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Oahspe Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih Chapter IV: 4
...But Osire deigned only to say: By what authority hast thou
made slaves of Jehovih's sons and daughters, to augment thine own self-glory? -
The aggressiveness which characterizes
the modern peoples ...spring from...the Aryan branches of mankind.
The ancient Hebrews were seldom engaged in strife, and then only as the result of being attacked, and never from any
effort on their part at conquest of other peoples. The
Hebrews have always been monotheistic, worshipping one god only---Jehovih, the Creator. The Aryans, with the growth of the Christian religion, have worshipped several gods, have
been competitive, aggressive, imperialistic, and frequently engaged in wars of conquest. - Page 48 of
SEVEN YEARS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, 1941-1948 (1940) by Wing Anderson. - Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon.: Chapter XIV: 9. Because the Israelites (Faithists) worshipped not the Gods and
Lords, but the Great Spirit only,
"If the author, Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., is correct, an 890-page book called "Oahspe"
is the best kept secret in the world. But it is not supposed to be a secret. It was intended to be as well known as the Bible
and provide answers to humankind on all life's mysteries, including the history of the planet, the history of the human race,
the fate of man, and countless other matters pertaining to the nature of man and the purpose of life."http://www.amazon.com/The-Hidden-Prophet-Ballou-Newbrough/dp/1449505511 - Your Oahspe website is MARVELOUS! - April
20, 2015. Bill B. professor of Industrial Design. -
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oahspe, Book of Wars against
Jehovih chapter XLVIII (48): 13. ...the TEMPLE OF OSIRIS, commonly called the GREAT PYRAMID. 26. Osiris said: You shall build a Temple of Astronomy, and dedicate it to Osiris, Savior of men and angels, God of heaven and earth. And it shall be built
square with the world, east and west and north and south. And the observing line shall be with the apex of the Hidan vortex [the
celestial pole around which the stars spin over a 24 hour period], which lies
in the median line of the variation of the north star (Tuax). http://oahspestandardedition.com/OSAC/The_Great_Pyramid.html the celestial pole around which the stars spin over a 24 hour period = the North Star. North Star: called Tuax at the time of Osiris the false: the observing
line of the great pyramid was in the median line of the variation of the North Star (Tuax), https://oahspestandardedition.com/OSE_40_4.html How long has Polaris been the North Star of earth? Right now, the Earth's rotation axis happens to be pointing almost exactly at Polaris. But in the year 3000 B.C., the North Star
was a star called Thuban (also known as Alpha Draconis), and in about 13,000 years from now
the precession of the rotation axis will mean that the bright star Vega will be the North Star. https://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/questions/question64.html Thuban is one of the stars that take turns as the North Star during the Earth’s precession cycle.
Thuban was the Pole Star from 3942 BCE to 1793 BCE, during the creation of some of Egypt’s largest pyramids. Thuban
was closest to the pole in 2830 BCE, coming closest to the north celestial pole out of all the other pole stars. However,
Thuban was among the faintest pole stars. The Nine Planets is an encyclopedic overview with facts and information about
mythology and current scientific knowledge of the planets, moons, and other objects in our solar system and beyond. The majority of recent chronological estimates
date Khufu and his pyramid roughly between 2700 and 2500 BC.[37] Fichtus
of Haal - Angelfire https://pperov.angelfire.com › haal "Tuax" might be Thuban, the star that aligns closer
to the celestial pole than all the other circumpolar stars. It varies (ie its course over a precessional ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The race of Thothma according to biometrics. 2. The race of the slaves who built the Great Pyramid according
to biometrics. 3. The similarities between the slaughter of the Shepherd Kings and the American Indians and the slavery
of the Arabin'ya Faithists and African-Americans. 4. The mathematics [fractals] of the slaves who built the Great Pyramid which was different from the mathematics
[Euclidean geometry] of the slave masters of Egypt. Some
of the major differences between fractal and Euclidean geometry are outlined in the following table. Fractal is a modern invention (discovery) in Europe and America but not in Africa and southern India.
Firstly the recognition of fractal is very modern, they have only formally been studied in the last 10 years compared
to Euclidean geometry which goes back over 2000 years. Secondly whereas Euclidean shapes normally have a few characteristic
sizes or length scales (eg: the radius of a circle or the length of of a side of a cube) fractals have no characteristic
sizes. Fractal shapes are self similar and independent of size or scaling. Third, Euclidean geometry provides a good description
of man made objects whereas fractals are required for a representation of naturally occuring geoemtries. It is likely that
this limitation of our traditional language of shape is responsible for the striking difference between mass produced objects
and natural shapes. Finally, Euclidean geometries are defined by algebraic formulae, for example  defines a sphere. Fractals
are normally the result of a iterative or recursive construction or algorithm.
5. The Gau (finding the level and elevation angles) that was discovered
in the Great Pyramid of Egypt that corresponds to the Gau of Oahspe. 7.
The Oahspe verses of how Thothma knew the approximate mathematical value of pi. Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih:
Chapter L: 5. ...And Thothma CAST HIMSELF IN DEATH (dormancy) by swallowing his tongue.
Whereupon the priests closed the entrance and sealed the king within. https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah316.htm - "This is dangerous...these are not coming
from the Creator, these are coming from false Gods got you doing dangerous things like swallowing
your tongue ...nah dawg you can keep that, I ain't swallowing my tongue just so you can
prove your own selfish glory, the Creator ain't got nobody swallowing no tongue yo" - Selah Shalom, Nov 11, 2021 from
11 minutes 50 seconds to 12 minutes and 21 seconds into video (link below).

Above portrait of the builder (Pharaoh
Thothma) of the great pyramid in Egypt who was similar to the fictional Rama-Tut. He could hear the Gods (Osiris, Baal and Egupt) and talk with them understandingly. Portrait by John Ballou Newbrough. Pharaoh Thothma was a brilliant scholar, profoundly wise, occult adept, su'is, sar'gis, Idol worshipper,
devotee to his Lord and Savior God, non-faithist, Caucasian-Ghan, racist, ruler,
Conquerer, slave master, human slaughterer, pre-Euclidean (Euclidean geometry) mathematician, Fascist, etc... Because of his high intelligence and psychic ability Thothma probably had the Rs7294919 (C;C, or C;T) genotype
in his DNA. The hippocampus is a critical brain structure involved in learning and memory.
(C;C) | 3 | Enhanced hippocampal volume | (C;T) | 3 | Moderately enhanced hippocampal
volume | (T;T) | 0 | Average hippocampal volume |
(C;C) Enhanced hippocampal volume (originated with
I'hins, angels) (C;T) Moderately enhanced hippocampal volume (originated with I'hins) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oahspe Book of Ouranothen CHAPTER 4: 4. Behold, the times of heaven and earth are made of summers and winters
(cycles, seasons) ... Geometry (mathematics), cycles and seasons: Oahspe Book of the Arc
of Bon.: Chapter XIV: 4. To events of prophecy there was also another calendar, called the ode, signifying sky-time,
or heavenly times. One ode was equivalent to eleven long years; three odes, one spell, signifying
a generation; ... Thothma, the learned man and builder of the great pyramid, had said:
As a diameter is to a circle, and as a circle is to a diameter, so are the rules
of the seasons of the earth. - Wisdom of Thothma builder of the Great Pyramid decoded: as a circle is to a diameter = 22/7 = π or 3.14 (rounded to 3 nearest whole number). "π is a mathematical constant usually defined as the ratio of the circumference of a
circle to its diameter in Euclidean geometry". https://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Relativity/GR/pi.html the rules of the seasons of the earth = the rules of prophecy = 3x or 1/3 The rules of prophecy =
the rules of a vortex = a circle to a diameter = 3 Cycles = harmonics of 3. The diameter of a circle is
1/3 circumference. harmonics of 3. Circumference of a circle is 3x diameter. harmonics of 3. 10.614 (rounded
to 11) x 3.14 (ratio of Circumference to diameter of a circle) = 33.33. Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy:
Chapter III:14 (3.14 or pi), Harmonic multiples and divisions of the first rule of prophecy: Pages 4 and 8 of THE UNIFIED CYCLE THEORY (How Cycles Dominate the Structure of the Universe and Influence Life on Earth) by Stephen J. Puetz, and Glenn Borchardt PhD, 2009 says "Cycles
exhibit harmonics of three. Take the period of cycles, multiply by three, and
the next larger cycle results [33 x 3 = 99-100]. Conversely, take cycle...divide
it's frequency by three, and the next smaller cycle appears [33 / 3
= 11]. ...The length of each child-wave can be calculated by dividing the length of its
parent wave by 3." Cycles = Prophecy Structure of the Universe = Cosmogony-Cosmology. Oahspe Book
of Cosmogony and Prophecy.
Oahspe Book of Cosmology and Prophecy: Chapter IX: 2. These
fall under the divisor, or multiple, 3 (primaries), yellow, blue and red, corresponding to the times, 11, 33, 99, and so on. Harmonic divisions or multiples of 3 (3/1
recipricle 1/3). Origins of Pi Pi has been known for almost 4000 years The ancient Babylonians calculated the area of a circle by taking 3 times
the square of its radius, which gave a value of pi = 3 One
Babylonian tablet indicates a value of 3.125 for pi, which is a closer approximation. https://prezi.com/oua8cepyhbga/pi-and-architecture/ According to Oahspe Thothma of Egypt knew Pi 4000 years
ago (about the same time as the Babylonians). Thothma's
value of pi = 3 or 3.1 which was the same as the ancient Babylonians 4000 years ago. Thothma like the ancient Babylonians did not discover the Golden Ratio, Fibonacci sequence, logarithmic spiral,
fractals which was known to Arabin'ya I'huan
faithists (worshippers of the Great Spirit) called Israelites. "Reevaluating all of the existing
material in this light, I have to conclude that it is very unlikely that the Babylonians discovered the Golden Ratio." - Page 47 of THE GOLDEN RATIO The Story of Phi, The World's
Most Astonishing Number by Mario Livio. The Fibonacci sequence, logarithmic spiral and Golden Ratio (a fractal scaling
ratio) go hand in hand. skyscrapers and space-ships. - Pi is used in different
mathematical formulas for calculating the area of circle, circumferences, area of a cylinder, etc. It is also used in different
fields such as cosmology, civil engineering, etc. plate (see ORACHNEBUAHGALAH CHARTS Cycles & Prophecy page of this website). - Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih Chapter L: 17. When this was completed, Thothma built of wood and stone an external wall across the slat of the temple; and within this wall were stairs also, and these led to the top of the pyramid. This wall was also
provided with windows, that the northern stars might be observed.
18. Thothma made an observing column for the sun, and it was
provided with lenses of all colors, so that adepts standing at the base
of the pyramid could see the sun at every hour of the day, and distinguish
the spots and their changes. A gau was set within each of the angles of observation, that
the relative position of the sun with northern stars could be determined every day. 19. By these two columns, therefore, Thothma and his
mathematicians measured the sun and moon and stars, as to the distances and sizes thereof. Thothma and
his scientists measured the distances and sizes of the stars using
trigonometric parallax. Trigonometry is derived from Euclidean Geometry. Trigonometry is important in calculus. measured the sun and moon and stars, as to the distances and sizes
thereof. And Osiris commanded
the king to send into the far-off lands of the earth his wisest mathematicians, to observe ... When was the distances
to the stars first measured? 1838 In
1838, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel won the race to measure the first distance to a star other than our Sun via the
trigonometric parallax – setting the first scale of the Universe. Nov 22, 2020 The Distances of the Stars: Resolving Long-standing ... According to Oahspe Thothma measured the distances to stars (probably using trigonometric parallax) 3892
years before Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel. - - Some claim the Great Pyramid was built
magically [levitation] with no human hands. The fact that archeologists have found tools, wood and boat fragments near the Great Pyramid puts a big question
mark on that statement. - May 22, 2015 Mike Wallace (an Oahspe reader). - A brilliant young prince of nineteen was placed on the throne of the Pharaohs. His name was Hojax, a nd in deference to Osiris he assumed the name of Thothma, or Tuthmosis. Perhaps he was also known as Khufu or Cheops, although of these latter names Oahspe makes no mention. [In
December 2000 I traveled to Egypt.
There I had met researcher John Anthony West. He told me that the name Khufu is found in more than one cartouche
in the Relief Chamber above the King's Chamber - in the Great Pyramid. Khufu is credited as building the Great Pyramid.
He was a brilliant scholar, a man of profound wisdom, an adept at occultism, and a bound devotee of the false Osiris...he must build a temple to Osiris, ...But first Thothma was required to drive the Faithists out of the land, and to make slaves of those who remained. Their numbers now amounted to three millions in the land of Egypt.
