then would have to go look
up at either Yale [University] site at Alfred [alfred - Yale University] or some other site [ SNPedia or Promethease] all the information about those particular SNPs if they identify them. Dr. Schanfield was the director of Analytical Genetic Testing Center,
Inc. in Denver, Co., a private forensic laboratory that was on the forefront
of developing DNA technology for forensic science, and was involved with many of the early forensic DNA cases. http://forensicsciences.columbian.gwu.edu/moses-s-schanfield --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hippocampus The hippocampus
...is a major component of the brains of humans and other vertebrates. Theta rhythm[edit] Main article: Theta rhythm Because of its densely packed neural layers, the
hippocampus generates some of the largest EEG signals of any brain structure. In some situations the EEG is
dominated by regular waves at 3 to 10 Hertz [3.3 to 9.9 harmonic
range of 3 associated with the rules of prophecy-vortex'ya, and the sacred sound of E-O-IH], often continuing
for many seconds. These reflect subthreshold membrane potentials and strongly modulate the spiking of hippocampal neurons and synchronise across the hippocampus in a travelling wave
pattern.[52] This EEG pattern is known as a theta rhythm.[53] Theta rhythmicity is very obvious in rabbits
and rodents and also clearly present in cats and dogs. Whether theta can be seen in primates is a vexing question.[54] In
rats (the animals that have been the most extensively studied), theta is seen mainly in two conditions: first, when an animal
is walking or in some other way actively interacting with its surroundings; second, during REM sleep.[55] The function of theta has not yet been convincingly explained although numerous
theories have been proposed.[49] The most popular hypothesis
has been to relate it to learning and memory. An example would be the phase with which theta rhythms, at the
time of stimulation of a neuron, shape the effect of that stimulation upon its synapses. What is meant here is that theta
rhythms may affect those aspects of learning and memory that are dependent upon synaptic plasticity.[56] - Sharp
waves[edit] Main article: Sharp wave–ripple complexes During sleep or during waking states when an animal
is resting or otherwise not engaged with its surroundings, the
hippocampal EEG shows a pattern of irregular slow waves, somewhat larger in amplitude than theta waves. This
pattern is occasionally interrupted by large surges called
sharp waves.[58] These events are associated with bursts of spike activity lasting 50 to 100 milliseconds in
pyramidal cells of CA3 and CA1. They are also associated with short-lived high-frequency EEG oscillations called "ripples",
with frequencies in the range 150 to 200 Hertz in rats. Sharp waves are most frequent during sleep when they occur at an
average rate of around 1 per second (in rats) but in a very irregular temporal pattern. Sharp waves are less frequent during
inactive waking states and are usually smaller. Sharp waves
have also been observed in humans and monkeys. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocampus Brain waves[edit] Delta wave –
(0.1 – 3 Hz) Theta wave – (4 – 7 Hz) Alpha wave – (8 – 15 Hz) Mu wave – (7.5 – 12.5 Hz) SMR wave – (12.5 – 15.5
Hz) Beta wave – (16 – 31 Hz) Gamma wave – (32 – 100 Hz) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theta_rhythm#Brain_waves Theta brain waves are the brain state of REM sleep (dreams),
hypnosis, lucid dreaming, and the barely conscious state just before sleeping and just after waking. Theta
is the border between the conscious and the subconscious world, and by learning to use a conscious, waking Theta brain wave
we can access and influence the powerful subconscious part of ourselves that is normally inaccessible to our waking minds.
