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One of the goals (the "holy grail") of physics is a single theoretical statement and equations that unites all 4 fundamental forces of the universe into one fundamental force of the universe (the Grand Unified theoretical force, statement, and equations). In Oahspe this Grand Unified force is called Vortex'ya. This force, vortexya, pervadeth the entire universe but different, according to volume (size), velocity (speed) and CONFIGURATION (structure) from the smallest scale (subatomic particles) to the largest scales (galaxies) i.e. fractal.
String theory is a physical model whose fundamental building blocks are one-dimensional extended objects (strings) rather than the zero-dimensional points that were the basis of most earlier physics...Interest in string theory is driven largely by the hope that it will prove to be a theory of everything. It is one viable solution for quantum gravity, and in addition to gravity it can naturally describe interactions similar to electromagnetism and the other forces of nature. Superstring theories also include fermions, the building blocks of matter.

Page 1 of THE UNIVERSAL CYCLE THEORY NEOMECHANICS OF HIERARCHICALLY INFINITE UNIVERSE (2011) by Stephan J. Puetz and Glenn Borchardt, PH.D. says "Infinity is crucial because it explains the extent and structure of the universe. Based on logic and observation, we assume that matter is infinitely divisible in the microscopic direction and infinitely integrable in the macroscopic direction."

OAHSPE Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter I:35:

...light is polarity of corporeal needles in solution, caused by the lines of vortexya. In experiments on earth, the flash requireth a certain time to polarize these infinitesimal needles, and for convenience sake such lapse of time is called the travel of light. When the flash continueth, as in the case of the sun centre, the master's infinitesimal needles remain poised from the sun centre outward, even to the earth ...

◄ Hebrews 11:3 ► of the Bible: By faith we understand that the universe was created by God's command, so that what is seen has been made from things that are not visible. 


5....As previously stated, corpor being in solution in ethe, hath in the main the shape of needles, but of such infinitesimal size that corporeal knowledge of them can only be, at most, subjective knowledge.

Google in·fin·i·tes·i·mal


noun: infinitesimal; plural noun: infinitesimals

1. an indefinitely small quantity; a value approaching zero. 

OAHSPE BOOK OF COSOGONY CH. III:12 says "vortexya, in fact, is no substance or thing as such; but is the vortex in axial and ORBITIC MOTION, or in other words, CORPOR IN AN ETHEIC SOLUTION."

OAHSPE BOOK OF COSMOGONY IX:1 says "The same force, vortexyapervadeth the entire universe but different, according to volume, velocity and CONFIGURATION." Oahspe made this statement and plate 46 drawing decades before subatomic particles and spiral galaxies were known by man of earth.


Superstring theory graphics and graphics of guitar string 1st harmonic.

Pause 20 seconds into top link for set of equations (graphical representations) that contain all the information related to string supersymmetry string theory (the leading theory for equations that theoretical physicists use to describe the cosmos or unified field theory or theory of everything). Superstring theory related to lines of needles and vortex'ya in Oahspe.

Above link is about What is Supersymmetry?  The video ends at 11:11 ! gives a sense of symmetric justice to the video. :D (11:11 = 111.1 or symmetry or synchronicity).  

'Superstring theory' is a shorthand for supersymmetric string theory because unlike bosonic string theory, it is the version of string theory that accounts for both fermions and bosons and incorporates supersymmetry to model gravity. Superstring theory - Wikipedia

This "image [Tesseract Adinkra]
 contains every single piece of mathematical information that these equations contain".
The Tesseract Adinkra "contain all the information of a set of equations related to string theory".
Adrinkas are graphical representations of "the equations that we want to use to describe the cosmos."
The pictures look like flying Saucers, UFOs, or Pleiadian (or Etherean) Type beamships.
Above using image recognition software the Tesseract mathematical physics Adinkra and a Flying Saucer (UFO) have a high match equivalent to 59% on pictrieve.
60% is considered VERY high match. Link below says 58% is close enough:
At :48 seconds to 1:43 seconds into video are "pictures of equations" ..."incredible pictures that contain all the information of a set of equations related to string theory".

The pictures look like flying Saucers, UFOs, or Pleiadian Type beamships. 





glowing          disk ufo 

flightevolution.jpg <---flight evolution from "Anti-Gravity and the Unified Field"

Notice the UFO or flying saucer shape above has a very close resemblance to the 1st harmonic shape of a string in music (below).
Sound Waves and Music - Lesson 5 - Physics of Musical Instruments
3. A frequency of the first harmonic is 587 Hz (pitch of D5) is sounded out by a vibrating guitar string. [Superstring theory in physics].
D5 = 587.3 Hz = E of e-o-ih (3 vowels of Creator's name) = 9

Harmonics = 1. C2, 2. C3, 3. G3, 4. C4, 5. E4, 6. G4, 7. X, 8. C5, 9. D5, 10. E5  



 <--- a lenticular disk shaped galaxy.

Oahspe Book of Apollo Chapter X: 11. As the earth is opaque, with a transparent vortex around itso
not so, but opposite, is the structure of an etherean adavaysit, ...As Jehovih maketh worlds, and sendeth
them forth in the places of His firmament, so, in imitation of Him, His etherean Gods and Goddesses
make adavaysits to traverse space from star to star, and from one etherean region to another 

◄ John 5:19 ► of the Bible; Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner 

What force is moving the planets and stars?

It is not gravity, it is the force of vortex'ya, the same force used to propel the etherean fire (plasma) ships.