Thothma therefore levied a powerful army, driving out the Listians or Shepherd Kings with great slaughter,
and enslaving the children of Abraham, the Israelites...  Above are faces of original Israelites tribe (Arabin'ya I'huan faithists).  Above image of ancient Israelites in Egyptian Captivity (slavery).
they were oppressed by cruel laws and penalties,
and were forced to reveal the mathematical science which had been preserved with them from their distant
ancestors the I'hins, to whom it was committed by the angels in the first ages
of mankind. Humanity was now ripe for this development, but the surrender of their secrets
was a further blow to the Israelites. Both the knowledge and the slave labour of the Israelites were now thus impressed into the construction
of the temple of Osiris, the Great Pyramid. And the etherean dawn in which Moses would bring them deliverance was still five hundred years away.[2053 - 500 = 1553 B.C.E.]. - Pages
189-190 of Darkness, Dawn And Destiny (Drawn from Oahspe) 1965 by Augustine Cahill. - ...there is a specific proportional ratio that is
found throughout nature. This ratio is called Phi .... This ratio is nature's most ubiquitous fractal scaling
ratio and is easy to see present in plants, animals, seashells, vortices of water and air, and many
other phenomena of Earth. It is also
A discussion of the relationship between pi and the Great Pyramid of Khufu.
... we know about ancient Egyptian mathematics (based primarily
on the Rhind Papyrus), .... the mathematical knowledge of the
architect who built the Great Pyramid. It’s possible that pi, phi or both,
as we understand them today, could have been the factors in the design of the pyramid. Pyramid | Base in Meters | Height in Meters | Base/2 in Meters |
Ratio of Height / (Base/2) | Angle Radians using (ATAN) | Convert Angle to Degrees | Variance from Actual in Meters | % Variance from Actual | Great Pyramid of Giza | 230.4 |
146.50000 | 115.20 | 1.271701 |
0.90443531 | 51.82033 |
| |
Phi Geometry |
2.0 |
1.27202 | 1.00 |
1.272020 | 0.90455689 | 51.82729 |
| |
Phi to Scale |
230.4 | 146.53666 |
115.20 | 1.272020 |
0.90455689 | 51.82729 |
0.0367 | 0.025% | Pi Geometry (8/pi/2) |
2.0 | 1.27324 |
1.00 | 1.273240 | 0.90502258 |
51.85397 | | |
Pi to Scale |
230.4 | 146.67720 | 115.20 |
1.273240 | 0.90502258 |
51.85397 | 0.1772 | 0.121% | 5.5 Seked |
230.4 | 146.61818 |
115.20 | 1.272727 |
0.90482709 | 51.84277 |
0.1182 | 0 | Blacks and Science Volume One: Ancient Egyptian Contributions to ... The importance of pi has been recognized for at least 4,000 years. A History of Pi notes that by 2000 B.C.,"the
Babylonians and the Egyptians (at least) were aware of the existence and significance of
the constant ," recognizing that every circle has the same ratio of circumference to diameter. Both Babylonians and Egyptians had rough numerical approximations to the value of pi,
According to Scientific American the Babylonians and the Egyptians recognized the existence and importance of pi 4000 years ago, this correlates with according to Oahspe Thothma the builder of
the Great Pyramid of Egypt 4000 years ago knew pi and it's
significance and importance. Thothma knew the rough numerical approximation
to the value of pi (3.0 or 3.1 x diameter of a circle or vortex).
- Slavery of the Israelites (children of Abraham) by Thothma = Indo-european caste system.  according to history the caste system didn't
start in India until 1500 B.C.E. (after the Aryans migrated to Northwest India, see images above) and the time of the Great Pyramid of Egypt
according to Oahspe was 2053 B.C.E (500 years before 1553 B.C.E the dawn of the arc of Bon and Moses).  Thothma
was a Ghan (Caucasian) who was a Master adept and Master
su'is but was not a faithist. Oahspe BOOK OF OSIRIS, SON OF JEHOVIH. CHAPTER I: 12. Not like lambs are the Ghans, but lions untamed, born
conquerors, with seed to learn
and reason toward all things, faith in mastery, but not
faith in Jehovih.
- Thread: The Indo-European caste system 09-02-17, 12-02-17: What made the
Indo-Europeans stand out in their caste system is
that they were conquerors, in the case of Japan, China, Inca etc there was racial
homogeneity in their upper and lower castes, to some degree, while the Indo-Europeans conquests caused many conquered peoples to become
the lower caste of a new society where the conquerors were at the top. Very dramatic. Imagine if the Indo-Europeanz migrations never took place, it would make a good alternative
history novel. The Indo-European caste division was different I think because of it's scale and racial difference between its upper and lower castes. - IronSide there is also very obvious racial difference between Bantu
and their Pygmee slaves. I don't know whether they have some gods to justify this too, but I wouldn't be
surprised - bicicleur. As Bicicleur pointed out, there were substantial differences between the Bantu and the Pygmies, What is the conclusion that we're
supposed to draw? Is it that somehow this group of people is genetically, intrinsically, the most "racist"
group in human history, and the most brutal? Do you really want to go there? - Angela
The pygmy slaves belong to their Bantu masters from birth in a relationship that the Bantus call a time-honored
tradition. Historically, the Pygmy have always been viewed as inferior by both the village dwelling Bantu tribes and colonial authorities. [40]This has translated into systematic discrimination. One early example was the capture of Pygmy children under the auspices of the Belgian colonial authorities, who
exported Pygmy children to zoos throughout Europe, including the world's fair in the Archived from
the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2012-03-13. for several
hundred different ethnic groups, there is a high degree of homogeneity in Bantu cultures and customs, just as in Bantu languages.[1] All Bantus traditionally
believe in a supreme God. In many traditions God is supposed to live in the skies; there are also traditions that locate God on some high mountain, for example the
Kirinyaga mountain - Mt. Kenya, for Kikuyu people. All religious practices are intended
to worship God. This traditional attitude of Bantu belief systems has been modified, to various degrees and in various ways, by the advent of Christianity (or Islam), as the God of Christians and Muslims
has been equated to the Bantu supreme God. The Mbuti Pygmies of the Ituri rain forest are the most well known of the
various Pygmy ethnic groups. According to Paul Schebesta, the Mbuti believe that God created the universe (that is, the
forest) and all its creatures and forces ....Colin Turnbull (1965) ...this account of Mbuti cosmology. According to him, there is no creator god; instead,
the Mbuti worship God as
a living benevolent being personified by the forest. To them, God is the forest. It seems according to Colin Turnbull the Mbuti
Pygmies worship God as a Great Spirit or All-Person, a living benevolent being personified by the forest (their universe). From the late 15th century, Europeans joined the slave trade. One could say the
Portuguese led in partnership with other Europeans. According to Oahspe and history, Idol worshippers
(not worshippers of the Great Spirit) tend to persecute and make slaves of other humans (Homo sapiens) especially those who worshipped the Great Spirit. Oahspe Book of Es Daughter of Jehovih Chapter 8:20. And when thy people profess Jehovih and not them, behold, they will inspire others to fall upon
thy people to destroy them, or to torture them with great suffering. <---Great
Spirit synonymous with Jehovih. Oahspe - Book of Lika, Son of Jehovih: Chapter IV: 4. For thou shalt find My chosen a scattered people, persecuted and enslaved, the most
despised of all the races of men. But I will
show My power with them; I will raise them up; the things I do through them, and the words I speak through
them, even in their ignorance
and darkness, shall become mighty. 8. But My chosen, who are their slaves, and are as
nothing in the world, ...
- Oahspe Book of the Arc of Bon.: Chapter I: 8. In those days the Faithists were known by the names: Vede, and Parsi'e, and Hiyah, and Syiattahoma,
beside various other names of less note. 9. In some places they were slaves, in other places serfs,
and in still other places hid away in wildernesses and amongst the mountains; being non-resistant and
timorous, having suffered
great persecution by the idolators of Dyaus and other false Gods and Lords. [Suffering persecution and slavery by the idolators of Dyaus, De'yus, or Zeus. The
name Dyauṣ Pitā is exactly parallel to
the Greek Zeus Pateretymologically, and closely related to Latin Jupiter. in scholarship since the 19th century has
been that Indra had replaced Dyaus as the chief god of the
early Indo-Aryans. Persecuted by the
idolators of Zeus or Jupiter, the "Sky Father"
of the Indo-European religion or the Indo-Aryans of the Caste system. This was a Anthro-po-morphic God (in the image of a man, the image of the Beast). Notice
how the name Jesus in Spanish (Latin derivative) is pronounced Je-Zeus (Hey-Zeus, calling Zeus or De'yus).
The Norse religion counterpart
of Dyaus and Zeus was the Sky Father God Odin.
Looeamong took over the title of Zeus.
Spanish, like
Italian, -
Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon On Earth: Chapter III: 34. And now, with slow and solemn aspect, rose up and spake five hundred priests of Brahma. 35. They said: We have heard; we have seen. Behold, the Father's kingdom is
none of these. 36. It is the second coming of Brahma.
He shall come in flames of fire, from the east and west and north and south. 37. By the magic touch of his wand, the different castes of men shall be sorted; https://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah621.htm "priests of Brahma...Brahma ...the different castes of men" = Indo-European case system. A caste system developed among Indo-Aryans of the Vedic Period,
splitting society into four major groups. The institution
of the caste system, influenced by stories of the gods in the Rig- Veda epic, assumed
and reinforced the idea that lifestyles, occupations, ritual statuses, and social
statuses were inherited. Aryan society was patriarchal in the Vedic Period, with men in positions of authority and power handed down only through the male line. There were four classes in the caste system:
Brahmins (priests and scholars), Kshatriyas (kings, governors, and warriors), Vaishyas (cattle herders, agriculturists, artisans, and merchants), and Shudras (laborers and service providers). A fifth group, Untouchables, was excluded from the caste system and historically performed the undesirable work. The caste system in India may have several origins, possibly starting with the well-defined social orders of the Indo-Aryans in the Vedic Period, c. 1750-500 BCE. The castes were a form of social stratification in Aryan India characterized by the hereditary transmission of lifestyle, occupation, ritual status, and social status. Sanskrit
traces its linguistic ancestry to Proto-Indo-Iranian and ultimately
to Proto-Indo-European languages, meaning that it can be traced historically back to the people
who spoke Indo-Iranian, also called the Aryan languages, as
well as the Indo-European languages, a family of several hundred related languages and dialects. Today, an estimated 46% of humans speak some form of Indo-European language.
The most widely-spoken Indo-European languages are English,
Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian, each - Basically
Thothma who was a Ghan himself with his powerful army, drove
out with great slaughter the Listians or Shepherd Kings who were also Ghans but enslaved the children of Abraham, the Israelites who
were I'huans. In America from the early 1600s to the late 1800s the Christian Ghans
drove out with great slaughter from their lands the worshipers
of the Great Spirit, Native American Indians (who were also Ghans, Ongwee-ghans) but enslaved
the African-Americans who were I'huans (and who also worshipped the Great Spirit in Africa).  Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih Chapter Chapter
XLIX: And in regard to the Faithists, who remained in the land of Egupt, Osiris, through king Thothma, made the following laws, to wit: 3. Thou shalt not possess any land, nor house, nor ox, nor any beast of burden, nor cow, nor
calf, nor shall thy people possess an altar of worship, - John Newbrough's drawings
were done by angelic control, its spiritual authors did not - #IdenticalStrangers #UnrelatedTwins have
done on my website since 2015. Two
unrelated men (John and Neil) who matched 81% in the face shared many life similarities and almost exactly
the same DNA and ethnic backgrounds. From 10 minutes and 10 seconds to 11 minutes and 30 seconds into video 81% face match. of two unrelated twins. Identical Twins face match 90 to 95%. At 11 minutes and 03 seconds to 11 minutes and 30 seconds similarity between
life experiences are the most striking. 1. Same teaching training.
2. Both become RE teachers. 3.
Both finish teaching training similarly. 4. Both have sons who play the
didgeridoo. 5. Both asked their wives to marry them a short time after
knowing them. 6. Both are co-op bank members. Clearly they have the same
values right down to where they bank. At 38 minutes and 24 seconds into
video John and Neil who matched 81% in the face according to DNA testing share almost exactly the same ethnic background, ethnic twins, its' extraordinary. The documentary of the video above was done by a team of scientists measuring similarities
of facial features using the latest 3D scanning technology,
2D facial recognition analysis and DNA ancestry testing at St. Thomas
Hospital in London which included Professor Tim Spector
Department of Twin Research King's College London. They conducted a series of tests, a scientific world first (as of Nov. 27, 2020). No-one had actually
looked to see the people who look very facially similar share other factors in common. At 22 minutes and 35 seconds into video a facial similarity score
of 68% was between non-Identical twins
and Identical twins. See bottom of Optical
Network Communications - Facial recognition - Zodiac page of this website.