While in the Theta state, the mind is capable of deep and profound
learning, healing, and growth - it is the brainwave where our minds can connect to the Divine and manifest changes in the
material world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CreU9g302yU - Theta Brain Waves Brain Waves Theta In the theta state of awareness, brain waves are oscillating between
4 to 5 cycles per second. This is a state of mind where excellent
psychic experiences can occur, astral projection and extended remote viewing. We generally experience the theta
level in deep meditations and in our sleep state. Here we can
transcend time and space, obtain remote perceptions, and obtain information from the highest source. With each brain state level that we descend, the closer we get to
our Source, higher self, or the universal mind. While beta is highly exterior in focus, this is still very much an inward state. The beta state of awareness is related
to our conscious thoughts; the theta state is related to our subconscious mind. http://www.psychic-experiences.com/psychic-articles/brain-wave-states.php Theta – (4 to 7 Hz) Theta brainwave occur
during deep relaxation and meditation, light sleep or lucid dreaming including the REM dream state. It is the
realm of your subconsciousness, where the mind is capable of
profound insight, advanced intuition, healing, and oneness – in Theta state our minds can connect to the universe
and manifest life-enhancing changes. You can also experience vivid visualizations, great inspiration and
profound creativity. The lower the brain frequency the faster
the learning. Meditation or yoga is credited as being so relaxing because they induce the mind in a trance like state where it starts generating theta waves. People tend to have paranormal, psychic experiences when their brain
is full of theta brainwaves. Most children
and teenagers have dominant theta brainwave patterns. http://fractalenlightenment.com/14794/spirituality/understanding-braiwaves-to-expand-our-consciousness - Lying
in the middle of the brain is part of the temporal lobe called the
Ammon's horn (Amuns Horn) or the hippocampus. In neuroanatomy, Ammon's horn is a metaphor that relates to the gods and the brain. Ammon's horn is the hidden creator, king of the gods,
and the lord of the thrones of the world. Amun is 'The hidden one.'" Lord of the visible and the invisible worlds,
he was the mysterious soul of the universe which reveals itself in light. The God Amun
or Ammon in ancient times was usually depicted as a ram with
curved Jupiter Ammon horns, a man with a ram's head ... Many ancient images depict Jupiter Ammon under
the figure of a ram, or on medals and coins he appears in human shape with ram-horns growing out beneath his ears. Could
it be that they were sending us a message with these images
and that the Ammon's Horn or (hippocampus) is one of the most important areas of our brains in
our evolution ... http://gnosticwarrior.com/ammons-horn.html - UZH|ETH Zurich - Neuroscience Center Zurich - Research Groups - Cognitive Neuroscience - Henke Prof. Dr. Katharina HenkeDepartment of PsychologyUniversity of Berncurrent research projects:Role of hippocampus in creativity, insight and problem solving.Our findings suggest that the human hippocampal formation
specializes in the rapid establishment of new conceptual associations between items in memory. Importantly, we found that the hippocampal formation mediates the rapid encoding of new associations
even when encoding (and later retrieval) were carried out without conscious awareness of encoding (and retrieval). Moreover,
unconscious encoding affects the success of subsequent conscious encoding when the same, similar or different material is
given for conscious learning. This influence of encoding across levels of consciousness was mediated by the hippocampal formation. The hippocampus plays a vital
role in enhancing memory in those who are actively engaged in learning something new. It coordinates with other
brain structures to accomplish different tasks, such as recognizing an object one has seen before or remembering its original
location. (Credit: Graphic by Diana Yates. Brain by Andrew Giglio.). http://www.bmedreport.com/archives/20769 BMED Report health and wellness through psychological science http://www.bmedreport.com/ Dr. Christopher Fisher, Managing Editor for The Behavioral Medicine Report, received his PhD in Clinical Health Psychology
& Behavioral Medicine from University of North Texas. His clinical training emphasized biopsychosocial approaches to
health and wellness, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), neurofeedback, biofeedback, cranial electrical stimulation
(CES), and QEEG. He is Board Certified in Neurofeedback (BCN) by BCIA. Dr. Fisher also received a master’s degree
in Clinical Psychology from Texas A&M - Corpus Christi. Dr. Fisher maintains a private practice in Corpus Christi, Texas,
and offers individual therapy, group therapy, peripheral biofeedback, and neurofeedback. http://www.bmedreport.com/archives/20769 - VCE U4 Psychology - Brain mechanisms involved
in learning. 1. Brain mechanisms involved in learning 2. Glutamate• It is the most abundant excitatory
neurotransmitter in the nervous system• It plays a key role