Vortex'ya is the unified field force and the force behind the four fundamental forces of the universe.

Vortexian currents are made of lines of sub-atomic needles or strings

 Superstring theory is an attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one theory by modelling them as vibrations of tiny supersymmetric strings.
According to the theory, the fundamental constituents of reality are strings of the Planck length (about 10−33 cm) which vibrate at resonant frequencies. Every string, in theory, has a unique resonance, or harmonic.
String theory is an active research framework in particle physics that attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity. It is a contender for theory of everything (TOE), a self-contained mathematical model that describes all fundamental forces and forms of matter.
String theory posits that the electrons and quarks within an atom are not 0-dimensional objects, but rather 1-dimensional oscillating lines ("strings").
[String Theory = lines of vortex'ya made of sub-atomic needles of corpor, that spin and vibrate. The spin of sub-atomic particles in lines ("strings") was first stated in OAHSPE in 1881 (see Subatomic particles - String Theory chapter of this website), long before the spin of the electron or any other sub-atomic particle was thought of.]
String theory posits that the electrons and quarks within an atom are not 0-dimensional objects, but made up of 1-dimensional strings. These strings can oscillate, giving the observed particles their flavorchargemass and spin. Among the modes of oscillation of the string is a massless, spin-two state—a graviton. The existence of this graviton state and the fact that the equations describing string theory include Einstein's equations for general relativity mean that string theory is a quantum theory of gravity. Since string theory is widely believed[7] to be mathematically consistent, many hope that it fully describes our universe, making it a theory of everything. String theory is known to contain configurations that describe all the observed fundamental forces and matter but with a zero cosmological constant and some new fields.[8]


 34. ...As the lines of vortexya are in currents from the outer toward the interior, so do the solutions of corpor take the shape of needles
 35....But that which is called light is polarity of corporeal needles in solution, caused by the lines of vortexya.
OAHSPE BOOK OF COSMOGONY AND PROPHECY CH III:2 ..."ethereally connected by solutions of corpor needles linear in position."
1. In the transposition of needles of corpor from parallel polarity to mixed or transverse positions, are produced all kinds of colors. It is an error to say: Wave of light, or bent ray of light, or that a given number of vibrations or undulations produce different kinds of colors; there is neither wave nor undulation in fact. Needles are arbitrary and can not be bent. Compare a needle to a transparent glass crystal. Place a given number of these end to end, touching, and in a line: To bend this line is impossible, save at angles, for where every two ends join there will be an angle: Be the needles ever so short there will be no bend in fact, but a succession of arbitrary lines and elbows.

2. Such is not, however, the juxtaposition, save when they are in a line direct; otherwise the ends of the needles do not bend like joints, but each one turneth more or less on its own axis. If they all turn, an APPARENT wave is produced, expressive of a certain color; if part of them turn, another color is produced. In proportion to this disturbance, so are the APPARENT vibrations slow or fast, as to mortal observation.

Chapter IV

5....As previously stated, corpor being in solution in ethe, hath in the main the shape of needles, but of such infinitesimal size that corporeal knowledge of them can only be, at most, subjective knowledge.


According to modern physics (since 1970) the fundamental constituents of reality are strings  or 1-dimensional oscillating lines. According to Oahspe (in 1881) the fundemental constituent of matter (corpor) or energy (light) are needles (in a line) or vibrating lines.



Needle: a small, slender, rodlike instrument, A slender pointer or indicator

String: Something configured as a long, thin line
Strings = lines of vortexya = needles of corpor

According to the modern Superstring theory (since 1970), the fundamental constituents of reality are strings of the Planck length (about 10−33 cm) (infinitesimal size).


According to Oahspe (1881), corpor being in solution in ethe, hath in the main the shape of needles, but of such infinitesimal size that corporeal knowledge of them can only be, at most, subjective knowledge. [At the time Oahspe was written in 1881 corporeal knowledge of the needles or polarized strings was subjective, but after 1938 with the invention of the electron microscope SOME of the LARGER polarized strings or needles could be seen with corporeal eyes for the first time (electron microscopes can magnify up to about 10,000,000x vs only 2000x for ordinary light microscopes). See Physics - Magnetism - Gravity page and Electron Microscopy Imaging (photos - micrographs) of string needle shaped polarized pattern of magnetized iron and cobalt.




Here is a very brief outline of the development of string theory, the details of which will eventually fill many large volumes written by many people directly and indirectly involved in this rich and fascinating story.

1921Kaluza-Klein Kaluza-Klein
 Electromagnetism can be derived from gravity in a unified theory if there are four space dimensions instead of three, and the fourth is curled into a tiny circle. Kaluza and Klein made this discovery independently of each other.
1970String theory is born String theory is born
 Three particle theorists independently realize that the dual theories developed in 1968 to describe the particle spectrum also describe the quantum mechanics of oscillating strings. This marks the official birth of string theory.

Superstring theory, also known as string theory, is a candidate for a unified field theory of everything. It attempts to explain all of nature's particles and fundamental forces as vibrations of tiny supersymmetric strings.  
The theory posits that ...the four fundamental forces were once a single force. According to string theory, every particle in the universe is made up of different combinations of vibrating strings at the Planck length, with preferred vibration patterns. The different vibration modes of the strings can take on the characteristics of different particles. - Google "superstring theory is the leading unified field theory of everything" AI Overview, Generative AI is experimental. July 21, 2024.

Any comments about Oahspe or this website? Email Me. I look forward to talking to you about Oahspe and this website  

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