Above the Israelite Arabin'ya I'huan Prophet Abraham and 86% and 90% facial recognition matches and
face points.A top facial match to Abraham is SheRaSeven1 90% to Abraham (see above).
"I actually am teaching the same thing ... how the human race is being pushed to
mix back into the races of the more melanated
, [5. take the output Ghan and breed
back to I'huan = output Kosmon. - studyofoahspe.com] just so you know , My mom is black and my father is Puerto rican ....I go into the sky beings the plasma gods ...i did my DNA test , Im 71 % african , 21% Iberian penensula
and 9% native american" - SheRaSeven 1, September 25, 2019.
- Facial recognition matches to the Prophets/Law-givers Abraham-Capilya-Brahma-Zarathustra-Moses: Thothma --33-55-25-36-55 - Race of the Slave master of the Great Pyramid of Ancient Egypt = European or Caucasian Thothma = European
or Caucasian Ghan Thothma Religion = Worshipper of the
false God in the image of a Man and Savior Osiris. Osiris = One of the heads of the Beast of the Arc of
Speta Cycle = Jesus Christ (Looeamong) of the Arc of Bon cycle. Above the Adept Thothma and 75% and
84% facial recognition matches with mathematical face points for measurements. Osiris was born
to the woman (goddess) Nut in Thebes in Upper Egypt. Jesus
was born to the woman Mary in Bethlehem in Judea. - Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih: Chapter XXI: 11. "...I will leave one race of I'huans on the earth, in Guatama,
even till the era of kosmon. And men and angels shall see and understand that man of himself never inventeth a God in figure of a man born of woman. And that only through the inspiration of My enemies, who build kingdoms in hada for their own glory, hath any people ever fallen from My estate to worship a God in image of
man." -
Oahspe Bon's Book
of Praise: OR: 1. SINCE thousands of years Thine enemies
have raised up hundreds of Gods and Lords and Saviors; and they cry out: O come thou, believe in my God! Believe in my Redeemer! 2. They draw the sword and spear, and cry out: Fall down, thou heathen! Worship my God and
Savior, or die! Behold the mighty armies of the Lord! Down, thou heathen, or die! 5. What
is Osiris, the Savior, or the Osirian principle, that
man should turn from the Almighty to consider? Oahspe Book of Wars Against
Jehovih: Chapter L: 7. Thothma said
unto Baal: Thou angel of God, thou hast shown me, of a truth, God is in the image of man. Nor is there any
but one God, who ruleth over all. Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih Chapter XLIX: 2. …Osiris, through
king Thothma, made the following laws, to wit: 5. And if thou sayest: Behold, the Great Spirit;
or Jehovih, the Ever Present, thou shalt suffer death, and thy wife and thy children with thee. And if a man query, to try thee,
asking: Who created the world? thou shalt answer: Behold, God! And if he should further ask: Thinkest
thou the Creator is Ever Present? thou shalt say: Nay, but as a man that hath finished
his labor, he sitteth on his throne in heaven. And if he further ask thee: Where is God? thou shalt answer: On the Mountain Hored, in heaven. And if he still further ask thee: Is the Ever Present a Person? thou shalt say: Nay, the Ever Present is void like the wind; there is but one ruler in heaven and earth, even Osiris, who is Lord the God, Savior of men. Beast:
The animal man. The earthly part of man. Anything that is enforced,
as a religion.
Above A'su is face matched to Thothma (79%)
and Abraham (74%).- Oahspe - Book of Lika, Son of Jehovih: Chapter IV: 2.
enemies have marked their labors in temples and pyramids. Because their hearts rose not up to Me, they descended into stone, the most dead of all things.  The exterior of the Empire State Building is composed of 200,000 cubic feet of Indiana limestone and granite, 10 million bricks and 730 tons
of aluminum and stainless steel. The earliest structures now known to be the tallest in the world were the Egyptian pyramids, with
the Great Pyramid of Giza, at an original height of 146.5 metres (481
ft), being the tallest man-made structure in the world for
over “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches
to the heavens" - ◄ Genesis 11:4 ► of the Bible. - Oahspe seems to imply that the false Gods (Ghans) inspired
their mortal idol worshippers to build these towering buildings (like the Tower of Babel of
Babylon or Uz) or monuments. While the worshippers of the Great Spirit tended to build huts or thatched roof
houses. The above Youtube video talks about futuristic houses or huts based on ancient African Swazi
People - Swaziland architecture. The Swazi People of Swaziland also believed in the Great Spirit. THE SWAZI RELIGION The Creator, the Great Spirit, God Himself,
is known as "The One Who Came First" - Mvelincanti. The One Who Came First pre- existed creation. AFRICAN BELIEF
SYSTEMS Oahspe The Lords' Third Book Chapter I: 13. The
Lord said: These that build temples of hewn stone, and cover
them with polished copper, are not my people.
These warrior kings, that fortify their cities with soldiers,
are not my people. They are not great. 14. But these are my chosen, that live in mounds, and in cities with wooden walls, and clay walls.
They are the greatest of all people. <---North American mound of the Mound Builders.   - “Babylon the great is fallen, is
fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit," - ◄ Revelation 18:2 ► of the Bible. “ ‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour
your judgment has come.” ◄ Revelation 18:10 ► of the Bible. "Then I heard another voice from
heaven say: "Come out of her, my people,' so that you
will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;" ◄ Revelation
18:4 ► of the Bible. Oahspe Book Of Jehovih's Kingdon
On Earth: Chapter IV: 23. In repentance and shame have
we come out of Uz; because we could not fulfill the commandments whilst dwelling in Uz. - List of cities with the most skyscrapers in 2020: 1 Hong Kong
China 355 2 Shenzhen China 289 3 New York City United States 284 4 Dubai United Arab Emirates Dubai 199 5 Shanghai China 163 6 Tokyo Japan
155 7 Chongqing China 127 8 Chicago United States 126 9 Jakarta
Indonesia 124 10 Guangzhou China 115 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_with_the_most_skyscrapers Scyscapers tend to be found in cities with hundreds of thousands or millions of people. Here is a list of the
top ten most populated cities in the world in 2020: Tokyo (Population: 37,435,191)
Delhi (Population: 29,399,141) Shanghai (Population: 26,317,104) Sao Paulo
(Population: 21,846,507) Mexico City (Population: 21,671,908) Cairo (Population:
20,484,965) Dhaka (Population: 20,283,552) Mumbai (Population: 20,185,064) Beijing (Population: 20,035,455) Osaka (Population: 19,222,665) https://worldpopulationreview.com/world-cities/ - Oahspe Book of God's Word Chapter XIX: 13. Neither
shall ye build large cities; they are a curse on the face of the earth.
Oahspe Book of God's Word
Chapter XXIV: 4. Zarathustra inquired: What is the best, most potent, man's government? To which I'hua'Mazda replied: This is the best, most potent, man's government: First, there shall not be more than two thousand people, so that they can know one another; and no city shall be larger than that. - 6,000 years ago) when the prophet Po of China advised that village growth be corked at two thousand souls. - Oahspe Book of Jehovih's Kingdom on earth
chapter 19: 4. Because the Uzians build large cities, their would-be reformers are powerless to work
righteousness amongst the people. 5. Let not the cities of My chosen
be large nor more numerous than Shalam is already. Sufficient
is such a size to all that is required for the fulfillment
of mortal life. 6.
Therefore, thou shalt proclaim it unto My chosen, that no
city shall contain more than three thousand people. 7. Suffice it, then, as I have placed the example of bees before thee,
showing how they
swarm, and go hence and establish a new hive, according to their numbers, even so shall My people go hence, and establish
a new place, after the manner of Shalam. Oahspe's The Lord's Fifth Book: Chapter VI: 20. The Lord said: These signs have I given to man, that he may comprehend the cycles of his Creator. When
spiritual research is chief amongst men, they advance not in science, nor art, nor inventions, that belong to the earth. But, when man is bereft of spiritual aspiration, he advanceth
in corporeal knowledge, and inventions, and investigations.  Above is from Removing OAHSPE's Enigma (page 11) By Jim Dennon. Canals, quarry stones, capstans, a simple pulley, the inclined
plane, pre-Euclidean geometry, the Square, the Compass,
the Level, the Plumb, and boats used in the construction of the Great Pyramid
were designed by Thothma and the Egyptian Ghans who supervised the project. --- Top facial recognition matches
to Thothma:  Thothma and Shirley Winters facial recognition match 84% like twin brother and sister. Thothma and facial recognition match to familiar and 3 men at a Lynching 83%-82%-79%-77%. The Thothma familiar with an Ashkenazi type afro.  Thothma facial match to familiar and WW2 Axis leaders Benito Mussolini 79% and Hideki Tojo
Fascism is a form of
far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized
by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition,
as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to
prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Wikipedia
By 1938
Mussolini supported racism, as evidenced by his endorsement of the "Manifesto of Race", the seventh point which states that "it is time that Italians proclaim themselves to be
openly racist". In a 1921 speech in Bologna, Mussolini
stated, "Fascism was born... out of a profound, perennial need of this our Aryan race". - Neocleous, Mark.
Fascism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Thothma and Spencer Breslin 75%.  Thothma & Elle Fanning facial match 75%.  Thothma and Robert Bayer 67% (67% and 61% is equal to 66%
and 62% on Pictrieve). Thothma and Ryan Ochoa 62% Thothma
Shalam white male child (top row far left) 62% Thothma and Alida Valli facial recognition match 62% Thothma and Marilyn Maxwell facial recognition match
62% Thothma and Young Pope Francis 52% Thothma and Susan Martinez 52% Thothma and Tilda Swinton 2 52% Thothma
and Konnie Huq 49% Thothma and Ad-2000-caucasian 45% Thothma and Danielle Panabaker 45% Top 19 above are European or Caucasian. - Thothma and Khandi Alexander
45% Thothma and AD-2000-Asian 39% Thothma and Satyendra Nath Bose 39% Thothma and Alice Walker 2 39% Thothma
and AD-2000-Black 36% Thothma and Sebastien Chabal 2 33% Thothma and Rae Dawn Chong 33% Thothma and Black
Egyptian Mostafa Hefny 33% Thothma and Michael James 2 22% Thothma and Edward Zwick 20% Thothma and Rugged
man Nigerian 20% Thothma and Black Shalam child 20% Thothma and Selah Shalom 2 12% Visit Tae and facial recognition page of this website. - Top male facial recognition matches to Thothma:  Thothma and facial recognition match to familiar and 3 men at a lynching 83%-82%-79%-77%. Thothma facial match to familiar and WW2 Axis leaders Benito Mussolini 79% and Hideki Tojo
75%.  Thothma and Spencer Breslin 75%.  Robert Bayer (
race: white) and Thothma 67% (67% is equal to 66% on Pictrieve).  Above: Thothma and Ryan Ochoa 62% facial match. Ryan Ochoa Ethnicity: Italian, British. Thothma Shalam white male child (top row far left) 62% Thothma and Young Pope Francis 52% Thothma and Satyendra Nath Bose 39% Thothma and Sebastien Chabal 2 33% - Thothma and Black Egyptian Mostafa Hefny 33% Thothma and Michael James 2 22% Thothma and Edward Zwick
20% Thothma and Rugged man Nigerian 20% Thothma and Black Shalam child 20% Thothma and Selah Shalom 2 12% Top 12 above are European or Caucasian. Up to 70 percent of British
men and half of all Western European men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, geneticists in Switzerland
said. Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy centre, iGENEA, reconstructed the DNA profile of the boy Pharaoh, who ascended the throne at the age of nine, his father Akhenaten and grandfather Amenhotep III ... The results showed that King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to which more than 50 percent
of all men in Western Europe belong, indicating  King Tut's DNA results, Western European. y-Haplogroups R1b and N1c1 are East-Asia haplogroups that
are found in Europe. These haplogroup lines connect East-Asia to Europe. 
Above: y-DNA Haplogroup Cluster Tree with Geographic Origin. According to those studies, haplogroups R1b and R1a, now the most common in Europe (R1a is also common in South Asia) would have expanded from the Pontic–Caspian [West Eurasian]
steppes, along with the Indo-European languages; they also detected an autosomal component present in modern Europeans which
was not present in Neolithic Europeans, which would have been introduced with paternal lineages R1b and R1a, as well as
Indo-European languages.[15][16][17] Neolithic Europe is the period when Neolithic technology was present in Europe, roughly between 7000 BCE (the
approximate time of the first farming societies in Greece) and c. 1700 BCE (the beginning of the Bronze Age in Scandinavia). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thothma and Spencer Breslin male child facial recognition match
75% (very high): Spencer Breslin is an American actor
and musician of Irish and English ancestry. Thothma was the definition of the Ghan race: Oahspe
BOOK OF OSIRIS, SON OF JEHOVIH. CHAPTER I: 12. Not like lambs are the Ghans, but lions untamed, born conquerers,
with seed to learn and reason toward all things, faith in
mastery, but not faith in Jehovih.