in learning (LTP), highly concentrated in Hippocampus, amygdala• Stored in the vesicles of the presynaptic
neuron• Nerve impulses (action potential) triggers release into the synapse• Glutamite then binds with specialised
receptors on the dendrites of the postsynaptic neuron 3. NMDA (N-methyl D-aspartate)• A specialised
receptor (found on dendrites) that receives Glutamate (vital to LTP) 4. NMDA (N-methyl D-aspartate)•
Evidence: Morris water maze experiment - NDMA blocked - rats unable to spatially learn (no LTP)• Tissens (2000) study
on modified NMDA receptors of mice 5. Hippocampus•
largely responsible for LTP• Consolidation of declarative memories• involved in spatial learning
and navigation• Along with the thalamus & amygdala – it is responsible for intiating and processing fear
response• Evidence: MRIs indicate a larger right hippocampus area of London cab drivers compared to population•
Morris water maze experiment with removal of Hippocampus http://www.slideshare.net/Psyccounting/brain-mechanisms-involved-in-learning Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a persistent increase
in synaptic strength following high-frequency stimulation of a chemical synapse. Studies of LTP are often carried out in slices of the hippocampus, an important organ for
learning and memory. https://www.google.com/#q=Long-term+potentiation In neuroscience, long-term potentiation (LTP) is a persistent strengthening of synapses based on recent patterns of activity. These are patterns of synaptic activity that produce a long-lasting increase in signal
transmission between two neurons.[2] The opposite of LTP is long-term depression, which produces a long-lasting decrease in synaptic strength. It is one of several phenomena underlying synaptic plasticity, the ability of chemical synapses to change their strength. As memories are thought to be encoded by modification of synaptic strength,[3] LTP is widely considered one of the major cellular mechanisms that underlies learning and memory.[2][3] LTP was discovered in the rabbit hippocampus by Terje Lømo in 1966 and has remained a popular subject of research since. Many modern LTP studies seek to better understand its basic
biology, while others aim to draw a causal link between LTP and behavioral learning. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term_potentiation -The Ethereans' brains, immune system, bones, muscles, organs etc... are superior to earth people's
body. Most of the Ethereans' beneficial DNA is of the (C;C) genotype (single nucleotide polymorphism or SNPs). I come to these conclusions based upon extensive study and research of Oahspe and human genetics.
When the Angels came here to earth they had
all the blood types (A, B, AB, and O) in them from corporeal man from when they died in infancy or fetus on other corporeal
worlds. The Blood types would have been recorded in the DNA. DNA is a physical and non-physical vortexian
record. When the angel hosts of Sethantes came to earth and inter-breed with Asu they passed on all the different corporean
blood types (that was still recorded in their DNA from when they were a corporeal fetus or infant from another corporeal
world like earth) to the I'hins. What made the angels
different from the first earth man (Asu) was that they were capable of being taught spiritual things (they had an enhanced
ability to learn) and Asu could not. The ability to learn is connected to the hippocampus (even the ancient Egyptians connected
the hippocampus to the god Seth or the hosts of Sethantes). The C allele is connected to enhanced hippocampal volume,
and enhanced ability to learn and remember. Like Asu the Druks were born not capable of being taught spiritual
things. The Druks could not learn, could not understand what the I'hins said to them about spiritual things and the druks
soon forgot what they were told (evidence of sub-normal hippocampus). Oahspe makes it clear it was the learning ability
of the angels and I'hins that separated them from Asu or primitive earth man. The hippocampus and the C allele is connected to enhanced learning ability. Blood types (A, B, AB, and O) are
not connected to enhanced learning ability. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-mystery-of-human-blood-types-86993838/ http://www.snpedia.com/index.php/Rs7294919 - Blood types are not responisble for enhanced learning ability that the angels and I'hins
had (and Asu didn't have) but the hippocampus and the C allele is responsible for enhanced learning ability and is our
connection to the Ethereans.
type by race/ethnicity: Notice from above chart that O
negative blood type is 8% in Caucasian and only 0.19% in African-Americans. 8 / 0.19 = 42.1 x more in Caucasians than in African-Americans. - Pygmies
resemble Negroids in the blood groups so far studied among Pygmies,... There is a theory that O negative blood type is a genetic mutation that came about as reaction to The Black Death which spread
across Europe.Another theory is the O negative Rh- blood type came from Neanderthals. Recent studies proved the homosapiens
interbred with neanderthals in Europe around 30,000 years ago and Europeans
have the highest percentage of Neanderthal genes. Interestingly, Europeans also have the highest percentage of O negative Rh- people.