As a man having two sons, the one low-strung and
passionless, the other in ceaseless mischief and desire for havoc, because
of the fullness within, so stand the twain, the I'hins and the Ghans, on
the earth. And when they die, and enter heaven,
the first, the I'hins, go like lambs, as they are directed; but
the second, the Ghans, still full of inherent stubbornness and self-will,
unheed the God and Lords, and mock at them. Back to the earth these well-formed and stately souls come, and set up heavenly kingdoms of their
own, in darkness, and fain pursue with most relentless
zeal their former enemies.
 - Top female facial recognition matches to Thothma:  Thothma and Shirley Winters facial recognition match 84%  Above: Thothma & Elle Fanning facial match 75%. Elle ethnicity: German, English, and Irish, French. Thothma and Alida Valli facial recognition match 62%Thothma and
Susan Martinez 52%Thothma and Tilda Swinton 2 52%Thothma and Konnie Huq 49%Thothma and Ad-2000-caucasian 45%Thothma and Danielle Panabaker 45%Thothma and AD-2000-Asian
39%-Thothma and Alice Walker 2 39%Thothma and AD-2000-Black 36%Thothma and Rae Dawn
Chong 33%Top 10 above are
European or Caucasian.-Thothma and Shirley Winters facial recognition match 84% (extremely high): Betaface facial recogniton software classifies what Oahspe
would call Ghan as "white" or caucasian race. Betaface
"hispanic" = Ghan-I'huan mix (significant mixture of Caucasian, sub-Saharan-African, and Native-American). Below
Betaface facial recogniton of Thothma (Great Pyramid builder) and Ka'yu (Confucius).
Below Betaface facial recogniton of PO, Spencer Breslin, Shirley Winters: Shelley Winters, birth name Shirley. Ethnicity: Austrian, Ashkenazi Jewish Surprise:
Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European - Live Science
...a substantial
proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism, said study co-author Martin Richards,
an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England. All
told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages
originating in the Near East. The genetics suggest many of the founding Ashkenazi women
were actually converts from local European populations.
Highest facial match (72%) to Thothma familiar is Victor Garber (white Ashkenazi Jewish).
The highest facial recognition match to Thothma is also a Ashkenazi Jew (Shelley Winters, birth name Shirley). Ashkenazi Jews are about 95% to
97% European with a average mix of 3% to 5% sub-Saharan African. Some Ashkenazi
Jews are 99.9% European by DNA testing. Genetic studies on Jews - Wikipedia See below and see
Original Israelites and Jews page.

The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was finished more than 4,500 years ago. Still, it's the only one
of the Seven Wonders of the World that still remains today [source: Brier]. That's one well constructed pyramid. Who deserves
the credit? Historians know that the brother of the pharaoh oversaw the project. That pharaoh was Khufu, who ruled Egypt from
about 2547 - 2524 B.C. His brother Hemienu has the pyramid built to house Khufu's future tomb, but he had to have help. The Giza pyramid was the largest of the Great Pyramids. Archaeologists believe that 2.3 million limestone
blocks, around 5,500 pounds (2,495 kilograms) each, were put in place by from 20,000 to 100,000 laborers (not slaves) working
to get tax money after finishing the work of the harvest. Even with that many people, Debating
just how the laborers moved and set the pyramid's blocks has kept archaeologists and historians busy for hundreds -- even
thousands -- of years. The Greek historian Herodotus lived in Egypt in about 450 B.C. He mentioned machines used to raise
the blocks; subsequent theories have included use of levers, wood sleds and ropes made of papyrus to pull the blocks along
ramps to their locations. Each theory has had its drawbacks. For example, an external ramp would have to have been a mile
long to reach the pyramid's height at a reasonable grade [source: Connor]. In 2007, French architect
Jean-Pierre Houdin proposed a theory that involved use of an internal spiral ramp system [source: Connor]. Using 3-D software,
Houdin reconstructed how he believed Hemienu and his laborers may have accomplished this feat. He believes the pyramid was
built in stages, the first using an external ramp, and the second an internal ramp. There is some evidence to support Houdin's
theory -- a microgravity test performed in 1986 showed there was a structure inside the pyramid that is less dense than the
rest of Great Pyramid. This less-dense structure has a spiral shape [source: Brier]. - The ratio of the perimeter to height
of 921.6/146.5 meters equates to 2π to an accuracy of better than 0.05%! It makes the Great pyramid the greatest and ideal
mathematical model realized in the Great Pyramid. http://world-pyramids.com/en/world-pyramids/africa/egypt-pyramids/giza-plateau/the-great-pyramid-only-facts.html It was John Taylor who first proposed the idea that the number &pi might have been intentionally
incorporated into the design of the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza. He discovered that if one divides the perimeter of the
Pyramid by its height, one obtains a close approximation to 2&pi. He compared this to the fact that if one divides the
circumference of a circle by its radius, one obtains 2&pi. He suggested that perhaps the Great Pyramid was intended to
be a representation of the spherical Earth, the height corresponding to the radius joining the center of the Earth to the
North Pole and the perimeter corresponding to the Earth's circumference at the Equator. It is true
that if one divides the Great Pyramid's perimeter by its height, one indeed obtains a very good approximation to 2&pi.
http://www.math.washington.edu/~greenber/PiPyr.html - Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb for fourth dynasty
Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops in Greek) over a 10 to 20-year period concluding around 2560 BCE. It
is believed the pyramid was built as a tomb for fourth dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Khufu and was constructed over a 20 year period.
Khufu's vizier, Hemon, or Hemiunu, is believed by some to be the architect of the Great Pyramid.[2] It is thought that, at
construction, the Great Pyramid was originally 280 Egyptian cubits tall, 146.5 metres (480.6 ft) but with erosion and absence
of its pyramidion, its present height is 138.8 metres (455.4 ft). Each base side was 440 cubits, 230.4 metres (755.9 ft) long.
The mass of the pyramid is estimated at 5.9 million tonnes. The volume, including an internal hillock, is roughly 2,500,000
cubic metres.[3] Based on these estimates, building this in 20 years would involve installing approximately 800 tonnes of
stone every day. Similarly, since it consists of an estimated 2.3 million blocks, completing the building in 20 years would
involve moving an average of more than 12 of the blocks into place each hour, day and night. The first precision measurements
of the pyramid were made by Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie in 1880–82 and published as The Pyramids and Temples of
Gizeh.[4] Almost all reports are based on his measurements. The completed design dimensions, as
suggested by Petrie's survey and subsequent studies, are estimated to have originally been 280 cubits high by 440 cubits long
at each of the four sides of its base. The ratio of the perimeter to height of 1760/280 cubits equates to 2p to an accuracy
of better than 0.05% (corresponding to the well-known approximation of p as 22/7). Some Egyptologists consider this to have
been the result of deliberate design proportion. Verner wrote, "We can conclude that although the ancient Egyptians could
not precisely define the value of p, in practice they used it".[12] Petrie, author of Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh concluded:
"but these relations of areas and of circular ratio are so systematic that we should grant that they were in the builder's
design".[13] Others have argued that the Ancient Egyptians had no concept of pi and would not have thought to encode
it in their monuments. Verner posited that the labor was organized into a hierarchy, consisting
of two gangs of 100,000 men, divided into five zaa or phyle of 20,000 men each, which may have been further divided according
to the skills of the workers.[22] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pyramid_of_Giza - But the process of building pyramids, while complicated, was not as colossal
an undertaking as many of us believe, Redford says. Estimates suggest that between 20,000 and 30,000 laborers were needed
to build the Great Pyramid at Giza in less than 23 years During excavation, massive dolerite "pounders"
were used to pulverize the stone around the edge of the granite block that needed to be extracted. According to Redford, 60
to 70 men would pound out the stone. At the bottom, they rammed wooden pegs into slots they had cut, and filled the slots
with water. The pegs would expand, splitting the stone, and the block was then slid down onto a waiting boat. Teams of oxen or manpower were used to drag the stones on a prepared slipway that was lubricated with oil. Said Redford,
a scene from a 19th century B.C. tomb in Middle Egypt depicts "an alabaster statue 20 feet high pulled by 173 men on
four ropes with a man lubricating the slipway as the pulling went on." Once the stones were
at the construction site, ramps were built to get them into place on the pyramid, said Redford. These ramps were made of mud
brick and coated with chips of plaster to harden the surface. "If they consistently raised the ramp course by course
as the teams dragged their blocks up, they could have gotten them into place fairly easily," he noted. At least one such
ramp still exists, he said. When answering to skepticism about how such heavy stones could have
been moved without machinery, Redford says, "I usually show the skeptic a picture of 20 of my workers at an archaeological
dig site pulling up a two-and-a-half ton granite block." He added, "I know it's possible because I was on the ropes
too." http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/03/080328104302.htm - Now, just recently I was contacted by the construction firm DMJM. The initials
stand for Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall, and it's one of the largest construction firms; they're working right now
on the Pentagon. One of the senior vice presidents decided to take on for a formal address for fellow engineers a program
management study of the Great Pyramid. So these are not guys lifting boilers in Manhattan; these are senior civil engineers
with one of the largest construction corporations in the United States. I'm sure they'd be happy to go on record with their
study, which looked at what they call "critical path analysis." What do you need to get the job done? What tools
did they have? Here's what we know about their tools, the inclined plane, the lever, and so on.
And without any secret sophistication or hidden technology, just basically what archaeologists say, this is what these folks
had. DMJM came up with 4,000 to 5,000 men could build the Great Pyramid within a 20- to 40-year period. They have very specific
calculations on every single aspect, from the gravel for the ramps to baking the bread. I throw
that out there, not because that's gospel truth, but because reasoned construction engineers, who plan great projects like
bridges and buildings and earthworks today, look at the Great Pyramid and don't opt out for lost civilizations, extraterrestrials,
or hidden technologies. No, they say it's a very impressive job, extraordinary for the people who lived then and there, but
it could be done. They are human monuments. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/who-built-the-pyramids.html - The sides of her are facing due north, south, east and west. Large blocks
of stone, weighing between 2.5 tonnes (even the largest of about 15 tonnes – the entire building is made up of more
than 2.3 million such units, which makes the pyramid of Cheops is the heaviest man-made structure – has a mass of more
than 6 million tons) http://web.archive.org/web/20140822084229/http://globe-tourism.com/great-pyramid-of-cheops.html - The Great Pyramid of Cheops is the heaviest building ever set up by man. https://books.google.com/books?id=ygVCibmFPBsC&pg=PA143&lpg=PA143&dq=%22+heaviest+building+ever%22+Great+Pyramid+egypt&source=bl&ots=GeKWtb-L7Y&sig=uYJIKKbVx0mt7LDoE7Gb3yG74Eg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAmoVChMIotCY_tfNyAIVENZjCh0DHwZX#v=onepage&q=%22%20heaviest%20building%20ever%22%20Great%20Pyramid%20egypt&f=false The weight of the
pyramid is estimated at 5,955,000 tons . http://www.ancient-code.com/25-facts-about-the-great-pyramid-of-giza/ Heaviest Building The Romanian Palace of Parliament
in Bucharest takes the cake for world's heaviest
building. With 700,000 tons (1.5 billion pounds) of steel and bronze,1 million m³ (35.3 million ft³)
of marble, 3,500 tons (7.7 million pounds) of crystal glass, and 900,000 m³ (31.7 million ft³) of wood, construction
began in 1984 and was not complete until 1997. We don't see
this behemoth building losing its title anytime soon. http://architizer.com/blog/guinness-world-record-day/ - INSIDE THE GREAT PYRAMID by Paul Horn The Great Pyramid is...so huge it staggers the imagination. We could build
thirty Empire State buildings from its stones. The Great pyramid of Giza is the largest, heaviest, oldest, and most perfect
building ever created by human hands. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/piramides/esp_piramide_19.htm - The most difficult part of the transport was getting the stones from the boat to the pyramid site. They pushed
and pulled the cut stones on sleds by using ropes. A causeway had been built to connect the pyramid to the Nile. One belief
is that wooden logs were laid down side by side along the causeway and ramps. They were able to move the sleds alongthe rolling
logs by using water and oil to make them slick. They also used level lines and a plumb rule to keep each layer parallel to
the next. Archaeologists have had several theories on how the Egyptians got the heavy stones to the top of the pyramid. The Eastern supply ramp theory suggests that one ramp was built out of rubble and mud from the Nile to the east side of
the site. For the workers to drag the stones, the ramp had to be shallow. As the pyramid height grew the ramp grew longer.
Some people thought that the ramp would have risen one foot for every twelve feet of length. This theory is often disputed
due to the extreme length of ramp needed to build a 400 foot high pyramid. It is also felt that the ramp structure would have
been bigger and used more materials than the pyramid itself. http://library.thinkquest.org/J0110320/pyramid.htm- - Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih: Chapter XLIX: 8. And it came to pass that Thothma began the building
of the TEMPLE OF OSIRIS (pyramid), and he impressed two hundred thousand men and women in the building thereof, of which number
more than one-half were Faithists. And these laborers were divided into groups of twelves and twenty-fours and forty-eights,
and so on, and each group had a captain; but for series of groups of one thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight men and women,
there were generals, and for every six generals there was one marshal, and for every twelve marshals was one chief, and these
chiefs were of the Privy Council of the king. 9. And the king allotted to every chief a separate work; some to dig canals,
some to quarry stone, and some to hew the stones; some to build boats, some to provide rollers, and others timbers, and yet
others capstans. 10. Two places the surveyors found stone with which to build the temple, one was above the banks of
the great river, Egon, at the foot of Mount Hazeka, and the other was across the Plains of Neuf, in the Mountains of Aokaba.
From the headwaters of Egon a canal was made to Aokaba, and thence by locks descended to the Plains of Neuf, and thence to
Gakir, the place chosen by the king for the temple to be built. 11. And as for the logs used in building, they were brought
down the waters of Egon, even from the forests of Gambotha and Rugzak. These logs were tied together and floated on the water
to the place required, where, by means of capstans, they were drawn out of the water ready for use. 12. As for the stones
of the temple they were hewn in the region of the quarries. And when properly dressed, were placed on slides by capstans,
and then, by capstans, let down the mountain sides, to the water, whereon they were to float to the place required for them. 13. The floats were made of boards sawed by men skilled in the work, and were of sufficient length and width to carry the
burden designed. And at the bottom of the floats were rollers, gudgeoned at the ends. Now when a stone was let down from the
place of its hewing on to the float, it was ready to be carried to its destination. And when the float thus arrived near Gakir,
ropes, made of hemp and flax, were fastened to the float, and, by means of capstans on the land, the float was drawn up an
inclined plane out of the water, the rollers of the float answering as wheels. 14. When all things were in readiness
for building the temple, the king himself, being learned in all philosophies, proceeded to lay the foundation, and to give
instruction as to the manner of building it. 16. After
the first part of the temple was laid, the builders of the inclined plane began to build it also, but it was built of logs.
And when it was raised a little, another layer of the temple was built. Then again the inclined plane was built higher, and
another layer of the temple built; and so on, the inclined plane, which was of wood, was built up even the same as was the
temple. 17. The width of the inclined plane was the same as the width of the temple, but the whole length
of the inclined plane was four hundred and forty lengths (of a man). Up this inclined plane the floats, with the stones thereon,
were drawn by means of capstans and by men and women pulling
also. 18. For four and twenty years was Thothma
building the temple; and then it was completed. But it required other half a year to take away the inclined
plane used in building it. After that it stood free and clear, the
greatest building that had ever been built on the earth or ever would be. 19. Such, then, was
The External Ramp and Crane Theories The first theory is that a ramp was built on one side of the
pyramid and as the pyramid grew, the ramp was raised so that throughout the construction, blocks could be moved right up to
the top.
- 440 x 6 = 2640 feet, incline plane or ramp used to build the Great Pyramid according to Oahspe. 2640
/ 3 = 880 yards or 1/2 mile incline plane or ramp. 

 Summary above of how the Great Pyramid was built from architects, one of the largest construction
firms, and engineers: Khufu's brother, Hemienu. The pharaoh's right-hand man, Hemienu was "overseer of all
construction projects of the king" and his tomb is one of the largest in a cemetery adjacent to the pyramid. - Verner posited that the labor was organized into a hierarchy, consisting of two gangs of 100,000 men - Redford says. Estimates suggest ...laborers were needed to build the Great Pyramid at Giza in less than 23 years - Once the stones were at the construction site, ramps were built to get them into place on the pyramid, said Redford. These
ramps were made of mud brick and coated with chips of plaster to harden the surface. "If they consistently raised the
ramp course by course as the teams dragged their blocks up, they could have gotten them into place fairly easily," he
noted. At least one such ramp still exists, he said. When answering to skepticism about how such heavy stones could have
been moved without machinery, Redford says, "I usually show the skeptic a picture of 20 of my workers at an archaeological
dig site pulling up a two-and-a-half ton granite block." He added, "I know it's possible because I was on the ropes
too." - The construction firm DMJM. The initials stand for Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall, and it's
one of the largest construction firms; they're working right now on the Pentagon. One of the senior vice presidents decided
to take on for a formal address for fellow engineers a program management study of the Great Pyramid. So these are not guys
lifting boilers in Manhattan; these are senior civil engineers with one of the largest construction corporations in the United
States. - DMJM came up with 4,000 to 5,000 men could build the Great Pyramid within a 20- to 40-year period. They
have very specific calculations on every single aspect, from the gravel for the ramps to baking the bread. I throw that
out there, not because that's gospel truth, but because reasoned construction engineers, who plan great projects like bridges
and buildings and earthworks today, look at the Great Pyramid and don't opt out for lost civilizations, extraterrestrials,
or hidden technologies.
In 1932 Hassan while cleaning the Pyramid City of Queen Khent-Kawes found a simple pulley, carved of red
basalt, semicircular in shape, with arcuate grooves to guide three ropes side by side, and a tenon below with a hole in it,
to affix it to something in a semi-permanent manner (see fig. 22). Again, in 1935, at the pyramid of Khefren he found another,
identical in every way. - S. Hassan, Excavations at Giza, Season 1938-39 vol. X (Cairo, 1960), p. 49; pl. XII A, B.
ANCIENT METHODS OF RAISING WEIGHTS Ancient Egyptian Methods of Raising Weights With the above
in mind it would seem that the logical way to build a pyramid would be to build the central core with the pole marker on top,
and, from its previously squared off base lines, sight the corners to the top by some means known to the ancient Egyptians,
such as the star-sighting instrument.24 (a date palm rib with a notch), lay up the corner leads, stretch a string25 along
the base line (supported at points by additional leads) and lay the base course of finely cut and fitted casing stones (see
fig. 21). Once having established the eight primary lines the rest is simply the manual labor of filling stone to the line.
Having established the means of building the pyramidal form, let us now return to the problem of raising the blocks
of stone. Many of those who argue for the ramp, do so for the reasons stated previously: evidence of what seems to be remains
of ramps and an absence of any other means to raise the stone. That the evidence exists there is no doubt, nor is there any
question that ramp-like structures were used for low elevations. Surely every construction site had some form of road or cause-way
over which they moved material. It is quite possible that the remains that we have found was simply one of these. Edwards claims that in the absence of any evidence of the pulley we have no choice but to accept the ramp theory - but the
evidence has been found! In 1932 Hassan while cleaning the Pyramid City of Queen Khent-Kawes found a simple pulley, carved
of red basalt, semicircular in shape, with arcuate grooves to guide three ropes side by side, and a tenon below with a hole
in it, to affix it to something in a semi-permanent manner (see fig. 22). Again, in 1935, at the pyramid of Khefren he found
another, identical in every way. Upon close examination he concludes28 that "in the case of raising a stone of enormous
weight that many of these pulleys were fixed near each other and then used at the same time." Having established
the principle used in lifting, all that remains is a means to supply the force necessary to counteract the weight of the stone.
24 C. Aldred, Egypt to the End of the Old Kingdom (London, 1965), p. 54, fig. 42. 25 G. A. Reisner, Mycerinus
(Cambridge, Mass., I93i), P. 78. 27 S. Hassan, Excavations at Giza, Season 1938-39 vol. X (Cairo, i960),
p. 49; pl. XII A, B. 28 Ibid., p. 51. http://web.archive.org/web/20150525080316/http://www.michaelsheiser.com/PaleoBabble/IslerEgyptianMethodsRaisingWeights.pdf - In 1932, 51 years after Oahspe was written, a simple pulley was
found. In 1932 Hassan27 while cleaning the Pyramid City of Queen Khent-Kawes found a simple pulley, carved of red basalt,
semicircular in shape, with arcuate grooves to guide three ropes side by side, and a tenon below with a hole in it, to affix
it to something in a semi-permanent manner (see fig. 22). Again, in 1935, at the pyramid of Khefren he found another, identical
in every way. Upon close examination he concludes28 that "in the case of raising a stone of enormous weight that many
of these pulleys were fixed near each other and then used at the same time." - Great Pyramid of Giza There
are three boat-shaped pits around the pyramid, of a size and shape to have held complete boats, though so shallow that any
superstructure, if there ever was one, must have been removed or disassembled. In May 1954, the Egyptian archaeologist Kamal
el-Mallakh discovered a fourth pit, a long, narrow rectangle, still covered with slabs of stone weighing up to 15 tons. Inside
were 1,224 pieces of wood, the longest 23 metres (75 ft) long, the shortest 10 centimetres (0.33 ft) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pyramid_of_Giza - An Overview of Ancient Egyptian Religion Without the ancient Egyptian Religion, there would
probably be little reason for one to visit Egypt today. The great Pyramids would not exist, The god Osiris also seems
responsible for another major change in Egyptian religion through its long history, that is, it's popularization. Osiris was
a democratic god who doubtless became more and more popular because the theology surrounding him allowed even common Egyptians
the opportunity of immortality after their death. http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/religion.htm - By the late Old Kingdom, posthumous identification with the god Osiris was
adopted by the common people. http://fathom.lib.uchicago.edu/1/777777190168/ Osiris is an Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead. Osiris is first attested in the middle of the Fifth dynasty of Egypt, although it is likely that he was worshipped
much earlier;[4] 4.Jump up ^ Griffiths, John Gwyn (1980). The Origins of Osiris and His Cult. Brill.
p. 44 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris The Fifth Dynasty of ancient Egypt (notated Dynasty V) is often combined with Dynasties III, IV and VI
under the group title the Old Kingdom. The Fifth Dynasty dates approximately from 2494 to 2345 BC. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_dynasty_of_Egypt Dating the Third Dynasty is similarly challenging. Shaw gives the dates as being approximately from 2686
to 2613 BC.[3] The Turin King List suggests a total of 75 years for the third dynasty. Baines and Malek have placed the third
dynasty as spanning the years 2650 – 2575 BC,[2] while Dodson and Hilton date the dynasty to 2584 – 2520 BC. It
is not uncommon for these estimates to be off by more than a century.[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynasty_III The Great Pyramid of Giza Construction started: 2584 BC Google "when was the great pyramid of giza built" -- Oahspe
says the Great Pyramid of Egypt was built during the time of the god Osiris. The date of the Osiris
religion in the Old Kingdom (2686 – 2520 BC, or 2494 BC.) matches the date of the Great Pyramid of Giza (2584). -- The Egyptians started building the Great Pyramid of Giza on August 23, 2470
B.C., according to controversial new research that attempts to place an exact date on the start of the ancient construction
project. [Date of 2470 matches Osiris religion of 2494 BC]. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/09/090921-great-pyramid-giza-date-built.html According to the Chronology of Oahspe the Great Pyramid was constructed in the 2400 year cycle from 3953
to 1553 B.C.E.

Above diagram of Great Pyramid from:
Pyramid power refers to alleged
supernatural or paranormal properties of the ancient Egyptian
pyramids and objects of similar shape. With this power, model pyramids are said to preserve foods,[1] 1.^ Jump up to: a b c d Bovis, Antoine. "Excerpt
from Exposé de M.A. Bovis au Congrès International de Radiotellerie à Nice". (Nice: Bovis,
c. 1935). Translation by Jean-Paul Buquet. Skeptic.com. Retrieved November 24, 2008. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_power M. Bovis, a Frenchman observed that a
dead cat in the Great Pyramid (King's Chamber) did not decay and it did not smell foul. -- Pages 186, 187 of DARKNESS, DAWN AND DESTINY by Augustine Cahill says, "The Second Pyramid
of Chephren has two chambers within, both situated at the base. The Great Pyramid however is the only one which has three
inner chambers, or which has any chamber located high up inside the structure, approximately 200 feet above ground level.