- Recently came across this theory which suggests
that those with Rh negative blood group might be the descendants of ancient
alien astronauts the alien blood group theory which states that: If all mankind evolved from the
same ancestor their blood would be compatible. Where did the Rh negatives come from? If they are not the descendants of
prehistoric man, could they be the descendants of the ancient astronauts? This makes one believe as if Rh negative
indicates the “presence of something rare in one’s blood”. But as we learn earlier, Rh negative indicates
the “absence of the Rh D antigen” which otherwise is quite abundant in most (85%) humans. So what could be
the contribution of alien blood here? Obviously, there is nothing
alien here, because there is no alien genes present here, its actually the “absence” of our
own genes which produce the Rh D antigen in most humans. The
entire theory seems to have been built upon an incorrect understanding of blood groups, antigens and antibody response.
Because Rh D is not the ONLY antigen either, in Rh group itself we have around 50 such antigens, and human blood group
classification itself has around 32 types based on different groups of antigens. The theory then states All
animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species. Relative size and color makes
no difference. Why does infant’s haemolytic disease occur in humans if all humans are the same species? This
seems to suggest that other animals are free from such instances of mother’s immune system attacking the child’s
blood. Well, it is not. We have seen newborns die because of this attack even in horses and mules! It appears in all those
species where the mother has a negative antigen blood group, and the fetus has a positive antigen blood group, and mother’s
blood comes in contact with fetal blood. For that matter, it is not only restricted to Rh D antigen either. After
all, it is also very much possible that mother whose blood group is O, gives birth to a child whose blood group is B,
and if the mother’s blood comes in contact with fetal blood, then there will be antibodies against B produced by the
mother’s blood! Its only that in this case it is not life threatening, while in the case of Rh D it can be life
threatening to the baby. All combinations where mother is negative antigen, and child is positive antigen can cause
scenarios where mother’s immune system produces antibodies against the child’s positive antigen. It is only
that while some of them cause no harm, some cause mild issues, and the ones like Rh D can be severe. So there is nothing
alien here, and this is a common evolutionary compromise across the human species. http://www.hitxp.com/articles/science-technology/rh-negative-blood-group-alien-origin/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hippocampus is a double arc or C-shaped structure formed by cutting open
a torus.
Pan the Missing Triangle of Pangea, the First Land Mass The Missing Triangle
from Pangea however is not explained by “Continental Drift” or any other existing scientific theory. It has however
been accounted for in the history of Oahspe and is the ancient continent of Pan, now submerged under the Pacific Ocean. -
Triangle from Pangea = missing land mass = if you put all the surviving continents together (North American,
South America, Europe, African, Asia, Australia, Antartica) you will have a missing land mass = continent of Pan in the Pacific
. If you draw a line from Japan to Papua New Guinea to Hawaii and back to Japan= Triangle of Missing land mass = Pan.
^-- Removing OAHSPE's Enigma By Jim Dennon. OAHSPE is about the human crop cycles on this
planetary garden. ------------------------------ I am constantly updating my website studyofoahspe.com with new information but because of the massive size and numerous
pages of my website it is very hard to find the new information. Every month I will
be making a list of the ten (10) new posted information on my website and where to find it. Anyone wanting this updated list
just Email Me. ------------------------------ After you get your DNA report from ancestry.com, 23andme,
etc..I will tell you how to get your detailed scientific report of your genes and alleles, Email Me. ------------------------------ Send me 3 pictures of your face and I will tell you what prophet and
lawgiver you match the closest to and I will send you pictures of your highest matches, Email Me. ------------------------------ Send me your birth year and birth day and I will send you Cosmic-terrestrial
a'ji dan vortexian energy New Zodiac chart with explanation: You can send me parents birth year and birth day for further
Zodiac chart, Email Me. -------------------------------
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