If the pyramid was designed as the tomb of a Pharaoh, why then the other chambers? There is only one so-called sarcophagus,
and there is no other evidence of a mummy or of the usual elaborate funeral appointments...It has no lid, neither is there
ay evidence that it ever had one...This chamber is provided however with two ventilation shafts, carefully planned and constructed
with considerable labour. Why should a mummy be at such pains to obtain fresh air?...Why should a tomb require ventilation
that could only have the effect of hastening the decay of the exquisite ornaments and utensils which were usually placed with
the royal dead--but which there is no evidence to show were ever placed in the sarcophagal chamber of this Pyramid? The
story of the Great Pyramid as it is given in Oahspe solves quite a few of these strange and contradictory riddles." - Modern Egyptologists do not yet know how the Pyramid builders found the level, so here is the answer. The gau was
simple but effective theodolite, consisting of a triangle with a tubular base. Along the base a scale was marked in degrees,
indicated by a plumb line suspended from the apex. - page 191 of Darkness, Dawn, and Destiny, 1965 Gau, a measuring instrument;
a plumb and level combined. - Oahspe Book of Sapah SE'MOIN 28 - Egypt: Cross Staff and Plumb-line and the Great
Pyramid Cross Staff and Plumbline and the Great Pyramid Revealing the discovery of a geometrical, spherical measuring
instrument in the Pyramid of Khufu - This advanced protractor, similar to the cross and plumb line, is an advanced
mathematical device, capable of astronomy, navigation and surveying. It is proposed, that the ancient Egyptian architects
and astronomers used this hybrid Celtic cross, for the purposes of stellar alignment and timekeeping. The proposal and
thesis is based upon the discoveries and calculations of the author, whilst working on the proposal that the Celtic cross
was an instrument derived from the astrolabe and quadrant. That the Celtic cross was used as a spherical measuring instrument
for the purposes of navigation, astronomy, surveying, cartography and time keeping is known. Since there is, and has been,
much debate amongst groups of academics over the ancient methods of surveying the pyramids at Giza, we will attempt to address
the following questions. How did the ancient architects survey and lay out the constructions? How did the architects
achieve alignment? Were the alignments achieved by solar or stellar observation? How did the architects achieve
such accuracy? What instrument did they use? It is known that the ancient Egyptians used plumb line technology in
several different areas, particularly in weights and measures. This is depicted in many friezes and was used in surveying,
with the instruments known as the Bay and Merkhet. What has not been found to date, is an instrument capable of acting as
an inclinometer or modern theodolite / sextant. Not only that, but one that is accurate to degrees and fractions of degrees,
which would be necessary for the ancients calculations. Degrees are broken down into minutes and seconds of arc. One
minute of arc is equal to one nautical mile on the meridian. 1. The proposal is that the pyramid of Khufu was surveyed
with an instrument capable of accuracy to 3 minutes of arc. 2. That the evidence of the use of this instrument, is not
only in the constructions, but that the author has found evidence of the actual artifact. The Evidence I believe
that the relics shown in Figure 1, which were discovered in the North shaft of the Queens chamber in the Great Pyramid of
Khufu by Waynman Dixon and DR Grant in 1872, may have been one of the greatest Egyptian treasures revealed to date. Understanding
them will open all kinds of avenues of new research into the ancient past. It was Charles Piazzi Smyth in his 1878 book "The
Great Pyramid" who recorded the relics found in the north shaft of the Queens chamber by Dixon and Grant. These items
were found in the hermetically sealed north shaft broken into by a Bill Grundy under the direction of W Dixon. The relics
were sent to Piazzi Smyth in a cigar box where they were recorded in his diary with accompanying drawings and sketches. The
loss of these relics was the subject of an extensive investigationin 1993 conducted by Robert Bauval with the assistance of
Dr. Mary Bruck and the late Professor I.E.S. Edwards. These events are documented in the epilogue of his book, The Orion
Mystery. In Mr. Bauval's book he mentions several times that one of these relics, the bronze hook, was probably a form of
Pesh-en-kef and "also a sighting device for stellar alignments", and that this was a view that was supported by
Professor I.E.S. Edwards. Bauvel also suggests in the book that, like the Czech astronomer Zaba before him, "that the
Pesh-en-Kef instrument, fixed on a wooden piece and in conjunction with a plumb-bob, was used to align the pyramid to the
pole stars." Furthermore, he suggested, "it seemed very likely that a priest placed the ritualistic tools inside
the northern shaft from the other side of the wall of the Queen's Chamber." This prompted him to state further in
The Orion Mystery that "we cannot help wondering if these ancient relics (were) indeed, perhaps the very sighting instruments
that were used to align the Great Pyramid to the stars." (1) Two of the objects can now be found in the British
Museum. The 1872 items consisted of a slat or rod of cedar wood about 13 centimeters long (part of a measuring rod),
a granite ball weighing 1lb 3 ounces and a bronze/copper hook type of instrument, 5 centimeters long, with a part of a wooden
handle still attached. The fragment of measuring rod is currently reported as missing. No further examination of the
shafts in the Queens chamber had been carried out until 1993, when Rudolf Gantenbrink developed a remarkable robot known as
Uphaut 2 to explore the shafts and to install a ventilation system in the Pyramid of Khufu designed to reduce humidity within
the pyramid. He was subsequently to make the most accurate internal survey of the shafts to date. This work was undertaken
on behalf of the Egyptian Government with the approval of Dr. Zahi Hawass. The operation was a success and a credit to Rudolf
Gantenbrink. The discoveries made were remarkable and increased our understanding of the construction of the pyramid. The
robot is now in the British museum and the story of this work is public knowledge. 1872 objects: Plumb bob Fragment
of scale rule (now missing but recorded by Piazzi Smyth) Bronze or copper fork with fixing rivets attached. 1993
objects: A piece of wood with holes that match the rivets on the bronze item. A 2-meter plus length of wood resembling
a staff with a portion missing. Various pieces of unidentified material, located in two areas of the shaft. A large
rectangular object can be seen at the upper end of the shaft attached to the 2-meter length of wood. With this component
list, it is possible to assemble the known parts in a logical format. Exploded View of the Instrument Having completed
the initial assembly and understanding the principles of the instrument earlier outlined, it can be established what components
are missing to complete the instrument and turn it into a working model, proving the hypothesis. Measuring Rods Proof
that the Egyptians had sufficient knowledge of decimals and degrees to allow construction of the measuring rod has already
been proved and published by Sir William Flanders Petrie when he surveyed the Pyramid of Khufu, where he stated that the Royal
Cubit measured 523.95 millimeters or 20.6 inches. It was established that Fourth Dynasty builders divided the cubit into decimals.
Sir William also named a unit of measurement used at Giza as a digit, which is constantly accurate to one tenth of a millimeter: 1.75752 cubits = 9180 digits = 918 millimeters = 90 centimeters approximately. This is sufficiently close enough for
centimeters and millimeters to represent degrees and minutes for the purposes of this experiment. Exponential Scale Extreme accuracy for the time of three arc minutes would be achieved by the development of an exponential scale. This is
achieved by drawing lines from the center point of a circle outward, through the rule. This can be seen in figure 7, kindly
provided by Jim Bowles. Secrecy I believe that these tools were owned by Master Craftsmen, practicing in Guilds
and that their tools and skills were precious to them, much as they were by later generations of craftsmen employed during
the Great Cathedral building age in Europe. I further believe that this instrument is tangible proof of the Ancient Egyptians
depth of knowledge in the disciplines of astronomy, surveying and navigation, hitherto underestimated Applications I intend to show that in the hands of a skilled and knowledgeable operator, this simple instrument can be used for the following
purposes: Earth Circumference Measurements It is possible to take complete spherical measurements in every plane
with the instrument. If one uses it as an inclinometer, (sextant) a hand held variant with a scale of 900 millimeters can
be accurate to 3 arc minutes or 3 nautical miles as measured on the meridian. Any passage, land or sea,tracking true
north for units of this distance, will allow simple interpolation that shows the approximate circumference of the Earth on
meridians (not allowing for the planet being an oblate spheroid). In other words, the circumference of the earth can be fairly
worked out by traveling only 6 nautical miles, whilst taking regular observations. The unique feature of the instrument,
however, is that it is capable of sidereal or horizontal measurements. This is beyond the scope of a sextant and the reason
why I was granted a patent on the instrument. It means that one is able to take measurements of ecliptic constellations as
they track from east to west horizons. One must find latitude first and be aware of the declination of the ecliptic at the
time of observation. The instrument is capable of taking solar observations and measuring declination and Hour angles.
This is achieved by indirectly viewing the sun. The instrument is directed at the sun and the shadow is projected onto a horizontal
surface. By aligning the cross bar toward the sun an accurate shadow image can be read, and the degrees read from the scale. (Update) The instrument was granted a Patent by The United Kingdom Patents Office under Patent No GB 2344887 after
extensive worldwide searches and publications. The Patent was granted in November 2000 . The patent was granted because
the instrument was not "obvious" in that it had two unique features not available to any instrument in the world
today. The ability to take sidereal (horizontal) angular observations. The use of a fulcrum for steadiness and accuracy. This work, to all intents and purposes, has been peer reviewed and published accordingly https://web.archive.org/web/20120714092445/http://www.touregypt.net/egypt-info/magazine-mag03012001-magf7.htm- Oahspe Book of SapHah SE'MOIN: 28. Gau, a measuring instrument; a plumb and level
combined. Gau said: They gave my base a level, and the sights on the angle of the plumb-line were level also, and in the distance
of Tek Gos (about twenty miles) discovered the rounded earth. By
the Gau was the earth proven to be a globe. By Gau have I revealed (Vede). A proven problem. An exact. Gau,
a geometrical language. Language is of two parts, the proven is Gau, the unproven is M'gau. A sacred instrument; that that
can not err. My sacred temples shall be built by Gau. Dau'sin (Chine), plumb-line. Ann'ak (Fonece). Ahm'uk (Ebra), a plumb-line.
A Gau'Yi shall be placed by the altar. By the Sign Gau'i shall man learn to prove all things (Vede). It shall be the symbol
of proof. Be patient that your sight may not err, saith Gau. - Book of Wars Against Jehovih: Chapter XLIX: 15.
These were the instruments used by the king and his workmen:
The gau, the length, the square, the compass, and the plumb and line. Nor were there any other instruments of measure or observation
used in the entire building of the temple. Book of Wars Against Jehovih: Chapter L: 18. Thothma made
an observing column for the sun, and it was provided with lenses of all colors, so that adepts standing at the base of the
pyramid could see the sun at every hour of the day, and distinguish the spots and their changes. A gau was set within each
of the angles of observation, that the relative position of the sun with northern stars could be determined every day. 19. By these two columns, therefore, Thothma and his mathematicians measured the sun and moon and stars, as to the distances
and sizes thereof.

A triangle measuring instrument with a scale along the base marked in degrees with a
suspended plumb line discovered in the Great Pyramid of Khufu.
Above Tablet of Ancient Egypt, Oahspe Book of Saphah: Aribania'hiayaustoyi. On the tablet you
can see the Gau measuring instrument, triangle and plumb-line, double horns and staff. The Double Horned Cross Staff
Triangle and Plumbline was discovered in the North shaft of the Queens chamber in the Great Pyramid of Khufu. On the lower
left is an egyptian scimitar sword.
Thothma the builder of the
great pyramid in Egypt, and one of the greatest adepts that ever lived. He could cast himself in the breathless death trance
by Kechari Mudra “the tongue-swallowing” technique of Kriya Yoga and leave his body for up to 30 days and go
spiritually into the lower heavens and return at will in good health. While his spirit was gone the Great Pyramid protected his body from harm. Thothma was under
the inspiration of the false God Osiris. M.
Bovis, a Frenchman observed that a dead cat in the Great
Pyramid (King's Chamber) did not decay and it did not smell foul.
A word of Caution… Three people, among them one very famous person, are known to have
spent a night alone in The Great Pyramid on separate occasions. It is worth mentioning that they are all documented as having
experienced some highly strange phenomena during this time. The author believes these experiences can only be explained plausibly
as each person having been outside their physical bodies. http://www.oneism.org/secretsofthesoul.php- INSIDE THE GREAT PYRAMID by Paul Horn The books talked about people who had various experiences
inside the pyramid, some of which were frightening. When author Paul Brunton came out, he was terrified. - RECORDING
IN THE GREAT PYRAMID On the way, Frank filled us in on the details of his meetings. He had managed to get permission
from the minister of antiquities, the main authority at the Cairo Museum. Two of us could spend three hours alone in the Great
pyramid, beginning at 6:00 P.M. We were to deliver our official permits to the authorities at the plateau. At 9:00 P.M. sharp,
we were to be out. In half an hour, we arrived at the Giza plateau. A few officials waited for us in another car. The guard opened the great iron gate at the entrance and threw a switch, turning on all the lights. We told him we’d
like him to turn the lights out once we were settled in the King’s Chamber, estimating it would take about twenty minutes
to get there. Frank left us, saying he’d pick us up afterward. The guard waited below to throw the switch, after which
he, too, would leave, locking us in for the designated time. While Dave set up his equipment in the Antechamber, the
lights suddenly went out. What a difference! The humming from the fluorescent tubes disappeared, and for the first time we
felt the pyramid’s absolute stillness ...so quiet, so peaceful. Fantastic. We hurried to finish our preparations.
Feeling a strong spiritual force, an intense, eternal energy permeating the atmosphere, I simply responded to it. After
the ceremony, I sat cross-legged in front of the coffer and meditated. David also sat quietly and closed his eyes. In that
deep, deep stillness, I heard what seemed like chanting voices far away, very clear and very real, but so distant I couldn’t
make out a specific melody. They sounded like whispered chants from thousands of years ago, or like strings inside a piano
sympathetically resonating quietly after you finish playing a note on the flute. They were beautiful tones and seemed to envelop
me and the whole room. There was nothing spooky about this. I felt warm and comfortable. It was as if the chamber accepted
me, welcoming my presence, and I felt quite happy and secure. After ten minutes or so, I opened my eyes. David looked
comfortable, peaceful, and relaxed. At first, I wasn’t going to say anything about the voices, but the sound seemed
so real. “You know, as I was sitting here, Dave, I thought I heard voices, like angels softly chanting from far, far
away.” Immediately, I felt self-conscious and wished I hadn’t spoken -it sounded weird. David simply looked at
me and said, “So did I.” Both of us had heard the same thing. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/piramides/esp_piramide_19.htmThere is a story, regrettably apocryphal, about Napoleon and the Great Pyramid. When Bonaparte visited
Giza during his Nile expedition of 1798 (it goes), he determined to spend a night alone inside the King’s Chamber... Having ventured alone into the pyramid’s forbidding interior and navigated its cramped passages armed with nothing
but a guttering candle, Napoleon emerged the next morning white and shaken, and thenceforth refused to answer any questions
about what had befallen him that night. Not until 23 years later, as he lay on his death bed, did the emperor at last consent
to talk about his experience. Hauling himself painfully upright, he began to speak—only to halt almost immediately. “Oh, what’s the use,” he murmured, sinking back. “You’d never believe me.” As I
say, the story is not true—Napoleon’s private secretary, De Bourrienne, who was with him in Egypt, insists that
he never went inside the tomb. http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/history/2011/09/inside-the-great-pyramid/The hoogadoah, well covered, dark, angels teach them. OAHSPE BOOK OF SAPAH AGOQUIM: 9." But, for the light of My angels to come and abide with My people, you shall provide the hoogadoah,
the well covered house, and it shall have only one door, and pieces shall be put in the doorway, so that when My
chosen are within, all shall be dark, so that My angels may teach them." This
Hoogadoah seems to be something of a dry [Native American sweatlodge]. Meaning, like the Inipi ceremony where
one can enter the lodge and ask for guidance, so sounds the Hoogadoah's purpose. - Oahspe Book of Sapah: ANUBIS. -(Old Egyptian.) THE HAUNTED CHAMBER. Plate
82. ANUBIS. 
- Darkness, dark chambers, and spirit, angel manifestations: Oahspe Book of
Cosmology and Prophecy Chapter XI: 12. When a prophet [or all people] hath attained to discharge [radiate] vortexya,
so as to make raps at will, he is also subject to the presence of people from the unseen worlds. And these people, spirits,
or angels, use this vortexya for a foundation for sar'gis [materialization]. 13. The ancient prophet caused the worshipers
to sit in the dark, because all people give off [radiate] the negative current in the dark (which they received as positive
in the light), - The pyramids were built to protect the body...These massive tombs were constructed to withstand
the elements...it was important the pharaoh’s physical body be safeguarded Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih:
Chapter XLVIII: 23. Thothma said: If one could leave the corporeal part for a hundred days and travel in heaven for a
hundred days, would it profit him? Osiris said: To do that is to master death. Behold, thou hast already attained to power
of the dormant state. To control the course of the spirit; that is the next lesson. 24. Thothma said: Behold, O God,
I have attained to the power of the dormant state, even as the magicians who submit to be buried for ninety days. Yea, and
I go hence in spirit, and see many things, but my soul is like a breath of wind, and goeth at random. 25. Osiris said:
Provide thou me a temple, and I will come and teach thee. Thothma said: How to keep the body so long, that it be not damaged,
that is a question? The magicians who have been buried long, and being dug up and resuscitated, find their bodies so damaged
that they die soon after. 26. Osiris said: Thou shalt build a TEMPLE OF ASTRONOMY, and dedicate it unto Osiris, Savior
of men and angels, God of heaven and earth. And it shall be built square with the world, east and west and north and south.
And the observing line shall be with the apex of the Hidan vortex, which lieth in the median line of the variation of the
north star (Tuax). 27. In the form of a pyramid shalt thou build it; measure for measure, will I show thee every part. 28. And thou shalt provide such thickness of walls that no sound, nor heat, nor cold, can enter therein; and yet thou shalt
provide chambers within, suitable for thyself and for thy chiefs, and thy friends, who are also adepts. For I have also provided
the earth unto heaven, and heaven unto the earth; and my angels shall come and dwell for a season on the earth; and my earth-born
shall go and dwell for a season in heaven; yea, they shall come to me on my throne and behold the glories I have prepared
for them. 29. Nor shall my temple be exclusive, but open unto all who will pursue the philosophies of earth and heaven.
For which reason thou shalt build it with the sun, moon and stars; and it shall be a testimony unto the nations of the earth
that thou art the highest of all mortals, and first founder of everlasting life in the flesh. For as the angels of heaven
can return to the earth and take upon themselves corporeal bodies for a season, so shalt thou master thine own flesh to keep
it as thou wilt. For this is the end and glory for which I created man on earth. - Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih:
Chapter L: 5. Now in the second month after the temple was completed, Thothma, the king, having put the affairs of his
kingdom in order, went into the HOLY CHAMBER, and thence ascended into the CHAMBER OF LIFE AND DEATH, leaving the four chief
priests in the Holy Chamber. And Thothma CAST HIMSELF IN DEATH (dormancy) by swallowing his tongue. Whereupon the priests
closed the entrance and sealed the king within. 6. Osiris, through his servant God, Egupt, said unto the priests: One
alone shall remain; in quarter-watch shall ye dwell within the Holy Chamber, and I will remain also. And the priests cast
lots, and divided the watch in six hours each, unto every day. And Osiris sent Baal to the spirit of Thothma, and took him
to Agho'aden, Osiris' heavenly place, showing the spirit unto the glory of the throne, saying: Behold the God of Gods. Thothma
said: It is a great glory; lo, mine eyes are blinded by the light of the Lord my God. After this, Baal took the soul of Thothma
into a thousand heavenly places in Osiris' kingdom, and showed him the glory thereof. 7. Thothma said unto Baal: Thou
angel of God, thou hast shown me, of a truth, God is in the image of man. Nor is there any but one God, who ruleth over all. 8. Baal said: How sayest thou then; who is God? Thothma said: How sayest thou? For behold, his glory was so great I could
not look upon him. 10. Thothma said: O that all people knew these things! O that I may remember them when I am returned
to earth. Baal said: More than this shalt thou remember; for I will now take thee to the hells of the idolators and the Jehovihians.
Baal then took the soul of Thothma to the hells of De'yus, and showed him the horrors thereof. But he took him not to the
regions of God, in Craoshivi. 11. Now when Thothma had traveled in heaven for thirty days, Baal brought his spirit back
to the Chamber of Death, and showed him how to regain his corporeal part, the which he did. And then Baal signaled unto Egupt,
and the latter spake to the priest on watch, saying: Behold, Thothma hath returned; go thou and fetch thy brother, and deliver
him into the Holy Chamber. 12. And when they came they unloosed the sealing stones and delivered the king into the Holy
Chamber, and he was awake from his trance, and remembered all he had seen in heaven, which he related to the high priests
who were with him. And both Baal and Egupt came in sar'gis and talked in the Holy Chamber with Thothma and the priests. For
one day the king remained in the Holy Chamber, that his spirit be reconciled to the flesh; and on the next day he and the
priests came forth out of the temple and sealed the door thereof, and placed the king's guard in charge, that no man or woman
might molest the place. Now Thothma had been in the death trance forty days. 13. The three angels, Egupt, Baal and Ashtaroth,
came into the altar in the king's palace that night, and showed themselves to the college students who had attained ADEPT.
Baal spake orally before them, directing his words to the king, saying: Behold, I am the angel of God thy Lord, whom thou
hast beholden in heaven; I am the same who traveled in heaven with thee. What I speak, I say in the name of the Lord our God,
whose servant I am. On the morrow shall thy high priests draw lots, and one of them shall enter the Chamber of Holies, in
the Osirian Temple, and do even as thou hast. And after him, behold, another of the high priests shall do likewise; and so
on, until the four have had thy experience. 14. And it came to pass that the four priests in turn CAST THEMSELVES IN
DEATH, and visited Osiris' heavenly kingdoms, and also many of the hells of De'yus, being led in spirit by Baal or Ashtaroth,
Egupt being the guardian God of the temple. - ALIGNMENT OF THE PYRAMIDS TO TRUE NORTH The Great Pyramid's north-south
axis is aligned to within three-sixtieths of a degree of true north-south. It would be worthwhile to note that this alignment
is more accurate than that of the Meridian Building at the Greenwich Observatory in London, which deviates from true north
by nine-sixtieths of a degree. Even though there is no evidence in ancient texts that the Egyptians used astronomical knowledge
in the construction of the pyramids, it seemed possible that they did indeed possess such knowledge, and had used it in finding
the true north. This conjecture came about after the analysis of the night sky in 2,500BC. Egyptologist Kate Spence came
up with a more precise method to date the Pyramids of Giza using slight divergences in their bases' alignment from the true
north direction. Nature 408'2000, Pg320-324 In this issue, she also proposed a method which might have been used by the Egyptians
to find true north. The precise alignment to true north can only be achieved by astronomical algorithms but the existing
Egyptians transcripts mentioned nothing about the exact way to obtain it. By comparing the rising and setting positions of
the Sun in the east and the west and bisect the angle between them, we can find the true north. If we apply this procedure,
the procedure must be carried out near the time of a solstice, when the Sun seems momentarily to stand motionless in its position
in its seasonal transit higher or lower in the sky. However, difficulties with observing objects near the horizon due to the
interference from the Earth's atmosphere and with having a perfectly horizontal view at the same level or height at both the
east and west sides which make this method quite unreliable. Alternatively, we can build some type of scaffolding to
provide a view line for alignment with the north pole star but there was no appropriate pole star when the pyramids were built.
Directly above their heavenly counterparts, the celestial poles are points in the night sky around which the stars seem to
rotate about. Now, the north celestial pole points close to the star Polaris. As the Earth's axis of rotation is changing
due to precession, the positions of the celestial poles shift gradually among the stars in a 26,000-year precessional cycle. Therefore, Spence came up with the suggestion that despite the fact that there was no pole star present for accurately pinpointing
the exact true north in ancient Egypt when the pyramids were built, there was a pair of moderately shining stars, each on
the either side of the ancient celestial pole, which in 2467 BC aligned exactly along a straight line including the celestial
pole. One of the stars is Kochab in the bowl of the Little Dipper, the other star is Mizar in the middle of the handle of
the Big Dipper Kochab and Mizar are technically known as b-Ursae Minoris and x-Ursae Majoris. In 2467 BC, an Egyptian astronomer
could wait while the heavens slowly pivoted around the unmarked pole until a plumb line exactly intersected both stars, one
above the invisible pole and the other below it. The sight line to the horizon point directly below the plumb line would then
point straight to north. http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/gem-projects/hm/0102-1-pyramids/page1002.htmGreat Pyramid of Giza in EGYPT Four sides of pyramid are aligned to east, west, north and south
direction. Today these shafts don't line up to any stars. But about 5000 years ago when this pyramid was built north
shaft pointed to North Star and the south shaft pointed to the center star of Orion Belt. The shafts don't point those stars
today because earth completes a cycle, where tilt of its axis changes in 23000 years. http://the-mysterious-universe.blogspot.com/2011/12/great-pyramid-of-giza.html...its sides are precisely aligned to the cardinal points of the compass and differ one from another
in length by no more than two inches... Few would be so bold as to suggest that, even today, we know why Khufu ordered
the construction of what is by far the most elaborate system of passages and chambers concealed within any pyramid. His is
the only one of the 35 such tombs constructed between 2630 and 1750 B.C. to contain tunnels and vaults well above ground level.
(Its immediate predecessors, the Bent Pyramid and the North Pyramid at Dahshur, have vaults built at ground level; all the
others are solid structures whose burial chambers lie well underground.) Popular Science magazine, in 1954, put it this
way: Starting on the north face, not far from the secret entrance they had failed to find, Al-Mamun’s men drove
a tunnel blindly into the pyramid’s solid rock…. The tunnel had progressed about 100 feet southward into the
pyramid when the muffled thud of a falling rock slab, somewhere near them, electrified the diggers. Burrowing eastward whence
the sound had come, they broke into the Descending Passage. Their hammering, they found, had shaken down the limestone slab
hiding the plugged mouth of the Ascending Passage. It was then, modern accounts continue, that Ma’mun’s men
realized that they had uncovered a secret entrance. Tunneling around the impenetrable granite, they emerged in the Ascending
Passage below the Grand Gallery. At that point, they had defeated most of Khufu’s defenses, and the upper reaches of
the pyramid lay open to them. That’s the story, anyway, and—if accurate—it adds considerably to the
mystery of the Great Pyramid. If the upper passages had remained hidden, what happened to Khufu’s mummy and to the rich
funerary ornaments so great a king would surely have been buried with? Only one alternate route into the upper vaults exists—a
crude “well shaft” whose entrance was concealed next to the Queen’s Chamber, and which exits far below in
the Descending Passage. This was apparently dug as an escape route for the workers who placed the granite plugs. But it is
far too rough and narrow to allow large pieces of treasure to pass, which means the puzzle of the King’s Chamber remains
unresolved. http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/history/2011/09/inside-the-great-pyramid/- Books of great learning, having the key of prophecy for three thousand three hundred years ahead
were deposited within the south chamber of the pyramid. Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih: Chapter L: 19. By these
two columns, therefore, Thothma and his mathematicians measured the sun and moon and stars, as to the distances and sizes
thereof. And Osiris commanded the king to send into the far-off lands of the earth his wisest mathematicians, to observe the
winds of heaven, and the drouth upon the earth; and the abundance of the yield of the earth in different regions, in different
years and seasons; and to observe famines and pestilences, and all manner of occurrences on the face of the earth. He said
unto the king: When thy mathematicians are returned to thee with their accumulated wisdom, thou, or thy successor, shall examine
the sun and the stars and moon, as compared to the things whereof the mathematicians shall relate, one year with another;
and three years with another three years, and five with five, and seven with seven, and so on for hundreds of years, and thousands
of years. 20. And when thou hast taken in the term of three thousand three hundred years, and compared the sun and moon
and stars, as relate to the occurrences of the earth, thou shalt have the
key of prophecy for three thousand three hundred years ahead. And thou shalt say of this land and of that land;
and of this people and that people, how it will be with them, and thou shalt not err. 21. Thothma, the king, called together
his mathematicians, and, according to their grade, chose from amongst them twelve hundred. These he divided into groups of
one hundred each; and he gave them a sufficient number of attendants; and he sent them toward all the sides of the world,
allotting to them sixteen years each for observation, according to the commandments. 22. And they took with them all
kinds of instruments to measure with, besides scribes to make the records of such matters as came before them. And they went throughout Arabin'ya, and Vind'yu, and Jaffeth, and Parsi'e, and Heleste, and
Uropa, even across to the western sea; and to the south extreme of Arabin'ya, and to the great kingdoms of the
interior, and to the north of Heleste and Parsi'e, and Jaffeth, to the regions of everlasting snow. 23. And in sixteen
and seventeen years they returned, save some who died on the journeys. And most wonderful was the knowledge these mathematicians
gained. In some countries they found philosophers who had the
knowledge required even at their tongues' end. Thothma received them in great pomp and glory, and awarded all
of them with great riches. 24. And Thothma had these things rewritten and condensed into books, and named them books
of great learning, and they were deposited within the south chamber of the pyramid, where never harm could come to them. - "2nd sealed door inside the Southern shaft in the Queen’s chamber in the Great Pyramid. And there are
ancient artifacts inside of it ……." - 9/2012 "books of great learning, and they were deposited
within the south chamber of the pyramid, where never harm could come to them." - Oahspe 1881 Secret Chamber Found
Behind Shafts in the Great Pyramid A secret room or chamber has been reportedly discovered behind the 2nd sealed door
inside the Southern shaft in the Queen’s chamber in the Great Pyramid. And there are ancient artifacts inside of it
……. http://beforeitsnews.com/unexplained-phenomena/2012/09/secret-chamber-found-behind-shafts-in-the-great-pyramid-2430432.htmlA hidden chamber inside the Great Pyramid In the interview, and in his lecture, Hawass said that
he is excited at the robot work that has been going on over the past two decades at the Great Pyramid. One chamber in the
pyramid called the "Queen's Chamber" (although there is no evidence it was ever used for a queens burial) contains
two shafts that go up into the pyramid but do not exit outside. Robots have been up these shafts and found that both
contain doorways with copper handles. When a robot drilled through one of the doors, they found a small chamber with what
might be a sealed door behind it. "There is no pyramid of the 123 pyramids in Egypt that have these type of doors
with copper handles," he added. "Really, I believe they're hiding something." "The treasures of Khufu
[are] still hidden inside the Great Pyramid, and these three doors could be the key to open this burial chamber." - Zahi Hawass, Egyptologist http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/06/07/secret-treasure-in-great-pyramid-awaits-discovery-egypt-indiana-jones-says/

When a robot drilled through one of the doors, a secret room or chamber has been reportedly discovered
behind the 2nd sealed door inside the Southern shaft in the Queen’s chamber in the Great Pyramid. And there may be ancient
artifacts inside of it. Oahspe said the builder of the Great Pyramid had books of great learning (most wonderful was the knowledge)
deposited within the south chamber of the pyramid, where never harm could come to them.

As the CEVORKUM plate (Cut A) illustrates, we are a little over halfway in the Eoptian Age of man's
duration on the earth in this garden (when the great pyramid was built marked the middle of the Eoptian Age; refer Book of
Wars Against Jehovih XLIX:20). EOPTIAN AGE = 144,000 YEARS http://www.angelfire.com/in2/oahspe3/mocycles.html - Eoptian Age: From the time man comes into being, on the earth until his
race becomes extinct, is the eoptian age of the earth. http://www.sacred-texts.com/oah/oah/oah03.htm. Eopt-----SPETA------Sethantes<--arcs/cycles, duration of man -----------------------^__Noe arc, flood, submersion
of Pan -------------/\________Great Pyramid of Giza ----------^__________Kosmon, Cosmic cycle ^________________Omega
man, last on earth 67kAD----2.5kB.C-----71kBC <---thousands of years(k) |---------Center---------|<--span,
duration, time Geometry (mathematics), cycles and seasons: Oahspe - Book of the Arc of Bon.:
Chapter XIV:4: Thothma, the learned man and builder of the great pyramid, had said: As a diameter is to a circle, and as a circle is to a diameter, so are the rules of the seasons of the earth. Rules of the seasons of the earth = rules of prophecy, 11,
33, 99, harmonics of 3. Seasons = Cycles
= harmonics of 3 (1/3 or 3x). The diameter of a circle is 1/3 circumference. harmonics of 3. Circumference of a
circle is 3x diameter. harmonics of 3. 10.614 (rounded to 11) x 3.14 (ratio of Circumference to diameter) = 33.33. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oahspe Book of Wars Against Jehovih: Chapter XLIX: 8. And it came to pass that Thothma began the building of the TEMPLE OF OSIRIS (pyramid), 9. And the king allotted
to every chief a separate work; some to dig canals, some to quarry
stone, and some to hew the stones; 13. The floats were made of boards sawed by men skilled in the work, ... Murals show Egyptian workers cutting with copper saws. http://carvingswithstories.blogspot.com/2014/02/ancient-egyptian-wood-carving-and-stone.html Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt. Page 3 By Christopher P. Dunn Petrie also studied the sawing
methods of the pyramid builders. He concluded that their saws must have been at least 9 feet long. Again, there
are indications of modern methods of sawing on the artifacts
Petrie was studying. The sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber
inside the Great Pyramid has saw marks on the north end that are identical to saw marks I have seen on granite
surface plates.
artifacts representing tubular drilling are the most clearly astounding and conclusive evidence yet presented to identify
the knowledge and technology existing in pre-history. The ancient pyramid builders used a technique for drilling holes that
is commonly known as "trepanning." This technique leaves a central core and is an efficient means of hole making.
For holes that didn’t go all the way through the material, they reached a desired depth and then broke the core out
of the hole. It was not only evident in the holes that Petrie was studying, but on the cores cast aside by the masons who
had done the trepanning. Regarding tool marks which left a spiral groove on a core taken out of a hole drilled into a piece
of granite, he wrote:
"The spiral of the cut sinks .100 inch in the circumference of 6 inches, or
1 in 60, a rate of ploughing out of the quartz and feldspar which is astonishing."
After reading this, I had to
agree with Petrie. This was an incredible feed-rate for drilling
into any material, let alone granite. I was completely confounded as to how a drill could achieve this feedrate.
Petrie was so astounded by these artifacts that he attempted to explain them at three different points in one chapter. To
an engineer in the 1880’s, what Petrie was looking at was an anomaly. The characteristics of the holes, the cores that
came out of them, and the tool marks indicated an impossibility. Three distinct characteristics of the hole and core make the artifacts extremely remarkable. They are...
 1. A taper on both the hole and the core. 2. A symmetrical helical groove
following these tapers which showed that the drill advanced into the granite at a feed rate of .100 inch per revolution of
the drill. 3. The confounding fact that the spiral groove cut deeper through the quartz than through the softer feldspar.
In conventional machining the reverse would be the case. Mr. Donald Rahn of Rahn Granite Surface Plate Co., Dayton, Ohio,
told me, in 1983, that in drilling granite, diamond drills,
rotating at 900 revolutions per minute, penetrate at the rate of 1 inch in 5 minutes. This works out to be .0002 inch per
revolution, meaning that the ancient Egyptians were able to cut their granite with a feed rate that was 500 times greater. 7 Unexplained Ancient Egyptian Artifacts 5. Large core drill hole at Karnak  Clearly an ancient work, and the groove created indicates that the drill was boring into the Aswan pink granite at a rate of at least 2 mm per
revolution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We live in a society that devalues Blackness all the time." - Rosa Clemente  Plate 32.--THE EARTH IN A'JI.------Plate
94.--ARC OF KOSMON (earth in dan'ha) -
A'ji is a cold nebulous substance in outer-space that the earth
periodicly passes through. Dan is a light region in outer-space
that the earth periodicly passes through. A'ji stimulates
man's physical attributes and desires, dan stimulates man's spiritual
attributes and desires. _________________________________________________________ There
is a connection of a'ji and dan to: (59 things so far) _________________________________________________________ Rise and fall of nations -->US History chapter (at bottom) | American (U.S.) Revolution -->US History chapter (3/4 down) Homicide (murder) rates--->Cosmic Consciousness, etc chapter (1/2 down) Human growth and development-->The Creator, etc chapters (3/4 down) Serial killers and mass murderers-->Cosmic Consciousness, (1/4 down) Human productivity, and inventions-->Cosmic Consciousness, (7/8 down) Galactic radiation cycles----->Cycles, Predictions, etc chapter (3/4 down) Solar radiation cycles ------>Cycles, Predictions, etc chapter (3/4 down) Geomagnetic cycles--------->Cycles, Predictions, etc chapter (3/4 down) Earthquakes and tsunamis---->Geology, etc chapter (1/4 down) Volcanic activity---------->Geology, etc chapter (3/4 down) Major tornadoes------------>Weather, etc chapter (3/5 down) Biblical prophecies ------->Nebula, etc chapter (1/4-bottom) Decoding, unsealing Book of Revelation -->Space Clouds (4/5), US History (1/10 down) Climate cycles, warming, cooling-->Weather, Climate, and Geology chapters (1/2) Ice ages ---------------->Weather, Climate, and Geology chapters (1/2) Origin of Spiritual and sacred books-->Weather, Climate, and Geology chapters (1/2) The Dark ages-------------->Weather, Climate, and Geology chapters (1/2) Inquisitions and witch trials----> Weather, Climate, and Geology chapters (4/5) Prophetic numbers and Prophecy---> Space Clouds, Cycles, chapters (3/4 down) Enlightenment------->ORACHENEBUAHGALAH CHARTS, (4/5 down) Monotheism-------->Space Clouds, The Beast chapters (7/8 down) Rise and fall of religions----> The Beast, Space Clouds chapters (near bottom) Great Learning---->Predictions, ORACHNEBUAHGALAH charts, chapters (2/3-bottom) Ages and cycles--->Geology, Space Clouds, chapters (1/2 down) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Any comments about Oahspe or this website? Email Me. I look forward to talking to you about Oahspe and this website